The Sword of Weathers. (OOC)

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I'm not in a big rush. I have three term papers due in the next two weeks which are soaking up most of my writing time, anyway.
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"What job are you applying for?

Arcane Artist.

"Why did you apply for this job?"

Money. Entertainment. Knowledge.

"What skills do you have?"

My knowledge in the Arcane Arts is vast. Necromancy, Transmutation, Enchantments, Evocation, just to name a few schools of magic within my arsenal.
Do not mistake me as some fragile scholar. I've had my fair share of brawls and I'm no stranger to physical violence. Augmented by my own spells, you'd find that I'm just as dangerous up close as I am far away.
But my true skill lies in my craftsmanship. From swords and armor to airships and their artillery, I've used my time at the academy to earn myself the skills to craft many types of wonderful items.

"How long have you been what you are?"

Admittedly I've only recently earned my Masters for my magical arts, but I have been training since I was an adolescent youth. And even before I formally accepted my Masters in magic, I was already quite capable thanks to my experiences. My degree simply proves this as facts on paper, long overdue.

"Are you willing to risk your life for our client if we hire you?"

Of course. I risk my life simply stepping outside of my own home. I have a respectful amount of fear for death, if only because I cannot complete my job if I'm dead. But death comes to us all. No sense in making enemies with it when you can embrace it once it comes for you.

"Why do you think we should hire you?"

Because I'm the only one here capable of what you seek. I know what your master wants. I know how to get it. Any others you hire could die on this mission. I will succeed.
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You have Masters Degree in Magical Arts? You know the job market for that is kind of slim, right? Have fun working at Ye Olde Starbucks, haha.

Anyway, we have a Character Sheet thread somewhere. Here it is:

Make your sheet and post it there.
In my opinion, he or she could still open up a shop, offering services for enchantments. Did I not mention that people pay big bucks for enchantment services? Enchantments can preserve items and strengthen armors. She could still use her knowledge in spells to hunt animals and sell the meat. She could even apply for a government job. Maybe she'll get lucky and get hired. Or she could become a nun. :P
I want to emphasis that Doctor Weaselhoffer did not tell the guild that he is searching for the sword of weathers. If your character knows that the doctor is searching for the artifact, please let it not be from the guild.
@Sir Pinkleton

Is superbutler still under construction?
Yeah, but I've been busy with a lot of other stuff. Super Butler will have to wait. Curious to see what kind of competition your worker's up against?
Yeah, but I've been busy with a lot of other stuff. Super Butler will have to wait. Curious to see what kind of competition your worker's up against?
Of course. Mostly because I'm not sure what you expect from a general worker.
Okay, so I'm going to explain to Lucius Cypher about the skills thing. I don't know how to tag people on this site, so I'll just hope they see this.

Remember how under skills I told you to take it easy and not go overboard and become god? We said we didn't want spec ops wizard ninjas that shoot lasers and fly. This is a spec ops wizard ninja. If a character is pretty much a master and can dispatch anyone with a wave of their hand, it pretty much means that everyone else is going to sit around picking their nose cause it's too easy, or everyone else will be murder-raped by golems on day one because it's too hard to compensate for having a GOD on their team.

Don't worry man, you don't have to shoot lightning at the gods to impress us. We still think you're cool.
Well, what would be the amount of magic someone who studied for twenty years and graduated with a masters would know? Otherwise I'd also have to change her interview portion to be more honest or she's a liar.
Well, what would be the amount of magic someone who studied for twenty years and graduated with a masters would know? Otherwise I'd also have to change her interview portion to be more honest or she's a liar.
Right-o then. Firstly, it would take way more than 20 years to study magic to become a master. Waaaaay more. Why do you think wizards are a bunch of old farts? Cause it takes decades to study it and decades more to discipline yourself to actually be considered a master. A degree is a piece of paper. A beard, now that's a statement, baby. It just screams out, "I know shit."

Second, you can turn into a dragon. A fucking dragon. Not a newt or a somewhat large iguana; a dragon. Second, one of your spells literally says, and I quote:

Yama can summon an infinite amount of weapons which he can assault his enemies with telekinetically.

Infinite matter production is pretty much a giant red flag. Some of these spells are pretty good. They're useful without ripping time and space a new one. But a lot of these are powerful to the point that casting them would pretty much just kill you. Like drop dead once the incantation is done.

I'm sorry, but these make your character a living god. There are a lot of options open to you that you can take to make the character playable; but playing a walking death machine kind of takes the fun out of things.
So rework the character, or grow a beard. A cool beard. Braid that shit up, it'll look dope.
Seriously though, make your character a person, not a god.
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Alright, I'll edit the magic, but I also would like to point out that the incantation for that spell is a mouthful. And it needs to be paced, so it'll take Yama a good two minutes to finish saying it. A lot of stabby things can happen in two-minutes.

Edit: Alright, I changed up the magic to remove the higher level stuff as well as shorten the list. Transmutation has five spells, followed by Enchantment with four, Evocation with three, and Necromancy with two. I also changed her "Cunning Brawler" to "Cunning Wrestler", meaning that she's less of a punchy person and more of a slam person.

I should also note that Yama is not a blaster/nuker type mage; her favored school of magic is Transmutation, which alters her physical ability, meaning that yes, the Arcane Artist is expecting to run into the fray. Normally Evocation would be the magic that hurls fireballs, but she chose a style of Evocation that allows her to conjure physical mana instead of lightning bolts.
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@Lucius Cypher , In The World, no one is able to manipulate the life force of the other living creatures unless they know the true name of the said living creature.

Only if a person truly know ones true nature, background, and personality, will they have the chance to acquire the true name of an individual. For one to know ones true name is very rare. Perhaps even one in a billion. If you want to animate death, you will have to use the spiritual energy residing in your own body. A spell would require the equal amount of spiritual energy in your body. So, to recreate life, you would in return kill yourself. Almost all of your necromancy skill is not allowed to be used in The World. It is considered overpowered, even godly. Please, lower her strength down to a human scale.

I am at work now. I don't have time and I haven't finish reading your character sheet. But when I do, I'll comment on it again.
I wish I was told about that before I added necromancy as one of her spell schools, though I might have missed that somewhere. Alright, editing it again... Might change Necromancy to bolster Evocation just to give Yama more range options.

Edit: Alright, I removed one of the Necromancy spells, though if Necromancy as a whole is bunked than I'll just remove that and add a new spell to a different school. I also gave Evocation a new, rather minor spell that's essentially Magic Missile from DnD, with an extra effect.
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I am so sorry, ^.^' @Lucius Cypher

Magic is casted by method of muttering ancient words of power or writing runes of power with intent and will. Still, you cannot effect a living creature directly without knowing the living creature's true name. You cannot heal a person directly as well. That means you also cannot suck the life or spiritual energy out of living creatures directly. You can curse on your fingers so that any living creatures that touch it would get its life and spiritual energy sucked. But casting the curse on your fingers would also cost you spiritual energy, sucking anything out of anything would cost you energy. Sucking energy out of a tree would cost you energy. Therefore, the energy you gain will amount to nothing.

Gems are not just decoration like in the real world. In The World, gems are like batteries and you can store spiritual energy inside them. You can transfer your spiritual energy inside a battery and use the spiritual energy within directly because a gem is not a living matter. But pay attention to how much spiritual energy you are transferring. If you transfer all your spiritual energy, that would mean killing yourself. Different kind and size of gem determines how much energy it can contain. Their worth is determined by the amount of spiritual energy they can carry as well as how beautiful a person might find it. If your character is filthy rich, perhaps he could afford lots of gems. But if your character is rich, why would he apply for the job in the first place?

An example of a spoken spell is like how I have written below, but in the ancient words.

"Let the water rise from the floor and freeze into sharp icicles with pointed tip. Let it hurl towards where I want."

Pay attention to how long the sentence of your spell is. In that time, anything might interrupt the person's speech and cancel the spell.

In this one spell, the person made the water rise then freezes it. Then he moved the icicles towards his enemy. levitating the water would cost him spiritual energy. Freezing it will cost him spiritual energy. Hurling it will also cost him spiritual energy. It would cost him a massive amount of energy to create water out of nothing, therefore he used an existing matter for his spell.

Adding mass to the size of your body would mean creating non existing flesh and adding it to your already existing flesh. It will cost you massive amount of spiritual energy when it comes to creating non existing matter. You can use the earth beneath you and add the earth to your flesh, but reshaping your flesh and bones would also cause you tremendous pain in which will effect your ability to think, disrupting your intent and will. It would even require focus because you may accidentally squash your brain in the process. You would also need knowledge in the structure of the thing you are shaping into.

Vmysehk Raynd - There are two ways this spell can be used: The first allows Yama to give an object or person flaming qualities, the second simply causes the person or object to burst into flames. The former gives the person or object an aura that radiates various levels of heat depending on Yama's preference, which the target of the enchantment is unaffected by. The latter essentially causes the target to catch on fire for a short time, potentially burning them to death. She can also delay the effects of this Enchantment or cancel them. A touch spell.
One of @Lucius Cypher 's, spell is a touch spell that would cause a person to burn. I can only imagine her casting a curse on her fingers where when anything touches her fingers will be burned. But for living creatures, the burns will only apply when her fingers are in contact with the living creature. Whatever fire that remains on the living creature is not in her control as it is on the living creature. This may seem illogical, but if it remains on the living creature, this simple spell would be overpowered.

That reminds me, whatever items that belongs to a living creature, that item cannot be taken with the use of direct magic. It could be taken with indirect magic such as raising the earth to move the item towards you. This is because the item is considered claimed and is one with the living creature.

Yama earned her glory thanks to her studies in magic. She had that "Underdog" reputation that quite frankly she wanted to shake off. She was an underdog because she lacked all of the support others had, their wealth and their talents. She would have simply been written off as a lost cause if she did not achieve success in the field of Magic Crafts, creating just one of her life's most greatest works: The Sundered Echo. A device that not only amplifies one's voice, but also serves as an additional mouth. It essentially allowed Yama to cast two magical incantations together, or the same one with twice the power. With the success of The Sundered Echo earning her the fame she needed, Yama dedicated the rest of her life to more magical study, to improve the skill she used to make her fame.
This device... I don't know what to think of it. It seems cool that you can cast say two sentences at once. But can you divide your will differently for each spell? Because will is needed in casting a spell. By just chanting a spell, the spell will not happen. And it is not actually you who are chanting the spell, but the device... I'm at lost. What do you think, @Sir Pinkleton ?

[*]Puto uv dra Seht - An advance level spell where Yama's body is surrounded by her own magical energy. This energy can take on a more definite form, such as a suit of armor or even extra sets of limbs and appendages. The magic can act on it's own without Yama's guidance, such as defending her from forces she cannot perceive herself or assisting her in tasks she is too preoccupied to do herself. Of course she can also control it to make the limbs to whatever she requires them to, or give them commands to follow while she is occupied doing something else. She can only target herself.
Your own will is needed in guiding spells. Unless you give life and soul to the limbs so that it has a mind of its own, then this won't happen. But if you do give it life, your own life would end. Unless you have stored massive spiritual energy stored in a gem.

Ynsat Fedr Fehkc - This spell gives an object or person the ability of flight. Those who are already capable of flight by non-magical means will become more agile and capable of greater aerial maneuvers. Those who are enchanted with this spell must make the conscience effort to fly, as they will fall if they lack concentration or suddenly become incapable of focus. A touch spell.
For as long as this spell remain active, her spiritual energy will slowly deplete. But it can only be casted on herself, not other living matter that she does not have the true name of.

Transmutation: The school of magic that revolves around the transformation of objects and people, or in the changing of one of their attributes. Also known as Alteration, with Enhancement and Shapeshifting as subschools of Transmutation. Yama's favorite school of magic, as it allows her to bolster her own physical ability with magic, or take on a mighty form to suit the occasion.
  • Yiksahd Ykemedo Yht Tinypemedo - This spell increases Yama's physical abilities to monstrous levels, namely her agility and durability. It lasts indefinitely and constantly drains her of energy, at least until Yama cancels the spell. Can only target herself.
  • Lryhka Eh Cewa - This spell allows Yama to change the size of something by intervals of 2 (x2). She can either make something larger or smaller. She can use this spell on herself or others, and the effects can stack. A touch spell.
  • Knaydan Bumosunbr - This spell allows Yama to alter her form. She can change into another humanoid, creature, or object roughly her size. She can also chose to simply change a part of her body. Can only target herself.
  • Nacdunydeuh - This spell allows Yama to fully repair a non-magical non-living physical object instantly. A touch spell.
  • Damagehadel Syhebimydeuh - A spell that allows Yama to control objects telepathically, as though she was physically trying to manipulate the object herself. A ranged spell.
Yiksahd Ykemedo Yht Tinypemedo would drain her spiritual energy so long as it remains active.

]Lryhka Eh Cewa would cost massive energy as it creates matter out of nothing. It can only effect non living matter and herself.

Knaydan Bumosunbr - would be be very painful.

Nacdunydeuh would only repair the shape but not the enchantment.

Damagehadel Syhebimydeuh is basically a movement spell, but it cannot effect a living matter or claimed items..
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We will be using this for how the races generally sees other races. Thank you Majem for showing me the web page.

@Lucius Cypher , since your character is an orc, which race of orc is he... she... he... hshe? :P

I like her bio and I like the image you use to picture her. I can imagine the tusks growing out of her lips inside that mask. She is one beautiful transvestite orc.
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From the sound of it, it seems like there's no direct way to actually use magic on anyone but yourself, unless you have their true name, which I'm guessing isnt common knowledge.

As for her fire enchanting the purpose of being able of causing others to burst into flames is just as it sounds: lights them on fire. If it could only burn on contact, it would be more effective to simply enchant herself with the former version and then punch them. Which is one way the effect can be used for.

The Sundered Echo is indeed a power item. By focusing ones will through, it acts like a second mouth. Novices who barely understand it would, at best, simply end up casting two of the sale spells in the same time it takes to cast one. But for a high level mage like Yama, they can cast two seperate spells at the same time. It doesn't change how fast they say the magic words, but it does allow them to say more.

I'm on my phone so I can't respond to each comment, but does are the ones off the top of my head.
From the sound of it, it seems like there's no direct way to actually use magic on anyone but yourself, unless you have their true name, which I'm guessing isnt common knowledge.

As for her fire enchanting the purpose of being able of causing others to burst into flames is just as it sounds: lights them on fire. If it could only burn on contact, it would be more effective to simply enchant herself with the former version and then punch them. Which is one way the effect can be used for.
You are correct.

I would suggest you wrestle them while causing them to burn when touching your body, but then you'd get burned as well. :P Not a great strategy.

The Sundered Echo is indeed a power item. By focusing ones will through, it acts like a second mouth. Novices who barely understand it would, at best, simply end up casting two of the sale spells in the same time it takes to cast one. But for a high level mage like Yama, they can cast two seperate spells at the same time. It doesn't change how fast they say the magic words, but it does allow them to say more.
Still, pay attention to the amount of energy the spells will cost. :)
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Would you mind me starting to write a post in the IC thread or wait for all slots to be filled?
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