The Ryos Flame

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"Thats enough, Miyako!" Kehario scolded, as he helped stand her up, so that he could look at her face to face. "I understand that you want to go now, but, how do you expect to fight, when you can barely stand? Don't let your pride as a warrior blind you from the fact that your body is unable to function correctly. That type of thinking, will only get you killed on the battlefield. So, I ask you, please rest here for the night and try not to move. I will be here by your side." He said, laying her back down gently on the mat.
mIyako gave a groan of complaint as she was laid back down by the man and the butterfly lady stopped fluttering. He was right, and she knew it. It just didn't make her happy that he had sided with someone that was like a bloody butterfly. "I-I'll rest for the night, but not in this temple, please. They give me the creeps and I've never been able to sleep in one," she said softly, gripping his hand gently as the swimming stopped. It wasn't fair--to be told that one could not move and feeling better when they didn't move, but at the same time wanting to move away from somewhere.
The priestess looked at Keihario and smiled. She admired him for his help in calming Miyako down. She looked back down at Miyako and maintained her smile. "That is fine. You two may sleep together in an empty hut here in our village. We will provide food and beds. We will take care of your clothes as well. You may stay here until you make a full recovery." Keihario looked at the priestess with a smile of gratitude." That is very kind of you, priestess. I gladly accept your offer and I will watch over Miyako." He said, looking down at Miyako.

"I will carry her to the hut, just show me the way." He gripped Miyako's hand firmly in his own.
Miyako stared at the priestess, her cheeks becoming light pink. "I-I think you have the wrong idea," she stammered, "We-We-We don't sleep together." The young woman looked at the hand that gripped her and then up at the young man, her cheeks becoming darker with shame. "I-I mean, we only met yesterday morning. We are-are only--" What were they? They had shared her first kiss, and he'd protected her from a demon. Did that not put them on a level of knowing one another? Should she not tell the woman that they were simply fellow fighters? "I mean-" she tried again and her voice faded.
The priestess looked down at miyako and smiled."Whatever the case may be, it is none of my business. Whatever relationship you two have with each other." Kehario looked down at Miyako as she stammered over her words. He chuckled lightly at her. He found it rather adorable that she was acting the way she did. The priestess stood up and dusted off her clothing, and then walked towards the entrance of the hut. "Follow me please." She said, heading out of the huts entrance. Kehario looked up at her until she disappeared, then at Miyako. "If you wish to sleep alone tonight, I will sleep in a separate hut."
"No." she said, gripping his hand tighter with her own. No matter what embarrassment she felt, she would not sleep alone in a strange village ever again. "I-I'd rather you stay there. At least then we won't be completely defenseless. And I don't mind your company. I don't mind it at all. I just-I didn't want her to get an idea that was false, or-or"Or for myself to get any hopes over a silly childhood dream she finished mentally as she sighed. "We might as well get to the hunt we'll be sharing. The sooner we do that the sooner I can start to relax enough to heal properly."
Keihario blushed big as she gripped his hand tight. At the moment, he wasn't sure how to react to what she had said. He was speechless and surprised. Even so, he wanted to spend the night with her as well. He wouldn't object to it. "I will gladly spend the night with you, Miyako. After all, I did say that I would watch over you and protect you. I cannot allow you to get hurt again." The blush disappeared and he released Miyako's hand and picked her up in his arms. Since he was knelling with her, he used his left foot to push up, followed by the right to give extra support. Keihario stood up slowly and then looked down at Miyako.

"Shall we get going?"
Miyako squeaked as he picked her up, clutching onto his shirt as an added layer against being dropped. If she fell, she'd drag him down with her, she supposed. Instead of show casing her fear of being dropped, she smiled up weakly and made a sweeping motion with one hand, "Lead the way," she teased before her hand fastened itself onto his shirt again. She had never liked being carried. It made her feel week and she liked having earth under her feet. But she couldn't very well refuse when he was going to be the only one that would get her from point a to point b. "Thank you," she whispered.
Kehario smiled at her, when she told him to lead the way. She sounded like a princess in a story and he found it intriguing. He turned in the direction of the entrance of the hut, which was east of where he stood and began walking towards it. When Miyako whispered the words "thank you," He instantly blushed. He couldn't explain why he had reacted to it that way. All he knew is that it was weird to him. Getting blushed out by ever little thing she said. He cleared his throat and the blush disappeared. "You are Welcome, Miyako."

He exited the hut, holding Miyako firmly against him as she held on to his shirt tightly. He blushed again and by this time, the priestess was looking back at them, giggling.
She wasn't looking at him as he replied because she was hiding her face in his shirt front to keep form seeing how far up from the ground she was. When she felt the sun on her skin and the priestess giggle, she looked out and sent a glare at the woman. This wasn't funny! She opened her mouth to tell the priestess to stop giggling and to lead the way, but she saw that other people were pointing at them as well. Instead she looked at her lap which inadvertently led to her staring at the ground. She squeaked and hid her face in the man's shirt again, clutching tighter. Oh no, Miyako was not a person to be off the ground with no control. She was great in trees and on walls, but if it was being carried--either by man or horse, she couldn't stand it.
The sudden attention from everyone was surprising. It was as if they had never seen a man hold a woman in his arms before. He could hear a few mumbles and slight chattering among the people. Perhaps, it was because Miyako and him were traveling warriors. That could have been the reason, because warriors never connected in the way that he was holding Miyako. Kehario had no knowledge that Miyako had looked up, after she rmoved her head from his chest, but he felt the movement.

When she buried her head into his chest, he looked down at her. Was it really that embarrassing for her? Then again, he remembered her downing herse;f about not being pretty enough for any may. "Right this way, your hut is to the east side of our village. Please follow me." The priestess said, ignoring the glare that Miayko had given her moments ago. She only smiled and lead the way, Kehaihario followed behind her and the wandering eyes of the villagers followed them.
The whispered didn't bother the girl. She had heard them before. There were so many whispers in her village that she'd learned to ignore a majority of them. But the motion of being carried was lulling her more than she thought that it should have. How could she feel so comfortable in his arms when they'd hardly known each other that long?

She closed her eyes and eyes and tried to block everything out as they came to the hut. Once they got inside she would be able to relax--the people would not be able to see her in her weakened state and she'd be given another time to impres sthem when she was fully healed. "I should be fine in a day," she said as she analysed her situation.
Kehario looked sown at Miyako, once they were safely inside the hut. He smiled down at Miyako. "Well, until then, try not to make anymore fuss about the others trying to help you." She looked so peaceful in his arms. It seemed that ewach passing moment that they were together, he was feeling more and more comfortable with her.

"This is the hut. Make yourselves at home and may your night be a peaceful one." The priestess walked to the entrance and bowed. Kehario smiled at her. "Thank you very much." He said in a gentle voice. The priestess smiled in return and exited the hut. Kehario walked over to a mat and laid Miyako down gently. "Miyako...." He said, looking down at her, grasping her left hand gently with his right.
Miyako hadn't even noticed that they'd entered the hut. She had felt an overwhelming sense to sleep and had started to doze as he carried her in. She did not wake from her doze until she was placed on the mat and Kehario spoke her name. She jumped a little, blinking oven her eyes, though she didn't try to get up. She looked around, assessing the room carefully before nodding in approval. "This place is nice enough for me," she told him before giving a smile and slowly pushing over onto her side, never releasing his hand which held hers. "So we are stuck in here until I'm healed I suppose? Wonderful."
Yes, that seems to be the case of the matter. We can't afford to have any fights. In your condition, it would be very dangerous to travel. Your strength hasn't fully recovered and I would never forgive myself if you..." He looked off to the left and down at the floor. What was going on with him? Why was he always being so shy around Miyako. He had no trouble when they first met. It shouldn't have been any different now. Kehario closed his eyes for a moment and opened them. He looked down at Miyako and leaned his head down, resting her hand against his forehead.

"So, I ask you, please stay in bed." His voice was slightly shaky.
Miyako stared at him as he rested his forehead against her hand. Her words caught in her throat. Her dark eyes widened for a moment. He'd never forgive himself if ... what? If she got hurt? It was her own fault for not waiting in the village and being over confident that she was hurt currently. He had no reason to want forgiveness for that. She sat up slowly, her free hand going to touch his cheek as she sat in front of him, her legs curled around her. "Kehario? Are you sure you are okay? What is wrong? Do you feel feverish?" She asked, worry filtering into her voice despite her wish for it not to. "Should I call the priestess?"
He had realized that his strong image was bending each second. But, couldn't help himself. His mind wandered endlessly, until Miyako's free hand touch his cheek. He raised his head slowly and caught eye contact with her and could feel his heart race, as she spoke to him. His breathing felt heavy and he released her hands slowly. Kehario placed his hands on his laps and sighed, as he looked down at the floor, letting her hand stay in its place.

"Yes, I am fine. I should try to rest." He said, in a slightly shaky voice. He removed Miyako's hand and then grasped her shoulders firmly in his hands. "Miyako, about the night we kissed-" He stopped in mid-sentence as the thoughts of them kissing played in his mind.
Miyako had been about to agree with him--that he should rest. That it wasn't proper, her resting and him not getting a little rest as well. But instead he grabbed her shoulders and spoke again. Her eyes grew wide as she stared up at him. What did he want to say about the night that they had kissed? Maybe he thought that it shouldn't ever have happened? For whatever reason though, the thought of him denying it hurt. "What Kehario?" she whispered, tyring her best to hide the worry. "What about last night?" It surprised her a little that, indeed, it had only been the night before that they had kissed. It felt so much longer. Please, don't let him say it.
Now his heart was racing more. Almost to the point where he could hear it ringing in his ears. He gulped a little and it felt like a rock, sliding down his throat. He never broke eye contact with her as he spoke in a soft voice. "Miyako, I cannot forget about it. No matter how much I try, it runs through my mind endlessly. I feel that it happened for a reason, but, I will not speak so soon on it. I do know that I enjoyed it, even though it last such a short time."

He could feel his hands shaking as he raised them slowly. Kehario grasped Miyako's face within his hands and raised her head slightly. He watched as her hair fell behind her shoulders and rested on her back. For the moment, he could not speak. Only just look into her eyes and just gaze.
Miyako's heart stopped, but only for a moment before she started to hear it pound in her chest loudly. Could he not hear it? Her breathe caught in her lungs and stayed there was he cupped her face in his hands. Her gaze searched his for some reasoning behind it all. Maybe he would know why she felt so strange, or could explain away his words. Her hands slowly reached up and touched his with their rough skin. As she felt his skin with them she let the fingers drop quickly. No matter what he said, those were still a sore part for her. Instead she reached up with the back of her knuckles and gently ran them over his cheek that seemed so close to her. "Are you sad?" she whispered, "That it only lasted a short time?"