The True Ending

Trista watched Bryn out of the corner of her eyes as the other woman wondered around through the kitchen. Suddenly, Trista was hyper-aware to every action. Bryn was drinking water - did she need to drink a lot more water than a normal human being in order to survive being on land? The way she walked seemed normal too, there was nothing very strange with her gait... Trista wondered if Bryn ate fish, or if she would be against it because fish were friends and not food??? So many questions bounced around her head, yet she had no confidence to ask anymore. And Trista wasn't even 100% convinced that the other woman was a mermaid to begin with. Without striking a conversation, as Bryn seemed to be adamant about avoiding her, Trista decided to get ready for work and go about her business as normal.

When Trista went to work, things seemed normal. She went to continue her usual chore of gathering up evidence to put in her research paper... However, her mind kept wandering back to Bryn - all of her work seemed pointless if she was really living with a REAL mermaid after all.

"Hey, Tia?... Tiiaaa. Yoo-hooo. Trista!" Trista eyes widened and she quickly looked up when her name was called out loudly. Miles, who normally looked like he was just bubbling with excitement at all times, was standing in front of her with his arms crossed in annoyance. "I called you like a bajillion times! What's wrong with you?"

Trista gave an apologetic smile. "Sorry... I just have things on my mind." Miles tilted his head in curiosity, "things?" Trista shook her head, trying to drop the conversation, however, Miles was a stubborn mule. "Tell me! Come on! You always tell me everything! Does this have something to do with your new roommate? Who was your boyfriend's ex-wife?"

It didn't take long before Trista's determination withered away and she told Miles everything.

Guilt weighed heavily on Trista's mind when she opened the door to her apartment. She had forgotten that Bryn was trying to tell her that Eric was blackmailing her about her identity. Which meant that Bryn did not want anyone to know about it... However, Trista had told Miles all about Bryn and her supposedly mermaid-ness. Trista had thought that Miles wouldn't believe her... But he seemed super excited about the whole thing and even claimed that he wanted to meet the mermaid in person himself.

Trista sighed heavily and looked up to see if Bryn was already home. Should she keep it a secret that she told? She didn't think Miles would go tell anyone else... But who knows, he is the chatty type.

If Trista wanted to be a decent human being, the least she could do is confess her blunder. It was not her secret to tell after all.
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