The Untold Story of an Olympic Trio

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Will slumps against Chirons back groaning in discomfort blood had started trickling down from his nose. He was hardly breathing anymore.

Chiron grabs the two girls and puts them on his back behind will "hold him up straight and hold on tight!" He started sprinting towards the big house and in a matter of minutes he was there "get him inside and lay him down if we hurry we can save him..I'll warn you though this is going to hurt like hell for him..if you don't think you can see him in pain I suggest you leave"
Isabellas eyes widened and she quickly got Will into a position to hold him up right but it was also a bit to keep herself steady. Oh gosh. She had never been on a horse before, and even though this was -obviously- different the feeling was the same. She felt Roses arms around her waist in turn and leaned forward slightly -certain from this she might get a bit motion sick. Well, at least she could feel his -light- breaths and that was even slightly reassuring at this time when the boy looked positively dead.

Once they reached the house there was no hesitation to follow Chirons orders and move Will. Isabella herself didn't do it this time, the kids from Apollo helping to lie him down on one of the large lounge couches but both girls hovered in case they were needed. Rose hesitated to answer, sure she would stay no matter what but she had been with Will in intense pain before and it never ended well. The girl couldn't help but fret and get teary over him, usually also aggressive and protective when someone else was doing the hurting. It was the only time she would raise her tone or snap, and Rose knew it well. But of course she would stay. Before she could answer the satyr glanced to Isabella who spoke out stating the words on both their minds instead.

"We're staying! Just hurry, he's been reacting for a while now and we probably don't have much more time." Isabellas tone was slightly harsh and had something of a sharp twist to it -not that she could help it really. It was at a time like this when her determined impatient attitude would show through -determined to fix Will up as soon as possible. And to her, they were practically taking their time. Why even ask? We should be working already! She knew although seeing Will in pain would be a harsh experience, now was not a time the girl could possibly walk out. He would get over the pain, as long as it brought the benefit of saving his life. "Come on, we don't have it to waste!"
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Chiron nodded and walked over to will he took off his shirt and lifted him up to see his back was completely black like the venom that had been on the fang "..oh god this isn't good..someone get him on his back." One of the campers rolls him onto his back

Chiron meanwhile grabs a knife and a few bottles of liquid walking over he sliced a long X into wills back the wound instantly started oozing out a gross black liquid. "Im sorry about this will..someone hold his arms and legs diwn" two of the Apollo kids grab his arms and legs and pin them down. Chiron then mixes the liquids together and pours it on his back as soon the liquid touched his back Will screamed out in pain and his head whipped up his eyes were completely white. He tried to thrash around but the Apollo kids kept him pinned diwn tight.
Isabella looked like she might be sick, but she didn't look away; helping flip Will over upon Chirons request before giving him space to work again. She hadn't known what to expect but the rotten wound and churning deathly sight was enough to sway her head slightly and flinch as Chiron cut the long thin opening in his back. Gross.

Rose made seat on her knees beside the couch, watching quietly and biting her lip hard as Chiron worked. She had nightmares about this stuff all the time. Finding Will or another camper in such a position, in such a state, or even cold dead to a point where she could do no more then sit and watch. It was horrible, the worst kind of torture and far passing that of any type of pain the satyr had ever experienced herself. She knew this was going to be new nightmare food.

And apparently, Isabella did too. She caught one look at Roses expression and knew this was not something the girl needed to see. She didn't care if Rose had seen worse or been through worse. She stood up placing a hand lightly on Roses shoulder which made the girl look up slightly surprised. "Come on. You don't need to watch this, lets go outside."

Rose bit her lip again before looking back to Will. Chiron was mixing the solution, it didn't look like the slice had hurt but she was sure that liquid was going to. "I don't... I want to stay with him." The care and worry was clear but so was her hesitance, her consideration on the simple suggestion.

"He won't know the difference. I'll get you when its over, so you can be here when he comes too." Isabella reassured softly, not looking to Will now but instead helped Rose up after she gave a slow nod. Together the girls walked out and Rose sat on the porch, glancing back over her shoulder with a light nervous sigh before resting her hands figitly on her lap. Isabella returned to the room just in time to watch Will writhe in pain and screams. Yeah, she was definitely glad Rose wasn't here to see this.
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Will continued to scream and writhe around in pain as he tugged and clawed and kicked at the Apollo kids holding him down. His screams became louder and louder until his voice finally gave out bit he didn't stop trying to scream his facell almost frozen in that same anguishe'd look. For what felt like hours but was really only minutes will passed out again and the liquids fell of his back the blackness that was there before was gone all that was left was the large red X on his back Chiron sighs and checks his pulse "..he'l( live..thank goodness..everyone go back to your normal activities.."
Isabella ended up joining the crew to hold Will in place, his screams making her flinch each time but she gritted her teeth hard in response and just pressed to hold him tighter. Her hands almost felt cool against his over-heated sweat-broken skin. She was careful not to look at the wound on his back, certain it would make her sick. The strong scent of what ever Chiron treated him with blocked out the rotting stink, but nothing could block out his shrikes. Especially not when both her hands were in place on his skin rather then over her own ears. I'm sorry Will... It's all for the best...

How long was this supposed to last? It seemed like hours for her too, but when the venom finally faded from his skin Isabella loosened her grip a bit and tasted blood on the inside of her cheek. Maybe she had been clenching her teeth a bit to hard.

Despite Chirons words, Isabella stayed completely put beside the couch Will laid on. Nothing he could say was going to move her, she only shifted to call Rose back in and the girl came running not a moment after. Of course she had heard the screams, these walls did not block them out but she hadn't seen him twinge in pain and that was what Isabella was grateful for. "Chiron says he'll be fine..." She sighed lightly, shifting so her back was to the couch and her hair brushed Wills cheek lightly. "Honestly that's not something you wanted to see. You know... when he was practially blacking out he kept trying to re-assure me he was fine. Stupid..."

Rose let out a breath and seated beside Isabella in the same manor not long after that. She looked like she had been crying. "Oh Will... He thinks he's so invincible. It always gives me a panic attack when he runs off and gets himself hurt... sometimes not even telling me so I have to check and double check to make sure he's telling the truth."

Isabella shook her head lightly, glancing back to Will for a moment before responding in something of a hushed voice. "Well, I just don't think he wants to worry the people who care about him -he seems to have a sort of 'I can take care of myself' mentality. Thing is, I don't think he realises just how much they care either. How much you... we... worry."

Rose sighed and rested her head on Isabellas shoulder. "Yeah. That sounds about right..."
Chiron looked at the girls and walked out setting some ambrosia bars and water in front of them "he'll need one if these and some water make sure he drinks it slowly though." Chiron walks out and looks up at the sky.

Wills breathing slowly tured back to normal the color returning to his cheeks and skin. Soon it looked like he hadn't been sick at all if it wasn't for the dried blood on his face and the large cut on his back
"Thank you Chiron, for helping him." Rose looked up with a greatful smile but quickly returned to leaning against Isabella. She knew they wouldn't be going anywhere for a while, at least not until Will came-to. And she didn't want to go anywhere. "Hey... can I, ask you something?"

"Sure." Isabella responded feintly, shifting to turn over and face Will so she could clean the blood from around his lips. It was bugging her. When she was done, the girl went back to leaning with her back against his couch, knees drawn up.

"Does he... talk about me much? When I'm not around I mean? I kn-know you've only known us for a day and probably haven't had much time to chatter but I'm just wondering," Rose added the last part quickly glancing away quickly after. She bit her lip lightly again, shoulder smoothly rested against the others. Isabellas skin was rather warm, she had taken off her jacket and the satyr was just noticing. Actually, it seemed hot compared to her cool body temperature.

Isabella glanced over in slight surprised with a raised eyebrow, before looking away to the leopard head on the wall. "I suppose so. Yeah, he does a bit. But I mean, you're best friends so I would expect him to." Why... Why did the question bug her so much? It left an uncomfortable tug in her chest, and the girl didn't look back to Rose again as she answered. She drew her fingers through her red hair until it was smooth again to avoid looking back.

Will softly groaned Isabellas hair tickling his nose causing him to let out a heavy sneeze. Groaning he laid his head back down and opened his eyes a crack. He could hear them talking now but couldn't really make out what it was they were talking about.
Isabella glances back to Will when he sneezed but her gaze didn't hover long enough to see him come-to. And maybe she was also a bit caught up in their conversation. "Hey Rose... Do I come off as... Stand-offish to you?" She let her fingers play with a twine of ginger-red hair as she spoke, one elbow rested on her raised knee.

"Hmm?" Rose thought about the question for a moment, trying to figure out what Isabella meant by that. "Stand-offish? Um... Not really..." At first she thought back to first meeting the girl, when she had been approached and offered help simply by looking lost. That was her kindly first impression... But that wasn't what Isabella was refuting to and she knew it after a moment. No, now her thoughts wondered to when Will had been asking the questions back in the old school classroom. The way Isabella had defensively reacted, puffing out and standing up almost as if to challenge Will. "Well... Maybe a bit. Why do you ask...?"

"Just thinking." Isabella replied faintly, clicking her tongue lightly in thought. "I guess I always kinda assumed it was my personality scaring people away, scaring friends away when I was younger. I mean, I know I have a temper and such. But upon coming here... I don't know it's just like weird that I'm able to get along with so many people. I know it's because we can relate because we're Demi-gods and that's probably why... It just gets me thinking about weird things."

"Like what?" Rose shifted to sit up slightly more, brushing her own hair back in a small movement but all the satyrs attention was on her fiend at the moment.

"Like if we would ever be compatible with just... A normal person. Like if I would ever be able to talk to my parents normally any more, or people outside of camp." A hand was in her hair again, pushing it back but the movement was more aggressive then Roses had been. Isabella played with her hair when she was nervous, stressed, or thinking. "It's weird I know... Just couldn't help but wonder what life will be if I leave the camp again -for the rest of the year or whatever. If I do end up, anyway. Don't tell will I'm worried about this... It's silly and I am really happy here finding out where I belong. I don't want him to think otherwise, he looks so comfortable here in camp and really kinda has been going the length to make sure I am too; you know? It's just random thoughts."

"Don't worry about it..." Rose replied honestly, knowing the rules of a girl talk like this. She wouldn't be repeating much of anything. "We all get silly thoughts and worries sometimes, it's good to get then off your mind. Even though those aren't really silly... They're completely logical I would say." She rested her head against the others shoulder again, as they waited for their friend to recover together.
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A small smile played at his lips he couldn't help it he silently leaned forward holding his breath so they wouldn't hear him once he was as close as he could get to their ears without them noticing he whispers "aww girl talk so sweet! And I'm part of the topic! It's good to know you two care so much about me! You must have the biggest crushes on me!"
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(( Sorry I took so long, just had a 20min doodle showdown with a friend X3 I WON ))

At the same time both girls whipped their heads around in surprise, Isabella even jumped a bit at the whisper with wide eyes. He would have gotten a faced up of hair as she turned. "WILL!! You're supposed to be asleep!" She looked a mixture of surprised and comically furious/embarrassed. Shit. How long had he even been listening? She did not look impressed.

Rose was on a page of similar worries, wondering if Will had heard her ask about him. However she looked more relieved the he had come-to. "How do you feel? Are you in pain?"

"Please. If he's well enough to tease us as his old narsasistic self then he's just fine." Isabella rolled her eyes but couldn't help to grin at Will, clearly he was quickly forgiven for butting in and eves dropping. She was relieved he had come around too, although wouldn't show it as easily. "Isn't that right aqua man?"
(Lol its ok and congrats XD)

He smiles a bit and lays back rubbing his eyes "my back hurts from the cut and I'm extremely sore my heads also pounding but yes I'm feeling a lot better and to answer your questions I heard the whole thing and two it's technically not eaves dropping if your saying it right in front of me I just happened to wake up and over heard the conversation also don't even try to deny it Isabella you were worried about me you couldn't let your super secret crush die on you" he grins and winks at her
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"The whole thing?" Rose turned slightly pink and suddenly her nails were very interesting; enough so that she had to examine them rather then look at Will at the moment. "Well you'll probably be sore for a while but at least you'll live." She added faintly.

Isabella rolled her eyes at Wills comment, picking up the glass of water Chiron had left. Even though he was joking, he still wondered if he even had any idea just how scared for him she had been. Even though she had been deadly worried, glancing at him the girl only let it show through for a moment before it was blocked out with a small smirk, returning his tease with a few words of her own. "You wish. Now shut up and drink your water so you don't die on us... Again."
He looks at Rose and smiles a bit he gently pats her head and kisses her forehead "I'll be ok Rose I'm sorry for worrying you."

He reaches over and takes the water from Isabella and winks "and I dare not tempt fate because if I did almost die again I have a feeling you'd be fed up with me and just finish the job"
"You should be..." Rose huffed but she accepted his apology with the kiss, brushing most other from her mind of course.

"Probably, but I would with creative with it of course. You'd have a lot more to worry about then dehydration if I got fed up with you." Isabella replied with a grin before leaning back against his couch again, tossing an ambrosia bar at him lightly and it bounced off Wills arm to hand on the couch beside him. "Eat that too, or Chiron will have our heads."
He chuckles and kisses the back of Isabellas head and smiles "thanks..both of you seriously I'm glad I have great friends like you" he quickly drinks the water and eats the bar and sighs as he feels the healing effects take place
Isabella only faintly felt the brush against her hair but it still brought her to smile. "Any time, as long as you don't make this blacking out and almost dying thing a frequent occurrence."

"Sorry to break it to you Isabella, but this already is a frequent thing." Rose gave a smile to Will, resting her hands in her lap as she sat a short ways from the couch rather then right up against it as Isabella did. She wanted to give will the space he needed to recover. The other didn't seem to care about that. "I've been trying to break him of the habit, but you know; Will will be Will."

"True." She hummed in response, noticing at Roses closed and shy body posture. Her own was casual and relaxed -almost a complete opposite.
He looks at the girls and smiles he noticed the difference between them as well but couldn't help but chuckle he slowly sits up and moves between them wrapping his arms around her shoulders "I love you guys so much haha!" He said it jokingly bit his tone clearly showed that he meant it
"Will you shouldn't be getting up already!" Rose immediately fretted, trying to remove the arm around her so she could get him to lay back down on the couch even though on another occasion she would have been happy letting it stay. She did however, carry the effect of his words which was a warm half-hidden smile. "We love you too, now lay back down before I get Chiron to make you."

Isabella raised a hand instinctively to lay it on the arm around her shoulder before smiling. "Yeah, right back at'cha Will. Forget about Chiron, if you don't lay back down so you can heal over then Ill make you." She threatened jokingly -for the most part- but a hand lingered on the arm around her shoulder for a moment longer before letting go.
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