The True Ending

After a short curt reply, Bryn disappeared into the bathroom. Trista watched a bit before going into her own room. Normally she would take a shower before relaxing, but some adjustments have to be made when you get a new roommate. She placed all of her stuff down on her nightstand and went to look at the mirror.

She could take off her make-up... Trista looked through her pile of make up. She had to have some make-up wipes somewhere... But despite looking through the entire pile, she couldn't find it.

"Shit, I left it in the bathroom..." Should she go get it? Should she just wait and do nothing?

Trista hated idling, so she went to the restroom. She paused at the door, then took a deep breath. Then she knocked, "Hey, Bryn...? Awkward question, but can I come in, I just need to grab some make up wipes." Without waiting too long for a reply, she proceeded to turn the door knob to open up the door...
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Byrn was mostly content with the crampt setting she was in, having found a position to situate herself where it wasn't all that uncomfortable. However, as she was finally trying to plot out how her day tomorrow would go and what places she would try first, there as a knock on the door. At first she was about to speak up and ask what she wanted, but realizing the lock was busted and that she was already moving to enter...

The merwoman first thought about using the shower curtain as cover of sorts to try and hide, but it was oddly enough transparent and pushed back all the way. And seeing as drying off in time wasn't a possibility, Byrn's heart pounded as she forced out "Trista! I don't think..." but it was too late, she already in the small bathroom with a direct view of her boyfriend's ex-wife in her natural form.

She appeared mortified, violet eyes wide as she stared back, unsure if there was anything she could say to salvage this situation.
Trista couldn't believe her eyes. In front of her, Bryn had...

A fish tail?!

She immediately slammed the door shut and turned away from the bathroom. At first she stood there in shock and she just stared at the closed door in front of her. Then, thoughts flew into her head all at once.

What was is that she just saw? Was she hallucinating? Maybe the day's work had corrupted her mind and she began to just see what she wanted to see. Maybe she was still dreaming. It had to be a dream. No way could it be real. Right? There was no way she could be rooming with... With...

Her heart pounded in her chest. There was only one way to confirm what she saw. She cleared her throat and this time just knocked on the door. "B-Bryn...?" Her voice shook a bit. "What... did I just see?"
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Bryn watched as Trista quickly exited the bathroom, the door slamming so hard she swore she felt the bathroom wall's shake. The woman was silent for a moment, making the merwoman ever more reluctant to move, or even breath at this point. Frozen she listened as there was her another knock on the door, the other woman asking what she had just saw.

How was she going to explain?!

"I.." she began, her voice dying in her throat. There was no escaping this, not now anyway. And making Trista feel as if she had been hallucinating wouldn't fix anything. Swallowing, she hesitatly began to softly speak. "Trista... please, come in I... I need to explain."
Trista hesitated. She kept her hand on the doorknob, meaning to turn it, but a part of her was afraid to know what would happen next. What if she really was hallucinating? Or... maybe Bryn just had a silly way to bathe. Trista did recall seeing mermaid swimsuits on TV advertisements...

Then, Trista realized that there was no point in making assumptions or running away. So she turned the doorknob slowly and opened the door. She still couldn't believe her eyes, despite the sight right in front of her face. "It's just a swimsuit, right? Eric always did say you were a bit of a weirdo." Trista tried her best to sound confident in her words, but she was still in shock.
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Despite telling herself to remain calm, Byrn couldn't help but feel like this was an awful idea as the door handle slowly turned, Trista inching her way into the bathroom once more, clearly shocked. Based on her words and tone, she was having a hard time believing what she was witnessing.

"No..." She said slowly, carefully. "What you're seeing is real, and... the reason Eric married me in the first place." After saying this she would shift into a different position, giving her a better view of her tail, nervously waiting for a response.
"No way..." Trista muttered. She watched as the beautiful, bright tail moved as Bryn shifted in the bathtub. It was huge and barely fit in their tiny tub. Not to mention how the fins looked as though they might be slightly dried from lack of water.

Immediately, Trista's scientific mind kicked into full gear. She had thousands of questions racing in her mind. She reached out and hesitantly touched Bryn's hair, feeling the hard scales beneath her fingertips.

If she was dreaming, she never wanted to wake up.

"How are you breathing?" Trista asked excitedly, "Is the air actually okay for you? Do you have gills? Do you get dehydrated faster than humans as well? How did you look human earlier!?" She bombarded Bryn with question after question, hardly giving the other woman a moment to even take a breath.
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Byrn had expected the woman to faint or maybe even accuse her of tricking her again, but after she reached out to touch part of her tail, she struggling not to flinch as it had dried out somewhat, it seemed as if the opposite was going to occur.

Trista began to, almost joyfully, as millions of questions, the merwoman barely able to keep up as she did. Now she simply looked much more confused as opposed to worried, finally able to get a word in as she waited for answers.

"I'll answer anything you would like in a moment... but, how are you... okay with this?" She gestured towards her tail when finishing, clearly wondering why she was so excited.
"I'm a marine biologist!" Trista answered, "I've been researching about merpeople for quite some time... It's actually how I met... Eric." Trista frowned slightly, finding the connection strange. And didn't Byrn say something about Eric marrying her because of her species...? But Trista tossed the idea from her head - it was probably just coincidence.

Instead, she cleared her throat and stood up, realizing how uncomfortable Byrn was. She was naked in the bathtub and Trista was touching her tail, a clear violation of personal space. Trista often tried to avoid losing her cool, but she couldn't help it! How embarassing... "Sorry for being rude, though." She muttered, "I'll um... get my make up removal and get out, so you can finish swi- bathing?" Could it even be called swimming in the bathtub...? "Would you be willing to come by and talk to me later?"
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A marine biologist, she had figured this out herself but Trista saying this just made the blow deeper, how Eric did a total turn around as if he had something against her. It made Bryn appear that much more uncomfortable. She wondered if the other woman had heard or even cared about what she said about Eric, but she doubted it severely.

As she backed off and asked if she would come see her later, she nodded, watching the woman gather what she came in for before abruptly leaving. Giving a sigh of relief once the door finally shut, she respostioned herself to submerge parts of her tail that had dried out, although making sure to keep her gills beneath the water as well.

Having spent a little bit more time before finally getting out and dressing in something a bit more comfortable in her room, Byrn made her way to where Trista's was, pausing before forcing herself to knock lightly on the door. This was going to be awkward.
Trista spent the time in her room doing her usual home-routine. She took off her make up and tied up her up in the bun. Though, she refused to change clothes until after she showered, so that would have to wait. The routine didn't last very long though, and so Trista was left alone with her thoughts.

For a moment, she thought back to Eric. Her first instinct was to text him and tell him of her new-found discovery. It was a breakthrough! Seeing a mermaid for the first time! But then she remembered what Byrn had said. So Eric had knew all along, but he never once mentioned it to Trista... Perhaps he was trying to keep it a secret for Byrn? Maybe she was uncomfortable with other people knowing and Eric was just trying to be considerate...

Before she could think too much more of it, she heard a knock on the door.

Excitedly, she opened the door quickly. "Byrn...!" As soon as Trista saw her face, doubt and embarrassment began to fill her mind. This was her boyfriend's ex-wife! What was she doing...?! Instead of firing off another long list of questions as she originally intended, Trista muttered, "Sorry, I know, this whole thing has been... weird? But would you be okay with me asking more questions - I figured if Eric never told me about it, you don't really want other people to know? You could always refuse..."
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Bryn sighed, guess she needed to explain. "I wouldn't mind some questions, but Eric hasn't told you because humans don't know I exist, and seeing as my kind is extremely rare... I could end up in a tank somewhere as the government studies me or potentially worse." She would pause for a moment before continuing slowly. "Eric hasn't told you because he's using it to blackmail me. The divorce wasn't my fault, but he wants it to be seen that way and if I do anything about it... he's going to tell every research facility in the country about my existence." The woman's tone was thick with worry, almost bordering on desperation. And to prove her point, she would open her phone to the text he had sent her this morning and showed it to Trista. "This... is how he has been treating me. I was nothing more than an exotic pet in his eyes."
Trista stared at the phone a bit and backed away. It finally dawned onto her that this may not all be true. That maybe Bryn was lying to her. "This isn't some... trick, is it?" She questioned. "You're not just saying this so I would break up with Eric?!" After all, her boyfriend was sweet and kind to her. They've been dating long enough for Trista to know that he wouldn't do anything that cruel! While Bryn was a complete and utter stranger - she only first met the woman yesterday.

She should have seen it coming. She knew Eric took almost everything from the other woman. Of course Bryn would seek revenge, Trista would if she was in her shoes. But Bryn's voice sounded so... real and genuine.

No. She could just be a really skilled actress.
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The woman lowered her phone, unable to keep the guilt she felt from creeping onto her face. "I'm not..." Bryn sighed, averting her gaze from Trista's. "You have absolutely no reason to believe me, and I'm not going to make you. But... I just want you to be aware of what you're getting yourself into..." The woman trailed off. Why did she care so much?

"I should go..." She'd mutter, turning to leave the bedroom.
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Trista quickly closed the door as Bryn exited. She couldn't help but feel like she did something wrong, maybe Bryn was trying to warn her of the truth? But Trista shook her head, really now, who should she trust more?

She grabbed her cell phone off of the counter and decided to text Eric. He was usually honest with her, so he would tell her the truth, right?

Trista: Babe? Bryn told me something weird about her today - but I have to ask. Was she a compulsive liar? Or... Maybe a really good actress?

Still, even as she typed, she couldn't take the 'proof' on Bryn's phone out of her mind. So she quickly typed up a follow up message.

Trista: And you wouldn't black mail her or anything, would you?

Of course, part of her realized that if Eric was truly guilty, of course he wasn't going to admit to it. But maybe he would slip up while texting her? She sighed and put her phone down, unable to think too clearly. What was she trying to accomplish...?

With her mind heavy, she gathered her clothes. Maybe a quick shower would clear her mind. As she walked out of her bedroom, she avoided Bryn and headed straight into the bathroom. She took her phone with her, just in case Eric decided to answer quickly.
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Byrn hasn't stuck around but quickly entered her own room and shut the door, slowly climbing onto the bed with a sullen expression, the woman closed her eyes. She wished that the events of this night, or even the past few years hadn't occurred, but contrary to her hopes, things just kept gettin worse.

The woman's phome buzzed, she half-heartedly reaching for it when she became that much more distraught when she saw who it was from.

Eric: what the hell did you say to her

Being a bit more than pissed off, she didn't hesitate in replying.

Bryn: The truth
Eric: you bitch, she would never believe you. you have another thing coming

Not wanting to deal with him, she silenced her phone once more and set it on the bedside table, burying her face in a pillow.

Eric was more than eager to make things worse.

Eric: she was both, babe. caught her cheating on me to. I wouldn't trust you living with her.
Attatchemnt Received
Eric: there's that too. it isn't photoshop, she's bred to manipulate people, you know, drown sailors and shit. its a miracle I'm still alive. if you want to stay safe, I'd tell your supervisor ASAP. Just want the best for you, babe. I love you. <3
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After a nice long warm shower, Trista took her time drying off and getting changed in her clothes. Then she stared at her phone in hesitation, 3 new messages from Eric waited for her. Finally, she picked up the phone and quickly open the messages.

She took another good long minute or two staring at the photo. The tail was exactly the same as she saw earlier. And Eric's message afterwards even confirmed it.

Trista: Wait... Are you seriously telling me she's actually a mermaid?

But she didn't need his response to confirm her thoughts. So Bryn wasn't lying? At least, not about who she is... But then would she lie about Eric? But then Eric said that Bryn was also a horrible person... Thoughts whirled around Trista's mind - who was lying? Who was telling the truth? Bryn didn't seem like a person who would hurt her. And Eric wouldn't lie to her. But they're both claiming that the other person is a horrible person. What is a person suppose to do in this situation?! If only she had a lie detector somewhere.

Trista walked out of the restroom and glanced around the living room. There was no sign of Bryn, and her door was closed shut. She probably retired for the night, or at least wanted to avoid Trista. Not that she could blame her, Trista wasn't sure if she wanted to talk to wom-mermaid at this time either. Instead, she walked into her own room and plopped into bed.

It was a long time before Trista finally fell asleep despite her restless thoughts.
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Eric: i am. please, do something about it cus I dont want her hurting you, infecting you or worse

The next morning, Bryn lingered in her room. She didn't have the motivation to get up right now, especially if it required facing Trista. So she made the mistake of checking her phone...

Eric: have fun bitch <3

This being exactly what she wanted to see first thing in the morning, she once again shut her phone off and laid back down, trying to fall back asleep.
Despite normally being an early riser, Trista found it extremely hard to wake up. She twisted in her bed, bringing the covers over her head to avoid facing the sunlight. However, sleep was not kind to her and refused to give her anymore moments of rest. Frustrated she sat up quickly and mumbled in discontent the entire way to the bathroom to start her morning routine.

On her way to the kitchen to cook up some breakfast she glanced over at Bryn's closed door. Eric continued to warn her about Bryn, but she needed the rent money... Besides, she seemed harmless now? It's only been two days, but Bryn hasn't done anything to harm her. Trista sighed and decided to text Eric back.

Trista: Good morning, hun. She doesn't seem like she wants to hurt me yet, but I promise to tell the landlord if she does anything suspicious

There, it was a good enough compromise, right? Trista then went into the kitchen to pour herself a bowl of cereal, she felt too tired to attempt making any breakfast.
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Bryn wished she could simply remain in bed all day, but finding a job was much more important. With clear reluctance, she forced herself to climb out of bed and change into something fresh before inching out of her room and into the kitchen through the living room. Yes, Trista was there and no, she wasn't looking forward to any type of interaction with her.

Silently, she slid past the woman to grab herself a small glass of water, not making eye contact with the woman as she did this. Hopefully, she'd be able to get through these awkward few moments and out of the apartment.