The Wilson's 2.0 (IC)

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Stelios bit his bottom lip when Sean said that, but Sean pushed it when he blew smoke in his face, apparently on accident. Stelios walked over to Sean and stood in front of him. "And you say i'm childish, i know i was being a p***y back there and an ass but you don't have to be so pissy like that, having to be rude to people and shutting them out, you need to be a man and tell it to my face. Wait was it because i left, isn't it. My God, you were so pissy because you had a huge crush on me, and you still do don't you, well grow up were adults now" Stelios chuckled and made his way back to the movie room.
(( -Internal crying- ;-; Scottie just wants them to all be happy... #ICriEveryTeim ))

Scottie nodded, turning his head back to the screen of bright colors and continued to watch. It was one of his favorites and he enjoyed watching it with the others. He couldn't help but hear Stelios and Sean exchanging heated whispers out of the movie room, and internally sighed. He wished they could watch a movie without someone spatting out harsh words at someone, or something bad happening. When Stelios came back in, Scottie bit the inside of his cheek and held back the urge to send a frown at him. (( I'll edit if needed o3o ))
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Stelios chuckled from Sean pulling him back. "Your right i am childish, just like you pulled me back into get one last word on me, grow up" Stelios patted the top of his head then walked back to the movie room where he sat down chris cross next to his little brother. "Hey danny how's the movie going"
Dante missed Several minutes of the movie by the time he calmed himself down. Wearing his pj's now he walked down the hall back to the movie room. He knew Xavier and the others would try to give him hell for being rude to whoever that kid is. With a grumpy face Dante walks in and sits in the corner of the room. He walks in just before Simba gets trapped in the valley and his father came to his rescue.
Xavier saw Dante go and sit in the corner of the room. In the last he had done things to make Dante feel not included, but those days were gone. "Dante come over here with the rest of us" Xavier called. Summer was in his right, Daniel on his left and Skye in his lap. "Go sit with Kaine."
Xavier saw Dante go and sit in the corner of the room. In the last he had done things to make Dante feel not included, but those days were gone. "Dante come over here with the rest of us" Xavier called. Summer was in his right, Daniel on his left and Skye in his lap. "Go sit with Kaine."
Dante was sitting in the corner of the room when he heard Xavier calling to him. Shifting slowly through the room Dante moved towards Kaine and Scottie. "is it ok if I sit with you guys...? There's no popcorn over there/" Dante is trying to play this cool. acting like he wanted popcorn.
(( Sorry! I've been busy. ))

Scottie smiled lightly at Dante and scooted over to make some room for him. He continued to watch the movie and munched on some popcorn as he did. ((Okay, I seriously have nothing else to put haha! They're only watching a movie, so I can't put too much detail lol! ))
Mufasa had Simba in his mouth, trying his best to save his son from the stampede of wildebeests that were running amuck. He was constantly getting trampled, but, at last, he was able to get Simba to safety. There was a small 'yes' from Skye as he saw Mufasa try to climb up to join his son. But, then, a gasp was heard as he fell back down. Wide blue eyes watched the screen with such interest, hoping that Mufasa would live, would survive the stampede. Summer was also interested, yes, but couldn't help rolling his eyes at his twin. He never understood how one could become so attached to a fictional character.

[Sorry! I've been busy with Christmas stuff :3]
Xavier noticed Skye figiting on his lap and realized what was nothing the young boy. Tightening his grip on Skye he whispered "Skye it is okay it is just a movie" into his ear and gave the boy a smile so the boy didn't think he was mad at him. He then looked down at Summer and pulled the boy slightly closer, Xavier knew the boy would probably pull away from him, but he tried it anyways. He then looked down at Daniel who was watching the movie intently. Xavier wondered if he should say something to the boy, but decided not too, he would just wait for the boy to talk to him.

( @Turtler , @Kitsune that's okay, post when you can :)
Daniel always hated that moment, when his favorite character killed off barely in the middle of the movie. His eyes always sparkled when he saw the scene and would have his heart break a little everytime he watched the movie. Daniel gripped the leather from the intense moment, but sadly knowing the outcome. He noticed another boy with the same reaction as him, which was cool since he doesn't know much people who would be so into characters like he was. The boy then looked back at the scene where he saw Scar betray his brother, which got him really mad everytime he saw it.

Summer tensed up when Xavier pulled him closer, but decided to be nice tonight. He relaxed and let himself be close to the older man. It was a bonding night, anyways. So he might as well bond. At Scar betraying Mufasa, throwing him off the side and into the stampede, the blond boy gritted his teeth in anger and his eyes glistened with unshed tears. He held them back. He wasn't about to cry in front of all of these people because of a fictional character.

Skye, on the other hand, was heart broken. He had heard Xavier's words about it 'just being a movie', but had ignored it. It was more than just a movie to him. Just like a book was more than just a book. So, when Scar pushed Mufasa to his untimely death, he had screamed out, "Nooooo!" Tears began to flow down his cheeks like waterfalls, making his blue eyes seem more vivid.

[I had to re-watch the scene for my other post so I could be accurate and I ended up crying. T~T]
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When Summer decided not to pull away Xavier flashed him a smile. As Skye screamed out Xavier felt his arm get wet and realized that Skye was crying. "Skye it's okay it's not real" Xavier said gently while he turned the boy toward him and began to wipe the tears away. "It's okay this is just a movie Skye, do you want to go do something else?" Xavier said to his little brother smiling.

( @Kitsune .....this is going to be a LONGGGGGGG movie, maybe by February we will have finished it haha)
(( Sorry! I've been busy. ))

Scottie smiled lightly at Dante and scooted over to make some room for him. He continued to watch the movie and munched on some popcorn as he did. ((Okay, I seriously have nothing else to put haha! They're only watching a movie, so I can't put too much detail lol! ))
Dante Took a seat on the couch next to Scottie. As he was sitting down, Skye's outburst of emotions could be heard over the movie. Dante was not sure if he should make fun of his friend or not. Finally grabbing some popcorn of his own Dante sat quietly to watch the movie. he has never seen this one before.
(I think everyone should post once or twice more at the most. so that we don't spend too much time, with our characters just sitting watching a movie.)
(just time skip till the end of the movie)
(Very good idea)

As the movie ended Xavier said to the younger boys "okay boys ready for a story?" Remembering his earlier promise that they would all read a story. Remembering Daniel would be staying with them he turned to the younger boy "Daniel why don't you join us?"
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(Very good idea)

As the movie ended Xavier said to the younger boys "okay boys ready for a story?" Remembering his earlier promise that they would all read a story. Remembering Daniel would be staying with them he turned to the younger boy "Daniel why don't you join us?"
Dante was a little sleepy at the end of the movie. Xavier asked the boy's if they wanted to read a book. sleeply he replied "sure its harry potter right?" "Who's Daniel?" Looking a little confused.
(Who's bed is Daniel sleeping in. Lol maybe with this will be awkward. Dante would share PJ's since he almost never used them.)
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(Very good idea)

As the movie ended Xavier said to the younger boys "okay boys ready for a story?" Remembering his earlier promise that they would all read a story. Remembering Daniel would be staying with them he turned to the younger boy "Daniel why don't you join us?"

Dante was a little sleepy at the end of the movie. Xavier asked the boy's if they wanted to read a book. sleeply he replied "sure its harry potter right?" "Who's Daniel?" Looking a little confused.
(Who's bed is Daniel sleeping in. Lol maybe with this will be awkward. Dante would share PJ's since he almost never used them.)
Skye nodded eagerly, still wide awake enough to make it through their promised story. He turned his head to see that Summer was slumped against Xavier, fast asleep. Being who he was, he wanted his brother to be awake to enjoy the story-telling as well. He reached out a hand and began to consistently poke his twin until the other boy snapped his head up, looking around wildly. "Wha? What's going on? Did the movie end?" He questioned as he wiped away the drool at the corner of his mouth and rubbed at his eyes, trying to wake himself up.

"Yes, the movie ended. We're going to read a story now," he answered his brother's questions, watching him wake himself up. As he was watching, he heard Dante's questions as well. "I hope it's Harry Potter," he mumbled to himself. At his other question, he pointed at the other boy who was sitting by them. "That's Daniel. The one you screamed at and the reason you raced upstairs to slip on some clothes. Remember?" Skye said, glancing at Dante, wondering if that would jog the other boy's memory.

[That's a very good question lol]
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Xavier was about to answer who Daniel was but Skye beat him to it. Now that all three of the boys were awake and ready to read the story he stood up and said "okay then let's go, Skye you go ahead and get the book, do you want to read it in your room or my room?" He asked his younger brothers with a smile.

He then remembered that Daniel was going to be staying with them for who knows how long. Turning towards the young boy he got down on Daniel's level and said "Daniel we are going to read a story do you want to come and read it with us?" Xavier wanted the boy to come with them, but figured he probably wouldn't if he was anything like the new Stelios then the boy wouldn't want anything to do with the other boys

( @SgShallow @Kitsune @Outlaw Justice )
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Once the movie ended, Scottie let out a soft yawn and stood up, stretching a bit and looking at Kaine. He'd told him they'd talk about the kiss later tonight. He gave him a slight smile and walked to the kitchen, getting down a plastic blue cup. His mind was racing slightly as he made himself a glass of water, yet he didn't know why. He brushed it off until it was time. Scottie poked his head back into the mini theater. "Night guys." He smiled kindly and walked down the hallway and up the stairs to his room, opening his bedroom door and setting the cup on his desk.
(( I'll edit this if needed. I'm not sure if they're in the room or not. Meh. Tell me and I'll edit if it is needed to be done. Happy New Year! ))

Kaine met Scottie's eyes as the older male gave a small smile, his cheeks heating up as he was reminded of the kiss. Looking back to the movie credits as Scottie wandered off, Kaine sat there for a few moments longer to calm himself down. He wasn't sure he wanted to talk about what happened-- but of course they had to. Not talking about it had nearly driven him insane from wondering what 'it' was, when they had lived with the Wilsons. Sighing softly, he smiled towards the others still in the movie room, saying good night before following after Scottie to meet him in his room. Arriving at the open door to the other's room, he sheepishly knocked on the wooden paneling to announce his presence.

(( Happy new year, everyone~ :I ))
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