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"So, if I did this-- and this-- you'd be mad?" Grinned Logan, pressing kisses each time to Zack's forehead. Obviously, kissing his forehead was nice -any sign of affection was- but he had wanted to move things along just a little. A few kisses on his lips in the tender embrace would be ideal, though again, he was going to take what he could-- and it did currently seem like he wasn't going to get a lot when Zack was apparently still 'pissed' at him.

"Can we, like, start afresh? I've done a lot to prove I'm sorry already, and it's unhealthy to hold a grudge when, tomorrow, I could be torn apart, and then you'll be sorry that you never forgave me," he huffed beneath his breath, though with his arm still wrapped around the healthy human's waist to keep him cuddled up in their close, affectionate proximity.​
Maybe it was his relief of Logan being alive, or his desperate need for affection, but Zack subtly scooted closer at the kisses. Shooting the younger man a glance, he somewhat childishly looked away to avoid his blush. Since his only real romantic and sexual experience was with Logan, his reaction to the whole thing had been stunted significantly.

"You wouldn't be torn apart, you idiot. Like I said, you're strong. I don't want to stroke your ego or anything, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't trust you with protecting my life..."
"Really? Well, that's sure nice to know, given you've been less that trusting until now. I swear, I'll protect us all, all three of us," promised Logan, offering Mars a gentle scratch behind the ears at the reference, before setting her aside gently to give Zack his full attention-- and with Mars off his lap, he was able to press his body in closer, as subtly as he could manage to prevent unnerving his close friend.

"Are we just going to sit in this sexual tension without discussing it? I'm open about wanting to be with 'ya, and I'm a big boy now, Zack. I can take it if you just say 'I like you, but no thanks', hm? If you just feel you can't do that after what I did in high school and stuff."​
"Look, I don't know..." he admitted shyly, while moving to turn on the battery television. "I hardly think that, even if we did anything, I'd be okay with doing... it... in front of Mars, e-even if I wanted to!" Though, after a solid minute of silence he heavily sighed and eased further into Logan's side, and practically buried his face into his arm.

"... I would love to do something with you. I don't want to sound desperate..."
Coughing lightly into his hand, weak enough for it to be passed off as just a tickle and not anything more serious connected to his infection (thankfully), Logan's eyes immediately lit up at the more obvious note of affection. Not just because it meant his chances of surviving were increased when he eventually became fully infected, but mostly because it signalled that his long-term friend and ex-boyfriend was coming around to forgiving him. Logan felt guilty about what happened, more disappointed in himself for letting popularity get to his head, so to be sat with Zack and cuddled up like they had as teenagers was... well, nice.

"We don't have to do anything, really. This is... it's perfect. Granted, I'd scoop you up and take you to the bedroom in, like, a flash if you said you wanted that, but this is totally cool too. I ain't going anywhere, so we have... plenty of time, alright?"​
"Oh, shut up..." he muttered into the other's arm, though the light push was hopefully indicative that he was teasing. He didn't move from his spot, reveling in their close proximity, though eventually pulled away once hearing the television change to simply static. Peaking from over his friend's arm, he sighed and reached to fiddle with the signal.

"Are you really that desperate, though? I mean, you've openly admitted to dating and having sex with tons of other guys, and now you're ready to just drop everything and have sex with me? Like... there are other guys, and I'm certainly not special."
"Plenty of guys? Like, there's only been about 5, that's not a lot, is it? I don't know, none of 'em have been special. It was literally just sex, a bit of experimentation, some of it to waste time or relieve stress-- it wasn't out of love, or anything sentimental, like with you. When we had sex, it meant something, didn't it? It could be me just being all poetic and soppy, but I thought we made love, like, as in, it was more than sex," shrugged Logan, his efforts of being romantic and truthful only making him cringe in annoyance with himself. He wanted to be and sound sincere, but even he heard how awkward he was.

"You know what I'm trying t' say. I can't word things as clearly as you can. Just know I love 'ya, I think that sums it up. I love you and whatever," he continued in his awkward fashion, albeit with a signature smile growing wide on his face. "And, I'd love to have sex right now, but we... don't have to rush, do we? I won't ask again, you can be the one to ask, if that makes you feel easier with it all."​
"You love me?" He confirmed, while keeping his eyes on the television. "Why? I mean, if you've always loved me, you wouldn't have abandoned me. I understand if you want to have sex, but claiming that you've loved me all these years is a pretty big lie. Like... you could have at least stopped by my house once in awhile, you know? Confirm that I still mattered to you..."

And, in a flash, their close embrace was broken off as Zack got to his feet, wandering straight to the kitchen for a cup of fruit once again.
"Oh yeah, I was supposed to drop by your house when I didn't know where you even lived. Dude, after high school, you didn't live at home, did you? You moved, became a proper adult and all that. Doesn't mean I stopped loving you. But yeah, continue doubting me and being cynical. It's kinda offensive that you'd assume I confess my love just to get in your pants. I'll wait ten fucking years if I need to, but seriously, since when do I ever be this emotionally open? This is why I don't tell you how I feel, genuinely. I tend to get it thrown in my face. I was an asshole in high school-- how long are you going to hold it against me?" Argued Logan, his own smile vanishing fast the second his friend left his side, glaring after him-- though quickly forced that bitter expression off is face.

Despite genuinely being offended, and challenging his friend on his behaviour, he did understand why Zack felt like he did. It didn't mean it was warranted, though - Logan did love him, and he felt he had proved that with the sacrifices he had made already for him by placing his life on the line for Zack's benefit. If that wasn't examples of how much he cared, he didn't know what else he could do.​
"You didn't see me throughout high school either, asshole. I didn't move out until I was nimeteen, and I hadn't moved very far. Hell, I tried to visit you like, a solid twenty times. Each time, you weren't home, and you were probably hanging out with friends or whatever. I gave up after that, obviously, because you had far more important things to do other than hang out with me. I can't blame you, eh? I mean, you may have loved me, but those football players were way more important," he babbled on quietly, while forcefully uncanning the fruit, the loud noises of the can making up for his quiet voice.

"I just... I don't understand what you were thinking, Logan. I can't understand why you were so... so dense about everything. Can you really blame me? Your 'friends' shoved me in lockers and broke my things. Not to mention, to hear that you had sex with other people, it's... whatever."
"So, I'm suddenly the Devil incarnate because I had sex with other people when we weren't together? It was only casual sex, it wasn't like I fell head-over-heels with a guy and devoted my life to him while freezing you out! I just-- honestly, how long am I going to be seen as the bad guy here? I've apologised, I've gone out and brought food, I've made sure you were safe while putting myself in danger, which was idiotic. I get that I'm an 'asshole', but seriously, can we just move on? I could be fucking dead tomorrow, and you want the last conversation of ours to be about this?"

Stopping rather abruptly to clutch his head, he tried to cover up the random silence by getting Mars to provide some audible purrs, just so his lack of communication wasn't suspicious. Gently stroking the feline with a smile, at least finding it distracted from the outburst of pain, it was only a few seconds after, thankfully, the pain ceased. Though, with those waves coming in greater frequency, it was obviously troubling-- but, as usual, he pushed it to the back of his mind with a faint grin.

"Can you just come sit back down, already? We can watch this little TV of yours, just chill out."​
The silence was filled by only the popping of the can, while Zack watched the other. Zack wasn't a moron, that was pretty obvious by his career and education, so to see Logan suddenly stop when he was fully aware of just how much the man liked to talk was a bit suspicious. While a part of him wanted to watch Logan suffer with his headache, he heavily sighed and wandered to the other room, the sound of bottles coming through. When he wandered out, he held four ibuprofens in his hand, and offered them over as he held the can of fruit tightly in the other.

"... Look, I was a pharmacist before this all happened. I snatched as many pills I could before the place became a breeding ground for the zombies. Just... take them, use the syrup as a drink." He grumbled, while eyeing Logan warily all the while.
"It's just a headache, I've not been sleeping well. It all catches up to me," he explained wearily, not having all that much conviction in his excuse, but he could always claim that his awkward tone was a result of being overrun with a searing migraine and general aching. At least that wasn't a lie. Gratefully accepting the ibuprofen and swallowing all four down in one shot with the syrup as an aid, he set Mars onto his lap to focus solely on her, rather than the remnants of the headache.

"If you aren't gonna forgive me, what exactly should I do? Do you want me to leave you alone? Or... what? Like I said, I might be killed tomorrow," he reminded, albeit with a slow grin on his lips. "And do you want me to die before you confess your undying love to me~?"​
"Oh, shut the fuck up," he grumbled, before sitting at the adjacent love seat. "... You know I love you, Logan. I wouldn't have let you stay around this long if I didn't. You're the first person I ever had romantic feelings for, and it just really hurts me that you did that... Look, today has been shit, so I'm gonna take a proper bath. Tell me if any news comes on the television."
"You're just going to walk into the bath while leaving me sat here, unanswered and confused? And I'm supposed to be the mean one," he retorted, his playful smile vanishing when ultimately realising that Zack clearly wasn't in the mood for the teasing games, which didn't really settle well with Logan, whose whole life surrounded a more relaxed, playful approach. Grunting under his breath, to make his irritation audible, he opted to take the immature route and turn his body away from him, replying with a simple shrug to his demand.​
"What, do you want to join me? There's the shower on the side, or you can go and do whatever. You don't need to sit here, you can do whatever. I just want to be able to soak for a bit, okay?" He insisted, though his growing frown was evident of his immediate regret, especially at the mean comment. After all, he mostly kept his mean comments to himself, having always been really afraid. With Logan, it was pretty hard to keep himself to himself, and he awkwardly cleared his throat.

"I'm, um... sort of serious. You need a shower, seriously. You're covered in blood and dirt, and... You know how I feel about that sort of thing. It's gross..."
"Or you could be upfront and tell me you want me to come and join you-- I say yes, obviously. Mostly because I want to be in that situation with you, and partly because I agree that sitting while covered in blood really ain't ideal. God forbid I ever become a zombie. Being splattered constantly by blood and guts isn't all that appealing," he admitted as he gently placed Mars from his lap, shifting the three-legged feline onto the mound of blankets she had now become accustomed to, before eagerly pulling off his shirt in anticipation. "Right, come on then, hm? If you're that desperate for me to come keep you company, let's get on with it~"​
Zack trailed along far more sheepishly, keeping his clothes on properly before he really filled the tub up. Said tub was one of the main selling points for the apartment, the classic clawfoot tub matching his aesthetic perfectly. Popping in the plug and turning on the surprisingly still hot water, he took his time in pulling off his socks and whatnot, far less eager than the other.

"I have bubble bath somewhere, I think. Found it at the grocery store down the way and thought I would save it for shitty days. It just so happens that today, in fact, was miserable." He explained slowly, before tugging off his hoodie and exposing the tanktop he kept underneath. In any other situation, the man would be melting, but he silently thanked that the breeze always seemed to perfectly filled his house, hence why he had no fear of wearing a hoodie.
"Do you really need bubble bath? I mean, you've always been into all that fancy bath stuff, but I really don't see why you can't just jumpin the water and get back out without any of the fancy frills and stuff," shrugged Logan, mostly being deliberately argumentative. He, as much as Zack, adored a good bubble bath, with a few bath salts sprinkled in for good measure. Even when he was only about 12 or 13, he would go all out when it came to a bath, going as far as to sneak some of his mother's candles to light up and relax in what he saw to be proper luxury.

For now, he was stuck with the shower, easily undressing and showing off the full display of tattoos he had gotten over the years, before jumping in to wash off all the blood currently splashed over his pale body. In many ways, he was thankful that the bite he had was on his hand. If he was scratched or infected anywhere else on his body, he would have had to make up some weary excuse not to wash with Zack around. At least he could hide the infection with his bandage and not think too much of it.​
The albino fully took in the other, and hid his blush with his hand as he held his head carefully. He was one part aroused, another genuinely impressed, especially at just how much of his body was really covered. Zack then quickly looked away shamefully, under the guise that he was testing the water. He then rummaged through the sink cabinet to tug out the rose bubble bath and forced back the urge to smile at the bubbles that soon emerged. Once it was completely full, he tried to force the fact that Logan was in his room, out of his mind.

In complete contrast, the man was safe from all alterations, though his body was covered in bruises and scratches instead. Being a 'runner' with a pretty low immune system and generally poor health, it wasn't much of a surprised to be covered in various colored marks. He quickly hurried into the bath, he let out a content sigh and sank in, pretending to have his eyes closed as he peaked at Logan all the while.