The Pheraxis Saga: Lichdom OOC/Interest Check

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Never played nor looked it up.
I have the second one. Think of it as a medieval fantasy RPG if it was made by Hollywood. Excessive amounts of makeup on all women, language unfitting for a medieval setting, absolutely worthless armour in cutscenes, and enormous amounts of fan service to make up for the mediocre combat and voice acting. I honestly can't understand how it can be so popular.
I have the second one. Think of it as a medieval fantasy RPG if it was made by Hollywood. Excessive amounts of makeup on all women, language unfitting for a medieval setting, absolutely worthless armour in cutscenes, and enormous amounts of fan service to make up for the mediocre combat and voice acting. I honestly can't understand how it can be so popular.

Guts, tits, little children who love them, and parents who keep buying their gut and boob loving kids more games like these.
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Funny, made by some polish nobodies and still does better than a triple A studio with a massive budget and publisher.

The Witcher series is objectively better after the abomination that was DA2 was released. It's a shame to see them rushing DA3 just to try and beat out The Witcher 3: Wyld Hunt, nobody is going to win with a rushed product and a horrible social agenda that involves shoehorning gay/trans/colored people into a game either.
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Funny, made by some polish nobodies and still does better than a triple A studio with a massive budget and publisher.

The Witcher series is objectively better after the abomination that was DA2 was released. It's a shame to see them rushing DA3 just to try and beat out The Witcher 3: Wyld Hunt, nobody is going to win with a rushed product and a horrible social agenda that involves shoehorning gay/trans/colored people into a game either.

Wow. This one comment silenced everyone for an entire day yesterday. Teach me how to do that in real life.
Proving people are wrong with base assumptions and generalizations is a great way.
Sorry, everyone. Real life keeps getting in my way. I'll have the IC up tomorrow guaranteed.
no problem @solReaper I'm sure we all understand how life and get in the way sometimes! I'm just glad this idea didn't die since I'm really excited to play.
@WitchesRayvyn I had planned, once this game starts, to introduce Orrib with having him make his first visit to Lorna's brothel. This doesn't collide with your planned start, I hope? I can come up with something else otherwise, just making sure.
That sounds like a great plan @Andalais! I'll just make my first post a reply post to his intro if you don't mind.
This is gonna be fun.
Cool beans. My question was never really answered though (but feel free to correct me if I haven't asked): Who is playing Garibaldi? Or should I introduce Sitis having already placed himself in his state of voluntary occupation?
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