The Trouble with Duty.

  • Thread starter Eve lilith Angelson
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Aura smiled as Mist rested his head on her it wasn't the best position to be in but she knew it was something that wouldn't happen very often or maybe it wouldn't happen again, she didn't know but she liked him being this close to her.

Aura yawned "Hey Mist I'am glad I 'am your parole officer," she really was and if he could see the smile on her face he would know she wasn't joking. Aura's eye's closed but she was still awake, just thinking about how Mist use to be.
"I'm glad of that, too," Mist returned. And maybe it was just because he was drunk--that seemed about right--but he moved an arm to wrap it around Aura's shoulders. Encouraging physical contact like this wasn't something a sober Mist would do, but he seemed okay with it right now. It even seemed like he wanted to be touched. He wanted some form of comfort. He was just too scared to seek it out.
With Mist putting his arm around Aura shoulder she moved and rested her head on his shoulder and placed her hand on his chest, she was very content and sighed slightly to show how happy she was being here. "It's been years since anyone held me like this." she had meant to think it but it had come out of her mouth without her even thinking about him not liking physical contact.

Laying the way they were Aura's fingers moved over the spot where her hand was resting not hard just gently moving over his skin. Aura closed her eyes again and listened to his strong heartbeat.
"I've never held someone like this," Mist said, just letting his arm continue to rest on Aura's shoulders. This was peaceful, and he was enjoying this feeling. Chances were he wouldn't remember any of this in the morning, but for now he was actually almost at peace.

He turned his face toward Aura, which buried his nose in her hair. It smelled good. He did like the soap and shampoo she had. It had a nice, fruity scent to it.

"You smell good," he commented shortly.
With her eyes still closed I'am glad I'am the first." Aura couldn't take the smile of her face her brain was trying to tell her something but she was in a happy drunken place where her brain wouldn't dare to tread
Aura felt Mist move his head towards her hair and when he commented on her good choice in soap she smirked and turned her head slightly so she could look up at him "Why thank you, its coconut and satsuma"

Aura bit her lower lip being this close to Mist and looking him the eyes was melting her insides. If she hadn't of been drunk she would of moved and her brain would've been in overdrive trying to work out why her body was responding to him in such a way, as it was she didn't want to go anywhere.
Mist was surprised at just how close their faces were. He was looking from one of her eyes to the other, as though searching for something. Though his gaze set on her lips for a few moments, as though he was thinking about kissing her. He made no move to do so, though. Even if it seemed like he did want it.
Aura couldn't take it any more the look he was giving her and her own body seemed to be scream at her to just kiss him and see what happens. Without thinking to much about anything so she couldn't talk herself out of it she moved her head so as not to break there necks but she never let her eye contact get moved from his.
Aura moved closer to him so her chest would almost be touching his shoulder if she breathed any heavier than she already was. Moving her arms around his neck she pulled him close to her and kissed his lips. The feel of the soft skin on his lips made her feel alive like she hadn't for years.
Mist tensed for a moment, but just that one moment. Then he started to softly return the kiss, his eyes sliding shut. At least he didn't have an illusion going right now. Aura might have gotten the wrong message if his clothes had suddenly disappeared.

This experience was entirely new to Mist, and he found that the sensation of kissing Aura was, in a word, amazing. He wrapped both arms around Aura, pulling her in closer as he continued to kiss her.
As mist deepened the kiss between them and pulled her closer Aura closed her eyes and just carried on in pure feeling alone. She moved one of her hands into his hair and the other stayed on his neck massaging the tension away from his shoulders. Aura deepened the kiss more and used her tongue to massage his own. Aura nearly moaned at the pure feeling she felt for Mist in this one moment the feel of his lips on hers and her tongue in his mouth.
Aura could feel his arms on her and she didn't want this feeling to end.
Mist wasn't aware when this happened--or even that it did happen--but he'd ended up on top of Aura on the couch before long. He continued to kiss her, letting the kiss deepen as Aura wished it to. For a first kiss, it wasn't a bad one. Mist had good instincts for this kind of thing. He'd just never listened to them before.
Aura was enjoying the kiss ever so much that she didn't realise she was on her back until she felt Mist's slight weight on top of her, with her hands still in place she held on to Mist and carried on massaging his neck moving over his shoulder.
As Mist deepened the kiss even more and she felt his tongue playing with hers she couldn't stop the moan of pleasure even if she had wanted to but now being as drunk as she was she wanted him to know how much she liked having him where he was.
On pure instincts Aura moved her legs so they were on either side of him.
Being between Aura's legs was an interesting feeling for Mist. With that kiss, though, he couldn't exactly pay the change in position any mind. It did made it easier for him to press in closer to Aura, his hips even pressing against hers in a rather intimate fashion.

Mist hadn't yet realized this either, but the kiss and their current positioning was starting to get him aroused. Aura was likely to notice this, though.
As Mist pressed himself closer to her Aura moaned in pure ecstasy at the feel of him this close to her, even in their drunken state Aura could tell Mist was enjoying being this close with her and she moved her hips to meet his so he could feel the heat from between her legs to show she was enjoying this just as much. Aura didn't want to break the kiss but part of her was telling her too so she could move to his neck and taste his skin.

Aura listened to her body it knew what it wanted and she was more then happy to go along with it moving her head back she looked in to Mist's eye her eyes would of shown just how much she was enjoying being with him the nerves hadn't kicked in yet and she hoped they wouldn't with her hand on his shoulder she moved him back in and gently kissed his neck. To see if he would enjoy that to.
Mist could feel that heat, but he didn't quite know what that meant. He'd never been with a woman before, so he honestly didn't know that they got that heat between their legs. Though her moving her hips against his had caused some very unfamiliar sensations to run through him, nearly drawing a moan from him.

It was for the best that Aura broke the kiss. Mist needed to breathe, and he met her gaze before she'd moved to start kissing his neck. That was a pleasant sensation, and his eyes slid shut as he let himself enjoy the feeling.
Aura moved her lips and kissed all the way from Mist's ear lobe all the way down his shoulder his skin touching hers just made her want to take her clothes off so she could feel more contact from him.
While she kissed and licked his neck she couldn't help but nibble ever so lightly over his shoulder blade and back up to his ear lobe. once there she moved her kisses around his jaw line. While her hips pushed at him again and she rubbed herself against him and her arms where moving down his back to the edge of his trousers.

"Oh Mist" Was all she could say as she looked at his face once she had pulled away for the second time, the look in her eyes showed she wanted more but was worried how he would react. Aura was breathing heavily and her chest was rising and falling in quick concession.
"Dillan," Mist corrected. "That's my real name." If he'd been sober, there was on way in hell he'd ever, ever tell someone his real name. He'd tried to forget that name forever, and yet he'd just told it to her. Because he was drunk and he'd just been making out with her. This entire situation felt surreal.

He could feel Aura's hips grinding against his again, and a soft moan escaped him this time. That really did feel good, but his pants felt like they were getting uncomfortably tight. His body felt far warmer than usual, and he had the odd desire to just take everything off. That feeling also extended to wanting everything off Aura, oddly enough. But even drunk, he wasn't going to start pulling at her clothes.
Aura heard mist tell him her real name but she didn't care what his real name was she wanted him the fact that he had said Dillan should and would of normally stopped her from what she was doing but she was to in the moment to think about it and far too drunk to even try.

Aura could feel the heat coming off of him and it was just intensifying her own heat she wanted out of the clothes and moved he hands from him and undone her top at the back and pulled the material from between them. putting her hands around his neck and pulling him down so her breasts where now touching his chest she moaned his name "Dillan" the way she said it it was like a caress the feel of his skin against her sent sparks through her body she thought she would never feel again.
This was the first time Mist had seen a pair of breasts that did not belong to his mother, and he took in the sight of them for a few moments before going back to kissing Aura fervently. It felt good to have her bare chest against his, and he ran his hands along her back. It wasn't enough, though. He wanted to feel more of her.
The feel of Mist's hands on Aura was electrifying she wanted more of him she wanted to be naked in front of him "Mi...Dillan, i want to take my jeans off." she didn't know what else to say she was worried that if she moved her hands to close to him everything may stop.
The heat was rising and she could feel herself getting wet and ready.
Since Aura had said she wanted them off, Mist moved his hands down to her jeans himself. He slid them off her, taking her underwear along with them to leave her naked beneath him. The underwear bit was unintentional, but it had happened regardless. Now Mist was the only one with clothes still on, and his pants really felt u comfortable.

The alcohol encouraged him to take care of that, and he slid out of his remaining clothes as well. Now they were both naked on the couch, and Mist captured Aura's lips in another kiss.
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