• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

Elle Joyner

Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
Online Availability
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Writing Levels
  1. Prestige
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Primarily Prefer Female
Political intrigue, fantasy, futuristic, sci fi lite, superheroes, historical fiction, alternate universes. Smittings of romance, but only as side plot.

Please be sure to read the rules and regulations. This is NOT optional.

If you have followed these initial steps and are ready to to apply for a character please fill out the following forms. While filling out the sheets, please take your time and use as much detail as possible. Be creative! I am only accepting a max of TEN players in this particular RP, so I will be extremely choosy with applications. If you are not prepared to write SEVERAL paragraph and multiple NPCs per post, once weekly, please do not apply.

To ensure that we have a realistic idea of what your character actually looks like, I ask that your stick to real images or gifs (no personal images/selfie/animation/anime). If you need assistance with finding an image, please PM me. For your kingdom itself, I will accept artwork, but it must be realistic.

If I have not RPed with you before and am not familiar with your activity on the site, I MAY ask for a writing sample. Chances are though, if you received an invite, it's cause I've RPed with you before.

Again... Don't forget to read the rules before posting your skeleton! When you have posted your skeleton, PLEASE allow me time to review it, then check back to see your APPROVAL/DENIAL notice. Please do NOT rush this process. It's important that I have time to properly review everyone's sheet and it's a LOT of reading. Happy creating!! :)

IMPORTANT!!! PLEASE do not alter the character sheet. This coding is designed both for uniformity and to make MY job easier. I know some of you are wonderful at coding, but you will have plenty of opportunity to show off those skills with the formatting of your posts.

The audition process will end 6/7

Final note || Before attempting to fill out this sheet, PLEASE turn off Rich Text Editor. Failure to do so will result in disaster and I will not have time to fix your coding. If you don't know HOW to turn off the editor, there is a helpful tutorial here. Note: Turning off the editor MUST BE DONE in the preferences. It's not enough to turn it off in the editor alone. If you have questions, ask first! It's much easier to fix a problem before hand than after the fact...

This is not the RP for the faint of heart. There will be an immense level of reading and writing, and a standard quality that will be enforced. The elements within the storyline will also be rather intense thematically and will intertwine with other players, considerably. For this reason dedication is a MUST. I would ask that you consider if you are able to devote the time and attention necessary before applying. Failure to comply with the rules or the posting structure/schedule will result in removal from the roleplay.

This is a heavily detailed RP - I require at least three paragraphs per post (for your main character) and ONE post a WEEK - NPCs will also need to be given attention - I ask for one post for them, at least twice monthly. Anything less and you will receive a PM instructing you to edit. Failure to edit or requiring this warning more than three times may result in your dismissal.

UTILIZE THE PLOTTING STRUCTURE: This is absolutely pivotal to the RP functioning. Failure to participate in plotting may result in removal from the RP. Do not try to keep twists or ideas to yourself - What happens OOCly will NOT be used ICly in any way, so please don't feel like you have to hide your plans! Most plotting will be done via DISCORD, so if you haven't please consider DLing the app.

READ EVERYTHING: This is NOT optional. If I find out you're skimming/skipping, we will have words. 50% of RP is reading. It's something everyone needs to get used to.

Because of the unusual nature of this roleplay platform, I WILL require you to have at least some background in GMing (or a knowledge of your previous RP history). This is to ensure that you are a proper fit for the roleplay. For that reason, I require that your profile be visible. If your profile is NOT visible for public viewing, it MAY disqualify you from applying.

Exceptions: If I have roleplayed with you in the past and/or been IN a roleplay of yours, this rule does not apply.

I require at least TWENTY FOUR hour notice before any delays in posting - for instance, vacations or school work. Real Life comes first, absolutely, but if I don't know where you went, or when you'll be back, I can't prepare. Please be informative as possible. This also goes for if you just need a break in general.

This is not the place for self-aggrandizement. Most of the characters involved will function as NPCs. This means that you may not get the spotlight in every scene. If you aren't comfortable occasionally being in the background, this isn't the roleplay for you. That said - also because of the way the roleplay is being run, there will be plenty of opportunity for exciting character developments, plot twists and turns. Please be prepared to offer idea - otherwise, you might miss out on some great stuff.

Posts MUST be made in a THIRD PERSON/PAST TENSE format.

I do not require BBCoding formatting, but it's welcome - provided it is readable (no light font on dark backgrounds or unreadable font-text please).

In fighting among players is a big no. This is a group project and WILL require that you cooperate (including plotting) with everyone involved. I'm not asking that you be BFFs with the other players, but if I find you're refusing to communicate with someone, I will have to intervene. I get that personalities clash - part of my intentions for this RP are to ensure that my players all get along to the best of their abilities - but that may require some of you to 'be the bigger person'.

There will be adult content - including violence, language and sexual situations. However as IWAKU rules apply and I have no age cap, there will be stipulations. All sexual situations are to be handled with extreme discretion (fade to black) - ERP is not permitted in the public thread. Language is to be kept to a bare minimum of three swear words per post (and those words MUST be historically appropriate). Anything involving over the top violence or gore should be avoided - this is not Game of Thrones... Leave something to the imagination, please.

Lastly, as this is a medieval RP, I ask that you keep a cautious eye on anachronisms. I don't expect you to know the method of how bathrooms worked in medieval time periods, but please try to avoid modern references within your posts. If I notice you slipping on this, I will bring it to your attention.
How Many Spots Are There?

I will be allowing a total of six/seven kingdoms, with four auxiliary characters. Spots can not be reserved. If you are interested in a kingdom, you will need to fill out the sheet for one of those, then post it within the time frame specified. If you are interested in an auxiliary role, please PM me.

When Will the Game Start?

In order to ensure the best quality results, I will not be accepting any character sheets until Wednesday June 7th. This is to give you more than enough time to fill out your character sheet to the best of your abilities (and I mean the best!). On June 8th, I will review the sheets and select those players who will fit best into the storyline. This will be a final decision - appeals should not be made. The game should commence within one to two weeks after sheets have been chosen. During this time, plotting will occur in a group PM.

What Are You Looking For?

Well thought out, fleshed out sheets, which fit well into the world and add something of interest to the storyline. I will also be checking your history on the site, in order to ensure dedication, a willingness to work well with others and regular postings. Be creative and thorough !

What's the Style & Pace for this Roleplay?

This is an advanced, detailed roleplay. I am looking for people who are comfortable with multiple paragraphs per post, controlling NPC characters, plotting with other players and who are able to post at least once per week.

Do I NEED to Use this Specific CS Format or Can I Alter it?

For this particular RP, I ask that you use the sheet as is - this is to provide a uniformity within the CS page, as well as makes it easier to sort through the CS (because it is so large), so see everyone's content. It will also help when referencing the CS later.

What if I Suck at Code?

Ask me. I will gladly help - please don't feel like this is a reason not to join. I am happy to copy/paste text into the format for you. Not being able to code will not affect your chances of being selected for the RP XD

Other Questions?

If you have other questions, drop me a PM.




  • [bg=#A7928E]
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna
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[div=display:inline-block;margin-left: 5%;margin-right: 5%; background-image:url(https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/x/vector-abstract-seamless-medieval-pattern-18781540.jpg);  border:8px solid #0B6059; padding:5px;].[div=margin-left: 3%;margin-right: 3%; background-color:#CAC19C;padding:15px; border:5px solid #551400;][div=padding:5px; font-size:8pt; letter-spacing:1.25px; line-height:8pt; color: #593565; text-transform: uppercase;][font=Cinzel][size=7][center]⚜NAME OF KINGDOM⚜[/center][/size][/font][/div]
[center][img]https://dummyimage.com/500x200/000/fff[/img][div=padding:10px; font-size:8pt; letter-spacing:1.25px; line-height:9.5pt; color: #911837; text-transform: uppercase;][font=Cinzel][size=5]⚜MOTTO OF KINGDOM⚜[/size][/font][/div][/center][center][img]https://dummyimage.com/100x100/000/fff[/img] [img]https://dummyimage.com/100x100/000/fff[/img] [img]https://dummyimage.com/100x100/000/fff[/img][/center][div=padding-left:110px;][div=padding-right: 110px;][hr=border: 2px solid #41936F][/hr][/div][/div]
[div=margin:  height: 210px; 
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   background-image: url(https://dummyimage.com/200x200/000/fff); 
   background-repeat: no-repeat; 
   height: 200px; 
   width: 200px; 
   border: 1px solid #000; 
   border-radius: 50%;][color=transparent].[/color][/div][/div]
[div=padding-left:110px;][div=padding-right: 110px;][hr=border: 2px solid #41936F][/hr][/div][/div]
[font=Cinzel][tabs][tab=DESCRIPTION][div=border:5px solid #593565;][bg=#A7928E][color=#053030][justify][font=Lato]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna[/font][/justify][/color][/bg][/div][/tab][tab=CULTURE]t[/tab][tab=CREED]t[/tab][tab=GEOGRAPHY]t[/tab][tab=HISTORY]t[/tab][tab=ARMY]t[/tab][tab=CLIMATE]t[/tab][tab=DEMOGRAPHIC]t[/tab][tab=CONFLICT]t[/tab][tab=MONARCHY]t[/tab][/tabs][/font]


  • [bg=white]
    Important names and faces

  • NAME || Name
    AGE..... || Number
    ROLE.. || Title
    CLASS || Status

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna

  • NAME || Name
    AGE..... || Number
    ROLE.. || Title
    CLASS || Status

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna

  • NAME || Name
    AGE..... || Number
    ROLE.. || Title
    CLASS || Status

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna

  • NAME || Name
    AGE..... || Number
    ROLE.. || Title
    CLASS || Status

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna

  • NAME || Name
    AGE..... || Number
    ROLE.. || Title
    CLASS || Status

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna

Please note - more tabs can be created if needed please only create the amount of NPCs you are willing to play, but no less than five! This is to ensure you have enough to do within the storyline. Please do NOT alter the FIRST tab - this is a cover tab and is intended to cut down on scrolling XD
[div=display:inline-block;margin-left: 5%;margin-right: 5%; background-image:url(http://www.voysey.gotik-romanik.de/Morris,%20Designs,%20on%20Flickr,%20Thumbnails/%27Chrysanthemum%27%20wallpaper%20design%20by%20William%20Morris,%20produced%20by%20Morris%20&%20Co%20in%201877..jpg);  border:8px solid #0B6059; padding:5px;].[div=margin-left: 3%;margin-right: 3%; background-color:#CAC19C;padding:15px; border:5px solid #551400;]
[font=Cinzel][tabs][tab=⚜MAJOR PLAYERS⚜][bg=white][center][div=padding:10px; font-size:8pt; letter-spacing:1.25px; line-height:9.5pt; color: #911837; text-transform: uppercase;][font=Cinzel][size=5]Important names and faces[/size][/font][/div][/center][/bg][/tab][tab=NAME][div=padding-left:110px;][div=padding-right: 110px;][hr=border: 2px solid #41936F][/hr][/div][/div][div=display: flex;][div=background-color: #CAC19C; height: 170px; width: 40%; float: left;][div=padding-left: 95px;][div=padding-top: 60px;][font=Cinzel][color=#5C5F64][B]NAME[/B][/color][/font][color=#5C5F64] || Name
[font=Cinzel][B]AGE[/B][/font][color=transparent].....[/color] || Number
[font=Cinzel][B]ROLE[/B][/font][color=transparent]..[/color] || Title
[font=Cinzel][B]CLASS[/B][/font] || Status[/color][/div][/div][/div][div=margin:  height: 250px; 
  width: 200px; 
  margin: auto auto;][div=background-image: url(https://dummyimage.com/200x200/000/fff); background-repeat: no-repeat; 
   height: 200px; 
   width: 200px; 
   border: 1px solid #000; 
   border-radius: 50%; float:right;][COLOR=transparent].[/COLOR][/div][/div][/div]
[div=padding-left:110px;][div=padding-right: 110px;][hr=border: 2px solid #41936F][/hr][/div][/div]
[div=padding-left:110px;][div=padding-right: 110px;][center][bg=#0B6059][font=Cinzel]DESCRIPTION[/font][/bg][/center][/div][/div][div=border:5px solid #791E57;][bg=#A7928E][color=#001826][justify][font=Lato]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna[/font][/justify][/color][/bg][/div]
[div=padding-left:110px;][div=padding-right: 110px;][center][bg=#0B6059][font=Cinzel]HISTORY[/font][/bg][/center][/div][/div][div=border:5px solid #791E57;][bg=#A7928E][color=#001826][justify][font=Lato]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna[/font][/justify][/color][/bg][/div][/tab][tab=NAME][div=padding-left:110px;][div=padding-right: 110px;][hr=border: 2px solid #41936F][/hr][/div][/div][div=display: flex;][div=background-color: #CAC19C; height: 170px; width: 40%; float: left;][div=padding-left: 95px;][div=padding-top: 60px;][font=Cinzel][color=#5C5F64][B]NAME[/B][/color][/font][color=#5C5F64] || Name
[font=Cinzel][B]AGE[/B][/font][color=transparent].....[/color] || Number
[font=Cinzel][B]ROLE[/B][/font][color=transparent]..[/color] || Title
[font=Cinzel][B]CLASS[/B][/font] || Status[/color][/div][/div][/div][div=margin:  height: 250px; 
  width: 200px; 
  margin: auto auto;][div=background-image: url(https://dummyimage.com/200x200/000/fff); background-repeat: no-repeat; 
   height: 200px; 
   width: 200px; 
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[div=padding-left:110px;][div=padding-right: 110px;][hr=border: 2px solid #41936F][/hr][/div][/div]
[div=padding-left:110px;][div=padding-right: 110px;][center][bg=#0B6059][font=Cinzel]DESCRIPTION[/font][/bg][/center][/div][/div][div=border:5px solid #791E57;][bg=#A7928E][color=#001826][justify][font=Lato]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna[/font][/justify][/color][/bg][/div]
[div=padding-left:110px;][div=padding-right: 110px;][center][bg=#0B6059][font=Cinzel]HISTORY[/font][/bg][/center][/div][/div][div=border:5px solid #791E57;][bg=#A7928E][color=#001826][justify][font=Lato]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna[/font][/justify][/color][/bg][/div][/tab][tab=NAME][div=padding-left:110px;][div=padding-right: 110px;][hr=border: 2px solid #41936F][/hr][/div][/div][div=display: flex;][div=background-color: #CAC19C; height: 170px; width: 40%; float: left;][div=padding-left: 95px;][div=padding-top: 60px;][font=Cinzel][color=#5C5F64][B]NAME[/B][/color][/font][color=#5C5F64] || Name
[font=Cinzel][B]AGE[/B][/font][color=transparent].....[/color] || Number
[font=Cinzel][B]ROLE[/B][/font][color=transparent]..[/color] || Title
[font=Cinzel][B]CLASS[/B][/font] || Status[/color][/div][/div][/div][div=margin:  height: 250px; 
  width: 200px; 
  margin: auto auto;][div=background-image: url(https://dummyimage.com/200x200/000/fff); background-repeat: no-repeat; 
   height: 200px; 
   width: 200px; 
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[div=padding-left:110px;][div=padding-right: 110px;][hr=border: 2px solid #41936F][/hr][/div][/div]
[div=padding-left:110px;][div=padding-right: 110px;][center][bg=#0B6059][font=Cinzel]DESCRIPTION[/font][/bg][/center][/div][/div][div=border:5px solid #791E57;][bg=#A7928E][color=#001826][justify][font=Lato]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna[/font][/justify][/color][/bg][/div]
[div=padding-left:110px;][div=padding-right: 110px;][center][bg=#0B6059][font=Cinzel]HISTORY[/font][/bg][/center][/div][/div][div=border:5px solid #791E57;][bg=#A7928E][color=#001826][justify][font=Lato]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna[/font][/justify][/color][/bg][/div][/tab][tab=NAME][div=padding-left:110px;][div=padding-right: 110px;][hr=border: 2px solid #41936F][/hr][/div][/div][div=display: flex;][div=background-color: #CAC19C; height: 170px; width: 40%; float: left;][div=padding-left: 95px;][div=padding-top: 60px;][font=Cinzel][color=#5C5F64][B]NAME[/B][/color][/font][color=#5C5F64] || Name
[font=Cinzel][B]AGE[/B][/font][color=transparent].....[/color] || Number
[font=Cinzel][B]ROLE[/B][/font][color=transparent]..[/color] || Title
[font=Cinzel][B]CLASS[/B][/font] || Status[/color][/div][/div][/div][div=margin:  height: 250px; 
  width: 200px; 
  margin: auto auto;][div=background-image: url(https://dummyimage.com/200x200/000/fff); background-repeat: no-repeat; 
   height: 200px; 
   width: 200px; 
   border: 1px solid #000; 
   border-radius: 50%; float:right;][COLOR=transparent].[/COLOR][/div][/div][/div]
[div=padding-left:110px;][div=padding-right: 110px;][hr=border: 2px solid #41936F][/hr][/div][/div]
[div=padding-left:110px;][div=padding-right: 110px;][center][bg=#0B6059][font=Cinzel]DESCRIPTION[/font][/bg][/center][/div][/div][div=border:5px solid #791E57;][bg=#A7928E][color=#001826][justify][font=Lato]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna[/font][/justify][/color][/bg][/div]
[div=padding-left:110px;][div=padding-right: 110px;][center][bg=#0B6059][font=Cinzel]HISTORY[/font][/bg][/center][/div][/div][div=border:5px solid #791E57;][bg=#A7928E][color=#001826][justify][font=Lato]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna[/font][/justify][/color][/bg][/div][/tab][tab=NAME][div=padding-left:110px;][div=padding-right: 110px;][hr=border: 2px solid #41936F][/hr][/div][/div][div=display: flex;][div=background-color: #CAC19C; height: 170px; width: 40%; float: left;][div=padding-left: 95px;][div=padding-top: 60px;][font=Cinzel][color=#5C5F64][B]NAME[/B][/color][/font][color=#5C5F64] || Name
[font=Cinzel][B]AGE[/B][/font][color=transparent].....[/color] || Number
[font=Cinzel][B]ROLE[/B][/font][color=transparent]..[/color] || Title
[font=Cinzel][B]CLASS[/B][/font] || Status[/color][/div][/div][/div][div=margin:  height: 250px; 
  width: 200px; 
  margin: auto auto;][div=background-image: url(https://dummyimage.com/200x200/000/fff); background-repeat: no-repeat; 
   height: 200px; 
   width: 200px; 
   border: 1px solid #000; 
   border-radius: 50%; float:right;][COLOR=transparent].[/COLOR][/div][/div][/div]
[div=padding-left:110px;][div=padding-right: 110px;][hr=border: 2px solid #41936F][/hr][/div][/div]
[div=padding-left:110px;][div=padding-right: 110px;][center][bg=#0B6059][font=Cinzel]DESCRIPTION[/font][/bg][/center][/div][/div][div=border:5px solid #791E57;][bg=#A7928E][color=#001826][justify][font=Lato]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna[/font][/justify][/color][/bg][/div]
[div=padding-left:110px;][div=padding-right: 110px;][center][bg=#0B6059][font=Cinzel]HISTORY[/font][/bg][/center][/div][/div][div=border:5px solid #791E57;][bg=#A7928E][color=#001826][justify][font=Lato]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna[/font][/justify][/color][/bg][/div][/tab][/tabs][/font]


AGE || number | ROLE || title | CLASS || status

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna



EXTERNAL RELATIONSHIPS || Leave blank. To be determined after initial acceptance and plotting.



Written Appearance (no more than 300 words)


Written Personality (No more than 300 words)






[div=display:inline-block;margin-left: 5%;margin-right: 5%; background-image:url(https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/df/aa/69/dfaa69f6dd34c698b6a9bd5e7892b4a8.jpg);  border:8px solid #0B6059; padding:5px;].[div=margin-left: 3%;margin-right: 3%; background-color:#CAC19C;padding:15px; border:5px solid #551400;][center][div=padding:10px; font-size:8pt; letter-spacing:1.25px; line-height:9.5pt; color: #911837; text-transform: uppercase;][font=Cinzel][size=6]⚜MAIN CHARACTER⚜[/size][/font][/div][/center]
[div=padding-left:110px;][div=padding-right: 110px;][hr=border: 2px solid #41936F][/hr][/div][/div]
[bimg=fleft | 300 | no-lightbox]https://dummyimage.com/200x300/000/fff[/bimg][center][div=padding:10px; font-size:8pt; letter-spacing:1.25px; line-height:9.5pt; color: #911837; text-transform: uppercase;][font=Cinzel][size=4]⚜NAME⚜[/size][/font][/div][color=#0B6059][font=Lato][size=2]AGE || number | ROLE || title | CLASS || status[/size][/font][/color][/center]

[color=#AC1524][justify][font=Lato]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna[/font][/justify][/color][div=background-color: CAC19C; margin: auto;height: 930px; width: 600px; white-space: nowrap; padding: 5px; overflow-x: scroll;][div=width: 190px; height: 250px; display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; top: 50px; margin: 5px;][div=z-index: 2; background:url(http://d2ydh70d4b5xgv.cloudfront.net/images/e/a/13-375-yds-onyx-age-upholstery-fabric-anna-embroidered-floral-silk-yellow-px6-5db24ab064badc2e256a5e33f0cf1556.jpg); background-position: 80% 70%; border: 1px solid #cbc0bb; width: 170px; height: 50px; display: inline-block; left: 10px;][div=text-transform: UPPERCASE; font-size: 20px; color: WHITE; text-align: center; padding: 8px; letter-spacing: 1px;][font=Cinzel]DETAILS[/font][/div][/div][div=top: -20px; background-color: WHITE; width: 250px; height: 800px; border: 1px solid #cbc0bb;]
[div=font-family: ARIAL; font-size: 10px; color: BLACK; text-align: left; padding: 5px;][div=white-space: normal;][justify][b]NICKNAME/ALIAS[/b] || 
   float: left; 
   left: 30px; 
top: 30px;
   width: 118px; 
   border: 3px solid #962C36;  
   font-family: Cambria; 
   font-size: 11px;
   text-align: center;][div=
   padding-top: 15px; padding-bottom:15px;]"QUOTE"[/div][/div]
[b]INTERNAL RELATIONSHIPS[/b] || Family & Friends (NPCs)

[b]EXTERNAL RELATIONSHIPS[/b] || Leave blank. To be determined after initial acceptance and plotting. 
[/div][/div][div=width: 190px; height: 250px; display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; top: 50px; margin: 5px;][div=z-index: 2; background:url(http://d2ydh70d4b5xgv.cloudfront.net/images/e/a/13-375-yds-onyx-age-upholstery-fabric-anna-embroidered-floral-silk-yellow-px6-5db24ab064badc2e256a5e33f0cf1556.jpg); background-position: 15% 35%; border: 1px solid #cbc0bb; width: 170px; height: 50px; display: inline-block; left: 10px;][div=text-transform: UPPERCASE; font-size: 20px; color: WHITE; text-align: center; padding: 8px; letter-spacing: 1px;][font=Cinzel]APPEARANCE[/font][/div][/div][div=top: -20px; background-color: WHITE; width: 250px; height: 800px; border: 1px solid #cbc0bb;]
[div=font-family: ARIAL; font-size: 10px; color: BLACK; text-align: left; padding: 5px;][div=white-space: normal;][justify][b]HAIR[/b] || 
[b]EYES[/b] ||
[b]BUILD[/b] || 
[b]MARKINGS[/b] ||

Written Appearance (no more than 300 words)
[/div][/div][div=width: 190px; height: 250px; display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; top: 50px; margin: 5px;][div=z-index: 2; background:url(http://d2ydh70d4b5xgv.cloudfront.net/images/e/a/13-375-yds-onyx-age-upholstery-fabric-anna-embroidered-floral-silk-yellow-px6-5db24ab064badc2e256a5e33f0cf1556.jpg); background-position: 98% 60%; border: 1px solid #cbc0bb; width: 170px; height: 50px; display: inline-block; left: 10px;][div=text-transform: UPPERCASE; font-size: 20px; color: WHITE; text-align: center; padding: 8px; letter-spacing: 1px;][font=Cinzel]PERSONALITY[/font][/div][/div][div=top: -20px; background-color: WHITE; width: 250px; height: 800px; border: 1px solid #cbc0bb;]
[div=font-family: ARIAL; font-size: 10px; color: BLACK; text-align: left; padding: 5px;][div=white-space: normal;][justify]Written Personality (No more than 300 words)


[b]GREATEST FLAW[/b] || 

[b]QUIRKS[/b] ||


[b]SOFT SPOTS[/b] || 
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  • Nice Execution!
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⚜Heed the Mountains⚜


  • [bg=#A7928E]
    Bastillos is an underground system of villages and cities with both natural and man-made tunnels connecting them. The main city, Lumin, acts as the center where all tunnels connect, and houses their queen within the castle Luminhold. Their caves are rich with natural flora, and some have even managed to bring in wildlife successfully into the underground. Lumin is fortified with Luminhold at the precipice of a tiered bastion. Many of the cavern villages and even Lumin connect to the surface through housing or tunnels. While Bastillos is mostly underground within the Mountain Span, they still hold the surface terrain for their farmland. Those that work the land have their dwellings connect to the surface, though their main housing still presides underground.

    Within Lumin presides many homes cut and built upon the cavern's natural spaces. A body of fresh water pools at the base and flows out through a system of underground waterways that eventually connects to the River Tal South of the Mountain Span. Lumin also carries a set of waterfalls to the east of the massive cave.
  • [bg=#A7928E]
    Being mostly underground, Bastellosi people find themselves safe and far above in status than the surface dwellers. The entire kingdom is like a hive of underground tunnel systems linking to the main city where Luminhold rests. While many have housing that reaches to the surface, these are mostly farmers and herders as they found their livestock and plants could not flourish as well underground.

    However, they do cultivate an ecosystem underground that inadvertently aids as a natural air filtration system. These are considered "gardens" and is a staple item in this underground society. Each establishment, whether it be a home or a business, is required to cultivate their own gardens with approved flora that is known to thrive well in their cavernous soils. Plots vary by the size of the property owned. It is known that Luminhold has the most wondrous garden in all of Bastellos.

    Fashion and artistry are important to the society, almost as much as science. Their architecture expands upon the typical practical aesthetics as they built their structures within the cavern walls in open concepts. Insect wings are a common motif seen throughout their culture.

    Being underground, they do not have to fully regard the concepts of fading or weather. Due to the nature of their chosen dwelling, they prefer to brighten the atmosphere with vibrant fabrics to offset their jewelry and metalwork. They are a very clean people and have bath houses and indoor plumbing.

    Bastellos is a society filled with technological advancements for their era. Plumbing and irrigation are two major advancements allowing for a cleaner environment. Unfortunately where medicine is concerned, they are lacking. Being underground especially has its downsides in regards to health. And while they house some of the most intelligent minds, it is either due to lack of comprehension or resources that places them at the same level as the rest in Ellemar.

    There is a hierarchy of caste in place dividing the people between levels of wealth, power, and importance. This places most of the wealthy within the capital with only a handful of Lords, Dukes, and other nobility scattered throughout their intricate system. The middle and upper classes outside of the main cavern preside in either other smaller caverns or within homes that reach the surface to provide fresh air and sunlight. The poor are often left in hovels and holes without proper lighting, or in shacks around villages. The lighter the skin, the more likely they are poor. However, the darker skinned are usually middle class as they are more likely to traverse the surface. Due to this, skin tone doesn't necessarily define social caste so much as fashion and adornments.

    Their culture is very work oriented. Everyone has tasks set to them by their lineage, and titles are given based on merit. Any title given has to be petitioned to the queen and approved down to the smallest of positions. This was set hundreds of years ago to offset the rise of assassinations and is still met with mixed feelings.

    Common work among Bastellosi citizens include: mining, metal work, agriculture, jewelrycrafting, ranchers, soldier.

    Mining covers a substantial portion of middle class work as not only can it be specifically for uncovering precious metals and gemstones both common and rare, but it can be to carve new tunnels to expand the underground kingdom.
  • [bg=#A7928E]
    Religion is a common practice among those in Bastillos. Churches are prevalent in many of their cluster cities and defines their moral system and overall outlook. They believe in one god as the creator of all life, and believe in a split afterlife of those who are good and those who are bad.
  • [bg=#A7928E]
    Being that the main city is within a giant cavern within the mountains, all other settlements are connected via tunnel systems both natural and man made. There are thousands of entrances and exits both through main tunnels and through farm homes and stair outlets. There are also tunnels specifically designed to either bring in light, fashioned with a system of mirrors, or to bring in air. The air is propelled by fans to which workers are assigned in shifts.
  • [bg=#A7928E]
    Slavery has only been abolished for almost 200 years. Bastillos has suffered many civil wars due to poor living conditions which fortunately advanced their way of life considerably for all. Land wars were substantial and frequent as many believed the surface was ripe for the taking. This led to the advancement of their golden army that could now be considered a force to be reckoned with.

    Bastillos land was once known as the Kingdom of Nimyr ruled by Mad King Thasos. His reign was notoriously violent, eventually causing a revolt that led to nearly the entire society being wiped from the lands. Many fled. Bastillos was founded by a queen long ago who felt the safest place to protect her people from a fabled tyrant was to build their society back but under the protection of the Bastillos, The Great Mountain. And thus Lumin was settled and thrived in secret for a decade as the queen built back her army from the ashes of former depravity.

    The ruins of Nimyr still remain on the surface, but are ancient and overgrown with the dense surrounding wildlife.
  • [bg=#A7928E]
    The Bastillosi army is large and quite strong. They are very regimented and recruit from any caste as a means to show they are as one. Once within the ranks, they take a vow to remove their prejudices, and while there are still struggles with oppression, they are the largest body of Bastillosi that function and work together as a whole. Those within the army are held in high regard, though many of the rich feel it is muddied with the lower caste and fear their poor will weaken their best protectors.

    The Bastillosi army is known to wear glistening colors of silver and gold.
  • [bg=#A7928E]
    Being a mostly underground kingdom means high altitudes and cooler temperatures for most of the populace.
  • [bg=#A7928E]
    Social: Middle class is few and far between. There is the rich and there are the not so rich.

    Ethnic: Losi - upper class, Bastards - derogatory lower class term
  • [bg=#A7928E]
    The Fallthane Massacre - formerly the second largest city in Bastillos, Fallthane fell under siege by an unknown force. Every citizen was found brutally murdered in their homes, but everything else was untouched. The tunnels leading into Fallthane have been caved in not only to respect the dead, but out of fear, for the reason and cause for the massacre is still unknown to this day.

    Heirless – Queen Imeen has no heir for the throne as she has sired no children. While she was married for nearly a decade, any child she birthed was stillborn or miscarried. No one is sure if Imeen can have children, but it is feared. Many believe that without a Queen Bastillos will collapse.

    The Assassination of Prince Jorad - formerly married to Queen Imeen, Jorad of [insert volunteered other kingdom here] was assassinated on his way through the Tunnels of Mornam Dun. The assassin is still at large, though believed to be one of their own. There are many speculations as to why someone would want to murder Jorad, but there are those that believe the real target was Imeen.

    The Great Revolution - Long ago, the slaves and many of the middle class rose up against their masters and killed nearly all the rich and beheaded the former queen due to injustices. The queen's daughter, Imeen's great grandmother, secretly fronted the revolution in secret, promising the slaves and middle class that if she were queen she would give them a better life. Since then, her children have been taught to uphold the values and enforce it with a strong hand. It is felt that the rich are too few in number or too afraid to fight against what they aren't fond of, even to this day.
  • [bg=#A7928E]
    Bastillos is ruled by Queens, the current of which is Imeen Lorani


  • [bg=white]
    Important names and faces

  • NAME || Imeen Lorani
    AGE..... || 28
    ROLE.. || Queen
    CLASS || Monarch

    Imeen is a vision of beauty for her people, though in most public appearances her face is partially concealed. Her eyes are a deep, bright blue, and her skin like porcelain lightly dusted with flecks of a golden hue. Her dark brown hair is often unseen, but when without the confines of fabric it cascades down her back in a mess of waves.

    Imeen was the first and only daughter of Queen Salvette Lorani, arguably Bastillos's most favored queen since Queen Rosel; the one that spearheaded the revolution that changed Bastillos for the better. Imeen has felt the pressure from her people to live up to the standards her mother and great grandmother presented to the society, and due to this has been living under a grand shadow. Her mother reigned over Bastillos for decades until she died at age 54 leaving 17-year-old Imeen as the rightful heir. Her father serves as a general in the army. She has three brothers, all of which no longer preside within Lumin.

    Her marriage was soon after her crowning per her father's advisement. It was not only to unite two kingdoms, but to provide another future queen so that Bastillos could carry on in their current state. The prince's death was met with many rumors, one of which was that Imeen herself hired the assassin to entice a war.

  • NAME || Enestt Davroste
    AGE..... || 56
    ROLE.. || General
    CLASS || Knight

    Enestt is a weathered man with an aging face lines with stress and concern. His once brown hair is now peppered and graying considerably as it falls to shoulder length in a thinning mess. His frame still carries the build of a fighter, though in his age he no longer carries the muscle tone or finesse as in his prime. It does not help that he has spent most of the past decade in Luminhold, stagnant in comparison to his former duties. He still carries himself stoic, strong, and composed, and to that many are unaware of just how far his aging has come.

    Enestt is the father of Queen Imeen. He was once the Earl of Astal, a natural cavern city known for having an open sky location prone to flooding and overgrowth. His betrothal to the late Queen Adra Lorani was not anticipated due to the man's residency within the less favorable locations. Adra would visit often, rather smitten with the Earl, and decided to marry him within a year of courtship. The kingdom found it odd, but non the less accepted it as it would continue the tradition of giving Bastillos a pure heir. He was happy to be accepted as their king. He fathered three sons and a daughter with her.

    He, however, did not like being placed as King Regent upon Adra's death. Enestt only accepted as it was his wife's wish. As soon as their daughter was ready, he happily gave over the responsibilities. During his reign as King Regent, citizens of Bastillos reluctantly accepted him as it had been since their inception that they had not been under the rule of a man.

    Enestt now serves as a general in the Bastillosi army and advises on the Royal Council.

  • NAME || Laballa Sola
    AGE..... || 34
    ROLE.. || Hand of the Queen
    CLASS || Noble

    Laballa is a singular woman of mysticism and grace. While blind, she carries herself just like one with sight, and is often said to be able to look through to one's soul. Her blond, curly hair is kept long, her head often adorned with fine metalwork and headdresses common among nobility.

    No one knows the origins of Laballa Sola, though few seem to question it openly. No one bears the name of Sola in Bastillos, and no noble has ever seen her before she was named the Hand of the Queen by Imeen. Due to the chilling nature of the woman and her placement beside the queen, most fear her.

    But the fear is founded in more than just rumors and superstition. Laballa is known for her clairvoyance, which has had an eerie accuracy. She can see into a person's life and pluck out premonitions and predictions. Sometimes she can even see their fears and memories. It is likely why Imeen chose her as her Hand. They are always seen together for official matters.

  • NAME || Allarith Moraus
    AGE..... || 36
    ROLE.. || Captain
    CLASS || Knight

    His chestnut brown hair falls to shoulder length in a bit of a mess adorned with signs of early aging in the form of streaks of grey. His face shows signs of constant concern or worry as the creases of his brow are far more prominent than the budding crows feet at his bright eyes. His lower lip sits at a natural pout despite the corners of his lips being slightly upturned. His nose is the most prominent feature as it sticks out from his profile far more than would be considered aesthetically pleasing to those in Lumin. His is built athletically and stands slightly taller than the average Bastillosi

    Allarith grew up in the secluded cavern village of Montgrove. There are only three major tunnels leading out from the cavern with the nearest settlement to them being three miles away. Due to this, trade routes never pass through the village, and it often went untouched until they discovered a gold mine. The village population has yet to exceed 60.

    Allarith is the fifth child out of eight. His father was a minor and his mother the local healer. Growing up, he and the local children were tasked with replenishing the torches within the tunnels, all of which only went a mile out. It was another reason why many did not travel to Montgrove as there was just too much space where they would be left in darkness with only their own torch to light the way.

    When the gold mine was discovered, it forced trade to open to Montgrove. Despite having a mine full of a precious metal, Montgrove was not given any protection against bandits and thrives. They became a prime bounty for miscreants and attracted the eye of a notorious gang known as the Serpent's Coil.

    Allarith is known for single handedly taking down the bandits. While the story may vary, and even carry into legend, it earned him a place as Captain of the Queen's Guard. He now presides in Luminhold.

  • NAME || Riven Lore
    AGE..... || 17
    ROLE.. || Ward
    CLASS || Noble

    Riven carries the face of a woman yet to mature, and to this she often looks younger than she really is. Her dark hair flows just past her shoulders, and unlike many of her kin, her eyes are a deep brown hue. Full lips are almost constantly downturn. Her figure is fit and tone for a noblewoman.

    Riven came under the care of Queen Imeen just after the untimely death of her father; the former Captain of the Queen's Guard. Imeen felt directly responsible for his death, as it was the assassination attempt that killed her late husband. She was close to her father, and thus chose to bring her in rather than to leave her with nothing.

    Riven was the only child of Caspen and Liana Lore. Liana died during childbirth with their second child. The two were of the common folk, but worked hard to give Riven a happy life. Despite this, she had a tendency to rebel, often going out for days at a time to explore as she wishes to reject her future. This led to guilt in knowing she took her parents for granted.


⚜Isaac Dessai⚜
AGE || 26 | ROLE || Wanted | CLASS || Commoner

Wanted for the murder of King Jorad, Isaac has more than one bounty on his head, and all are fairly high in price. The bounty has put quite the strain on his life due to Jorad hailing from [insert volunteered kingdom here]. Too many know his face or his name, but how he became associated with the murder is a mystery to the man, for he has known no ties with folk considered unsavory.

The Dessais come from a long line of lower caste who never could find their break into better times. Isaac grew up in the Lumin lower levels where most of the light came from the light that refracted off of Luminhold. Like most in the lower levels, conditions were rough and often constantly moist causing a number of health issues. But they made the best of what they had, and to him, it was a good life.

Isaac is the eldest of three children and kept close to home when not working as a thatcher with his father. Those in the area know him well, and fondly so. He had been known to lend a helping hand where needed and without wanting reward. When he became the most wanted man in Bastillos, his family and his neighbors could only react in confusion. When could he have done such an act? How could this nice man kill our queen's hope for an heir? Though when questioned, it slowly became clear they did not always have an eye on Isaac Dassai. There were huge chunks of time no one could account for him. Not even his family know where Isaac ran off to. They always say they never questioned it, for he was a good man.

And now he is on the run.

POLITICAL LEANINGS || For the Common People and the betterment of Bastillos
WEAPON|| A sword of the Queen's Army that used to belong to his grandfather.



EXTERNAL RELATIONSHIPS || Leave blank. To be determined after initial acceptance and plotting.


HAIR || Dark Brown
EYES || Dark Brown
BUILD || Fit

Dark hair and dark eyes offset his pale, angular complexion. His hair parts naturally just off to the side somewhat from a soft widow's peak, the locks falling just past the length of his chin. His nose carries the faintest hook past the bridge. His lips are thin and carry themselves almost always upward, even if faint. He has the build of an active man, thin, yet slightly tone due to the random assortments of odd jobs and work he performed before his self exile.


Isaac follows the morals his mother instilled in him. He wears his heart on his sleeve, exposed and willing to expose it. To him, what does he have to hide, and why should he? Even in love, he has not been afraid to express it. Though, much to his dismay, he has been met with many rejections. To this, he finds comfort in life lessons. It's important to him to face reality and all that comes with it so he can grow as a person and learn to move on.

If he sees someone in need, he feels compelled to offer aid. He jokingly calls it a curse, as if he was hexed to be driven towards the down trodden wherever it may lead. Poverty is still an issue within Bastillos despite the upper caste feigning ignorance into the matter. His passion towards righting this wrong has been known to slip from his tongue. Why should those that carry and build the foundations of the kingdom go unnoticed? And perhaps it was his radical notions that got him into trouble. This never crossed the minds of his friends and neighbors as he never spoke ill of their queen, only the rich folk living close to Luminhold.

MAJOR STRENGTH || Compassionate

GREATEST FLAW || Driven within Stubbornness

QUIRKS || His smile is a bit lopsided, and his left pinky crooked due to a childhood injury that caused the finger to heal incorrectly.

PROCLIVITIES || Walking barefoot in grass, strawberries

SOFT SPOTS || Animals. All of them are cute.

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⚜For Crown and For Land⚜


  • [bg=#A7928E]
    Cain'loren is located South of the Seven Mountains, a sprawling kingdom, fortified by thick walls of white sandstone. The castle, Keep Loren, lies central, surrounded by the outlying village. The village is divided into districts, three, separated by arched gateways, each occupied by a small garrison of guards. The Northern District consists of a wealthier populace, the Eastern and Western Districts the less fortunate, with the most impoverished of citizens contained within a portion of the West known by most as the Vagabond Court.

    The land outside of the fortification is rife with crops and wildflowers, with a small forest to the east, largely populated by a rare breed of grey-coated deer, a prize for any hunter, though illegal to poach on without permission by the King. A wide canal runs around the outside and through the city's main center. Further north of the kingdom, within the base of the mountains lie the ruins of Keep Cain'parrel - the former sister city of Cain'loren.
  • [bg=#A7928E]Cain'loren is ruled by the King, and beneath him, his eldest (living) son to whom the throne passes upon the king's death - this being the tradition since the kingdom's first ruler. The city is largely fertile, with a mass of wealth in agricultural trade. Social functions are a common thing among both the royal structure and the common citizens within the city - balls, feasts and festivals occurring year round and for all occasions, though the largest and most extensive is The Hunt - a festival centered around the annual royal hunting expedition.

    In consideration for these events, Cain'loren has a wide and impressive array of musical and culinary influence and is often revered for it's unusual cuisine.

    Typical fare within Cain'loren consists of the crops grown within the farmland outside of the city, the deer, bear and boar found within the forest or fish, from the canal.

    Weddings within Cain'loren are modest affair where common folk are concerned - a simple handfasting ceremony and the exchanging of promises, then a feast within the city square for all attendees. For noblemen and the Monarchy, weddings are far more lavish - week long events with considerable tradition and circumstance. They begin with words of intent, spoken at the beginning of the week by first the groom, then his bride, to all in attendance, this is followed by a small feast with the families, where expectations are delivered by both sets of parental figures. The following day the bride rides through the city to greet the people in what is referred to as The Vestal Parade. That evening, a ball is held. The next day holds the ceremony which is overseen by a priest. General ceremonies can run for hours, ending in an extravagant and often times lavishly expensive parties that can last upwards to four days, depending on wealth and stature. The longer the party, the more success the couple is said to have on their wedding night. Consummation is carried out following the end of the party - with nearly as much traditional upholding as the ceremony itself, including oversight by a Priest.

    Fashion within Cain'loren is standard for the times, with wealth often displayed in finery crafted in the rare deer-hide the kingdom is known for and the possession of jewels - particularly those colored gems uncommonly brought to trade at Cain'loren's markets.
  • [bg=#A7928E]Cain'loren's church exists within the confines of the castle, but there are smaller factions of worship permitted within the city walls. The Bishop is often sought by the king for advice on political matters, as well as present at all functions, including weddings, consummations and the birth of children.
  • [bg=#A7928E]
    Cain'loren has a broad seasonal structure and a rather temperate climate. Because most of the land is flat, the city sees frequent flooding, but crops are stored throughout the year to prevent famine, and a drainage system has been installed to prevent water damage and rot.

    The land itself is rich and well developed, tended by farmers inside and outside of the city walls. The surrounding areas beyond the city are known, perhaps most prominently, by their stunning lavender fields, a sea of purple which stretch for miles in the open fields. The canal, which runs through the center of the city, has a wide variety of fish, some of which appear to be native to the region and are commonly used in the unique fare.

    ⎈ Keep Loren ⎈

    The Keep Loren is perhaps one of, if not the most lavish buildings within Cain'loren. Designed to appeal to both local and foreign nobility alike, the palace is a complex blend of architecture and culture, designed with the uttermost aesthetic value in mind.

    Each and every room within the Keep has been decorated affluently, an intentional nod the wealth of the Lorenite monarchy's success and power. The walls and ceilings have been extravagantly and painstakingly painted and ornate plaster and gold filigree hangs from columns and bracers throughout.

    Perhaps most ostentatious of the rooms, however, are the bedrooms, which have been hung with bold, extravagant fabrics, and expertly crafted furniture. The Great Hall, Solarium and Ballroom are also among some of the more enchanting designs in the palace.

    The luxurious details don't stop within the palace, however. Outside, the gardens are as exquisitely detailed and kept in near-perfect condition. There are four gardens in total - renown through Ellemar - each a mosaic of of colors and greenery, set around fountains and porcelain water features.

    A hedgemaze lies within the center of these gardens, the scene of a frivolous competition every spring, where nobility is invited to vie for a opulent prize.

    ⎈ The Hall of Kin ⎈

    [bimg=fleft | 150 | no-lightbox]i.imgur.com/3hol9GQ.jpg[/bimg]Found a short walk from the palace, the Hall of Kin is the source for the Baelston family vault, the entryway of which is a hall lined with carved marble busts of fallen Kings and Lords of Cain'loren.

    At the end of the hall sits a statue of King Anwar, the first of the Baelston Kings. Beyond this statue lies a doors which leads down into the family crypt and treasure store. The Hall of Kin is kept behind a locked gate, the key of which is kept in the possession of the king's personal guard.

    ⎈ The Tousled Hare ⎈

    A popular haunt of the Grey Guard, the Tousled Hare is a rowdy, boisterous tavern located near the center of the city, famous for it's affordable rates, clean rooms and popular cuisine.

    ⎈ The Slums ⎈


    The Vagabond Court is the impoverished district of Cain'loren, comprised mainly of those who survived the sacking of Cain'parrel. Despite a great lack of material needs, the Vagabond people exist as a functioning community, offering protection and provision for each other. Rumor exists that the middling daughter of the king, whose parentage has often been a thing of question, frequently travels to the Court to aid the people.

    ⎈ The Fallen Kingdom ⎈


    Cain'parrel was once a proud sister kingdom to Cain'loren, located to the north, high in the hills. Following a dispute, the details of which are still not entirely known, the two kingdoms went to war and Cain'parrel fell within a few days, largely due to a smaller and weaker army. Following the loss, the surviving people of Cain'parrel were allowed refuge within Cain'loren, but at great loss to both wealth and pride. The citizens of Cain'parrel are known for their red hair. Before their assimilation into Cain'loren, the people were called Parrelians.
  • [bg=#A7928E]For many years, Cain'loren stood as a pinnacle of power throughout Ellemar due primarily to it's constant and unerring alliance with Cair'parrel. Roughly half a century before the current reign, however, war broke out between Cain'loren and it's sister kingdom Cair'parrel. The reason for the animosity is unknown to this day, but rumor has it a broken deal was the blame for the fallout. Cair'parrel, while possessing the higher ground was much less fortified, with a smaller and poorly trained army, and the city was sacked within days, never recovering.

    Those that survived and were willing to swear allegiance to Cain'loren's king were allowed refuge within Cain'loren, but at the expense of their wealth and pride, sentenced to extreme scrutiny and prejudice. Because of their poor treatment, there have been threats of rebellion among those remaining and those loyal to them, but their lack of numbers and strength have thus far deterred anything more than petty words and idle threats.
  • [bg=#A7928E]The Cain'loren army is a force to be reckoned with. Captained by the formidable Calin Farthsworn, every knight undergoes rigorous training before they're selected for duty. The army's combat strategy focuses mainly on envelopment tactics and preemptive frontal assaults. Militaristic presence is at large within the city itself, guards stationed in every tier structure of Cain'loren - though most prominently where the king and queen reside in Keep Loren. The Captain himself also makes his home in the palace grounds, along with four of his most trusted soldiers, called the Grey Guard.[/bg]
  • [bg=#A7928E]The weather in Cain'loren is temperate, seeing rain in the spring and summer, with relatively mild winters. Snowfall occurs towards mid-to-late winter, though rarely more than a light dusting. Because of it's proximity to the canal, Cain'loren has experienced flooding, particularly during the rainy season.
  • [bg=#A7928E]Cain'loren's citizens are typically lighter in coloring, with blonde or brown hair. The people of Cain'parrel who were grafted into Cain'loren following the fall are frequently of ginger-coloring. The people are referred to as Lorenites.[/bg]
  • [bg=#A7928E]Roughly twenty years ago, it was also rumored that King Ordin fathered his forth child with a mistress - a woman from Cain'parrel. While the child's parentage was never outrightly questioned, despite the child's unusual coloring, it had been the source of much hostility among the siblings and has caused much strife during public affairs.

    While greatly postulated as general gossip, it was once suggested that King Ordin murdered his older brother, Tomlin, in order to secure his position on the throne. Tomlin's death was ruled an accidental drowning in the city's canal, but suspicions arose due to Ordin's father's failing health.
  • [bg=#A7928E]King Ordin and Queen Aimera have ruled Cain'loren for nearly three decades. While their marriage is generally thought to be loveless, and has at times appeared strained, even publicly, the couple have produced five legitimate children.

    Despite their own strained relationship, the couple are considered a fair king and queen, and have ruled with general justness and the favor of their subjects. Still, Cain'loren's lower district has suffered from impoverished conditions for many years, and recently there have been notable unrest and even threats of assassination attempts being considered. These reports come mainly from within the Vagabond Court, where conditions are most dire.


  • [bg=white]
    Important names and faces

  • NAME || Ordin Baelston
    AGE..... || Sixty-one
    ROLE.. || King
    CLASS || Monarch

    [bg=#A7928E]Ordin is a stern looking man - his features sometimes thought to have been carved from stone. With dark brown hair, a full beard and expressive blue eyes, he stands impressively, even without the crown. Standing tall and narrow, but strong despite his age he's still quite capable. On his left hand, he is missing the very tip of his pinky finger. Traditionally, Ordin's wardrobe is highly ornamented by furs and rich tapestries of color and when occupying his throne, he wears a stunning crown of blue and white gold. Often, particularly in any instance where meetings with his equals are concerned, Ordin will wear thick leather gloves with padding in his pinky to cover up his injury.[/bg]

    [bg=#A7928E]Rising to the throne at a young age, following the assassination of his brother, and the death of his father from illness, Ordin learned well before his thirteenth birthday what it meant to rule. He married late, an arrangement with a neighboring kingdom. While gracious, it was also a loveless union, though not for lack of trying on Ordin's part. Despite his best efforts to woo his queen, Ordin was seen all too often in the company of a young village woman, promoting envy in his young bride that eventually turned to a frigid disposition. Regardless, the pair have quite a few children, though the maternity of at least one of his daughters has been frequently questioned, as Ordin has been known to stray, given to grief and arrogance over the coldness of his wife.[/bg]

  • NAME || Aimera Baelston
    AGE..... || Forty-nine
    ROLE.. || Queen Consort
    CLASS || Monarch

    [bg=#A7928E]Fair and delicate, Aimera looks precisely the way a queen ought to. Beautiful as the day she married the king, she nevertheless possesses a quality of coldness about her, reflected largely in her pale blue eyes and severity of her elegant, drawn features. Tall and lithe, she would stand a perfect partner to her husband, were it not for her abject disdain for the man written plainly on her face. Aimera wears the part of the queen well, in arraignments of fine linens, colorful and expensive. When in court, she wears a circlet of white gold. [/bg]

    [bg=#A7928E]The eldest daughter of an ailing king, Aimera faced the difficulty of an arranged marriage to a much older man at the tender age of fourteen. When the man was killed, however, Aimera was certain that she had escaped her fate, but only for another two years. By sixteen, she was married off to King Ordin and found herself in an empty, loveless relationship with a man already fixated on a common woman. Bitterly jealous and determined to rise above her circumstances, Aimera became a fiercely motivated queen, pouring her passions into building a better Cain'loren.[/bg]

  • NAME || Calin Farthsworn
    AGE..... || Fifty-One
    ROLE.. || Captain
    CLASS || Knight

    [bg=#A7928E]Calin possesses the face of a man who has endured too much, for far too long. Once handsome, his visage is now marred by a violent scar, the origin of which is largely unknown. Long hair, dark and thick, hangs past his shoulders, intensely blue eyes the only true indication of his former aesthetic quality. Built to lead an army, Calin stands at impressive height, with a strong, broad physique. Calin is rarely seen in anything but a sturdy black leather, adorned lightly by the grey-hide of Cain'loren's famous game. [/bg]

    [bg=#A7928E] Rising in rank at a young age, Calin was not only Ordin's most trusted guard, but a dear friend. Unfortunately station and duty drove the pair apart and while Calin's loyalty is unquestioned there is a sense of tension between the two which speaks of a falling out. Calin nevertheless does his job and he does it well, training up the army within Cain'loren with all authority and drive for success. Calin can, at times, be ruthless, bearing scars not only on the outside, but deep within.[/bg]

  • NAME || Crispin Baelston
    AGE..... || Twenty-six
    ROLE.. || Crown Prince
    CLASS || Monarch

    [bg=#A7928E]In appearance, Crispin takes after his mother in almost every way, from the delicate features to his pale coloring. Tall and lithe, he stands just over his father's head, adding an air of masculinity where his soft face otherwise deters. Crispin's wardrobe is most often comprised of the color blue, a well known indicator as his status as the crown prince. [/bg]

    [bg=#A7928E]Born the first child, Crispin's lot in life was determined early. As soon as he was able, he began training, preparing for his place on the throne. He was often seen as a stoic, quiet child and as he grew found something of a passive disposition. He takes his future role extremely seriously and in light of this, is something of a stickler for authority. The polar opposite of his brother, Crispin tends to be neat and orderly, and is often taken to fits of bashful awkwardness, particularly in the presence of the fairer sex.[/bg]

  • NAME || Dansin Baelston
    AGE..... || Twenty-four
    ROLE.. || Prince
    CLASS || Monarch

    [bg=#A7928E]Dark as his brother is fair, Dansin is an oddly severe young man, with a narrow, pinched features culminating in a long, hooked nose. His eyes and mouth bear a flat quality, though made considerably more pleasant by a warm, subtle air of mischief, a constant smile in his dark brown eyes. Long hair hangs to his shoulders, his built as narrow as his face, making him an inch taller than his brother. Dansin's wardrobe has a quality of effortlessness, ornamented only when necessary. [/bg]

    [bg=#A7928E]Never one to stand in the shadows, Dansin took well enough to his role as the second (and thereby irrelevant) son of the king. With no desire to rule, but nevertheless thoroughly enjoying the perks of his royal status, Dansin's life became a constant thread of decadent indulgence - an evergrowing source of frustration for his father.[/bg]

  • NAME || Raenna Baelston
    AGE..... || Twenty-eight
    ROLE.. || Princess
    CLASS || Monarch

    [bg=#A7928E]Tall and regal, the eldest of the Baelstron children is a blend of mother and father - with the grace, poise and fairness of the queen and the steel fortitude of the king. Hair to her waist, a honeyed blonde, and eyes a deep blue, she is beauty and strength, but not without a sense of rigidness. Her wardrobe tends towards reds and violets, and always with the grey deer-hide, worn with a sense of pride for her father's kingdom.[/bg]

    [bg=#A7928E]Born to parents with very little affection for one another, Raenna knew little of love until her sixteenth birthday, when she met a young knight named Devon. In spite of knowing she was fated to marry another, Raenna and Devon devised to elope, but only a few days before their proposed plan was carried out, Devon was sent to the front line of a small skirmish with (ANOTHER KINGDOM), never to return. Raenna, unknowningly pregnant at the time of Devon's death miscarried a son and though she married again, she never recovered from the loss and unable to produce an heir was discarded by her husband.[/bg]

  • NAME || Ainsley Baelston
    AGE..... || Eighteen
    ROLE.. || Princess
    CLASS || Monarch

    [bg=#A7928E]Fair and bright, Ainsley is elegant and refined. Though her features are slightly masculine, she is still quite pretty - largely attributed to the pale blue of her eyes and the constellation of freckles across her skin. Her hair, gold in hue runs to the middle of her waist and she normally wears it plaited. Her wardrobe angles towards brighter shades of blues and greens, with elements of gold.[/bg]

    [bg=#A7928E]Easily the most mildly tempered of her siblings, Ainsley has a tendency to blend into the background, getting lost in the fray of her family's dramatics. Currently Ainsley is betrothed to a prince from (ANOTHER KINGDOM).[/bg]

  • NAME || Rosleigh Baelston
    AGE..... || Sixteen
    ROLE.. || Princess
    CLASS || Monarch

    [bg=#A7928E]Rosleigh is as delicate as her mother, considerably pale and shadowed by constant illness. Her eyes, dark blue and narrow, her hair white-blonde, to the center of her back. Small and thin, she's a wisp of a thing, doted on by several ladies her mother insists follow her everywhere she goes. She often wears yellows and golds, or soft pinks and greatly enjoys the luxury of jewels and adornments.[/bg]

    [bg=#A7928E]A difficult birth, Rosleigh is a frail, fragile creature, kept highly sheltered by her mother. Often ill, she's seen little of the world beyond the palace, but often dreams of it, growing increasingly more anxious for freedom as the years go on.[/bg]

  • NAME || Anabet Da'len
    AGE..... || Twenty-two
    ROLE.. || Servant
    CLASS || Commoner

    [bg=#A7928E]Ana is pretty, in a shrew and balanced sort of way, with long dark blonde hair and doleful brown eyes. Her lip is turned up in a constant smile, which makes it extremely difficult to tell her mood, but she is generally well tempered as it is, and hardly makes a fuss. [/bg]

    [bg=#A7928E]Born on the palace grounds to a scullery maid who gave birth and returned to work only eleven minutes later, Anabet was bred for the task she was later set to. She works directly under Princess Rosleigh these days, caring for the young girl with earnest. [/bg]

  • NAME || Thanery Jael
    AGE..... || Thirty-six
    ROLE.. || Knight
    CLASS || Noble

    [bg=#A7928E]Handsome, if not a bit severe, Thanery is everything a knight ought to be in one's mind. Tall, dark and strongly built, he bears an impressive figure, easily matched by his equally impressive talents in combat. [/bg]

    [bg=#A7928E]Thanery came into his knighthood early, at only fifteen years of age, impressing the king and earning himself a commission and a place on the king's guard before he had even stopped growing. He has been there, since, and continues to serve and protect without err.[/bg]

  • NAME || Gretchen Veree
    AGE..... || Seventy-six
    ROLE.. || Nurse
    CLASS || Commoner

    [bg=#A7928E]Gretchen was fair, in her time, though age and use have weathered her frame and face considerable. Still, she wears a handsome smile and youthful, bright blue eyes that belie her some seventy-six years of life. [/bg]

    [bg=#A7928E]Never one to care much for station or propriety, Gretchen has held her position as nurse for the Baestron children for nearly six decades. It was a position the woman never had much patience for, until Abrigel came along, and after the child was all but abandoned by her family, Gretchen took to raising to poor creature, herself. [/bg]

  • NAME || Miranda
    AGE..... || Twenty-five
    ROLE.. || Contract for hire
    CLASS || Commoner

    [bg=#A7928E]Beautiful, but cold, Miranda is a woman sought by many and had by few. Her dark hair and eyes are the sort that blend in with whatever world she places herself in - though if standing out is her game, she's capable of that, as well. [/bg]

    [bg=#A7928E]'Miranda' is not her real name. Whatever that is, few people know it and most of them are dead. It remains to be said what Miranda does within Cain'loren, but most know her as something of a con artist and spy, though the woman does not seem above theft or even murder to get what she needs and complete her contract.

    "Death does not discriminate between saints and sinners. Why should I?"

  • NAME || Leopold Garrick
    AGE..... || Thirty-three
    ROLE.. || Advisor
    CLASS || Noble




AGE || Twenty | ROLE || Princess | CLASS || Monarch

The spare child. That's what they called her. Often in her life, Abrigel heard this particular moniker from many of her siblings, though the brunt of the animosity towards her came distinctly from the woman she called mother. Queen Amiera's outrage towards her second youngest was not difficult to figure out. The consequence of a father's love, misplaced in the arms of a common woman. Ordin took Abrigel in, but there was little question, at least for the Queen and her children that the red-headed young creature did not belong and it was a fact they have since made quite clear.

Beyond the occasional eye of her father, Abrigel was raised primarily by a young nursemaid named Gretchen, a woman with a considerable conscience, and a heart for the young princess, grossly neglected by her family. Of her siblings, the most unfortunate treatment comes primarily from her brother Dansin - though Raenna, Ainsley and Rosleigh have all partaken in the isolating indifference, Crispin being the odd exception - gracing Abrigel with a kindness befitting a future king.

When Abrigel came of age, it was decided by her father (though greatly encouraged by the queen herself) that Abrigel would be suited to (SOMEONE FROM A PLACE) a match less than ideal for the timid, reserved young woman. Desperate to please her family, she made little protest, but as time began to run down, closer to the day of her wedding, Abrigel's anxiety increased exponentially, resulting in fitful dream and a heavy weight on her shoulders. While King Ordin has been careful to keep the information to himself, sworn to take it with him to his grave, there is more to Abrigel's past than even she's aware of.

POLITICAL LEANINGS || Abrigel, despite her mistreatment by her siblings, has and always will be loyal to crown and country, though she is less than enthusiastic about the treatment of those from Cain'Parrel.
MOUNT|| A white cart horse, named River.
"All I want is to leave this life knowing I have put more into it, than I have taken..."


EXTERNAL RELATIONSHIPS || Leave blank. To be determined after initial acceptance and plotting.


HAIR || Copper Red
EYES || Steel blue
BUILD || Thin and wiry, small bust and hips.

Abrigel is a blend, in heart and appearance, of fire and steel. Her most intriguing feature is easily her most controversial - a crown of brilliant red hair, which hangs down to her waist, thick coiled curls, a vibrant contrast to the blondes and brunettes of her siblings. The color, she knows, of her mother's hair. Her face is a fine mask of porcelain, pale and clear, with fine, narrow features and wide, bright eyes a deep, radiant blue. Her lips curve upwards in a serene smile, exhibiting the warmth of her character.

Her form is small and lean, her waist marginally more narrow than her bust and hips, long arms and legs meeting delicate hands and feet. Her wardrobe is simple, a considerable dissimilarity from her brothers and sisters, who are often richly robed in luxurious attire. This, as she'll attest to, is a personal choice - preferring not to draw attention to herself, unnecessarily. Her only ornamentation is a necklace, a gold charm - the only thing she has from her birth mother.


Despite her unfortunate upbringing, Abrigel does her best to maintain a pleasant and warm disposition. She does what she can to make the most of her circumstances, and holds effectively to the belief that eventually she will be accepted among her siblings, even if she knows the queen will never consider her anything more than a nuisance. Well-loved by the villagers, Abrigel had many friends within the community outside of the palace, though to some degree these friendships do little to fill the hole within in - a need for family, for kinship and love. Often times, while her heart is in the right place, Abrigel makes decisions impulsively, an attempt to please and to` avoid conflict (however unsuccessful her attempts are).

MAJOR STRENGTH || A fortitude and strength of character.

GREATEST FLAW || The desperate need to be accepted.

QUIRKS ||When she's anxious, Abrigel twists her hair around her fingers. She enjoys being barefoot, despite the fact that it's known to put her nursemaid into quite a tizzy.

PROCLIVITIES || A life of being told she was less-than has instilled in Abrigel a habit of self-deprecation. She'll accept the odd compliment, but generally she's hesitant to see herself as anything more than a unfortunate mistake and a bane on her family.

SOFT SPOTS || Abrigel has a heart for those less fortunate, particularly the remaining survivors of the Cain'parrel massacre. She's been known to smuggle food and clothes from the castle to aid the refugees in the Western district.

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  • [bg=#A7928E]
    Ariela -- The Lioness of God. A small but proud nation of beauty, extravagance, and strength. Hidden behind the scarlet curtains of its glorified Summer Palace lies a history of blood contracts, countless assassinations plots, and perhaps the most politically dangerous Grand Court in the land of Ellerim. The nation seems to always be in a state of cold civil war, with different parties constantly vying to sit a representative on the Solstice Throne. In visiting Ariela there are three guarantees: wine, parties, and assassins.

    Its capitol city, Andalusia is a cultural and revolutionary marvel where typical means of travel such as horse drawn carriages are cast away in favor of boats and intricate city wide waterways. The sea spreads throughout the city in wide, sprawling canals and the majority of Ariela's population is found within the grand cityscape.

    Outside of Andalusia are farm villages scattered about the surrounding plains. Seeing as fine wine is one of Ariela's most pivotal exports, large vineyards are out on the green countryside. Ariela's noble families are also quite infamous among citizens for building expansive winter estates outside the city.​
  • [bg=#A7928E]
    Culture means a multitude of things in Ariela... what answer you get simply depends on whom you question. One thing remains constant in all of them however: Pride. Perhaps the one thing that is shared among the social classes, Arielans are a proud people and no matter what upbringing they may have had, most citizens will not be afraid to make others aware of that.

    Involving yourself with the nobility of Ariela is the equivalent to jumping into a pit of vipers. Except the vipers are particularly fond of gold brocade and lace. Oh… and they are just as likely to dance with you as they are to kill you.

    Every noble of significant status has made sacrifices to reach their position – sacrifices both physical and moral in nature. Assassins are a tool used among all men and women of politics and spymasters are like mistresses in the sense that literally everyone has one. Assassins are hired from the Black Rose, a league of skilled murderers but spymasters are much harder to pin down. They take the form of dancers, bards, or even advisors. It's all a grand game for the nobles, a game in which keeping your life is the prize.

    Marriage has one purpose in Ariela: alliance. Love is trivial and usually best pursued in the form of a mistress. This doesn't mean that the actual event celebrating a marriage is lifeless however… in fact they tend to be the opposite. Arielans love a good masquerade and throw absolutely fabulous galas. It only makes sense that their weddings are up to par as well.

    With all that said there are good people among Ariela's nobility… but far few in between.

    The lower class of Ariela are definitely the more wholesome people to interact with. Family, friendship and loyalty are all valued heavily by Andalusia's common citizens and unlike their higher counterparts they survive because they trust one another.

    But the lower class also celebrate just as often as nobles do. Seasonal festivals happen twice both at the beginning of a season and at its end. While significantly less grand than, say a typical evening gala, the seasonal festivals are largely loved days where colorful ribbons and banners are hung up across the streets, bards are made to play, and modest feasts are shared between loved ones.

    Things are far from perfect for Ariela's low class however. The slums of Andalusia has always been a problem area for the rest of the city. Crime is rampant and it's there in the run down section where the assassins hide from authority.

    Higher class Arielans dress extravagantly, always hoping to stop the most recent trend and take credit for starting a new one. Far from practical and leading to a many great weird things, lower class Arielans prefer to go a different route – often dressing in practical clothes for the climate and waterways.​
  • [bg=#A7928E]
    The religious in Ariela believe in sole a sole god figure being the creator of the universe. They also believe they are favored by the heavens due to the beauty and success of the land. Most tend to forget or perhaps even ignore the fact that all the beauty was built upon the blood and bones of others.​
  • [bg=#A7928E]
    Both Ariela and it only city Andalusia are quite straightforward when it comes to their landscape/layout. Located on the south west edge of Ellerim, Ariela is perhaps the smallest nation on the continent. The land of is characterized by long stretches of plains, only interrupted by the occasional village and/or vineyard the closer you get to Andalusia.

    Andulesia is a sprawling city with its most notable features being the Summer Palace above the rest of the city, and the welcoming Golden Ports lining the ocean side. It's not hard to see that the higher you ascend the city; the higher quality of life becomes.

    The only exception to that is the aforementioned Port. It is the closest thing to a melting pot Andalusia has. Plenty of nobles tied to export tend to business there daily, while middle class are often working the fishing boats or visiting the Seaside Marketplace right next to it. In the wee hours of the morning the port becomes a commonplace for thieves and spies to make drops and receive illegal imports.​
  • [bg=#A7928E]
    Ariela's noble lines were not always such infamously cutthroat people. Before there was a time when the leaders of the nation were fair, a time where even the most impoverished didn't die of starvation in the ghetto. But decades of constant moral compromise has formed the culture of 'the Game'. Over the years it became normal to assassinate brothers and to send series of on your allies. It became normal to do whatever was necessary to advance yourself in position.

    Things took an unforgettable turn however, when fifteenth emperor Aleksander Florencia V declared war on Naxis intent on taking their land to expand as Ariela's. He was more than ready to bloody the hands of a scared Order of defenders and his daughter, Anastacia Elizabeth Florencia II, knew he had to be stopped. Together with her childhood sweetheart, esteemed chevalier Stefan Millanesi, they rallied the nation against him and his allies.

    Anastacia appealed to the common folk as well as what nobles remained uncorrupted while Stefan rallied the chevaliers under a code of honor. Both forces united was enough to overthrow Aleksander and he was thrown in prison alongside the rest of his corrupted cabinet.

    This ushered a golden era for Ariela which, up until that point, had been wrought with internal and external strife. Stefan and Anastacia married and worked to drain the poison that had long settled in the noble bloodlines. They wanted to destroy the league of assassins that profited over noble families tearing each other apart. They wanted to destroy 'the Game'.

    And for a while they were making progress… until a sudden and cruel sickness took Ariela's golden girl. Every vicious, power hungry noble sprung from the shadows intent on throwing Stefan from the throne he had sat on for the past two decade. It was only through Anastacia's written declaration of her and Stefan's son, Alejandro, as heir did her family keep their place.​
  • [bg=#A7928E]
    While their purpose is military, Ariela's esteemed army known as the Order of Lions are not exempt from the extravagant nature of their nation. When the Order marches they aren't hard to spot. Their armor is a brilliant silver and designed in the likeness of the beast they were named after. Red feathers are plumed atop of their helmets and they march with dignity.

    Despite their superfluous appearance, the chevaliers are far from the dainty nobles they are sworn to protect. Ariela is a small nation that has managed to not only survive but thrive among giants. This would not have been possible if the Order was incapable. The way of a chevalier is one of rigorous disciple and constant refinement – they are trained to be men of both character and skill. In many ways than one, the Order of Lions are the best of what Ariela has to offer.

    Chevaliers are a symbol of pride and are constantly held up on a pedestal. The more capable young men are celebrated and usually end up auctioned away into arranged marriages with rich noblewomen. Unfortunately, their individual happiness isn't a priority.​
  • [bg=#A7928E]
    Summer, spring, and fall are generally hard to distinguish. Andalusia and its Golden Port tends to remain in a state of warmth that would be uncomfortable were it not for the ocean breeze constantly rolling throughout the city.

    Winter is a time of rest for Ariela when almost all activity take a noticeable drop. Business slows down, people tend to stay in their homes, and the nobles take the time to retreat to the privacy of their estates outside Andalusia.
  • [bg=#A7928E]
    While Ariela's nobles would describe its idealistic citizen as a handsome, clean, white man keenly aware of social cues that only describes a small portion of the nation in actuality. The majority of Arielans are born with olive skin tones and thick black hair. Beards are prevalent among both groups oddly enough.

    Unsurprisingly, there is deep prejudice between the different social class of Ariela. While the nation would like the rest of Ellerim to believe otherwise, their home is far from perfect. The slums of Andalusia are crime infested and many low class citizens suffocate underneath the weight of haughty nobles.

    The difference between middle class and low class is jarring but the divide between middle and high even more so.​
  • [bg=#A7928E]
    The Game – While Anastacia and Stefan gave their best effort to try and free the noble families from their own self destructive culture known as the Game, her death has only amped up its greatest players. The political situation in Ariela is incredibly tense at the moment with different groups aiming to dethrone the current Emperor.

    The Future – Alejandro is just nineteen and is grown into a fine young man. He possesses the Florencia look and he has done quite well in his training to join the Order of Lions. The events that take place during these years will shape his future forever. Will he become an Emperor worthy of his parents? Or will he become a victim to the vipers? Who then, will take throne?

  • [bg=#A7928E]
    For the past twenty years Ariela has been led by Emperor Stefan Millanesi IV. Not royalty by blood but rather marriage, Stefan is perhaps the greatest chevalier of his time. Between rumors of his name being heralded alongside those who founded the Order and the immense amount of respect he commends due to his involvement in overthrowing the previous emperor, the fact that he is not of the royal Florencia bloodline is more or less forgotten. Except, of course, by those who wish to overthrow him.

    Following the passing of Empress Anastacia Elizabeth Florencia II, Stefan's sole claim to his seat is through the son they share. Alejandro. The young man is groomed each and every day to take the throne, while his father works behind the scenes to combat the poisonous nobility his wife once aimed to eliminate.

    Ariela's Golden Era has died with its girl and now the political situation is as volatile as ever. Stefan is pressured by his advisors to make a show of strength, to solidify his hold on the throne, but only so his son can live the life his mother envisioned for him… and growing Ariela's land is a good of a showing as any.​


  • [bg=white]
    Important names and faces

  • NAME || Stefan Millanesi IV
    AGE..... || 51
    ROLE.. || Emperor
    CLASS || Monarch

    A man of dignified stature, strength and warmth. He is the standard that all the Order of Lions hold themselves to and the fabled chevalier who stopped a terrible war before it could truly start. A stalwart man who's smile has brought warmth to the court of the Summer Palace, it is not difficult to see that his handsomeness hasn't worn with old age. Of modest origins, Stefan has dark brown hair that he keeps at medium length. His beard is full but well groomed.​

    Stefan Millanesi IV was a controversy far before he found himself overthrowing emperor's and marrying heiress. The Millanesi line was once long ago, but when Stefan came to the world that fact had almost been entirely forgotten. He grew up on the lower spectrum of middle class, running around the streets and charming women in his younger years.

    He enlisted in the Order of Lions once he realized that the life he was leading wasn't one that could sustain him. While drinking and sleeping the nights away were incredibly fun, it was a lifestyle that would end him in the slums.

    Stefan not only surprised but impressed during his time as a Chevalier. The rate in which he ascended the ranks was one that was unprecedented and one evening he was invited to a summer gala at the Palace. He donned a suit, practiced his smile, and at the end of the night he was in love.

    Stefan and Anastacia's affair was long drawn and had its share of hardships. She was the daughter of a man hell bent on war and he was a man sworn to fight her father's fight. In the end, everybody knows what occurred. Stefan and Anastacia's rule was one that petitoned for change and up until the Empress' untimely death it was one that had seen little problems.​

  • NAME || Alejandro Millanesi-Florencia
    AGE..... || 24
    ROLE.. || Royal Heir
    CLASS || Monarch

    Without a doubt his father's son, Alejandro shares plenty of the Emperor's traits both physically and mentally. A natural charmer and crowned prince of the nation, he rarely spends the night alone. Young, handsome and a tongue lined with silver. He's everything that the Grand Court loves in a man, but he knows with a jaded heart that half of the noble lines wish to take his throne from beneath him.

    And if it wasn't for the fact that his beloved mother wished him to rule, Alejandro might have let them have it. Greatly preferring his time with the Order of Lions over his time politically dancing around, he is never seen without his chevalier's blade and is constantly seen with light armor equipped.​

    Alejandro's upbringing was one of peace and content. He was not around to see the firsthand destruction of his grandfather but the lasting effects were apparent enough. With wide eyes he watched as his mother and father worked to mend a nation long broken.
    He wanted to help too and with his father's blessings he joined the Order. Unlike his father, Alejandro had a hard time mustering the necessary amount of discipline a Chevalier required. He enjoyed the wilder things of life a tad too much and it took more than a few generals to push him into the right mental space.

    But then his mother died and suddenly the heir found himself relapsing. Under aliases and disguises he frequented the brothels and discarded what he had learned of morals during his time with the Order. It was his father who pulled him from the brink of disaster and now he's become a respectable young man.

    He continues his time with the Order chivalrously and only wishes to finish his mother's dream for the nation.​

  • NAME || Alfonse Altieri
    AGE..... || 27
    ROLE.. || Chevalier
    CLASS || Noble

    Without a doubt his father's son, Alejandro shares plenty of the Emperor's traits both physically and mentally. A natural charmer and crowned prince of the nation, he rarely spends the night alone. Young, handsome and a tongue lined with silver. He's everything that the Grand Court loves in a man, but he knows with a jaded heart that half of the noble lines wish to take his throne from beneath him.

    And if it wasn't for the fact that his beloved mother wished him to rule, Alejandro might have let them have it. Greatly preferring his time with the Order of Lions over his time politically dancing around, he is never seen without his chevalier's blade and is constantly seen with light armor equipped.​

    Alejandro's upbringing was one of peace and content. He was not around to see the firsthand destruction of his grandfather but the lasting effects were apparent enough. With wide eyes he watched as his mother and father worked to mend a nation long broken.
    He wanted to help too and with his father's blessings he joined the Order. Unlike his father, Alejandro had a hard time mustering the necessary amount of discipline a Chevalier required. He enjoyed the wilder things of life a tad too much and it took more than a few generals to push him into the right mental space.

    But then his mother died and suddenly the heir found himself relapsing. Under aliases and disguises he frequented the brothels and discarded what he had learned of morals during his time with the Order. It was his father who pulled him from the brink of disaster and now he's become a respectable young man.

    He continues his time with the Order chivalrously and only wishes to finish his mother's dream for the nation.​

  • NAME || Sarah Veronica Biancardi
    AGE..... || 24
    ROLE.. || Heiress
    CLASS || Noble

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna​

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna​

  • NAME || Alexei Genovese Florencia
    AGE..... || 38
    ROLE.. || Heiress
    CLASS || Monarch

    A regal and incredibly intimidating woman, Alexei is the younger half-sister of the late Anastacia. With a beautifully sculpted face that can shift from loving to cold with the snap of a finger, she is an enthusiast of elaborate dresses and hairstyles. The ideal image of a woman deeply invested and skilled at the 'Game'. Alexei is particularly renowned for her gorgeous blond locks and is a loved dancer on the ballroom floor.​

    Anastacia was just a child when her father marched against Naxis. The daughter of Emperor Aleksandr and his most favored mistress, she didn't grow up in the palace but was taken care well enough. Her mother was of noble blood and Alexei has never spent a single day in discomfort.

    The war was taxing for Alexei's mother. She was one of the Emperor's biggest supporters and when the revolution was ignited by a half sister she never knew, Alexei suddenly found her family scorned, shamed and one by one cast away in prison. She was so young and simply didn't understand the severity of the situation. The memory of being dragged away from her mother is burned into her mind.

    Once Anastacia realized who Alexei was however, the Empress welcomed her into the Summer Palace with open arms. The heartbroken girl took up the offer but never fully recovered from the events of her childhood. While she may have smiled at all the parties, hugged her sister during court, and played with young little Alejandro there was an undeniable bitterness growing in her. An insatiable desire for revenge.

    So she poisoned Anastacia. It was the first move in her plan to take the throne for herself. Discreetly she sponsors the Assassins' League and assisted in getting their expert on poison, The Snake, into the palace halls undetected. The poison of choice was one that the Guild would have never got their hands on without immense financial assistance.

    Unfortunately for Anastacia, Stefan is a careful and guarded man. Since his wife's passing he has made it only harder to eliminate him and his son quietly… but as always Alexei has a plan brewing.​

  • NAME || Levi
    AGE..... || 33
    ROLE.. || Assassin
    CLASS || Criminal

    Rough and tough, Levi is a man defined by the hard lines of his forehead. He walks and talks with an unrelenting swagger and dresses in dark colors. His hair is a fading ginger color and his eyes a murky green. His teeth are yellowed and chipped thanks to decades of alcohol abuse.​

    The leader of the Black Rose's finest assassins, Levi is a criminal commonly referred to Arielans as The Wolf. Levi is relentless in his pursuit and ruthless in his craft. A twisted but incredibly capable dealer of death, he is absolutely infamous among the nobility. Oddly enough the common folk find themselves with little to worry when it comes to the Wolf, history shows he only takes job involving the high class. Maybe its personal.​

  • NAME || Zane
    AGE..... || 28
    ROLE.. || Assassin
    CLASS || Criminal

    Tall, dark and devilishly handsome. That's Zven. He is an enigmatic, promiscuous but ultimately well-liked man among common folk. Among the nobles he is always a threat, but one that they respect and often secretly employ the most. As expected from one of the assassin league's best, Zven dresses in dark colors and walks with a cocky gait.​

    Zven is Levi's second and labeled The Snake because of his signature use of deadly toxins. When an noble man is found dead just hours after his evening glass of wine, everyone knows the kill is for Zven to claim. He is also more or less the face of Black Rose, being the man who handles contracts and whatnot.​

  • NAME || Selina
    AGE..... || 25
    ROLE.. || Assassin
    CLASS || Criminal

    Cold aloof but an undeniable beauty and grace to her fluid movements, Selina, while she might not be as loud as Levi or as charismatic as Zven, is perhaps the most deadly assassin of the all. A lithe figure defined and recognized by her vibrant red hair, she is a likened to a reaper by her enemies and a legend to common folk.​

    Very little is known by the traditional assassin figure. Deemed the Cat by her peers both for her flexibility and grace. The only ones who know anything of her past are the ones who remain still alive and they stand next to her under the cover of night. She is quiet, deadly and very few people ever catch a glimpse of her fiery red mane, some commonfolk have folk tales of her exploits, some even rumor that she's noble by blood.​


AGE || 24 | ROLE || Chevalier | CLASS || Noble

It is completely normal for capable chevaliers to be auctioned off as husbands to wealthy noblewomen, but every so often there comes a knight so capable that he simply must be used as a tool of diplomacy.

Thanks to constant years of tutoring, refinement and (consequently) a strain in his relationship with his aunt who raised him, Leonardo was given such an 'honor'. The talented soldier found himself torn away from his true passion in the Order of Lions and thrown into the world of political intrigue and summertime galas

He found himself heralded as the ideal Arielan and paraded around like prize livestock. Politicians drew up alliance plans and invited foreign suitors all across the nation to compete for his hand in marriage, in hopes that relations between countries could be forged and strengthened.

Initially, bitterness, anger, resentment--it consumed him. But he later realized that while he was suffering, it was ultimately for the better of the nation. It took him many a months but eventually, Leo resigned to his fate. True love would not be in his future but at least... at least he'd be able to strengthen Ariela.​

POLITICAL LEANINGS || Leo's pride and loyalty remain tied strongly to the Arelian nobility and court, even if he is little more than glorified livestock.
MOUNT|| Primrose, Arelian horse.
WEAPON|| A member of the Order of Lions, Leo is proficient in swordplay and archery.
"Whatever sorrows, reservations or vexations I might have about it all... I'm afraid they do not matter. "

♡ Alexei Genovese Florencia (Aunt/Adoptive Mother)
♡ Alfonse Altieri (Best Friend)
♡ Alejandro Millanesi-Florencia (Close Friend)
EXTERNAL RELATIONSHIPS || Leave blank. To be determined after initial acceptance and plotting.


HAIR || Dark Brown
EYES || Dark Brown
BUILD || Muscular
MARKINGS ||Battle scars here and there. A single tattoo on his right bicep of the Arelian lion, inked shortly after he joined the Order.

Leonardo is a great compromise between what Arelians say is their example citizen and what an an actual citzien of Ariela looks like. He holds himself with the confidence, posture, and manners of what's expected in court all the while representing the common folk in his olive colored skin and dark hair color.

His body is muscular and well maintained. His appearance is defined by by his broad shoulders and sturdy arms and he is often cited as an example soldier to those still in training to join the Order of Lions.

He dresses handsomely as expected of a young man in his position and looks even more radiant when donning the armor of the chevaliers.


Leonardo Michael Genovese from the moment he was born was expected to be the ideal noble, soldier, and man.

While he certainly put up a respectable effort, he always found himself never quite good enough. Even though he is well spoken, socially aware, and undeniably confident his aunt found him too passionate, too easily invested and too much of a dreamer to be a child she raised. Alexei shunned his hopes for things such as true love and an Arielan court not dictated by lies and assassins.

His thinking was too revolutionary and that was a danger to their name's reputation, so he was corrected. Forcefully. But no matter how hard she tried she couldn't change him completely. Jaded compared to his younger self, but just as passionate, he focuses on the betterment of Ariela above all else.

MAJOR STRENGTH || Selfless Soldier


QUIRKS ||While he may be a proud Arielan and capable athlete, Leo abhors dancing. Don't make him do it for the love of everything that is holy in the world.

PROCLIVITIES ||When frustrated or feeling particularly unpleasant he has a tendency to distance himself with everyone. Borderline emotionally unavailable at his worst.

SOFT SPOTS || While years of his parents tearing down his hopes and the court dampening his spirit, deep down Leo still believes in the concept of true love; and even if he though he's accepted the fact that he won't find his...it doesn't stop him from appreciating when seen.

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  • [bg=#A7928E]
    Naxis is a relatively new kingdom, located at the bottom of the Painted Gorge. Naxis can be split into sections starting from the back on a landing of the massive waterfall that provides the kingdom with crisp, and crystal clear water. On this landing is where the kingdom's castle, Fall resides. Like a vigilante guardian, the castle sits hundreds of feet above the rest of the Painted Gorge, and directly below it lies the kingdom's capital city, Jhonis.

    The capital is where the majority of nobles reside, but due to recent developments, peasants are beginning to make themselves at home in the capital. The capital also holds the market which is split in three areas, based on what type of ware is offered. The north most area is where sustenance merchants sell their medicines or foods, this is also where a traveler might sample Naxis' famous delicacy, the Palette. (A large pastry dish with short strips of soft bread filled with different types of fruit fillings.) The eastern section of the market, offers a wide variety of fashions ranging from lightly adorned to bizarre, which the citizens of Naxis adore, this is also where most Naxin silks and other fabrics are manufactured for trade. The final section of the market is for entertainment and this section boasts a large circular stage to accommodate plays and circuses.

    Beyond the capital, is the lower kingdom which is mostly inhabited by peasants and thieves, although Lord Karino is trying to crack down on crime. This area is heavily patrolled by guards who are mainly present to prevent travelers from being assaulted and to apprehend thieves.

    And finally, stretching from the border of the lower kingdom, to the entrance of the Painted Gorge, are the farmlands. Responsible with providing food for the kingdom, the people who reside in the farmland are considered the most important members of the kingdom, after the King. In fact, most of these farmers are direct descendants from the original inhabitants of the land and they maintain the cultivation methods that their ancestors cherished.
  • [bg=#A7928E]
    Fashion is a driving force in Naxis and the majority of Naxins wear bright vibrant colored clothing and stunningly sparkling jewelry, courtesy of Bastillos. One who does not wear colors is often ostracized and looked upon with disdain. Naxis is known for producing beautiful silks in a wide array of stunning colors and most of the inhabitants of capital assist in the production of this trade staple.

    The waterfall in the Painted Gorge is the main attraction for tourists but also what keeps Naxis going strong. In the beginning before the Fall was built, the waterfall kept the gorge drenched and humid, but after the castle was built the water that didn't collect in the deep pools of the Fall where directed around the structure in two heavy streams. These streams fell into two reservoirs that filtered into a well system, so that wells made all over the kingdom accessed the water from the waterfall.

    Naxis has an esteemed medical community that were originally present to tend to children but after the overthrow of the age ruling system, the doctors began to attend to the rest of the kingdom regardless of age.
  • [bg=#A7928E]
    Most Naxins practice Trueism, however religion is not an integral part of Naxin society and culture, so it is not seen as odd if one practices another religion or does not practice at all.

    Trueism is the belief in one God who stands in front of two doors, one leading to paradise and the other leading to a vast pit of nothingness. If you've done more good in your life than bad, you are allowed to enter paradise. However if you have done more bad or if you've done something so bad that all of your good is outweighed, you are hurled into the nothingness. This religion is led by holy men and women who refer to themselves as truists and they reside in temples scattered across the kingdom.
  • [bg=#A7928E]
    Naxis is built onto a waterfall landing. Tall, white and polished stone buildings stand in deep pools of crystal clear water courtesy of the waterfall. The entrance to the castle is marked by a large white staircase of three hundred steps, that lead to a long bridge that in turn leads you to the castle gates.

    The kingdom is designed like that of a color swatch, with the castle being the lightest color, and the areas after that becoming progressively deeper in color. The order goes as follows; Castle Fall, Jhonis the Capital City, the lower kingdom and the farmland. If one wishes to travel quickly through the city it is recommended to go by horse or cart.

    The crops grown in Naxis include corn, edible berries and fruits.

    Naxis does not have a large variety of fauna, however they do have a sizable amount of goats which are mostly used for their milk, although they are occasionally eaten if they cannot give milk or they're at risk of overpopulation. Naxis also has horses, though they are not native to the gorge and were brought from Demitas years ago. Most of the horses are sturdy cart horses used for pulling plows and the like on farms, however some more sleek breeds are kept at the castle or the capitol city.
    Naxis is also home to sea turtles, six months out of the year. These turtles leave the ocean to lay their eggs on the Naxin beach. During this time, Naxin people often visit the beach to capture the creatures to make shell soup, a seasonal Naxin delicacy.
  • [bg=#A7928E]
    It all began when a selfish and greedy king committed the greatest act of betrayal: Adultery. Despite having a beautiful wife with a brilliant mind, King Jhon of Demita sought comfort in another woman, Vyvian, the princess' governess. The two and their romance kept to the shadows as adultery was punishable by death in Demita (a law King Jhon greatly regretted passing). But one day, their quiet romance threatened to be revealed when Vyvian realized she was pregnant. Before she'd been content with waltzing in dark hallways with her royal lover and making up extravagant excuses for her tardiness or absences, but now, she had a child to fret for and she decided that she deserved only the best since her child was technically, in line for the throne. King Jhon did not appreciate his mistress' subtext and fearing for his life, gathered a few servants, the most vicious of his private army and whisked his mistress away. His plan was to gift her with a beautiful summer home in a land far far away where she could raise their child peacefully and never reveal the parentage of the child. The summer home was located in a beautiful gorge with sediment that when touched with water looked as though an artist had bathed it with their brush. The natives there called it the Painted Gorge.

    King Jhon left his mistress in her summer home with her new staff and small gathering of mercenaries, and never returned. Vyvian was devastated and filled with unbridled rage, but there was nothing she could do and she had an unborn babe to worry about. For awhile, Vyvian lounged in her new home and when the baby was born she lavished the girl with affection. In a nostalgic moment, she named the little girl, Jhonis after her father. Jhonis was a curious child who spent more time looking then she did crying and Vyvian loved that about her. But soon, even though she had a child to love and dote on, Vyvian became restless. She missed the court of Demita and she missed her cowardly lover. When she looked out over the land she saw potential and she wanted to mold that potential into her own royal court. After all she had a castle, she had a princess for a daughter which made her the queen, so all she needed was a proper kingdom...And a king. She found her new mate in the leader of the private army King Jhon had given her.

    Naxis Morrayne was the most vicious of them all but he always had an eye for nice things. He agreed to make true Vyvian's dreams of creating a kingdom on two conditions. One; The kingdom be named after him and two, that he would be her King. Vyvian agreed to all of this immediately and the two began their conquest of the Painted Gorge and the land around it. With Naxis' bloodthirsty followers, and the fact that the Painted Gorge natives were only farmers and merchants, it didn't take long to force them into submission. Though they resented the presence of their new King and Queen, the natives didn't want anymore bloodshed and quickly pledged their loyalty to the new Kingdom of Naxis.

    Over the years, Queen Vyvian and King Naxis developed their kingdom and it grew extraordinarily in that short time, however King Naxis wasn't completely happy. Now that he was a king and had a queen, he wanted an heir. Princess Jhonis wasn't his and he didn't care for her at all, he also didn't like how his Queen lavished affection onto the girl day in and day out as if she was the one who made her dreams come true. Queen Vyvian, though unaware of her husband's feelings towards her child, was more than happy to give Naxis a king, except...She couldn't. No matter how hard they tried, no matter how many odd remedies and enhancements they used, Queen Vyvian could not get pregnant. It seemed that Princess Jhonis would be the sole heir to the Naxis throne, and that filled the King with rage.

    King Naxis believed that Vyvian had to have been doing something to sabotage their efforts. He believed that she only wanted Jhonis to have the throne and not further his bloodline. These feeling of suspicion and paranoia developed into an even worse emotion and he began to beat Vyvian at every turn. It became so bad, that the Queen stopped going out and holed herself in her bedroom. This left Jhonis with no one but the servants to care for her, as her stepfather treated her as if she were invisible. Fortunately, Jhonis was loved by the servants and beloved by the kingdom especially the farmers who she visited everyday.

    One night after King Naxis was on his way to "express" his inner turmoil on his wife, he was surprised to meet her in the great hall by the massive open bay windows that they used to use to look down on the masses. As soon as he approached her, Vyvian used all her strength to shove him out the window, but before he fell he latched onto her wrist, pulling her down with him and the two fell to their death.

    That night, Princess Jhonis became the Queen at only nine years old. Of course she had palace advisors but they only wished to use her as a tool to mold the kingdom to their liking. Fortunately though, Queen Jhonis had had time to study her parents while they ruled and she had had so much exposure to the farmers and the lower kingdom that she wanted to revolutionize the entire system. So, as her first royal act, Queen Jhonis replaced all of the court with intelligent, hardworking and trustworthy people that she had met on her daily visits outside the castle. She kept the nobles of Naxis in check by putting emphasis on the importance and value of farmers, as they were directly responsible of the products for trade and the silk that Naxis was famous for. Under Jhonis' rule, the people began to see the value in having a young queen whose wisdom outshined her late parents who were more seasoned than her when it came to making decisions. Queen Jhonis even established trade routes with King Ordin of Cain Lorin, Islaryn and Bastillos, larger kingdoms that the smaller Naxis would benefit from in terms of alliances and trading.

    All was going well until Queen Jhonis' thirteenth birthday, when suddenly she could no longer hide her sorrow for being orphaned and so painfully alone. And on the anniversary of her mother's death, Queen Jhonis flung herself from the highest tower.

    Her death took the kingdom by surprise. They didn't know what to do, until the Queen's scroll of last words was found sitting on the throne. In the scroll the young Queen apologized for leaving without warning and she reaffirmed her love for the kingdom and everyone in it. She also introduced the ruling age law and asked that the kingdom practice it as her last wish.

    "My kingdom, my people. I am sorry. I was overwrought by too much sadness and I feared it would bleed unto you and taint the goodness of yourselves.
    I love you all but I was not good for you. I fear I was turning into my sad mother and her angry husband. I die to protect you, and I leave this warning to keep you under this protection. The fate of this kingdom does not belong to a tired woman or a wicked man. A light shines bright in the eyes and mind of one untainted."

    It didn't take the royal court long to decipher Queen Jhonis' words and that day they went out to find the a child bright minded and pure of heart. They found Harren Jui, or rather he found them. The three year old boy strode right up to them (as best he could) and demanded that they save the lower kingdom. When probed on this question, the boy revealed that his parents had been killed by one of the bandit gangs who ran rampant in the streets doing as they pleased because the kingdom's militia rarely patrolled outside of the capitol and castle. Seeing potential in the child, Harren was taken back to the castle with the intent of educating him and seeing him grow to be the new king. Before he was placed on the throne however, the court decided that to truly keep the child pure, his title and name should be changed to truly make him untainted. And so Emperor Sunn was 'born'.

    Starkly different from Queen Jhonis, Emperor Sunn was not fond of leaving the castle walls and instead passed laws from the safety of the structure. One of the first things he did was demand that the military be better trained and the forces be doubled. Emperor Sunn also established the Sunlight Ball so that the search for the newest ruler was more exciting and fun for the intended target. Despite all the good that he did, Emperor Sunn did not want to give up the throne that easily. He liked his life and couldn't imagine not basking in the people's adoration and living in the shadow of the castle walls. He thought that the tradition of only having child rulers was cruel and fought to overturn the law, but unfortunately that was the one thing that his court would not allow, so Sunn sought to circumvent the law. When manhood struck the Emperor, he hid the effects by shaving constantly for the next few years, but he was found out when his voice cracked in court.

    The ruler after him was Empress Rae who stood strong against the kingdom of Ariela's attack. After the attack on Naxis from Ariela, the kingdom was on the brink of mass panic. They needed stability and reassurance, and that's what Empress Rae gave them. She put a stop to the ruling age law and became Queen. With the help of her supporters who ranged from commoner to noble, she exiled those who believed that Queen Jhonis' last wish was to be practiced religiously and completely revamped the royal court by replacing the members with her siblings. She further cemented herself and her new system by marrying a wealthy silk merchant named Baruman Gin. Not soon after they wed, Rae became pregnant.

    Sadly due to her young age, Rae died from childbirth leaving an orphaned son, a heartbroken father and a panicked kingdom. Since Rae instituted a slight democratic system, the people had a say in who would be the next ruler and they did not want Baruman Gin who had a reputation for frivolous spending. There was a great fuss on who would succeed the throne, with the people not wanting a repeat of ruling age law by placing the infant, Raemyn on the throne. So Rae's brother, Karino became king regent until Raemyn would become of age at thirteen.

    However, although Karino humbly accepted the role, he wanted his then twelve year old son, Marqo to rule and planned to gain the people's favor while he ruled so that when the time came they would reject Raemyn and pick him, thus picking Marqo. Meanwhile, Karino's other child, Llyte was training along side former Empress select, Fiyr (Queen Rae chose to keep her around since she had no home to return to) as future captain of the royal guard. Seeing that Llyte was better than her and would surpass her and take the position, Fiyr framed her for the attempted murder of Raemyn. Llyte was arrested and sentenced to death, but unwilling to kill his own daughter, Karino smuggled Llyte to the lower kingdom to live there permanently.
  • [bg=#A7928E]
    Despite their accomplishments, Naxis does not have a strong or large military presence and the main responsibility of the military is to police their own kingdom.
    The Naxin military uses a fighting style that's a mix of brawling and sword fighting. The military is split into two sections, the general army which polices the entire kingdom, and the royal army whose main duty is to protect the inhabitants of the castle, mainly ones of the royal line. At the moment, the general army is drafting commoners and some experienced members are training to become officers of the royal army.
  • [bg=#A7928E]
    During Winter and Fall, Naxis isn't as cold but is quite chilly and windy due to the ocean's proximity. Aside from a bit of rain every now and then, as well as flooding, Naxis doesn't not receive much in the form of natural disasters. However, the appearance of a tsunami or a hurricane would not be out of character but has yet to occur.

    In the warmer seasons Naxis is quite warm outside the gorge, but as one travels further in, the walls of the gorge as well as the waterfall make it cooler.
  • [bg=#A7928E]
    There are very few nobles but a lot of middle class who are mostly merchants and thrive off of selling their wares. Nobles are often referred to or refer to themselves as the Glistening, while the middle class are referred to as the Moss.

    The second largest group is the poor, and they mostly dwell in the lower kingdom which is rampant with crime and filth. Those in this class are most commonly referred to as Dwellers. In strong contrast to the majority of Naxins, Dwellers usually wear brown, black or gray clothing.

    There is an additional class, and it consists of farmers who are about as many as the nobles. Farmers do not have a common name and are simply referred to as 'farmers'.
  • [bg=#A7928E]
    Thieve's Guild - A band of criminals who rob travelers, merchants and nobles. Believed to be all Dwellers, this group is notoriously known for ransacking noble houses and mutilating soldiers who try to apprehend them. Despite their violent tendencies, the majority of the lower kingdom seem to be loyal to them and will not rat them out when interrogated.

    Overpopulation - Naxis suffers from overpopulation due to childbearing being encouraged and children being revered for years. .

    Defenseless - Despite living by the ocean, Naxis has no warships or anything remotely similar to a ship.

    The Draft - Due to the aforementioned dilemma, King Karino has started a mandatory draft for able bodied persons until the ranks of the military increase.

    The Blight - A disease that attacks silk worms, the blight ravages silk stores within hours and any remaining silk worms must be burned in order to avoid the blight spreading. At the moment, no one knows what causes the blight.

    Traitor Bounty - By decree of the regent, Karino Lakmi, Llyte Lakmi the fugitive who attempted to kill Prince Raemyn, is to be brought back to the castle to face judgement for her crimes.
  • [bg=#A7928E]
    Naxis is ruled by a King or Queen or in the current situation, a regent.


  • [bg=white]
    Important names and faces

  • NAME || Raemyn Naxis
    AGE..... || 6
    ROLE.. || Prince
    CLASS || Monarch

    An adorable little boy with tawny brown skin and deep brown almond shaped eyes. His hair which he throws a tantrum to get trimmed every day ("because I don't want to look like a shaggy dog!") is soft and silky, though a bit thin at the top. Because of this, Prince Raemyn has adopted a new fashion style from Creaz Pria in which he wears a brilliant blue head wrap to match with his silk tunic.

    Raemyn entered the world at the price of his mother's life. He is the sole heir to the Naxin throne, however due to his young age, he will not succeed the throne until he turns sixteen. Until then, he is to observe his uncle and the king regent, Karino to gain a sense of his future responsibilities.

  • NAME || Baruman Gin
    AGE..... || 32
    ROLE.. || Father of the Prince / Naxin Silk Merchant
    CLASS || Noble

    Once a wiry young man with a gaunt face, Baruman has filled out into a rounded man with a perpetually puzzled look on his face. Height and baldness runs strong in the Gin family, and Baruman portrays them both well. Contrary to the majority of the Gin family who are partial to dreadlocked hair, Baruman shaves his head religiously and keeps a neat and short beard. Some believe this is because Raemyn likes to rub his father's shiny bald head, but it's really because Baruman wanted to lose his hair on his own terms as opposed to lose from hereditary hair loss.

    Baruman has a somewhat nasally voice which he has tried desperately to change over the years but to no avail. As is custom in Naxin, Baruman wears many bright colors, most notably green and yellow, as they are his favorites.

    Baruman Gin is the richest and most known silk merchant in all of Naxin, mainly because he has his own private ship and over fifty silk worm hollows. He was born into nobility and has enjoyed the privileges it has provided since he was child. When he was twenty six, Queen Rae proposed that they marry for political reasons and the agreement was for him to represent stability in the monarchy and fund the royal treasury. With his jovial personality though, he and Rae fell in love, so when she died he was heartbroken and scared. He didn't want to rule, because Rae always had and he was already overwhelmed with raising his infant son. Thankfully for him, the people stepped in and he was stripped of his kingly title and reverted back to lord. He wasn't too happy about that aspect but now he didn't have to rule and had more time for his son.

  • NAME || Karino Lakmi
    AGE..... || 32
    ROLE.. || Regent
    CLASS || Noble

    Unlike the late Queen Rae, Karino does not have a commanding presence and despite his age, he stands with a stooped back. He has smooth pale sand colored skin and wide round eyes. His face is narrow and somewhat gaunt. Like his nephew, Karino sports a turban although he has no cosmetic reason to wear one, but the people believe it's in solemn solidarity of the young prince's hair problems.

    Karino wears dark purple robes with golden trims, as well as a purple and gold turban. Due to unknown reasons, Karino speaks with a hoarse voice which he often clears much to the annoyance of many.

    Karino was turned into a man before he was even a teenager. His mother died trying to push another child into the world at a late age, and Karino was forced to raise that child. All his life he's wanted more for himself and only now, has he gotten the chance to do just that. Unfortunately, the desire to create the perfect life is causing him to tear his family apart, but he won't be satisfied until his bloodline is cemented as Naxin royalty.

  • NAME || Marqo Lakmi
    AGE..... || 18
    ROLE.. || Lord of the Court
    CLASS || Noble

    Marqo has beautiful sun kissed golden skin, deep brown eyes and a beautifully chiseled face that makes the young men and women of Naxin blush. His hair is a mixture of onyx and sepia with ringlets that perfectly frame his visage. At the moment he is of medium build due to a lack of strenuous activity but a healthy diet, but if his father has his way, Marqo will grow into a fine young man envied by all.

    Marqo wears every color in the rainbow and has no preference to clothing as long as they're comfortable and make him look good. He carries a scimitar but it's purely for show and he's never drawn it in battle. His voice is silky smooth and often honeyed.

    Marqo was born two years after Llyte and has never known hardship. Unlike his sister who was fiercely independent at a young age and unwilling to be coddled by her parents, Marqo relishes in his parent's affection and relies on them for everything. A notorious party boy, Marqo aspires to live in the castle for the rest of his life doing nothing and does not appreciate his father's attempts to turn him into a King.

  • NAME || Savala Lakmi
    AGE..... || 30
    ROLE.. || Lady of the Court
    CLASS || Noble

    An elegant woman with beautiful umber brown skin and a sleek build. Savala used to have nearly endless curls framing her small face but she shaved her head when she 'lost' her daughter, Llyte. She now wears different elaborate head dresses complete with silver robes embroidered with gold silk thread. Savala possesses a modulated voice and the gift of song.

    Savala was born on the streets of Naxis but had a fairly pleasant childhood thanks to Emperor Sunn who made the lower kingdom safer by commanding the military to patrol that area. As a child Savala was treasured due to the ruling age law affecting the worth of all Naxin children, so she didn't have much to worry about. She didn't have parents but the orphanage she stayed in was well funded and it was easy for her to get what she wanted.

    She met Karino when she was twelve and married him when she was seventeen. The two of them were responsible for most of Rae's upbringing and were rewarded for that when they were invited to stay at the castle and become members of the royal court. Savala enjoyed her life as a noble and gave birth to two children who she adored and invested most of her time in.

    When Llyte was accused of trying to assassinate the prince and promptly disappeared, Savala suffered a mental breakdown and locked herself in her rooms. The only time she comes out now is to grace royal events with her angelic voice. Due to her breakdown, Savala freezes when Llyte is mentioned and often refers to Marqo as her sole child.

  • NAME || Casaen Nokaj
    AGE..... || 38
    ROLE.. || Army General
    CLASS || Noble

    A slightly muscular man with sunkissed skin, Casaen always sports a predatory grin or a smirk. He has short black hair that swirls when the wind blows. And he prefers to wear orange and yellow clothing. Unlike most soldiers who wear leather armor, Casaen likes to wear silk robes and carries only a pair of twin scimitars that he wields frighteningly well. Casaen is almost always yelling at somebody or berating them for lacking intelligence, however when addressing the emperor or other persons of importance, he speaks in a low whisper-y voice.

    Casaen Nokaj has been the army general for as long as anyone can remember. He succeeded the position after his father's sudden and mysterious death that no one cared to looked into, as he was a follower of King Naxis. If asked about the circumstance of his father's death, Casaen will always arch eyebrow and simply ask, "What do you think?" before sauntering away.

    In reality, Casaen didn't kill his father, but he knows who did and that is a secret he will never tell.

    Casaen leads his army with confidence and punishes deserters and insubordinate soldiers with swiftness. He harbors praise like dragon hoards gold but he does take pride in the fact that he trained Fiyr Tuira and Llyte Lakmi though he is disappointed in the latter.

  • NAME || Fiyr Tuira
    AGE..... || 24
    ROLE.. || Captain of the Royal Guard
    CLASS ||Noble

    Long raven black hair cascades down the shoulders of this beauty and dark almost black eyes study you from afar. A smirk permanently etched on her face, Fiyr is a beauty and she knows it. She has tawny brown skin with a golden glow and lips that she paints red everyday so that they're stained. Fiyr wears red dresses at nearly every opportunity and she has then tendency to go barefoot at times.

    When entering battle, Fiyr dons a gold and red tunic, black trousers and a decorated saber.

    Fiyr was to be Queen Rae's successor when the latter was an Empress and when she overthrew the age ruling system, Rae decided to keep Fiyr in the castle because the girl didn't have a choice in her situation. Fiyr was meant to become a lady of the court but it soon became apparent that that wasn't in the cards for the rowdy girl with a penchant for arguing and roughhousing with anyone who rose to the challenge.

    Fiyr became good friends with the Queen's niece, Llyte and together the two wreaked havoc in the castle before Llyte's father finally put his foot down and ordered them to divert the energies to a more productive way of life.

    So the two began training to become future captain of the royal guard, a position that was glaringly vacant. Unfortunately, there could only be one captain of the royal guard so the two girls soon began competing with each other for the coveted role. They both received training from Casaen Nokaj and grew to be experienced fighters. Llyte however, was more capable than Fiyr and it was painfully obvious and over the years Fiyr became consumed with jealousy. Fearing that Llyte was going to be chosen for the position Fiyr framed Llyte for attempted assassination of the infant prince, Raemyn.

    After Llyte fled the castle, Fiyr was given the position of Captain of the Royal Guard and unbeknowst to all, Lord Baruman Gin gave Fiyr a secret mission; To find and execute Llyte.

  • NAME || Rona Koromis
    AGE..... || 22
    ROLE.. || Thieve's Guild Member
    CLASS || Dweller

    Despite his place in the Thieve's guild, Rona doesn't appear as threatening as most thieve's do. His boyish looks are set in a face that still retains baby fat despite his age. The master of the puppy dog look, Rona has deep brown eyes that seem to glimmer like the waters gifted by the fall. His hair which has never known a comb, has formed skinny locks that compliment the young man's juvenile facade.

    Like most of the members of the Thieve's Guild, Rona was born in the lower kingdom. He can't recall the faces of his parents or even if he had siblings and the guild is the only family he's ever known. As a child he learned the art of theft and sleight of hand from Henrish and Tilwyn, and as a teenager he honed his skills by sparring against his best friend, Unara.

  • NAME || Henrish Avintas
    AGE..... || 35
    ROLE.. || Thieve's Guild Leader
    CLASS || Dweller

    A behemoth of a man, Henrish has pale beige skin littered with scars from past battles. He has long black uncombed hair which he often sloppily ties in a ponytail when he remembers to. Surprisingly though, his facial hair is moderately groomed and cared for more than his head hair. Henrish's face is almost always contorted in a scowl and his narrow gaze is steely and dark.
    Like most dwellers, Henrish wears dull brown and gray robes which he has had outfitted to carry multiple daggers. Henrish has a frightening booming voice which can only be described as a roar but when subtlety is needed his voice is low and rough.

    Henrish's past before he founded the Thieve's Guild is unknown to all save for the second in command, Tilwyn. When probed about his past,
    the only details Henrish will offer is that he had a family, but he lost them in a tragedy. In truth, Henrish does not recall much about his past and only remembers being taken in by Tilwyn's family when they found him shivering in an alleyway, muttering about 'having no choice'.

  • NAME || Tilwyn Avintas
    AGE..... || 29
    ROLE.. || Thieve's Guild Second in Command
    CLASS || Dweller

    A stern woman,
    no one has ever known Tilwyn to crack a smile or even giggle. Always one to wear a sever expression, Tilwyn has pale beige skin and unkempt, locked hair which she adorns with various feathers or trinkets she deems suitable.

    Contrary to her monotonous voice and permanent withering gaze, Tilwyn was a happy young girl. She was born a middle class citizen and she loved her life. Her parents owner their own silk store, so they were well off. When she was a teenager, her parents adopted Henrish, a boy who they'd found in an alleyway who had no recollection of who he was or where he'd come from. Henrish and Tilwyn grew to be fast friends and they had many adventures in the kingdom. Their happy life was ruined however when Tilwyn's parents' store was attacked by the blight. Suddenly they had nothing and their neighbors who feared that their own stores would be affected by the blight, refused to help them. So the Avintas' were forced to move to the lower kingdom where conditions were miserable, dirty and chaotic. Whenever they managed to get anything, it was quickly torn from them by thugs who were strong enough to do whatever they pleased. This dog eat dog society molded Henrish and Tilwyn into the people they are today. The two of them created the Thieve's Guild, not only to fight for the rights of the lower kingdom, but to institute a code among thieves to discourage them from stealing from each other and to instead turn their ire to a common enemy.


AGE || 20 | ROLE || Thieve's Guild Member | CLASS || Criminal

Framed for attempted assassination by her best friend, and branded a traitor to the Naxin crown, Llyte has had a hard life. In just one night, she was charged for a crime she didn't commit, smuggled out of the castle by her father then disowned by said relative, then she was taken in by a master thief and given a new name; Unara. The unlucky girl spent the last six years training under Henrish Avintas, a master thief and leader of the notorious Thieve's guild. Back then she didn't question why he had taken her in because she was just happy to not have to fend for herself outside of Naxis. Over the years, Unara rose in the ranks of the guild thanks to her past training under General Nojak. It was only until last week that Unara learned of Henrish's true intentions for her. Once again, this girl was meant to be a pawn but this time for a good cause. As she was the late Queen Rae's niece, she had royal blood and could assume Thornwilde's throne and make a new home for the people of Naxis' lower kingdom...And maybe kill Fiyr Tuira while she's at it.

POLITICAL LEANINGS || Naxin Thieve's Guild / Naxin Lower Kingdom
MOUNT|| "Bee" A Naxin carthorse
WEAPON|| A whip made for her by Tilwyn. It can be used to 'grab' objects or to lash her opponents in combat. The end of the whip is adorned with tiny spines so that it tears off small pieces of skin with each strike. Three daggers and short sword.
"Well, you can't please everyone."

INTERNAL RELATIONSHIPS || Karino Lakmi (Father), Savala Lakmi (Mother), Marqo Lakmi (Brother), Baruman Gin (Uncle), Raemyn Naxin (Cousin), Casaen Nokaj (Former Mentor), Henrish Avintas (Mentor), Rona Komoris (Best Friend)

EXTERNAL RELATIONSHIPS || Leave blank. To be determined after initial acceptance and plotting.


HAIR || Medium Brown
EYES || Dark Brown
BUILD || Athletic
MARKINGS || A few faded scars

Unara is a medium height young woman with fawn brown skin and a mass of curly brown mane. Her eyes are a deep brown and are accentuated by her angled dark brown eyebrows. Her face is narrow and she possesses a jaw that could cut glass. Like most inhabitants of the lower kingdom, Unara dons dark clothing, mainly smoky blacks and and grays. She wears a fitted tunic, stiff trousers and boots adorned with strips and bands of leather. At her waist is a thicker band of leather that acts as a belt, to which her whip is hooked on but can be removed by her with relative ease. Due to being raised in the castle then trained by experienced thieves, Unara moves with a catlike grace and in relative silence, often keeping to the shadows to gain an advantage over her foes. Unara has inherited her mother's singing voice and sometimes uses it to lure her more...Physically inclined targets to their demise.


A boisterous young woman, Unara is more likely to shout at you from across a crowded room, then to whisper in your ear in an attempt to be discreet. Some might describe Unara as wild, and they would be correct. Despite her noble origins, Unara has taken full advantage of her less than proper surroundings and has taken to cursing, spitting and shouting like a fish to water. She's a crude woman and unapologetic for it. She's a joker and quick to poke fun at you but if explicitly told not to, she'll try her best to be more civil for a few minutes. It's safe to say that Unara can be extremely annoying which makes her persistence even worse.

If there's one thing she'll never do, it's give up. Unara hates to lose and will keep going at it until she succeeds. Unfortunately, she's lost a lot of money because of this and her gambling problem. On another note, Unara hates being called out or pegged as something she doesn't approve of. If you aren't someone she respects, she will get into a fight over it. However, Unara also doesn't hold many grudges. She's the type to keep fighting until she's bloody and bruised, then crack a joke to try and make amends.


GREATEST FLAW || Her competitive

QUIRKS || Her laughter is akin to a
monkey's screech. She's a sloppy eater and often talks with her mouth full.

PROCLIVITIES || Betting, playing tricks
and singing

SOFT SPOTS || Stray animals
and old people.

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For all intents and purposes, finished, but I still need to re-read, and likely change up logos.



  • [bg=#A7928E]
    Eleton is located centrally, a vast Kingdom where everything leads to the middle. The Nobility of Eleton spend their days in the City of Ecramond, a heavily walled district where the lion's share of produce and harvest is channeled and then funneled back outwards when the rich have taken their fill. Prosperous merchants are relocated to a ring-shaped district that surrounds Ecramond, while the less prosperous, or the otherwise immovable remain further out, vulnerable. Respectively, these are the Middle, and Outer-Rings.

    The walls of the Middle-Ring and the Inner-Ring are dotted and riddled with Standing Wall Gardens (see Cultural), rendering the walls as a mosaic of nature and stone. In times of relative peace and uninterrupted development, the circular walls are covered entirely by fruits and vegetables, a massive vertical plantation. Collectively, the Middle and Inner Rings of Eleton are known by those with the privilege of having graced them, as the 'Forests That Stand'; a beautiful visual marvel of lush colors. Many households are also subject to this treatment, ensuring that patches of residential areas are as much forest as they are stone houses.

    Circular city design has informed the very natural surroundings of Ecramond, and a veritable circle of farms has emerged constantly protected by armed patrol. Eleton exists in a hub of natural resources, and the Kingdom itself almost serves as a wheel system in which to feed the nobility.
  • [bg=#A7928E]
    In decades past, Eleton existed within a rigid system of the nobility's design, with the less fortunate being exploited for their labor. Outright inklings of revolt were quelled by the system's offerings of hope: offer an exceptional enough craft, or great enough labor, and one could rise to the rarefied middle-class. There even existed the rare hope that once in the middle class, one could find themselves in the circles of nobility. Through this delicate balance of uplifting, the nobility of Eleton skillfully mastered the citizenry, causing their lessers to look upon them with almost reverence.

    This phenomenon can be represented in Eleton's very design, with the City of Ecramond in the center, the Middle-Ring housing the notably successful, and the less protected Outer-Ring sustaining the rest.

    With such a focus on craft and labor, several fields have become prominent as the citizenry attempt to establish themselves. Many focus on producing common commodities with utmost quality and efficiency, meaning Eleton is an agricultural hub. Other more subjectively adjudged crafts have also become prominent. The influx of produce has given rise to 'cook' as a profitable trade. Eleton cuisine is amongst the finest the realm has to offer, with its citizenry having tirelessly delved into cooking process as well as various spices. Very rarely will you see lower class citizenry with such refined tastes. The most famous dish is 'Eleton duck', duck slow-cooked over redwood, the outer skin fried and crusted over with cumin and paprika.

    One particularly unique cultural aspect of Eleton agriculture is the 'Standing Wall Garden': through a system not dissimilar to potted plants, Eletonians are capable of erecting microcosms of farms onto walls (both upon their own households, as well assigned sections of the Inner and Middle Ring walls), maximising the size of their harvest. In order to actually cultivate the crops upon the Standing Gardens, specialised Eletonian agriculturalists are capable of scaling walls in order to maintain their crops and collect their yield. In times of war, to prevent their walls from going alight, these same agriculturalists are given the duty of shearing the entirety of the standing forest from the walls.

    The above practices have also lead to the hobby of 'wall-climbers', although this is oft ill-advised, and met with repercussions.

    Fashion and artistry are noted fields, although not particularly pervasive - fashion and art is made almost exclusively to cater to the desires of nobility. Portrait-painting is a very profitable endeavor in Eleton.

    The integration of the Tribespeople, however, has changed the culture dramatically. The Tribespeople introduced a new concept - rising in status through taking, as opposed to having it bestowed. Suddenly, the balance of Eleton was broken; citizens began demanding more rewards for their labor, as opposed to simply hoping. More and more, citizens became enamored with what the Tribes represented - freedom and a way to carve ones mark into the world.

    And so, the nobility of Eleton loses their grip over the Kingdom.

    As a final note, it must be noted that while there is mercantile focus to Eleton's culture, Eletonians have been, traditionally, insular. This explains how a craft-centric Kingdom could be on the verge of economic collapse.
  • [bg=#A7928E]
    The nobility and general citizenry of Eleton are monotheistic, with numerous churches and places of worship. Their strength of belief as a whole, however, diminished while the Tribespeople laid waste to them. Famously, the Two-Hundred Justified, the self-proclaimed hand of God, engaged the Tribespeople in battle, and were humiliated in combat, wiped out to nearly a man.

    The Tribespeople believe in numerous deities, assigning one to various phenomenons of nature. It is not enough to have a Deity of Wind - there must be a Deity of Violent Gales, as well as a Deity of Soft Breezes. As a whole, separate tribes hold more stock in certain deities, while more or less forgetting the rest entirely. Shamans, a rare sort altogether, scribe compendiums of all recorded Deities.

    Ivernus, Deity of Furious Flames, is something of a popular one, especially amongst Eleton citizenry newly integrated into tribes. Ivernus represents movement, swift action and uprising.
  • [bg=#A7928E]
    Eleton uses a ring system, with the center being the walled City of Ecramond, residential area of the Nobles. Outside of that is the Middle-Ring, where middle-classed merchants given favor by the nobles can reside in, as well as peddle their wares. Even further beyond that is the Outer-Ring, left vulnerable and unprotected by walls. The rings each only have a single gateway on the south, as befitting the insular Kingdom.

    The climate is generally of a warm summer, which goes hand in hand with experienced agriculturalists to ensure bountiful harvests. Farms are not only kept within the Middle and Outer Rings, but also upon the walls themselves, to ensure the greatest yield. Known as the 'Forest That Stands', or the 'Standing Garden', the two circular walls are - in peace time - littered with plantation to the point where there is more of the color green than stone-grey.

    Middle-Ringers are generally grouped according to trade, with Harvest Districts located opposite the Artisans District. Conversely, the Outer-Ringers are not at all organised, being more akin to individual groups that pay tribute to the nobles.
  • [bg=#A7928E]
    Despite its central location, Eleton - and in particular Ecramond - have, for centuries, remained steadfast against external forces in spite of constant attack from surrounding tribes. In large part this is due to their callous treatment of outer-ring laborers. The Nobility have long since decided to cower in defense, while the lower-class perishes. The lower-class in turn has become accustomed to dying for nothing, and being forced to rebuild simply to appease the nobles. This sort of complacency caused immediate decay within Eleton's armies and defenses.

    Still, their complacency rendered it a moot point until the Scourge struck. Jagger Palefox arrived as if a plague, bringing with him an unthinkable number of tribes, finally united under, more or less, a single banner - no more scattered assaults, this was the heat of hell focused beneath a single glass. Even more worrisome was their surprising facility in siege warfare - Jagger's brother Aldren Palefox, a prodigy in his own right, had managed to teach himself the fundamental tenets of the art. A Chieftain amongst Chieftains, Jagger's brutal advance finally shook the current King Alleric from his lazy slumber.

    For better or worse, King Alleric would pacify Jagger the only way he knew how: through riches. Through monetary power alone, King Alleric persuaded Jagger Palefox, and the majority of the attacking tribes to serve as Eleton's own army - which then began to summarily strike down the remainder of the pillagers.

    What few knew, however, was the true cost of it all. King Alleric, unknown to all but his most inner circle, had essentially emptied the coffers to satiate the Scourge. Furthermore, Jagger had demanded free reign of the Kingdom for him and his people. Essentially, through brute force, Jagger Palefox had turned his tribesmen into full-fledged citizens of Eleton.

    Such an integration would not happen cleanly.
  • [bg=#A7928E]
    Eleton's army has traditionally been laughing-stock, with the Kingdom instead relying on stony-walls and well-fortified keeps. While the nobility is scholarly, the art of war is not commonly taught, considered a savage's field. Defensive siegecraft, particularly as a subset of engineering, is more commonly practised, although still rudimentary.

    On the other hand, the Tribespeople of Eleton - employed by King Alleric as Eleton's new standing army - are a diverse, versatile military unit. A unified army of various tribes, a medley of terrain-related experience pervades its soldiers - forest, plains, hills combat are all as if second nature. The armies are known to be swift both on foot and on steed, fearsome, and well-organised despite their appearance. Most notably is their (sometimes exaggerated, sometimes justified) reputation for depravity and amorality, a demoralising fact for many.

    Their effectiveness can be largely dedicated to the Palefox brothers, Jagger and Aldren, whose forebears united the tribes. Both are considered to be immensely talented (if despicable), known as amongst the realm's finest commanders all throughout Ellemar.
  • [bg=#A7928E]
    The climate is of a warm summer, fit for bountiful harvests. Winters are blissfully short, ensuring that agriculture may thrive.
  • [bg=#A7928E]
    The Nobles, as they are simply called, represent a powerful and influential minority. Lower-class and middle-class exist. As Eleton's economy is fatally insular, members of the lower-class essentially become middle-class through the favour of the Nobles. The Nobles reside in the City of Ecramond, while the middle-class are allowed residence in a more well-protected Middle-Ring, although Outer-Ringers are allowed to enter the Middle-Ring to make purchases.

    The introduction of Jagger Palefox and the Tribespeople have dramatically shifted the landscape, inciting civil unrest amongst Outer and Middle-Ringers alike. In accordance with the agreement between King Alleric and the brothers Palefox, the Tribespeople have free reign of Outer and Middle-Ring, while the chieftains of the tribes should be allowed entry into Ecramond.

    Terms, as demonstrated, are generally quite literal (Nobles, Outer-Ringers, Tribespeople). However, the citizenry of Eleton are referred to as Eletonians.
  • [bg=#A7928E]

    The Scourge: Jagger Palefox, not satisfied with what was essentially his victory over Eleton, embarks to raze villages of his choosing, coming dangerously close to other Kingdoms. An insatiable tyrant, he seems motivated only by a wish to establish his superiority through warfare.

    A Quest of Love: Searching for ways to improve the normally insular Kingdom's standing in the world, King Alleric dispatches a retinue to accompany his daughter Cassandra Millford to Thornwild [Or another Kingdom, potentially]. It is his hope that he may offer Cassandra's hand in marriage to whomever should ascent the Kingdom's throne.

    Damian Dust and his sentimental bunch are close in pursuit, with Damian hoping to pry the love of his life Cassandra from the retinue. Unknown to him, he himself is marked (for death) by pursuing assailants.

    Civil Unrest: The sudden, and almost wanton arrival of the Tribespeople to the inner circles of Eleton have incited envy and inspiration alike in the lower-class, causing no small amount of civil unrest. King Alleric and his advisor Tomnor attempt to quell it through whatever means necessary.

    Meanwhile, the influential, and oft-humiliated noble Morris Robinlace attempts to instigate conflict between factions. His first motive: to arrange the death of one Damian Dust, a near legendary figure amongst the tribes.

    A Failing Economy Young Ainsley Goldfletch, left to the duty after the death of her father the treasurer, attempts to secure a loan, or trade agreements from another nation, in order to muster up the gold necessary to appease the Palefoxes.

  • [bg=#A7928E]
    King Alleric Millfort rules. Queen Lanya has been deceased for quite some time, succumbing to poor health.

    Next in line is Alleric's lone son, Lanyer Millfort - scatter-brained and slow, although stout of body and shockingly strong.

    Alleric has five daughters, Vennifer, Cassandra, Taliyah, Rosalin, and Lesi.

    The Tribespeople

    Each tribe decides its own leader amongst themselves, and together the leader of their unified alliance. Jagger Palefox is the current Chieftain of the united tribes, while his brother Aldren is considered by most to be second-in-command. The heir is not decided by inheritance, and is instead decided by the will of the tribespeople. The will of the tribespeople, incidentally, tends to be swayed by copious amounts of blood. For this reason, the sons of Clan Palefox have a tendency of emerging victorious.


  • [bg=white]
    Important names and faces

  • NAME || Alleric Millford
    AGE..... || 56
    ROLE.. || King of Eleton
    CLASS || Noble (Royalty)

    The Millfords have been, historically, known for one thing: their girth. Years of gluttony and overindulgence have rendered Alleric as a mound of flesh, and taken their toll upon him. Prone to ailments given his condition, Alleric has had his left leg amputated, and requires a carriage and numerous attendants to be capable of movement.

    Layers of fat pervade his face to the point of rendering it expressionless, fat where bone structure and facial features should be. Still, Alleric's demeanour is jovial, if the apt representation of jovial is a constant red blush. His hair has grown white and wispy, and his once majestic beard has turned rat-like.

    lleric Millford lived much of his life in peacetime, enjoying the prosperous times that Eleton 'endured' for decades. It was only after he lost his leg, and became unable to walk under his own power, that the Kingdom of Eleton faces its first real threat in centuries; the tribes, united by one Jagger Palefox.

    With a woefully untrained army, incompetent commanders, and far too much to lose, Alleric Millford made a decision that would change the face of Eleton, forever: he bought Jagger Palefox's loyalty with gold, almost all that the Kingdom had to offer.

    A King who has spent most of his life in decadence, he now faces a myriad of challenges that threaten Eleton's future. The Kingdom's coffers - the only force protecting Eleton from Jagger - are empty; to that end he sends Earko Goldfletch to negotiate a loan for a neighboring nation. In the meanwhile, he must balance the wishes of the nobility, the citizenry and the tribespeople alike - not to mention his sorrow over the death of his son Prince Raynor Millford.

    Finally, he sends his daughter, Cassandra Millford, off, to offer her hand in marriage to whomever may ascend to the throne of Thornwild.

  • NAME || Damian Dust
    AGE..... || 17
    ROLE.. || Heir-Chief of Clan Dust, 'Foot-Prince', 'Princess-Thief'
    CLASS || Tribesman

    Clan Dust is known for their tanned skin, and Damian Dust is no exception. A beautiful man, two blue eyes adorn his sandy skin like oasis within the desert, and his brown locks remain lush despite grime and sweat alike.

    The 'Foot-Prince', he has consummate build of a runner, lean, but of wiry strength, and supreme focus in motion. At rest, he is a lazily swaggering soul, carrying himself in the world with nonchalance.

    A young man but, as with any other tribesman worth his salt, a storied man. Despite his young age, he is regarded by the tribespeople with a certain awe, his every breath carrying the weight of myth and legend. Supposedly.

    Damian Dust's father was amongst those executed during the 'Decimation of Dust, Storm, and Shattermill' (see Jagger Palefox's entry). Although he did not openly resent the Chieftain, Damian Dust nonetheless felt rage at his father's death, and devoted himself to the mastery of his body, to be swift, to have lungs of iron. His quickness was soon noted, and made him fit to serve as a scout.

    During the Tribe's Katet Games, however, Damian Dust transcended his role as scout. He famously won both the foot-race and the horse-race, establishing himself as the fastest runner, and the best rider amongst all the tribesmen. For his success, he was named the 'Foot-Prince' and ascended to heir-apparent of Clan Dust.

    But the most acclaimed achievement of young Damian is his famous fornication with the youngest daughter of King Alleric of Eleton, Cassandra Millford. As the tale goes, he knocked Cassandra's husband (who, in reality, was a vicious, abusive man) unconscious and proceeded to sleep with Cassandra, over the man's resting body. The truth and the falsehood in this story are oft debated, but two things are clear: Damian and Cassandra did consummate their alleged feelings, and Cassandra's husband was indeed beaten.

    The nobles quickly became uproarious, demanding Damian's execution. Yet Cassandra loved Damian, and Alleric was loathe to execute such a well-regarded tribesman, for fear of reprisal from the Palefoxes. For getting away with his various misdeeds, Damian Dust became a tribal legend, uttered in the same breath as men the likes of Eligor and Jagger Palefox.

  • NAME || Jagger Palefox
    AGE..... || 37
    ROLE.. || Chieftain of the Tribes
    CLASS || Tribesman (Elevated Noble)

    Jagger has inherited the birthright of all sons of Clan Palefox - handsome and pale, with the severity of a spectre. His entire form has been made rigid and well-muscled from decades of warfare. The Warchief's defining mark is his ruined eye, glazed over with grey gloss to match his mane of ashen hair. His lone good eye surveys the surroundings, always moving where its twin cannot. Some tell of a glint in Jagger's eye, devious and cruel - some say the eye reflects the scenes of massacres to come.

    Unlike the rest of the tribes-people, who favour relatively looser jerkins of leather, Jagger Palefox has grown accustomed to Eleton's heavy armor. Within his combat regalia, he is as if a Goliath, his towering height accompanying his fearsome visage.

    The Shaman of Clan Palefox overlooked two infant brothers as they slept in their cradles - declaring that one would be a scourge upon the world, and the other a legend. Eligor of Clan Palefox, the father of the children, had solemnly nodded at this, and killed both the shaman and mother alike, so as to make the prophecy true, bound to reality through their blood.

    In the decades to come, Jagger Palefox would prove himself, truly, as the scourge.

    The forebearers of Clan Palefox had united half of the clans, keeping them together through the promise of illicit gains, and the threat of gruesome death. Even as a child, this resonated to Jagger Palefox, who had grown to be formidable for his age. As a young boy, he was taller, stronger, and faster than the others. While brutes were easy enough to come by amongst the tribes, Jagger was not just a brute - he was smarter. Possessed of both low-cunning, and a certain observant intellect, Jagger Palefox proved himself to be a natural when it came to his people's way of life; he participated in his first raid at the tender age of twelve, leading one three years after that. Eligor had fathered a monster.

    When Eligor passed, Jagger Palefox was five years over twenty, and established his rule over the clans with a bloodied fist, and a promise of something more: for the first time in hundreds of years, Jagger Palefox lead the tribes in an all-out war upon the Kingdom of Eleton. Half of the tribes were united under the Palefox legacy, while Jagger's brother Aldren had skillfully convinced the rest of the free tribes to join in the assault.

    For years, the brothers Palefox terrorised the Kingdom of Eleton, laying waste to its citizenry and demolishing its untrained armies. Such was the breadth of his atrocity, that King Alleric famously resorted to pacifying Jagger's faction through the payment of gold.

    Immediately, Jagger Palefox aligned his tribes against all others who did not acquiesce to this development. His infamous forced-march to reinforce the Eleton capital was known throughout the realm as 'the Decimation of Dust, Storm and Shattermill'. As the tale goes, Jagger Palefox dispatched the clans Dust, Storm and Shattermill, and - in order to ensure an effective forced march - commanded them to form groups of ten.

    If the stories are to be believed, the last person from each group of ten to reach the capital was executed for his failing. Even so, Jagger Palefox's forces came upon the enemy like thunder and lightning, smashing their ranks into oblivion. For this, Jagger - who had spent years destroying them - was referred to by the citizens as "the Hero of Eleton". By others: "the Scourge".

    But no matter: in one fell swoop Jagger Palefox had uplifted his people, and slaughtered all tribes that were not under his command.

  • NAME || Aldren Palefox
    AGE..... || 40
    ROLE.. || Grand Commander
    CLASS || Tribesman (Elevated Noble)

    Born pallid and handsome, Aldren has grown older and wearier, although some say that he was such even as a child. His ashen hair and his unkempt beard give him a feral edge, but his visage sags from contemplation, although his grey eyes remain sharp, constantly focused.

    A rigidly built man, he has gained a layer of fat in his older age, although his movements remain nimble and spry. He regales himself in the garb of a shaman, a dark earthen robe encompassing his body, medallions and bone-pendants adorning his neck.

    The second child, who lay next to Jagger as the Shaman spoke his words, was the brother, Aldren Palefox. Jagger Palefox had proven himself to be the scourge, which left Aldren to the role of legend.

    To this very day, Aldren has become fascinated with obtaining that title.

    Jagger's elder by three years, Aldren nonetheless lived in his brother's shadow. A strong child, and a strong man in his own right, he nonetheless deferred to Jagger's brutality, finding that it lessened his own burden in life. Still, Eligor noted the child's wisdom, even in his youth: where Jagger was cunning, Aldren was contemplative, deliberate. The elder Palefox even enjoyed absorbing the knowledge of readings from ransacked libraries, finding a strange fascination with linguistics and sciences. He was tempered steel, where Jagger was a feral claw. He was Jagger's second shadow, forever ensuring that Jagger would remain unscathed in his conquests.

    When Jagger Palefox declared war on Eleton, Aldren swiftly brought the remaining tribes into the fold, ensuring that his brother's will would be done.

    And it was.

    Upon the historic alliance between Eleton and the Tribespeople, Aldren was named Grand Commander of the Armies. Rumor has it that he has become obsessed with learning the ways of nobility and politics, spending his days immersed in scriptures and treatises.

  • NAME || Cassandra Millford
    AGE..... || 19
    ROLE.. || Princess
    CLASS || Noble (Royalty)

    A pretty enough young lady, she too has fallen to the Millford curse, having grown rotund, round of face and body. Still, she has a kindness about her, a delicate way in which she carries herself, offering a smile to all. Her long, auburn hair is a marvel, while her green eyes are earnest, gazing wondrously where others only 'look'.

    For a princess, she chooses to dress humbly, favoring earthen colors. Never one for the fame and attention of her rank, she often chooses to shy away in social gatherings, preferring to stay in the shadows of her siblings.

    Cassandra Millford is the youngest of six siblings, coming into the world after Vennifer, Lesi, Rosalin, Taliyah and the eldest brother, Lanyer. Living in a time of riches and decadence, she was spoiled by nobility, and all that she could ever desire was given to her. Yet what she most desired was the love that her mother had only spoken of in fairy tales and fables.

    She was betrothed at the age of eighteen, to a man of noble standing; Morris Robinlace, the former Commander of Eleton's standing army. So handsome, so strong was this man, that Cassandra felt sure that the love she dreamed of awaited her. She was wrong. He was a cruel man, a vicious man, who his mark on her.

    One fateful day, years after Jagger Palefox had brought his tribes into the Kingdom, did she meet a wonderful man; Damian Dust, the 'Foot-Prince', as he was called. The nimble-footed tribesman had followed her, he did, perhaps taken by her, perhaps curious; mayhaps he had never seen a princess before. This practice continued, until Cassandra eventually found herself begging that one day Damian would find his way to her, so at last they could speak.

    He did. And they fell in love, a forbidden love. With a broken heart, Cassandra told Damian the truth, that the fullest extent of love they could have were those brief moments when their eyes crossed in the market, and he followed her for as long as he could.

    So he kept following her.

    Now, one day, Cassandra and her husband had rounded into a quiet place, and her husband had been awfully cross.

    He hit her.

    And then he fell to the ground, the Foot-Prince's foot upon his chest.

  • NAME || Ainsley Goldfletch
    AGE..... || 17
    ROLE.. || Treasurer's Daughter
    CLASS || Noble

    A noble girl, her face carries the severity of one who is aware of her station, perhaps overly so. Stern, confident, the fire of her character matches the red of her hair, while her delicate, porcelain features hint at her grace. Her demeanour, temperament and even stature are stony, rigid - she will not betray her worry, and she will not betray her weakness. Never. For her Kingdom, for her father.

    Daughter and only child of Eleton's Treasurer, Earko Goldfletch, Ainsley was a bookish sort from a very young age. Her ambition in life was not to marry a man of equal stature, it was to achieve a station equal to her father's, a fantastical dream giving the social landscape of Eleton. Still, she committed to her studies, to watching her father work, until one day, Earko relented. With the coffers dry, and needing to giving the Kingdom some way to continue appeasing Jagger's tribespeople, Earko departed with a retinue to seek a loan from neighbouring nations, Ainsley in tow.

    Earko, however, fell victim to a brigand's stray arrow, leaving the task at hand in jeopardy. Determined, the young Ainsley - the most noble of the retinue - will not falter. She knows her task is instrumental to the Kingdom's survival.

    She will not fail.

  • NAME || Nuada
    AGE..... || 26
    ROLE.. || Avowed Protector
    CLASS || Commoner (Clergy)

    She is imposing, strong in ways Eleton nobility could not begin to fathom from a woman. Her body defined, quick, responsive, yet compact and powerfully constructed. Callouses adorn her hands, and bruises her face, yet even still a sort of handsomeness lingers upon her visage, keen green eyes and narrowed jaw giving her a calm, wise, almost avian appearance. Clad in plate armor, and blessed with her family's ancestral sword, she is strength personified.

    There was a time when the citizenry of Eleton looked to God almost as they looked to the nobles, those men of stature playing at omnipotence with coin in their hand.

    That time died when Jagger Palefox massacred the Two-Hundred Justified, humiliating their righteous order. That is what Nuada, daughter of Tuatha, believes. So, she steadfastly seeks redemption for her order, in the hopes that the people will look to God once more.

    She embarks on Cassandra Millford's diplomatic journey, hoping that she will restore the Two-Hundred's honor as the Princess's holy protector.

  • NAME ||Morris Robinlace
    AGE..... || 35
    ROLE.. || Lord
    CLASS || Noble

    A classically handsome man, broad-shouldered and stoutly powerful. His hair is cut short, and his beard a well-kempt symbol of virility. Once fat of face, he has grown into his features, square jawed, with expressive eyes of green. He is constantly composed beneath a veneer of graceful nobility, although his eyes often betray constant impatience and annoyance.

    Morris Robinlace was young when nepotism earned him his posting as Commander of Eleton's standing army. This was a great honor. Unfortunately, it was an honor received when Jagger Palefox and his tribal army descended upon the kingdom like fury made legion. Woefully unsuited to the task, he was constantly humiliated and defeated in battle, ridiculed by the tribesmen as the Iron Man from Clan Dungbrains.

    Perhaps he thought his greatest humiliation would be losing his status as Commander to Aldren Palefox.

    He was wrong; his greatest was when that accursed Damian Dust stole his wife from him over his unconscious body. The King himself had seen fit to dissolve their marriage, having apparently found a better use for his daughter.

    Now a noble man without a royal calling, he seeks to utilize his influence to undermine the tribespeople, and - hopefully - get that Damian fellow killed.

  • NAME || Tomnor Riddlerain
    AGE..... || 36
    ROLE.. || King's Protector
    CLASS || Noble (Knight)

    Even in his youth, he was a worried man, eyebrows furrowed, lips frowning as if expecting the worst to happen. Time has turned his hair from blonde to silver, and allowed the rest to maintain. His blank eyes betray the morose, pessimistic soul within, even while his trained body moves forward with powerful purpose. As the King's protector, he spends most of his days in chainmail, with a leather jerkin over top.

    Tomnor's life is one of sadness. A prominent noble who gave up his station to join the Clergy and the Two-Hundred Justified, before becoming one of the few survivors of Jagger Palefox's assault. Afterwards, he left the Clergy to start a family of his own, only to realize that his seed was infertile. Eventually, Tomnor, a man of incredible martial prowess, was left to guard a King who could not move from his own bed.

    His nobility has been restored, although the rest of the Riddlerains despise him for having left, and he has allowed his marriage to dissolve on account of his infertility. He has spent most of his new life saddened and depressed, a trait he shares with the newly burdened King Alleric. Through their common suffering, Tomnor, a novice at politics, has become perhaps his most trusted advisor.

    Recently, Aldren Palefox has entrusted his son, Gillard, to Tomnor as a ward, with the King's blessing.


⚜Gillard (Palefox) Riddlerain⚜
AGE || 18 | ROLE || Ward | CLASS || Tribesman (Elevated Noble)

Son of Aldren Palefox, most expected the typical upbringing for any Palefox male - instilled regiments of brutality and force. Aldren would not allow it for his son, having set aside commandeered readings and treatises for Gillard to read. A rarity for a Tribesperson, Gillard was fully literate at a very young age. And as a rarity for a Palefox, he was unusually unaccustomed to violence - his father saw fit to teach him enough to get by, but not nearly enough to live up to his legacy.

Much of Gillard's early years were during the Tribepeople's razing of Eleton, though he was ten when his father Aldren Palefox unexpectedly became Grand Commander of that very same Kingdom. At that age, Gillard was sent off to serve as a ward beneath Tomnor Riddlerain, who was to be appointed as the King's Protector. Gillard would later learn that Aldren had insisted this be amongst the conditions for peace between Eleton and the Palefoxes.

Tomnor Riddlerain felt no love for Gillard, yet had enough compassion to spare him from being a 'Palefox' in a Kingdom that hated and feared his namesake; he allowed Gillard to take on the surname 'Riddlerain'. A studious sort, he became enamored from what he learned of Eleton from Tomnor and KIng Elleric alike. Such created an interesting dichotomy.

He was not merely Palefox. He was not merely noble. He was both. His current position is one of youth and manhood. On one hand he is duty-bound to Tomnor and the King, who seek to make use of his bloodline to ease civil unrest. Damian Dust, his fondest friend, prods his other shoulder, promising a wondrous adventure of fellowship in the pursuit of Cassandra Millford.

NICKNAME/ALIAS || The Noble Savage
POLITICAL LEANINGS || For Unity Between the Tribes and the Citizens
MOUNT|| A Destrier, affectionately named 'Dog'.
WEAPON|| A bow and arrow.

"We are everyone we see, everyone we speak to."

INTERNAL RELATIONSHIPS || Aldren Palefox (Father), Jagger Palefox (Uncle), Tomnor Riddlerain (Ward), Damian Dust (Friend)

EXTERNAL RELATIONSHIPS || Leave blank. To be determined after initial acceptance and plotting.


HAIR || Brown-Blonde
EYES || Grey
BUILD || Lean

Long blonde hair accompanies the pallid face of the Palefox son, encompassing his narrow, angular face down to the back of his neck. A lean, yet tall man, he is handsome enough, although his face could be considered 'gaunt' by some and 'plain' by others. His motions are awkward, limbs gangly, indicating that he is not the martial prodigy his father and uncle are.


In accordance to Aldren's wishes, Gillard is a beacon of knowledge, although unfocused, due in part to the random, haphazard nature of the readings he was privy to as a Tribesperson. Curious, and constantly observant, he has the Shaman's thirst for knowledge, and none of the bloodlust commonly associated with his ilk. His curiosity also leads into empathy, and he removes all pretense of nobility or tyranny in addressing even Lower-Ringers, who he regards with a certain degree of guilt; he takes blame for the actions of his forebears.

Having been entrenched in a world of papyrus and ink, Gillard is sometimes blind to social dynamics, particularly in regards to his own status - a tribesman elevated to noble. He is blind to those who despise him, would make an enemy of him, and those who fear him in equal measure. In conclusion, a kind-hearted, intelligent soul, burdened by youthful naivete.

MAJOR STRENGTH || Intelligent


QUIRKS || His gaze has a tendency to wander, and he himself is prone to daydream.

PROCLIVITIES || Reading, asking too many questions.

SOFT SPOTS || Farmers.

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heavy WIP.





  • [bg=#A7928E]

    Located in the far northwest, surrounded by snow, Caradae explodes from Castle Tiburn and dots the cold landscape throughout the northwest - from shipping villages on the stony beaches, to rivertowns that load down boats with gems and other raw materials, Caradae is a chaotically built kingdom - planned mostly around necessity rather than any specific design ideal. The main city is large, with tall buildings and stone walls protecting the nobility from the harsh winds outside, as well as any hostile force that may attempt to loot their treasures.

    While Castle Tiburn and the surrounding area is a wealth of culture and strength, the further away from the castle one ventures, the poorer the areas become - with less wealth to go around outside of the capital, and fewer citizens willing to venture north to take up military garb, there is far less money to go around, and many villages suffer - the exception to this, of course, are the small but strong-cored military communities that dot the cold landscape.

    Finally, there are a few mining towns surrounding the castle up north, filled with well-paid workers that venture into the deep, cold earth to unearth the hidden riches within. The mines run deep, and many of the tunnels built intersect with other mining towns, and there are even a couple that let out in the castle - a fact that the monarch is acutely aware of.

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  • [bg=#A7928E]Creaz Pria, the kingdom borne from the Shifting Wastes, a massive desert that is littered with very little solid ground amongst tides of sinking sand. A land of scholarly advancement and love of ingenuity. Where the people value knowledge over power, skill-sets over blades, and pursuit of advancement over power. Their inventions and technology are evident against the peachy horizon. Crafting houses from sandstone would have led to them blending into the surrounding sand if it wasn't for the glass lamps, colored tents, and the red painted stones that warn visitors that the ground may be unstable outside of them.

    Creaz Pria welcomes those from outside countries. It does not close its borders to anyone. Yet, one has to prove themselves to live there. While visitors that fail to be useful to society are just exiled out of the kingdom, those that are natural citizens find themselves in indentured servitude. If not useful then, they are killed. This comes from their history based solely on survival. While a kingdom of progress, many of their rules still remain arcane.

    Ateera is their capital, a large city made of sandstone, colorful swaths of fabric, noise, and one of the few places that one can find livestock. The Tribunal House is found on the highest hill, glass embedded in the sandstone, making it obvious to all those around. All roads lead there but through various footpaths and interesting detours. The city is speckled with stone and flora, creating a stark contrast to the rest of the desert. One can find the marvels of Creaz Pria on display here.
  • [bg=#A7928E]The people of Creaz Pria live in a caste system. One is not born into it, they earn it. There are three castes: Military, Scholars, and Labor. These three represent the touchstones on which their civilization is built. The military caste oversees the laws and protecting Creaze Pria from attacks, both inside out. They're also the only caste allowed in the navy. The Scholar caste oversees all research and innovations to help push the kingdom forward in both technology and militaristic advancements. They also oversee economic development, trade, and infrastructure. The Labor caste is as it sounds. It is a caste entirely dedicated to working the farms, factories, silkworm tents, etc. Yet, they are not viewed as a lesser caste. Labor is important and there are ways for one to advance their status through the caste.

    These three castes are represented by a single member that serves in the Tribunal. Each person champions the cause of their castes and works with others to ensure that the kingdom as a whole benefit. So, their voices are always heard no matter where they stand in society.

    Creaz Pria has no need for those that cannot work or are not skilled enough to perform in one of the three castes. If unable to provide for their caste, they're marked as "casteless" and become indentured servants to various jobs until they show they can be useful again, or they die at their work. Those that even fail at this are viewed as "trash." Trash is taken to one of the many known areas of sinking sands and pushed into them, dying but also providing nutrients for crops. This more extreme than most measures. Usually, only those that are entirely useless or criminals that have either raped or murdered, are sentenced to this.

    The main motto of Creaz Pria has been advancement. And they realize that no single person is capable of advancing an entire race, that is why most households have around thirty members each. This also comes from their loose laws about sex. Marriage does happen in Creaz Pria, but it is only so one is married to an individual, usually of the opposite gender, that compliments their failings. No one is forced to have sex only with the person they have married. So, anyone may have one betrothed but several lovers and a varying gamete of children between them. They believe that the more minds that are in a small space mean the more ideas that can be created. Do not worry, though, they have strict genealogical records to make sure that incest never happens. I know you were wondering, Shiz.

    So, that has led their society to form a more open bond with communication. They say what is on their minds when it comes to it, and they rarely ever lie. The people of Creaz Pria do not play political games, and as such have found themselves at a disadvantage when dealing with other countries. Yet, while they fail at being sly and underhanded, they are more unified as a kingdom.
  • [bg=#A7928E]The people of Creaz Prias do not have a religion. When they first inhabited this land it was them versus the elements. So, they never sought any divinity beyond themselves.

    That being said, they're occasionally superstitious. There are old tales told around dinner tables about various ghouls and monsters found in the ever-shifting sands. Some laugh at these things, while others believe them. For the most part, those native to Creaz Pria find this all very amusing, and even more amusing when they can convince a foreigner otherwise.
  • [bg=#A7928E] Creaz Pria is pretty much desert in its beginning and ending. The Shifting Wastes it is called, due to the sinking sands that devour things that are both heavy and mobile. So, the natives of the country have created paths that they can follow that won't lead them to death. Still, the shifting sands can house vegetables and fruits. There are enough minerals and vitamins, and the plants create such a strong root system that they can remain afloat in the shifting sands. People can harvest them via a pulley system that leads them darting across ropes to collect the variety of fruits and vegetables.

    The mountains to the north of them are a haven of ores that are helpful to build their gadgets and foundations. They are not precious metals, by any means. Just basic ones that allow for weapons and inventions. There are all sulfur mines throughout the Shifting Wastes that are worked upon by indentured servants and are hoarded. This is one of the few resources out of the gamete of ores and minerals they produce that they do not export.

    At the seaside, they have cities that stretch on for miles. Their main import is fish, given that they don't have much livestock themselves. Their harbors are small but busy, with grand sandstone walls, and a navy protecting them. The navy may not be large, but they have a technology that allows for a fire that cannot be put out via water. They have small, lithe boats armed with this. While they've never had to use them, they exist.

    There are not a lot of cities in Creaz Pria. And they are scattered throughout the desert linked via marked paths. Each city is massive, Ateela being the largest. Farms are long swaths of towers, ropes, and suspended granaries. Very little vegetation exists outside of that and cities. Only the seaside holds any natural vegetation that doesn't require a lot of work to harvest. But, they do not rely on that wholly due to the nature of their crops easily being destroyed by a natural disaster or enemy attack.
  • [bg=#A7928E]While some kingdoms are forged from war and blood, Creaze Pria was formed from the need to survive. They were once people that took to the shores of their fine kingdom, but there was not enough in the form of vegetation and inhabitable land for them to strive. More so, they couldn't venture too far from the shore before they would perish in the Shifting Wastes. Their existance would have been snuffed out had it not been for a man whose name is long forgotten and who's just referred to as "The Founder." The Founder was the one that found the stone paths. He was one the one that led his people away from the shores and into the Shifting Wastes. Of course, not everything went smoothly. There were still deaths, but there was hope along with it.

    That was when they came across the giant stone disc to build their crowning jewel upon. It was called Ateela after the Founder's wife. Other groups of people ventured outwards, founding settlements, locating the mountains, discovering how the sparse vegetation thrives in these places and carving their existence into a place that shouldn't have been.

    When the Founder passed, his children took up leadership roles in hopes of emulating their father's greatness. Unfortunately, they were not as charismatic or as clever. The people squabbled. They didn't want to be ruled. They wanted for their society to thrive in unity. It was then decided that there was to be a Tribunal. A leader for each skill set. It took a long time, but they decided on the three castes: Military, Scholarly, and Labor. There was a head appointed to each of these castes by the caste. Yet, to honor the Founder, they kept a position called the Heir. This person would mainly be the face of the Tribunal, but they would be the face to remind them that they pulled themselves up from adversity.
  • [bg=#A7928E]Creaz Pria doesn't have a collective army. Instead, their army is formed of rangers that employ guerilla tactics to take on aggressors. They make use of the uncertain terrain and their weapons to quell enemy forces outside their borders. They do not have a force substantial enough to invade, but they are more than capable of defending their borders.

    Creaz Pria's navy is not large, either. Much like the land forcesc, they use tactics for quick and agile strikes. That being said, they do have three larger boats capable of using Green Fire <think Greek Fire> and ramming into smaller vessels. The navy lurks around their coast, helping escort cargo and trade ships into harbor. While they don't turn a blind eye entirely to the Black Bay, they don't police those waters at all. Though, they do threaten if trouble is started in their territory.
  • [bg=#A7928E] Hot and dry all the time. Their winter is barely cooler. There is no humidity.[/bg]
  • [bg=#A7928E] The citizens of Creaz Pria are varied in looks. Though, natives with long bloodlines usually have a light brown complexion with dark hair. Those that have bred with outsiders vary. Most of them are darker with pitch black hair, but some can be fairer. Outsiders are easy to discern from the native population given that many of them are quite pale and boast lighter hair colors.

    Native citizens of Creaz Pria are more resistant to heat and almost incapable of being sunburned. Their builds can vary from lean, to average, to muscular, to stout, it is all based on their caste system. Beyond having shared skin tones and hair color, they are also a tall people. Usually average to taller than those of other kingdoms. Even their women have a high stature and more prone to being muscular than other kingdoms. There are subtle differences in those from different castes.

    LABOR: Usually lean or a wiry musculature. Those that work in the mines are stronger. Their hair is usually left shaggy and pulled away from their face. Their garb ranges anywhere from basic clothing to functional opulence based on where they are in the caste.

    MILITARY: Usually muscular. It can range from a thinner musculature, usually ranged combatants and officers, to a thicker musculature, usually martial weapon combatants. Their hair is cut shorter, and there are those that prefer to shave their heads.Their clothing can range anywhere from a bland but well-lined peasants outfit, to lavish coats that still have straight lines and obvious placements for medals and rank.

    SCHOLAR: Their build can range from lean to stocky but rarely ever muscular. Their hair can be long or short, depending on their interests. Dress is usually long, long coats with patterns on them, even for the lowest members. As they are moved up, their outfits become more luxurious.

    THE HEADS AND THE HEIR: Usually they will have some similarities to the caste they are from, but their garb is far more outlandish. They're also prone to head coverings, which is not common among the lower levels of the castes.
  • [bg=#A7928E] ☼ Saska Prinyah, the sole owner and controller of Creaz Pria's sulfur mines, is rallying a campaign to remove the current Head of Labor, Naosha Ult, from her position. She believes the Head isn't fully living up to her potential by bottlenecking exports to Il'Azawa per a nearly hundred-year-old trade agreement. Naosha believes Il'Azawa received enough of their sulfur, and any more might prove to be dangerous to Creaz Pria.

    ☼ After the previous Heir, Xavi Ashtoh, stepped down and gave his position to his second son, Amhkel, there has been a rippling of rumors about why Amhkel was chosen. Many believe that Yahvi, the eldest brother, was skipped over due to him being more insular than his younger brother. Xavi attempted to expand their borders by employing more ambassadors and opening up for more trade. Yahvi wanted to return back to being a more contained society and because of that has been more popular with more conservative citizens. Amhkel, who is closest to the youngest brother Denaar and younger sister Relena, half-siblings from an outsider, has always been more interested in open borders and creating a more multi-cultural society.

    ☼ There are fierce rumors circulating about the expansion of sinkholes all over Creaz Pria, and that in a hundred years time there'll barely be any viable living space. While the Scholars have done their best to dissuade the populace of this rumor, it isn't entirely untrue. And with nowhere for them to expand... it has become a point of contention.

    ☼ The citizens of Creaz Pria do not commonly practice politiks. There are few that do, and even fewer that are better at it. So, when one of the premier ambassadors, Kien Kashaa, has gone turned up missing--the entire kingdom is up in arms. Outsiders are being more carefully watched and more rigorously searched.
  • [bg=#A7928E]
    THE HEIR: Descendant of the Founder, he's the face of Creaz Pria. He's the one that addresses his people about the Heads' decisions, and he's the one that sees foreign dignitaries when they come into the country. While he can push his own agenda, he doesn't have a complete rule.
    Current Heir: Ahmkel Ashtoh

    THE HEADS: Directly underneath The Heir. They have their castes that they oversee, Labor, Military, and Scholar. They thrust those agendas forward and then they are discussed by all. While they do manage their own castes without interference if another Head sees something amiss they can and do bring it up.
    Current Heads:
    Labor Head- Naosha Ult
    Military Head- Gheenar Khatan
    Scholar Head- Koran Kashaa


  • [bg=white]
    Important names and faces

  • NAME || Xavi Ashtoh
    AGE..... || Sixty-Seven
    ROLE.. || Ex-Heir
    CLASS || Scholar

    Xavi is an imposing man, that through the years has become more dimunative in stature given his growing age. That doesn't stop him from having an authoratative tone and nature. He needs help getting around on a daily basis, but no one views him lesser for it. He's not fond of wearing the bright clothing of others in his position, quite content with earth colors and a subdued turban. He smiles warmly, and is fond of patting one in the back when they look like they need it.​

    Born from the Heir before him, Xavi knew this would always be his path. He studied. He practiced. And he created complex agendas for his future rule. Sadly, when he came into power at the age of thirty-two the three caste heads rebuked his notion for expanding out and participating in more trade with other kingdoms. Time passed, he married, and he had two sons from that marriage Yahvi and Ahmkel. He had a third son and his first daughter from his bodyguard, Yessenia. He loved his family very much. His wife passed away twenty years ago, and Yessenia has moved from his bodyguard to his caretaker. In those past twenty years, Xavi railed against the heads to open up to the outside world. And as the head of the military retired, and allowed for a new face to enter, Xavi got his wish. Yet, the plans are only now beginning to see fruition, Xavi had to pass his Heir status onto his second son, a decision that has caused a lot of controversy. Now, Xavi lives in a small home in Ateera with Yessenia and his daughter, Relena.​

  • NAME ||Yahvi Ashtoh
    AGE..... || Thirty-Eight
    ROLE.. || First Son
    CLASS || Scholar

    Yahvi has a decisive gaze, that never wanders far from the things he wants. Even though he is in the scholar caste, he wears a rigidity about him that would speak of the military. Everything from his neatly trimmed beard, to his straight-lined outfits, and his lack of customary jewelry. The man follows a code. But it is a code that has served him well. He's a well-sourced intellect, a powerful debator, and an excellent researcher. His concise way with words have won him many a friend, but also awarded him many an enemy. He's well liked, but not for his politeness.​

    First son of the Heir, Yahvi was groomed to take his position. He followed in his father's footsteps and took in everything Creaz Pria had to offer. He travelled across the land. He witnessed the strength of the people and the weankness the outsiders brought with their lies and theirvary. When he turned thirty, the customary age to take the position as Heir, his father clung onto it. So, Yahvi continued his studies. He inevtiably met another scholar, and took her as his bride. Yet, as time moved forward and Yahiv was nearing his fourtiethy birthday, he pressured his father to retire. So, Xavi did, and named Yahvi's younger brother as Heir. Ever since, Yahvi has disappeared from the larger circles. Many wonder what has become of him.​

    AGE..... || Twenty-Six
    ROLE.. || Third Son
    CLASS ||Labor

    Denaar is the half-son of Xavi, and by no small consequence the one that he doted the most. He spaces out, prone to thinking about things and just staring at the ceiling while doing so. Many portraits painted of him, contain a glass-eyed stare. Not to say that hwas boring or mentally-inept. Like his brothers, Deenar is very intelligent, but unlike his borthers he's very imaginative. He comes up with fantastical ideas that don't seem feasible or plausible, which has led him to write many a ficticious story. Some say thet Deenar is the one behind all the folk tales. He enjoys wearing fanciful clothes, even if they may not match. He doesn't bear a beard, complaining his hair never comes in even. He has a fondness for Ahkmel, and would do anything for his younger sister.​

    Being born from a native and an outsider, hasn't been easy for Deenar. Many look down on him for the way he looks and his pedigree. Yet, Xavi made sure he wanted for anothing in retalisation for that. Even Xavi's wife, Deenar's second mother, cared deeply for the boy, treating him as equal with her two sons. Yet, when it came of age for him to be placed into a caste, he pwas put into Labor. He tried to prove himself as a scholar, but there somethings not even an Heir could make happen. The scholars, and Yahvi, didn't want him to be there. That being said, Deenar has helped by planning and structuring trade routes that have improved efficiency. Of course, he hasn't quite figured out how to employ birdlings, but he plans on there being an arial delivery service, someday.​

  • NAME || Naosha Ult
    AGE..... ||Fifty-SIx
    ROLE.. || Head of Labor
    CLASS || Labor

    Naosha is a resolute woman, stern and powerful. She always wears her dark hair pulled back, her makeup dusky but conservative, and her jewelry quite tasteful. She's fond of tailored suits instead of dresses. While she's shorter than most Creaz Pria women, she's taller in attitude than most of them. While many wish to call her cold, they'd have to call her a matron first. She looks after Creaz Pria more than her own children. Even her wife sits underneath the good for her kingdom.​

    Naosha is a rarit for one of the Heads. She was not born in the uppertier of the Labor Caste. Instead she grew up a farmer like many of them. Yet, she was quick to learn and even quicker to fix problems. This let her slowly rise through the ranks until a young scholar named Uma Ult took notice in her. They loved each other at first sight. And while they'd go on to have progeny through men, they'd only love each other. Naosha used her relationship to vault herself upwards. She holds dar Creaz's beliefs, and she won't, for a second, let them go.​

  • NAME || Gheenar Khatan
    AGE..... || Forty-Two
    ROLE.. || Head of Military
    CLASS || Military

    Unlike a lot of military men Gheenar, isn't fond of looking the part. He enjoys lavish turbans, wearing his beard prominently and adorning himsel in jewelry. That being said, he's far from over-indulgent in his life, just in appearance. He's politer than you'd think he'd be, prone the smiling and nodding more than most military men. But there is a cold chill behind his eyes that never leaves. When he enters a room, you know he checks every entrance and exit, and he never goes anywhere without his ceremonial sword, that can cut just like a normal one.​

    Gheenar is the youngest of the heads, but is not an unassuming ignorant because of it. He was raised in a high tier military caste family. He was sent through basic training, and he served as guerrilla fighter on the front lines. He has many stories he';; tell through that, and only a few that he won't. No one doubts that he has killed more than once. He is happily married and has seven children, al from the same woman. While he believes that Creaz Pria should expand, he doesn't fully indulge in its relaxed state of love. Instead, he enjoys the outwards cultures thought of monogamy. He also enjoys their cultures interests, and their peace. While Creaz Pria is far from a warring kingdom, it does have its moments of turmoil. That is why Gheenar supported Xavi, and turned the heads towards progress.​

  • NAME || Koran Kashaa
    AGE..... || Sixty-Four
    ROLE.. || Head of the Scholars
    CLASS || Scholars

    Koran is quite short, quite small, and prone to wearing the most lavish of turbans. HE also enjoys styling his beard garishly, smiling wildly, and adorning himself in women's jewelry. His clothes are always odd and mis-matched. He speaks in riddles, laughs loudly, and says small but profound things. He's the smartest of all the scholars, and no one doubts that, but he is eccentric and prone to rattling on about nothing important that is actually important.​

    Koran had two moms and eleven sisters, it's fair to say that no one doubts his mild insanity. Instead they've come to accept it as part of his charm. He was born into the scholar class, and he excelled in the studies of human siversity and sexuality. He didn't need much help with that. Beyond that, he looked into medicines, herbal and not, and he was albe to fidvine numerous holistic cures for small, irritable things. It wasn't until he cured a near-fatal feverish rash that anyone paid him any mind. From then on, he rose in the ranks of the medicus, a branch of health-oriented scholars, until he reached the position he is in now. He has no wife or hsuband, but he's had several lovers throughout the years, including Naosha. From it, came their child Kien Kashaa.​

  • NAME || Daus Moors
    AGE..... || Twenty-Eight
    ROLE.. || Body Guard
    CLASS ||Military

    Daus is tall, even for a citizen of Creaz Pria. He's very muscular, and sports the garb of a high-ranking solider, along with a scimitar and a spear. He always wears a turban, and usually has some facial jewelry on. He knows how dangerous this is, but he doesn't care. He gaze is carnal and cruel, he belittles men just by being in their prescence. He has very few words except to Ahmkel, the one he's sworn to protect. Daus has never lost a battle.​

    Not much is known about Daus, just that he came from the outer reaches of Creaz Pria, and placed into Ahmkel's service quite early on. They bonded as children, became friends as teenagers, and lovers as adults. They're nearly inserperable. And it is thet bond that makes Daus even more formindable. His strength has defied normal convetions to save the Heir.​

  • NAME || Saska Prinyah
    AGE..... ||Thirty
    ROLE.. || Owner of the Sulfur Mines
    CLASS ||Labor

    Saska is a tall woman, strong, and prone to a strong and judgemental face. Her lips are always cocked into a smirk. She wears lavish dresses, decadent jewelry, and has the finest of anything one has to offer. And she can afford it all, easily. She enjoys boasting that she is worth more than the Heir himself. Saska is friendly at face, but cruel behind one's back. She enjoys laughing at others misfortune while attempting to benefit it. She's a strong woman from a family of men, and she knows it. She does not apoligize for anything, but at the same time she does not wait for luck... she makes her own.​

    Saska was not the heir to the sulfur mines. Oh no, she was third in line. Yet, her older brothers both died before inheriting the rites. While many speak of some dark dealings, it was honestly just fate. And maybe it was those rumors that led to Saska embracing her malificent side. She took over the famil business and learned all there was to learn. Yet the most important message was their trading agreement with Il'Azawa. She found the limits on how much sulfur they shipped to be limiting. They received equal saltpeter in return which lead the building of weapons, though ineffectual but strong. Saska knew if they could get more saltpeter they could figure out how to crack this. Yet, the Head of Loabor kept holding her back. So, in hopes of forcingtheir hand, she married an important hyena breeder of Il'Azawa. Oddly enough, even though it was apolitical move, she does enjot the man and his pets. And she spoils them both, wildly. Currently, she is attempting to get Naosha off her position, but she's having a hard time of it.​

  • NAME || Kien Kashaa
    AGE..... || Twenty-Eight
    ROLE.. || Ambassador
    CLASS ||Scholar

    Kien loves lavish robes, outlandish patterns, jewelry and facepanit. She emobdies the Creaz Pria traditions of old in painting her face. Yet, as ambassador the other kingdoms sem to enjoy that. She's a small woman, but buxom and shapely in all the right plces. Her voices is smooth but commanding, and her sense of humor is just as outlandish as her father. STill, she has the strict rule following of her mother. She does quite well as an ambassador and has secured many deals with her words and body. She is viewed as the most premier of negotiators in her culture.​

    Kien never got along with her mother, she was always her father's girl. At a young age he taught her to tell stories of fancy, and she did so with ease. She rose through the scholar ranks, and inevitably earned a place as the most rare and esteemed of ambassadors by easily lying to the head of military, and making him beliefe the words from her lips with ease. Laying is not an art that most members of the Creaz Pria look upon, but they do allow it for those that deal with other kingdoms. Unfortunately, Creaz Pria believes that their ambassadors should be solely for the job, and so they do not allow them to marry, believing that marriage may turn off the prospect of sexual dealings with other countries. So Kien, has done without love. She's done without children. And she's been entirely for the people of Creaz Pria. And now she's missing..​

  • NAME || Azil Zosh
    AGE..... || Thirty-Six
    ROLE.. || Ambassador
    CLASS ||Scholar

    Azil is probably the sweetest man anyone would ever meet in Creaz PRia, so it doesn't hurt to know that he is the most cunning. Allowed to lie and profit, as an ambassador he does just that. He's the average height for a native, meaning he's taller than most. He's broad shouldered, strong chest, but has a prominent gut that comes from years of wining and dining various other kingdoms. His bear is always perfectly manicured, and he shapes his mustache. He's prone to wearing very nice clothing, though nothing lavish or offputting. He knows a lot about tactics, art, music, and lovemaking. And he's actualyl quite talented at all of them. He's a smart man, even though he's quick to the drink and the bed.​

    Azil was born from a low-tier scholar family. Through study and dedication he worked his way up. Many thought him not a scholar due to his constant flirtations and avoidance of actual work. They were surprised when he'd come out with a novel about how to beguile someone. He had a lesser known novel about sexual exploitations. So, he was introduced into the ambassador program. There he excelled, only second to Kien. Like most ambassador he lacks a spouse, and his lovers are small quick things. Still, he doesn't see much of Creaz Pria nowadays due to his travels..​

  • NAME || Wallis
    AGE..... || Unknown
    ROLE.. || Pathfinder
    CLASS ||Outsider

    Wallis is obviously an outsider. He has pale skin, pale eyes, a well trimmed beard, and is prone to wearing heavy clothing in hopes of keeping him from being sunburned. He doesn't have much of a personality to most. His job is to lead those that are unaware of Creaz Pria's paths to safety. That is his job and he does it well. He's one of the few outsiders that has a position outside low tier labor. And he's quite proud about that.​

    Wallis was an exile from some kingdom or another, he doesn't talk about it much. He ended up in Creaz Pria as a child. There he worked in one of the farms until he was old enough to break free. From that, he found it amusing to map the safe paths through Creaz Pria. While journeying out one day, he discovered another pathfinder. Amused that he had navigated himself as well as he did, they folded him into their ranks. There he excelled. He became Head Pathfinder in no time. Yet, what many do not know, is that the Pathfinders are the Heirs secret spies, hidden away from every caste and eavery head of government. THey hear everything, and when asked upon they make people disappear. Wallis is no different. If anything, he's more loyal to the current Heir than he was to the last.​


AGE ||Thirty-Two | ROLE || Heir | CLASS || Military

Amkhel is the second son of the Heir, and shouldn't have taken his father's place. Yet, in the wake of a political upheaval in Creaz Pria, he was put before his own elder brother. Amkhel is part of the military caste not having proven smart enough for the scholars nor mundane enough for the laborers. He was a good mixture. A down to earth boy, with smarts where he needed them, charisma where he wanted it, and good looks to help both of those along. He was quite the picture perfect military student and was only third to his own bodyguard the head of the military. Yet, Amkhel's true shining star was his understanding. He believed in what his father did. He believed that they needed to open their borders and no longer be an internalized kingdom. Yet, much like his father, he was met with objection.

It was only until Amkhel fought against the Roots, a small terrorist organization, did he truly understand the need for expansion and understanding. They were an extremist group that were comprised of those that believed that Creaz Pria should never go beyond their borders. Yet, their kingdom was suffocatingly small.

When he was made Heir, he continued his father's forward progress, even as his brother Yahvi disappeared from the light all together. Amkhel knows things from now on will be treacherous, yet he perseveres.​

NICKNAME/ALIAS || Whatever His Wife Calls Him
POLITICAL LEANINGS || Anti-Isolationism and Pro-Expansion
MOUNT|| A Deset Warhorse: Sharazah
WEAPON|| The Family Scimitar; Ritual Yatagahn
"We're children of the future. It is time to start acting like it."

Xavi Ashtoh: Father
Norina Ashtoh: Mother -- Deceased
Yasmeena Kohl: Father's Bodyguard and Step Mother
Yhavi Ashtoh: Eldest Brother
Daneer Ashtoh: Younger Half-Brother
Relena Kohl: Younger Half-Sister
Gwenndolyn Ashtoh: Wife

EXTERNAL RELATIONSHIPS || Leave blank. To be determined after initial acceptance and plotting.


HAIR || Black
EYES || Brown
BUILD || Muscular
MARKINGS || A few scars from training, but beyond that he just has holes for nose, ears, lip, eyebrow, and other piercings.

Ahmkel is tall, broad shouldered, muscular, and prone to sliding into lavish tunics with ease. While not prone to as much jewelry as he was underneath his parents' rule, he does still favor rings, necklaces, and studs. He also has a bit of jewelry where the sun doesn't shine. He carries himself with an authoritative walk but a slippery smile that is contagious. He wears his hair clean cut, and his beard trimmed close to his chin. His voice has a deep accent, but he can speak most any language perfectly. Even if he mispronounces words, he knows that instant and laughs through it. He's prone to touching shoulders and leaning in close. But he knows better than to invade most outsiders' personal space.

He is always seen with two heyenas and a numerous amount of birdlings, as he breeds them. He also is quite kind to horses, and his own horse is a special breed amog special breeds. And he's always seen with his wife, no matter the situation as he bleives she's quite formidable to any situation.


Written Personality (No more than 300 words)






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  • The Silvern Kingdom lies in the center of northern Ellemar, surrounded by great powers on either side. It is a sprawling dominance, traversing steep mountain ranges, undulating valleys and serpentine rivers. Townsfolk find work in the many silver mines and quarries, in wild woods felling hardwood trees, or sailing down the intertwined rivers fishing or selling goods to merchants and travelers.

    Ancient wild woods are sprinkled throughout the Silvern Kingdom, but it's greatest natural treasures are the geothermal hot springs scattered here and there throughout the dominance. It's palace, Silvernest, was built around and on top of one of these pools centuries ago and due to the numerous waterfalls and academic knowledge, enjoy certain technological advances akin to indoor plumbing and aqueducts.

    Silvernest is perched and built into the holy mountain Tasair and it's capitol city, Silvara, is directly below the ancient castle. The center of Silvara is protected by a crescent-moon shaped body of water known as Glass Lake and the outer cantons spread across leagues in every direction.

    Lords and Ladies loyal to the Northern Throne rule over cantons all across the dominance by His Majesties decree. In addition to these outlying villages and towns, The Convent has erected Monasteries across the countryside where Druen's are able to live, train, and fulfill their Oaths of Faithood.
  • lorem

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  • lorem

  • Silvern is an ancient kingdom, spanning back hundreds of centuries. For the most part, they've managed to be self sufficient and neutral through many wars due in part to their isolationist ideals. The Northern Throne was forged for the First King of Silvern; the Great Uniter of the North. With help of the scattered tribes, The Great Uniter was able to overthrow the Sachem Yakir. A brutal amber skinned foreigner who raided the tribes every summer and took men and women as slaves. Throughout the Age of the First King the construction of Silvernest began, as did the first wisps of the now great Silvara.

    The Green Plague took hold of the kingdom two centuries after it's inception. The loss of half it's population shook the very foundation of Silvern. The Faithood was integrated into the kingdom's rule itself shortly thereafter and were given the means to protect the masses against afflictions, thus the Seven Sacred Arts began.

    Before the Dragu line, a Usurper King tried to dismantle the kingdom's reliance on the Faithood and executed any who refused to swear fealty to his new rule, including women and children. When the nobility and commoners refused to let go of the Faithood, the Usurper King had the Prui`Druen assassinated and it cost him his life and his heir as the people, both rich and poor, rose against him. Rebellions against cruel Kings and Queens are common throughout Silvern's long-standing history and goes to show the people have no qualms rising against a tyrant on the Northern Throne.

    Nearly a century ago Queen Sylvia Dragu, beloved by the kingdom, disappeared in the dead of the night. As a princess the woman often had hunting soirees in the wild woods near and far the palace. According to rumor, the Queen met a foreigner of Raider blood and fell in love. They say every month she held a hunting soiree so she could see her foreign lover, even after she was betrothed to Deshan. Three years after her coronation and the marriage to Deshan, she disappeared and the kingdom erupted. Though still regarded as wives tale, the Draga people proudly consider themselves people of Silvern by their ancestry of Queen Sylvia Dragu.

    Despite their proficiency in metallurgy, Silvosi grew to power and held it due to their master stone masonry. Their fortresses and keeps strong and elaborately carved, hard to penetrate and traverse. Through the years this profession has led way to the numerous guilds that call Silvern home, though the most renowned is the ancient Stonemason Guild.

    Prince Lucien the Second, former heir to the Northern Throne, brother to the current King Avenius, died tragically while visiting and congratulating the workers of a prolific silver mine. The shaft that collapsed and killed the Crown Prince and several miners was permanently caved in out of respect after the bodies were retrieved and laid to rest. Avenius' father lived long enough through his grief to see his youngest son become the man he always knew he could be.
  • There are three tiers to the Silvosi military: The Kingsguard, The King's Army, and the Silver Garrison. Enlistment is voluntary as it is life long, sans the Silver Garrison, which works under a contract system. Average in size but makes up for this fact in austere training. The military is opportunistic and open to noblemen and commoners alike. The Silvosi military has it's own set of Oaths that must be taken and witnessed at one of the seven Silver Septs across the kingdom. To break Oaths is to defy the gods, forfeit any rights, and spells imprisonment or death.

    The Kingsguard is always exactly seven members strong. It is an Order founded by a nameless Prui`Druen from ancient times to protect the King and his family and the capital as a whole. The Lord Commander, oft the oldest and wisest of the seven is directly in charge of the Order and the King or Queen themselves. He will delegate duties to the other six and promote or demote dependent upon their actions. Members of the Kingsguard are always chosen from the King's Army.

    The King's Army is separated into three factions: the Cavalry, Infantry, and the River Rats. Fully trained members of the King's Army are slowly declining and they oft wonder if they should follow the Silver Garrison's suit and abolish the lifelong enlistments.

    The Silver Garrison is a relatively new branch of the military, having been created by both noblemen and commoners during Queen Sylvia's Departure. Enraged that their beloved Queen vanished in the dead of the night and her husband took no action to find her, volunteers took to the mountains and the wild woods, working together as one to find her. The founders - the few men and women who took to searching - founded the Silver Garrison with consent from the new King - King Gorwen Gringoire. The Silver Garrison is a long but squat fortress, located along the opposite shore of Glass Lake, enabling itself to be the first line of defense for Silvara. Most of it's members are commoners and despite outnumbering the King's Army, they are poorly trained and rely on half-mastered guerrilla style warfare.
  • Silvern has brief springs, rainy summers, golden autumns and frosty, lingering winters.
  • Social:

    i. Royalty - The King or Queen and their families.

    ii. Nobility - Those of noble blood.

    iii. Merchants - Those of the mercantile class; often as well of as the nobility.

    iv. Commoners - The majority of the denizens comprising Silvern.

    v. Clergy - The clergymen and women of The Faithood.


    i. Silva - Said to be pure blooded northerners. Fair skinned with either matching fair hair or strikingly contrasting colored. Tall and thin in stature with light eyes of grey or blue.

    ii. Sigge - The majority of the denizens in Silvern are Sigge; light of skin, average in height and stocky - good for the hard work they endure.

    iii. Sivva - A spawn of Silvosi that dawned from Queen Sylvia's Departure nearly a century ago. Amber-skinned with swarthy colored hair and eyes of hazel, green, and brown. Said to have blood that craves chaos; the Forest Raiders of the North, foreigners to Ellemar.
  • Denizens wonder why King Avenius has yet to marry off Princess Lucianna to (A KINGDOM), despite the brewing political tension. Rumors fly rampant and the the kingdom is divided as to whether or not their beloved Princess even should.

    According to rumors, the current Rue`Druen is spreading falsehoods across the Seven Septs, intending to spur the commoners into action. Action against the throne. Falsehoods include talk of a Druenite controlled kingdom, where the clergy would rule and all men would be of equal class, of assassination attempts against the King and Queen. However nothing substantial has tried the Kingsguard and bodily proof is hard to come by.

    The Draga Raiders have kidnapped Prince Lucien. After three attacks on three separate villages, Prince Lucien and a squadron of men rode out to defend their people. They fought bravely and indeed, even won the battle; but in the dead of the night the Draga Raiders infiltrated their camp and kidnapped the Prince and two of his men. They are keeping them alive, but to what end is unknown and they continue their raids. King Avenius has sent emissary after emissary, but the False Prince incessantly sends them back, requesting another who is "more competent" before dealings can begin.

    After the mysterious death of the Crown Prince's betrothed, a princess of (A KINGDOM), he is once again searching for a bride. The nobles of Silvara are growing impatient to see their future King Bonded by Oath.
  • Silvern is ruled by a King or Queen, advised by the Prui`Druen and a council made up of nobles, merchants, and select denizens of common blood.

    The Prui`Druen's responsibilities work similarly to that of the King's Hand but with the added weight of being the figurehead of the Faithood.

    If the King or Queen were to perish, the Northern Throne would pass to the oldest living heir, regardless of gender. There are stipulations to heiresses and heirs that are too young to rule; by law, the heiress has three years to marry or else her right to rule is up to contestation and with an heir too young to rule, the Queen Regent and the Prui`Druen will simultaneously rule until he is of age.

    King Avenius and Queeen Clariscia Gringoire have ruled for thirty three years uncontested. During their rule they have brought peace and stability to their region and their people have a great love for the Gringoire line.

    The current Prui`Druen and Rue`Druen have a rocky but professional relationship. For seventeen years they have ruled the Convent and aided Silvern with not only prayers but the six sacred arts.
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  • Love
Reactions: Bears

  • Important names and faces

  • NAME || Avenius Gringoire
    AGE..... || Fifty-nine
    ROLE.. || King
    CLASS || Royalty

    Kind but kingly, Avenius is a man just passed his prime, eagerly awaiting his first born's ascension. To relax and ease and luxury is all Avenius has wanted. Avenius, despite his hedonistic tendencies, is a man of honor and respect. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna

  • NAME || Melissant Ghaliane
    AGE..... || Forty
    ROLE.. || Prui`Druen
    CLASS || Clergy

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna

  • NAME || Name
    AGE..... || Number
    ROLE.. || Title
    CLASS || Status

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna

  • NAME || Ranwulf Gringoire
    AGE..... || Twenty-seven
    ROLE.. || Crown Prince
    CLASS || Royalty

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna

  • NAME || Name
    AGE..... || Number
    ROLE.. || Title
    CLASS || Status

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna

  • NAME || Name
    AGE..... || Number
    ROLE.. || Title
    CLASS || Status

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna

  • NAME || Name
    AGE..... || Number
    ROLE.. || Title
    CLASS || Status

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna

  • NAME || Name
    AGE..... || Number
    ROLE.. || Title
    CLASS || Status

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna

  • NAME || nadya zoy
    AGE..... || twenty six
    ROLE.. || Northern Raider
    CLASS || commoner

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna

  • NAME || yuri laurod
    AGE..... || Number
    ROLE.. || Title
    CLASS || Status

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna

  • NAME || Name
    AGE..... || Number
    ROLE.. || Title
    CLASS || Status

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna

  • NAME || Name
    AGE..... || Number
    ROLE.. || Title
    CLASS || Status

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna

  • NAME || Name
    AGE..... || Number
    ROLE.. || Title
    CLASS || Status

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt massa lobortis auctor rutrum lobortis odit. Ac aliquam tincidunt justo vehicula urna praesentium, erat nunc non orci phasellus dapibus, semper id wisi iaculis eu, bibendum rutrum a augue sit augue amet, nec ut ac velit eleifend tempor lobortis. Mauris nibh felis nulla aliquam luctus aliquam, massa enim commodo wisi vel nec, mattis lacus quam phasellus nec ultrices quis, ipsum habitasse lobortis eget blandit a commodo. Erat habitant malesuada et accumsan, faucibus elit vitae ligula aliquet elementum cursus, pretium sem maecenas tincidunt est velit, a scelerisque libero accusamus sed, vel sed integer sem id vitae. Scelerisque a in platea odit, sodales adipiscing massa auctor curabitur, tortor nascetur in ridiculus et elit, nunc enim bibendum. At vestibulum montes maecenas, vivamus tortor sed posuere. Ut vehicula eget sed, venenatis commodo eu velit, et blandit nec donec praesent odit magna

MOUNT|| An all black mare named Buru
WEAPON|| A thin dagger she received when she was nine.
"To be one with the wilds, the sun and the moon, the gods of the earth and sky and everything in between."

  • Avenius Gringoire - Father
  • Clariscia Gringoire - Mother
  • Ranwulf Gringoire - Eldest brother
  • Lucianna Gringoire - Eldest sister
  • Lucien Gringoire - Brother
  • Josselin Gringoire - Half-sister
  • Melissant Ghalaine - Faith Mentor
  • The Lord Commander - Protector and uncle-like figure

Leave blank. To be determined after initial acceptance and plotting.


HAIR || Dark brown, past her waist in length, and oft braided up and out of the way.
EYES || A bright summer blue.
BUILD || Thin and toned from an adventurous childhood that continues today.
MARKINGS || Faint constellations wash her cheeks, nose, and shoulders. She has pierced lobes and a still-pink scar on her shin.

Written Appearance (no more than 300 words)


Written Personality (No more than 300 words)






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⚜Black Bay⚜​
⚜No Right But By Code⚜


  • [bg=#A7928E]
    Black Bay is a dark and dreary home to many the fearsome buccaneer. A wasteland built from the savaged vessels of those foolhearty enough to dare trespass, the City of Ships is build into the walls of the cliffs, and along the treacherous isles that line the coast of the desert lands.

    No law exists in Black Bay, but those common to the Code - the way of life among the pirate kin. This Code in no way protects those who come upon Black Bay without permission, however, and the dreadful coast has seen the end of countless sailors.

    While not a kingdom, Black Bay is large, and growing constantly, spreading out along the cliffs with imposing fashion. The village is home to little where luxury is concerned, but lacks nothing where taverns are concerned.
  • [bg=#A7928E]B
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  • [bg=white]
    Important names and faces

  • NAME || Boaz Trench
    AGE..... || Forty
    ROLE.. || Pirate King
    CLASS || Pirate



  • NAME ||Red Carver
    AGE..... || Thirty-four
    ROLE.. || First Mate
    CLASS || Pirate

    [bg=#A7928E]words [/bg]


  • NAME || Cestine Carver
    AGE..... || Thirty
    ROLE.. || Wife/Cook
    CLASS || Pirate

    [bg=#A7928E]. [/bg]

    [bg=#A7928E] .[/bg]

  • NAME || Zander Shey
    AGE..... || Twenty-six
    ROLE.. || Crewman
    CLASS || Pirate

    [bg=#A7928E]. [/bg]


  • NAME || Nanda Shay
    AGE..... || Twenty
    ROLE.. || Crewman
    CLASS || Pirate

    [bg=#A7928E]. [/bg]


  • NAME || Anisa Branager
    AGE..... || Twenty-five
    ROLE.. || Crewman
    CLASS || Pirate

    [bg=#A7928E]. [/bg]



⚜Kaden Feld⚜
AGE || Twenty-Six | ROLE || Gunner| CLASS || Pirate

Ac ullamcorper fames mollis, donec fusce amet quo eros, vestibulum eget nec diam ultricies vel, perspiciatis nunc arcu ipsum tortor, in non nisl duis. Orci tincidunt imperdiet dictum augue tellus suscipit, a nec at ultricies ut morbi adipiscing. Et etiam leo felis ut elit, dapibus a velit dolor tincidunt arcu urna. Hac sed pretium eget ipsum porttitor, quam sollicitudin non, arcu dolor lacus aenean velit donec nam, diam aliquet adipiscing libero hendrerit et. Tortor in nibh mollis porta lorem dui, massa rutrum, eget blandit quisque ultrices eleifend, ultricies vivamus ac erat arcu porta. Sodales sit metus, amet metus a faucibus morbi aenean libero, interdum sollicitudin integer est urna ipsum, deserunt arcu leo mauris, curabitur arcu cras dictum consectetuer etiam feugiat. Dictum nunc ultrices, aliquam nullam tincidunt faucibus rhoncus, vel et enim. Sit etiam nec a. Dapibus faucibus elit nunc, nunc suspendisse. Morbi eros at leo aenean suscipit, maecenas consequat magna, etiam purus mauris aenean.

Purus ultricies ut cras. Diam sit in sodales vitae molestie, vel rutrum pretium ac cras. Vehicula porta nunc lobortis elit fringilla, libero morbi leo convallis ac, sed potenti massa. Aliquam felis sed, rerum ligula vel sagittis tortor. Wisi non vel eget luctus ac. Curabitur ligula amet quam amet. Nec consectetuer nulla aliquam massa sit risus, facilisis at, ultricies in, scelerisque pellentesque massa nascetur aptent ut, curabitur eget justo. Et orci leo sed sed, ipsum et mattis, justo pellentesque non numquam mollis, per temporibus ut, wisi cras velit sed consectetuer massa. Et lacus egestas, suscipit sem dolor tempus sed ullamcorper, ut eleifend purus commodo eros, sed vel duis mauris. Elementum gravida, aliquet sed sed, bibendum elit donec id duis consequat accumsan. Ratione non.

POLITICAL LEANINGS || He lives by the Code and nothing but the Code. All other kingdoms and laws be damned.
WEAPON|| A sword, two knives and a one-shot.
"Blood and bone don't make family."


EXTERNAL RELATIONSHIPS || Leave blank. To be determined after initial acceptance and plotting.


HAIR || Dark blonde
EYES || Slate
BUILD || Broad shouldered, muscular and extremely tall
MARKINGS || A tattoo on the back of his right shoulder of a compass rose. Several scars.

written desc.



MAJOR STRENGTH || A stalwart loyalty to his people.

GREATEST FLAW || A cynical view on the rest of the world.


PROCLIVITIES || Kay is no stranger to proclivities of all nature, save for carnality. He bears an odd superstition about such things.

SOFT SPOTS || Tears. Damn them.

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  • [bg=#A7928E]
    Occupying the farthest south east corner of Ellemar, Islaryn is located on a group of islands situated between the Ivory Peninsula and the kingdom of Ariela. Less than a full day's voyage from the mainland, travel between the two consists mostly of Arynnian military ships on patrol, merchants, and some pleasure crafts. Foreign ships are monitored closely, and restricted from making the trans-canal voyage without Arynnian sanction. Violation is met with swift and ruthless retribution, and most craft that attempt it sink not far from shore.

    Islaryn is mostly self sufficient thanks to abundant orchards and natural plant life on the larger islands under their control, but depends largely on the mainland for any supplies of grain. For some time they have been faced with a continuous overpopulations crisis, which took root as many as several hundred years ago, and has now become a problem that can no longer be ignored.

    At it's core, Islaryn is a nation of the sea. Their employment is largely dependant on the water due to the vast shipping and fishing industries, not to mention the Navy, and the fact that their religion incorporates many aspects of the sea. Furthermore, the limited travel of the common folk to the mainland has given rise to a far higher regard for the prevalence of the ocean and it's part played out in the lives of the people.
  • [bg=#A7928E]
    The people of Islaryn are a people who work, largely due to the fact that so many of the prominent professions in the land require hard physical labor. The country has never utilized a strict system of nobility, and status is mostly based upon one's ability to make a living. There are of course several prominent families that have dominated in various areas of trade and commerce for generations, but the vast majority of the population falls in the area of middle income. The select few who are titled are the ones who have inherited their fortunes and business ventures over generations of family tradition, given titles by the Trianite Order or the Regency for significant contributions to the betterment of the nation at some point in the family history.

    Many wealthy merchants employ specific indentured fisherman and various servants. When one becomes indebted to a wealthier or more powerful man, typically he (and if not he, then his wife/children) will work as unpaid servants for that man until the amount of what their wages would have been has added up to the owed debts. These debts travel down through generations of families until the original debt is fully paid. It is against the law for any man with such indebted servants to add interest to the amount that is owed by the family.

    By far the most common of professions is that of fishing - any man who can own a boat can make a living as a fisherman in Islaryn. However, due to the overabundance of such an export within the nation itself, most men are not fortunate enough to be able to sell their fish to men and women of their homeland directly - rather they are forced to sell it to merchants who have the ships capable of transporting it to other, richer markets. Generally speaking, the toll charged by such merchants is what eventually causes the indenturing of families.

    Islaryn is not a nation that tends to lord the wealth of it's business practices, and luxuries in the land do not tend to appear in excess. They have little interest in fineries, and are something of a simple, unrefined people that could be somewhat compared to mainland country bumpkins. Due to being made up primarily of a general working populace that is poor, and not particularly well educated beyond what one needs to make a living in the nation, Arynnians are something of a rough and tumble lot. While this may be looked down upon by their peers, the blanket toughness and steadfast resilience of the Arynnians is a trait that has allowed them to weather not only wars and tempests, but also the most severe of political upheaval.

    Of particular note is the fact that Islaryn is severely overpopulated. It took three generations of building crisis before a Regent instated a highly unpopular two-child rule to prevent the population from continuing to spiral out of control. When jobs became scarce, major drafting into the Navy took place, drastically increasing the Regent military force. All Arynnians can claim friends and relatives who serve their country in such a way. Due to the still massively over large population, all of the islands are stuffed to the point of no more stuffing, and immensely overcrowded.

    A rather distinct pastime of Arynnian children is that of building sandcastles. Not only that, but it is perhaps the closest thing to a national sport that one will find. A very select few with remarkable skill have even made their profession that of building sand castles in major contests. These events have become somewhat well known, and more than a few visitors have chanced coming just to see the elaborate miniature architecture.
  • [bg=#A7928E]
    The Arynnians utilize a pantheistic system of belief - Aslar, goddess of the sky, Andal, god of the land, and Aes, goddess of the sea.

    The Trianite Order bears the burden of religious leadership in the land, teaching the people the will of the gods and their part in history. While all are familiar with the teachings of the order, religious beliefs bear little effect on the daily life of the general populace or the politics of the nation. Any who hold any strong beliefs generally become a part of the Order, and the rest of the public observe holy days and the appropriate festivities and pay their due homage to the gods. But one particular teaching of the Order is that the gods cannot bestow favour upon the entire population, or be bothered with them, really. Therefore little religious involvement is required from the general public, while the Order acts on their behalf as an intermediary to the gods. This distinct separation of the mundane and the divine has been deeply ingrained in the core of the Arynnian culture, and is one of the most fundamental aspects of their theology.

    As this places the burden of divine matters on the Order, and the people trust in them to fulfill their responsibility, it does in some ways grant a measure of power to the Order. That power, however, is limited by the very same belief - the other side of the coin that says the divine rarely intervenes in the mundane.

    Arynnians are superstitious about the numbers one, two, three, and four. Due to having no place in the Triad of the gods, four is considered the most unlucky number possible. Three is the most lucky, as it incorporates the whole of the Triad, and therefore the most potential for favour and success. Two is the number of women; the 2nd month of the year is considered the most likely for a woman to conceive, having two daughters is incredibly favourable, etc. One holds the same relevance to men - it is unfavourable to have more than one son, particularly if he is not the firstborn child.

    Arynnians do not believe in luck - they believe in varying degrees of the god's favour, though this belief assumes essentially the same function as the concept of luck. Non Trianite men don't consider themselves able to comprehend such workings of the gods.

    The capital city of Islaryn, Aryncair, is known in many parts of Ellemar as The City of Lights, due in major part to a festival held during the spring of each year. The feast celebrates and honours Aslar, and her gift to man of the stars which guide sailors. During the festival (the most significant of any religious celebration in Islaryn) the entire capital is filled with every kind of light possible at night, with more added at each hour, and the process started sooner each night. On the final night, every town of every island joins in, and the entire nation can be seen aglow from the shore.
  • [bg=#A7928E]
    Islaryn bears the impression of being particularly large due to being rather spread out, but is in fact almost small in terms of land mass. Situated just off the mainland, Islaryn is made up of a network of islands. Most have treacherous rocky shores, and all who dare beach outside a harbour run incredible risk of damage to their vessel - but contrary to what one might expect, there are no warnings to be seen, and one must either know the waters or one's map rather well.

    The Isles have very little open space, and many of them are lumped up with large hills and even several cliffs. Only one or two of them are free of scattered dwellings, towns, and small cities - these are reserved for the preservation of rare and valuable plants. Each Isle is governed by a Regionate, and the Isles are referred to by the surname of the current Regionate, acting with similar function to individual provinces.

    The largest, most central isle boasts a large lake at it's centre, Mirror Lake. At the centre of Mirror Lake there is a particularly small isle on which the royal palace has been built, situated at the heart of the kingdom. On the surrounding shores is the capital city of Islaryn, Aryncair, known in some places at the City of Lights (see Creed).

    Their main connection to the mainland is the Ivory Peninsula, a long, narrow strip of land jutting out among the islands. Being the most open area of land controlled by Islaryn, as well as their strongest connection to the mainland, the waters around the Peninsula are heavily patrolled by 'ghost ships' which are disguised military vessels.

    The Divine Island is one of the farthest outlying isles from the mainland, with the majority of Islaryn situated in between. It is the designated holy ground of Islaryn, and scarcely visited by anyone who is not a member of the Trianite Order. Situated at significant points around the island stand the three Houses of the gods, temples of worship dedicated exclusively to their respective deities. By far the most mountainous locale in Islaryn, the Divine Island is a rugged place not meant to be wandered lightly.

    The House of Aslar is built on the highest point of the island, overlooking both the land below and the sea beyond. Numerous small, mirror like pools scattered about the House on balconies, rooftops, and towers serve for studying the sky. The main courtyard at the centre of the House is called the Star Mirror, and consists of a single miniature lake.

    The House of Andal is located near the centre of the island in the midst of a large open field. It sports large indoor conservatories and lavish gardens designed both for beauty and cultivating food for the members of the order who dwell on the island. Those who dwell in the house are also responsible for caring for the orchards at the edges of the field, and the grains grown in the field itself.

    The House of Aes is built upon a cliff at the island's edge, overlooking the vastness of the sea. Waterfalls pepper the cliff face below, and while the architecture and design are stunning, the House is also built with defence in mind, and is as much a fortress to protect the island as place of worship.
  • [bg=#A7928E]
    No one can say with any degree of certainty just how old Islaryn is - except to know that is is very, very old. Old enough, in fact, that most of the nations which moved in and out of existence at it's inception have been forgotten.

    A nation now nearly forgotten, broken and ravaged by civil war, gave birth to only one surviving nation - Islaryn. Many of the more adventurous and peacefully minded populace migrated away from the mainland during the chaos of the times to settle the cluster of islands offshore. Void of all other human life, it was a hard battle to tame the wilds and master the seas, but in time Islaryn came to stand firm and relatively self sufficient.

    The Trianite Order came about approximately ten years after the inception of the nation. The Triadanon, an account written by the Order's founders, details how a man and his two sisters witnessed a spectacular vision of the gods, and were instructed on how to implement their will in the new society. The beliefs soon took root in the budding society as the three imparted a sense of calm and peace that soothed the general populace in a time of turmoil.

    After perhaps two hundred years of growth and prospering, a trade alliance held between Islaryn and the nation nearest to them along the mainland took a turn when a prominent General and Nobleman of the mainland nation performed a successful coup. He severed the alliance, and declared war on Islaryn in an attempt to fully monopolize their contribution to the agreement, while simultaneously executing former Royalists in droves. Refugees from his vengeance flocked in the thousands to Islaryn for safety, nearly tripling their population within the course of several months. Chaos at the influx of mass refugees ensued, and Islaryn found herself in the throes of her first major war, as well as the budding stages of her current population crisis.

    After the initial chaos and several losses, the Arynnians mustered their knowledge and advantage of the seas, and successfully held off the invading forces. The war persisted for several years, until the coup leader was assassinated by the former king's brother, who then assumed the throne and stabilized the country. The alliance was never restored, and the two nations remained on fairly neutral terms with each other.

    Thereafter, Islaryn turned their focus to becoming the masters of the sea. They sought to build the most ruthless warships, the swiftest trade vessels, and the most elaborate pleasure crafts. They mapped the waters surrounding Ellemar, pioneered new and advanced nautical instruments, and above all, lived on the water as no other nation had before. Their success, however, was not without it's difficulties.

    Due to it's slightly aloof and almost isolated location, and in it's early years near political neutrality, Islaryn became the favoured retreat of those fleeing other nations. This added to the budding problem of a population that the limited amount of land could not support, and a thriving populace certainly didn't help the matter. Those who immigrated to Islaryn also caused another problem - the less savoury types who turned to piracy.

    While at first the pillaging of the pirates and their attacks on the ships that were so integral to the Arynnian economy were nearly devastating blows to the young nation, the chaos only lasted a decade and a half. Gradually, the Arynnians pulled together a naval force to combat the issue, and necessity forced them to learn the art of ocean combat to a high degree of proficiency in a very short amount of time. Piracy was far from ever eliminated, but the constant threat provided an ever ongoing conflict that honed and sharpened the Arynnian military.

    For a long time, Islaryn has managed to maintain peace by remaining neutral to those who could be worthy adversaries in war. The past several hundred years of their history have been fairly uneventful, the most notable event with a current effect being the culmination of the overpopulation crises approximately one hundred years ago, and the instalment of the mass naval draft.
  • [bg=#A7928E]
    In terms of numbers, the Arynnian army is massive. Compulsory enlistment as a way to combat overpopulation and move as many people as possible off the limited land space has created astronomically high numbers. Very nearly the entirety of the Regency's military force is in a constant rotation of ashore and afloat, manning nearly a hundred ships in total.

    The military keeps an eye on the channels between islands, and patrols the boundaries of the waters claimed by Islaryn. They frequently send fleets to protect ships lent to their allies, or to escort ally ships through every manner of unfriendly waters. Soldiers ashore are also tasked with enforcing the law and maintaining general order.

    Due to it's naval strength, the Arynnian army holds a distinct advantage at sea, and an equally distinct disadvantage on land. While practically unmatched in the open water, their experience in fighting on land is severely limited, making conquest of large landlocked areas practically impossible for them on their own.
  • [bg=#A7928E]
    Islaryn is a tropical paradise, ever warm, never cold. The heat of the southern sun fuels a plethora of healthy plant life and beautiful flowers. Warm winds often spray salt water on the shores of the outer Isles, the dense foliage of which provides a fair amount of shelter to the more inner isles. In the height of summer the islands are covered in varyings shades of lush green and spots of brilliant colour, and a humid heat clings to the land.

    In spring, the isles explode with colourful blossoms, brilliant leaves, and flourishing growth in every nook and cranny. Perhaps the most visually dramatic of any season, the days alternate between refreshing cool with brilliant cloudless skies, to days on end of dark horizons and torrential rain, heavy waves pounding the outer isles.

    Autumn has a more graceful beauty to it. Everything fades into golden red and warm browns, temperatures lower slightly. Some have described the experience of walking in dense foliage during autumn to remind them of walking through an ever shifting flame, particularly if the wind kicks up.

    In winter, temperatures lower slightly, but not dramatically. The most bleak aspect of winter in Islaryn is the fauna - trees shed their leaves, flowers shrivel, plants turn grey as they die. The islands transform from lush green to a dismal grey that cannot boast the pristine glimmer of white or snow, and frequent bouts of fog add to the sense of persistent dreariness.

    Islaryn is a major producer of fruits and exotic flowers, running abundant orchards practically year round, and making a killing by selling at a premium during the winter when other nations do not have such ready access to growing opportunities. On top of that, their fruit boasts a far higher quality than one is likely to find anywhere else in Ellemar.
  • [bg=#A7928E]
    Not surprisingly, the people of Islaryn are rather a mismatched bunch, and arguably the most ethnically diverse population in Ellemar. Having numerous different origins over the centuries, it is entirely commonplace to see short, slim, folks with darkly toned skin and hair side by side with those of fairer tones and stockier builds, and nearly everything in between.

    When asked his origins, nearly every Arynnian can give an entirely different account of his ancestry. Due to this, numerous various dialects exist, many of them retaining notable influences from other parts of the world. Almost all Arynnians speak two or more of their native languages, and it is far from unusual to hear different tongues spoken among the same group of people.
  • [bg=#A7928E]
    Despite the best efforts of recent Regencies, the population is still out of control. While bearing more than two children is officially illegal, the rule is broken routinely due to parents attempting more favorable gender arrangements. At the time of the Dual Rule being instituted, the Regent assumed that making the rule in law only would suffice - and attached only a small fine for breaking it. As such, the problem still remains worse than ever. Eifion has recently been looking for ways around this - he intends to banish any family in it's entirety upon the birth of a third child, upon pain of death should they return.

    For as long as Islaryn has existed, pirates have made hidden bays on the far northern shores of the most northern islands claimed by Islaryn. With piracy concentrated so close to home, Islaryn has long attempted to deal with the issue but has yet to ever fully quell the epidemic or fully root out the pirates in their entirety.

    An internal struggle brewing in Islaryn is related to the two factions of the Trianite Order - those dedicated solely and fully to their religious beliefs and duties, and those who seek to forge the Order into the controlling political power of the nation.
  • [bg=#A7928E]
    It is believed that the gods are the true queens and king of Islaryn, and that the mortal who wears the crown and sits the throne is simply a Regent in their stead. This Regent will invariably be chosen as a man, and will be required to retain at least two Queens for the entirety of his reign, representing the Triad of the gods. However, it is not required that he marry them - he may choose at his sole discretion any female who shares a familial or marital relationship, no matter how distant. The Queens are forbidden by law from leaving the islands and waters under the control of the nation unless officially sanctioned to do so by either the Trianite Order or the Regent himself.

    The succession of Islaryn is not hereditary. Upon the death of a Regent, the Queen who has been in her role for the longer period of time and/or is senior in age will assume his duties in the interim of a new Regent being chosen. For the space of three months, the Trianite Order will devote the majority of their time to intercession on behalf of the future Regent and the ceremony held to determine their next ruler. During this time, a list of names is collected of all the males who have attended a religious service. At the end of three months, the head of the Order will take the collection of names, and one will be drawn from those considered eligible.

    Over the years it has been a major point of contention among religious skeptics that the hand of the gods is not in the draw, and that. the Trianite Order has rigged the ascension or doomed the nation to the control of a fool by randomly selecting the Regent. However, these movements have never gained enough momentum for changes to the system to become a reality.


  • [bg=white]
    Important names and faces

  • NAME || Areylin Valerys
    AGE..... || 21
    ROLE.. || Queen
    CLASS || Royalty

    Areylin is the only sibling of the Regent of Arynn, Eifion Valerys. She is a quiet, gentle soul, a people-pleaser at heart, willing to make extreme compromises at ridiculous extents to please others - particularly her brother. She likes to keep everyone happy and find ways to ensure that there is never friction anywhere near her. While she is somewhat reserved and soft spoken, she thrives on people and looking after their needs.

    Areylin's early life was filled with hard work and servitude to her betters. She spent her days working as a housemaid to wealthy merchants and nobles, or at home doing her best to look after the little that she and her brother had. Upon her rise to the position of the Aes Queen under her brother, she found the transition from servant to served quite difficult. Even with nearly six years between the present day and when her fortunes were dramatically altered by her brother's ascension to the throne, she still finds herself more dedicated to the service of others interests than her own.

  • NAME || Jaren Kaile
    AGE..... || 36
    ROLE.. || Bodyguard
    CLASS || Commoner

    The personal bodyguard of the Regent, Jaren is a tall, hardy man who bears the height of his position with humble responsibility. A man of more action than words, he gives simple, direct orders and chooses to judge others based not on what they say, but what their actions say of them. Loyal and dedicated, he is a man known for his enduring persistence and staunch resilience, if not a streak of rash stubbornness.

    An unplanned child born to a young woman struggling to survive alone, Jaren was taken in and raised as an only child by a neighbour family who were unable to have children of their own. From the time he was old enough to work and help to support the family, he served on various merchant ships in whatever capacity that would offer him a wage.

    Eventually, he found his way to becoming the first mate on a fishing vessel at the head of a small fleet belonging to a prominent nobleman. A year after achieving the position, the ship suffered a brutal mutiny. One of the few who stood against the rebels, Jaren and some of the others escaped the deaths that claimed most of the loyal crew members. The vessel became a pirate ship, the very same now commanded by Cap'n Torrant. After recovering from the ordeal, Jaren turned to a completely different profession, one that would allow him the opportunity to seek vengeance. He now handles all matters of security related to the Regent, primarily his travels and the like. When not engaged in such regal matters however, Jaren has dedicated the majority of his time to exacting justice on the remaining pirates responsible for the deaths of his friends.

  • NAME || Sai Marca
    AGE..... || 47
    ROLE.. || Linguist/Scholar
    CLASS || Commoner

    A middle aged gentleman with an ever present welcoming smile, Sai Marca is a person who most people feel they can speak to freely - but most who have secrets they wish to hide by way of a language will find that they will have a difficult time doing so around a man such as this. He is fluent in every dialect of Islaryn, and most of the major languages spoken on the mainland. While his specialty is his native dialects, he is quite well versed in the mainland tongues. He is able to read and write at least passably well in every language he speaks, though his syntax lacks perfection in many of those which he uses on a less frequent basis.

    His more intriguingly relevant skill, however, lies in an affinity for cryptography and various forms of secret writing. While these skills have never 'officially' been used by the Regents Sai has served, his hobbies certainly give rise to interesting gossip.

    Sai Marca was raised as an apprentice to a profession that is rather rare in Islaryn, a land of doers and sailors who have more use for practical skills and strength than for knowledge - he was raised as a scholar. Being a young lad in the service of a nobleman, his affinity for linguistics was soon recognized, and he was apprenticed to the nobleman's son, who was in the study and business of languages. After only a few months of training, Sai Marca proved himself to be of a much superior intellect to his instructor. Intending to make good use of his skills, his master had him tutored by all the best scholars to be found at home and abroad.

    He became an expert linguist and translator, and besides writing numerous works on various subjects relating to different languages, he has worked as a translator for important travellers, a habit he maintained even after leaving the service of his former master. He has served the Regent families of recent years on many occasions, and has worked closely with many a diplomat.

  • NAME || Torran Wahle
    AGE..... || 32
    ROLE.. || Pirate Captain
    CLASS || Wanted

    Tall and lanky, the Cap'n is not a man one would describe as intimidating at first glance. He goes about with a constant self satisfied smirk on his face with a hint of dramatic malevolence behind it, as if he's always up to getting the better of those he interacts with - an impression made more concrete by the fact that he probably is. Craftiness exists at the core of who he is, and he thrives on a thirst both for wealth and fame - both of which he has succeeded in obtaining to some degree, but by nature will never cease to pursue.

    Torran Wahle, aka Cap'n Torrant, was raised as the cabin boy on a merchant ship that made frequent trips to and from Caradae. When he was about thirteen, the ship suffered a mutiny led - oddly enough- by the cook, who shortly thereafter converted the vessel into a pirate ship. After several years at sea he was cornered and captured by a naval vessel while ashore. With the vacancy open, Cap'n Torrant worked his way into the position he holds now by playing a masterful game of wits that put every other pirate who dares to sail the eastern seas in fearful awe of his strategic and interpersonal intellect.

  • NAME || Esse Lockborne
    AGE..... || 26
    ROLE.. || Merchant
    CLASS || Wealthy Commoner

    Esse has a taste for the fine things of life, and has earned herself quite the reputation as a refined aristocrat who will settle for nothing less than the most costly version of the best. This has earned her the nickname of 'the self made princess' among many of her business rivals. Ever ambitious, Esse has established a succession of long term goals, some of which she has gained, but the most important of which have yet to be realized; one day - and possibly soon - she hopes to make herself a Queen.

    A former neighbour of the Valerys siblings and a trusted friend, Esse is a woman who has made her own destiny in life. She started out among the poorest of the poor in Islaryn, but with determination and a good head for business, she has gained control of her own moderate fleet of trade ships. At first her enterprise would have been called small on a grand scale, but in the last several years, she has become the owner of one of the largest trade networks in the southern seas, not to mention incredibly, incredibly wealthy.

  • NAME || Maj-Adesa Ricas
    AGE..... || 32
    ROLE.. || Maj Officiator of the Trianite Order
    CLASS || Priestess

    The Maj Oficiator of the Trianite Order, Maj Riecal is the leader of all things to do with religion in Islaryn. The appointed representative and leader of the order, she is a part (and leader of) a growing faction within the order that acts under a pretext of religious piety to gain power. Recently she has been pushing hard to gain more control over the government, and has proved to be a thorn in Eifion's side, continually seeking ways to have him removed from the throne and gain the security of his power.

    Her main frustration in achieving these goals has been to the effect of the support that the Regent holds with the general populace, as well as the more sincere members of her own order - who for the most part believe that Eifion is, despite his questionable origins, the god chosen Regent, due to the success of his reign thus far.

    Adesa Riecal did not begin her life with the intention of occupying the position she now holds - she began with the intention of becoming one of the most powerful forces of influence in the nation. In the interest of that goal, she saw the opportunity to exploit the role of the Trianite Order in society, if only a few things were to change. Her interest in the subject was quickly noted by those close to her as surpassing what a normal young girl should possess, leading her parents to the conclusion that she was destined for service to the divine. While at first she was resistant, Adesa eventually realized the potential the opportunity afford to effect the changes she wished to see herself.

    She threw herself into the service of the Order with fierce devotion, exploiting, manipulating, and masquerading her way to the top by devious and at times ruthless means, gathering allies around her with the same focus of gaining power in order to help stabilize her position. Her efforts paid off remarkably quickly, bringing her to the position she now holds before she had exited the second decade of her life - which, despite her twisted views of Trianism, she has always believed to be a sign of the god's favour.[

  • NAME || Meleni Arynsharr
    AGE..... || 16
    ROLE.. || Servant
    CLASS || Commoner

    A young girl living as the poor daughter of a fisherman, Meleni is seeking to find a husband while working as a servant in the Regent household. She mostly cleans and keeps things organized - or at least, that was her mundane job description until she was noticed by the Aes Queen. Areylin decided to employ the girl as a personal servant to herself and her brother, and the girl has become a trusted confidant and friend of hers.

    Ironically, Meleni's life has been remarkably similar to that of the Queen she serves in several ways. While she was raised by dedicated and loving parents alongside four brothers, her role has been one of service since the day she was old enough to hold a steady job. Despite the favour of the Queen, her life is one that is not likely to deviate far from it's original course of marriage, raising a family, and continuing to work hard.

  • NAME || Riax Dorin
    AGE..... || 33
    ROLE.. || Merchant
    CLASS || Wealthy Commoner

    Riax is the sort of man who will suffer any pain or risk so long as there is a worthwhile gain at the end of it. An only child not inclined to let sentimental ties burden his goals, he prizes money above morals, and pleasure above inconvenience. While somewhat inclined to take the easy road from time to time, he also enjoys a good challenge or intrigue, especially if it has the potential for profit. Agonizingly superior and hopelessly arrogant, one of the few admirable traits to be found in him is his relentless tenacity and firm resilience when he's made up his mind - particularly about something he wants. Even when committed however, Riax is not a man one would consider to be intimidating by any means, dressing in only the finest and most delicate of clothing, and carrying himself with an air of snobbish dignity

    Riax was born the only son of a wealthy merchant who inherited the family business from his father, who inherited it from his father before him. For generations, the Doron family has been a pillar of financial stability in Islaryn. Early in his adult years, Riax's father decided to have done with it all and retire early, leaving control of the business to his son. Riax immersed himself in the work, wrapping up his life either in the challenge of the pursuit of wealth, or the enjoyment of it's plenty. For over ten years, he enjoyed his place as one of the foremost Merchants in Islaryn. Until, two years ago, everything began to fall apart under his failed direction.

    Shortly before a total collapse of everything he held dear he was saved by a bargain with the devil herself, Esse Lockborne. He willingly merged his resources with hers, in addition to granting her full control of them. Ever since, he has worked directly assisting her - a wound to his pride in so far as being second, but knowing that he would never keep the fleet afloat on his own. In Esse's absence, Riax has taken over most of the responsibilities she would hold whine in Islaryn, and has been paying special attention to utilizing the resources at his disposal in an effort to track down a certain notorious Naxin traitor.

  • NAME || Termin Calcion
    AGE..... || 25
    ROLE.. || Jester
    CLASS || Commoner

    Festooned in the ridiculous paraphernalia of a fool, Terin is the kind of person one can't usually help glancing at twice in passing just for the sheer audacity of his appearance - particularly the dark tones of his costume in contrast to the bright, cheerful ones preferred by his peers. Tall with a narrow, gangly build, he moves with the nimbleness and flexibility of a natural acrobat. Most often to be found in any public place from a tavern to a palace courtyard, Terin never once ceases his performance when another's eyes are on him - he'll speak in rhymes, mutter nonsense, crack insults at important figures, even muck about like a chicken if it strikes his fancy, all with one purpose in mind - to entertain by way of outlandish lunacy, and to never be taken seriously.

    Raised by his uncle - a loner and poor fisherman - Terin spent whatever time he could find away from the nets escaping into the art of tom foolery. When he was still a boy, he was picked up by a travelling group of such people, and left home to become immersed in acrobatics, simple tricks, and whatever other performing arts he could find a teacher for. But, as all golden days must come to an end, by and by the troubadours who had become his family were divided over a discrepancy in their earnings. The ensuing brawl landed some in prison, and scattered the rest for fear of the same fate.

    With nowhere else to go, Terin returned home with the intention of picking up the pieces to start again. But, fate had a different plan. Performing in the streets of Aryncair one day, he was spotted by the personal guard of the previous Regent, who stopped to observe. With a bit of this and a little of that, soon he found himself stowing away aboard a trade vessel bound for Thornwild, his mission to acquire a position in the Royal house, and report back everything he could learn from within. In the present day, he has earned enough popularity among the staff of the palace to routinely perform on the grounds, and can be seen there frequently.

  • NAME || Eriad Loraf
    AGE..... || 31
    ROLE.. || Diplomat
    CLASS || Nobleman

    Eriad is slightly below average in height, with the lean build of one who travels frequently. Well educated and always the gentleman, he thrives on time well spent with others. Whether it serves a purpose or not, he never runs out of things to talk about with anyone, and the art of compromise comes as naturally as breathing.

    Eriad was the last born child of the previous Regent of Islaryn, Galin Loraf. Knowing that none of his children were at all likely to replace him, Galin ensured that their upbringing would place them in advantageous positions long after he was gone. Accompanied by a tutor, Eriad travelled from one end of Ellemar to the other with one of his father's friends, a wealthy merchant. While his dearly departed father might have planned that his son would one day be the head of such a lucrative business himself, Eriad applied the haggling skills he learned to a different vocation - diplomacy.


⚜Eifion Valerys⚜
AGE || 23 | ROLE || Regent King | CLASS || Monarch

Eifion was born a common man, with no friendly attachments whatsoever to the nobility or wealthy, powerful men. His father was a fisherman, and his mother worked as a servant in a wealthy home. At fourteen, a waterborne disease killed both of his parents and his baby brother, leaving only him and his younger sister, Areylin.

Unable to take over his father's fishing business due to having to sell most of what they had left to pay off debts for treatments, Eifion turned to banditry of the canals as a means of a living. After several years of relative success (albeit being jailed on more than one rather inconvenient occasion), the aging Regent of the time passed on. As penance for one of his thieving escapades, Eifion was required to attend a Trianite service on a holy day, and his name entered the selection for the next Regent.

As the gods would have it, he was drawn, and has ruled Islaryn for the past five and a half years, if surrounded by a fair amount of controversy. However, even during his brief time as Regent, Eifion has executed his authority with a precision and relevance to the common people that has not been seen for quite some time. His incentives and edicts have significantly improved life and prospects not only for the people, but for the nation as a whole.

POLITICAL LEANINGS || In the tradition of Islaryn's past, Eifion will do his best to remain as neutral as humanly possible on as many fronts as can be managed. However, when need arises, he knows no bounds of what he will do for the nation's benefit. While in the matter of gaining enemies he is moderately patient and open to negotiation, past a certain point he will choose to make a statement instead.
MOUNT|| Achaer
WEAPON|| If necessary, a blow gun with poisoned darts
"Everything is debatable."

Areylin Valerys (Sister)

EXTERNAL RELATIONSHIPS || Leave blank. To be determined after initial acceptance and plotting.


HAIR || Dark brown
EYES || Brown
BUILD || Short, somewhat stocky
MARKINGS || A few well hidden freckles

Eifion is not particularly tall, but not quite short either, standing at one might call a perfectly average height. Years spent out in the sun have turned his once fair skin perpetually dark, matching his nearly black eyes and hair. Somewhat lean but not overtly muscular, he tends to dress in fine if moderate greens and browns, and often a large, stormy grey cloak.


Eifion is a believer in practicality and realism, and likes to make things work better than they ever have before even if there was nothing wrong with them to begin with. His emotional side appears to have gone on vacation at some point when he was much younger, and thus far has failed to return. While he retains something of a mischievous streak on rare occasions, such things as feelings and trouble making are typically reserved exclusively for private moments with his sister.
MAJOR STRENGTH || Resilience

GREATEST FLAW || Stubbornness

QUIRKS || Somewhat argumentative, drawn to the unconventional, curious to a fault


SOFT SPOTS || His sister, insects, naive people, baking of any kind

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⚜"Knowledge Guides Life"⚜


  • [bg=#A7928E]
    The King's Republic of Il'Azawa is full of hardy desert peoples from varying ethnic groups. To escape the hot sun, each qarab has blocked off its own mesa and carved out homes into the rock faces to shield themselves from the hot Western sun. While Il'Azawa lacks the agriculture of the eastern countries, they more than make up for that dearth in academics. Nowhere can one find better architects, jewelers, chemists, or spies. They live by their words, and as such the Azawi are well-known shysters and orators. Their merchants are well-trained in the art of the negotiation, and they are well-known as good accountants. Their military strength leaves much to be desired, as they rarely go on the offensive, but when fighting on their home turf, others rarely succeed in taking Azawi land. It is a hot arid place that only the most tribal of the population can stomach, and those just barely. Il'Azawa, however, is not without its deficits. It lacks for water, arable land, and good clothes, putting it at a distinct disadvantage during an embargo. While they are able to harvest some foods from the sea nearby, without importing water and food from the outside, the Azawi are at the mercy of their neighbors.
  • The Azawi are split into several different ethnic groups, with some ethnic groups holding more power than others. The first group, the Azawa'Iba are those who fled from Creaz in the distant past. They took with them their family values, glass-making ability, and traveling capabilities. With guerilla tactics, they managed reach a stalemate with the native populations, came to a political solution, and interbred with them. The second group, the Tlahat'na are the various native tribes that used to live in Azawa before it was conquered by fleeing Creaz and interbred with them. The third, and perhaps most marginalized, are the Altahuat'Iwa, the ancient tribal peoples who still live in the wastelands between the mesas. They are considered a backwards and strange people by both the Tlahat'na and the Azawa'Iba, and there is much superstition that surrounds this group of tribal hill people. Among the Altahuat'Iwa are the Agav, a tribe that lives in the mountains to the south, who are considered the holiest of the holy -- and the most dangerous. It is rare to see an Agav that has left the holy mountains.

    Culturally, they heavily focus on the gift and use of knowledge, and as such they are an incredibly meritocratic state. Those who have achieved much in the realms of academics, politics, or business are considered the most esteemed individuals.They have a distaste for physical altercations, though the Altahuat'Iwa are well-known as good athletes who once went to war in ritualistic fashion to overtake enemy tribesmen. They place emphasis on the importance of recording history and gathering knowledge regardless of source, though that information is also jealously coveted and guarded from outsiders. It is rumored that the highest echelons of the Schools of Abwa even speak a secret language to protect their secrets.

    Of course, honor is not a strict requirement, and in fact, clever back-stabbing is regarded as useful, even encouraged. A crafty Azawi is a living Azawi, and thus they foster competition among their children at a young age. However, family is considered off-limits, as far as betrayal is concerned. It is absolutely taboo to cause harm in any way towards one's mother in particular.

    While they are a very academic culture, they are also incredibly superstitious. The general idea of the Azawi is that just because you know much does not mean you know all, and even more a master is one who realizes he knows little of anything. Given this, the Azawi are very willing to believe in spirits, ghosts, gods, and other supernatural phenomena just as equally as lightning, the phases of the moon, or mirages.
  • "Knowledge guides life."
    "Limits are the realm of the sunburnt (the poor)."
    "A brother is a life line."
  • There are seven different major mesas, all of them cities which support up to 2 million people. These cities are carved directly into the rock, and as such growth is rather limited. The poor live outside the mesa in the hot sun -- called the sunburnt -- while wealthier Azawi live within the mesas themselves. The richest live in the very belly of the mesa, protected from the sun -- and intruders -- by the mass of the mesa about them. These mesas populate much of the northern region of the country, the seven being: Tecatehuacat, Acaraz, Nahua'Izab, Tonactit'Izab, Itzlipoctaba, Dar'Abwatl, and Wadi'Halat. One mesa, considered sacred, is named Il Muad'Dihv and used as the chair of the Council. It is not a city, but rather a secretive palace for the entourages of each member of the Council to stay when it convenes yearly or during times of crisis. It is also the seat of the King and his family.

    The landscape is incredibly arid, with only the hardiest of plants growing upon the ground. Well-built roads connect the mesas, but rarely will anyone find a soul on these roads unless they are headed to another mesa or it is near night time. The desert nearest the ocean slowly turns to treacherous sand-dunes, which lead eventually to Creaz. Separating Creaz from Azawa is a large mountain range called the Il'Matavatl, or the Holy Mountains. There is a large freshwater lake there said to have healing properties, but it is rarely frequented as the holy peoples -- the Agav-- live there, and the Tlahat'Na and the Azawa'Iba are incredibly superstitious of them. Often, they must negotiate with the Agav for the water there.

    Far to the east is burgeoning chaparral forest, and much of the Altahuat'Iwa live here. While it isn't good for farming, there are many tribesmen who herd goats and cows on this patch of land and do trade with the Azawi in the mesas. Several times the Azawi have tried to conquer this region for settlement before finding that it isn't good for growing much, and so it is left to the Altahuat'Iwa, called the Sunder Ground.
  • Originally Il'Azawa was called Huitzlopotla and populated almost completely by the Altahuat'Iwa, the tribal peoples who first carved out the mesas. However, there was a mass exodus from Creaz over the mountains as people attempted to find more land to spread out into, and the wars began. Quickly, the Azawa'Iba took over one mesa at a time in surprise ambush, until at last the more advanced Altahuat'Iwa and Azawa'Iba were tied for cities. Realizing they were now at a stalemate with each other, the Azawa'Iba and Altahuat'Iwa decided on a system that would benefit them both -- the Azawa'Iba would populate the mesas and continue on as Curats while allowing the Altahuat'Iwa to keep their indigenous King. Despite the small amount of Azawa'Iba, they quickly took over as they learned the art of engineering and architecture from their new Altahuat'Iwa neighbors. The Altahuat'Iwa and Azawa'Iba continued for a long while in cooperation, the King slowly become more and more of a figurehead.

    Eventually, the Schools of Abwa were formed, one in each mesa, and the Altahuat'Iwa became synonymous with those hill-peoples who lived outside the mesas. The Tlahat'Na came to be the major workforce of Azawa, and it wasn't long before they too adopted their Azawa'Iba conquerors ways of competition and expanding knowledge.
  • Their army is rather pitiful, perhaps only spanning a few hundred thousand at most. However, this is really all that is needed. The Azawi who live in the mesas have an efficient system of blocking all entrances with massive stone slabs fitted with slots that allow them to fire arrows through the door. It is nigh-impossible to capture a mesa head-on. It is said that the defensive slabs are so well crafted that one would not be able to fit a single razor blade between the door and the jamb of most mesa gates. During times of great crisis, a draft is taken of the poorest and the hill peoples minus the Agav. The Agav themselves are known to be fierce, tireless warriors rumored to be able to fight even after dying.
  • It rarely rains in Il'Azawa, but when it does, it comes down in torrential downpours. This is often when the mesas get the most water. Unfortunately during the rainy season, the risk of floods rise dramatically, and often the shantytowns of the poor sunburnt are washed away. Often, kinder Azawi will take in a family during this torrential time if possible.

    Otherwise, Azawa stays incredibly hot. During the summer months, death from exposure is a real threat. At night, it grows unbearably cold. During the winter, the cold will kill anyone caught outdoors without a fire, though daytime temperatures become more bearable. It is an inhospitable environment to most.

    As for the mountains of Il'Matavatl, it is just cold enough to rain more often, though the mountains remain semi-arid.
  • The largest demographic are the Tlahat'Na, who were once the natives of Azawa, making up something like 60% of the population. The Azawa'Iba make up another 20%, and the Altahuat'Iwa make up the last 20%, with the Agav of the Altahaut'Iwa making up perhaps 5% of that 20.
  • + Alchemy: Azawa largely makes its bread and butter off transmuting chemicals into other, more usable compounds.
    One of the most popular of these is sulfur, but unfortunately Creaz Pria refuses to sell any more sulfur than it has to give up to the neighboring nation. Azawa is in harsh trade deals at present to try and obtain as much sulfur as it can, and it is becoming more obvious that the School of Abwa in particular are interested in sulfur, buying it in bulk.

    + High Seas Hostage Takeover: Eleton and Azawa are less than friendly. Azawa is possessive of its few waterways and is not above confiscating from ships it deems in its shipping lanes. Eleton has stepped on their toes a few times. Isleton is also not Azawa's friend, as they are rivals in the shipping department. Due to pressure on their waterways, Azawa is sending a lot more of their trade through Creaz's unpredictable sinkhole-ridden landscape.

    + Class Warfare: Azawa's underground, namely the Hash-ashin, are moving to Naxin to put pressure on the noble court there, and Azawa is looking to jump on the weak country once their silk trade picks back up. In return, Naxin seems amenable to Azawa's military needs.

    + Bombs Away!: Azawa's scholars -- two in particular -- have been traveling around giving demonstrations of a new weapon they claim will change warfare. The two men seem set on making their qarab the wealthiest by getting in on the war for Thornwild's throne.

    + A Bad Star Rises: Trouble seems to be brewing on the horizon for the royal family. The Council still treats them as a figurehead, taking more and more of their power as the Tla'Hatna become more integrated and lose respect for the old ways. Rumor has it that princess Xitlali has been offering her hand to other countries for the purpose of taking back the qarabs and giving power back to the noble class. Rumor also has it that the Agav are willing to back the throne. Whoever has control of Azawa's many manufacturing centers will have a wealth of gold and silver refineries, a massive amount of minerals, salt,
    and more merchants than they can shake a stick at.
  • Il'Azawa operates as a loose Republic of mesas that cooperate with each other in terms of trade, though they are all incredibly competitive with each other. Each mesa has a Curat, who procures a curio of politicians that take care of the administration in the city. Once a year, the Council convenes at the sacred mesa, called Il Muad'Divh, to discuss business, trade, plans for the coming year, and conflicts between cities. Here also the King presides with his family.


  • [bg=white]
    Important names and faces

  • NAME || Xitlali Mixtezuma
    AGE..... || 19
    ROLE.. || Crown Princess of the King's Republic of Azawa
    CLASS || Nobility

    The princess of the Mixtezuma is her father's right hand man, so to speak. Despite the fact the crown typically grows from male heir to male heir, Altahuat'Iwa originally had matrilineal royalty, and she is largely considered next in line for the throne. She has recently been doing an awful lot of traveling to different countries as a suitor, but to what end, no one quite knows...

    Born the eldest of five children under the current king and his three wives, she lived a life of luxury, keeping the old ways alive. Since she was small, she was taught how to lead, and despite the fact she is groomed to be the wife of a king somewhere else, it is likely she will take her father's place if he abdicates. It is no secret that she is discontent with how the Councils of the qarabs treat the royal family as merely figureheads,
    when they used to command most of Azawa. Versed in religion and supposed dark arts, she sees no problem taking out her political opponents or scarring them into submission.

  • NAME || Ahabra "the Adder" Ib Alhambra
    AGE..... || 34
    ROLE.. || Leader of the Hash-Ashin
    CLASS || Criminal

    Crafty and charismatic, Ahabra is a well-liked leader among the vast underground that is Azawa's black market. If there's something you want, he can have someone get it for you. If you want someone dead, he can also make that happen. Take care, however, that you have a full purse at all times.
    His only loyalty is to coin, and his only consideration is price. Ahabra makes no bones about the fact that he is disloyal to his many customers, but this is considered expected in Azawa. As leader of the Hash-ashin,
    however, he is considered an incredibly well-versed assassin and subterfuge expert himself, so best not to make him an enemy...

    Like many of Azawa's criminals, Ahabra's history is shrouded in hearsay and rumors. What is known, however,
    is that his great-grandfather was the famed Desert Lightning that struck fear into the qarabs for his frightening ability to get past any set of locked doors, even managing to infiltrate qarabs which were under lockdown. Ahabra came into his own by election within the Hash-ashin at the age of 22, and he is locking to retire now. He knows better than to wear out his welcome as leader.

  • NAME || Zolin Mixtezuma
    AGE..... || 64
    ROLE.. || King of the King's Republic of Azawa
    CLASS || Nobility

    Jolly and somewhat oblivious to the world around him, the king has lived in the lap of luxury for most of his life. He has begat many children whom he loves dearly, of which five have been picked to be Crown Princes and Princesses. These days, the king is more interested in what is for dinner than he is in politics. Who can blame him? He doesn't even hold court anymore for the common man, not when the Council takes care of everything instead.

    Originally, Zolin was a man interested in the goings-on of his kingdom, but that was when he was a young man learning about the Republic of Azawa from his teachers. However, when he took the throne, it became more and more clear he would never truly interact with the country he was said to rule over, not with the Councils as they are. He soon gave up trying to weasel power away, and instead he has taken to growing fat on the luxury they allow him. He considers himself lucky -- the Sunburnt never experience a minute of Paradise, and here he lives in it. He is largely oblivious of his oldest daughter's machinations.

  • NAME || Itzla Morab
    AGE..... || 72
    ROLE.. || Head of the School of Abwa
    CLASS || Scholar

    Stern but soft-spoken, this man has spent the largest part of his life learning about the natural world. He is said to know the secrets of how clouds make rain, how the sea will ebb and flow, and what makes the stars turn across the sky. He is elderly but to be feared, as it is rumored through his political connections he influences his qarab and the qarabs around him. With his formidable intellect,
    he is not someone to take lightly. Currently it seems he is working on something of great import to Azawa that may revolutionize the way men do war, something so quiet as to only be whispered about in the underground.

    Born to a whore Sunburnt and a scholar, Itzla had to work for every single thing he ever owned. When it came time to apply for entrance exams, he worked for nearly three days straight without rest to afford the fee. Once in the School of Abwa, it was abundantly clear Itzla had a genius intellect, though one that challenged ideas that had long been held true. This set him back significantly. Realizing he would get nowhere in the academia itself, he turned to other political means, and thus he has a large network of council members in his pocket, one way or another.

  • NAME || Ixtab
    AGE..... || 14?
    ROLE.. || Priestess of the Agav
    CLASS || Cleric

    Despite her tender age, she is full of wrath. Ixtab is priestess for the whole body of the Agav,
    as small as they are. She is a fierce personality, full of fire, but she has a girlishness to her as well. She is easily appeased with gifts, but she keeps in mind the needs of her people.

    The Agav priestess came to rise in a strange fashion. Within the ranks of the holy, she was but a mere child but upon the death of the Fortune Mother Cykl of the Waters, it was foretold that Ixtab would be the next in line to lead the Agav people. She had already shown some promise, but since the death of the Fortune Mother, it has become ever more evident that Ixtab is wise beyond her years and seems to receive counsel from a power above mere men. She sees in the future that once more the Altahuat'Iwa of Azawa will come to rule the desert again as they had in days of yore, but how that future will play out is uncertain.

  • NAME || Mohamid Aldoul
    AGE..... || 20
    ROLE.. || Physician
    CLASS || Scholar/ Upper Class

    Mohamid, while a bright young man, has the personality of a turtle -- shy, timid, but willing to snap off a finger when threatened. As a junior physician with Itzlapoctaba's School of Abwa, he has quickly risen through the ranks -- partly due to his father's name. His relationship with his father's wife is rocky, and he does all he can to make it known he has gone so far on his own merit, not on his father's political clout.

    Mohamid is the youngest of Omari Aldoul's sons, and the only son of his second wife, Marza.
    While his father and brother try to treat him as no different, his "mother" is less forgiving of the circumstances of his birth. It is an open secret that Marza is the illegitimate daughter of Itlza Morab, famed Dean of the School of Abwa, and that Omari's marriage to her was a political move, making Mohamid something of an unfortunate byproduct with a shadow of politics always on his name.

  • NAME || Omari Aldoul
    AGE..... || 65
    ROLE.. || Curat of Itzlapoctaba
    CLASS || Politician/ Upper Class

    Omari is not a bad man, bright and able in his ability to lead. However, he is easily swayed with gifts, promises, and favors. He has tried to do as much good for Itzlapoctaba as possible, though much of his work has focused on building up the local School of Abwa. It is something of an open secret that he is indebted to Itzla Morab, dean of the School, and has been a part of his political machine for his last term.

    An astronomer with not much to his name besides family scholarship, Omari turned to politics during his early forties. Frustrated with the system surrounding education, he threw his name into the ring, only to find out there was quite the high bar of entry. To get some support, he approached Itzla Morab, who gave him a deal -- involving a second marriage to a certain young woman...

  • NAME || Imana Aldoul
    AGE..... || 54
    ROLE.. || First Wife of the Curat
    CLASS || Upper Class

    Cheerful, somewhat judgmental, and shrewd, Ima makes for a perfect wife to a Curat. Some may even say she was almost born to fill this role, though she would of course argue against such a claim. While she is not entertaining guests, she runs a textile business under the Weaver's Union.

    Imana married at the ripe age of fifteen to young, aspiring astronomer Omari Aldoul. There was no telling that he would have ventured into politics, especially after first having three sons. It was no wonder she was upset when he stated he would be having a second marriage to boost his political clout, and livid when he revealed he had a son by her as well....

  • NAME || Etzli Aldoul
    AGE..... || 36
    ROLE.. || Son of the Curat/ Gambler's Union Head
    CLASS || Upper Class


    Broad-faced as his mother, smooth-tongued as his father, the adult son of the Curat is a perfect blend of the couple. With wit and vivacity, he easily runs the Gambler's Union, a group that controls much of the money in the qarab and surroundings. Surprisingly, he and his little brother Mohamid are close.

    The first son of Omari Aldoul, it was well known that Etzli's silver tongue would get him far. However, the man seemed to lack much ambition. To his parents' surprise, he found good work as a brick layer and mason,
    and eventually somehow moved into the gambling scene when it was obvious he had a knack for getting people out of sticky loans. Since the age of thirty, he has headed the Gambler's Union, as gambling is not considered at all taboo in Azawi society and is in fact considered one of the few real "sports" around.


⚜Haman Ofra⚜
AGE || 27 | ROLE || Ambassador | CLASS || Upstart

Haman was not a noble to start. In fact, he is not a noble at all -- at least, not by blood. Born to a Sunburnt mother and the esteemed scholar Nula Ofra, Haman's life started as an embarrassment. The scholarly class were expected to be celibate intellectuals, more interested in the movement of the stars than a woman's body -- but Nula was not a normal scholar, nor was he prone to following tradition. He adored Haman, despite the fact he could not legally recognize him, and he did his best to keep the boy in good standing despite his mother's poor status. Together, his mother and father raised him up to be a young man with morals, wits, and (unfortunately) a blade of a tongue. When he was old enough to place for the exams at the Schools of Abwa, he passed with flying colors and, from there, ascended to the scholar class. Through connections at the school, he became a junior ambassador, well-versed on geopolitics and able to think on his feet.

However, that isn't all he is good at. Haman is also well-versed in the art of sneaking around and finding out things other countries would rather not have the open populace know. Haman is not an outright spy, in that he isn't paid specifically to gather information in such a fashion, but it is expected for Azawi to "do their research" when presenting towards other countries. This can make being an Azawi ambassador somewhat dangerous, but Haman loves the thrill. It helps that he genuinely loves to meet peoples of other cultures and get to know them.

NICKNAME/ALIAS || "Little Lion Boy" (his mother); "Jade-Tongue", both for his eyes and charisma
POLITICAL LEANINGS || Democratic-- he prefers the system they have in Il'Azawa, but he understands why others have monarchies.
MOUNT|| Xitlali -- and yes, it is named specifically after the princess
WEAPON|| A falchion, a dagger, one prototype flintlock pistol (prone to breaking)
"People say the most when they talk about nothing."

INTERNAL RELATIONSHIPS || Bismillah Ofra: mother and confidant
Nula Ofra: father and good friend
Xitlali Mixtezuma: While he "works" for her, she is more like his little sister.
Zolin Mixtezuma: Very close with the current king -- he spends a lot of time with him
Ahabra: Wary but considers him useful. He's a font of information.
Cykla Awatl: former study buddy and best friend -- who tests weapons on him

EXTERNAL RELATIONSHIPS || Leave blank. To be determined after initial acceptance and plotting.


HAIR || Black
EYES || Green
BUILD || Slight/wiry
MARKINGS || He is tattooed with the king's insignia. All ambassadors serve for life and are marked by a hummingbird.

Haman carries himself like a man who knows what he is doing. His hair and beard are always kept to a short curly trim, and his face is well maintained. His eyes are merrily squinted against both the sun and with mirth, showcasing green irises. Despite the ribbing he receives from Cykla, he uses lotions to make his skin soft and keep away blemishes. He cuts his nails to the quick, and he keeps his clothes pristine. Haman is not a tall man by any means, but he is also not small or weaselish. He is of middling height with the build of a fencer, with strong and thin legs, wiry arms, and a solid chest. His hands are rough from years of knife work (a requirement for ambassadorship), and his feet are more accustomed to stirrups than firm ground. He typically wears clothes befitting his station as ambassador, usually of several layers, though his favorite colors are red and gold.


Haman is first and foremost a smooth talker who genuinely enjoys getting a person's view. He is an intensely curious man who is more interested in asking questions than he is in getting what he wants. Extremely friendly, very charming, this man has been known to broker tough deals with a smile on his face. That said, he is by no means naive, and he is well-versed in treachery and deceit. More than one person has attempted to kill him for the sake of their country. However, he is not quick to anger, nor frighten, possessing a level head. That said, he can be catty and passive aggressive if peeved. He possesses a strong moral compass, and he holds strong beliefs about how best to serve others. First and foremost, he is his country's representative and he takes that job seriously.

MAJOR STRENGTH || Charisma-- he could talk a leopard into leaving behind its lunch. He is able to see the many sides of an issue and find a usable solution. It helps that he genuinely cares about his work and the happiness of all involved.

GREATEST FLAW || Nosiness -- he is an incorrigible gossip, and he sticks his nose where it does not belong quite often. He enjoys hearing about things he isn't supposed to know, and that gets him in trouble more often than not.

QUIRKS || He loves to flip a coin when not doing anything, and he has a "lucky coin" that he keeps on him at all times. When he finds someone he likes, he often teases them, though this can come off as mean at first.

PROCLIVITIES || He loves the women. Oh, does he love the women.

SOFT SPOTS || Children and animals will destroy his heartstrings. He can't go to slums too often, or else he ends up penniless giving it away. Heaven help him if you have a cat mewling for its mother.

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