Those so Lucky...

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Thomas arrives at the pond a minute or two later, taking a glance around him to atleast make sure he didn't have any wildlife to worry about.. he'd run into a wolf once this far in, and he didn't feel like sharing his lunch with it again to get away.. He stands motionless in the shallow pond, spear in hand.. waiting almost perfectly still, before he thrusted the spear downwards, and brings it up a moment later, a decent sized fish wriggling on the end.. "Yes..!" He celebrates to himself.
Delilah shook her head at Lilith. "Nah, no..." It was just a tad bit uncomfortable, looked like a pain. "Of course I have seen blood before!" She listened to the injured girl-she didn't quite catch her name- had to say. Fair enough, but she wasn't sure if wanted to just walk off... Home sounds very good right now. She nodded. "I can go with you, um."
"Heh i guess ill follow you all, i dont think splitting up is a very good idea in a place none of us know." she said regretfully.
"I think I could use some movement" *standing up she takes a sip from her camel back "I think that I could go with you"
She smiled brightly at Delilah, Karin, and Lilith, enjoying a brief moment of relief after realizing she wouldn't be alone. "Helena is my name, what's yours? Sorry I just realized I didn't ask for any of your names..." She started off towards the direction the boy had gone, stepping over strange roots of plants she had never seen before. Birds chimed in the trees in unfamiliar tones, and the air was heavy with humidity. She heard a splash in the distance followed by a triumphant cry. "Did you hear that?" she asked, mostly to herself, and decided to head in that direction.
Thomas goes back to fishing, spearing another fish before dropping it next to the other, looking for more now.. (I didn't mean for the 'yes' to be that loud xD but its okay) His eyes scan the surface slowly and he slowly hones in on the next fish.. pulling his arm back.
((Haha oh sorry!)) As she rounded a thicket, Helena's eyes fell upon a boy doing what she could only assume was spearfishing. "HEY!" she yelled, waving her arms and picking up the pace. "HEY YOU!"
Delilah wasn't sure, but eh, screw it. She scanned everyone here. Gas mask, average looking guy, pink hair, alcoholic and head wound. Then there was little Ms. Egyptian princess, herself. She coughed awkwardly. "I'm Antwi, Delilah. Or Princess." She said quietly. She perked up at the noise. "Maybe... That's the guy you were talking about? I might be wrong though, but, yeah, um." She stammered.
*walking slightly slower and staying a little bit behind is a little farther from the boy then Helena.*
Lilith scanned the guy over, he looked like he could be a threat with the spear and hatchet, but hopefully he wouldn't be. "That must be the boy helena was talking about." she muttered under her breath.
Thomas immediately loses his concentration, AND balance, sputtering as he falls into the water. "J-Jesus! What do you want?!" he excalims, looknig rather angry and soaked.. he climbs out of the water, and grabs the two fish he'd already killed, them away under some leaves. "I'm TRYING to get some food here.. did you really need to scare the damn fish so much?" he sighs then, and shakes his head. "whatever.." he mumbles.
"We scared the fish? That's cute, this is coming from the guy who just fell into the water." she says as she chuckles slightly.
Helena jumped "Woah sorry, um." She struggled to regain her composure. "We all just kind of woke up in the field outside these woods and, um" she pointed to her head, "I needed help. I saw you enter the woods and I just thought you could help me. Or give me some kind of information since you obviously know what you're doing out here." Suddenly she became suspicious. Why would he be out here all alone? She asked cautiously, "Hey why do you know what you're doing out here? What do you know that we don't?"
Delilah, being herself, exploded into laughter at him falling in the water, snorting from laughing so hard. She covered her mouth, squeezing her eyes shut. She turned away, giggling into her hand. Oh my god, he looked so ridiculous. She bent over to put her hands on her knees, calming down.
"Take it easy princess don't bust a lung laughing." Lilith said smugly.
Delilah gritted her teeth at Lilith's smug attitude, glancing at her with a annoyed look on her face, she nodded straightening back up. "Yeah, uh, sorry." She coughed, swallowing her laughter, but a wide grin on her face. Like, really wide. She was trying to convert her giggling into smiling, and her face was already hurting.
Thomas grumbles under his breath and glares at the girl questioning him. He then turns to the girl they called.. 'princess' "Princess? Sounds more like a pig with that snorting.." He turns back to Helena and sighs. "I don't really know anything more than you guys know.. unless you just didn't read those notes.. the case is pretty simple.. we have to SURVIVE.. as in, you know, NOT die. Which yeah, food is important in doing.." he says, pointing at the pond. "I've been here about two weeks now.. so yeah, I've got a bit of a hand on surviving.. but that's IT. Dont think I know why we all suddenly woke up with no memory.."
"Don't get mad princess," she said patting her on the back, "We all have our quirks."
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