The Sweet Song of Sacrifice

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Ooh, here's an idea! [Character] charges ups several spell charges (starting at 3, develops throughout the RP) at the same time. Then, depending on the situation, these can be spread out or focused with the following effects.
1 charge - half normal damage.
2 charges - normal effectiveness.
3 charges - about 1.5* normal damage.
4 Charges - 2* normal damage, does minor splash damage (about 1-0.5 normal damage, depending on vicinity)
5 Charges - Pierces Magic Defense (but not Shell), hitting all targets in the AoE (see below) They essentially become their own unique spells.

AoE type:
Blizzard - A fan-like pattern of ice spears starting from [Character]. It ignores allies, but hits all enemies caught in the stream. Damage is dependant on things like proximity, time caught in the stream etc.
Fire - A large fireball is hurled at the targed, causing a large explosion on impact and hitting every enemy in a sphere-shaped area for about 3* normal damage.
Thunder - A hail of thunderbolts is spread in a circular area, centered on [Character], each hit doing 1* normal damage. These can theoretically hit a target more than once, but they can also miss entirely. In addition, since the AoE is centered on [Character], that means he needs to get into close quarters to make the best use of it, generally not a good thing for a mage.
Water - A large wave of water is shot at the enemies. It's similiar to Blizzard, but hits a wider area and is ground-based. Fliers might avoid this attack entirely.

Only charges of the same spell can be combined; For example, using a Fire Charge and a Blizzard Charge on the same enemy counts as two 1-Charge attacks. In other words, the only way to use the most powerful attacks is to pool all charges into one element, which can be risky if the target's weakness/resistance is still unknown. Also, although it might be obvious, anything not in the AoE will not be affected at all.

Also, two questions:
1: Will tiered spells eventually upgrade to their higher versions? For example, Fire becoming Fira, then finally upgrading again into Firaga.
2: Due to the way Black Magic works, am I allowed to start out with more than one elemental spell? Of course, it will still be the basic version, but that's not the point.

As an extension to this, perhaps putting more Charges into a spell means it takes a little longer to cast, leaving the mage temporarily vulnerable? So, you get more power and effects, but also put yourself at risk for a short period of time?
I was thinking as long as people fought as their class types, those with mage abilities wouldn't have strong physical attacks and vice versa.

I like the idea for the charges, sounds like it would be interesting to see.

As for the tiered spells, yeah, basically they'd just get stronger as the caster got stronger. And yes, just start off with elemental magic and have the list of elements in there starting off as their weakest strength. Gaining strength as time goes on.

Now I've gotta go get ready for work, won't be on until late tonight. Talk to you all later.
As an extension to this, perhaps putting more Charges into a spell means it takes a little longer to cast, leaving the mage temporarily vulnerable? So, you get more power and effects, but also put yourself at risk for a short period of time?
Sure, that makes sense.

[snip] I like the idea for the charges, sounds like it would be interesting to see.

As for the tiered spells, yeah, basically they'd just get stronger as the caster got stronger. And yes, just start off with elemental magic and have the list of elements in there starting off as their weakest strength. Gaining strength as time goes on.

Now I've gotta go get ready for work, won't be on until late tonight. Talk to you all later.

Okay, got it, thanks. Also, cya!

Well then, back to writing it is. Depending on how things go, I might not be able to actually post my CS until saturday afternoon/evening (My timezone is GMT+1; it's currently 21:06 at the time of posting this message), but I'll see what I can do.
GMT +0 here!

Oh yeah, PM me if you wanted to have an existing friendship or past encounters with Ryle! :) I'm gonna assume anyone who's spent the last decade or so in Kilika knows him and is friends with him, but let me know any thoughts otherwise. Apart from that, the only time he's been off the island was when he was a street rat in Luca, so anyone who may have been in that city ten or so years ago could've been pickpocketed by him :P I'm open to any ideas!
[snip] Apart from that, the only time he's been off the island was when he was a street rat in Luca, so anyone who may have been in that city ten or so years ago could've been pickpocketed by him :P [snip]

XD! I can totally see this happening.

Character 1: ...
Ryle: ...
Both: ...YOU!
Character 2: So, do those guys know eachother?
Character 3 (The silly one): Looks like it. Hey, look, they're hugging eachother! They must be really good friends!
Character 1: *trying to strangle Ryle, who is trying to escape.*
Haha yeah that's perfect. Just add a laugh track and slapstick sound effects and there we go! Instant comedy. Who cares about Sin when we can just have fun and hijinks? :D
Haha yeah that's perfect. Just add a laugh track and slapstick sound effects and there we go! Instant comedy. Who cares about Sin when we can just have fun and hijinks? :D

No need for all that; Yakety Sax is more than enough. Seriously, that song makes everything funny XD.
I'm tempted to add Yakety Sax to a video of Yuna performing the Sending dance.
I am at GMC -0600 Central time. I am going to crash for the night then I'll be on after work tomorrow.
Teaser: My character's weapon.


How do you think this will be used, and what abilities will it have? Note that it's supposed to fit in one hand. also, don't mind all the crap around it; this was the first image I could find on the web of the type of weapon I'm thinking about.
Spin it around really fast, shining light so everyone can have a *SWEET RAVE PARTY*

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XD! No, that's not quite the intended use :P.
Aww. :(

Okay, serious answer. Is it a throwing disk maybe? Like a chakram?
Or you could have it be like in ff8 with Rinoa's weapon. a disk shot off the arm via some sort of mechanical contraption.
Rave party disc come on!!! XD Hey I was actually gonna ask how hard of monster fights are we all up for seeing as it hasn't started yet XD, Cause I have done rps with calamity before and as cute as she looks. Which is super adorable, she finds some scary monsters XD. So I think it would be best for everyone who is playing to vote how hard they want fights to be XD.
oh and as for the weapon make it a elemental random wheel. If your going to be using magic anyway just make it produce low level spells at random, heck to make it fun even use a random number generator while your doing it. Each color it becomes could be a different elemental effect.
Okay, I am back from work finally.

Very good question, so how hard do you guys want your battles/monsters and such?

And 8 Bit, I know what you are thinking.... Bad!
I wasn't thinking bad things... Just fun things ^^
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