The Untold Story of an Olympic Trio

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He grumbles and shakes his head walking over he grabs a bow and some arrows "fine I'll join you but I know not to expect to win even with a handicap so let's just get this over with what are the rules were going by?"
"Oh don't be a sore-sport, you might tie with me." Isabella laughed, bumping her elbow lightly against him as Will came to join. She was rather curious to see him shoot actually, realising she hadn't really seen the boy in combat with anything except very breifly with the Chimera. Capture the flag would follow not long after this so she would probably be caught up in some action then, but for now this was fun and friendly shooting.

"Lets say first one to twenty points wins." Kaidan pointed off three levels of targets, numbering that each bulls-eye was one point and the farther the target was the more points it was worth; the ones 40ft back were three solid points per hit. "It doesn't have to be dead-center, but you have to get it in the red."

"Sounds easy enough." Isabella flexed her shoulders, looking to Will first and then Kaidan with a challenging grin. It was clear they were both about to see a competitive side of her, flickering like a lovely livid flame in her eyes.
He looks at her and sighs a bit could tell this was going to be trouble but even though he was at a clear disadvantage he was having fun as a small smile spread across his face he pulled his bow up and knocked an arrow and drew it back "just say when".
Isabella shifted her feet before drawing back as well with a deep tall breath, her eyes set on a target dubbed worth as two points. She wouldn't get cocky right away and aim for the farthest, although that seemed to be what Kaidan was going for.


Instantly her arrow flew paired with the others and before it had even hit its target she was drawing back another without so much as glancing at either of the boys. This girl was in her zone, the arrows easily flying with sharp breaths and it was plain to see she was going to be a deadly threat to any monster which chose to approach when Isabella had a bow in hand.
Will fired arrow after arrow he knew he could reach the further targets so his goal was to fire at the closer ones as quickly as he could and fill up the bullseye befire he would move in to the next furthest he had already let three arrows fly by the time the were firing their fourth he was clearly at a disadvantage only hitting the bullseye every other shot
Isabella spared a moment to glance at Will and noticed his handful of arrows looked a bit more numerous then both hers and Kaidans. Oh well. She didn't have time to worry about that, not with Kaidan firing arrow after arrow and hitting each time dead center. The girl took a risk to pick up her pace and aim farther, pushing herself to the point where her fingers might have been bleeding from drawing back on the bow string so tightly.

"Twenty!" Both Kaidan and Isabella shouted at the same time, and then looked at each other in complete surprise but for different reasons. "You tied with me?" "I tied with you?" She sounded just as baffled as him, after all Kaidan probably had a stupid amount of experience more. It might have just been her competitive nature... but the girl couldn't help but feel aggravated she had tied and not won. Still, she couldn't help but glance to Will with a grin -it wasn't gloating. Something else was on her mind. "Recon that'll shut him up for a bit so you can get your needed 'quiet'"

Kaidan couldn't help but snort a laugh.
He smiles a bit and sets his bow down "yeah well its about time except it only seemed to work for about a minute" he yawns a bit and looks at the sky he couldn't explain it but..something was seriously bothering him all of a sudden and it wasn't losing the archery was something a dark presence was pressing at his subconscious
"Guys please," Kaidan sighed dramatically throwing his arms around both of their shoulders to pull both Isabella and Will in as he dropped his bow -rather disrespectfully to the weapon, in the girls opinion- and shook his head. "There's not a force on this earth that could shut me up for more then a minute."

Isabella rolled her eyes with a smirk and pushed away, she had a feeling they were done with archery for now so returned the borrowed supplies and returned quickly. How long would Rose stay over there, out of the way of the weapons? It was kind of cute how timid the girl was but must have been a real troublesome trait in a camp full of training demi-gods. And then something else caught her attention, out of the corner of one amber glance she thought she saw something unsettled flicker across Wills expression. She cast him a curious glance, but didn't inquire. "What time is the game, anyway?"
(he didn't drop it XD he set it down XD)

"The preparations will begin in about an hour so it would be wise to rest up now and conserve your strength these games can last up to days or up to hours it all depends on where each team sets their flag" Will rubs his eyes and shakes his head he was looking a little pale all of a sudden and he was sweating quite a bit. He looks up at Isabella and blinks his eyes a few times like he was having a hard time focusing on her
(( Oops just ignore that XD Weee glad I can finally get on and get some replies in, too :))

"Days? Sounds like an aggressive game." Isabella noted but her eyes were completely on Will as he quickly started to change for the worst. And of course, she reacted in an instant. "Uhh, lets go get some water we'll catch you later Kaidan ok?" Upon receiving a smile and a reply she brushed beside Will to casually slip an arm around his waist and lead him away from the range -sending a look to Rose and nodding her over.

"Hey you alright? You look like you've seen a ghost." She almost added that he didn't look so good but the guy probably knew that. Rose came walking down rather quickly, almost a jog and skidded to a stop for a moment eyeing the arm around Will. She quickly seemed to shake it from her mind, looking immidiately completely worried at his state. "What happened? Is he alright?"
He looks at them and shakes his head giving them a weak smile his breathing was becoming heavier and his pupils were hardly seen in his eyes "i'll..I'll be ok..I just need to rest a bit..don't worry about me" He rubs his eyes and slumps against Isabella before he slowly slides to the ground putting his head on his knees as he tried to control his breathing
Although both girls were clearly worried and panicking at this point, it was easy to see which more was outwardly about it -especially when Will slid down to the ground. The satyr was on him in an instant, with warm caring hands to try and keep him upright for a moment looking to Isabella with big eyes. "Oh my gosh Will! Should I go get someone?! I'll go get someone! Wait- well I don't want to leave you if-"

"Rose," Isabella knew even if it was a headache or de-hydration or something along those lines for Will, her panicked squeaking probably wasn't helping. "Calm down. He's probably just tired, go get Chiron ok? Or one of the camp nurses, if you have something like that. And a bottle of water." Rose opened her mouth to reply but was silenced by the look in Isabellas eyes, it wasn't demanding or harsh but rather looked like she knew what she was doing. Looking back to Will she fumbled with steps for a moment before rushing off with the intention of following all the orders even though it killed her to leave.

"Will," Isabella crouched down beside him but at a good space. She didn't want to hover if he felt sick. "I need you to be honest with me, if you feel like your going to black out or something you need to tell me so we can get you somewhere better. If you really do think you just need a rest, then by all means keep silent and take your time." There was something odd in her voice, it wasn't as spunky or lively as usual but rather on a softer note.
He lets out a bunch of slow breaths and swallows hard rubbing his eyes and looks up at the sky. His face had slowly turned a sickish green looking color and he was sweating even worse then he had been before "I swear..I'll be ok Isabella..I'm's not that big of a deal.."
"Bullshit, Will you're green." Isabella didn't move from her crouch beside him but she did straiten up a bit to look around for Rose or another helpful face. No luck. She didn't believe he was 'fine' even to the slightest extent and while he was in that state there was no way she was going to go running off for help or even move him. Unfortunately, Isabella had no medical expirience either. "Comon Rose..."
He covers his mouth and coughs hard for what seemed like forever but it was only a few short seconds pulling his hand away from his mouth she could see that it was now covered in blood "..ok...maybe I'm not as fine as I thought I was..." He groans and closes his eyes tightly "..what the hell is going on?...I felt fine a second ago..."
As soon as Will drew his hand away sticky with loose scarlet blood Isabellas face went three paler shades of porcelain. Oh god... Coughing up blood, that was a sign of something wrong in the respitory track right? Lungs, throat, chest trauma -and yet she had no idea what to do. Blood itself did not make her uneasy, it was being caught in a situation where she was practically useless that drew the girls nerves up.

"Alright uh- well -fuck I don't- come on Will we need to go. I'm not waiting for Rose any longer, just lean against me alright? Come on, we'll get you through this..." Without waiting for a reply Isabella carefully moved to pull his arm around her shoulders and helped Will stand up -even if he didn't want to. She wasn't going to let him stay here and cough up what looked like dangerous amounts of blood.
He gasps in extreme pain and almost passes out as soon as he stood up groaning he leaned against her and coughed again more blood splattering from his lips his breathing was getting heavier now "t..the have...stuck me somewhere..somehow...wait..the fang still had poison on it..some of it must of gotten on my body..must have absorbed it thinking it was water by mistake..."
Will was a lot heavier then she had expected. He didn't look particularly so, but now that she was practically supporting his weight with one hand grasping the arm over her shoulder and the other firmly around him; well the girl couldn't move at as quick a pace as she would have liked but was determined to push on. Especially after his next panted words. Poison? "Wait, what? But how come it took so long to take affect? Wait no -don't answer that. It's not important right now. Just save your breath, ok?" Gritting her teeth Isabella shifted again and picked up her pace.

Fortunately she didn't have to go much further before Rose came running back, bringing with her Chiron as well as a few kids Isabella recognised to be from Apollo. Of course, he had something to do with healing right? Sun, healing, poetry... that's all she knew. Oh well, not important right now! "Hey, Will? You still hanging in there? Stay with me ok aqua man?"
Will gave a weak smile before he completely passed out slipping right out of her grasp crashing into the ground with a loud thump! Kicking up dust as he fell

Chiron runs/rides up (XD) and looks around worry etched clear on his face he looks around "..ok quick get him on mmy back we need to get him to the healing house Isabella did he say what was wrong?."
"Fuck, Will!" Isabella snarled -as if it was his own fault that the boy passed out- as he blacked out and she tried to keep him up-right but it was no good. He was going down. And with trying to keep him up-right, Will brought Isabella with him for the most part. She hit the ground on her knees while he hit it simple and painfully hard.

"He said it was probably the Chimera fang, the toxin from it absorbed by his body thinking it was water." Without skipping a best the girl was on her feet again dragging Will up best she could -Rose quickly stepped in to join. Together they got him onto Chirons back but only the Satyr had enough bold panic to ask the question that was on their minds.

"But he'll be alright, right?" She questioned worriedly, knowing Will was tough but right now he looked next to death. Her breaths were rough from sprinting through the camp and she looked almost to the point of tears with worry and fright. "There's a cure for that, a way to draw out the poison?"
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