The Ring

  • Thread starter Jae- The nonexistant
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Amelia smiled at Jinn, happy that he's got his taste of freedom now. He didn't seem at all bad as Silvanti described. As usual she didn't catch the mock behind his bow because she was so dense. "Which reminds me. You both really shouldn't call me Master," she insisted softly. Being called 'master' here in there, while she was technically their 'master', it didn't feel quite right. She felt that such a title didn't fit her. "Just 'Amelia' is fine really, unless you have to follow some kind of genie rules."

"Oh yes, I almost forgot," she clasped her hands together. She's been thinking about this for a while now, and thought she should try wishing while she was actually aware that she was wishing something. "We only have two chicken bowls and one side dish for dinner, but Adam's hungry too. Could I wish for an extra meal for him? I wish he could have his favorite Chinese take-out meal so he doesn't have to feel left out."
Before Silvanti had a chance to answer, Jinn immediately formed what looked like a chicken bowl. He handed it to Amelia, smiling. "Give that to Adam. Tastes real nice." Jinn grinned. Little did she know that the bowl contained a secret ingredient that would turn Adam into a potato. He chuckled, but managed to silence himself, careful not to arouse suspicion.
Silvanti glanced at Jinn, then sighed. "Your wish is our command, though, you now have ten wishes, now it is 8 though," she smiled, "Amelia. You know..that's a very nice name..Amelia." she stopped hovering, landing gently on the ground. "Who is Adam?"
Amelia clapped her hands in delight. "Thank you, Jinn!" she smiled, taking the chicken bowl and setting it on the table. Poor girl was totally oblivious to what was going to happen. Perhaps Silvanti was really too worried about her brother. He seems hardly mischievous. But wow, ten wishes? That's quite a lot - what could a girl like her wish for? Well, now she can wish for simple things first to help people before spending her last few wishes for herself. Amelia nodded to herself, yes this was a good plan.

"Adam?" she echoed when Silvanti asked her. "Adam likes visiting us a lot, he's good company." That's all he was to her, a good friend to be with. There were times when he was around, her stomach would feel like it had butterflies fluttering around or when he was extra nice she would feel.. fluffy? She couldn't describe it. Such feelings were new to her. "He's like family." Amelia finally added.
Silvanti smiled softly. "Okay Amelia." she said. This is so cute...a young couple. She thought silently. "Can I meet them? I'll say I'm a friend from...what's that place you go to learn?" she asked, tilting her head slightly. "School! I'll say I'm a new girl from school!" she beamed.
He looked at Amelia's mom after his long awkward pause of thinking, he shook his head and said " Im doing good, How are you on this fine day? " He said hearing a bit of Amelia talking to supposedly herself. He rubbed his chin and walked towards the room Amelia dissapeared to and walked in not caring and bursting through " Who are you talking to? Amelia....." he said looking at the food and then to her.
Silvanti froze. She was not sure if Adam could see her and Jinn or not..had she remembered to use the master's spell, meaning only her master could see her? She bit her lip, not turning to face the kid. Come on...
His jaw dropped when he noticed some attractive women in the room " Who...who is she? " he said running a hand through his hair eyes still wide and his jaw slowly closing.
Silvanti sighed, silently cursing to herself. Idiot!! You forgot the spell...shit. She turned slowly, offering a small smile. She spoke in foreign tongue..simply to keep up her idea of being new. "Hallo dort. Mein Name ist Silvanti, ich weiß nicht viel Englisch sprechen...Uhh..hi. I little speak English." she said, looking at Amelia for help. She realized Jinn was still hidden from sight. The spell is on him..not on me... She looked away from her brother. At least he can't break it. The thought comforted her. He could not be seen, only by Silvanti and Amelia. "I Silvanti, new exchange student."
" Uh hello...beautiful....i mean adam nice to meet you " he said walking over to the food on the table and picking up the chicken looking at it " i call it! " he said digging a fork which he stole from the kitchen into it and sniffed it question wether he should it eat it or not.
Silvanti smiled faintly, but stepped away from the table. "Nice to meet Adam." She responded as she looked at Adam, then Amelia. She had a bad feeling about the chicken, but said nothing.
Martha had followed Adam into the next room, her jaw dropping slightly at the addition of another person. So Amelia hadn't been speaking to herself- but where on earth had she come from? Stymied, the woman walked silently into the room, blinking in surprise as the lovely young lady began to speak with a thick accent in a foreign language.

"Well goodness me, I'm afraid I only ordered enough for Amelia and I bu-.." She cocked her head to the side in pure confusion as Adam scooped up an extra bowl of what, she didn't know.

"I am losing my mind.." She muttered to herself, "Perhaps I should go lie down..."
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Silvanti looked at Amelia. She sighed. "No need sorry." she said with the slight of smile. She sighed. "I Silvanti, you?" she asked, smiling gently.

((Jinn is unseen by the people. Only Silvanti and Amelia can see Jinn.))
He then shoved the food into his mouth and began to chew on it until he felt as if he was loosing his balance...and his eye sight...hearing....what is going on? Adam thought to himself before he slowly began to turn into what...a potato just great! a potato, of course he would turn into a potato his worst nightmare has come true. As he changed he dropped to the floor as a potato and now was walking around in his sub conscious, " IM A POTATO! AAAAAHG! "
There were too many things happening.

First, Adam suddenly came in the room. Next, Adam could see Silvanti. Then she had to think up an excuse on how on earth did Silvanti get in the house. Adam was a potato.

It was very hard to remain calm.

"Silvanti? Jinn? Jinn! What did you do?!" She squeaked in panic, gripping her black hair. "What did you do to Adam? What was in the chicken bowl?! Mom?!" No good. Amelia was close to tears. "Silvanti, what should I do..?"
Jinn was unable to stifle his laughter and fell to the floor, tears in his eyes. This was more hilarious than he imagined. The way how she was oblivious, the way how Adam saw Silvanti and turned into a potato. The way how Amelia was panicking now! "Oh, that's too funny!" Jinn giggled, picking up the potato and playing with it.
Silvanti seethed, then saw Amelia. She was by Amelia's side in an instant. She put an arm around her shoulders. "shhh.." she whispered in her ear. "Take your mom to bed, convince her she's just really tired and hallucinating. I'll fix Adam. Stay calm..worse has happened. I'll take care of Jinn." she pat Amelia's back and turned to Jinn and the potatoe. She grabbed it gently and set it on the table. She made sure it would not roll off before turning to Jinn, glaring daggers at him, but not moving until Amelia took her acts.
Amelia took deep breaths as Silvanti tried her best to calm her down. Her plan sounded good, Amelia need no more convincing. Hurriedly, she rushed to her mother. "H-hey mom, the weather's a bit hot, isn't it?" The girl placed a soft hand on Martha's forehead. "Let's go to the bedroom for now, huh? I'll bring up the iced tea too." She took her mother by the arm, guiding her to her parent's bedroom.. Well, 'mother's bedroom.
Silvanti waited until they were out of earshot. "JINN. I knew you would do this! How could you??" she said angrily. She gently picked up the potato and held it in her hand. "Returns Vemon." she said quietly. Adam returned to his normal state and Silvanti dropped her hands from his shoulders, looking at her brother. "You can't just mess with a kid like this! Our powers are meant for good, not whatever funny thing you come up with!"
Jinn laughed like a madman. His face dropped a little when he saw Adam back to his normal state but still continued to snigger. "What's the point of so much power if you can't have a little fun every now and then?" he asked rhetorically, still struggling not to laugh as he saw Adam's confused face look around. He had to do more. He saw a water jug and forced it to float up then tip all over Adam's head, soaking him. Jinn was crying now as Adam dripped.
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