The team Unites

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Kori smiled happily and clapped. "Oh yes that would be wonderful!" She giggled before she turned to the sound of Nightwing and Zero speaking. "Oh Dicky is speaking~" she said as she listened. Not long afterward though, she turned. "Wait, we need Wildfire and Raven where is your companion?" She asked looking around.

Wildfire walked around the city with Raina, smiling at all the new sights he was seeing. "So far this place is beautiful, don't you think?" He said as he smiled at her. He stuffed his hands into his pockets as he walked, humming softly.

@Thurrbo @Raven
Raven listened to Kori and looked at her with the question on Raina. "Raina went meditate when I left her. If you haven't seen her since then I'm not sure." She replied. Then began to think where else her apprentice might had gotten off to. There was a few places that worried Raven but those she knew Raina would find on her own if she was looking for her knowledge on her father.

Raina let her eyes wonder as they walked taking in all she could of downtown. She was also making notes of where they started and were headed so latter they might could find there way back if they didn't chose to fly. "Yes so far it is." She replied and smiled at Wildfire.

@Ryu Keiko
Raven listened to Kori and looked at her with the question on Raina. "Raina went meditate when I left her. If you haven't seen her since then I'm not sure." She replied. Then began to think where else her apprentice might had gotten off to. There was a few places that worried Raven but those she knew Raina would find on her own if she was looking for her knowledge on her father.

Raina let her eyes wonder as they walked taking in all she could of downtown. She was also making notes of where they started and were headed so latter they might could find there way back if they didn't chose to fly. "Yes so far it is." She replied and smiled at Wildfire.

@Ryu Keiko

Starfire tilted her head and shrugged. She had farther that her brother would be fine. Though there were something's about him that Mother warned about, though she wasn't too clear so she figured it wasn't much. Something about his anger. So far, he seemed so happy that didn't even seem like an emotion inside the male Tamaranean.

Wildfire smiled and laughed happily as he and Raina walked around. Along the way, he tried multiple foods the Earthlings had on carts, which he pretty much had at least 9 meals. He seemed to have the same appetite as Starfire, mainly because their people had nine stomachs, so eating too much was really never a problem. "Mmm~ Delicious!" He commented as he had a hot dog... With all the toppings. "This Planet has amazing food! I wonder if they have zorkaberries..." He said, placing his finger to his lips. He laughed as he went to pick out other foods, before the hot dog cart suddenly... Exploded from a pink ray, splattering food all over the Tamaranean boy. "What... Happened?" He asked, turning to Raina. He heard laughter, seemingly all around them as he looked around. The boy just seemed confused, not sure if this was some Earth game or not.

Raven gave Kori a curious look for a moment. "Now she might had meet up with your brother being they were talking before Dicky need us. And if so I'm sure there both fine." She said and gave a small smile.

Raina followed Wildfire. Curious of the foods some were similar to those on Azreath so she tried a few things. Not much though for she had only one stomach and it was very similar in ways to humans. She tried one of the smoothies at a cafe they passed. It was wild berry. She was just finishing up as Wildfire ate a hot dog with many strange looking toppings. She took another sip listing to Wildfire then looked at him and shrugged. "Perhaps they might. They have most teas similar to those on Azreath so why not Zorkberries?" Then she followed him to look at more foods and hear the cart behind exploded. Raina looked at him. "I'm not sure." Then hearing the laughter she let her eyes wonder looking for the culprits on Azreath this would not be stood for outside of training.

@Ryu Keiko
Wildfire turned to look up, as a shadow seemed to formed around him, and it was growing fast. as he looked up, he noticed something... Large was falling and he quickly leaped out of the way, but couldn't land right and tumbled on the ground. "Darn it, looks like I missed the kid~" A gruff voice said from the dust and debris. "Oh come on, how could you miss a stinkbrain like him?! I'm surprised he could even dodge you from falling and crushing him!" said a youthful... Yet painfully annoying child's voice with a sick laughter. "Now boys~ Let's give our guess a proper welcoming, shall we?" Came a final third voice, soft and feminine. A pinkish hue seemed to glow around the three shadows amongst the debris as it cleared, showing the trio shrouded beneath it. "Who are you, and are you the cause of the exploding of the delicious Earth food?" ask Wildfire, tilting his head in confusion. He didn't understand that they were clearly getting attacked.

Raina blinked seeing a bolder land right beside her where Wildfire once stood. She heard the attacker's voice along with two others one sounded like a kid while the other a girl. She looked at the three and noticed something pink that was with the dust shadow. Raina heard Wildfire ask if they were the cause which she felt they probable were. She looked at the three. She made two fist not sure what she was about to get into but something made her feel this was why Azar had told her to begin training with Lady Raven. "What's the idea throwing rocks at people?" She asked a temper sounded in her voice. She breathed and felt the cold once more seem to grow which didn't bother her one bit. She just needed to stay clam to not end up hurting the wrong people.

@Ryu Keiko
The girl turned to Raina and giggled as he smiled. "Why, we are the Academy's top students~ We have exclusive rights to do as we please, wouldn't you agree?" The girl laughed as she spoke. The small one, the kid, walked forward and snorted. "Yeah so what if we did this, what are you pit-sniffers gonna do about it? Huh?!" He said, causing him and the large male that throw the rock to laugh. "I see the Titans really did get some new friends. Too bad they are gonna be squashed soon! Right, Jinx?" He said, towards the female who chuckled as she rose her hands. "That sounds about right Gizmo~ I guess that means their luck just ran out~" She said as she waved her hands forward towards the waters behind them below the harbor, causing a massive tidal wave to come towards them. Wildfire blinked, listening to all this. "Jinx? Gizmo?" He said then looked at the unknown large male and scratched his head. Then, when seeing the tidal wave appear, causing civilians to run away, it finally clicked. "You three are definitely NOT nice!" he said as he began to rise to his feet, balling his fist.

Raina raised a brow and listened. "Academy?" She said and gave a small laugh. "Well I guess Earth must have some strange academy's." She replied and looked to little kid and the man. Hearing all three she just breathed to stay clam so she didn't screw her chance up. She turned to see the tidal wave and could hear Wildfire make a comment to the group. She smiled and then Raina moved her right hand to point at the tidal wave. A blueish white glow left her hand and hit the water which became ice then she whispered. "Azreath Metrion Zinthos" She said and the ice became steam. She looked back to the three and Wildfire. "Wildfire you okay?" She asked and glanced to see the groups reaction. She hadn't yet shared her powers with her new team and she knew Raven had an idea what she could do. Yet she couldn't always seem to get her powers to work just how she wants. She knew the only reason it worked this time was she meditate not long ago. "Is that all?" She asked in a mocking voice to the three.

@Ryu Keiko
The three looked at her then at each other, smirking. Soon, the large one stepped forward, cracking his knuckles and neck. "I guess that means it's my turn, right?" The male said as he laughed. "Jinx giggled and watched from afar. "Crush the girl first Mammoth~ She reminds me too much of that dark cloaked wench from the Titans~" she says giggling as Mammoth balls his fist, lifting them above his head. He grunted as he suddenly swung down with a full force, his strength apparent even though he didn't even do anything yet but that one movement, as he went to slam the ground hard. But before he could do it, a flash of blue appeared before suddenly, nothing seemed to happen... Civilians, who had known the big brute, were ready for a ground pound attack, but were shocked to see the confused male, Wildfire, suddenly underneath the arms of Mammoth. Wildfire grunted as he held his arms up, using all his strength to keep from falling. "I will NOT allow you to hurt my new friend Raina! Now kindly leave us be please!" he said, still sounding so innocent and confused.

Raina looked at Mamoth and heard Jinx which Jinx's comment didn't sit well with her. She stared seeing how before she would need to plan a way to move before Mamoth could hurt her there Wildfire was holding the man from continuing his attack. "Thanks." She replied to Wildfire wondering if this is what Raven meant when she described once to Azar and the council of Starfire's strength. She moved out of Mathom and Wildfire's way so that Wildfire could move the man with a less of a chance to end up hitting her. She then looked at Jinx. "I'll ask you once. Please do not ever offend Lady Raven in any way again. And as my friend Wildfire said leave please." She said knowing how the word wrench could be taken easily and hoped that maybe they would take her and Wildfire's warring even if it might not seem so from the two.

@Ryu Keiko
Wildfire grunted as he shouted out, pushing off the ground as he pushed Mammoth back. "Yes, now please leave us be. We are just here trying out the foods." he said as dusted himself off. Jinx scoffed and looked at them both. "You two are as dumb as the others, aren't you?" She asked, looking at them with astonishment. "You don't understand that we..." She said as she sent out another wave of powers, aiming directly towards them, "Are in charge here!" She shouted as the ground around them seemed to rumble and crack, as a massive earthquake seemed to happen around them. Wildfire jumped up and floated as the tremors began but was suddenly punched back by Mammoth, being thrown yards away into a building. "Block that, little man!" He laughed as he cracked his knuckles again. Gizmo came up behind Raven and went to grab her by her arms. He was supported by four large mechanical legs that came from the backpack on his back, and laughed. "You rotten snoteaters are so screwed now!" He laughed.

(OOC: Sorry about the obnoxiously long post. >.< Tried to figure out a way to get Taz to the fight without just magically showing up for no reason ^^")


No one seemed to know where Raina and Wildfire had gotten off to, but it was assumed they were together, wherever they were. The others seemed to think they'd be fine as long as they stuck together, but Gaistaz had a funny feeling in her gut. She couldn't quite place it, but something was causing her concern.

"Please excuse me," Taz interjected quietly, "but I'll be right back. Just gonna... go... find the bathroom." She smiled awkwardly as her excuse to slip out of the room came out as anything but smooth. Nevertheless, she slipped out and hurried down the hallway, trying to find somewhere she could focus. And, ironically enough, she actually came across a bathroom. "Wow. How do you like that?" She stepped into the bathroom and closed the door behind her, leaning on the sink and staring into her reflection in the mirror.

She tried to ignore the off-putting burn mark underneath her right eye, as seeing that only amplified the slight panic she felt in her gut. Instead, Gaistaz closed her eyes and gently clasped her hands together. Videsi... she thought, invoking the name of The Presence. With eyes still closed, Taz felt a quiet surge of energy come in touch with her mind's eye, and she tried to locate Raina. After a couple minutes of searching, Gaistaz felt a sudden link -- it was like something just clicked, and she could feel Raina's presence. Though she could not at all see where Raina was or what was going on, Taz could feel the conflict that she was caught up in. Raina was using her powers and fighting back against something... but what? Taz couldn't tell.

Her eyes flew wide open as panic began to overcome her. She had to go tell the others -- Raina and Wildfire were in trouble! But wait... Gaistaz paused, wondering what the trouble might be. What if it's The Company? What if it's them, and they've finally found this place? There was no way of being certain, but Taz decided she attributed that initial feeling of uneasiness in her gut to the chance that Raina's attackers might actually be from Muuzimo... After all, it was only a matter of time until they found her, and she didn't want to drag everyone else into it. She just hoped that this conflict wasn't the time.

Videsi, grant me the sight to see, Gaistaz prayed, the will to move, and the soul to act! At that moment, her normally white irises suddenly glowed icy blue as her powers were activated. Trying to lock back on to Raina's energy, Taz opened a portal and stepped through -- but when she got to the other side, Raina and Wildfire were nowhere to be seen. "Gosh darn it..." Her skills in spirit transport could definitely still use some work.

Instead, Gaistaz had been plopped down somewhere else random in the middle of Jump City, not too far from where the conflict was going on. She could hear the crashes and bangs of a fight going on nearby, and she began sprinting in that direction. Upon arrival at the scene, Taz found she was right. "Raina, Wildfire!" she called out to them, letting them know she was there to help. Taz looked at the three instigators: a large hulk of a man, a pesky child with a robotic backpack, and a slippery girl clad in purple hues. While she remained on her toes at the sight of these unknown villains, Gaistaz breathed a sigh of relief to see that this conflict wasn't at all instigated by The Company. So I'm still okay... she thought. For now.
Raina shook her head at Jinx. "No I think you have it wrong. Last I heard this was the Titans home. There city not whoever you all are's."She didn't move for a moment sensing someone as if trying to contact her. She had for a moment a look of confusion. 'Who would? Is Raven worried? No that's not the same aura as Raven's soul self. Then who?' Soon it seemed to fade then she heard Gaistaz but didn't have much time to reply for Raina soon noticed Gizmo moving in what he was trying to do she wasn't sure but she noticed that the giant legs were metal she wondered if maybe she could make him fall by turning the ground beneath her into ice. She smiled and let her hands aim down. "Azreath Metrion Zinthos" She announced once more and yet again a blue came from her hands this time aimed at the ground.

@Ryu Keiko @Thurrbo

Raven heard Gaistaz and wonder what she could sense was wrong till the girl asked about the bathroom. She just nodded and most of her attention was still on Zero anyhow because she needed to know if he would respect her request for Raina's be-hath she was also bothered by her father's name but if Raina heard Trigon instead of Scath she wasn't sure what the young Azreathian would do. This worried her and after what Azar shared with her about Raina the girl needed any leads to learning about her father well secret and as if locked up. Why Azar stressed all this Raven did not know.
Gizmo looked at the girl and laughed, hearing those words. "Those magic words won't help you here stink-" He suddenly stopped midsentence as he realized too late what she was doing. As ice formed on the grounds below him, his metal legs lost traction and he began to slip, quite comically too~ "W-What?! WHooaaaaaaaaAAAAHHHHH" He shouted out as he crashed into a suddenly surprised Jinx. Mammoth laughed at them both as he watched, not paying any mind to Wildfire. He thought he was weak. He didn't even take him seriously. Wildfire, pushing debris off of his body, stood in the rubble of the wall he was knocked into. He balled his fist, causing blue orbs to form around them, but they seemed... Off. The air around him felt as cold as Raina's ice as he stepped forward, before suddenly dashing off into flight, headed straight towards Mammoth. "You are not nice at all!!" he shouted out angrily, his anger getting the better of the Tamaranean. Before Mammoth could turn around, he was hit with starbolts, and quite the large volley of them, before he felt himself lifted from the ground by Wildfire, who grunted out and held him, though he seemed to struggle. Though he was from Tamara, Wildfire hadn't yet acquired the strength his sister(s) had, and it bothered him alot through his childhood, but right now it didn't matter. All that matter to him was blowing some steam off.

(Feel free to take control of any of these guys if you'd like~ ^^))

@Thurrbo @Raven
Raina heard Gizmo laugh but was focused on finishing then finally she did and held her own laughter at watching him fall. Then he crashed into Jinx which made her let out one laugh. She looked and watched Wildfire attack Mammoth. She watched for a while then began to walk on the ice as if she never changed the ground. Her skin was now even colder than how she arrived but it never bothered her. Stepping of the ice she made ice still seemed to form under her feet. She went behind Wildfire. "Um....Do you think he needs hit any more? Shouldn't we maybe get them ready for jail or something?" She asked remembering one detail from a story about Slade she heard from Raven it did eventually seem to lead back to Raven's father's arrive up to the point the Titans defeated him and imprisoned him for a while.

@Ryu Keiko @Thurrbo
Wildfire, ready to fire more starbolts at them all growled as he suddenly heard Raina's voice. He turned to her and blushed as his eyes seemed to stop glowing and he lowered his hands. "Oh... Yes.... That's what we should do!" he said, laughing nervously. He looked over at the criminals, who were all in a daze as the Jump City police force rolled up to the scene. "Should we not... Return to the Tower?" he asked, both Gaistaz and Raina. Without waiting for an answer, the boy, who was so excited to finally be able to see this cite, floated off, and flew back towards the Tower silently.

@Raven @Thurrbo
Raina stared at Wildfire confused on the growl but couldn't help but smile after seeing him blush. She then glanced seeing the police arrive as if on cue. Then she looked to Gaistaz at Wildfire's question then back to him. "Yes..." She replied and then he seemed in a hurry to take off back for the tower. She gave a sigh and looked to Gaistaz. "Um... If you want to head on you can. I'll be a minute I have to clean up the ice." She said knowing how Raven always made her find some way to make the ice not stay on the training field she said it was for Azar. Now Raina wondered if it was so the ice wouldn't permanently stay on the streets of earth. She then began to work turning the ice mostly into water which seemed to float. Raina also noticed the ice under her feet and sighed. She also began to work on that as well. Though the air near her still seemed if someone got to close as if they were in winter or even in Antarctica.

@Thurrbo @Ryu Keiko
Gaistaz watched in slight shock as Wildfire seemed to beat the living daylights out of the crooks, only to be brought back to reality by Raina's words. Holy... Wow, she thought, at a loss for words. It was like out of nowhere, a volcano had erupted within him and he had developed tunnel vision. The only thing he could see was taking out this sudden rush of anger. Truth be told, it was slightly frightening to Gaistaz.

She was thankful, though, that neither Raina nor Wildfire seemed to be hurt. They had taken care of this meddlesome three without any trouble it seemed.

Gaistaz was still caught up in the strange image of a furious Wildfire, and it was until Raina said they should go on without her that she snapped out if it. "Wh-what? Are you sure?" Gaistaz didn't mind waiting, and she was going to tell Raina that she'd stick around until the ice was gone... but perhaps it was best to make sure Wildfire was alright? She glanced back at him over her shoulder; he did seem a bit dazed after all, and Taz wanted to be sure nothing was eating at him. "Alright... I'll be sure to let everyone know you're okay. Don't be too long!"

With that said, Taz put on her normal smile again and took off after Wildfire. (She couldn't fly, so she had to run to catch him.) "H-Hey, Wildfire! Wait up!" she called, waving him down. "Are you feeling alright? You just... You look a little dazed, that's all."

@Ryu Keiko @Raven
Wildfire was lost in his thoughts before he heard his name being called from below. He stopped and looked down to see Gaistaz shouting up to him. He floated down so she didn't have to shout and landed gently. "May I help you Taz?" He asked softly, his voice not as cheery as usual but he had a soft smile on his face.

@Thurrbo @Raven
Raina only nodded quickly in reply and only knew that Gaistaz went after Wildfire but the sound of her running. It took a while but eventually all the ice was now water floating above Raina. She looked out to the sea and made the water head for it not releasing until it was over the sea and when she released she did so slowly and carefully so to not recreate the wave. She glanced once she was finished to once more make sure there was no ice for an innocent to slip on. She then noticed a figure in a cloak and ran after it a moment but lost it. Who the figure was she didn't know but she noticed he dropped a book. Raina bent and picked it up she read the title which said Gakalohr. Raina didn't know why but the name seemed to call to her. She picked it up and then checked to see if the man was around they weren't so she decided to keep it. Maybe she was meant to find this or well that's how she felt. She then walked out of the alley she went to find the man and levitated to head for the others and back toward the tower.

@Ryu Keiko @Thurrbo
He didn't even hear me? Gaistaz thought to herself as Wildfire came down to talk to her. Man, he really is out of it... She returned the smile he gave her, but the lack of cheer in his voice did not go unnoticed. "Well, actually I was gonna ask you the same thing," Taz mentioned. "Is everything okay? I don't know what happened back there, but... you seem a little shaken up, that's all."

@Ryu Keiko
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