The Princess and the Outcast

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She sighed and walked to her room and inspected her cheek. She was bruising she thought back to jerkman. He would pay for punching her. She took out her make up and covered it up. She sat by the window and sung a soft sweet lullaby that echoed through most of the castle.
His ears filling with the tune of her beautiful singing, he hummed along his voice actually not to bad. Yet he refused to sing

Early in the morning the alarms were sounded. Akari work up and changed before going to see the commotion. When she asked a guard he took her that the kings crown had been stolen. She was shocked. It was all her fault. If she hadn't let Jerkman go then this would have never happened. She had to fix this as soon as possible. She went to see her father but he was in a meeting planing a tactical battle plan to gain the upper hand on the Equus. Which made her guilty level grow. Not lives were going to be lost because of her. She walked the halls of the castle and deep thought.

She eventually saw Authur in the distance and popped a obvious U-ie to avoid him.
He was walking down the halls armored ready for battle, his face stern and his emotions dull. He noticed Akari trying to avoid him, his voice booming as if a cannon went off " Akarai! Stop right there! " He said as he walked towards her his helmet placed between his right and his hip. His breathing became heavy as he held back anger and frustration.
She stopped and turned back around. She didn't look at him, she couldn't she felt to guilty. She knew he was angry, he sounded like her father when he was. He was especially intimidating in his armor, "M-morning Aurthur..." she said feeling as small as a mouse. She could feel herself getting smaller are he got closer. 'When did Aurthur get so big?' She asked herself in her thoughts.

The closer he got the more she had the urge to flea. She slowly started to step back, "Um...I h-have to get going. I have a urgent thing I have to do." she said as she attempted to make her escape.
Grappling her by the arm, his eyes piercing her like daggers " were you talking to the thief last night " he forcibly controlling his anger
"I-...I didn't know...." she said looking down. She pulled away, "I'm going to fix this. So don't get in my way." she turning around to walk the opposite way.
" your not going to fix anything " he said still trying to hold in his anger. " enough has already been done, and. I plan to end it today! " he said turning around letting out a booming shout
Akari was hurt by his words but her it just motivate her to act even quicker. She ran her her room and quickly looked for a disguise to help her sneak out of the palace.
Name: Enai "Sebastian" Yoritomo (Sebastian is the name he gave himself. He never tells anyone his real name)
Age: 20
Occupation: Thief

A loud crash and shouting is heard from another floor. Sebastian is running through the palace, carrying something wrapped in cloth. Guards are chasing after him. Sebastian yells loudly "I'm only taking whats mine. Go away!" He runs through a flight of stairs in the direction of Akari.

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Akari saw all the commotion and blocked his path and ran toward him. She maybe had been the nation's princess but she had the strength of an OX and had the anger to take out on someone. Two thefts within one day? There was no way this was happening on her watch.
He goes wide eyed upon being stopped. "Please. Let me go. I'm only taking back what is mine." a guard slams him into a wall. He drops the cloth and a sword rolls from it. It is a simple blade made of blue steel. It is clearly battle worn, but sharp. "I just want my blade back" He grabs the sword and slashes the guard's chest and pushes past you with an apology.
Akari chases him, "Hey you! Stop right there and I won't hurt you." she yelled at the intruder.
An arm came from around the corner slamming into the. Intuders on moving pursuit causing him.this time fall over. Arthur walked out looking down on the boy holding a sword towards the down mans face he says " theft and the killing of a royal guard ....tsk tsk tsk " arthur says with a burning flame in his eyes
"Wait! Don't kill him." Akari said running up to them, "I want to heard what he has to say."
He groans as he hits the ground. "First off, it isnt theft if the item belongs to me. And second, It wasnt murder, it was assault. He is only wounded. " He tries to stand, gripping the blade.
"You did break into the palace. You're not suppose to be in here. Especially not at this time. So they me who you are and where you're from." Akari countered and demanded.
"That is just breaking and entering, though. not technically theft... well... i did take this cloth, but you can have it back if you want." He adjusts his eye patch. "May i leave now?"
"Of course not, You assaulted a royal guard. Answer my questions or I'll make sure you get triple the time in prison." Akari said crossing her arms."
"Well I will end up in prison either way, so im going to go with a clever escape plot. just as soon as i think of one." He sits there "you know a guard stole my blade from me. That is the whole reason I am here"
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