The Trinity Wars (Mass-Fandom Crossover)

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  • As Lt. Bird walked in, Mileena was still entranced by her spinning sai, and only her piercing eyes shot up to view him once he knocked. She acknowledged his offer with a low growl, particularly displeased by his mannerisms. Nevertheless, she stopped her sai and held it in her other hand, observing the thin trail of blood streaming down her finger. "That sounds more my speed." she responded with a rasp, dragging her bloody finger across each cheek, leaving a streak of it behind on either side like a sort of battle-paint. "Who will be joining us?"

  • latest

    For the Empress of Naz'jatar, life was easy, and luxurious. The view she had of the ocean from her throne was breathtaking, the Naga tended to her every whim, and the Resistance nary bothered to oppose her. The very fact that her city stands at the very bottom of Chralmede's eastern sea was enough to deter their forces, and left her free to toy with them as she pleased. The four sister Sheva, Zheva, Asprah and Svallah all lightly fanned their queen's fair elven skin while she lounged atop her golden seat, relaxing during their afternoon. Her gentle routine was soon interrupted, however, as the throne room doors swung open to allow her military leaders; the warlord Rash'jelan, and the enchantress Dallah; entrance. A pair of sirens accompanied them, holding a milky white pearl. Azshara swiftly sat up in her throne to tend to her abrupt audience with them.

    "What is the meaning of this interruption?" bellowed the queen. At her voice, the four sisters lowered their fans, and every other Naga in the room bowed their heads, including her advisors.

    "We apologize, my Empress, but we come with news requiring your immediate attention." Rash'jelan began, allowing Dallah to slither further forward with her sirens.

    "Our scoutsss have spotted the Normandy flying towardsss an abandoned city directly southwessst of the cove, not too long after mysteriousss lightsss filled the sky above it." continued the Sea Witch, bringing her sirens forward, and having them deliver the pearl into Azshara's hands. As Azshara peered into the swirling orb, visions of the Stars falling into the city, and of the Normandy flying from one city to the other appeared within it, before returning to its regular translucency.

    "So, the Resistance wishes to chase after a few of Elune's Tears?" Azshara said to herself with a giggle and a grin, before handing the pearl back to Dallah's sirens. "The men and women of Naz'jatar continue to serve me well, Dallah, and Rash'jelan."

    At her compliment, both advisors bowed their heads again and uttered their thanks.

    "We thank you, Empress." "We thank you, Empresss."
    "Dispatch one of our war parties, quickly! Their headstrong commander will be vulnerable when treading upon the city's sewer system. We will strike an impressive blow to their forces if done correctly. Time is of the essence!" she shouted, barking orders like a true leader.
    "Right away, Empress." "Right away, Empresss."
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The Stars:

Raven listened quietly once more. She was taking everything in. "If they find all of us and each other we would become mixed in a battle that may not be necessary." She stated to herself quietly in monotone. "I see." She exclaimed once more to herself. It could be seen her mind was in thought. She then looked to Sha'lit. "So where should we go to avoid unnecessary conflict?" She asked knowing that sounded like what this woman wished for them to do. She felt they needed to possible get to know each others some before tackling the challenge of ending a war which she and the others seemed to know very little about.

  • [BCOLOR=#000000]"In days like these... I'm glad that I choose to wear leather."[/BCOLOR] sighed Andrea, then followed Lord Wolf into his fighter.
    Over most the travel time, she had her mind preoccupied with thoughts. One of the thoughts were on how to further micromanage her city. The shanty towns in her city irked her, and so did the refugee camps. She believed in those peoples' will to work in order to survive, so she was thinking how could she quicken the housing scheme, and how could she redirect those people to working the farming fields. Fishing will do for now, but nobody is going to be kept by fish alone forever. She will need to contact her scientific department about any bright ideas in terms of food, as soon as she's back. Hopefully with a few technicians. Her other thought was on what is real and not. This what happens now is real... Most likely. She had a hard time, grasping which is true, and which is not, and as such it was a bit confusing in every situation. Sometimes awkward even. She thought to herself, that if the medication works right, it might just be the last of illusions, and then she could put her mind to rest... Or work, to be realistic. Her thoughts were interrupted, as soon as they have arrived at their destination. Fireworks, music... Why does that jog her memory? As if she have forgotten something... Intentionally. She shuddered at her uncertainty, and when they finally landed, she just quietly followed Lord Wolf all the way to the penthouse. She only spoken up, when he asked her opinion on it. Her reply was slow and thoughtful, she had a lot of things on her mind still:
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"Yes, it is quite nice. Reminds me of my manager times... So... uh... Having anything to do on your mind for the evening? I imagine we are not here just to stare at the furniture, are we?"[/BCOLOR]

  • Nikki couldn't take her eyes (or more accurately, replica Teddie's eyes) off Sha'lit. She just did not know what to make out of what was said. Is she their master or not? More importantly so, HER master. If that is the case, then these would be the orders, she'd be feeling like doing. Nikki did not feel good about the whole fighting thing, and leaving the grounds before getting into trouble was something, she herself would prefer to do. Only now did Nikki realize, that at no point she was forced or pulled. She was not certain why, but it felt, like this would be the typical behavior from THE Master. Why didn't she? Did Sha'lit believe in her? Felt that Nikki is not going to disappoint her? This faith in her cannot go unnoticed. That alone was reason enough for Nikki to do whatever Sha'lit thinks is right to do.
    She heard the commotion, that her voice caused to the people in the immediate area. If this is how they react, when she tries to speak - granted, her mix and match did not work out as intended, and she'd need to practice that more... But she had no idea, what kind of commotion would cause if they were to see her true form, and that's what she was afraid to find out now. From what have occurred, beyond her sight, she gathered, that with these other... folks, she is relatively safe. A few of those, were being very reasonable in fact... But she didn't think that it's time to make her true shape visible. Just not in the presence of that Marth. What she did not understand about Marth was not his outright hostility towards her, but why did he lie. Does he always exclusively choose to fight a single, lone person, while claiming to be a great warrior for good and just? If so, she was glad that she is with these others folks, even if funky in appearance. That last thought managed to amuse her for some reason. They did look fun. Teddie, and that Amy hedgehog... Nikki felt uplifted being with them. She knew, that they would not hurt her. Just not without an actual reason. Only now Nikki turned to see everyone in site. Nobody, other than Marth seemed hostile. If anything, maybe quite possibly they'd be tolerant enough to bear with her true looks? She did not feel like testing that answer though. She came closer to Teddie and Amy, and then gently placed her hand on Teddie's shoulder, shaking her head, indicating that there is no need to get into unnecessary conflict, especially not now.
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  • "Damn kid leaving before i finish" The engineer muttered before leaving the room."Hey Geralt you tagging along?" the woman halted for a moment and asked before calling for the kid while heading up the corridors leading up to the upper levels. "Hey Sora we are taking the armoured one, dammit kids running of like that"

  • "As usual sister you take your time to act" The hooded goddess stated trough thoughts only her sister could read, glaring at the other woman that apparently had noticed her before. This was no longer however the case.
    "So what is the plan with this?" There was a tone of spiteful humour in her thoughts as she continued "you still believe my brothers innocence in all this?"
    Turning to Marth her shoulders moved in a silent sigh.

    Meanwhile Artemis asked the usual questions and Hymn was quick to respond. "Firstly aid the resistance the best you can,
    For the second question, possibly but we are trying to prevent that.
    and thirdly because my brother is a cheating bastard breaking the rules as usual, but i choose not to they are there for a reason."

  • jjjj.jpg

    Resistance Base

    The witcher wanted nothing more than a handful of Kira's womanly behind to cure his foul mood but he forced himself to restrain himself. He followed the second in command. Geralt cocked a brow at Bird. Speaking in such a way about the commander was…bold. Good to know he wasn't the only one a little uncomfortable about the woman's techniques. He glanced at Sora and felt a deep and sudden urge to shove the boy over. Just push him to the ground. Not even hurt him. He resisted, however, by some grace of the gods. "Mileena? She's sweet as can be." He joked. She might not have been sweet, but he'd seen her spar. The girl fought like a damn jungle cat. Fierce and proud and beautiful. He had little interest in ever going up against her, something about her seemed…off. Made the hair on the back of his neck stand up and something between attraction and flight or fight well up in his chest.

    His thoughts caused him to be a few steps behind Bird so he ended up walking up on an…interesting display. His pupils dilated at the scent of her blood. It was still off, still strange somehow. He knew plenty of the people around him weren't average humans but he had not the slightest clue what she was. He blinked and smirked at her over Bird's shoulder. "I'll be there, if that sweetens the deal." He checked his swords and his potions belt for a moment before turning and heading back down the stairs. He looked over to Mileena as they walked. "Can you drive or am I and the kid the only ones who have no idea what all those blinking lights mean?" Geralt had never been concerned with being overly friendly with his companions, but when it came to beautiful women he could see little reason not to be personable.

    He ducked into the vehicle and took a seat in the back, behind Kira's seat. He eyed the middle seat and somehow knew Sora would end up there between him and Mileena. It seemed the natural order of things.

    [[[In This Post: @The Jest - Sora / / / @Silvir - Kira @The Smoking Peanut - Mileena]]]

  • b1f6a97d-21e4-42c5-bc06-e137de031160.jpg

    Havensville- Center

    All the while, your own worlds' walls are crumbling because of what happened in this world. For now, there is not much to worry about, but if this continues, I don't know what will happen to those worlds." Sable's heart clenched in her chest where she stood in the shadows. My world? What…what world is that? She searched for a memory but could only dredge up a feeling of dread. She cared for this world, wherever or whatever it was. As though to serve as a reminder, she noticed a long golden hair on her shoulder. Her own hair was black as tar so it certainly didn't belong to her. She pulled it off and looked down at it but the wind took it just as some tingling of memory tried to return to her.

    Babble broke out in the little group and a swordsman that emerged from somewhere behind her began talking to someone else. She bit her lip at the talk of dark gods and war and destruction. All of these things caused her jaw to clench tightly. This was all so familiar. Again thoughts of being a pawn plagued her. If this childish goddess wanted them to decipher the origin of this world's falling she could do that. She would not stand here and feel at ease though. "If that's what we're to do, then I'll go and do it. Point me in the direction of one of the ruined cities or an origin of the attacks or whatever you wish for me to look at. If some threat is after us standing in a ball together won't help any of us." She was ready to go, even if that meant heading off into strange terrain on her own.

    [[[In This Post: @The Jest - Sha'lit, ALL THE STARS ]]]

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Wolf glanced around the room, and ate a few of the assorted fruits on the table.
It also turns out Andrea was behind him the entire time! I really hoped she didn't mind him singing in his fighter. Or the cramped space during the whole flight, though it was better than the guard who had to strap himself on top of the Wolfen the entire ride.
Wolf completely forgot he was there. Oh well, that matter will just have to wait, Andrea's here!
"You know, most people would be in awe to set their sights upon this city, but you just look at it as if it's just another weekday at the office for you, huh?" He sighed, then slumped back on the couch; "Well, yeah, I guess we shouldn't spend all night staring. No, what I want you to do, is to look out of the window behind me, I want you to see past the festivities going on and look beyond the plaza and at my Golden Spire, and tell me, how the heck will I be able to have it complete by the end of this month? After that, we'll take a trip to the utilities stations to fufill my part of the deal, then we come back to the penthouse, and have the time of our lives, sound like a plan? Andrea?"

Marth listened carefully to what Teddie was saying. It was true, Sha'lit had brought these people here not to fight but to bring peace. Thinking on that, Marth took his hand away from his sword handle, "Very well then, forgive me if i scared you, I was only talking being on my guard, not actually attacking her. Never the less you are right, you at least are meant to bring peace, not more war." Just then, Marth turned to Hymm, strangely feeling her presence, "Who... who are you?" he asked confused, though he felt as of he should know already. Why was that? Why did somethings seem so familiar to him while others were completely lost on him. He needed answers, perhaps she could give them to him. Marth looked her right in the eyes, not challengingly so, or threatenly so. It was more like he was showing her total respect, and that she had his full attention, that he was listening to what she would be saying.

  • Andrea sighed as she looked around, her head felt heavy all of a sudden:
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"I am impressed, Lord Wolf, believe me, I am. But I am also a little weary, so pardon me if I seem nonchalant."[/BCOLOR]
    Then Andrea looked at the spire and asked Lord Wolf, observing the finer details of the building, trying to fathom the purpose it may potentially hold:
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"Such constructions depend on many factors. Before we go, and before I begin any estimation, could you give me any details on the Golden Spire? I mean what purposes does the spire perform and so on. What exactly is that you are in need of in order to finish the construction?"[/BCOLOR]
Marina Liteyears

She had been walking for what seemed for hours but she still had no clue where she was or what she was even doing there in the first place. This place was unfamiliar to Marina and nothing she saw was jogging her memory. It was starting to irritate her immensely. Never before she felt so confused. "There has got to be something here that tells me where I am. A sign, a person, a landmark, Something!" But all that was around Marina was just trees, dirt, and the occasional small rock. This lack of information started to stress Marina to the point where she needed to release it somehow. Looking at the nearest hand sized rock. Marina picked it up and winded her arm back."Arrgg! Where am I!?" She said as she threw the rock with such force, that the rock punched right threw one of the dead trees in this massive forest, leaving a nice big hole. The rock throw was a good start to her therapy, but it wasn't enough and with no other rocks in sight.She closed her eyes to clam herself. It was nice at first as the darkness brought a certain peace, but soon she started seeing things. Were these dreams? Memories she had? What every they were they were happening so face and the details were so muddy that she couldn't tell what anything was. Except...she could tell she was being thrown in the last little vision, but where? From where!?​

*crack* *snap* *Crack... *SLAM*

"ACK!" Marina snapped back to reality thanks to the thunderous sounds of a falling tree and it scaring away several birds in the forest. "Huh...I guess that was my fault. Hehe...he...*sigh*. I guess I better get going then. Maybe there will be something in this clearing up ahead. " She returned back to her search to figure out where she was. Fortunately, she would be out of the forest soon and into a massive clearing. For the most part she saw nothing different, but then she squinted and saw something that look like there is a building or a structure of some kind just on the horizon. "Alright! People at last!" Excited at the prospect of people, Marina started sprinting towards the building in the distance, using her thruster in her back to close the distance even faster.​
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  • Havensville - Center Square
    @The Jest

    Inside one of the dilapidated lots scattered all around the open area where numerous bodies had gathered in, a lonely, single shade of gold and grey seemed to rest against a bare, dust-polished wall. An open hole of a window above one shoulder and peaked, enhanced ears lent well to amassing all the words he's gathered from these people so far... That is, if he could even call them that. Some were rather reminiscent of his own kind, some perfectly human yet hiding things, whilst a few were oddballs, like the thing that looked like the red, cushy one. At least the cushy one's footsteps were adorable enough, for all the guts it hid beneath. But the goddess speaking drew a sneer.

    Not because of the being herself, however, but the way at which her "family" favored going about whatever in the dark oceans is even happening on this rock they call Chralmede. He only needed to take another glance at the traces of the brightly-colored wallpaper that used to cover the walls to be forced to slump his chin downwards again, eyes lingering on the debris scattered at his hind paws as he cursed silently under his breath. Looking past himself at the moment, the figure continued listening to the group still conversing outside. The tense situation seemed to have died down, and now they appeared to be on the verge on moving.

    "...Well, that's my cue..." muttered the beastly figure, as he pushed himself up before something unexpected happened. He felt the push of the wall behind him lessen, until there was nothing but air to his back. The lion, as he stood on the threshold to a flight towards the ground, thought to himself that he might have miscalculated the rankings of his own weight whilst under the spell of his rice wine earlier. "...Oh goddamn--"


    The Stars, at that moment, would perhaps see a portion of a wall belonging to one of the taller homes circling the square break off and collapse entirely. And with it, what appears to be a lion-man, clad in a dark grey coat.

    The two objects would fall one top of one another in the barren yard of that house, kicking up large clouds of dust and wind to sway the tall grass that surrounded the point for a moment. After that, a rather loud growl.


    After cursing in his native language, the lion-man swiftly jumped on his hind paws once he was done languishing in the dust and stone for a few seconds. He was rather frustrated for having thought that the run here would've kicked the rice wine out of his system, but the ease in his muscles at the moment was definitely their fault. He might not like how the Sha'lit looked like at all, but she clearly was a lot more than what meets the eyes, thought the figure.


    With a narrowing of the eyes, his fangs clamp down on the piece of grass as he turned towards the crowd.

    "...Ah, I'm definitely going to need more sake after this one..."

  • Wastes - Forest Edge (?)
    As the petite machine girl boosted her way towards where the buildings seemed to be, Marina may just notice the rather massive and bizarre hybrid of machine and insect that has only broken through the lower cloud layer, having detected at pin-pointed the source of the sharp disturbance in the forest by sound seconds ago. The thing buzzes in a language completely alien to the average person, as it takes aim with its hanging cannon.


    Also unheard by the girl, a voice commands them to converge on her location. It laughs in anticipation.

  • Chicago 7 - Outskirts
    @Mighty Roman

    An extremely large shadow moves above the lower cloud layer, painting a phantom image of a soaring wyvern upon the ruined landscape beneath, its tail snaking behind. Within the body of the 'wyvern', a voice crackles and buzzes into clarity, and the receiver remains calm as the voice on the other end speaks up, rather distraught.

    "...Palamedes... come in. Palamedes, this is Diana. Surely you aren't serious about doing this...?" the female voice seemed pleading. "We've no proper response on the situation as of yet, so going in alone is..." as she finished, both sides were made silent for a time, their conversation only carried by the sound of the passing air outside.

    "...The wastes are quiet, my young friend." the draconic voice suddenly spoke up, but paused again, as he reeled slightly from lethargy. He continued speaking. "You don't worry. Everything big is going on in that other direction." he shifted in his cloak while seemingly motioning in the direction of Havensville with only his words, causing a sound of metal scraping against metal for a brief moment. "If the trouble is anything to actually be worried about, these parts would've been ablaze with the others already. Seems like I'm the only one putting in any effort into this thing." the cloaked figure continued as he peered out into distance from where he rested. This may have pushed a good point on his end, since the female voice continued to stay silent.

    "I... understand. I'll remain with you throughout the way by radio. If anything happens, I'll send Forneus right back to cut open an escape route." the female voice replied, to which the draconic figure chuckled lightly.

    "Oh, he'll be coming back, alright..." he seemed to say. "...After all, I'm only a herald..." the draconic figure muttered as he stepped up to the bulkheads leading to the skies outside. Before Diana could ask him to repeat his words, the figure jumped outside the moment the bulkheads opened, shouting thanks to the immense 'wyvern' for his help in getting to the gates of the city that has called out to his own charge. The figure swept the skyline of the unassuming land with his eyes as he dived towards the ground just beyond its walls in a free-fall.

    Merely tens of feet from the ground, he tore away the cloak covering his body, revealing the gleaming white armor that covered his body from head to toe. Holding a hand to his face, the figure summoned his blade.

    "Come to me, Ryūzanken!"


    With a flash of light, the golden dragon sword materializes in his grip. Without uttering even another word, the fires dwelling within its spine and swirling between its blades bellow and gush forth in six violent streams. The dragon warrior clad in a suit of scales spins the sword around him, sharply slowing his descent. He falls to the ground below with a heavy crashing sound.

    Standing in the small crater below his feet as the dust around him settles, Palamedes looks up at the city of Chicago 7, and the men and women who must've seen him coming. The Ryūzanken in his hand glows a dim light.

    "...Now, what seems to be the problem..?"

  • The Normandy - Command Deck


    Walking behind the commander, the armored man kept an eye on the frigate's crew until they disappeared from sight to tend to the commander's orders. Within moments, the Normandy was up and in the sky.​


    The armored one quietly felt a bit lost when the large-sized map filled the surface in front of them, but quickly bolstered his attention towards the commander as she began speaking to her ground team; them, of course.

    Resting his blade, the armored figure rotated his head towards the map when the commander mentioned Musubi, one of the Empire's city-states. The image was haunting, a city seemingly in perpetual fog from what he's heard and seen of it. Notably, he felt a lingering attraction towards destroying the grotesque, often shadow-like enemies within it for some reason. Before joining the Resistance, he had come across similar enemies within the ruins across the continent, but could not tell if they were the same. However, that was a matter for another time.

    At the moment, he turned back towards Shepard after she'd mentioned going in two groups. When she pointed at him, the figure nodded promptly at the order. Dispersing the force of the current team to balance their strengths; one close-ranged combatant and one ranged-combatant for each team. Definitely a good strategy.

    Afterwards, the armored figure followed the path of the discussion and cast his sights on the swordsman Hayabusa as he spoke up to the commander, finding his idea a little risky. Silently, he worried for his safety as he had not yet seen Hayabusa's capabilities up-close.

    "..." he waited for anyone else to speak up, mulling over his task ahead.



Wolf nodded and gave her the status and information, "Well, The Golden Spire's supposed to be the best casino here, as well as the best offering of housing around to anybody in Chralmede, we did most of it's structure, but we need the light show, the thing that's going to make us glow everlastingly into the night! But it's missing that glow. We need lights! Supports and Luxury resources! You don't get much of that by just scavenging about! And we need, of course, a more efficent way to build this thing!"
Marina Liteyears

Marina was making much better time than she though she was as the structure in the was getting closer and closer. She couldn't yet make out any major details about it, but it was clear to her that it was a city and a bustling one at that. "Yes! Finally I'm going to get some answers!"
Although that might be a tad to optimistic of the robot maid right now. She looked up to the sky above the city to see something break through the thick clouds. She stopped in her tracks to get a better look. "What the? It looks like a giant hornet...with honeycombs on top?" Then the hornet said something that was unintelligible to Marina. She was an advance robot, but not advance enough to understand this alien language. "Maybe its trying to tell me where I am. HEY! DO YOU SPEAK HUMAN DIALECT?" The hornet didn't respond to her yell but instead moved its cannon into position and made its intentions clears. "I'll take that as a very bitter no." With the quip done, Marina dashing and boosting towards the hornet ship, hoping to get underneath its cannon.

  • Resistance Base

    "Ehh, the Kid, "Casanova", and Kira. Most of our other heavy hitters followed our 'daring' commander into the Normandy. That said, we don't have much time left, so let's get a move on." Bird said to her with a laid-back smile. He honestly didn't mind Mileena as much as other might have. Sure her attitude is borderline psychotic, and her methods are...brutal at best, but that's just all the more reason to the Lieutenant to thank the gods that she's on their side.


    Sora did not stop running towards the cars, but he did hear what was being said about taking the Armored Vehicle. Hopefully the reason for this is simply for the room, but it's very much doubtful that the Imperial jerks are gonna just wait and see what we do with them. If they're a whole new batch of allies, then the empire is likely getting ready to off them on sight. If they're enemies, who knows what they'll do to the other cars.
    As Sora immediately sees it, he heads for the Armored Vehicle then leans on the door, waiting for others to come over there.

  • Havensville

    Teddie looked at Marth, being ready for if he decides to attack. He knew Sha-chan wanted them to not fight, to avoid fights unless necessary, but at the same time, he wasn't just going to let one of his new-found friends get hurt, especially one that looks just like him. He however felt the soft fur of Nikki-Teddie on his shoulder, the stern look in his eyes turned immediately to light surprise and curiosity as he looked at his copy.
    Teddie-2 didn't say anything, but then again he doesn't need to. His smiling and shaking head was enough to figure him out. He's right, there's no need to fight unless there's nothing else to do. It looks like this blue-haired fellow with the sword was apologizing anyways. She then looked at the two ladies who just spoke, listening to the conversation they were having with Sha'lit.

    "...You are both correct, It will be dangerous here before long. ...There is a city to the northwest not far from here, known as Musubi. It is under imperial control, but its ruler is a boy that favors solitude and isolation from the happenings of the Empire and Resistance alike, ...Much to my brother's dismay. It is still dangerous, but the state of perpetual fog within its domain keeps everyone out, and the tower within its center can be given wards on its first floor to halt the city's 'residents'. Because of this, it's the furthest away from the war going on. Once we have moved there, we can plan our first investigation." Sha'lit explained to the two, hoping that it would at least answer Raven's question.

    "...Fog?" Teddie thought. Like others, Teddie felt as if that word should mean something, something important. However, again like the others, it slipped through his mind the moment he heard something distracting his focus. As if right on cue, Sha'lit and Teddie heard the sound of a crumbling wall, and looked to see a strange humanoid lion wearing a coat and hat fall to the ground from a tall building, following a slab of rock that fell first. However, like all cats, this one was able to apparently land on his feet as he looks at everyone.

    "...Yikes! Is that...a Tiger?" He asked naively, apparently not knowing the clearly obvious difference between a lion and tiger, ...or just not knowing what a lion was.

    "As I feared... My summoning these people here is bringing more and more attention. Worse yet, it's an Imperial, now in sight of a Resistance member. If we stay here for too long, we'll be caught in a crossfire at this rate. I can only hope that this swordsman doesn't realize this until we leave." Sha'lit thought. She looked towards Marth one more time, as if now focusing on her sister's presence.

    "Sister... One side being innocent has nothing to do with this...Nothing will be gained by fighting with each other, it will simply further darken the future no matter who is victorious." She thought.
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The Stars:

Raven was glad the tensions seemed to die down. It had begun to for some reason make her feel uneasy. She closed her eyes a moment to breath realizing perhaps it was the emotion itself which she quickly concerned for the time being by that one breath. She opened her eyes.

Raven listened to the answer of her question. A small smile appeared. 'Solitude, isolation... Sounds like somewhere I'd enjoy over all these people...' She thought a moment. She gave a nod. "Alright. Well I'm willing to go to this place as soon as you would like." She stated in monotone. She wondered why the words solitude and isolation appealed to her. But the reason just couldn't come once more the answer she hoped would return in time.

She turned hearing a wall seem to crumble. Another could be seen taking a moment to see what the figure appeared her eyes seemed to grow a little wider. Like one wold expect of a cat the creature landed it seemed as if by magic on his feet. She glanced at the man who thought this was a tiger she knew differently. "No a Lion..." She stated quietly in monotone who could hear her she wasn't aware. Looking once more she felt they may have been here a little to long. She only hoped those who were meant to go with Sha'lit could leave safely before a battle broke out. 'Oh Azar.' She simply thought Raven only wish she knew what the word meant. Was Azar a person she perhaps knew once?

  • Andrea took the time to evaluate the possible size and mass of the building and said after a few moments of silence:
    [BCOLOR=#000000]"Well, I had a thought and here is what I think: supports are not going to be as hard to manufacture and assemble as you may think. Sure, nonstandard, but what factory would not make custom supports? What is a bit harder are the golden walls. The nonstandard [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#000000]supports are needed in order to hold something as dense and heavy as golden slabs, and they can do that. But getting the gold itself... We would need to survey the [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#000000]planet for major asteroid craters. It's either th[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#000000][BCOLOR=#000000]at or digging as close to the mantle as possible, which is never easy. But here's an extra thought: If you are going to make the foundation a few storeys deeper than on the[/BCOLOR] specifications, it is entirely possible to achieve perpetual energy output. With something as dense as your building, the immense ground pressure will keep the building steady and allow it to generat[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#000000]e energy. The energy would be generated by the help of something that always fascinated internet trolls and idiots alike: magnets! In short the generators would be working with magnetic fans, and ceiling of the generator room being of same polarity would make it turn. Most the buildings actually are not heavy enough to hold generators powerful enough to be feasible, but this building is different. Once built, all that the generators would cost you is the routine maintenance stuff. No need for rare elements, no need for fuel, no need for weather dependability."[/BCOLOR]
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  • Havensville - Center Square
    @The Jest

    "N-No, that's..." the lion-man's shoulders seemed to slump disappointedly at the teddy bear's remark, before anything else. But he perked up again when Raven corrected the former. "Yeah, that's it!" he pointed at the darkly-dressed girl with both index fingers, rather spiritedly at that. "...We got one with a good head here. Or did I sound too lion-y just now? Too tiger-like, maybe?" he flashed a small grin at her and the rest as he walked towards the group slowly. He pooled all efforts to attempt the sincerest one possible, but didn't know if he managed to pull it off. Blowing away some dust caught to his nose, the figure continued his small steps in a rather relaxed manner, dusting any dirt off of himself as he clung to the sword at his side - his only weapon, on the surface at least.

    Perhaps this was a bad idea, but the lion-man felt in control at the moment, as ugly as a thought may paint him. He couldn't tell if the alcohol was starting to poison his brain again, or some other reason, but he really did not feel threatened to be standing before this interesting bunch. Why would he be, after all? They were there for peace, barring perhaps one or two from what memory of the prior lines of dialogue he could muster as he took one step after another towards the Stars. He stopped just short of the same cracked stone the group stood on, and both of his eyes landed on the child-like goddess.

    "..Relax." he thought, shooting a half-glare her way. Yggdrasil knows she's had enough to deal with already. Maybe she can read his mind, maybe not. He should get to know soon. "I just wanted to make sure whatever... they were supposed to be wouldn't just excessively deface the planet more than what we've already been doing at the moment... you see." thought the lion-man, looking to the Stars as he did.


    "...We share that, don't we?" he began to speak out loud again. Then, a low chuckle. "But, at the same time, you... What you're doing... It's not right. Not with the way this world works. Are you still going to force it on them, kid?" he seemed to direct this towards the goddess.

  • Wastes - Forest Edge

    Realizing that the robot maid was quickly closing distance, the giant insect machine scrambled its jets to gain altitude, so that it may reposition its cannon, recalculating Marina's speed of movement as its verniers pushed it away from what it perceived as Marina's possible attack range. Its two top and four lower-most 'honeycombs' whirred and released their locks, sliding open to reveal the arrays of missiles hidden underneath.

    The insect machine's eyes flare a neon red as it locks onto Marina's chemical signatures. Within seconds, it fires six rows of six medium-sized missiles each, all designed for bombarding whole cities. Now that sniping the object has failed, it resorts to raw force instead.

  • The Gutpit

    Where the slaves are kept for the night, a voice pleads to an unknown tormentor as the Orks outside continued their festivities.

    "W-Wait, please don't--" one human male cries out in pain before he is silenced moments after. Echoing through the run-down building is a low, demented laugh.

    "Humans. They're everywhere, even here... What pests... The annoying one is dead, at least!" a low voice seemed to cackle. Before long, he might just start a craze that would undoubtedly attract much more attention than he'd want...

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  • Sonneset Palace

    Aleister turned to Hikawa as he voiced his question, her face showing no reaction to whatever it was that he was implying. Inside, she was mulling over her options. It was true she had an inkling where the Resistance could be based at. However, mobilization of troops that could deal with them would require resources she did not dare casually spend. Besides, the Resistance were a regrettably careful bunch. They'd scatter and run like rats the moment such a force headed out of Sonneset. But when it all came down to it, the Resistance was a harmless group. No matter what they did, they would have never have enough to assemble enough forces to threaten Sonneset.

    "I may have an inkling, Hikawa... but surely you do not they could ever threaten us? They are but dust in the wind in comparison, harmless. They can be dealt with at our leisure and they are in fact useful in the regard that the other upstarts will not start having any ideas." Aleister said, referring to the other rulers of the cities under Empire rule.

  • Sunset Mountainside

    What in the world is a Weeping Angel, Craïs thought as the ever animated Doctor mulled over his "curse" of never having ginger hair. This too puzzled Craïs. They were shapeshifters, right? Or were their transformations uncontrollable?

    "Yes. He used to be my apprentice, a long time ago. There was a war and I mentored him in magic for a brief time, but... nevermind, that's not important. As for getting into Sonneset... I don't think so. The city is practically impregnable. I mean, we could get in. But we'd have the entire city running after us afterwards. Besides, I'm far more interested in the three people behind the current situation. There are supposedly these three gods who summoned the people from other universes here. I want to find them and see what they are really like. I have some suspicions I'd like to confirm. I bet one of them is in Havensville right now, but I bet they'd be gone by the time I'd get there. They're pretty damn elusive..." Craïs said, pouting.

  • @Cambridge Hazard

    The Gutpit
    One of the slave cages

    "W-Wait, please don't--" *CRACK*

    "Sharrap, ya annoyin git! Da boss is hungry, and ye look tasty..."

    The Ork had come in wearing a bloody apron, heralding the death of another slave. This one was one of the lucky ones, getting it's neck snapped for less resistance, instead of being kept alive for the fire, for some entertainment with the meal.
    The smaller greenskins, the Gretchin scattered for the chef as he brought the next meal to one of the bigger lads. Some followed out towards the celebrating Orks, while others started prodding the slaves again, enjoying their rare chances to bother something bigger than them. And as most of the slaves had given up hope, the Orks didn't bother posting any other guards.

    Outside, the roar of engines could be heard. It had been but a few days since the Mekboyz had gotten the fuel refinery working properly, to the joy of the speed freakz, who were now roaring about on their bikes and buggies, with the meks working on more and bigger vehicles. Soon, tanks, battlewagons and deathchoppas would be roaring about, spewing smoke like the city was doing more and more.

    Soon, the Orks would be roaring on their way to war!
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Wolf pondered and deciphered her intelligent paragraph into what he thinks is a nice summary of what's happening here;
"So, what you're trying to say is that not only will you get my Tower the glittery, High-power consuming parts and power, but you will also make it power itself? AND require no outside help? Just maintenance? Sounds genius! You outsmart me any-day! If you do that, I'll need to give you more than just technicians! Aside that though...we still have a little places to go, some people to meet, and some partying to do before we go off on this hmm?" He walked out of the room to dispose of his consumed beverage, and went outside of the room into the hallway, looking down at the ground and pacing back and forth before finally entering back into the room, a bit of time passed by before one of the servants handed him a note. he read it, placed into his pocket, and walked back in with Andrea, a bit less cheerful then when he walked out...
"Do you have any matters you wish to bring up, Andrea? I heard Nova Schelka had Casinos!"
Marina Liteyears

As Marina closed the distance between herself and the hornet robot, the hornet ascended into the air to keep its cannon out of reach. The thing sure looked goofy, but apparently it was also smart. "Hey no fair! Get back here so I can pile-drive you!" The hatch doors on the hornets honeycombs unlocked and showed a payload of 6 different missiles and with the cue of the robot's eyes glowing a sinister red, let loose the rocket powered explosives from their chambers. "Uh oh." Stopping was not a good idea at this point, lets she prefered being in sniping range, so she to hope that she could outmaneuver the missiles as they made impact.
Missiles 1 and 2 came to late, or Marina moved to fast as they hit the ground behind her, exploding as expected. Missile 3, 4, and 5 came in with a pattern. Two on the left one on the right in order to catch Marina in an explosive rhythm. Marina however was not deterred by this strategy, she would have to dodge accordingly. Missile 3 to the left, She jump as far to the right as she could. *Boom* Missile 4 came from the right, she jumped to the left *Kaboom* and missile again to the right and Marina jumped to left again. *Kablam*
"Hah! Is that all you got?" But during Marina's gloating, Missile 6 was going to touchdown in front of her and Marina wasn't going to be able to stop going the speed she was going right now, at least not completely. She could only prepare to soak the damage as best she could, as she tried to dig her "feet" into the soft earth and block her face with her arms. *BOOM* "Aaagh!" Marina was sent flying backwards from the splash damage till she came in contact with the ground were her body skipped off of it a few times till slowing down to a rolling stop. "Ugh...Ouch." Marina slowly picked her bruised and dirty self up off the ground and looked up at the hornet bot once more. "*huff*...*huff*...Is that your best shot.? That was nothing. You could hit me with another one and I'd still be standing. Come on Waspinator! Shoot another one! I dare ya!" she said hoping the robot would be effected by the taunting.​
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