The street kid

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Safely far away from the mall, at least another block over, Axel skidded to a stop, leaning against the wall of a nondescript building.

"How's that for a clean getaway?" he asked with a lopsided grin.

"You never run away from anything," Jace commented, eyebrow raised.

"Well," Axel shrugged. "This was a special case." He motioned to Red. "Right Red?"
Red went to lean beside Axel on the wall. She smiled at his lopsided grin. Once she had caught her breath she said,"Unfortunately yes." Red turned to. Look at Jace and said,"Umm i don't mean to be rude but who are you?"
Mia was her name when she lived with her mom and dad when it was the good old days. She was once in a small society in puter Rico where she lived near a beautiful lake when her dad got a job in America they moved in a big neighborhood that Mia liked it even though it was a small house she loved the swing in the front yard. It was a happy time for Mia ....

Until her dad went to work that one Sunday morning she remembered his smiling face as he left that morning. It was like a nightmare ... She remembered coming down the stairs as happy as a 10 year old can be when she saw her mother crying her heart out on the couch "Mommy what happened?". That's all she remember of that night she had found out that Night that her father had died from being shot in the chest in a drive by...

Her mother was broken after that she started drinking an incredible amounts of alcohol each day of Mia's 11 year of life. Then her mom starting coming
home late every Night of her 12 year old life. Letters and letters began to pile in that they would get evicted from there house so her mom got married to a strange man named Jeff that took them in. Jeff introduced her mother to marijuana and cocaine so ever night while she was up in her room mia's mom was downstairs getting high on drugs. It was Mia's 14th birthday and she wanted to go out like the good old days so we got prepped up for that occasion. When Mia went downstairs she found her mom on the couch hair crazy wild eyes blinking out of control with a huge smile on her face "Mom!" She ran to help her mom but she was as much in trouble as her mom. Jeff was behind her and she remembered him taking her to his room as she struggled trying to get free she couldn't. She screamed and cried for help but no one came to help her. She could still feel the tight grip around her neck as she passed out. She woke up with her clothes ripped and torn off with blood on the bed. She realized she was raped. 2 months later she found out she was pregant and she was put out the house cause her mother didn't believe that Jeff raped her. She had a miscarriage living out on the streets.

Mia is 16 now and the street's gave her the name Mime because she basically never really talked much and never talked about her past at all. Most people don't really know her real name they just call her Mime. She been living on the streets for 2 years now and she been roaming around since she lost her past friend Dim to a knife hold up 3 months ago.

Mia walked down the street in brown old boots, dark blue torn at the bottom jeans, a long sleeved purple shirt, and a black Apple bottom jack with her hood covering her long black hair. Her eyes were olive green that shown that she had no emotion in them they match wry her plush pink lips. She had a slight scare near her eye from were a knife was sliced on her cheek. She walked down a small narrow road, she's been walking for the past 2 days after running from a group of drunken idiots that came from a bar. She saw a few people up ahead but she kept her head down slightly so that she could see who they were there was a girl with red hair she could probably spot that air color from a mile away.
Red noticed the strange girl in the hood but didn't say anything. I wonder who that is she thought. She tuned back into the conversation around her hoping to be able to interject soon.
Mime came closer to the group she was fascinated with the girl's bright red hair she was in amazment. Mime lifted up her head so that she could get a better look at the the girl's wonderful hair. Mime eyes flashed with a wonderful emotion which hasn't happen in a while even when she was with her partner Dim her eyes never showed emotion.

( I'm going to use her street name now. Mime is her street name because she's so quiet, but her real name is Mia )
Red saw that the mystery had come closer. She stood where she was weary of her but said,"Hi. My name is Red. What's yours?" Shee had noticed the girl's fascination with her hair. Red was use to it though. So many people wondered if it was her real color.
"Yes sir...I promise it won't happen again." Rusti said to the cop. The cop took the handcuffs off gave him the ticket and drove away. Thank god Rusti had such a grown up stature or he would've never gotten away with this. Rusti smiled as he kept walking down the road. Why, he had gotten the cops gun with out him even knowing. He started running. He immediately hit the building tops and ran and jumped ledge to ledge as quickly, quietly, and swiftly as he could. It wasn't until he overheard conversation nearby that made him stop. He went and jumped to lower buildings, and he stopped at the side of one building. He jumped down quietly and hid in an alley. He eavesdropped on the conversation as slyly as possible.
She heard the girl talking to her "Hi my name is Red. What's yours?"the girl seemed to say. Mime stared back at the girl with no emotion in her olive green eyes "People call me Mime ... What are you guys doing here in this place? There is a police station near here just on the other side if that building" she pointed to a strange brown old building with cracks in it. "They look to come aroumd this area to pick up us on the street".
"We're on break," Axel quipped. He motioned to himself and his friend. "Axel, Jace. I'm not sure if it's a pleasure or not. Could be a midget cop coming to get us, gain our trust and take us away. But hey, anyway, Mime."

Jace hit Axel upside the head.

"It's true," Axel defended, nursing the abused spot. "Just ask the kid lurking around the corner."

"And you let him get this close?" Jace narrowed his eyes. The asian-looking boy knew Axel's capabilities and this was sub-par.

"If you hadn't abused me..."

'The kid lurking arou....damn.' he thought to himself. He strolled out of the alley way and into everyone's. "She's right." he said aloud while walking closer to the group. "They have been looking for us. I was just stopped by one. He let me go, but I doubt he'll cut you some slack when you're in a group like that." Rusti made sure the gun was well hidden. "So I think that you guys should probably get a move on." he said with a lay back attitude.
"It maybe a small cop but I might just hang with you guys"Mime moved closer to group so she was covered. "So how did you get the name Axel? Or is that your real name?" Mime tried to start up a conversation when she saw a kid walking towards tge group agreeing with her spoken statement "Maybe we should start moving through that small way there?" Mime pointed at the small field with small cans, broken bottles, and chips and candy bar wrappers.
Red wasn't sure si eager to trust the two new comers. They looked a little strange. Can't judge a book by their cover she thought. So instead she held onto Axel's hand. "I guess we should get going then." she said to the group.
Rusti nodded at the red headed girl. "Yeah see? Even she agrees!" Rusti smiled at the red headed girl and winked at her. "If you guys are moving too is it cool if I crash it with you guys?" he asked. Rusti went a little closer to the rest of the group. "How about it?"
"Ummm... Yeah me too"Mime said quietly as she pulled out a bag of gummybears that was in hee pocket "Would anyone want some I also have a reese cup, peanut chews, and two packs of original skittles". Mime had a stash of candy that Dim got her before he was killed in a knife flash, she was down to her last pieces of candy but she was willing to share.
Rusti smiled "Yeah lemme get a Reese's cup please." he said.
Mime pulled out a Reese cup and gave it to the boy "Ummm by the way what's your name?"
"I've got the name Axel because I'm a grease monkey," Axel shrugged. "Let's go elsewhere before those guys actually get us."

"For once you sound intelligent," Jace said dryly.
"And is Jace your real name" she asked the assume kid "Because it sounds like a regular name" she walked next to Jace. She liked his eyes there was something about Asian eyes that were very unique.
Red followed behind Axel as they walked across the field. She just observed the two newcomers and didn't say much. She wasn't too excited about having new people around her. After the shock in the mall, she her old fears were creeping up again.
Lyle ran away from the girl. The teenager was atleast 19 and was gaining on Lyle. He was running his fastest still she gained on him. He stopped and drew his gun pointing at the girl. The girl immediately held her hands up. He pointed to a roof door with the gun and made a "Move" motion. The girl nodded afraid and stepped to the door.

Lyle nodded and watched as the girl went down the stairs. He walked away and crouched behind an Ac unit. He searched his prize and grinned. The purse was leather with yellow cheetah stripes. He threw out all of the feminine supplies and found the good stuff. He held the wallet and opened it gently. The woman's Id fell to the roof floor. He took out the money and counted it. It was about 15 bucks including coins. He sighed and brushed his hand through his bushy brown hair. His brown skin seemed to reflect the rust on the scrap metal laying around.

He shoved the money in his pocket and moved on. He used to be called speck when he was in the Gutter rats gang. He remembered how he received the name. Him and his comrades were in deep poo. They hid in a room with bags full of textbooks. The gang robbed the college library knowing how expensive the books were. They were trapped with security at the door. Lyle found a large ventilation shaft behind a desk. Speck led the gang away.

He sighed recalling how they were shutdown. A different gang the sewer snakes came into the picture. He spat remembering the filth. They turned in the Gutter rats to the pigs. Speck simply didn't show up to the gang meeting were they were turned in. He sighed again and noticed a red figure in the distance. The 18 year old dug in his back pack and pulled out his binoculars. Speck cursed as he saw the group of kids. "Runaways..." He knew they were no harm but maybe they could be of use. Perhaps he could teach them how to swindle and gamble. Perhaps he could start a new gang.. Fresh start.

He shook his head and simply followed the group by roof top. Speck recalled what made him join the Gutter rats. He laid his hand on his black and brown Letterman jacket. He rubbed the Rat insignia and remembered. His parents were normal people. Both military. They were still oversees and he was sent to live with his grandparents. Speck let a tear fall remembering the scene. He came home from school to see the house in flames. He knew his Grandparents were dead since the car was still in the driveway. He walked away and survived the streets until the Gutter rats found him.

He looked back over to the group and cursed. "So stupid... Way too many people." He looked to his left and watched as police cars patrolled the streets just on the other side of the buildings. He shook his head as the large group walked on. He followed worry for their safety. He spat and remembered the first rule to street life. Discreteness. He laughed realizing the must not have heard the word before.

He reached in his back pack and took out an ammo box. He drew his .44 and reloaded the weapon. He still remembered the time Boss handed him the gun. He carved the word "Lucky" on the side.