The Witches Curse (OOC ONLY)

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I like the idea of this roleplay. I'd like to make a character especially for it. You said we need to keep genders balanced- is it still even currently? I am not sure the genders of all those who reserved spots for bios. If you need a certain gender, let me know and I can fill that in.

What are your posting expectations, in terms of frequency?
I am uncertain of the reserved gender(s) because Ghost and Vio have not told me, but at the moment it is 3 male and 3 female that I know of. So feel free to make either gender.

Also on the matter of posting expectations maybe a three times a week, only if the role play is moving fast. If not than a few times a week.


Isaac Moray

✪Age & Birthday✪
24, April 20th​
✪Part/Full-Time Job or School✪
Small Business Owner
Isaac has created a small business out of his ability to possess non-magical people. He uses his magic and his talent for acting, and will possess volunteers who pay him to do things that they need to do. Ex. if someone needed to be in two places at once, say at work, and home with their family, Isaac may possess his client and attend work for them. He also could be called upon to attend an event someone doesn't wish to attend themselves. Each client is given a legal contract which states Isaac will do his best to act as that person, and will only do what they ask of him. Isaac reserves the right to refuse any client if they ask him to do something that does not fit with his morals, or if he feels the task is larger than what said client is willing to pay him.

✪Physical Description✪
Isaac stands 5'10" tall and weighs 165 lbs. He has tan skin, brown eyes, and dark brown hair that skims his shoulders, though he typically keeps it tied back. Another Image
✪Health Ailments✪

Isaac is generally a kind person. He hates when he loses his temper at other people, which has been happening more and more. He likes to be helpful to others, which contributed to his creation of his business. Furthermore, he is a bit nosy, and loves to know the latest gossip or drama around town. Still, he is too proper to spread such rumors. Though generally sociable, Isaac tends to keep to himself unless approached by another person for conversation. He prefers observing rather than interacting. While he keeps it well-hidden, Isaac is also a bit of a hopeless romantic.

Being well-dressed, making new friends, falling in love,



Easily overcome by his anger
Becoming violent with a person he loves

Vanessa- ex-girlfriend
Upstairs Bedroom

Isaac is a demon, and he inherited the ability to possess human beings. He has found through trial and error that he can only do this to other creatures that do not have any magic in them. Therefore, all those who descend from the cursed children of Black Ridge, are safe from him. Even so, he finds that possession works best on a willing host. Though he does not always need a willing host, their spirit does not fight back nearly as much. This makes it easier to stay within a willing participant for a longer period of time without the side-effect kicking in. (That is, without Isaac taking on the personality characteristics of the host as their spirits inhabit the same space. )


Vanessa McKenna

✪Age & Birthday✪
25, February 28th​
✪Part/Full-Time Job or School✪
Librarian at Black Ridge Library and City Records
✪Physical Description✪
Vanessa is 5'8" tall and weighs 130 lbs. She has wavy, ashy brown hair that reaches her middle-back and grey eyes. Another image
✪Health Ailments✪
Hyperactive Thyroid, treated

Vanessa is a very headstrong person. She tends to know what she wants and is not afraid to go after it. Regardless, she is usually polite, and often very friendly. She generally sees something positive in everyone she meets. She's very outgoing and bold when meeting new people. Despite being quite bookish, she does not follow the stereotype of being a homebody. She loves to go out at night and have a good time.
Fine wines, tiger lilies, thick and heavy books, her little black dress, asking questions, friendly debating.

Being out of control, rude people, crude humor,excessive drug or alcohol use.
Reading, knitting and sewing her own clothes.
Singing, knitting, sewing.




Isaac- ex-boyfriend
Upstairs Bedroom
Vanessa has the power of persuasion. She may not be able to force people to bend to her will, but she is quite good at convincing them that they agree with her. In short, through debate, logic, and just a bit of sorcery, Vanessa convinces others that her will is their own.
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Reserving A shape shifter, and a werewolf

Saphira O'Connor

Saph, Saphire

✪Age & Birthday✪
23, November 15th


✪Founding Family✪



✪Part/Full-Time Job or School✪
MMA Trainer at Shifting Weights Trainer Facility

✪Physical Description✪
5'7", 200 pounds of muscle, she has a few tattoos as well. Her light silvery
hair hangs just off her cheekbones, and she is considering cutting it much
shorter. Small bust and a slim figure make her look weak, but she
can really pack a punch if she needs too.

Tattoo 1
Tattoo 2

✪Health Ailments✪

Not much is known of her origins



✪Other✪ (Anything else I forgot and you want to mention. Also, be sure to put your character's abilities here as well and explain them.)

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Can no one please post until after I reserve my four spots... please and thank you.
@Gorgeous♠Chaos reserving
Male Original Coven Witch
Female New Coven Head Witch
Male Werewolf
Female Ghost
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Reserve Three
Reserve Four

And done should have them up before the end of the week^^
I'm going to keep my original characters which are a female siren ~ Faceclaim: Zoella. My witch who will belong to the The Original Coven ~ Faceclaim: Kaya Scodelario.
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The cast list has been updated with reservations! Check it out if you need to still reserve species. I highly recommend reserving species.
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I like this RP idea! Can I reserve a female ghost character?
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Vedette Villeneuve

"Vee-vee" / VV

Age & Birthday
Born January 1st




Part/Full-Time Job or School
Attends Black Ridge University as a first-year. Studies history.
Works after classes at Black Ridge Library and Public Records.

Physical Description
Stands at roughly 5'5" and has a lanky build. About 113 lbs. Slim figure with a tiny bust. Her hair is a very pale blonde -- basically white -- and her eyes are gray. She has a very smooth but extremely pale complexion. (No piercings or tattoos.)

Health Ailments
None of note.


Shy, Soft-spoken: Vee-vee passes by unnoticed by most folk. She is quiet and almost never speaks out of turn. People usually seem to look right through her (which isn't quite a fair statement, because sometimes they literally are looking through her :P), but this doesn't bother her too much. She avoids being in the spotlight whenever possible.

Loyal, Devoted: Vee-vee is also incredibly loyal -- and to a fault. She is extremely dedicated both to the work that she does and to the few people that take notice in her. If more people actually noticed her and took advantage of this quality, she might seem like a serious pushover; however, most people pass right by, so she is always grateful towards the people that do give her the time of day.

Bookish, Hardworking: Vee-vee is a nerd, plain and simple. She spends whatever time she can perusing the stacks at the library, studying all things history and mythology. While she appears to be nothing more than a pretty face, she is extensively knowledgeable in these areas, and she's always hungry for more -- though you would never guess it under her calm and soft-spoken demeanor.

Vedette was young when her family was taken away from her. At the mere age of five years old, Vedette's home was burned down in a malicious act of arson, and her parents and older brother did not escape the flames. Being the wealthy descendants of one of the founding (cursed) families of Black Ridge, the Villeneuve family had plenty of enemies. But they never thought anyone harbored enough hatred within themselves to want them dead.

They were wrong.

On the night the fire was set, Vedette's family was all asleep... but she herself had heard rustling and hushed voices inside the house. Being a particularly curious and adventurous five-year-old, Vedette got out of bed and wandered after the voices. She then found two men -- both of whom, to this day, she was never able to identify -- turning on the gas stove. Vedette hid behind a corner and watched, too young to understand what was happening as the men lit a small towel on fire and left it on the counter to burn.

The men then meant to hurry out of the house and get off the property before they were seen (and before the house filled with gas and caught fire), but they nearly tripped over little Vedette in the hallway. Before she could get away, scream for help, or wake her family to warn them, they clasped a hand over her mouth and scooped her up, carrying her out of the house with them.

They couldn't very well just let her go after she'd seen them literally setting fire to her home, so they dragged her out back to a small lake. Vedette was powerless to do anything but watch as her house shrank in the distance, slowly going up in flames. She waited to see her brothers and parents emerge... but that never happened. At least, not before the two men tossed Vedette into the lake, forcing her head under the water. She struggled against them, but their grip was too much.

And after a few more moments of struggle... she drowned.

Or so she thought. The sun was just beginning to peak over the treetops the next morning when Vedette finally regained consciousness, sopping wet and washed up on the far shore of the lake. In the distance, she saw her fire-damaged home, charred and wrecked, barely even still standing. And it didn't look like anyone had escaped... Frightened and shivering, little Vedette knew she shouldn't have been alive. She should have died. She didn't entirely understand why the men had done what they had, but she knew it was their intention to drown her in that lake so she'd never see the light of day.

However, upon recalling the curse of her family, she realized that she had indeed died after all, and was now walking this world as a Ghost. After gathering herself and her composure, little five-year-old Vedette made the trek into town to tell the authorities about what had happened... and she's been dealing with the trauma ever since.

History, mythology, reading, peace-and-quiet, classical music, star-gazing.
Conflict, being in the spotlight, messy stacks, rabblerousers, food, cooking.
Reading books. Playing piano.
Playing piano. Sneaking around.
Logical, smart and meticulous, she is very clever and leaves no stone unturned. Enhanced sense of hearing, as well as a heightened sensitivity to and awareness of her environment.
She cannot taste either food or drink. She is also, as stated previously, loyal to a fault and has a tendency to be a pushover. (Also, of course -- she is weak to salt and iron too. :P)
Vee-vee has a fear of fire / burning alive. She's already died once, but burning is a sure-fire way to die again, and for good this time. (Also has a fear of swimming.)


No known relatives.
Melinda Blackwell
{Attended high school together. Vedette embraces her dark interests, and Melinda is very protective of Vedette.}

Boarding house a little bit outside of town. (Ghosts.)
Bedroom like this.

Invisibility: Can disappear from sight for a while at a time.
Thermokinesis: Any place generally gets a little colder whenever Vedette is near, but if she gets truly upset, temperatures can drop to icy levels.
Telekinesis: Can move virtually anything with just her mind. (Note, she cannot move people normally.)
Intangibility: Can phase through solid matter, ie walls, doors, etc.
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Chars will be up at least by friday or this weekend^^
Room for one or two characters from me? One in the original coven and one other race? (I've yet to decide on my 2nd characters species/race)

I will probably make one male and female.
Room for one or two characters from me? One in the original coven and one other race? (I've yet to decide on my 2nd characters species/race)

I will probably make one male and female.
Of course we have room! I will make those reservations for you.
Also, I was WAY too excited when I say One Punch Man as your avatar and signature.
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Of course we have room! I will make those reservations for you.
Also, I was WAY too excited when I say One Punch Man as your avatar and signature.
That's great! Thanks.

And yeah, OPM was a really good anime. Hopeful for a second season now XD
Also -- and sorry for the double post, but -- does anyone have a start date in mind for this?
I was thinking about starting it on the tenth.
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