The Trinity Wars (Mass-Fandom Crossover)

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The Stars:

Raven listened to the Lion and saw the man point at her. She just gave a nod toward the praise of getting his species of cat correct. She wasn't sure why but she felt it was just something that came natural to know. She knew her name was Raven which was a blackish blue bird. So knowing cats maybe that was just nature? Or was it something to do with the memories she couldn't seem to grasp. She wasn't sure and she didn't feel it mattered that much. She did give a grin at the man when he seemed to tease on how he sounded if it was more Lion or Tiger like. "Perhaps a little of both?" She replied in a light monotone voice a sound of amusement attached.

Raven didn't have her eyes fall off of the Lion man as he came near them. She didn't feel the need to fight being she was here for peace but knew if she had to defend herself she could. This man however for now seemed as though he didn't care to fight. Perhaps he had no need to perhaps he is on the side the one girl was. What group was it? She couldn't remember just not those meant for peace it seemed. Maybe he was like her and didn't know who was not on the side with Sha'lit. Just as she did not know if he was on the girls. She just felt not there's because of what emotion she felt near Sha'lit. She didn't mean to feel the woman's emotion Raven knew that must be something she should work on now that she is here at a strange world. A world she wasn't sure was her own.

The Lion man stopped and then after a moment spoke once more. Raven listened yet again to his words. Hearing his words Raven just stared a moment. 'Not right? What have we done? Nothing of yet... Perhaps he knows what Sha'lit's goal is?' She thought to herself. She wondered what he meant by share or have in common. The matter she thought perhaps didn't concern her then the man stated force something upon her and the others. Raven gave a look of interest. "What are you applying that she is in forcing on us?" Raven asked the man curiously.

@The Jest @Cambridge Hazard

  • Havensville - Center Square

    The lion spun the piece of grass in between his fangs and curved his lips into a smile, sharing amusement at Raven's remark. This was definitely an interesting bunch. He was no errant traveler across distant worlds, but the nature of his kind altogether made it hard for stark differences in appearance and demeanor to be anything more than a reminder of one's lineage. Even then, the digital world was not rigid. However, this group definitely caught his eyes. Before anything else, they were each definitely strong. But if that strength is right remained to be seen. And in this world, strength and conviction is what moves the gears. Unfortunately, some like the goddess didn't seem to realize that.

    "Heh, well... you didn't actually ask to be caught up in this, did you now?" the lion-man answered Raven's question, listening intently as she asked. He dropped a small, harmless grin that showed the tips of his fangs as he spoke. However, it was clear from the way he did that he hardly meant it for the girl alone. Raising his sword-holding arm, he rested the back of the blade upon a shoulder. "...Let's put it this way, for now at least..." said the lion-man, head tilted downwards in a way that his cap hid his eyes. "...If I asked you, right here and now; 'why did you come here? what are you doing here?' - can you really answer, from the bottom of your heart? Without hesitation, or doubt?" he asked to no one in the group in particular, though he did expect the smart girl would reply, somewhat. The lion-man felt he still wasn't the best at words, but he supposed it would do.

    The pair of blue, beastly eyes rose again to meet the group after he was done.

  • Wastes - Forest Edge

    Seeing that its first barrage failed, the insect machine seemed to do the inexplicable in response - it simply shut its missile storage again. To Marina's taunts, it merely stayed silent, hovering a few levels above ground still. The hum of its jets fell low, and the red in its eyes died down. It still processed that the best probability to engage the smaller machine was to an odds of 1/6, but for now it appeared to stop.

    Merely moments afterwards, however, the reason for this may just become clear, as a electronic voice spoke out, its tone a tad haughty.

    "...Please stop that. They're not very reliable at all, the CannonBeemon. I suppose we had to make do with what we had at the time, but that was just embarrassing!" the male voice echoed in the surrounding area. "If I hadn't told it to shut it, it probably would've wasted an entire payload on you, my curious little thing. Though the forests would burn beautifully, I wouldn't be able to take a closer look a you, then." he continued. By that point, a robot like Marina would perhaps have an easy time deducing which direction it came from. And if Marina would indeed turn towards that one direction, she would see a figure floating above ground, though not to the level of the CannonBeemon.

    No more larger than the average human man, the figure is clad in dully shining golden armor. Distinctive beetle horns adorn his head, and his face comprises nothing more than a marked mask with two, glowing white eyes. The strangest things were its arms - formed of copper-colored independent cables that intertwined around one another, leading into angular gauntlets, and cylindrical digits for fingers.


    "...Allow me to introduce myself." the figure spoke again. "I am MetallifeKuwagamon, of the Black Forest's Digital Generals!" announced MetallifeKuwagamon, as he pulls in the outstretched arm and bows at the robot girl in a seemingly gentlemanly manner. Though he was anything but gentlemanly, but that was something only those who've met him before would be able to expand in detail. And to the digital monster itself, it had a kick out of its mannerisms on the field, no matter what everyone else might say. Overlooking that, however, he hid some degree of interest in the robot girl in front of him. That's not to say she was special, of course. A great number of things had piqued his interest since he came to this new world, to the point that he couldn't resist prying them open himself and getting a look-see into what makes every part of their body tick with his own eyes. The girl was not the first, and she certainly wouldn't be the last.​

    "...My, my. Up close, your bright green hair is even more... charming." MetallifeKuwagamon scanned every inch of Marina's body with his optic processors. "And those large, round..." his metal body shuddered slightly as a hidden excitement jolted throughout his frame. "...spirited blue eyes!" exclaimed the mad tinkerer. "Why? How? How are they so large? What purpose do they serve? Won't you get more dust in? Why are your proportions like that? How are they beneficial? Esthetically? Functionally? Those gems? Those legs? That headwear? Where did you even come from?! ...Oh my, so many questions that need answering!" he contemplated, wriggling his restless 'fingers' at his side. Not once did his glowing eyes leave Marina's figure. After a pause, he lowered himself closer to the ground and nearer to Marina.

    "...You're going to have to forgive my... eagerness. I had to come here, you see, else I would have died from boredom." he joked. Or at least, tried to. His metal frame shuddered again. Then, came his electronic voice, through a single question. "So, now... Are you going to come peacefully, or..."


    "...Will I have to put you down like the rest of them?"

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  • Love
Reactions: Nue
The Stars:

Raven watched the Lion closely awaiting his answer to her question. She caught what appeared as a smile from her remark she gave no indication if it mater to her or not. However she did seem to keep a small faint smile.

When the man spoke answering Raven's more honest question with yet another of his on. She thought as she listened to him go on. No she didn't remember a possible reason for being here. She didn't remember her own home, or even her childhood except for small details on her training with her powers and why she wasn't meant to particularly show any emotion. Though she did know one thing. Destruction of a world was something she didn't wish to see. Something told her that she needed to save this world along with the others in possible danger. As if it was something she chose before but this time she felt there was something different. What she wasn't sure. "No we did not ask to come here. Or at least I didn't." She stated then paused and looked directly at the Lion man. "Though to answer your question. I can answer for sure even if I don't understand everything of the moment or reason the world and others might end because of some war. I do not understand how it started. However my own answer that I do believe is true." She paused again as if in thought of her next words choosing carefully. "I do not wish to see unnecessary chaos. I do not know how I came here other than by chance. Though I do know I will not watch worlds fall. So what I'm doing here to answer without hesitation. Is to stop this war one way or another. Hopefully by means of peace. But I am not willing to watch people die of a unnecessary battle. I do not chose to see worlds die this one or others. I do not wish to watch dimensions fall the same as this world might if things are not stopped." She said looking around. Her voice took for a moment more of it's monotone but as she had continued to speak determination, truth, faith, and a sense of will could be heard.

Raven then looked at the woman from earlier who seemed in a way like a Goddess. "Which is why I answered earlier that I'm willing to help." She stated sounding once more truthful and in slight monotone.

@Cambridge Hazard @The Jest
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Marina Liteyears

This was very unexpected. Instead of the hornet bot continuing its attack, it just shut its missile chambers and sort of just hovered there. Was it surprised that Marina survived the missiles? Just then, a very arrogant voice announced the presence of someone coming from the east. A man shaped robot adorned in gold armor, large beetle horns, and very strange looking cable arms introduced himself as MetallifeKuwagamon, one of the generals of this forest that Marina was in. Man what a mouthful she thought to herself as extended his hand out. Even though he offered his hand for a shake, something about this guy's demeanor put Marina off as if a stranger just walked into her house unannounced. "Uh...hello." she said ignoring the generals hand as if it wasn't there. "So this place is called the Black Forest? Sorry to be a bother but could you point me to the way out of here? I kinda woke up here for who knows what reason." This MetallifeKuwagamon however seemed to ignore Marina's questions and instead just circled around her.

His gaze was uncomfortable to say the least and his constant questions were actually really annoying. "Uh...Thank you?" "Cause I was designed to have big eyes? Can you even see out of eyes so small?" "I don't have to worry about dust." "Huh?" "What?" "Why dose that matter?" "Look can you help me or not?" She said getting increasingly more irritated at the big beetleborg. But again her questions fell on deaf ears as MetallifeKuwagamon was getting giddy over the near sight of Marina. She felt like was being judged and examined as one would look over a science experiment or a new breed of animal. Then the general started to shake and his face got uncomfortably close as he expressed his appreciation for stumbling into his neck of the woods and gave Marina an ultimatum. Come with him or be taken by force. There was no way Marina would ever go any place willing with this guy and it was clear his intentions didn't have Marina's best interests in mind. She jumped back from the creepy general bot and put her fists up ready for a fight. "I don't know what your deal is, but you got to be insane to think I would go anywhere with you. Now tell me how to get out of here or I'm going to smash you into scrap with your own fist!"

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  • [BCOLOR=#000000]"It only seems logical to me, that this building would be as useful as possible."[/BCOLOR] Andrea said with a rather proud shrug: [BCOLOR=#000000]"I've PhDs in Architecture, Economy, Geology and Civic Engineering. The Architectural and Civic Engineering-ones were when I was a manager for the company I used to work for. We were specializing in modular architecture. Part of my job was reviewing the final drafts before production was started. Clever idea, I've to say. Factories make the rooms, which are delivered to the construction site in bulk, while builders make the foundations and outer walls. The only place where qualified staff is needed on a building site were the technicians for proofing, drainage and connecting the power and water piping. The rest, though could be done by any grub. And don't you think those were just for plebeians! We had some very high end designs. We were building large manors for billionaires in a matter of months if not even weeks, we were beating competition to a pulp at nearly any level."[/BCOLOR] after the moment that she stopped, she noticed that out of a sudden she has six fingers on one hand. No, seven. She grabbed her hand and recounted by touch. No, five. She understood, that she started seeing things again. And why didn't she bring the medication with herself? These are naught, but sooner or later this will become worse. Will become other voices. Other... Characters. She listened to Lord Wolf's question if she'd like to bring anything up, she put a grip on the strands of her falling coherence, and said calmly and clearly, while looking at the view outside the window, expecting that will pacify her somewhat:
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"For now, I'd just want to review the staff. If I will have any subjects to ask, I will bring them up."[/BCOLOR] Then he mentioned the casinos of Nova Schelka, so she replied just as calmly: [BCOLOR=#000000]"Ah, yes, I have allocated some land for the casino strips. Brings up some of the most interesting types, no doubt. Some become staff, others become sources of information. Or any beneficial agreements. You would think a remote island should not expect anything of the sort, but plenty come about. Shall we be going? Do please, lead the way."[/BCOLOR] When she looked at Lord Wolf, she noticed him to be not as cheerful. Is he... Also? Having his sanity slip? Or did he notice something is wrong with her? She's usually good in keeping up the appearances, so that had her confused for the moment. Or maybe something else? If she'd be in good health, she would be able to tell, but for now, she's having difficulty understanding herself.

  • As the attention swayed from Marth to the lion figure, Nikki just kept observing Sha'lit. She heard the lion person ask questions, questioning the adequacy of what Sha'lit and the gathered people are doing. Nikki turned at a lion person, to see him better, but she said and did nothing. In her mind she was only wondering how dare he question the authority of her master? Master's word is absolute, that was what Nikki was certain of. What is right and wrong, wise and foolish does not concern the ones who are to obey. Master knows it all, master is undefiable, master will tell what to do. For now, she just waited for the word of Sha'lit. If they are to go, she will go. If they are to fight, she will fight. Even if the thought of fighting displeases Nikki greatly.

  • cab17d256d86d17d0294bcae292e7d66.png

    Kerrigan remained silence, as she had little to put on the table at the moment. This "Executor" project had her interest however and she was impressed by the scale. The conversation soon shifted with Sauron speaking up, leaving Kerrigan with a small smile. As a fellow underground dweller she knew very well of his strength and numbers. She had a nagging feeling and didn't trust him, thus had placed a hive opposite to his in turn. But she was sure he knew that very well. Before Kerrigan could comment she was interrupted when Aleister came with her own report. Kerrigan couldn't believe her own ears though. It almost sounded like the woman was defending the rebels and it didn't help when Aleister continued after Hikawa question. Kerrigan could not remain silent any longer, and finally spoke up.

    "Aleister my dear, it almost sounds like you have a great empathy for these resistance people. You claim to have an idea of their location, yet fail to report sooner. And here I thought we were supposed to work together to take care of these pests?" Kerrigan gave Aleister her full attention as she rained down her words on the woman. "But if you think you can control the resistance and make them do your bidding, than you are greatly underestimating the rebels. Everyone around this table know the resistance pose a threat, however maybe at different levels" Kerrigan took a moment to look around on the different members of the Covenant. Some seemed arrogant as Aleister, but Kerrigan would not let the rebels make a fool of her. "Unless you for some ridiculous reason should be bluffing, then I suggest you tell us exactly where you think the resistance is holding up right now. And I could not care less about the Empire. We all have our small 'projects' that could annihilate them in seconds, even if they worked together". Kerrigan didn't hesitate to show off her own power as she made her demand. She crossed her arms and waited for a response with a smug face.

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  • Sonneset Palace

    "Kerrigan is correct. It is unwise to underestimate or think little of the enemy regardless of its size. They need only the smallest of opportunities, the moment any one of us shows any weakness to become a threat." Darth Vader said. As the second in command of his own empire, he speaks from experience. He has seen with his own eyes what a small rebel alliance has been capable of.

    "Then we will simply show no weakness. Anyone who shows vulnerability and failure are not worthy of being here." Hikawa simply said.

  • Havensville

    Indeed as he stated, this...whatever it was, seems to have no intentions of battling against them. What a relief. The question that worries her now is how Marth will react regardless. Teddie made a loud growl in annoyance to the lion's comment about his tiger question, as steam flowed out the cracks of his neck zipper. But he was quite quick to calm down as he lion said his piece.

    Sha'lit then heard him say those words...

    "Are you still going to force it on them, kid?"

    She couldn't show it, but her heart sank with those words, and she was left speechless for some time. She hates to admit it, but it is true that she's following the laws of this war just as much as Hymn. It being looser strictness than Hymn's dominion does not change the fact that Sha'lit essentially drafted these people to her cause just as much as Hymn drafted people to hers, and Nohetzlav to his. Their memories are still sealed up, and there's naught she could do about that to top it off. From an outside person's perspective looking in, The lion wasn't wrong in its assumptions.
    But then someone spoke up against him, The woman who was asking those questions, used the wisdom she still had to come up with her reason to stay.

    "Raven..." Sha'lit thought. Teddie then spoke up afterwards.

    "That's right! I don't know what exactly home is for a Teddie like me. But if this keeps it safe, I wanna help too! Besides, I don't want to fight anyone if I can help it, I don't wanna be a soldier that have to fight people. Sha-chan chose us to help her world out, even called on not one but two Teddies to help, and that's what I'm gonna do!" He said. Sha'lit could only give off a pleasant smile as a response to the reactions of her Stars. She then looked at the humanoid Lion again.

    "...I can understand your sentiment, but it has to be this way. If there was some other method I could use that did not involve essentially drafting people to this, I would have done it. Fighting my siblings would only make things worse, and contrary to what you may believe, we gods aren't all-knowing. I can't fix what's wrong with this world on my own, ...that's why I need their help." Sha'lit said to the lion-man.

  • Sunset Mountainside

    Eleventh and Tenth took notice of what Crais said, particularly about this war she was in. Clearly, it's not the same war they knew all too well of, was easy for them to tell that she experienced the same kind of tragedy they did. They said nothing, since it didn't seem relevant like she said, and frankly, they would suggest the same should she ask them about the war they were in. They were about to mention that their TARDISes were able to travel not just through time, but through space, so they could teleport inside, but left their mouths hanging open when she mentions they'd then have the entire city going after them.

    "Ah..." They both said and closing their mouths. She then mentions wanting to meet the three gods who supposedly summoned everyone.

    "Excuse me, but... Gods?" The Tenth asked.

    "Oh, I'm sure they're just incredibly powerful beings who are just worshiped as gods.That being said, where do you suppose this 'Havensville'-which I'll admit I like the name of, a bit blunt though-is?" The Eleventh then asked her.
  • Love
Reactions: Raven

Wolf nodded as he took notice of Andrea's amazing intellect and expertise in a particularly huge amount of fields; "Hmm, I like the idea of useful things, to many useless things around in the city, mainly the people in it." He stayed quiet as they proceeded to walk out of the Omega Tower, the party-life of the Golden plaza, and into The Denks, where most of the utility places are located. She started to talk about her life in the past, mainly about her Well-rounded skills being put to use in a luxurious job. which made her seem like a complete bad-arse in comparison to Wolf's job of being just your above-average aerial fighter. He grunted at the thought and spoke once again once she had finished her conversation; "You have quite the interesting job, you seem to be spectacularly well-rounded! Please, tell me more about your spectacular job!" He continued on through the pretty lively slums of The Denks, people partied with what they can do and make do with. It seems everybody in town likes to party regardless of their class-a showing of just how great the city can be to everybody. That's when she answered his question about her own casinos, to which he replied; "Yes, Casinos seem to bring out the ...weird in people. Do they make you a lot of profit?" To at which during that time, they arrived at the first destination: A water-treatment plant. He opened the doors to be greeted by a plethora of workers and service workers, eager to ask questions; "Well, here it is, it's not all that special, like anything that comes out of your mouth, but it gets the job done efficiently, this is also where you'll be getting a good half of your specialists, and best of all, i have all of these people to help answer any questions you may have on this place, right guys?"
They all chanted in unison,
  • Love
Reactions: Raven

  • The feeling felt like it passed. Maybe just medication side effects after all? As she was following Lord Wolf, and was thinking to herself if this feeling is going to re-appear again and when will it happen. She sighed when she was asked to tell more, struggling to make an interesting conversation, deciding to keep it brief:
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"Well, I wouldn't want you to bother with the technical details. The modular architecture is not as exciting, once you have to review the plans... And that was the job, that had me eventually burnt out, especially when I was chosen to be the CEO. You clock in at 6 in the morning and clock out at 10 in the night, seven days a week, all year long. I had a certain liking for it, but the pressure... Feels like it was only a big waste of time now."[/BCOLOR]
    When she was asked about the profit of casinos, she laughed, bemused the thought:
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"Actually, the casinos earn me nothing, it's mostly for the entertainment purposes. The currency we have is least useful to me, but it does keep everyone else running. You see, our currency actually represents the working hour. The currency is essentially an expendable allowance for any goods and services in the city. Food, rent, water, heat, clothes, electronics and so on. The currency itself, are merely coins and papers with no real meaning. Granted, I don't allow to have those allowances being abused, even by me, and I have banned the inflation, so there is no need for me to worry about the money having absolutely no value to the citizens. They actually don't know that, but I think it's obvious enough to figure out, once they put the two and two together. In other words, staff payroll may be a part of administrative work, but it's merely an allowance for goods, costing me nothing - simply put, they're rations. Anyone who wants to survive in the city will work, in order to survive, it's the perfect cycle! While the projects themselves to me only cost raw resources, but never actual manpower fees. Those who want to earn more, will get qualified, and will work longer, as such - their survival instinct alone, with a slight combination of greed tells them what they have to do FOR me. Effectively those plebeians are slaves, who aren't even aware, that they ARE slaves."[/BCOLOR]
    Once Lord Wolf introduced her to the plant, she asked the workers, without much hesitation:
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"Mhm... I'm not sure if you were briefed on the required operation, so here is what I need: I will need to desalinate the mud dredged from the bottom of the ocean, as well as teaching new technicians, to carry on with the operation. The task is not the most glamorous, but it is very important, that it would be done. I will need you to make the list of required equipment and devices for the said operation, as well, as what size of the desalination site would be preferable. Before you ask, we are to count the mud in kilotons, so that will be a lot of mud to go through. I'd prefer to see at least a rough draft of the site and it's specifications, before I have to depart. Make sure to write down any and every exotic components, that may be required for preparation, be it equipment or chemical agents. Any questions?"[/BCOLOR]
The Stars - Gate
"Protect the people."
Gate stood up from her kneeling position and picked up her Gatestone Shield and placed it upon her back. "I will help you my lady. You have called me to render duty and I shall do it for the world." Her voice echoed out of the armor, still making her gender indistinguishable via listening to her voice. "You have my loyalty, Lady Sha'lit." She said with confidence. "I am Gatekeeper and I promise to uphold your hopes and protect the people, I swear on the Gate." She said. Idly she wondered what The Gate was and why she was called Gatekeeper...maybe she was guarding The Gate? She couldn't remember it clearly aside from a few keys and a giant eye. "I have a question, how are we going to start?"

  • "Don't just stand there, get in and put on the seatbelt Sora" Kira gave the kid a light pat on the head walking past him, climbing into the drivers seat. Only glancing towards Gerald as he sat down in the seat behind her. Starting the vehicle the powerful engine sent a tremor trough hull, making the engineer smile. There was a certain charm to these primitive engines they felt so much more alive then those reactor engines she knew of. "Are the others coming anytime soon now we can't spare much more time if we want to get there before everyone already left"

  • This was all still a bit to take in with this giant cat like thing arriving to, not that she could see much as it happened on the other side of the girl in the giant armour. It was nice that the cat was purring calmingly in her arms. He seemed to have a knack for knowing if it was dangerous or not. But how would they go about this now. This place they would head to how would they get there without being noticed by the other factions. How would they avoid conflict when other groups seemed to so desperately seek it.
Wolf cocked his head in confusion; "You use currency, like Money? I literally meant resources! We have a currency in the form of paper notes, but I'm talking about sucking the raw and built materials people carry with them. If there were a currency system in place, well, I should've put that in a while ago! But I do have a currency system in place, which instead utilizes the huge amount of things they bring instead, most of the people here are either migrants or refugees, and they bring everything that was their old life here, thinking it's going to be their new life, hoping to make it big, a very few do hit the jackpot, granting them the life people can only dream about anywhere else! I like this sense of 'false prosperity', people aspire to party these luxurious parties, and life in their fancy rooms all their lives, that they will leave and destroy everything in the past to make it. But in the end...they all become the ground I step on."
He gave a sigh, listened to her commands, and walked over to the workers, he handed one of the most trained and intelligent envelope? He also whispered something in the technicians ear that only the two of them could hear, although she seemed a bit confused and afraid at the end of his talk, He turned back and briefed Andrea on what he said; "They will have the plans and requirements by the beginning of tomorrow. Now, off to a power plant!"
He decided to take a walk through the city's seemingly empty docks, to which he commented "You know? We could put these docks to use, if you agree to trade stuff with me! I know there's a sort of Smith Guild that goes crazy about making this thing called Silicon! They say it's used in making ships and stuff, I don't know honestly what it does, but you're smart, so I'm sure it is of use to you. We also have some extra of these cool Laser guns." He pulls out his gun and waves it in the air; "Neat huh? Other than that I have some pretty standard stuff, rocks, metal, cloths, food, conventional weapons, such as swords and guns...and drugs!"
They walked a bit further down the bay, and the glamour and shimmering lights of the Golden Plaza fell behind them, ahead, a hydro power plant that has a LOT of workers, way to many than needed, but everybody wants a job in utilities these days...
He opened the doors to be met with deja-vu: surrounded by workers and service workers, eager to answer any questions or commands that they gave, Wolf repeated like a broken record; "Well, here it is, it's not all that special, but you knew that. Here they are, eager for your command Andrea, Right guys?"
They all chanted in unison,
Wolf beat his head as he suddenly came down with a terrible headache. He whispered to Andrea; "I'll meet you outside when you're finished."
He went outside...and threw a complete rage-induced tantrum before coming to his senses and calmed himself.
Thankfully, nobody saw that...or did they?

  • Love
Reactions: Raven

  • [Loading…Now loading Man of Steel- Flight]

    Primary kept its silence as the ship took off and made their way towards the source. Silence, funny thing that. It remembers a silence, yes, but a strange one. Like there was someone holding onto that silence but was so loud in another way that it made it smile. Laugh. Cry at one point. It was sure it cried at one point, but it couldn't remember where. It leaned itself on against the wall and sighed. It wanted to remember so much, so much. But it can't no matter how hard it tried. So it tried to remember the source of the silence and…nothing. Just a feeling of closeness and pain that- pain? Why pain? It shook its head and waited for the ship to get there.

    [Now ending Man of Steel- Flight]

  • [Loading…now loading Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Gates to Infinity- Desperation (Super Light Arangement)]

    Enrem's thoughts were in a whirl. What was going on? Why was this happening to them? Well, it was already explained, but even then he was just so lost and confused that he wanted to lie down for a moment and enjoy silence. His silence, her silence- her? Maybe NICOLE? But NICOLE could talk, so maybe that wasn't it? He didn't know.

    Sha'lit explained everything, yes, but he was still so confused by it all that he sank to his knees with the device in his hand. They had to leave? Was something bad going to happen to them if they stayed? He was so confused… He jerked his head towards a shadow that seemed to disappear. Was that a person? Was someone listening in on them? No not the lion anthro, someone…human looking. He couldn't tell, it was gone in a flash. But he couldn't help but get a sense of foreboding from it…

    [Now ending Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Gates to Infinity- Desperation (Super Light Arrangement)]

  • Sunset Mountainside - Village Ruins

    Sure enough, Cronic had indeed found a ruined village, and was now lifting debris up and throwing it to one side, trying to find something that'll help him figure out what transpired on this world. So far, however, bodies of the long deceased were all he'd found at this time. That wasn't to say he'd let his guard down, however; Periodically, he would stop and examine the surroundings just to make sure there wasn't anything like a sniper looking to punch a hole in his head lurking somewhere, or a band of thugs lying in ambush. After a while, he began to place the bodies of the deceased he'd found thus far in the middle of the village, and with a click of his fingers, set them all ablaze, before returning to his search.

    Eventually, he found the tattered remains of a journal. Only three pages were in any readable condition.

    "The dates are too worn to read... And the rest of the pages aren't faring that much better." Cronic said, before clearing his throat, and began to quietly read the journal to himself.

    "Word going around is that the tremors we've been feeling of late has been affecting the whole of Chralmede..." Cronic said, turning the page to the next readable one.

    "The tremors wracking Chralmede have only escalated in recent weeks... I fear this may be the sign of the prophecy..." Cronic said, raising his eyebrow at the mention of the word 'Prophecy' as he turned the page.

    "...The original owner of this journal was crushed by his house collapsing on him. With the tremors worsening with every passing moment, it's only a matter of time before we share his fate." Cronic said, checking to see anything else was hidden in the journal, before setting it back where he'd found it. Having figured the bonfire that was reducing the corpses to ash was sure to attract attention, he then began to run away from the village, away from the way he came.
The Stars:

Raven was now quiet awaiting not only the lion looking man's reply but the one who in a way summoned her here even if it wasn't meant. Looking at the woman Raven wondered what she could be thinking. She did know that if she needed to know the woman may share in time. Why she felt many things would explain themselves in time she was unaware. Something told her it has to do with a memory a lesson from her past. What lesson what memory she still did not know and felt she wouldn't for sometime. Once she did she would keep that to herself she was sure.

Raven listened to the one calling himself Teddie. It was hard in a way to posses him being like a teddie bear in her mind but some how it didn't seem any different than being able to pick up this man was a lion. Though closing her eyes she in a way felt as if there was a glimpse of a bear that looked like a teddie bear for what she felt was something for a little kid. Yet another memory that would come back she hopped in time for it felt like a more joyful memory than the others. Feeling the sudden emotion she stepped back and closed her eyes knowing she needed to keep even joy calmed because of her powers and there side effects.

Raven finally hearing the woman speak once more. She felt the woman was repeating what she explained but this time a little differently. Perhaps to better make the others understand. Why this situation seemed to have a simple explanation to her she wasn't sure but she was confident on helping in any way. Raven respected how this woman continued to state that fighting was not the answer for it is like fighting fire with fire you would end up with more destruction, deaths, and even more fire than you began. Hearing how the woman seemed to want her siblings to have peace and help her fix things this made Raven respect her even more. She really did remind Raven of someone who Raven wasn't sure perhaps an old friend, a childhood role model even? Though the woman said she was a god, no Raven knew better a goddess. She felt as though she knew another goddess the name remained blank. But she did know the two had things in common. Words reminded her of why she felt she knew where she came from but at the same time she didn't. Feeling she couldn't remember the goddess she felt she knew well this fact did bother her but meeting another with the same thoughts relaxed her.

  • [BCOLOR=#000000]"Yes, we do have currency. Taking what few those survivors got isn't exactly lucrative. Not to me at least... That well dries up too fast, and then you have to do something about it, once they pile up to worrisome numbers"[/BCOLOR] she replied, assuring Wolf about the currency. Once they were passing the docks, she listened to Wolf's idea, shuddering at the drug part - to her any drugs were a living nightmare. She took all sorts of medication in the mental hospital, and the last thing on her mind that can be is any more of this. After a moment of thought on the rest what he said, she replied:
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"Silicon? Ain't that the stuff some people use to make... well, actually get... bigger breasts?"[/BCOLOR] after the mental image of a cargo ship, built solely out of breast implants, she looked at her own pair of breasts, just to clean the mind out of something like that mental image. She placed her hands on her breasts and pushed them together, thinking whether or not her red leather coat helps her situation (and at a same time realizing why other women are into fur coats) and then asking after a rather ponderous, silent moment:
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"They're not small... Are they?"[/BCOLOR]
    Once they were at the power plant, and when she was left with the workers, she said in the same tone as she did in the pumping station:
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"I'm not sure if you were briefed on the required operation, so here is what I need: I will need some personnel to oversee civic construction projects. Nothing too difficult, just ensuring adherence with the blueprints, correct installation of electricity and plumbing, those are just some residential flats for most the part. You will also be required to train new personnel while at it, and ensure their competence. Any questions?"[/BCOLOR]
    She felt strange when Wolf left. She was uncertain why. It might just him being busy. She can already imagine the work that piled up in her absence. Or could it be something else? Lord Wolf seemed unusual on moments here and there. Either he suffers from his own ailments, or maybe... he schemes behind her back? It's entirely possible, after all. But what's with the absences? What is he arranging then? She shook her head, when she felt that her mind was almost sinking into paranoia. Maybe nothing. He's just busy. 'Just busy' she thought to herself.

  • [BCOLOR=#000000]"Then why not just do what he does? It's not like he's in any position to complain about it."[/BCOLOR] Artemis said as her final thought, then turned around back to Aero:
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"Heh, sorry about that. You can say that the big chief was calling."[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"What substances have you consumed in the past two hours?"[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"I said--"[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"I heard you, asshat. I'm saying - are you even serious?"[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"And why not? You just were talking to thin air."[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"I was not."[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"So you are in denial that you did it at all now, fantastic."[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"I'm not in denial, dummy, I'm saying that I did not talk to thin air, I was talking to Hymn."[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"Which country's?"[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"Very funny, it's a name."[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"You are clearly on substances."[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"I'm telling you, a goddess with a name Hymn, has just contacted me."[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"And I'm Barbara Cruz, pleased to meet you."[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"I'm being serious."[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"So am I, what a coincidence! I have picked up no radio frequencies, infrared contact, or other typical modes of long distance communication - or at least remote. That means you were delusional. Possibly the heat has gone through your head."[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"For the last time, I'm not delusional, Aero. How the hell am I to prove to you, that something contacted me?"[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"Something that does not exist, you mean. Were there any God or Goddess around, at least this whole nonsense what left off this world would have remotely close anything to rhyme or reason, which it does not."[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"Fine, have it your way."[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"Exactly, which means, I'm taking you somewhere where you can cool down."[/BCOLOR]
    Then an audible noise coursed through the air. That of an impact shockwave. Aerophobia turned to it, and said, as he was analyzing the recent event:
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"Ionized air particles... Electromagnetic residue... Estimated mass of an object--"[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"No time for that, it's one of mine."[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"How do you know?"[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"Don't ask, I just do."[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"So this is our new plan, then?"[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"Yes, although, keep that big gun of yours in check."[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"If only I were made of flesh... I'd be so taking it for an innuendo..."[/BCOLOR] he sighed, then made a shallow stoop, opening his arms: [BCOLOR=#000000]"You're ready to go supersonic?"[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"Just how fast exactly?"[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"In a current state, it's up to Mach 5, but your body could never handle that, so it's actually subsonic with you."[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"Then we better get going, hun, that person may be wounded."[/BCOLOR]
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Wolf repeated the process with the power plant workers as well, although except looking confused at Wolf, they gave Andrea strange glances. Wolf sighed and scratched the back of his head before coming to Andrea, "Hey, I'm sorry I left earlier. I have issues of my own, as I'm sure we all do. Now I think that is everything you asked for, unless you secretly had anything else in mind?" He paused a moment for her to answer before walking out of the plant, ushering her to follow. He walked through the empty, dead-looking docks in order to go back to Golden Plaza, the shimmering light at the end of this road.
During the trip, he stayed oddly silent, saying only; "I want to save the talking forwhen we eat. I know it's super late at night, but I'm sure you can eat something."
They arrived finally at Golden Plaza, The partying has died down drastically, and most people have either went to their rooms, or are seeing The Denks for the first time, or maybe they've seen it multiple times, and are getting thrown back there. The music, along with the party, has died down a bit as well. getting into the softer, piano music.

Wolf made his way back to the penthouse, and ordered the finest desert available for him and Andrea. He opened the windows to let the fresh air in and to hear the music. Then desert came, a little bit of everything, for he didn't know what Andrea liked, and the workers didn't know what Wolf liked, this IS the third time he's ever been here in Omega Tower after all. He took a slice of cake and a glass of wine, took one bite and a sip, and sat down, awaiting Andrea to take her picks and listen. When she did, he smiled, and continued to argue about the currency issue, among other things; "Thank you for waiting he time to come here and talk, it's a bit...I dunno, sweeter and more private to talk up here where than with any of the plebeians, don't you think? Now, on the issue of currency, I don't know about you, but it seems to work perfectly fine for me. As one can clearly see, I just use the fact that they have nothing in order to produce more something for me, in return I give them some of it. So, in essence, yeah, I still do currency, but it's still sucking as much from a person as you can, I guess it's slavery but I wouldn't go about calling it that, it's THEIR decision to come here and blow their life away anyways. Now, I've got a few questions for you, how did your city, Nova Schelka, come to be? How did you make it, and how did you get SO many people in your city. Also a bit about yourself, if you would? I mean, you told me a bit about yourself, like your work in the business before this, but I want to know what this alliance will look like, In return, if you like, you can ask however many questions you may like about me, or this fair establishment, or anything, actually."
He took a brief glance outside to see the plaza's tower in construction, then proceeded to intake more of the fine foods set before them.
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  • [BCOLOR=#000000]"For the moment this'll do."[/BCOLOR] she said nodding, then waiting to follow Lord Wolf. She quietly followed him through the docks until they have finally arrived at the Omega Tower. She quietly sat down, and tried the wine, while listening to Lord Wolf speak. After hearing out his questions she thought for the moment, recollecting her memories, then said quite calmly:
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"When I came to Nova Schelka, it was the piece of ground that was touched by the cataclysm the least. At least in population numbers. The place itself, derelict buildings apart wasn't as uplifting. The whole place was a chaotic mess. There were several warlords who established themselves there. If you ever saw any postapocalyptic theme action movies, it was roughly about that - unclean, roughed up, using all sorts of scrap for warfare... Just fighting and pillaging... Like wild animals... I managed to side with one of the warlords - Vextra. He was the most... Approachable of the lot. After a bit of suggestions and discussion we managed to come down to more efficient strategies. He ensured his men won't be looting the ones who are just trying to live, and I ensured that those people can be... of use. Thus his men focused on fighting the other warlords, while the civilians under Vextra's protectorate were supporting them with any possible resources or attention. Simple on the surface, but not simple enough to be obvious to the other warlords. In a matter of weeks the other factions surrendered. Vextra, knowing that he could use the men recruited them all, save for former warlords. He put them out of their misery. Vextra knew that they would be causing ruckus sooner or later, and dealing with more trouble than it is healthy to handle was in neither of ours' plans, also that made sure that all the others will lower their heads and won't become too ambitious anytime soon. The real, and most probable reason why Vextra was the choice that won was that he understands logic, and dislikes chaos. At first I thought that this impression was left on me, because he was the first person I met in a long time, that haves a good head on his shoulders, but the more I look into him... You should see his office. Everything is perfectly in order with him, he knows where is what document exactly, all arranged by whatever order is convenient to him, be it date, alphabetical, categorical, or a mix of those. His handwriting... Not exactly calligraphy, but perfectly straight and proportionate letters. I know that since he always signs his documents with four signatures: His short signature, his long signature, his full name in handwriting and his full name in handwritten block capitals, and he NEVER does away with just writing a single signature, not even to orders of low priority, ALWAYS four signatures. All four are perfectly neat. I don't think he intended to keep that warlord ploy for long either way. He was nothing like the other warlords. He's technologically avert, calculative and keeps himself informed well. If only I'd know what he was doing before the cataclysm. Judging from all the factors... Quite possibly he was part of the Special Forces. This theory satisfies the most questions about him so far. But I'm going slightly off the point. Point is, that he likes things organized. He appreciated that I can organize things that he cannot. This is why we divided our duties once we established the city in proper. I became the administrator, and he became the chief of security. Thus far this co-operation did wonders. He keeps the city in order, and I keep the city well-managed. Him keeping it in order is a large contribution. He quite often senses any dissidents before they can even form a group. Some would call him ruthless for the way he deals with them, but I prefer to call him efficient. He knows that such thoughts should be discouraged and he is actually a good public speaker. Well, writer for public statements actually, he never shows his face for the media... Neither do I, but I imagine our reasons are different. Some call Vextra a bully, but I think that label fits him poorly. He does not go up just to anyone. He knows when to come to someone, what to say, and how to say it. He knows how to... convince people. He is very selective about what he does, but when he does, he indeed performs it with efficiency. For all I know Nova Schelka without me may become a disaster waiting to happen, but so far as Vextra is there, it's going to be an orderly, calculated disaster. And the expansion of the city... It started at the same time as we started building infrastructure. Turns out word spreads fast over the wastelands and so the influx of new citizens was actually quite large. We were organized, efficient and civilized. And pre-apocalyptic life draws many people to Nova Schelka. We even had some... Unusual visitors, but they blended with the rest of the city rather quickly. And since those became part of the populace, we had to build them districts which are more compatible for their work and sustenance. None of it a loss, though. More workers for me. Casinos, though, were entirely Vextra's idea. Now, as I said, I use it as meeting grounds, but the real rhyme and reason is in Vextra's mind. It's his proving grounds more or less."[/BCOLOR]
    She then paused for a while, trying some other wines, and then started to answer the more personal question:
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"What's there to tell about me? Well, I was born to a family of military officers. My mother retired from duty as soon as I was conceived - before that she was a drill instructor. Someone had to raise me after all. And my father... He was a commissioned officer and carried on. His name was Aristride Adrian Shtultz. I didn't see much of him to be honest, but when I did, he always frightened me, creating a lasting impression. I remember he would call me over. No emotions, hardly any body language, just his eyes staring at me with a frigid gaze. Actually just his one eye. His other eye was actually a glass eye. He lost it at some point, I wouldn't know how exactly. Much of his face was torn and burnt - he had a long scar running along the face on the side with the lost eye, stitches around the line of the scar visible. I once counted the stitches... forty-five stitches. I don't remember the rest of his body, though. He did seem fit, but only my mother would know how his body itself would look like without the clothes. His tone was always strict and the voice itself always sounded somewhat short of breath - at least when he was talking to me that is. I always felt like I am being judged when I was answering his questions. Speaking of which, he would ask me several questions... School subjects mainly, questions on several topics... Well, actually all the topics... Then he would nod, say what he expects me to know the next time he is around and gesture me to leave. He wasn't much for showing emotions, really... One could say Vextra has some resemblance to my father, but it's little if any. Vextra's different... By looks, not so much, but in mentality... Vextra's talkative, expressive body language, somewhat abrasive, but you can know what he is thinking without too much guesswork - it's easy to see what mechanism is working in his head. My father, though. None of that. I never knew what he was thinking, and he wasn't even talkative enough to be called anything about his manner, although... I did manage to understand that he is a hardened technocrat. I saw him about once a year, every appearance lasting in my memory. When I was... sixteen I think... He just didn't show up at all anymore. I wanted to tell him, that I have completed the school. The whole of twelve damned grades, with two raises... I wanted to tell him, even though I suspected that he wouldn't move a single muscle about it, once he'd hear that. But instead he wasn't there at all. I did not ask my mother about him, because I suspected what could have happened, and I did not want to exert any pressure on her..."[/BCOLOR]
    Andrea paused after that part of rant. She thought on a particular moment in her life.
    [Flashback: ]
    Andrea was sitting by the bedroom door of her parents, eavesdropping on what the parents have to say. At first the conversation seemed mild, but then it became more conflictive:
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"You are expecting too much from Andrea, she is only a child."[/BCOLOR] her mother said, with a very defensive tone.
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"OUR child, Agnes. A child of two officers. As such, she, just like we two, are the leading example of what this nation has to offer. THIS, what I demand from her is not just my expectation, it is the expectation from an entire nation." [/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"Adrian, she is barely seven right now, you are pushing her way too early."[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"You mean I am pushing her way too early on not being an idiot? Do you really think that all these years I have been in the line of duty in which I managed to loose my eye, just so I could say, that the child I harbor is a degenerate idiot? I AM NOT harboring an idiot, OKAY? I am not going to tolerate that you allow her to degenerate into this."[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"It's only the first year of her school, what is there to say about her? She only started the whole thing of learning."[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"Oh, just listen to yourself. You used to be a drill instructor, for crying out loud. And you were a damn good one at that. Did you ever took this kind of shit from the units you trained? Would you take any excuse as adequate from units who had an entire damn year to learn what they were supposed to and did not?"[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"No, I never did, but she is OUR CHILD."[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"And what saving grace does that give to her? She had a whole damn year to learn her curriculum, and she did not. What's the bottom line?"[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"WHAT'S the bottom line?"[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"She has failed."[/BCOLOR] Agnes sighed
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"Have you ever deemed that adequate as an instructor?"[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"You were, hell you still are a competent officer, behave like one. I don't understand you. Because let me remind you, the reason I married you was because you had talent for what you were doing, you had passion for it, dedication for it, attention for it and now you just leave your talent to waste. Why?"[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"Adrian, raising a child, is not like raising a soldier--"[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"IS IT, Agnes? Answer me this - what do you do when you are raising a soldier?"[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"I prepare a soldier for war."[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"And raising a child is preparing a child for life. Right now, you are failing at it."[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"Adrian, I can't bear myself to press her like that. I--"[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"And will you bear yourself when fifteen years later the blame on her poor education is going to fall on your shoulders? When she will blame her failures on your account? Will you really stand and take it? Because, Agnes, when that blame will come, she will be right to blame you. As well, as she will be right to blame me."[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"Point taken. You are right. This is our responsibility. So long as she's learning. And she needs to learn all that information right. It's going to be hard, Adrian... Will I manage this?"[/BCOLOR]
    Adrian seemed to laugh at her question, and spoken in a more playful tone now:
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"You managed to train a pile of elite morons into something respectable. Are you really going to allow yourself to be overpowered by a single person?"[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"No, I am not going to allow myself."[/BCOLOR] Agnes laughed back
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"I'll keep that in check."[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"You are worried about her, aren't you? Sometimes it's so hard to know what you are thinking."[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"I am her father, of course I am worried. No... not worried, frightened. But I believe in you. But you need to believe in yourself also."[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"And how long until you will help me with her?"[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"Duty is an unpredictable thing. Who knows for how long I am not to be with you two. But I do guarantee, that I will come see her at least once a year, just to keep her in line and in check. But whichever is the case, please do remember, that I believe in you. On one part I hate myself for leaving you two on your own, but..."[/BCOLOR] Adrian sighed, and finished the sentence with a broken, weakened voice, as if he is about to cry: [BCOLOR=#000000]"[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#000000]It's life."[/BCOLOR]

    [end of flashback]

    Andrea sighed and then continued:
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"As for my mother... Well, she was a strict woman. Demanding, but more on a day-to-day basis. Once I adapted to those hoops, life with her wasn't so bad, and she was always like that... I imagine there was nothing to adapt for. We had varied times with her. Both good and bad, but she always was there, right behind me. I was expected to bear satisfactory results and unsatisfactory results... Well, those were dangerous around her. I'm pretty sure I inherited most of her looks. At least I don't look to myself like a scarface."[/BCOLOR] she laughed to herself [BCOLOR=#000000]"After my life with the parents, I enrolled to university, and you can pick up what's where from there. Modular architecture company is the rest for most the part."[/BCOLOR]
    Andrea sipped some more wine, finally answering the final question:
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"As for our alliance... Well, there are a lot of avenues to it all... What exactly have you on your mind? Since some approaches are more feasible than others... But also, do tell me about yourself, Lord Wolf. Since you owe me a rant now, hah."[/BCOLOR]
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"Funny enough, mum carries the gene. I was born with Ginger hair, it just got... Well, replaced during regeneration. Trust me, Dad, its nothing worth getting upset about. You never get rid of the freckles though, I've always had those... Thanks, nan."
Daniel explained before tuning out of the Doctor's conversation and listening to Crais again. He had kind of ignored her apprentice during his entrance, but the 11th seemed to cover the 'interested party' spot well enough for Daniel to really not bother with it at that moment. She spoke of other worlds and multidimensional people ruling this world... So perhaps there was an existence where his father lived... Or maybe there was another-

The look on 11's face made Daniel realize they had both endured the same thought, which forced him to repress it immediately. Call it a trait of the Time Lords, but Daniel was just as excited about finding his home planet as was the Doctor. But then again, his version of Gallifrey was stuck in a pocket dimension so the theory that another planet of Time Lords could exist wasn't too far-fetched. Even the Doctor doesn't know everything. That's what fascinated him: there was always something to learn about the universe.

But, when some less friendly people were mentioned by Crais, the 11th practically pulled the words from Daniel's mouth. Smiling widely and adjusting his bow tie, Daniel swung his cane proudly and exclaimed "I think that's a brilliant idea. Off to the TAR-" Before he could finish, however, sudden electrical sparks flew from the three TARDIS' and a whining noise echoed from their interiors. Turning back from the preferred transport of a Time Lord, Daniel cleared his throat and said "Perhaps we'll walk instead... I think she needs time to settle down and heal. Perhaps having three of her in the same area will speed up the healing process... Or, at the very least, allow us to power at least one TARDIS for the time being."

He listened to how she got her lovely city of Nova Schelka, and that it was achieved through friendship and common sense. He laughed, "Well, Vextra seems like a nice guy, would like to have a nice chat with him some time, and, by the way, that makes how I got my fair establishment seem laughable in comparison, hence why I laughed just then. I was arrived here while being on the run from someone, when I saw this post-apocalyptic ruin of a planet. When I arrived, that observatory tower you see behind you, was the only structure that was lit , and it thus compelled me to go there, I was met by a rather large group of refugees, that seemed pretty pathetic in terms of my fleet. They surrendered easily, and I become the warlord of that area, of corse there were a few others, but they were tiny and insignificant in comparison, I established having power as our first priority, and well, New Sargasso was born. I placed one of my subordinates as the 'false' leader, and I became the city's true, enigmatic leader."
He took a brief moment of silence to get up and get another drink. He then continued to listen to Andrea's speech on herself.
Wolf was in complete awe at Andrea's story. Sure she has the typical 'Parental Expectations' problem, but he could not complain, those stories are usually the best, it shows determination in a character. From what she described, she seemed to handle it well; "Well, if it's worth any constellation, you took the skills you learned and emerged yourself as a leader of many people, I think your father would be proud. I cannot, for one, criticize your past, as I was never pushed to unbelievable heights by my parents, never knew a lot about my parents actually..."
Then she asked the most demanding thing anyone's asked, to talk about himself, particularly emphasizing his past. Sure he's a bit more eccentric than most, he'll brag about his flying skills almost any day, but almost nobody knows about him, who is the animal that makes up Wolf? and what caused him to be that animal? Those were the tough questions, but Andrea seemed like the most sane person he's ever met on this planet, even though she loves to say otherwise.
He decided to dodge the question and give her the fast story.
"If you can see by our past conversations, I am not one to rant. Brag? Yes. But only for a short while. I'm not one to bother you with stories about me, but I'll tell you what is on my mind currently: The positives of you, as a person. The typical bad-guy stuff, revenge and destruction. And of course, my impeccable flying skills.
Talk about myself eh?"
He gulped, "That's a tough question for me to answer, and I usually just don't dish it out to just anyone now. But since you are, the best person I have ever met on this forsaken planet. I'll give you it. As I said earlier, the reason I was brought here was because I was on the run from someone, that someone is the virtual equivalent of me, just a fox, and he had good-hearted intentions. OF course, in every stereotypical sense possible. good guys always get the better fighters, or I just get the crappy ones, and in a battle of teams, a man cannot singularly win alone. So he kicked my butt, a numerous amount of times, at first, the battles were fair, and I respected him for it, but then, things like me get treated like a nuisance, and just something that needs to be shrugged off, eventually, even my equal thought that. Things were no longer a fun showing of skill, they wanted me gone, all of them, and I don't want to be gone. I want to be known, make my mark in the world. Guess some things don't work out, then this place came along, and now I feel like the best wolf around! If it's one thing I like doing, it's being Top Dog." He dared not bother her about his youth, he didn't have much of one anyways.
Instead, he went to talk about the terms of the alliance; "As for our alliance, I want us do do what you did with Vextra, we merge together to become the most powerful force and settlement on this planet, and crush all of the warlords. We back each other up, and help the other in times of need. We should meet frequently, start a trading system, and bring some life back into this planet! What about you, where do you want to see this alliance going? And do you have any other questions?"
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