The Saviors

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Avira drew her bow as the lightning struck. She looked around, cautious as she stuck close to Karma. Not that she was scared, no... but she knew that they worked well together, though she wouldn't admit it aloud. She looked over as Brad spoke, still cautious.
Come, we must go. This way!
Karma nods and follows the Guardian. A small part of him wanted to wait and make sure Avira was safe, but logic told him that she's a grown woman and wouldn't want him doting over her. Another part still wanted to stay and fight, but he knew that he'd just get in the way. The Guardian opens a trapdoor that would've never been found, and hadn't been used or managed in years.
I'll go after you big guy...
The Guardian rolls his eyes and climbs down the ladder that creaks and groans in defiance. Karma motions for Avira to go next.
I'm right behind you.
Avira glanced at Karma before she dropped down. Normally she would have hesitated, wanting him to go first, but this was not the time. She scanned around them cautiously, bow still drawn. The arrowhead gleamed any time light flickered off it. She looked to the Guardian, unsure where this would lead.
This way, we'll be out soon!
The Guardian walks forward confidently after grabbing a torch off of the wall.
The tunnel leads to the border of Dreaki, so be wary. You can also restock on supplies, though they're all dried goods. This was supposed to be an escape tunnel if anyone found Lord Marcovich, but he has a stubborn habit of staying put.
The Guardian leaves it at that, leading them through the tunnel in silence.

Brad kicks the trapdoor closed before turning and watching as Necropolis and Leo walk forward. They look around a bit before turning as the deity lands with a signature lightning bolt, this time clad in armor that shifts and moves like clouds.
They're not here, master...
The deity nods and glares at Brad, who grins and raises his arms, working them to show off their shifting muscles.
Where are they half-man? I don't have time for this.
Brad stops and smirks at the deity.
Come now, Statik, is that any way to talk to your husband? Or did our time together in the Void mean so little to you?
Necropolis and Leo look at the deity in a mixture of shock and confusion. She straightens herself, glaring at Brad.
Yes, that is my name; Statik, god of storms, energy, and technology... Being in the Crossroads had addled my mind, and seeing how advanced he was made me... Foolish... We had our time, but that time is over now. I'll ask you once more, where did you send them?
Brad shrugs, causing an irritated growl from Statik.
Dunno, I've never set foot in the tunnel. It could go anywhere for all I know, and the only way to find out where is to go in... Unfortunately for you, girls aren't allowed. Of course, a gentle touch could change my mind.
Brad gives a sly wink to Statik, who folds her arms and scowls at him.
Still the same as always I see... Fine, we'll fight you then.
Dreaki.. Avira nodded slightly. It would be a distance from the danger, or so she hoped. From there where would they go though? If the others made it to the tunnel, they could possibly catch up if they lingered too long... though she was quite curious on who was leading these attacks. Who was in charge? What did they want? She was intruiged by the mystery shrouding the leader, but knew she needed more pieces to this puzzle.
Karma walks behind slowly, making absolutely sure that they were not being followed. He trusted Brad... But not much. He hadn't survived this long by trusting people.

Brad widens his stance as Necropolis creates a greatsword from ice while Leo lights himself on fire, cracking his knuckles.
Really Statik? Are these the best you could find? I could crush them without my prosthetics, so why didn't you come see me first? This is putting a serious damper on our relationship, honey.
((Sorry, I'm tired. :embarrassed:))
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(It's okay~)

Avira slowly crossed her bow back over her shoulders. She instead drew her dagger, thinking that at least for a little while longer, her bow would not be a good idea in this tunnel, nor right when they get out of the tunnel. The woman hoped that Brad was okay. She'd only just met him, but she also knew these were very powerful things they were fighting.
Leo charges first, of course, and Necropolis walks forward more slowly as his body begins to cover itself in chunks of interlocking shards that makes a thick armor. As Leo gets close, Brad throws him off by taking off a skin cover, revealing his eye. It was part of his metal half, but it has a glass lens and it glowed different colors based on his mood, which was orange for annoyed.
What's wrong boy, never seen a fake eye before? *chuckles*
Leo shakes himself out of shock and is about to attack, but is delivered a quick punch to the nose, almost too fast to see.
Brad fakes being offended and steps back to avoid Necropolis' sword swipe. He brings it down in an overhead chop on his second swing, which Brad casually side-steps before grabbing a notch on the lich's armor and using it to throw him completely out of the building. Leo attempts a cheap shot while Brad's back is turned, but he turns and catches the flaming first with his metal hand, bending his hand back until it drives Leo to his knees.
Did you really think that would work? I mean, come on, I practically invented the cheap shot.
With that said, Brad knees Leo in the face before looking at Statik, who was preparing something big.
Avira looked back at Karma for a second before she looked forwards again. She felt an urgency, but didn't speak up. The dark tunnel was disorienting with no plants or light to tell her direction.
Brad opens his arms and challenges Statik.
Come on now baby, let's not-
Brad stops as he is hit with nearly enough electricity run a city. He makes sounds and movements like he's being electrocuted, but it turns to a laugh as the energy is absorbed.
I'm sorry, did you think that would hurt?
Statik replies coolly, not caring that he's unhurt.
No, but it will slow you down.
Brad begins to reply, but he stops and tries to move, cursing himself for letting his feet be frozen in place. He leans back as Leo makes another punch, using momentum to flip him before punching at the ice with his signature "Super Punch", a punch with his metal fist that is spring loaded and electrically charged, breaking the ice on his first try. As he stands back up, he lets out a yelp of pain when Leo finally lands a punch to his gut, which blasted him back. This would have been fine, but Necropolis was back behind him and Brad was impaled through the gut, causing a cry of pain before he falls to his knees.
Still letting others do your work for you... Good fight you two.
Statik approaches Brad with annoyance.
Enough, you can die here metal man, were going.
Brad chuckles, but stops and spots out a thick glob of blood before taking a deep shaky breath.
Good luck with that, sweet cheeks... They're probably already out of the tunnel... Heh... Heh...
Statik blasts open the trapdoor before looking back.
Take care of this mess.
With that, Statik drops down, leaving them alone. Leo nods to Necropolis before running after Statik. Necropolis grabs his sword, but instead of pulling it out, he reforms it to seal any holes and cuts. He leans close and whispers in Brad's ear.
Today... Is not... The day you die...
Brad nods his thanks before falling to his side.

Just as Brad said, Karma and Avira emerged from the tunnel to a large expanse of waist high grass. In the distance, barely visible, is the remnants of Dreaki being devoured by time and nature. The Guardian turns back and walks down the tunnel, back into the mountains.
(I'll let you take the lead here.)
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Avira shielded her eyes from the light. As she stepped aside to let Karma out, she noticed the Guardian turn back and she finally spoke, quiet.
"Thank you, sir."
She said calmly before watching him disappear. She looked around before speaking to Karma. "We need to move."
Though her tone and expression were calm, her eyes betrayed the sense of urgency she had. She started towards the remains of the fallen kingdom, slowly drawing her bow, but not an arrow. She kept a sharp eye out as she expected Karma to follow or walk beside her.
Karma followed Avira on foot, glad that the mountains stopped the advance of the storm, revealing the clear night sky. There was no moon tonight, but there are so many bright stars that there is no need for one.

The Guardian, Martin, walked at a brisk pace before stopping and looking at Statik, who also stops.
Ah, this may be a problem... We can't have you reporting us once you return... I'm afraid you will have to die.
Martin makes no move or notion that he had even heard the deity, simply staring past her.
You must turn back the way you came and once I have exited, you may pass.
Statik reaches for her powers but finds that they are blocked. As if reading her thoughts, Martin speaks.
I do not brag about my title, but surely my power gives it away.
Statik is confused by this, but she suddenly backs up, her eyes widening.
What are you doing here?! You're-
I am The Guardian of the Twelve Gates of Hell, and you, god or not, are in my way.
Avira continued to approach the ruins of the kingdom.
"What do you think we're up against?" She asked Karma after a little while. She turned to face him, walking backwards now. She was still listening cautiously.
(Lol, the scene with Martin and Brad stops abruptly there, like in an anime.)
Karma shrugs, watching Avira warily.
If we're lucky, there will be survivors that can give us food, I'm starving now that we're out of danger... Relatively speaking... Whoever those three really are, they obviously don't mean any good... Now would you stop walking like that?! You're making me nervous...
Karma walks a bit closer, in case she should fall.
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Avira was nodding in agreement until he asked her to stop walking backwards. She smiled ever so faintly.
"Nervous? Like I might trip?"
She teased before turning around and in the process of turning, she easily stepped over a rock that most would have tripped over. She glanced around again.
"Food does sound fairly nice. We aren't that far from the ruins..." she trailed off as she heard a rock clatter and her eyes moved to their left as she quickly drew an arrow, becoming silent. Her eyes scanned for movement.
Karma rolls his eyes at Avira's comment.
Me, nervous? Ha, of course not-
He inhales sharply as she steps over the rock, sighing and pointing.
He reacts almost as quickly as Avira, raising his shield and drawing his sword in one fluid motion.
Who's there?... Show yourself!
Avira listened carefully before slowly moving forwards...
"You can't hi-"
Before she could finish her sentence, she disappeared from sight, having stepped straight into a fairly small dugout at the top of the small hill. It was well hidden by grass, leading into a small cave area where a young wolf now circled her. Light shined down from the dugout as well as the cave enterance that was just over the crest of the hill. Avira had dropped her bow and now held her dagger out towards the wolf, her eyes never leaving it.

A little closer to the ruins there was another rock that clanked towards Karma, signaling the approach of something else, something coming from the ruins.
Karma jumped back, being just far enough away from the hole that he didn't fall in with her.
Shit, Avira!
Karma looks over the edge, seeing the wolf and judging how far down it goes. Just as he readies himself, a rock clacks toward him.
Dammit, there's someone else here. HANG ON AVIRA!
He looks back towards the rock's origin, growling through his teeth, not noticing the wind that blows his hair, as his helmet was with Vengeance, who was still on the other side of the mountain with Brad and Martin.
Come on! I haven't got all damn night!
Out stepped a young boy, a broken sword in hand. He couldn't have been but 12 or 13.
"What are you doing here?" He asked, his eyes dark. His clothes were torn, ragged. He looked like he'd been through a fire.
"Are you here to kill more of our people? I won't let you!" He said, anger rising in his voice.

Avira's eyes didn't leave the wolf as she heard Karma speak. She stood slowly, but her ankle was twisted. Not badly, though enough it hurt to put any pressure on it. She growled softly as the world snarled.
Karma was taken aback, not even knowing how to respond. When he heard the wolf snarl, his face hardened again.
How do I get my partner out of there? I don't have anything to do with whatever happened here, just get me in that hole...
Karma seems to fight with something internally, before he finally blurts out another word.