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@Zombehs Just out of curiosity could someone still talk while being held by Gerald's Telekinetic power?
I bet that she dies on the first round, if she encounters Gerald. All he has to do is telekinetically hold her, and she can't resist, due to her 1 Perception. After that, she ded, probs.

Then again, that's pretty much anyone who doesn't have high Perception.

His Perception vs. their Fortitude, actually.
@Zombehs Just out of curiosity could someone still talk while being held by Gerald's Telekinetic power?
It'd be a great deal harder than usual. Breathing would be difficult enough, but possible.

I suppose someone with shitty Fortitude could be hurt, but that's not it's intent.
His Perception vs. their Fortitude, actually.
I meant in regards to noticing the telekinesis the first place. If she noticed it, couldn't she just 10 speed away from it? Or is it impossible to actually dodge his telekinesis?
I meant in regards to noticing the telekinesis the first place. If she noticed it, couldn't she just 10 speed away from it? Or is it impossible to actually dodge his telekinesis?
Wasn't being impossible to avoid an attack or defend against it one of the things Asuras banned?
You can resist it with Fort, so it's technically not breaking the rules. What I'm curious about is if you can dodge it.
I meant in regards to noticing the telekinesis the first place. If she noticed it, couldn't she just 10 speed away from it? Or is it impossible to actually dodge his telekinesis?

You're right. I thought you meant their Perception affected how easily they could resist. My b.
You can resist it with Fort, so it's technically not breaking the rules. What I'm curious about is if you can dodge it.
It's dodged with Speed. His Perception vs. opponent's Speed. Course, it also requires a Perception check from his opponent to notice the attack coming to get that dodge chance so... :3
Would that also mean, then, if your character was constantly running about, Gerald's Telekinesis would become useless and he'd just give up, cry a little, and go back home?
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Would that also mean, then, if your character was constantly running about, Gerald's Telekinesis would become useless and he'd just give up, cry a little, and go back home?
Ouch... but a good question XD
Would that also mean, then, if your character was constantly running about, Gerald's Telekinesis would become useless and he'd just give up, cry a little, and go back home?

He'd just pepper them with "bullets" like anyone else who's trying to dodge. Or he'd grab them with a Hold if they needed to be captured alive for some reason. Req. Percep. Check to Dodge is gold.

Ya'll over thinking this shit.

Eleena just needs to run really fast at him as per usual.

If he stops her movements, she still has her momentum and slams into him like a bowling ball

The telekinetic hold probably stops momentum and movement doesn't it
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More like he's going to always be in hiding, and his True Sight ability will allow him to see your character from whereever she is. And his Perception makes sneak attacks impossible to land. So...yeah...Gerald the true OP. Probably will always get the first hit in.
I'm interested in joining, too. I just gotta get everything down before getting started.

By the way, what would you think about someone who is medically adept, slick, and uses poison as a part of their abilities? What faction would suit her best?

I believe it would be stronger fortitude and stronger health as the key factors, right?
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Eleena can move 100 combat meters in a single turn if shit looks like it's getting nasty. Woo.
Pretty much the only way she's going to survive most fights

Probably the dark & spooky faction or Palace
I'd personally go with Palace so you can be slick and coy~

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Eleena can move 100 combat meters in a single turn if shit looks like it's getting nasty. Woo.
Pretty much the only way she's going to survive most fights

Probably the dark & spooky faction or Palace
I'd personally go with Palace so you can be slick and coy~
Most likely, her parents would have both died of natural causes. Any siblings she had would be no older than 16 - and one of them would be disabled in a way that fits the world.

Here are some Ability Ideas:

Popsicles ~ By imbuing natural poison into her rapier, she is able to use poison as a defensive mechanism. The poison not only increase her might upon striking the enemy, but it also increases her perception. However, if she is too stressed out, the poison might get to her, too.
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...You know, if Eleena was a ranged fighter, she would be able to kite for days. Thank fully she isn't. I am a firm believer that there's bound to be a counter for just about any trick anyone comes up with, and we by and large have yet to find them. So far, mine is still to just, well...plan a little less on getting into fights with other PCs immediately.
I'll go for it if I'm considering the Palace. By the way, with poison, seduction, speed, and flexibility as the main points, what would be good abilities?

Just so you know, I have everything down but the Bio, Appearance, and Personality. I have a good idea that I'd love to use!
...You know, if Eleena was a ranged fighter, she would be able to kite for days. Thank fully she isn't. I am a firm believer that there's bound to be a counter for just about any trick anyone comes up with, and we by and large have yet to find them. So far, mine is still to just, well...plan a little less on getting into fights with other PCs immediately.

The original character is a mix of her current state and a bowsman, as well as a master of deceptive feints.

But well, too OP and the most important aspect is her speed. Gotta be faster than all you smucks or the character isn't the same. >:@
Yes. Yes it does.
Harumph. Fine. Gerald isn't getting a super awesome champion name from her
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