Tied to a minor chord

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Megan raised an eyebrow at him "Tutor session, I'll pay, and you be the mathy one. You certainly haven't talked me out of it." She insisted, handing the cash to the guy at the register. He looked slightly confused,
"you're paying for both?" he asked to clarify.
"Yes." She nodded quickly.
"Then what are you having sir?" he asked Will, just holding the bill until the full order had been placed.
"I will have a Grilled Cheese sandwich." He simply ordered
"Alright, we will have those out to you shortly." The guy said, punching buttons and making change for Megan from the drawer. She wore a triumphant smile for having accomplished her goal of treating Will. "Do you want to find another place to sit, or keep that same table?" She asked Will, knowing the focus of the evening was shifting away from math.
"Its okay It doesnt matter where we go." He replied wallowing a bite of sandwich.
"Lets stay here then, I can try to get this packet finished." It made sense with her notes and papers already spread across half the table. She could eat and do math, Will could be entertained with music, and still be available for questions. The only downfall she could see would be the distractions. "mmm...what is that?" She swallowed quickly and turned around to see what kind of instrument was creating such a unique sound.
"Oops sorry....my fault i was humming along." He looked a bit ashamed.
"Really? Do it again." She beseeched, hating to see him look so stricken.
He hummed again making the same noise. "See I have an uncanny talent of making weird, inhuman noises with my vocal cords."
"Yeah, I would not have believed that came out of you." She admitted shaking her head. "So do you only make fun sounds voluntarily, or does it work if someone pokes you?" She reached out poking his side to test the idea while she asked.
He makes the noise again "Both...plus I am ticklish." He covered his sides from her hands to prevent any tickling.
"Oh, alright, good to know, for future reference..." She replied lightly going back to math but eyeing him every now and then to see if there was opportunity to poke him again. Not that she planned to poke him again now, just to tease him and make him think she would.
He removed his defence and returned to watching over her work. "You are doing well. Pretty soon you wont even need me here." He hated to say it but he wanted to compliment her and he scanned the room and found a clock. "Magikarp it is close to closing time."
Megan was encouraged by his praise, he had said something similar earlier; but the way he said it was so disappointing. Not having Will around for math would be worse than difficult, it would be lifeless busywork without a single quote or tease or smile to make it worth while. She tried to smile anyway.
"Is it really? Time flies when you're having fun." Reluctantly she collected her work and packed her bag to leave the shop. "Back to Majora's mask?"
"Sure i could clarify things on the subject." He got up and held the door open for her.
"Great, it seems like you've played it at least once before and already know these kinds of things, so Skull kid is possessed by the mask, then what is he originally?" She knew she ought to just let him go home and play, and get home herself, but would rather stall a little longer.
"Well origionally he was an orphan who was befriended by the giants, but when the giants went away he felt as if they wanted nothing to do with him and so he went in the forest where he met tatl and tael for in which both he befriended, then he stole the mask from the happy mask salesman leaving link to cover for the difference as a deku scrub, this mask salesman is also the one who asks if you have met a terrible fate." He realized his nerdy side was showing and then tried to hide it.
"Zelda gets such good stories! I really came in on the wrong part of that game," came her exclamation of envy. The narrative of the game was captivating. There was so much she wanted to know, and Will was certainly the best resource she had available.

"Why do the giants have to go to their separate places in the first place? Couldn't he have gone with one of them? I mean, I guess, I know that's for the plot, there has to be conflict, and character connections, never mind. So why did he want to steal a mask in the first place? or does it not really explain that? He just wanted it? It is a big, colorful, scary, heart shaped mask, it could be calling him...Sorry I'm rambling. Giants. Why did the giants have to leave?"
"No not at all anyway, the giants had to leave because they weren't needed at the moment and to call them back the hero, aka Link, has to learn the oracle of ages song to call them back." He was happy to explain to her the plot. "Oh and one more addition to that...a moon of that small size falling at such a slow speed is impossible to crush clock town."
"Oh physics. So it won't prevent crushing, but it's still a good idea. Letting the Moon land, roll down the street and sit in town square like a monument doesn't seem very appealing. Really it would have been embedded into something right? It is better the giants come back and stop it." She reasoned. Megan pulled the phone from her pocket to check the time, she had held off long enough and needed to head home. "I should leave, but it has been wonderfully fun talking to you. Thank you again for all your help."
"No problem at all!" He turned down his street. "See you later!" He called walking down his street.
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