The Trouble with Duty.

  • Thread starter Eve lilith Angelson
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Aura tried to think back "if you mean with the Hero i 16 was but when it was my foster father i was 13 when he done it"
Aura still didn't look at Mist she didn't want him to think she was going to move and touch him she hated to see him like this but she was happy to answer his questions as best as she could.
"Anything else you want to know?" she said the last in rather detached way trying not to think to hard about it all she needed to stay strong now it wouldn't do well for them to both break down in such away it could lead to a lot of trouble for both of them and anyone else around.
"Actually, you answered another question already," Mist said quietly. He'd wondered if she had been a virgin when she was raped by that "hero." Obviously she hadn't been, if her foster father had had her first. But she had lost it in a rape. Mist understood what that was like...

He finally looked at Aura, trying to find the courage to open up to her about his own abuse. Maybe it actually would help. But his hopes were very low.
Aura could feel Mist looking at her so she turned her head to look at him "Yeah it wasn't the most fun I have ever had" she said with a sarcastic smile just like she use to smile at him, it had been many years since she looked at anyone like that infact the last person had been Mist himself.

Aura could tell that Mist was having an internal battle with himself so she just laid on the bed quietly waiting to see if he spoke.
Mist looked down at Aura, still fighting with himself. But maybe he didn't have to say anything about it out loud. He could spell it out with an illusion easily enough. Maybe that bit of detachment would make it easier...

"Ask me anything you want to know about it. I'll...I'll have an illusion spell it out," he said, his voice trembling a bit with fear. He wasn't comfortable about this, but he'd try. Aura had told him of what had probably been the worst experience of her life. He was trying to return the favor.
Aura hid her shock well at his openness she really hadn't believed he would say anything about what had happened to him and once again she felt more for this man whom had been her enemy at one point.

Aura didn't want to go straight into the deep end with what had happened she knew that would be to much to start with. Her brain was on over load about what to ask so in the end she took a deep breath.

"Ok how long had you been in before anything happened to you?" She knew her guilt would intensive with this experiment but she was just happy with him talking to her.
Mist didn't want to think back to that first time, but he felt he owed it to Aura to answer the question. He took a breath to steady himself, then had an illusion reply to her question.

A few words appeared in the air in front of Aura, though they looked very much like a male's sloppy handwriting:

One day.

It had taken them that long to see that he truly couldn't use any illusions while blindfolded.
Aura had turned from Mist before he started to create his illusion she didn't think having her staring at him was the best plan, so she looked up at the ceiling and saw as the words appeared as if from nowhere.

Aura couldn't believe he had been living with this for so long bastards she thought at the two words in front of her to do that to someone who couldn't and didn't even have a chance they truly are evil she was keeping her anger in check as best as she could.

she knew the next question wouldn't be easy to answer but she needed to know "was it the guards or just the other prisoners or are you not sure?" she wouldn't say the word inmates as they truly hadn't been mates at all.
Both, I think.

The guards had certainly known it was going on, but they'd done nothing to stop it. He'd heard them encouraging it, in fact. And since they were so supportive of it, it wouldn't surprise Mist if they'd done it to him, too. But he couldn't say for sure. He hadn't been able to see, after all. And some of his tormentors had been very careful not to let him hear their voices.
Aura couldn't stop her anger at what he had been through and it was evident in her voice "Mist I'am sorry I really am." Her guilt levels went up to new heights that even she didn't think was possible.

Look at Mist to see how he was coping she could tell he was finding it hard but she needed to know more someone would pay for what they had done she no longer cared for her Hero place if this is what she let others have to deal with.

"How long was it before they sexualy touched you? or did that start straight away?" she was sure he had other scars over is body as evil like that wouldn't just leave it at sexual abuse she knew first hand how much they liked there mind games.
Aura also knew this was going to be hard on him but she had promised to stay away as much as she wanted to hold him at this moment.
Mist looked pained at the question, but he still gave a reply by his illusion script.

Right away. And they did this.

As much as he didn't want Aura to see this, he felt he should show her. So he slid his pants down a little in the back to show her where someone had carved the word "bitch" into his skin. That had been done the first night they'd assaulted him. It had been to mark him as the prison's play thing. Their whore.
As Aura read the illusion she could feel Mist move ever so slightly and when he showed her his lower back to her, she could feel the hatred for humans build deep in the pit of her stomach

Aura couldn't ask any more questions she didn't want to know how many and if they had gang raped him she had enough information for now and she could tell it was very painful for Mist to even think abut what had happened.

"Mist you don't have to ever go back there I won't let you or them take you" It wasn't just an empty promise she would rather die then have him face all that again, Aura knew now that she would face ever and all of the Hero's if she had to to protect Mist.
"I hope you're right," Mist returned tiredly, letting the illusion fade. He didn't really feel any better now that he'd begun to open up about what had been done to him in prison. He just felt weak and tired. Getting some rest seemed like a good idea, though he wasn't going to sleep on Aura's bed.

He stood and left the room, going into his own room to get some sleep.
Aura watched Mist leave her room. She herself was in two minds part of her wanted to go off to the prison and make them pay for what they had done to Mist but the other part of her was shattered from talking about so many horrible things.

Knowing that one day she would go back there and have some fun no matter what happened to her she rolled on to her side and closed her eyes and tried to picture in her own mind the illusion Mist had done on the ceiling down stairs.
Mist crawled into his bed, though he didn't go to sleep quiet yet. He let the illusion of clothes vanish, but he was well-covered by the sheets of the bed if Aura decided to pay him a visit. Considering how he'd felt when Aura had told him what that "hero" had done, he imagined she wanted to march over to that prison and start kicking some ass. Mist didn't want her to do that, though. If she got arrested, he'd be back in prison. She was his parole supervisor. If she couldn't be around, then he'd be back in that horrible place. At least until someone else was convinced to be his supervisor, and he doubted any other hero would agree to do it.
Aura tossed and turned in her bed she couldn't get comfortable enough to even think of sleeping how could someone do that to another she thought while laying wide awake yes she had been through rape on more than one occasion she still blamed herself for it but she had come out the other side but to do it while he couldn't do anything was just worse on so many levels the word Bitch kept flashing past her eyes.

Aura could feel her temper rushing to the top air was helping to keep her from jumping out the window and floating to the prison but she needed to vent some how with a deep breath she stood up and walked out of her room and down the stairs in hope she could find something to take her mind off everything.
Mist heard Aura leave her room, but he didn't get out of bed. He was too tired. It was, however, concerning to Mist. Even if it really shouldn't be. Aura was perfectly allowed to go downstairs in her own house. But considering all that had been discussed today, Mist was afraid she'd go to the prison. He was terrified of that.

"Aura?" he called out, though he doubted he'd been loud enough. What if she'd already gone?
Aura was passing by her front door maybe coming down here wasn't such a good thing she thought but then she thought about what she had been tring of late not having to be close to whomever she wanted to hurt, no Aura if you do this your playing it there arms, yes but they will be dead so who cares, yes that is true but your'll end up going in to another prison and then Mist will get put with someone new too and the only other person who would take him was the one who had arrested him in the first place and that would not be fun now calm down. Aura understood what her mind was telling her and she sank to the floor she couldn't send Mist to him no not ever.

Aura sat in front of the door for awhile with her head in her arms and just breathed to calm herself. She hated it when she had internal battles and her mind won but she understood too well this time.
Mist was very concerned when he got no reply from Aura. He got up and pulled on a pair of real pants before hurrying downstairs, hoping that she hadn't left. If she had, he didn't know what he'd do. Thankfully, though, it seemed like she hadn't gone anywhere. She'd clearly been thinking about it, though.

"Aura..." he said quietly, looking down at her. He was relieved she was still there, and he promptly plopped himself down across from her. He wasn't wearing a shirt--real or otherwise--so all of his torso's scars were on full display.
Aura looked up to see Mist sitting in front of her "sorry I wanted to kill them all but i... I just couldn't the only other Hero who wanted you was the one who would of taken you if he had no say in it was the one who arrested you and I cant let him have you not after what you have been through."

Aura was holding the tears at bay but it could be heard in her voice how had she was finding it not to go and choke them all. "You shouldn't have to put up with this I'am sorry Mist Its all just gone so wrong for you I never meant for that."
"Even if you didn't mean for it to happen," Mist said, "it did. There's nothing either of us can do to change the past." He wished he could, but that was an ability he was not gifted with. All he could do was try to forget the past and move on, even if the prospect of that seemed impossible. He felt like his past would forever haunt him, and not just the criminal record.

He looked over at Aura for a few moments before asking, "Want to get drunk?" That seemed like the right thing to do right now. Hangovers be damned; he needed to get trashed today.
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