The Sentence

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There is only room in the RP for two speed demons!
Posted. Can't remember the last time I actually had to write an action sequence, probably 2013, so forgive me if it's rusty.
So the people in the attic:
1. Mimo
2. Eleena
3. Astra
4. Silver haired girl
5. Melea

Outside the building:
1. Natalya
2. Galina

Also Inside the Building:
1. Halberd
2. Terren
3. A bunch of Aesil guys I'm confused about

So Eleena can:
1. Give chase to Natalya and Galina and proceed to an unwise 2v1
2. Try and 'rescue' the silver-haired girl, who is right by the only person with known faster speed. Well actually, she hasn't activated her Forbes Blutgang. I think it needs to be activated? So yay.
3. Or do nothing and wait for Mimo to deal with everything ever and reinforcement to arrive.
Hrmmm I think I might go with Option 2.​
Oh, woops, was confused by Aesil's playful bit.

Alright then, I'm going in DEEP.
RIP Eleena if I'm unlucky. I'll put some fresh pastries on your grave.

Eleena throws crumby banana bread pieces at Astras as a distraction, then dashes in and tries to yoink the silver-haired girl away from her before jumping out the window Galina opened up.

I'm assuming this need a roll.

Would I also need a roll for a landing, or is 3 fortitude durable enough?
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Oh, woops, was confused by Aesil's playful bit.

Alright then, I'm going in DEEP.
RIP Eleena if I'm unlucky. I'll put some fresh pastries on your grave.

Eleena throws crumby banana bread pieces at Astras as a distraction, then dashes in and tries to yoink the silver-haired girl away from her before jumping out the window Galina opened up.

I'm assuming this need a roll.

Would I also need a roll for a landing, or is 3 fortitude durable enough?
Forgive me if this is a silly question, but how do you plan on surviving the four-story drop?

Three fortitude and health isn't much more than a normal humans.
I dunno, maybe breaking an arm to help stop her fall.

I'm still unsure on how super-human our characters are.

Well shit


Attics are usually peaked. There's probably a roof or something she land on?

Balls maybe I really will have to do absolutely nothing.
Oh, woops, was confused by Aesil's playful bit.

Alright then, I'm going in DEEP.
RIP Eleena if I'm unlucky. I'll put some fresh pastries on your grave.

Eleena throws crumby banana bread pieces at Astras as a distraction, then dashes in and tries to yoink the silver-haired girl away from her before jumping out the window Galina opened up.

I'm assuming this need a roll.

Would I also need a roll for a landing, or is 3 fortitude durable enough?


Somehow you guys with lower Speed keep beating Astra by pure luck. Anyways... Eleena rolled higher Speed so she can indeed nab the silver-haired girl.
Any fortitude at all will still require a roll to jump out the window.
I'ma gambler, untamed and wild.

Plus the system isn't designed for higher stats to make you invincible, right? It's like luck with modifiers.
Higher stats means bigger chance at succeeding, so yes, it's luck with modifiers.

Well since I already rolled, it'd be unfair to go no where with this.

Eleena jumps out the window and attempts to land, using her body and one arm to support girl while using her other arm to help break her fall (and arm.)

Or if there's adequate roofing/tiling below window, use to find a safer elevation to hop down on. Boots give good traction, so she should be able to keep a relatively quick pace.
"Warning: Everything I say could be complete idiocy" and "I have no idea what I am doing" are my second and third name :3
Eleena jumps out the window and attempts to land, using her body and one arm to support girl while using her other arm to help break her fall (and arm.)

Or if there's adequate roofing/tiling below window, use to find a safer elevation to hop down on. Boots give good traction, so she should be able to keep a relatively quick pace.

You take 1 damage, injuring your ankles as you land. Good luck living the next few rounds.
Darwinism and absentees are clearing up your player list rather nicely.

I just realized this is gonna be one-upping Galina, possibly.

GJ Eleena, you may die but you may also have unlocked an achievement.

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Awake, and my body is ready for the IC post. Writing it now!

I hope nobody dies in this sequence. (Apart from the vampire.)
Awake, and my body is ready for the IC post. Writing it now!

I hope nobody dies in this sequence. (Apart from the vampire.)
Let me post my post before yours

Or just mention that you see Eleena jumping out the attic window with a girl in tow in yours

Yeah just do the latter.

I'm tired and I don't know how long it will take me to write this.
*stumbles blindly into the OOC*

Oh, hey.

I contacted Asuras since Beta recommended me to join up here, and I submitted a CS that's under review (hopefully as we speak). Hopefully soon I'll be able to lend my support to you guys, ehe. A pleasure to meet y'all.
*stumbles blindly into the OOC*

Oh, hey.

I contacted Asuras since Beta recommended me to join up here, and I submitted a CS that's under review (hopefully as we speak). Hopefully soon I'll be able to lend my support to you guys, ehe. A pleasure to meet y'all.
I'm sure you'll soon replace my speed character with injured ankles that's currently surrounded by 2 enemies and an unknown girl.

What faction you going for?
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