【The Variable Project: Psyche】

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Once the group entered the room, the door slowly closed behind them — there'd be no going back now. Yvette looked at Claire, about ready to tell her just what her ability was, before she stopped herself. What if the exam involved a match amongst themselves? Giving out valuable information like that wasn't something she should do on a whim. If that was the case, she'd be out at the snap of a finger. Even though they were acquainted, she was sure that none of them would hesitate to get her out of the way if it meant passing. She'd have to play it safe, then — give herself an edge.

'A short range physical plus mental combo, two long range physical plus mental combos, a long range physical and long range spacial, and a undetermined physical type. Out of those five, long range physical would probably be best if I'm going to compete. I'm not sure whether or not I copy mental abilities too, so I should probably avoid doing that anyway. Based on what little amount of training we did, it seems I can only borrow someone else's brainwaves for 2 minutes. Course there's also the chance I'm wrong about what the exam is, but either way, I doubt if I can go in as defenseless as I am now. I'll go for a handshake then, and as soon as we touch...'

Trying to ignore the question as casually as possible, Yvette held out her hand. 'Anchovy or Claire, either one is fine...'

"The best to us then, ya?"

@ERode @Crow @Kit-n-Kat @R-9 Pilot @Ultra Paradox
"Eyup," Haruka grinned, shaking Yvette's hand, "Let's make this nice and clean, friendos!"

Warm flesh was encapsulated in the foreign material as the rose haired grill shook Yvette's hand a little too firmly, almost to the point of pain, before releasing. Enough to leave a red mark, but not enough to leave a lasting one. The buxom lady winked at her acquaintance before turning back to the center of the room, landscape still unchanged.

"Right, so this build up is nice and all, but they ARE taking a little too long with all this, aren't they? Woulda thought they'd toss us into a surprise round immediately, but they're surprisingly chill, dontcha think?"
"You know, I didn't think of that," Prier considered the suggestion. "But, I'll probably be fine for now." She could always switch gears if she really needed to. "Not sure what the hold-up is, but better get ready just in case."

With a bit of concentration, Prier's variable split itself into five fragments, each then taking the form of the same sword. Each weapon arranged itself in orbit around the tiny girl, floating at the ready. It certainly seemed like she already had a few ideas on how to use her own weapon, or at least the whole luggage-herding had been useful practice for maintaining her focus on multiple objects.

"What do you think? Should be good for now, right?"
Yvette having swiped the question had flipped up a few red flags in Claire's mind. It wasn't that difficult a question, was it? Or maybe because her personal trainer was the guy hosting this, she knew something Claire didn't? Maybe knowing the information about the others disqualified you, and you had to work on the fly? Maybe Claire was thinking too far out of the box, but the thought that she wasn't had kind of scared her.

Taking a deep breath, she saw the taller girl squeeze Yvette's hand tightly. A bit too tight, it seemed. Despite the fact she couldn't see her face, Claire fully expected the girl to be doing that devious, intimidating glare or something. Claire's image of her was kind of ruined by the sardine comment about two hours ago. Seeing Prier split her Variable, Claire did something similar. She cut hers up into four pieces, holding up her hands and watching the spheres orbit around her wrists. "Looks good." Claire responded to Prier, after a slightly extended pause to get her thoughts coordinated.
Minato nodded, tightening his grip on the variable in his hand. It took the form of what appeared to be a red aura around his fists, thinly looking like boxing gloves. "Yeah, the best of luck to group forty-seven." He chuckled nervously as fear of the unknown overtook him. He could just slightly sense the girls that surrounded him, not knowing what would come next. Would they have to turn on one another, or face another group of students? Would the enemy be extremely large and fast, or the same size as the rest of them.

'No, it isn't time to be anxious,' He calmed himself and took a step back, accidentally bumping into Anchovy. He turned around, quickly apologizing and waving his hands about."Oh I'm sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you, hehe," He nervously laughed again, sweat droplets running down his forehead.

'Way to keep your cool, moron.'
"Best not to bump into the enemy, or an 'it's alright' will not be what you get, Minato," Anchovy deadpans towards Minato. "Focus, focus, clear your mind. That's basic combat that even a white belt of any trade knows."

Walking forward once more, Anchovy adds, "the first priority is a clear, controlled mind, the second priority is a strategy. The zeroth priority is not losing, at all."

Shifting her eyes towards Yvette, she replies with a handshake on the other hand. "Use it wisely."
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The tension between some of the group's members was almost palpable. Yvette looked down at her hand shortly after Haruka shook it. The redness was already starting to fade, but the girl knew Haruka's intentions. That was definitely a challenge...

In the end, Anchovy was the only one to offer her a proper handshake. That was all she needed though. For two minutes, she'd be able to use the long range variable Gaz had given her. Can I get away with an assault, though? Will I instantly be snuffed out by the rest of the group as soon as I try something? Without knowing their reaction times, it would be impossible to tell just how an attack would go — or if one should even be launched at all.

It made perfect sense. Lock a group of adolescents in a room with new toys and leave them to do exactly as can be expected of them. To assume that, based on the nature of variables, the only possible type of exam is a combat oriented one... Maybe that would be any of theirs first mistake. Giving up her opportunity to take one of them out in an instant, Yvette released Anchovy's hand and replied with a nod. "You got it, fish girl."

"Simulation, start." The voice was a robotic female. A moment later, a single being appeared out of thin air, about 100 feet away from the group, 200 feet in the air. Visually, it took on the appearance of a blank minded female, features too insignificant and details too invaluable. All it wore was a nude colored body suit. It floated motionless above the group. Though its eyes were permanently locked onto them, it made no attempts to engage the in combat.

Now what? Are we supposed to actually fight this? Are we suppose to ignore it?

Having no clue as to what one is supposed to do — that was the beauty of this exam. Their only instructions were to do as they saw fit, but that didn't mean there wasn't a right way to tackle this situation, did it? No, there's gotta be a right answer. Something they want out of us, something we have to demonstrate...

"10 minutes remaining."

The announcement came out of nowhere. They weren't told they'd be given a time limit. Of course, when you're given freedom of choice as to what you do, a time limit sounded mandatory. Ten minutes to figure out what they wanted and then achieve it; if that involved fighting this thing... It could be really weak, an easily conquered opponent once one resolves to fight.

Yvette clutched the long range variable in her hands. She was running out of time to use it. Without any clear indication that this was, in fact, a group effort, no one would have any incentive to help her once her brainwaves returned to normal.

Launch an attack and hope for the best, or wait it out and risk failing...

@R-9 Pilot @Crow @Kit-n-Kat @ERode @Ultra Paradox
As a start, locking eyes with the opponent, Anchovy activated her Mental Variable, allowing her to see what the opponent saw, and anything that overlapped their vision in four dimensions. The opponent would feel a light spark in their minds.

Anchovy folded her arms, anticipating a comeback.

"It is best for a close-range Variable user to approach her."
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"Ehhh..." was Haruka's only vocalized response as the scantily clad woman materialized before them, floating fairly high up in the air. 10 minutes as their time limit, was it? Well, considering how long rounds usually were, there wasn't much of a need to worry about there not being enough time, right.

Nodding at Anchovy's statement, the red haired girl hopped forward, walking closer and closer to the floating figure. No need for violence yet. Just a slight tension in case there was something sneaky going on.

"Hey there," she grinned, waving up at the floating exhibitionist, "Are you sentient or something? Do you want to throw down? Or is there another task we're supposed to complete with you?"
A girl appears out of nowhere, and doesn't seem like she's really even looking at them. This was the test simulation? An hour of practice, and then...ten minutes? Prier wasn't sure how to react, but with no immediate attack, she wasn't sure what to even do. She was, however, shocked by the girl's appearance. "Is she naked?" It took closer observation to show that it was just a fleshtone bodysuit. "She might as well be." She raised her voice to shout at the girl, " Girl, don't you have any shame?" She just blurted it out. Couldn't help herself.

Her variable was at the ready, the swords pointed roughly toward the simulated girl. Beyond that and a readiness to scatter at the first sign of real danger, she didn't intend to make the first attack.
I looked right up at the girl we were presented with, taking a moment to properly assess the situation. Thinking logically, maybe the test was to not engage the target, as to teach not to engage at first shot? Maybe. But no, if that was the case there was no way that would mean nobody passed last year. The instructors seemed to act like the test was the same every year. So why would it be so difficult? No, Claire wasn't thinking it all the way through.

Hearing Haruka's question for the girl, Claire figured that would be way too easy. If the thing would answer that question truthfully, what would be the point of the test? It probably wasn't allowed to answer the questions that she asked. Which made Claire doubt what exactly Haruka was thinking.. Was she wounded? Nope. Nothing on the surface. Was it a robot? Probably not. But a program, maybe. And well, if Claire's experience was correct, she had to be straight forward and clear. After running her three words in her head about a dozen times, Claire took a deep breath. Exhaling, she looked up to the girl floating above her, "Friendly or hostile?" She asked, hoping she had gotten this stage of the test right.
Minato inspected the strange looking girl that floated above the group as everyone blurted out what was going through their heads. She seemed to have no real emotional reactions to everything and her being seemed very odd. Almost cold, and callous in a way. There was no way in hell that she, or whatever that is, was sentient. "I don't think she's sentient guys," He took a few step forwards and looked down at his hands. His palms were sweaty, and he squeezed his hands into a fists, the variable forming into gloves around his hands. "Looks like we're timed," He turned around to face the girls that were with him, untied his tie and loosened the buttons on his suit, "So it's time to get serious."

He looked at Anchovy and nodded, "I'll go..." He seemed a little hesitant, looking at the robot-like girl and back at anchovy. Then taking a few steps forward towards her, "Here goes nothing."

Can I really do this? Can I fight again after everything that happened? Time to find out.

He was running before he could think about it any further.
No movement, no answers. The only response to the group was her continued gaze. As time went on, it would become harder and harder to tell if she was looking at them, or straight through them. Yvette wasn't entirely surprised with the reception. It was a mere simulation. Of course there'd be no answer. Still, it seemed they were all on the same page as far as approaching this went.

A test of morals, or a test of what they'd learned. Anyone would probably think this the latter, right? Then, if everyone failed last year, maybe it's because not attacking was the goal. As much as Eevee wanted to believe this, going along with this idea and doing nothing for the next ten minutes sounded too risky a move.

And just like that, Minato was preparing to make his move. Tie undone and buttons loosened, he gave them all one more glance before beginning his approach. This wasn't someone making a hotheaded move. She could tell that he wasn't going in because attacking was all he knew — no, there even seemed to be a bit of hesitation before he set off.

This was someone that was moving because they had to; because gambling was something they couldn't afford to do.

His actions only brought more questions. Was this a group assignment? Would they all pass or fail together? It seemed reasonable enough, seeing how grouping them together didn't seem to serve any other purpose. That also meant that any group that wasn't completely like-minded would be screwed then. If the goal was to not attack, and the group had a hothead, they'd all be failed simply because someone couldn't keep their urge to fight in check? On the other hand, if the goal was to attack...

There'd be no way for a solo fighter to win.

She wanted to tell him to stop and wait, but words wouldn't find her lips. It wasn't her right to tell someone not to do what they thought was the best course of action — what they felt they needed to do in order to succeed. All she could do was watch, incapable of saying a word.

The male's approach was met with nothing more than a shift in the simulation's eyes. The closing distance seemed to be of importance to her. As Minato got closer and closer, he'd be able to spot a variable in the girl's left hand. Whether it was a short range or a long range couldn't be told unless she used it.

@R-9 Pilot @Crow @Kit-n-Kat @ERode @Ultra Paradox
It was Minato that took the first step, like all boys should. Head strong and brash, rushing up even though the simulation was suspended high above them all.

Nice. That made Haruka's own role simple enough.

Like a water, like a dream, the black material that stayed tight over her hands shifted, morphing into a tower shield instead, as her own stance shifted lower. Legs bent to offer greater stability. Legs bent to offer more explosive movement if necessary. It rattled in her mind, like a bomb ready to detonate, but the rose haired girl held it back for now, eyes alive and yet unfocused.

If the enemy was unknown, focusing merely on that floating target's variable was dangerous. Misdirection was the forefront of ensuring tactical advantages. So she'll be careful.

"I'll play D," the model-esque woman said, steadying her shield, "If anyone wants to provide covering fire for our protagonist, do so."
Seeing Minato rush in towards the girl had slightly irritated Claire, a twinge of irritation visible on her face."That dumbass!" Claire thought to herself, the spheres of her Variable spinning around her forearms as she stood with her hands up. The four spheres kept spinning around her wrists, as she was trying to get them some momentum for the inevitable rush that was about to happen.

Breathe. In. Pause. Out. Pause. In. Pause. Out. Pause. Claire had confidence in herself, she knew she could absolutely do her thing in this fight. And if the test was unrelenting continuing even amidst a failure, Claire knew she'd keep going. At least, as far as she'd be able to if she was going to get her ass kicked.

Steadying herself, she rolled her shoulders, and extended her arms to her sides, the four spheres of her long range Variable still spinning. Getting them to accelerate around her wrists faster and faster, and Claire had her hands up and ready to launch her Variable should the group decide to just go in. Considering the group she had, Claire wasn't surprised that they'd end up going shoot first, ask questions later. "Minato..." Claire grumbled, sighing and realizing that they might end up in a fight.. She was ready, but...

No buts. Claire stood at the ready to either succeed or fail with her team.
No reply. No, none at all. Her only reaction was a shift in her eyes, looking down at him. They were still glazed over and as empty as ever. Yet something was wrong. His eyes shifted from her face, to her body, to her hands, down to her feet- wait her hands? She was holding something. He squinted his eyes and took a step back.

"A variable," He whispered, and looked back at the group Haruka, the beautiful giant of a girl was holding up some form of defense while the slightly worried but more annoyed Claire prepared her long range variable. It was all coming together now. He lifted his hands up in a fighting stance and spread his legs apart. Years of classes in self defense that his parents paid for, and he dreaded, finally coming to some sort of use.

"Well then," He took a big gulp of air, "Not very friendly I see."

He took a quick look at Claire and then back at the strange floating girl, who at this point he deemed a simulation. Shooting her first would be a good option, perhaps catch her by surprise. But there's no way I can signal Claire to do so without bringing too much attention to what I'm hoping to be an ambush.

He came to the conclusion that he would distract her, or rather, it. Have it face away from the others, distracting it enough to form an attack. Accepting his own idea, he looked back at the group one more time. No more hesitating. And he was off. Sprinting around the floating girl over and over, then pouncing onto the floor hands first as if he was going to do a flip. Using his variable, he pushed off the floor with as much force as he could and was able to reach her in the air. Winding up his fist, acting on instincts rather than his own thoughts, he hoped that this distraction would somehow work. But knew that, if the girls didn't do something quick, the simulation would react.
So, nobody had a plan ,or if they did, they weren't sharing. But it didn't seem like there was much going on to deal with, either. Prier was possibly less obvious about her own plan of attack, at least not spinning up anything. Her swords did array themselves to all point at the girl.

It was difficult to say whether she and Minato were on the same wavelength, or she was just impatient enough to throw her own attack near simultaneously. A sword flashed out from her side and launched itself at the mystery girl. A second attack from a different direction may not truly be capitalizing on whatever Minato was doing, but improved everyone's chances of something happening. Or not being the sole center of attention.
The female was motionless until the very last moment. A foolish attempt, in all regards, and a testament to the group's lack of any real teamwork. At this rate, they'd all be picked off just as quickly as Minato was about to be...

Waiting for the moment just before the boy's variable would make contact with her, the female swiftly moved towards her left, leaving both his and the long range sword's path. As the boy would pass her, she'd turn to meet his right side, bringing her right hand across her chest and transforming her variable into a sword, aiming to slice the male through the waist.

With the launched sword's trajectory, unless Prier thought to re-aim her shot mid-flight, Minato would have two targets to deal with.

Having anticipated this type of outcome, Yvette acted without thinking. Within her last few seconds of being able to use long range variables, she fired off two shots the same time as Prier, though this one much smaller and indiscernible than the sword that was flying towards her, so as to go undetected. There were two options for the simulation. Go up and attack Minato from above, or move to the left, and attack from his flank.

Just as the black haired female had predicted, the smaller variable traveled faster than the larger one. Before the sword would reach Minato, her attack would catch the simulation off guard, hitting her makeshift blade as she prepared to swing. A moment of hesitation from the being, and Minato's only chance to make a last ditch shot at attacking, or get the hell out of there. 'I'm not sure this was the right choice or not, but right now it's the only one worth making.'

"Minato, get back!"
With only the one weapon to really focus on, Prier could at least react in time. The sword quickly jerked upward out of Minato's way and arced back to its owner's side. So much for that attempt, but she could do better. Not that she planned on doing it alone. "Anchovy, Claire, we've got to work together here. Split up, attacking from the same angle's too easy to dodge, let's see if we can pin her down." Even as she made the suggestion, she was already running off to one side as fast as her little legs would carry her. They had a numbers advantage, but no clue what their opponent was actually capable of. And the damn white room wasn't even an interesting arena.

Prier prepared to coordinate another attack with the other two. Which was probably her job, now that she took the lead. "Get ready to fire on my mark!"
"Attacking from the same angle doesn't matter," Haruka snapped back, her eyes tracing the movements of their foe. Fast, but not impossibly so. First variable used was a short range one, but it was also just a simulation, so the freedom of its variable manipulation could probably break more than just a few rules. "These are variables, not bullets. Splitting up means you can get picked off more easily. Stay together, trust me to protect you guys, and focus on the paths of your variables."

Was she expecting too much when the five of them had only met within the last couple hours? No. Absolutely not.

"Keep the projectiles small, keep your paths serpentine, and focus on intercepting enemy attacks rather than going for the kill. We'll set ourselves up as ranged support for Minato and enable him to get a hit in, since he's already in the fray."