The world we live in,Hell (Walking dead)

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"Sure, I'll tag along.""Son of a.... Screw it." He said softly, muttering to himself.

"Is there anything else you think we need from this area before we go?" He asked her turning away from her to face the road.
Crystal / Sudbury

She almost laughed as his shirt came undone again. She enjoyed watching the man struggle with something as simple as buttons... She immediately looked away though, and began walking along the highway. It was time to go home, and the sun wouldn't slow down for either of them.

"Nope... I don't need anything else... Do you?" She said, turning her head slightly so he could hear her, but not quite looking back at him... He hair blocked her view of him anyways. She kept it up normally, but she had run out of the stretchy hair bands she needed to keep it up. Crystal figured if she really ever needed it out of the way, she could cut it... Life wasn't a walking fashion show anymore now that she was out of high school... In fact, she didn't have to worry about any of her old school mates stealing boyfriends anymore... Pretty much all of them were corpses.

Crystal smiled at that... "Whores..."

He stepped onto the bus and the old rusted suspension groaned as it adjusted to account for the additional weight. Felix quickly saw that the inside of the bus was in a sorry state of affairs. He walked to the end of the bus and back, inspecting every dust covered seat, and began to question whether he had made the right decision.

"Ladies..." he spoke with a soft tone and a smile as he nodded to each of the women. "..the names Felix, it's a pleasure." He slumped into the cleanest chair he could find, rested his head against the glass and lifted his legs onto the seat opposite him. "So..." He spoke loudly so that everyone could hear him clearly, "Why are you all heading along the highway? And why, for heavens sake, are you all crammed in this filthy old bus?!"

Melanie leaned back against the seats to allow Felix room to move by. He seemed to be an alright guy so far, which was another welcomed blessing. Her blue-gray eyes followed him with curiosity as he made his way to the back, inspecting every seat along the way, then he turned and introduced himself, nodding to each of the occupants of the bus. He slumped into a nearby seat, made himself comfortable, and asked them why they were all on the highway, as well as why they were all hiding out in a bus, of all things.

"Well, I'm Melanie," she introduced herself with a hand over her chest. She waved to the man with the gas mask. "This is Ghost. We are part of another group, but the boss disappeared with another from our group and we haven't seen him since the sun went down. His orders were to wait here, but it started raining, and we knew we needed to find shelter before we attracted more attention from the walkers. The one sleeping" - she pointed at Dolores' still form - "is a survivor we saved from one of the walkers before we crammed inside the bus. Those two" - she nodded to the blonde with the blood drying in her curly hair and the young one with the natural red hair that was so bright, it could be considered orange - "just came on before you did."

Ghost looked as he entered the bus and followed behind him with the rucksack he picked up. He stood in the front of the bus, set the rucksack down on the front seat and watched as the man walked to the back and settled himself in it. He looked at Melanie and nodded "Melanie..." he said moving his head as to calling her over.

Melanie was so busy catching Felix up, she almost didn't catch Ghost calling for her. She turned and saw him nod his head, signalling for her to come to him. With an apologetic look, she stepped over to him and stood with her back partially toward the rest of the bus. "Need me to do anything?"
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Crystal / Sudbury

She almost laughed as his shirt came undone again. She enjoyed watching the man struggle with something as simple as buttons... She immediately looked away though, and began walking along the highway. It was time to go home, and the sun wouldn't slow down for either of them.

"Nope... I don't need anything else... Do you?" She said, turning her head slightly so he could hear her, but not quite looking back at him... He hair blocked her view of him anyways. She kept it up normally, but she had run out of the stretchy hair bands she needed to keep it up. Crystal figured if she really ever needed it out of the way, she could cut it... Life wasn't a walking fashion show anymore now that she was out of high school... In fact, she didn't have to worry about any of her old school mates stealing boyfriends anymore... Pretty much all of them were corpses.

Crystal smiled at that... "Whores..."

Daniel shook his head, and smiled. "No, I don't need anything." He said as he turned to follow, hands still in his pockets. He walked quietly, keeping his senses on alert as he followed. "Where is this place we are going to anyway?" He asked softly as he walked. He found himself looking at her every now and then. He didn't know why but he just did it. The swing of her wips, her walk, her hair. What about her made him attracted to her? He didn't want to admit it to himself though.
"Listen" he said in a very quiet voice. He looked up at the other survivors on the bus and back at Melanie. His glasses and mask blocking his expression. "I don't know how many more people we can bring in. Our group doesen't exactly have alot of supplies to go around. We barely have enough for ourselves." He says not wanting anybody else to hear
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"Listen" he said in a very quiet voice. He looked up at the other survivors on the bus and back at Melanie. His glasses and mask blocking his expression. "I don't know how many more people we can bring in. Our group doesen't exactly have alot of supplies to go around. We barely have enough for ourselves." He says not wanting anybody else to hear
"I know," Melanie whispered, leaning slightly closer to him so that no one could hear. "But Ghost, we can't just turn down people in need. It's getting worse out there by the day. The one girl is really cold - I can't tell what's wrong with her, but I know she needs help. The other one was limping." She bit her lip, thinking. She knew Ghost had a point - they didn't have much in the way of food and ammo, as it was. He was absolutely right, and she knew this, but she also knew that she could never forgive herself if she ignored another human being in need.

"It sounds like the rain is starting to die down," she continued to whisper, glancing over his shoulder to look through the windshield. "I could go out for supplies. There are a lot of cars to look through still. Felix looks like he knows what he's doing - he could even come with me. We might get lucky and find something - maybe a food truck, or an RV with camping supplies. There's got to be something out there... Maybe we could even find a working car. The one with the headlights still on might run, if it has enough power for the lights to work. We could all relocate and leave signs for the boss and Rex to follow to find us again." Melanie gave Ghost a pleading look. "Please, Ghost. We have to help them, and anyone else we run into. There aren't that many people left in the world now. All we have is each other."

Melanie swallowed hard, trying to keep her emotions in check. She couldn't bare the thought of leaving someone to die - or worse, to become a walker.

She looked down at the rucksack by Ghost's feet. Hadn't Felix said something about distributing the contents when he got on the bus? "What do you think is in here?" she asked Ghost, motioning to it. It looked quite heavy, and moderately full.

((I am sorry to post so quickly without giving everyone else a chance to reply - I just needed to write this! I won't be posting again for a while to let everyone else get in their posts. Sorry again!))
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Ghost sighed as he heard Melanie's plea to help the people. "Fine, but you're not going out there with Felix alone. You're staying in here with the survivors and i'll go ahead and go with Felix. I don't exactly trust him completely and I don't want you risking your life." Ghost looked at the racksack and opened it up pulling out a can. "It's food. Felix brought quite a few of them, but they need to be heated and cooked. Raw food is no good." Ghost sighed once again and looked at the survivors and looked outside the windshield at the pouring rain. Thunder is heard shortly after it. "So tommorow morning i'll head out with Felix. You'll watch the survivors. Ghost sets one hand on Melanie's shoulder. "I know I don't seem like it, but I care about the group Melanie."
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"No, I don't need anything." He said as he turned to follow, hands still in his pockets. H
"Where is this place we are going to anyway?"

Crystal / Highway

She didn't really care to tell him specifics, mostly because she didn't quite know herself... But she knew once he went there, he'd remember the way, and that's all that mattered.

"It's hard to describe, since there aren't any marked roads besides the highway, and the house is on an unmarked, unpaved, road... But you'll see..."

She turned back to look at him as she explained it, she couldn't help but smile when she caught his eyes as they flashed up from looking at her butt... She guessed she kind of asked for it, leading in front like this, but it was still funny to catch someone staring. She immediately blushed and turned her face back to the front, concentrating instead on walking...
Colette watched the bus intently from the window of the car she was in. She had been watching for quite some time now, and saw no change occur. No one left or went in since the man with the food went in. The rain poured on the top of the car, the sound calming her nerves as she scanned the area for walkers. None were in close proximity, so Colette quietly climbed in back and laid on the floor of the car, squished between the front seats and the ones in back. She pulled out from her backpack a small, thin, child's blanket. It wasn't enough to cover her whole body, but it would have to do. She laid it on top of her, trying to get some much needed sleep. She hoped that the people in the bus wouldn't be gone by the time she woke up. She wanted more time to access them, to see if they were good people or bad. She also hoped no walkers would find her as she slept, but she had prepared for that earlier. Hoping to ward them off by smell, she had filled some empty cans with old organs and dried blood, along with some dirt and mulch, poked some holes in the can, and tied them to the car. It was essential that the organs were old and the blood dried of course, because anything fresh would have attracted the walkers. Remembering herself scooping up chunks of dead walkers and stuffing it into cans made Colette want to puke, so she tried to focus on the sound of the rain, pitter-pattering on the roof of the car. It didn't take long for her to drift off, and soon she was fast asleep.
Caly looked to the Felix guy with narrowed eyes. She heard his question and heard herself as called as the girl with the bloody curls. She looked surprised and reached up and pulled at her hair to look at the blood, looking a bit surprised, not realizing they were all bloody. She sighed and turned to face felix "im here because my other group is dead and this may come as a surprise but i dont really want to become a walking flesh eating corpse"

She rubbed her leg, with holding a urge to wince. She didnt want to show the pain, afraid theyd see her immediatly as a weak link and theyd have to dispose of her, decide she wasnt worth helping. She turned away from felix and them. Panicked and worried thoughts clouding her mind but her expression stayed unreadable.
Slowly, chattering was heard by Dolores. Her stomach, also felt empty while she stretched her legs out, groaning and stretching Infront of herself. The female slightly lifted herself up as she reached into her backpack and took out one -now flat- turkey sandwich with American cheese. It still seemed thick, cause there were a lot of turkey pieces and she quietly proceeded opening the baggy and eating before she let the sandwich hang from her mouth and got out from between the seats, in the open area as she faced where she slept at."Jesus Christ...." She whispered to herself as she checked if she still had all of her stuff on her."I should leave...hmm.. Now?" She whispered, ever so slightly perking her head up. There were still walkers, and she ducked back down, biting her lower lip. She decided she would wait for the herd to go away before she continued traveling alone. Afterall, she was much to eager and desperate to travel on. Just the mere sight of people assured her, and sure a group is smart, but she wanted to go alone, and she will definitely do so. Slowly, Dolores crawled back in her little space as she ate in silence and sniffled her snot up a bit.

There wasn't much in Dolores backpack. Just canned soup (3 only), a small yet thick rag, and a small water canteen. There was also random medicine and pills she grabbed and shoved in her bag along with random white bandage wrappings. It was a small but maybe decent amount of supplies, especially in that mini backpack of hers so it seemed full and cramped but it wouldn't add weight to slow down Dolores as she ran.

-forgot to add she has a backpack -_-... Sorry.
I mean it's common sense for her in my opinion to have one since she was solo-

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((I'll catch us up))

@ Anyone in the bus

Johan and Paul had taken cover behind a car and noticed a few others had taken shelter in the bus as well. Johan turned to Paul, "I'm going to check out the bus." He said and walked out from behind the car and approached the bus with caution. "Hello there friends!" he called to anyone in the bus.
Dolores immediately, turned around as the shadows still hid her. Loud... To loud.... She thought with caution. Perhaps there were fewer walkers outside and she crawled out her hiding spot."Guys...?" She Whispered attentively to the other survivors."I know I'm new. But what would.. Or are you guys going to do?" She asked."I think I'm going to sneak out the exit if you two plan on talking to him...." Added the female as she crawled to the exit of the bus, laying completely still on her stomach. She wasn't scared, more like she can't. Although she sensed that peculiar feeling of a 'jump scare' coming. Or might come.

Since this Apocolypse thing, Dolores for sure had the feeling her dad was still alive somewhere -and he was, she just didn't know it-. But she was prepared to doubt and accept that he was most likely dead, even with all those weapons he most likely took with him. She let out a deep warm breath through the coldness of the night and the still atmosphere before looking over her shoulder."I'm going..." She whispered loudly, climbing up the seats and opening the exit above. Once she pushed it open, Dolores climbed out with ease and sat at the edge of the bus, legs dangling as she looked own at the man. 'Hello there friends!' She thought of his tone. A mock kindness, he was watching. He sound sure and knew of them being in the bus. Dolores assumed if she stayed, he would break in and cause a ruckus. Whereas if Atleast one got out, this would lead to talking.

So she stared, quiet, long, and hard at the man.
@The Last Outlaw

Being in a defense state behind a car. Paul just thinks to himself what the "hell right? If I get shot I get shot" he gets up lays the rifle on the car hood and raise's his hands in the air. With a friendly smile! :)
@ N o c e u r

Johan noticed a face from the bus was staring hard at him, he lowered his M4A1 and sent a smile in her direction, "Nynorsk young lady! you want to send someone out to greet me and my friend so we can get of this ran?" He asked, trying to appear non threatening.
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Dolores cocked her head to the side. She quietly turned around, poking her head inside the bus from above and looked at the members."The president wants to talk to one of you." She commented, before perking her head up and out the roof of the car and putting her hand through the exit for any one of the to grab so she can pull them out. Dolores still continued to observe the new people, her gut feeling nauseous really but she kept to herself and had a calm, straight face. She shouldn't reveal them anything, so she was careful with her gestures. Just play along, listen, and observe.
Ghost sighed as he heard Melanie's plea to help the people. "Fine, but you're not going out there with Felix alone. You're staying in here with the survivors and i'll go ahead and go with Felix. I don't exactly trust him completely and I don't want you risking your life." Ghost looked at the racksack and opened it up pulling out a can. "It's food. Felix brought quite a few of them, but they need to be heated and cooked. Raw food is no good." Ghost sighed once again and looked at the survivors and looked outside the windshield at the pouring rain. Thunder is heard shortly after it. "So tommorow morning i'll head out with Felix. You'll watch the survivors. Ghost sets one hand on Melanie's shoulder. "I know I don't seem like it, but I care about the group Melanie."
Melanie looked from the hand on her shoulder back to the owner of the hand. It was warm and comforting. Strong. And even though she could not see his face because of the mask he wore, Melanie could hear the sincerity in his voice, and was somehow strengthened by it. She smiled at him, putting her hand over the one resting on her shoulder, and squeezed it gently in reassurance. They were all in this together. Somehow, they would survive and prevail.
She rubbed her leg, with holding a urge to wince. She didnt want to show the pain, afraid theyd see her immediatly as a weak link and theyd have to dispose of her, decide she wasnt worth helping. She turned away from felix and them. Panicked and worried thoughts clouding her mind but her expression stayed unreadable.
Melanie turned to the rest of the group on the bus to ask Felix in the back if he was able to join Ghost in the morning for a supplies run, but Caly caught her eye for a second, causing her to pause. She was looking down at her leg, but when she looked back up, her expression was unreadable. Melanie wondered if her leg was alright, but her stony expression confused her. She opened her mouth to say something when-

Johan and Paul had taken cover behind a car and noticed a few others had taken shelter in the bus as well. Johan turned to Paul, "I'm going to check out the bus." He said and walked out from behind the car and approached the bus with caution. "Hello there friends!" he called to anyone in the bus.
The voice startled her. More survivors? Could they be trusted?

Since this Apocolypse thing, Dolores for sure had the feeling her dad was still alive somewhere -and he was, she just didn't know it-. But she was prepared to doubt and accept that he was most likely dead, even with all those weapons he most likely took with him. She let out a deep warm breath through the coldness of the night and the still atmosphere before looking over her shoulder."I'm going..." She whispered loudly, climbing up the seats and opening the exit above. Once she pushed it open, Dolores climbed out with ease and sat at the edge of the bus, legs dangling as she looked own at the man. 'Hello there friends!' She thought of his tone. A mock kindness, he was watching. He sound sure and knew of them being in the bus. Dolores assumed if she stayed, he would break in and cause a ruckus. Whereas if Atleast one got out, this would lead to talking.

So she stared, quiet, long, and hard at the man.
Before Melanie could respond, Dolores opened one of the emergency exit hatches on the roof of the bus and climbed out. "Wait!" Melanie called out with fear - what if the male voice outside of the bus belong to a dangerous man? She could get hurt - or worse.

Dolores cocked her head to the side. She quietly turned around, poking her head inside the bus from above and looked at the members."The president wants to talk to one of you." She commented, before perking her head up and out the roof of the car and putting her hand through the exit for any one of the to grab so she can pull them out. Dolores still continued to observe the new people, her gut feeling nauseous really but she kept to herself and had a calm, straight face. She shouldn't reveal them anything, so she was careful with her gestures. Just play along, listen, and observe.
Melanie nodded to Dolores and looked to Ghost for guidance while readying her pistol, just in case.
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Paul just watching from a short distance. Looking around, behind him. To make sure no one creeps up on him. Then looks back at the bus and Johan. "We're friendly.." Paul said wondered if anyone heard him.
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"Let's go" said Ghost to Melanie. He opened the front door and stood not too far from the man. He raised his M4 and saw that the man had an M4 as well. Unlocking the safeyy, he lifted his gun at the man. "Can we help you?"
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"Let's go" said Ghost to Melanie. He opened the front door and stood not too far from the man. He raised his M4 and saw that the man had an M4 as well. Unlocking the safeyy, he lifted his gun at the man. "Can we help you?"
Melanie nodded, following behind with her pistol at the ready. She stepped off the bus into the rain, which had become more of a steady sprinkle since it had started, and followed Ghost's lead, raising her weapon at the man with the rifle. Her arms trembled slightly as she tried to hold the gun steady, but whether it was from the chill of the air and rain, or from fear, she did not know. The man was smiling in a very friendly way, and the one with the M4 seemed to be very relaxed and friendly, himself. Perhaps they were good people, too?

Johan noticed that a man and woman had come out of the bus to greet him, the man wielding a M4 as well. "I see you have a M4, nice choice." He said with a smile. He took a step forward, "Listen, we're no threat, we're just looking for a place to stay." He said in a heavy Scandinavian accent.
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