The Sleepy Tavern

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Favorite drink?

  • Fruity

    Votes: 40 51.9%
  • Belly Burning

    Votes: 12 15.6%
  • Sweet n' Salty

    Votes: 12 15.6%
  • Throat on Fire

    Votes: 17 22.1%
  • Beer

    Votes: 13 16.9%
  • Water

    Votes: 17 22.1%

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Applauding the fine show that had just come to an end via Slick's command, Deorum turned towards the new patron who was enjoying the drink that one of his fellow bartenders had provided her with. Oddly enough, his face flashed with deep thought and remembrance at the sight of her angelic set of wings, before returning to it's usual apparently emotionless state. Deorum quickly bowed to Ferdinand and began walking towards the new patron.

Once he was at the angel's side, he stopped and smiled warmly. "Welcome to The Sleepy Tavern" he began, staring strangely into her eyes. "I hope you've been enjoying your drink, as well as the light entertainment." He quickly scanned the bar, searching for anyone making an order or in need of a refill. Realizing that there was no one, he sat on the stool next to Kristine, leaned back, and sighed.

Deorum extended his hand out to Kristine, gazing at her weirdly out of the corner of his eye. "My name is Deorum, I work here as a waiter and occasionally as an entertainer." Turning his head and facing her directly, his expression once again changed noticeably, though this time into something harder to interpret. "Would you mind if I asked you your story? What brought you to this bar?"
Kristine stared at the new person that had just came to her side. "Hello. I came to this bar from, well, uh..." she stuttered, thinking of whether to take the happy path or the real truth, she had came to try and decrease the depression slowly building in her heart. "I came because I love to see small buisnesses flower." she said, choosing happy as her choice, a bit of rush in her voice. She took a drink and then slowly stopped playing with the blue pearl on her coat. She was well aware they knew of her wings, and she tried to conceal their frost tips by using several attempts to rush much more blood than they needed, heating the tips and removing the frost. It was normal for her to try, and it usually worked, but this time it failed, and her wings got a hint more red. It was almost unnoticable, but if you were paying attention, you could notice the once blue veins had turned a crimson color.
The ghostly figure sipped on his drink and relaxed. The scenery in this place was very nice, lots of young, living souls drinking away and a nice warm building. He remembered the good old days when the first tavern was made near his house. He was only very young then, something like 40. Tiny. Now that he was around a few thousand years, he had stopped counting. Tossing a few coins onto the bar serving area, Unnamed glided across to another chair and sat down again
Slick calmly turned away from the girl, knowing that her focus was permanently shifted to the waiter. He knew enough about love to see what was happening and he stepped back and let it flow. He eyed the specter and wondered if he and Noxel had met. Speaking of Noxel where was he? It had been so long and Slick was beginning to get worried. What if the devils never let him leave? He shuddered at the idea and tried to think happy thoughts.
Once Kristine finished her drink, she went over and sat down by herself at a table next to the dance floor. Just then, a different angel walked in, and stood next to her. "Hey Kristi!" she greeted her best friend, sitting next to her. This was exactly what she needed! (that's not being sarcastic). "Hola Bri!" she happily replied, hugging her best friend. Briane was not a winter angel, but an autumn one. She had died when a car ran over a pile of leaves she was playing in. Kristine always felt sorry for her untimely childhood death, and Briane felt sorry for Kristine's childhood death. Briane's hair was of red, and her wings of crimson, and they often got cracked because they were like big leaves. Veins, too, ran through them, but veins like a leaf. Briane admired Kristine's wings and wished she were a winter angel. "So, despair, lonesome, and depression finally got to ya?" she asked her, remembering the exact reason she tried to get into an upper scale bar. "Kind of, what did you expect? I died in a blizzard that took me away from my family. Not even Evan was there! I was all alone!" she cried (not the kind where she is sobbing) to her. "I know, but I died with my friend! Don't you remember Carly?" Briane asked her, reminding her of Briane's other best friend, whom was also an autumn angel. She had died in the same leaf pile Briane had. Just then, Briane noticed that there was no music playing. "What happened, did they loose a lotta money?" she asked, adressing the few people on the dance floor. "Nope, a band just ended I think." Kristine answered, motioning for Briane to take a seat. The two chatted to their heart's content.

(gotta hit the hay)
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A bear in a black tuxedo, standing on two legs, stepped into the musky tavern, sniffing for his favourite ale.
Unnamed ghostly figure turned its head towards the sound of a door opening. A standing bear... Interesting. Black tendrils floated from the spectre, and... Was that a smile under that dark hood. Unnamed nodded at the creature and sat back down enjoying the drink
The bear awkwardly waddled up to the bar and politely asked for a mountain ale from the barkeeper in his scratchy voice
Sheila lifted her head and stared as the bear in the tuxedo strolled into the bar. What. The. Hell. This place was just going to get weirder and weirder, more unpredictable and more chaotic. She was beginning to regret, only a little, the choice of abandoning her sword and armor for the position of waitress. Ghosts, slime magicians, talking bears, ghosts, strange shadowy figures and freaking ghosts. Shaking her head, she walked casually over to the table where the dark figure sat.
"Hello! Me again." She said smiling, putting on a rather convincing air of comfort. "I just spoke with the owner and she would like you to specify as to what sort of 'supernatural drink' you would like." Sheila's eyes observed every minuscule action that the figure made like a hawk as she continued. "Leah has the special gift of being able to make drinks that can temporarily and magically increase certain attributes; luck, physical strength, attraction, and so on. Would you like something like that?"
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There was no one at the bar so the bear hobbled over to the waitress. "Do you happen to sell mountain ale here ma'am?"
Noticing the bear approaching Sheila, Deorum grinned and quickly appeared at the bear's side. "Good evening." He said warmly. "We do stock mountain ale and I would be happy to get you some."

His eyes would occasionally flutter over to Kristine and her friend in a curious and almost suspicious manner. "Just a moment, sir, and I'll get some of that ale for you." Deorum said, addressing the bear.

Walking over to behind the bar, his face turned away from the patrons sight, Deorum began pouring the bear his mug of ale. His head would occasionally shake a bit, or nod, as if he were talking to himself, but no one could hear what was being said. Finishing off and caping the brew with a nice head, Deorum strolled back to the bear.

"Here you go sir." He said, casually placing the drink down within the bear's reach. "Enjoy."
Leah looked out into the crowd, despite the constant incoming orders for drinks and all the hard work from the staff, she was rather enjoying the atmosphere. Leah cracked her knuckles and got to work, her hands moved swiftly as she picked up, refilled, and sent out drinks onto the floor.

"Hey you!" She reached out and grabbed the sleeve of a attempted dine and dasher. "Ya got to pay for that." She was able to get a grip of the females wrist. The woman looked at her with a pissed and appalled expression.

"Listen darling, I don't think you realize the situation here. Pay up, or I might give you to our staff members." She squeezed down making sure the woman could not run. The upset woman looked around at the staff and scoffed at Leah. She obviously did seem to care much about the look of the staff.

Leah leaned in, her eyes faded into a dull color and her voice dropping low making her sound eerie. " I don't mean them darling, the ones unseen, the ones that like little sinners like you." Leah broke out into a dark grin. It was at that point the woman, ripped herself from Leah's grip and threw the coins onto the bar counter. Without looking back the paled woman dashed out of the tavern.

Leah began to laugh hysterically at the womans expression, collecting the coins. Sometimes rumors work towards her advantage.

"EMMA! address the crowd!" Shouted over the noise of the tavern and continued to laugh.
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Rex had enjoyed the show. He had enjoyed the music. He had enjoyed watching Leah go to work on a woman.
But this was more than enjoyment.
A red hot happiness began to heat up his heart. Rex found himself at the bears feet.
He's so fluffy...and so weird.
It wasn't betraying the fluffy man, not really. Fluffy man would understand that the bear had a superior level of fluffyness.
''Who are you Mr.Bear?''
A slight tremor flowed though the tavern floor, only just noticeable to someone who was really paying attention. Slick however, was not that type of person so he didn't notice.
The spectre had picked up the rumble of the tavern and put his skeletal hand to his face. "Not again..." Unnamed said and gently placed his near empty wine on the ground. From the comfort of his rocking chair, he saw ripples across the surface. He left it there and turned to Shelia. "Oh... That's not my drink? Hmm I would like some drink that increases my speed thank you," the dark figure said, handing over two gold coins.
Sheila returned to Leah, coins in hand. "The guy says he wants one of your special drinks. Something akin to the luck drink you made for Deorum, but for speed." She placed the two coins on the bar. "I hope this is enough." Leaning in close to Leah, Sheila went on to explain the impression got from the mysterious figure in a hushed tone.
"I've always been a suspicious person. In my opinion, everyone is an enemy of mine until they prove themselves to be otherwise." Turning her head to look at the figure out of the corner of her eye, Sheila continued. "But I honestly don't think he's going to be any sort of threat. He seems harmless in a way, despite how intimidating he comes off as." Sheila stood up straight and stretched out her back by placing her fists at the bottom of her spine and leaning backwards. "Still, I trust him just as much as I trust all of the other customers, and even Deorum and Zeth. That much being not at all."
Sheila walked casually over towards a table of drunks that had their mugs lifted towards her, signaling their desires for refills, and began to go about servicing them.
Kristine got a call and pulled out her phone. "Hey, Evan? How..." she said, her voice being covered by all the talking. She nodded into the phone, and a muffled young voice could be heard from it. Briane gasped, covering her mouth with her hands. "What?!" she half-shouted, in severe shock. "Oh... Okay, I'll be there in the morning, can you wait until then?" she asked, a slight chuckle following it. She hung up the phone and turned to Briane. "Welp, Evan comitted suicide. He said that the loneliness and teasing took it's toll. He says mom and dad are alright, and, of course, he's a dark angel. He says he already loves his wings." she informed her best friend, removing most of her shock.
"Oh! and thank you for your help Shelia." she said before Shelia went to deal with more patrons. Leah took note of what the cloaked patron had asked for, "A drink to increase speed, that's not to hard." she cracked her knuckles and got to work. For 2 coins the effects of the drink will not be permanent.

Pulling out a glass, she reached under the counter to her trusty shelf of flasks. Her fingers slid over the tops of the flasks without looking. She then picked out 2 different flasks, one had the fur of the Jackalope wrapped around it and the other flask was the color of a soft yellow. She mixed the two together in the glass, the liquid turned a hazy mix of a yellow and red. And for a kick under the heels, she squeezed in a drop of essence of mojave sun.

Leah made her way towards the cloaked figure, drink in hand. "Hello, I believe I have what you have ordered." She pulled out a rag and cleaned his table. "A drink to increase speed, it is rather handy ability to have." She then placed the drink in front of the cloaked man. "Though I must warn you the effects of this drink is not permanent. So I wouldn't recommend running across the ocean." she smiled and placed her hands on her hips as she spoke.
As Briane's face went to it's normal tan, her muscles were still tense, and her mind running. "Wait a min, he comitted suicide? How?" she exclaimed, grabbing her friend's blue tee with the words 'Ice Cold' imprinted on it, and shook her. "Yes, and, he drowned himself in the bathtub. Common way of suicide." she told her, obviously not as shocked. Just then, Evan walked in, black wings, medium length, black leather coat, brown scraggly hair, pale skin, and black sneakers. He walked up to Kristine and gave her a hug. She ushered him to sit down, and started introductions. "Evan, this is Briane, my new BFF." she informed him, pointing to her. "Briane, this is Evan, my little bro." she informed her, pointing towards her left side. "Nice to meet you." Evan kindly responded, holding his hand out to shake. Briane took it happily. "So, how old are you?" she asked him, wondering how old he really was. She thought he was maybe 25, but Kristine said younger brother, so definatley not. "18." he swiftly responded, brushing his hair back with his hand. Kristine was the only one at that table that could tell her younger brother was flirting with his best friend. She just sat silently, nodding every now and then, watching him slowly get on her good side.
"Thank you," the spectre wheezed, taking the drink. "Well I could. I don't think I can die again," Unnamed said, sipping the drink. Carefully he slipped a small red and yellow pill into it and placed a skeletal finger in to mix it as the pill dissolved. "Its my medicine darling," it said as the ghost gulped it down. Unnamed floated up off the chair and made his way speedily to another one.
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