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The Vampire King

He weakly wrapped his arms around her as he spasms, still a little tense form the intensity of the orgasm. His cum slowly drips out onto the sheet as she lays him down and kisses. He kisses back but still pants in the kiss, trying to catch his breath as his member flops out of her when she lays down, letting a few more drops gush out of her pussy. He rubbed her back as they rested, slowly relaxing as they sleep, eyes closed with her on top and running his fingers on his skin. But the sun was setting and he looked up at her
"...>We should head back..."
Felicity nodded. "I...I don't want to...but I need to..."

She slowly got up, kissing her chest on the way off the bed. Felicity went on a hunt for her underwear and found them on top of her other clothes. She put them on, stopping after she slipped her pants on. She stood in her pants and bra trying to brush through her hair with her fingers. To no avail, she grabbed the camera predictably and snapped candid pictures of Chris dressing. She giggled and kissed him softly on the back of his shoulder while his back was turned. "I'm glad you agreed to come." She wrapped her arms around him, pressing her skin to his momentarily. She broke away and put her shirt on. Felicity packed everything up and carefully rolled up the blanket and stuffed it in the bag.

She made her way down the steps, messy hair and all.
he smiled at her as she took his pictures then walked with her downstairs to the car. It was already dark, and they were still a bit sticky
"I feel sorry for the people on the ferry who climbed into bed with our goo still there..."
he smirked as he held her hand and walked her to the car, but didn't get in, leaning against the door frame to look down at her, his arms rested on the top of the car to look into her face
]"...I have a great time when I'm with you...."
He leaned down and kissed her cheek lovingly, adding a playful lick to her neck as he walks to the other side and gets in, turning the radio off completely to enjoy her company in silence for the initial ride.
"I called room service," she said as she got into the car. Felicity drove out to the gravel road and grabbed Chris' hand on his lap. "I could get used to you....you know...being around...I'd like that." She kissed it and set their hands in the middle.

For most of the car ride, Felicity smiled and enjoyed the quiet. They barely made it to the ferry and were one of the last people to get on. She yawned. "Man you tired me out" She laughed as she ran her fingers through her hair. "Would you mind when we land taking over? It's about 3 hours of driving and I have a GPS."

Felicity got out of the car and headed up to the bar with Chris in tow for a drink.
He nodded and kissed her forehead as they sat at the bar
"Sure..I bet you're tired after that~ But...I'd like to see you more often too..just...hang out,...more."
He smiled as he took another shot, then grinned
"..You know we never tried the body shots that first night..."
Felicity groaned. "Trying to get me naked again? Seriouslyyyy you have a inhuman libido." She finished the last sip of her whiskey. A man came up to Felicity and tapped her on the shoulder. He wore a suit and had an air of arrogance about him--worse than Chris'.

"I'm sorry, I could help but overhearing you. Is this boy bothering you, miss? " he said.

"No, but you are." she snapped. This was unlike Felicity and she was confused at herself and he sudden flare of anger. "I'm sorry....I didn't mean it like that, but no he isn't. Thank you though... for your concern."

He smiled at her, thinking he had got her attention away from Chris and on him; a strange ploy to say the least. The man got the bartender's attention and said: "A scotch for me please and a" looking at Felicity "and a Sangria for the lady."

Felicity wasn't even paying attention to anyone, but her cup. ​Why did I say that?
Chris reached over and grabbed the cup form Felicity and drank it in front of his face
"..Thanks for the drink slug.."
He looked at Felicity then the gentleman again
"..But I'd appreciate it if you left her alone...I doubt she want's a dungbeetle hitting on her today.."
This made the guy look around selfconciously and walk out, which made Chris worried and looked at Felicity
"..Sorry babe just trying to be playful...you okay? you seem a bit off..."
"Oh! I'm fine. I just zoned out a bit. Was a bit mean to the guy, but thanks." Felicity looked at the drink. "I'm not really a fan of Sangria. I like my spirits. Sangria is too fruity tooty!~"

Felicity noticed people were staring because her hair was still knotted from earlier-or at least she suspected that was so. She took the hair tie from her wrist and slipped her hair into a side ponytail.

Felicity figured she was probably just aggravated, so she shrugged it off as strange behavior. She smiled at him and removed the drink from his hand. "Don't drink that disgusting piece of crap, just because it's free doesn't mean it's neccessarily better. Excuse me miss!" She called over the bartender who looked oddly like Skylar though she didn't know it. "Can I have some more whiskey please? Thanks dear."

The bartender handed her a glass of whiskey. She sipped on it, smiling and then yawning.
He smiled then stared at the vampiress as their minds talked
"What are you doing here.."

You are getting too chummy with that girl

She happens to be my girlfriend now and I don-
"Girlfriend..who the hell are you, getting a girlfriend like this...the blood omen is upon us Baron and we need a sacrifice...and a maiden...

Chris looked over at Felicity and shook his head...Not her..not this one...
"Do you know each other?" Felicity had noticed them staring. Chris didn't say anything. She took it upon herself. "Well if you do, my name is Felicity it's nice to meet you...?" She held her hand out over the bar

"Beatrice." said the bartender. The bartender didn't take her hand so Felicity eventually retracted it. Odd...

She sighed and continued trying to lessen the tension of the staring contest: "It's wonderful to meet you, Beatrice. That's a lovely shirt you've got on." No response from the bartender.
"Well Chris and I have gotten quite close despite the fact he's still a bit mysterious...." Felicity's words caught the bartenders' attention. She shifted her head and looked at Felicity as she continued "and I was wondering... if you've got any stories or perhaps any idea what his weakness is?" She was joking of course.
Chris then looked at Felicity with a brow raised to the ceiling
"..You're asking a complete stranger about my life? I hardly know this lady..."

S sharp ring sang through the tavern as a glass slipped form her hand and crashed to the floor a broken stare onto Chris as her heart was shattered
But...she had to keep this ruse
"..Y-He's right madame..I never saw this man in my life..."
"Oh sorry. To be fair, you two were having an intense, sexy staring contest," she teased. "And naturally I thought you knew each other. I'm sorry Beatrice. I'm sure you're a wonderful person."

She turned back to Chris. "I just...wanted to be nice....Hey let's get out of here. Walk around a bit." Felicity grabbed her wallet and paid the bill with a nice big tip. She felt bad for her mistake and Beatrice seemed nice enough.

Felicity was used to just having Chris follow her so she walked up to the deck. The air was refreshing though it felt and tasted like rain. "Sooooo tell me....have you had any girlfriends before?"
He leaned against the rail alongside her as they took in the air, back in the bar "Beatrice" was drying her tears with the rag she cleaned with, wondering what the hell the baron is going through. And as she asked he looked out into the sea.
"I guess that's a fair question...."
He took a small breath
"..I had 2 official girlfriends before you..both after my money and prestige but hd it well, so when I found out it was over like that..."

he snapped his fingers then he looked at her
"..So I know Alex and I believe Marissa..any other relationships besides those?"
"Marissa and I...oh haha....nooo that's purely sexual. We were kinda horny and it happened. I also needed someone for comfort, she was okay with that. She's practically my best friend. Alex, yes him. I've dated a lot of people, had sex with even more, but only you, Alex, and Nick. Nick was my first boyfriend, he was abusive and controlling. I didn't know better, but he never forced himself onto me. Just messed up. Alex, I....I didn't Alex in my future. I didn't love him more than family. He deserves someone who loves him wholly."

Felicity leaned her head against Chris' side.

"What about best friends? Surely you have some. Tell me about them."
He looked down into the water to see his refection..strange...oh well
"..None..I was homeschooled and not allowed to leave the castle when I was a child...Only until I was old enough to party did I go but...same thing happened...Honestly you're the first real person I met who loves me for me....it felt odd at first..maybe that's why I wanted things to go so fast, because it was genuine...You're different than most....and I like it.."
His arm wrapped around her shoulder to keep her close.
"Awww schucks babe. You seriously are locked up in that castle too much. You should sell it or pass it to someone else. Find a new place and leave everything behind. Find a best friend, explore a world." Felicity looked up at him. "When I graduate, I'm living everywhere and anywhere. I'll write, I'll take crappy jobs and good ones. There's more to life than this."

The horn signaled that it was time to get back to the car and so they did. This time Felicity headed to the passenger side and tossed her keys at him badly. "Oops sorry." She got in the car. "Thanks for being okay with driving, " she said as she yawned. Felicity put the chair back and looked at him. "I understand wanting to go so fast, but it feels right to me too. Maybe someday we'll regret the end, but the beginning will always be fine." She shrugged. "I honestly don't know where I'll be a year from now. I hope you're okay with that."
Before he drove off, he leaned down and kissed her lovingly
"..Who the fuck knows..maybe I'm by your side...."

And with that he drove her off to home, letting her sleep as the radio was left off, her mix tape in the bag as he pulled out another sandwich, eating as he drove them. When they reached her house, he took her to bed, laying down with her, the castle could stand another night without him, he wanted to be with his beloved.
Felicity's alarm on her computer went off. "Miss Felicity," the computer said. "It's time to get up."

"Oi! Shut up," she murmured still half asleep. Every minute, the computer would repeat. "Miss Felicity...It's time to get up."

Felicity dragged herself out of Chris' arms and turned off the alarm. She logged herself into the computer and checked her schedule for the day. She moved some stuff around to make time for homework and synced the calender with her phones'. She plugged in her phone and then proceeded to undress herself unbashedly, leaving a trail to the bathroom. Felicity didn't care, Marissa had seen her naked so many times.

She turned the shower on and walked back out to the vanity to come through her hair. She noticed that the bruise on her neck from the ferry was gone, she shrugged. Her body did weird things sometimes. She finished combing her hair and then hopped into the shower.

Felicity sang in the shower to a cover of Skinny Love she had heard and loved. Felicity wasn't particularly talented in her opinion, but she sang slow, quiet songs in the morning. It then transition to Take Me Dancing by The Maine. Felicity began to sing Come Away with Me as she got out of the shower, dried herself off, and was finishing up when she walked in the room.

She saw Chris and screamed. "Holy crap! I'm so sorry. You just...where the fuck did you come from? Did....did you stay the night? I....oh....right sorry." Felicty yawned. "I'm still not quite awake yet. Not even after you scared the crap out of me."
He smiled at her toweled frame, still half asleep as he rolled over
"..Yeah I stayed the night, hop you didn't mind but...I wanted to...heheh you snore cute~"
He watched as she fumed and blushed, making him laugh more and rolled over, not facing her
".I wont look and I'm still tired...what are your plans for today babe?"
Felicity groaned. "Schoooolll. I have a flipping test today. It'll be easy, but what can I say? Monday mornings suck."

Felicity crawled on the bed with the damp towel around her. Felicity wrapped herself around him and said: "You're always welcome to oogle, dear." She knew Chris probably didn't appreciate her being wet from the shower, but she rolled off of him and the bed and onto to the floor. Felicity put on a nice pair of slacks and a business casual blouse on. She swooped her hair into a bun and turned to Chris on the bed. "Well you are welcome to sleep here, but why you'd want to sleep your life away in my room."