The Town of Serenity Point

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So i was working on my reaper and when i tried to save it my browser freezed and i lost everything...So the PMs will be a little late, sorry again!

But i will post everything that i am adding for some of the species, and would like all of your opinions as to if it's a good idea, bad idea or if you have a good idea to add.
Oh and I am open to anyone PMing me about relationships and friendships.
So is there anyone willing to be a co gm for me? I am starting to have too much on my plate and would be appreciated to have someone help me with it.
I would love to!
I would love to!
Okay thank you, how about i send out a pm so whenever we need to talk about the RP and discussing everything we can talk there? Thanks Autumn.
Yeah, totally no problem!
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duh, still here
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I'm here
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Still on board, but having writer's block.
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That was difficult, i finally finished my angel and reaper and now all my charries are finished!
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Yup! @Autumn_Burns_Red and I have decided sunday is a good day for this, I will be working on it and will probably be up monday because i have a dinner i am going too. Also we discussed a few new things about the species and i will post it here probably tonight/
Hey guys the IC may be a little late, i apologize because i have been struggling with the IC and summer school so again i am sorry for the delay.
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