The Scrolls of Gelbaron: The Forsaken Saga (Sign Up/OoC|Open)

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Now I feel bad for just being a boring American.




Awesome! Goodness, English people who (attempt to) speak Dutch have just the greatest accents! xD Inall honesty, I can't understand why anyone would voluntarily learn Dutch but okay, as long as you enjoy it ghehe. Are you moving to A'dam for study perposes or for other reasons? ;o
I guess it is the accent that a lot of the Dutch knew that I was English when I was in The Hague. While the majority of English people don't want to learn another language, I buck that trend as I prefer the challenge (the only other thing that I like the challenge of is anything mathematical). I am moving to A'dam for study purposes as I will be starting on my Master's degree in February :)

@PostingOwl l Ghehe quite true, but most Americans are an interesting mix of nationalities or ethnicities... While on the other hand, I'm boringly 100% Dutch ^_^'

@Mercinus3 Awesome! It's hard to grasp why people willingly learn Dutch, since it's extremely hard to learn, but I very much respect anyone who tries! Yeah, the accent is a dead giveaway xD My violin teacher is originally from London but she has lived here for over 20 years already, and still her accent clearly shows.

On another note, I think the collab between me and @kikinki will be done soon :)
@Mercinus3 Awesome! It's hard to grasp why people willingly learn Dutch, since it's extremely hard to learn, but I very much respect anyone who tries! Yeah, the accent is a dead giveaway xD My violin teacher is originally from London but she has lived here for over 20 years already, and still her accent clearly shows.

On another note, I think the collab between me and @kikinki will be done soon :)
Well, I did learn German a while back, so Dutch was easier to learn than it would have been.

Great to hear that the collab is almost done. I have just finished a post myself so the story at Terrubane can still continue (with one of the many NPC characters introduced). Enjoy :)

Mostly my reddish beard over my light brown hair. Many people who have seen me have made this comparison of me being part Irish. Distantly. Maybe like 10% or so
Ah that is fair 'nuff. While my beard is a dark brown, there are a few red strands in it (though some Irish and Scottish ancestry does help with that) which does stand out when a bright light is shone on it.

On another note, I have managed to get the advert for the RP back into moderation to go back into rotation. I had been unable to renew it last month and the banner was on my old laptop, but with it now on one of my USB sticks (and will be transferred onto my Desktop), I have everyday access again. Perhaps more players?

Eek creepy old people.
Actually I shouldn't say that, I have friends about your age irl and my cousins are in their twenties...

I kinda lost my old character sheet and my computer won't let me copy/paste it from the website so I either have to rewrite it all or somehow type it by going back and forth.

And I start school in 3 days (good god, I haven't been to school in over a year and I'm freaking out) so I won't be able to post much once that starts.
Eek creepy old people.
Actually I shouldn't say that, I have friends about your age irl and my cousins are in their twenties...

I kinda lost my old character sheet and my computer won't let me copy/paste it from the website so I either have to rewrite it all or somehow type it by going back and forth.

And I start school in 3 days (good god, I haven't been to school in over a year and I'm freaking out) so I won't be able to post much once that starts.
Being old isn't too bad. Not as it is hyped up to be (but I think going back to university will be changing that opinion shortly).

For your character sheet, I was able to copy and paste it into a document on my laptop. I've attached it to this post for you to download. Hopefully the pictures will still be saved onto it so that you don't have to worry too much about it.



  • PostingOwl's Character Sheet.txt
    2.8 KB · Views: 2
Omg thank you!

Unfortunately the pictures aren't there, but I can always find new pictures.

Also, good luck at university! [Heh you Europeans call it university.]
I'll be doing an Intro post by the end of the week.
So... Would you still be accepting new characters?
Yay. My wizard gets some more love. :D
Alrighty. I am starting on my post now. Hopefully my creative oozing juices can keep me up
[Heh you Europeans call it university.]
Huh, what else are we supposed to call it @PostingOwl ? xD

Also, @Mercinus3 I'm very sorry about the lateness of the post, I've been holding @kikinki up due to being ill for two weeks (while I could get on my laptop and stuff, I really didn't feel like writing, so sorry about that...) But! The post is done, time to restart this RP! ^_^

Oh! And I took the liberty of calling the Silvaean language "Silvæanin" (Very creative, I know). If you come up with a better name, I'll gladly change it xD
I'm still here - I think it would be more appropriate to wait until after the battle to make another Atlys post, considering she just ran off. Still keeping track of what's going on, though.
Ugh, my sincerest apologies, I've been writing and re-writing a post for this but, I really don't have any real motivation to write it. I've been trying and I just can't make a post I genuinely like. I soon came to realise that I just really dislike my character and well, the fact I'm fighting in a war I don't fully understand. I've also begun to find myself with less and less time to do things like this. If I figure out a character I might enjoy then, well, I might submit it but otherwise I'm afraid I'm going to have to leave the roleplay either forever or until I work out my character.

Again, my apologies.
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