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"yes we should look at them" Akame said and carried her katana along while walking down next to iris. "I wouldn't mind to walk the stairs up later, it would be a nice training!"
Rin was with them the whole time. Duh. (Heh, Jk.) He would of been distracted but he'd smile at Artorias and Korra at times. Rin forgot to say his proper hello to them. "Oh. Yeah. Forgot. My name is Rin! Nice to meet ya." He said to the two, then looking back down at his katane bag, trying to get the zipper to move, since it was stuck.

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Artorias suddenly is still, he turns his head to Rin as he greets him. "Rin you say? Why art your teeth so sharp?" Artorias got worried, was Rin a demon or something? Perhaps a hollow? He watched him carefully as he struggled opening his bag.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Iris burst through the door that led to the hallway between the hall Artorias, korra, sage, and run were. To the right was the pool and left was the place with the others.
"I'm going to check up on them. Just stick my head out and see if they need help." So iris opened the door slightly and leaned out.
"Do you guys need assistance? Oh, hi robot guy! Hey that rhymed!" Iris said to them.
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Emily stayed quiet as yet another female greeted the pair of the horror freaks. As long as they didn't try anything she thought she could keep her cool, however, it didn't help when she realized that she did in fact lose her gun.

"Oh, well will you look at, more people."

"I'm a knight. Fear me," Rexie said out of the blue.
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"Sal!" Liu said and ran to the ghost girl. Sally was like his older sister in their dysfunctional family of psychopaths. Jeff's cheekbones twitched up showing that he was smiling slightly, he ruffled Sally's hair and looked to the others. He didn't quite trust them at all, but if they hurt Liu or Sally they would be asking for it. "Why don't we go into the inn, it seems like a place everyone would gather." Jeff suggested, it wasn't like they were getting much done here with their thumbs up their asses.
Rin looked up and smiled again. "Don't freak out. I'm a demon." He said and finally got the zipper unstuck. Yes!" He said happily, and nodded toward Artorias. "Ah. By the way, i won't hurt you or anything. I'm even an Exorcist." He said casually.

(Hi Nico! What's up? Long time no see! Kinda. :P )
"Where I'm from, demons are horrible creatures that die at the hands of the brave... As long as you don't try anything we shall be deemed acquaintances..." Artorias was glad the guy wasn't hostile. He was much too panicked and tired to fight... He turns around upon hearing a female voice. "Who is this Robot guy..?" He says sternly but turns around quickly to Rin and whispers loud enough for him to hear; "Demon boy! What does this maiden mean by a 'robot'?!"
(( Artorias is from a time with only simple technology... So heads up again.))
Rin growled at him. "Well i ain't a horrible creature." He muttered. Rin then smiled at Iris but his smile faded at the robot guy. (Hehe.) "Don't call me Demon Boy again. My name is Rin.." He growled at him again.

"Well, you are covered in armor, you might wanna take off your helmet. Robots are made of like all.. metal.. and stuff.. and your armor looks like it's made from things like that..." Rin actually didn't really know what armor was made of... "Robots are machines made out of stuff like your armor material. We don't see your face, also since you are all in armor, we just call you Robot Guy." Rin laughed a little.
(Yeah it has o^o
Nice too see you again.
Also I'm thinking of bringing my two characters over to the group)
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Sage who had clearly lost herself somewhere in her mind, watched as the two conversed silently and hoped to bring no attention towards herself. For a while, she succeeded, that is until she heard a girl call Artorias a robot. This transitioned from a small giggle robs full blown laugh. She continued to laugh for a while before recovering her composure. "Sorry! I didn't mean to creep on you... I didn't realize you hadn't noticed me... U..uhm my names Sage..." Sage blushes before side glancing at Korra and then back at the other two.

"It's been an absolute pleasure to meet you all but if you guys' are gonna sit here and chat, I think I'll best be on my way... Someone said I should finds room at the inn to be safe so that's what I going to do... That and I'm hoping they might have a computer or something so I can get a hold of my friends... So, uhmm yeah! See ya!" Sage smiles brightly before whipping around and walking towards the other hallways in hopes to find a room.
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Sally giggles a bit as Jeff rustled her hair. "Good idea! Let's go." She takes his hand and walks with the two. "Any ideas how we got here?"
"Hey, I'm trying to be helpful here. If you don't want to come, you don't have to," she said sharply, not all too pleased with this man's suspicion. If she wanted to attack him, she would have by now; metal armor wasn't really a good defense against her metalbending skills. He approached them, his true height becoming more apparent as he came closer. Sage had already shrunk herself out of self-comparison with the man's height, and while Korra was in awe of how a person could be that tall, she wasn't fazed.

Sage curtsied at the knight, who called himself Artorias, and introduced herself.

"I'm Korra."

"I'm rather perturbed by this place. It's rather quiet... I've concluded that we should indeed band together. It would be greatly beneficial!"

"H-Hey, that's what I just said!" she threw her hands out, making a rather comical face at Artorius. Well, at least he was happy, that counted. I guess. Another person introduced himself, one whom Korra hadn't noticed until he spoke up. Rin, as he called himself, then proceeded to get the zipper on his long bag stuck together. It was easily resolved and one of the two girls from earlier appeared and greeted them all.

"It's been an absolute pleasure to meet you all but if you guys' are gonna sit here and chat, I think I'll best be on my way... Someone said I should finds room at the inn to be safe so that's what I going to do... That and I'm hoping they might have a computer or something so I can get a hold of my friends... So, uhmm yeah! See ya!" said Sage.

"I agree with Sage. We better get going and find someplace to stay. I don't think any of us will be getting out of this place for a while." She followed Sage down the hallway, stopping at the first door. She tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge, as if the door was being squeezed in its door frame. Korra kicked it hard once to no avail. "That's one tough door," she mumbled before looking at the rest of the hall.

Suddenly, the hallway had grown longer, its doors spreading farther apart. The window at the end became a small beacon of light, emphasizing just how much space had formed.

"Has that hall always been that long?"
"Okay, so if you guys need anything, I'll be in the pool! By the way, I'm Iris!" she said, glad to make someone laugh. She pulled her head into the doorway. She walked across and opened the door to the pool.
"Here we go Akame!"
Artorias was angered by this display. "Robots are made of metal..? Demons are made of sin. I will not remove my helm, ever. I'd appreciate some respect... Rin. I apologize for calling you a demon." He wasn't too mad. Just a bit annoyed. Rin was a decent person so far. "If they're leaving, I need to as well... I must rest." He follows after Sage and Korra, the plates of his armor lightly clanking together as he walked. He came to halt as the two ahead of him did.
"That's one tough door."
Artorias panicked slightly. Did the doors not open..? He starts breathing heavily. He hated large spaces, and small ones. This was hell. "Move aside please..." He says slightly panicked. He waits for the two to move and and takes a deep breath. He lunges at the door with all his might. It gently opens... Artorias slumps to the ground breathing heavily, not even looking at what was inside.
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Sage watched as the door opened quietly, she tilted her head curiously before squinting her eyes as if to focus. "Strange..." Sage takes a step closer towards the room before freezing midstep. She heard a familiar sound coming from down the hallway. She turned her head slowly before hearing a door slam shut followed by a giggle.

"I..uhm... Are you sure this place is like, safe and shit?" Sage attempted to hide the slight fear she had but failed, "M...Maybe there's a reason to why this door wasn't opening... Perhaps we should get moving!"
Akame nodded and followed to the door. She looked at the pool and didn't even notice that she still hold her katana. She moved closer to the pool and when she want to jump in she noticed and blushed a little. "Hmmm still carrying it" She put it on the sides and then jumps into the water
"Oh, dude, last time I was here, The upperclassmen made it a contest to see who could make the biggest of most creative splashes. I won the girl's contest for most creative. I almost got height too." She jumped in the deep end. Her feet were crossed and were in first, but the rest of her was stiff straight. When she slipped under the waves, her body curved by itself and then she was parallel to the waves. She smiled, then came back to the surface.
"Dude, it feels so nice to be in a normal climate and back to the water. The last three places I've been, they've been winter. And the one had eternal snow. Gah, was it cold." She said, treading on the water.