The Uprising

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Here is an NPC that will be in and out of the RP. She's Maribeth's older sister. Lili and I have discussed this and she has already been accepted.


Name: Athena Wilson


Age: 22

Personality: Athena is short and curt with most people, giving hardly anyone the satisfaction of having a full conversation with her. Her brutal honesty and lack of patience is due to having led all her life on the run with her mother. She had to learn the hard way that she could never have any real friends, or be close to anyone, because as soon as she'd get comfortable, they'd have to leave. Though she does have a lack of people skills, Athena loves children and animals. To her, they're all that's good in the world and loves their sense of innocence. Her trust is not easily given, but can be earned. Once she sees that certain people can be trusted, she will relax slightly, but still her peoples skills are poor and hopes that those around her will be patient with her.

Appearance: Unlike her sister, Athena is quite taller, standing at 5'6" with a slim build yet she is not petite. Her eyes are the nearly the same as her father's, probably the only thing she got from him; blue. Her hair is long, brunette, and wavy, falling to her waist. Typically, Athena will be dressed in anything black, her hair almost always up either in a slick ponytail or a sock bun. She dresses in a matter that if anything were to happen, she'd be ready for it.

Powers: Athena has the ability to make herself sound and look like the loved one of whomever is around her. How she is able to do it is unknown. The theory that her father had come up with (and was correct about) was that Athena's mind would involuntarily read the minds of those around her and would pick a cherished person to imitate. Most likely it was a form of self-defense. Although it wasn't much to go on, it's what she was raised believing. Even though her father would simply say she would 'bewitch' those around her. To this day, Adriano continues to do research on this ability. The actual reason for her ability to be able to work is empathic mimicry, since she picks up on people's emotions and mimics herself to resemble it. This is how she is able to make herself look like someone else. T

Weaknesses and limitations: Athena's ability is strictly defensive. She is unable to harm anyone with it unlike her sister. Once she uses her ability, she can only use it on one person. For example, if she is being attacked by a group of people, only one person from the group will be able to actually see their loved one, but everyone in the group will be able to hear the loved one. (I hope it makes sense.) This typically will make the person almost act hypnotized and want to defend their 'loved' one. She's still mastering her ability, so it will sporadically happen. This was the main reason that her and her mother had to move so frequently and she was home schooled.

Abilities: Athena has a talent with working with knives and blades. In a fight, she will prefer her blades rather than a gun. She can speak fluent Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, and of course English. She can also understand sign language. Besides that, she's a pretty good cook and has a knack for making a decent meal out of almost nothing.

History: Athena can not remember most of her youth. All she remembers is that she had been living with her mom, constantly on the move and always in very secluded and isolated areas. Only once of twice had she ever lived in an actual city, and that was only for a short amount of time. She never understood why they couldn't just settle down in one spot so that she could make friends and be normal like the other kids her age.

It wasn't until she was 14 that she truly understood why. Her power was nothing to mess around with, and since she had no control over it, they had to take their extra precautions. Whenever she had the chance, she'd always ask her mom about her father. The response would always be, "He chose work", and she never understood that either until she was in her teens. In her eyes, her father did not know how to handle a daughter with abilities and saw her as an abomination. Juliette, her mother, never stopped her from having these thoughts. The worse Athena thought of the man, the better, so that Athena would never get the idea of going after him.

For many years, Athena hated Adriano and Maribeth, although her mother said that it was not Mari's fault. Either way, Athena thought that Adriano chose Maribeth over her because her younger sister was 'normal'.

It wasn't until the recent events of Empowered like her began to come up in every news channel that she was able to see two things.

One; There were others like her.
Two; Her sister was like her.

It was then when her mother and herself began to look for Maribeth. Unfortunately, on their hunt for Mari, Athena's mother was caught and later on murdered. This was a terrible loss to Athena because Juliette was the only person that she had. This was when Athena had barely turned 20. She became cold and distant afterwards but continued her hunt for her sister. This time it wasn't really for friendly reasons. It was to somehow avenge her mothers death and get her hands on her father.

It wasn't until she came to the northern states that she joined the Syndicate. With her type of ability, she was easily placed in a position of gathering intel. Mainly by interrogation. Having no people skills or knowing how to be affectionate, it was the perfect fit for her.

Other: She doesn't like vulgar language. She'd rather insult you in a more sophisticated way. She also has a slight accent, having lived most of her life in South America.
Noice, just a headsup to all I injured my back really badly pretty much snapped it. So my back is in turmoil and I cant really do much for a while.
Noice, just a headsup to all I injured my back really badly pretty much snapped it. So my back is in turmoil and I cant really do much for a while.

Welcome to the "injured back" club! I'm actually the president of it.
Welcome to the "injured back" club! I'm actually the president of it.

Did your face go between your knees when a 400lbs platform landed on you, basically turning you into a lawn chair?
If you're about to start trying to compare which back is worse we're gonna have a fucking problem, mate, because I just said our backs were messed up. I never said that mine was worse. And for your information, my back was the reason I was in crutches for half a year, the reason I was discharged from the military, and the reason I had surgery a few weeks ago. This wasn't a competition to see who's dick was bigger, I was only trying to make light of a bad situation.
If you're about to start trying to compare which back is worse we're gonna have a fucking problem, mate, because I just said our backs were messed up. I never said that mine was worse. And for your information, my back was the reason I was in crutches for half a year, the reason I was discharged from the military, and the reason I had surgery a few weeks ago. This wasn't a competition to see who's dick was bigger, I was only trying to make light of a bad situation.
Relax it was meant to be a playful competitive jab.
There could have been more sign-posting that it was a joke. Seeing as only about 7% of standard human communication and understanding actually comes from what we are saying as opposed to how we say it as well as what we look like and our body language. It is very easy to create misunderstanding on forums where we are limited to that very small percentage of human interpretation so we should all take extra care in sign-posting our intent if it is not entirely representative by the words we are using.

This is the same for trigger-warnings. In books it is clearly sign-posted in the synopsis that the material may be disturbing as it is (generally) sign-posted in other media with age-ratings and traditional sign-posting such as music and tropes.

Yes, I am a liberal lefty. But I'm still your president for the term of this RP so all hail!
It's rather quiet isn't it
Pity...I found the RP first as I was getting used to this site. Found the OOC and all full up. If you get openings feel free to send me a message.
Pity...I found the RP first as I was getting used to this site. Found the OOC and all full up. If you get openings feel free to send me a message.
Will do, Reaper! Stay tuned though because it seems like we've lost a few.
*strolls into the thread* So dead...

All... alone T^T *is depressed forever*
*depressed forever with you*
*Yawns and stretches, shaking off cobwebs and dust*

I rise from the dead.... Looks like i'm not the only one that decided to take a snooze on the rp.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Yuuki_Tatsunohi
i think the best way to get everyone's attention and revive this rp is to mass inbox everyone who participated. The pms go straight to their pers emails so when they check they'll see the call and hopefully come back to this rp I do hope everyone comes back though
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Lilium
Forgive me for I have forsaken you
amg i actually got my own bucket of rainbows! ;u;
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