This is A Thing

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"I don't think we can go out and take all these four with us," he admitted, particularly because two of them had already began to drop off, and despite having limited knowledge of children, he didn't think it was wise to wake them up and take them out into the bitter cold, especially when it was snowing hard.

Although, a small part of him was reminded of that fishmonger who had given one compliment to Reggie -though one was enough- was in the town, the fishmongers just opposite the store, and as such there was a risk that Reggie would see him and vice versa - something the human dreaded. "...Let's stay in, have some hot chocolate and just play with the babies, hm?"​
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"But I'm craving pizza," He whined, his ears peaking up with emphasis as he moved to climb onto his master's lap once the babies were in their crib. "If we cant leave, can we cuddle."
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"We can order pizza. We have before, and they've managed to trek up here-- it's their job," he shrugged, having no real sympathy for the delivery boys or girls that had to trek up the mountain to their cabin. Why take the job when the whole village was itself based near the mountain? Surely, it was expected that a little hiking was part of the job.

"We can cuddle, obviously," he shrugged, rolling his eyes in all playfulness as he simply moved to wrap an arm around his waist to lead him into bed expectantly, eyeing the babies now settled in the room. It was a nice addition, but it did mean making love would become... a more difficult situation when having to move all the kids out again. Although, seeing them all did ignite parental feelings in him, even if they weren't his children... though they were more than likely going to be brought up as such.​
Trailing along happily, he did give a wary glanced at the locked door before scurrying into their bedroom. Oblivious to all of the blood of the other room, he was happy to simply press into the side of his lover once under the many blankets they owned. Noticing the blanket much like the one he had both given and buried Braylin in, that of which was printed with kittens and mice, he frowned. "... Do you think Braylin brought his blanket? I bought it special for us to have, when we would camp out on the livingroom floor... I would be bummed if he didn't! They're soft..."
"I'm confident Braylin has his blanket with him this very second," he promised, somewhat relaxed at that. It wasn't a lie, for once - it was the genuine truth. Braylin did have his blanket, wrapped up in it six foot under the ground and mud. Although, perhaps that truth was hidden between the neko's blocked memory, and the pile of lies Tobiah had sold him to protect his upset.

Silently admiring the other's blanket, even if it provoked the memory of Braylin wrapped up in his blanket, much similar besides being decorated in puppies and bones, he simply smiled off the haunting memories. He wasn't going to get rid of them anytime soon, and probably never would, so smiling them off was something he knew he would have to grow used to. "Let's... just cuddle, alright? And sleep. Not that you need anymore sleep after two day's worth~"​
"I'm not very tired after that cup of tea," he admitted, shimmying closer to the other until deciding to climb onto his chest, tugging the soft blanket over them both. Resting his head in the crook of the other's neck, the purrs from Reggie resonated as he gently began to knead his chest... Even if the position did put pressure on his still broken ribs.
"You're acting more like a cat as of late," he drawled, the kneading evident of the feline behaviour, though it would be daft to question it - he was dating a neko, a half-cat being, so it was more than obvious that feline behaviour would often arise its head in their relationship. "It's cute, though," he reassured, a hand carefully petting his messy hair down for him, and hoping that'd make him sleepy. He himself was exhausted, having been too plagued and racked with guilt to even sleep properly, so at the moment, all he wanted to do was rest for hours straight like Reggie had.​
Simply nestling his head against the obviously gentle touch, the times of affection like this was rare for the two. Naturally, he'd soak it up as much as he could, taking in each pet and touch, especially after not seeing his lover for so long. Offering a gentle kiss on the lips, his wide eyes softened as he took in Tobiah's rather beaten up state. "You look awful, you know..." He whispered,
"Yeah, well... Kristof's men were pretty cruel. I would have beaten Kristof up in return if he hadn't left to Russia with Braylin," he murmured, cringing inwardly at the fact he was lying, once again, and the talk of Kristof immediately caused his gut to twist. The man's body was currently still in some basement, two days after being killed, and that was yet another problem to deal with. The only solution would be to somehow bury him alongside Braylin - while he wouldn't give a shit about Kristof usually, it did only feel... right to have the two placed together. Even if managing that was going to be incredibly awkward with Reginald around. "I told you, though," he whispered once getting over the moment of panic. "I'm a tough cookie. You're hurt too, remember?-- Sorry 'bout that, again..."​
"It's fine..." He whispered, his smile fading a tad as he shyly pressed his head against his nexk. "It... r-really hurts, but not as much as you leaving me. My rubs may be pushed in or whatever, but I'm just happy to be with you right now."
"I didn't leave, really. I just went to get some air and Kristof's fucking men had me, didn't they? I didn't stay away purposely," he reminded quietly, though it was no real excuse for the pain he knew the other must have been through, which did in turn make him realise how brave Braylin had been in the months away from Kristof... not that he wanted to even think about the inu or his Master anymore. It was over, finished and done with entirely.​
"...I think I should go to the doctor, Tobi. My ribs d-do hurt, a lot... aha... and I dont want something accidentally poking somrthing else, y'know?"
His expression quickly changed, though, his smile that had been contented due to the intimacy they were undergoing -it had been a long while since they had done anything like this- disappearing immediately at the proposition. "I... don't think it's wise," he admitted honestly, his arms removing themselves to rest behind his head instead. "I'll get put in prison for it or something, even if it was an accident, and you'll be alone dealing with four puppies. You'll heal on your own, relax."​
"They don't feel right, though..." He whispered, "If anything, theyll think I beat you up! I'll say I fell. Simple."
"They won't believe you! If... If they think there's violence, what about the puppies? We can't have them leave," he huffed, even if he had been all for them being put up for adoption only two days prior. Though taking care of them while the neko had slept on through had caused him to bond considerably - he saw them as, at an extension, his own kids, and it did somewhat spur him on to actually being a biological father one day... provided Reginald got better, that is. "Just struggle on through. Rest a lot, and take some painkillers."​
"But what if they heal weird?" He frowned, moving to gently push the spot only for him to hiss in pain and retract his hand in regret. "They don't think you did it, and t-they better believe me. Honestly, it's not like you hurt me anywhere else. They could patch you up, too, stitch that wound under your eye... It's pretty bad..."
"I swear to God, if they take the kids from us, I'll never forgive you. Or myself, for that matter. I... love them, Reggie," he sighed heavily, peering at the slumbering children with a conflicted grimace. It felt wrong to love them when he had ultimately killed their parents (one intentionally, the other a complete accident), but he did, and was ready to raise them as his own, really.

"But fine, we'll go. i guess if you healed wrong, I'd be distraught with myself, so... we'll go just for you. I don't need any crappy medical care."​
"Good, though I wanna heal you up nice too! I could be your nurse while you get better, hm? Too bad I don't have an outfit..." He babbled, his cheeks a soft pink at the idea of being the one to take care of TOBIAH, and not the other way around. "We could bring the babies, give them check ups too to make sure they're alright."
"An outfit? You... You don't need an outfit. That's a bit kinky, isn't it?" He suddenly babbled along with him, mostly because his cheeks had lit at the very suggestion, and he was trying and doing his best just to refute it. Once feeling he had gotten away with it -despite the reddening cheeks-, he carefully swallowed hard as he cast the quads a glance. "Yeah, get them some injections and vaccinations, I guess, no matter the cost. And I want us to start trying, like, for definite, if that's cool."​
"For our own babies?" He squeaked, his tail shooting up in surprised before he shyly began to giggle and cover his face with the blanket. "Oh my god, seriously?! Y-You want... You want children already? A-Ah, I'd love to have some with you, Tobiah..."
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