The Sekirei Plan

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"What how am I a pervert, thinking of you in what manner, what the hell are you talking about?" Jaralaxe runs after Shizuku but loses her. "What the hell is going on with her I don't even know what shes talking about." Jaralaxe continues to look for her.

"Well it looks like we got another Sekirei would you mind if I take care of this one while you and Kurome go after the other?"
@Sasha Bliss
Mai contemplated Kei's question. She pursed her lips and then made up her mind.

"I say we meet this new Sekirei and try to convince them to join us. Other Ashikabi may already have a bigger group than us, we'd be at a disadvantage if we run into them first. What do you think?" She looked up at Kei. Trying to judge how he'd react to a new companion based on their first meeting. She frowned.

"You should probably let me do the talking... "

Kei smiled. "Well of course I think having an ally is the best course of action. However they may not be as strong as i am." Kei looked up and felt his target was on the move. "They're moving, we need to chase after them or we might lose them. Hold on tight."

Kei jumped into the air and jumped from building to building. He was following his target almost like it was his prey, he had a serious look in his eyes. Kei suddenly stopped on the top of a building over looking an empty lot. He motioned to the lone figure standing there. "That's him that's our Sekerei. He looks like he's ready for a battle."

Kei put Mai down gently and summoned his bow and quiver. "This is perfect, I really should test out a subject before I invite him to join my cause. Wait here." Kei left Mai on the roof of the building overlooking the dirt lot.

He entered the lot and called out to his fellow Sekerei. "You seem like a strong opponent indeed. I thought I should do you the honor of introducing myself. I am Kei Assaragi the future ruler of all Sekerei. My Ashikabi and I will have you join our ranks however I thought it a good idea to test your skills. Prepare yourself."

@CrimsonFang @Sasha Bliss

Shizuku sat in the alley ice cold tears streaming down her face. She thought of her Ashikabi and how hard he was trying and how she just ran away. "How could I run away like that, he'll hate me for sure." She continued to cry that's when she felt it the pressure that came from Sekerei facing off against eachother. "Oh no, the new Sekerei." She wiped her tears. "I should go, so I can prove I can be of use to him."

Shizuku stood up and ran in the direction of the Sekerei showdown.


Kuro-Shiro looked around knowing a sekirei was near. Then he saw a figure jump down. "Ara ara, seems like I caught one" he said to himself. "Usually when you introduce yourself you need to start with your number" he replied to the bow wielding sekirei. "How about I test you" he replied with a chuckle. "I am Sekirei number 34, the Tonfa wielding sekirei" he said and immediately pushed off the ground and toward the other sekirei. He stopped in mid-air, in front of the sekirei with a smile. He took his tonfas and hit the ground, creating a massive dirt cloud that covered the lot. "Lets test your accuracy in here" he sounded from somewhere in the dirt cloud.
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Kei chuckled as the dirt cloud formed. "Hm limiting my field of view that is a wise first step, and of course I'll reveal my number it's 71." Kei grabbed his bow and held it tight as he drew an arrow. He was still, silent he waited for his opponent to make his move. A serious look on his face as he waited that's when he heard a noise from behind him he spun quickly and fired an arrow in that direction. The speed of the arrow cleared the view of that direction momentarily just enough for Kei to see that he had missed.

Kei drew another arrow his back tword the area he had just verified to be clear as he started to walk backwards slowly and silently out of the dust cloud. He waited for a sound.

@CrimsonFang @Sasha Bliss
Shio looked at Kurome and shook his head at her "if you have fun while fighting that's fine. Just as long as you stay safe during it." At Rikens words he looked over and went silent for a moment before he nodded "Riken if you want to go go, However I want you running recon. Don't get involved unless rules are being broken or you know you can win. Since your the only two members of the discipline committee we can't afford to lose you in battles that we're not sure if we can win"

Terra pulled the car over at a dirt lot that she had just managed to see other Sekirei file into. "Looks like we weren't the only ones who were thinking the same thing. Come on Ry lets see if we can convince the Sekirei to join our team. I'm guessing it is in the dirt cloud...oh well...guess we'll have to see if it's friendly or not. Should I go first?"

Kei let Mai down onto the roof of a building gently, his bow and arrow appearing instantaneously. There was a huge lot down below and she had the perfect view of it. Once she was settled Kei walked into the lot to confront the other Sekerei.

Mai could basically Guess how Kei introduced himself, and she shook her head, a small smile makings it's way into her face. She hoped with everthing she had that things would go well. Kei was strong, of course she'd never say that to his face for fear of his ego inflating, but he could handle this. She stepped closer to the ledge. Peering over and straining her eyes to see what was happening.

Mai saw a giant cloud of dust settle over the lot, and then a few minutes later a car pulled besides the space. She wanted to yell and give Kei a heads up but that could possibly distract him from the fight, and whoever was in the car would be able to locate her.. But if she stayed silent they could take Kei by surprise, and she could end up hurt. She had to make a decision.

It was better that he was aware they had company, he could take care of himself, she had confidence in that. She cupped her hands around her mouth and shouted.

"Kei there are others! Watch your back!"

Kei had an arrow drawn back waiting for any sound made by his opponent. He was slowly backing out of the cloud when he heard Mai yell out. "Tsk, looks like we have some unwanted guest." Kei decided he needed to end this game quickly he grabbed a hand full of arrows and aimed them skywards. "Witness a small fraction of my strength."

Kei then shot arrow after arrow into the air, when he finished he jumped out of the cloud onto a lamp post. He faced the new characters. "Halt!!!! You are impeding on my battle I suggest you wait until my Ashikabi have aquired this Sekerei. Then I'll be happy to take you on."

As Kei spoke the arrows started to fall. They fell one by one hitting different parts of the cloud. The idea being that as the Sekerei dodges them he will forget his surrounds and pop out of the cloud giving Kei a clear shot. Kei drew his bow waiting for the Sekerei to exit his cover.

@CrimsonFang @Sasha Bliss
Riken climbs out of the car and rush's off in the direction of a ally that he sees a dirt cloud coming out of Riken begins scaling up the building next to it using the fire exit to get to the roof, after getting to the edge of the roof Riken sits on the edge watching to fight from above.

"Riken doing recon that's funny you know hes going to fight? But whatever lets find that other Sekiriei."
@Andy @CrimsonFang @Sasha Bliss

"No you stay here I'll go in." Ryyker creates a suit of armor before he goes into the dirt cloud.

@CrimsonFang @Sasha Bliss @Almalthia
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Kuro-Shiro stood on the building over looking the dirt lot. "What a dunce" he said turning around to see a young woman. He looked at her in aw admiring her beauty as a ray of light seemed to shine from behind her. He blushed when he caught himself staring and turned back around. 'could she be the one' he thought, 'I mean she is pretty cute' he said grabbing his chin. Virtual steam started to pour out his ears. He glanced back at her then over to the dirt lot. 'would it be worth sharing her with a dunce like him though?' he asked himself trying to make a decision, his heart starting to pound. It was then he noticed all the others going to and into the dirt cloud. 'Well if he dies then I guess I could just take her for myself.' he giggled. Prepared to watch the chaos he created.
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Terra heard the yell from off to her left from a female. A warning of sorts. Then the sekirei that she was with demanded a halt so that she could collect the prize. "I think that the person has a name and we should let that person decide who to go with!!!" She yelled at Mr. Comandant, the screeching sekirei. She folded her arms over her midsection under her breasts and leaned back on the car. "Totally not going in there Ry so don't sweat it. I'm not defenseless but I'd rather not try and fight a sekirei if I have to." She looked around and saw a sheik looking guy with blood red hair. She smiled and walked on over staying out of the fighting. Maybe he's an ashikabi like her and she was never anything if not friendly. Besides she really wanted to know if his hair was natural or not she'd love to put blood red streaks in her hair. She walked up to him smiling. She got within arms distance and held out her hand. "Hi my name is Terra Hale!! What's your name and which one of the maniacs in the dust is yours?" She pointed with the other hand at the dust cloud still holding out her hand to shake.
@Sasha Bliss
Mai Sat over the ledge straining eyes and ears for Kei. She could not see a thing over the smoke, it was infuriating. Then she saw Kei leap out of the cloud onto a lamp post, he shot arrows into the air, and sat perched as if waiting for something. The arrows pierced the cloud, and she wondered what was happening within. Part of her hoped that Kei would win, then they would have an ally but another part of her didn't want to see the other Sekerei hurt. She wondered if he would have joined had they asked him. It was far too late to worry about it now.

Mai heard a noise behind her and her head snapped in the direction of the disturbance. It was the Sekerei from the battle below. She recognized him from the his deep red of his hair. She looked back into the lot confused. He'd been down there just a second ago. She unwittingly took a step back, unclear of his intentions. Mai did not know what type of moral standings this Sekerei had. Then she straightened up, cleared her throat and tried her best to smile and keep even the smallest bit of fear from her face.

"Hello there. My names Mai, sorry about the whole head on confrontation thing we meant to ask you if you'd like to-like to join our team, I told Kei to let me do the talking. It's purely optional of course, but we'd-" she looked back at Kei and thought of what she said. "I'd really appreciate your help, if it's alright with you. You see-"

She was cut off by the arrival of a woman. By the looks of it she was a Sekerei as well.

Kuro-Shiro saw what happened two ashikabi were in front of him, one knew who he was the other thought he was an ashikabi. 'hm what to do, what to do' he thought out his options, 'oh that could work.' He walked up to the newly named Mai and put his arm around her shoulder. "Oh this is my Girlfriend Mai, I don't have a sekirei, but she does, and my name is Ku-Kurama Sunahara, isn't that right sweetie?" he lied, putting on a normal face, with a smirk, putting more of a grip on the girls shoulder. Hoping to fool the girl, he acted smoothly. He leaned in to Mai's face, and kissed her chin, from the angle they were at it looked like they kissed, it was then he pulled away from her. "Hey babe how about we watch the fight to see if your sekirei wins?" he said guiding her to the side of the building facing the dirt lot. While facing away from the other ashikabi he flashed and evil smirk, with a quiet chuckle.
Mai all but jumped when the Sekerei put his arm around her. She froze for a second wondering what she should do. Her eyes went wide at the word girlfriend but she quickly composed herself, when she felt slight pressure on her shoulder. She cleared her throat and perked up. She didn't understand why the Sekerei wanted to hide what he was. Had he accepted her offer or was he trying to save himself from something, she looked at the girl... Or rather someone.

Mai gave what she felt was a warm smile and nodded her head, at Kurama-she doubted that was his real name- restraining herself from flinching back when he came closer. She didn't want to make his lie obvious, so she acted natural, or at least she tried. He leaned down and kissed her chin, and Mai's heart jumped. She didn't know if it was from fear of the situation or nervousness.

As for the fight Mai turned to look at the lot, her eyebrows scrunching up in confusion. The fight had been with him in the first place, had everyone come to this spot to persuade the new Sekerei as well?... Word travelled fast.

He guided her to the edge of the building away from the other Ashikabi and when they reached the edge, Mai looked up at his face, after hearing a chuckle. He had a devious smirk on his face. Mai whispered to him.

"What's going on?"
Terra smiled at the couple and going over to the edge of the building looked down at the fight. "So which one is yours Mai?"
As Kei's arrows pierced the ground he knew something was wrong. "There is no movement." Kei watched closely as the dust settled he was shocked to see it was empty. "Tsk, sneaky bastard." He looked around the area totally ignoring the new comers that's when he saw him. Kei saw that sneaky Sekerei kissing his Ashikabi.

"You bastard!!" Kei drew an arrow and pulled back as fast as he could sending an arrow flying past Kuro-Shiro's head cutting a few of his hairs. "You dare touch my Ashikabi without my consent?" He ran tword kuro-Shiro jumping on ledges and lamp posts till he was on the roof with the rest. "No one harms a member of my Harem and lives." He drew another arrow and called out to Mai. "Get away from him Mai."

@CrimsonFang @Sasha Bliss @almatheia

Shizuku ran as fast as she could down the alley determined to find the new Sekerei by herself. She stopped when she felt the presence of several Sekerei. "He's in that lot but I feel, there must be at least 3 more waiting. What if it's a trap."

Shizuku's knees buckled and she fell to the ground. "I can't go in there I'll be hurt for sure, or even worse." Shizuku pictured herself being beat up by several high level Sekerei. "What do I do. Where is that idiot? He really should." Tears started to fall down her cheek. "Save me."


Kuro-Shiro's hairs stood on end as the arrow flew by his face, he started to laugh. "Hhahaha, Ara ara, why do you gotta go ruining my fun, this is a game isn't it?" he chuckled the last bit to himself. 'he wants her to get away from me huh' he thought a mischievous plan coming to mind. "That wont be happening any time soon" he replied, picking Mai up princess style. Kuro-Shiro knew this would piss off the other sekirei. Still holding Mai he summoned his right tonfa and began to jump from building to building to let the chase begin. After all this game is just getting started.
Kei watched as Kuro-Shiro took off jumping from roof top to roof top. "You bastard, release her!" Kei drew two arrows aiming for Kuro-shiro's legs. He drew back then stopped thinking if he fell he'd drop Mai. "Damnit." Kei willed his bow and arrows away as he gave chase pushing Terra out of the way. He yelled to the other Sekerei. "I'll return to finish this once I settle things with that insolent brat."

Kei was beyond angry he was determined to get Mai back and destroy the other Sekerei. He ran, jumped and climbed after him waiting for his chance to pounce.

@Almalthia @CrimsonFang @Sasha Bliss
Sees the Sekerei take another Ashakabi Riken dosnt know if he plans to hurt the Ashakabi, but Riken cant allow that to happen since it was against the rules the Sekerei jumps onto the building Riken is on Riken covers his fist with flames and throws his fist at Kuro-Shiros face.
@Sasha Bliss

Jaralaxe was trying to find Shizuku and he sees her falling to her knees crying. Jaralaxe rushs to her. "Hey Shizuku you ok maybe we should just go home forget about this today I'd rather not lose you."
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