The Outbreak Nation: Zombie Apocalypse

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((This is getting good! SilverJayStorm inbox me real quick I want to ask you something, please.))
Clu just layed their, and closed his eyes having Sinclaire laying on his chest which was in pain still but he didn't care. "Goodnight every one!" he said waving his arms in the air and past out.
Kate woke up as the sun gleamed on her eyes. She started to sit up, then immediattly regretted it, practically collapsing back into the chair. "Oh well," she said under her breath, trying to wake anyone, "this sucks." She checked in each of the mirrors. "Clear." she muttered. She did a head count, everyone was there, sleeping silently. She closed her eyes and tried to go back to sleep. 'A little more rest might help...' she thought quietly to herself..
Clu was dreaming; "Get off of me!!" Clu said as he woke up, "Phew," breathing heavily "..fuck that was creepy as hell." he continued, he looked around and saw that everyone was still asleep. The sun was bright and beautiful, he tried to get up "Ouch..damn it." he said under his breath "I feel like a fucking 80 year old man." he said sitting on the hood of the car. He happened to look over on the side of the road and saw a pack of cigs, he looked at everyone, including Sinclair and started walking toward them and picked it up, 'Newports Menthol' the pack said, he opened them up, which was a full pack, and took one out and lit it up and started smoking it, while walking back to the truck and sitting on the hood.

" that's better." he said with a smile, knowing that if Sinclaire woke up, he would be in dep shit if she found him smoking again.
Kate came slightly out of her sleep, trying to roll out of the seat, but cringing in pain and collapsing back into the seat, never opening her eyes. "Whatever..." She mumbled to herself.
Thinking to himself, he mumbled, "How has he not turned, what few blood samples I got from his freshest injuries shows his blood is more tainted than the zombies themselves. How can that be?" He thought about it all night. When Clu screamed, he woke up, worried that maybe the curse finally got him. But when nothing happened, he went back to sleep.

The next morning, he had to know. Clu- "May I talk to you in private please?" Heading over to the tailgate of the truck for what little privacy was possible.
"Whoa...shit dude! You scared the fuck out of me!" Clu said while coughing on his smoke from the cig. "Yea man, what's up?" he said to Lorenzo.
Kate woke up, and this time, couldn't go back to sleep. She leaned up slowly, checking the gas. "Dangit. We'll need more soon." She reached beside the seat and picked up her pack, taking a drink from her water and checked to see if the case was still in there. 'Check. Good.' She leaned back and sighed in contentment as she leaned back, thinking about the past few days.
Name: Caitlín Nic Chuilinn-DeRoo

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 165

Body Type: Healthy, Curvy, Soft

Gender: Female

Born: August 18, 1993

Age: 20

Bio: Caitlín was married to an American soldier named Robert DeRoo for a little over 2 years, so their marriage was still relatively new. He had just gotten PCS'd to Manchester and brought Caitlín over where they would be staying until he moved again or got deployed. They were almost set in and were about to get a dog, thinking of having children, and Caitín had just graduated from school for her Performing Arts degree. Everything was going better than expected.
One night, Robert got put on Night Watch, and Caitlín already had fears of being alone, especially at night. The next morning, he hadn't returned. She thought maybe he was put on some kind of extra duty, which is odd, because he never got in trouble. Maybe he volunteered? So, she waited, and waited, and before long, it was the next day. Caitlín tried calling the main office and all lines were down. She called everybody she knew and she couldn't get in touch with a single soul on post. She didn't dare step outside because, any time her husband left, she was a homebody and never even cracked a window. This particular moment, however, she slipped a finger between the blinds and raised one of them to peek out. What she saw scarred her. Her home was surrounded with dead bodies and others that seemed infected. Her husband was huge on zombie apocalypses so she immediately thought that. One of the infected saw her, through her window, and began to charge. Sarah immediately grabbed the closest thing to her, cracked the window, and shot the flare. It hit the zombie, right on, but spiraled out of control and cracked up in the sky. After closing the window, Caitlín slumped down in a corner with the flare gun and cried.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End C.S.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Caitlín had been inside her house for a couple days now, by herself and she had put on her husbands beret and much-to-large-for-her military coat to feel safer. Luckily they had went grocery shopping and bought more canned goods and boxed things rather than frozen foods and cold items before the incident. She knew she was in a bad situation but without her husband, she was nothing. But, she knew for sure, that the flare she let off would, in fact, bring a horde of zombies to her home and it would only be a matter of days before they reached her, knocked down every opening of her home, and killed or turned her. But she wouldn't let that happen. She'd rather die than become one of them. She quickly stopped these thoughts. "I gotta fight hard for Robert. He would be proud of me if I did. And I know he is still out there because he read all those books. He is prepared. He must have known and ran off to keep the zombies away from me. He is so sweet." She thought to herself before quickly going off into a dream world of hers.
Clu looked up and happen to see a flare shoot in the sky, "Hey!" Clu yelled out toward everyone, "I beleive we found another survivor!" he ran toward the truck, "Kate! Come on! We must go!" he said to Kate but she wasn't waking up. "Kate?" he checked her pulse, which she had one, so Clu picked her up and layed her in the back of the Truck, "Come on I'll drive!" he said, "It's not to far away!" he said while pressing the gas pedal all the way down. "Who ever you are..I'm coming for you, just hang in their."
Caitlín sighs contently, while in her state of daydream, but quickly comes out of it when her stomach starts rumbling. "Oh.. Food.. When was the last time I ate?" She sighs, most unhappily this time, and scuffles to the cabinets where she gets a can of spaghetti O's with the pull top lids. After grabbing a plastic fork, she begins eating and sits on her counter. As she looks around, memories swoop in and the room goes from a dull drab to color and life as her memories invade. She is so deep into her memories that she doesn't even realize that the outside of her house is swamped with infected dogs which smell the can of food. Around the house they dance, prance, and claw about as Caitlín is in her daydream while eating Spahgetti O's with a huge cheesy smile on her face.
She woke up and realized the truck was moving. "What?" She sat up again, this time slower. She noticed Clu driving and leaned back against the wall.
Ella was woken up by the throbbing pain at the back of her head and the sound of a flare that shot up into the air. As she was laying there staring up at the morning sky, she was afraid to get up to find out how she got that pain. Ella slowly scaned the back of her head and felt huge scar that wasn't there yesterday?....Most of the back of her head and her neck was covered in dry blood, so it must of been there for awhile. Soon she realized that she had forgotten what had happened during these past few days. "I remember getting off the plane from Japan and this whole zombie apocalypse thing, but how the hell did i end up here?" She said to herself. "It feels like i'm missing something important." Ella sat up slowly and thought to herself 'Maybe i fell from the top of this house and banged my head hard or something.' When she looked back up at the sky she could see the trail of smoke the flare left behind, it looked like that the person who fired it was close. So Ella decided to make her way to it, to see if the person who fired it was still alive.
She saw someone walking along the road, watching the sky. 'Definitly not infected... Walking differently then they do...' She decided to point her out. "Clu, do you see that girl, she doesn't look infected..." Kate dropped off her sentence and sat up, watching the girl.
Ella was holding the back of her head to try stop the bleeding faster, which started when she started walking towards the trail of smoke in the sky. She saw some people in the distance but she wasn't exactly sure, her vision was getting a bit blurry and her legs were getting heavy. 'I finally found survivors, I hope they see me because i dont think i can walk any further.' She thought to herself. Then collapsed on the side of the road.
She watched as the girl collapsed at the side of the road. "Clu, we should stop." Kate tried to stand, but clumsily dropped back onto her knees. "Clu, that girl is hurt, we've got to help her!" Kate was determined to keep as many survivors as possible alive, past the extent of a sixteen year old. 'Come on, a couple of bruises and maybe a fractured rib isn't much..' She forced herself to her knees and came up behind the driver's seat, pointed at the girl, yet not blocking Clu's view. "See, she collapsed."
Name: Robert J. DeRoo
Height: 6'1 Feet
Weight: 197 LBS
Body: Well-toned, moderate build.
Gender: Male
Born: February 3, 1989
Age: 23
Bio: Robert was graced with a rather normal childhood, aside from an occasionally non-existant father. No beatings, or lack of attention. Nor was he a shining star, in terms of Schooling, or sports. All around average. He grew up well, and did it quick, planning his future at a young age, and commiting to it. Several months after graduating High School, he was off to basic, saying farewell to his childhood, and all friends and family therein.
Several years later, he'd find himself with the rank of Staff Sergeant, serving in the U.S. Army as a UH-60 Crewchief, and mechanic. It was something he'd enjoyed, though it had it's fair share of danger, both at home, and over-seas.
-----End CS------

Within the over-turned wreckage of a MRAP Troop Carrier, lay Staff Sergeant DeRoo, Robert, J. The bulk of his gear sat within a neat pile formed at his side, while he attempted to get to sleep. A futile attempt, at the very best. Within his mind, he could find no peace, no shelter, or sanctuary. The past 72 Hours clouted every synapse of his memory, playing every moment back in vivid detail.
"Well? Do you think it's better off-post, Sarn't?!" SSG DeRoo turned his head towards his Squad, particuarly to the sender of the question, PFC Barrett. DeRoo let out a light scoff, as the question had a rather simple, yet logical answer "The immiediate area? Fuck no. Every civvy within a 50 Mile radius will probably head here." To his left, PVT Rudde spoke up, the Squad's newest arrival. "Why's that Sarn't?" DeRoo didn't have a chance to answer, as he was beaten to it by fellow SSG, Verde, a man he'd worked with most of his military career, even before leaving the U.S. "Because we're the Army, dumbass. They know we've got weapons, ammo, armor, and vehicles. They'll think it's a safe-haven! Then come the mobs, demanding entrance after being turned away. All it takes is one of them to be infected, and all hell breaks loose. At that point, it's only a matter of time."
A bump outside the MRAP tore DeRoo from his memory. In an instant, his entire body responded, acting purely on instinct, and muscle memory. His hand gripped his 45. Calibur M1911 pistol, raising it to eye-level and training it on the damaged, partially-open rear-access doors of his impromptu shelter. His chest tightened, and breath stopped, offering no sound to what might lurk outside. Seconds, maybe minutes passed, witohut another sound. DeRoo finally lowered his weapon, and allowed himself to take a slow, controlled, but desperately-needed breath.
But he couldn't relax though. He'd never be able to do so until he'd at least found Caitlin. She was the sole reason he'd seperated from his men, telling them to prepare their aircraft, while he went off on what could very-well be a suicide mission to rescue his damsel-in-distress Wife. Some time later, a sizzling 'pop' would jar him awake. His initial surprise at simply falling asleep was cast aside in place of his concern over the sound itself. From the crack between the doors beyond his feet, he could see a dull red glow. He'd then sit up-right, leaning foreward just enough to barely peek out from within the overturned beast. A flare. From his current position, he knew it was near his home. "Caitlin?!" He thought to himself.
2 Minutes later, he was on his feet, with his helmet, mask, vest, Assault Pack, and PF-Mod M4A1 all in their proper places. He gave himself, and his gear one last check, ensuring everyhting was secured, and all skin covered, before creeping his way out the doors. With the intersection itself cleared, save for two Walkers in the direction he came, he picked up a steady shuffle, keeping his footfalls controlled, steady, and silent as he closed in on the origin of the flare's smoke trail, roughly 7 Blocks away. As he moved, his grip never slackened on the 9-Inch Kukri within his right hand. He wasn't about to draw himself any undue attention by firing off precious ammo. The near-by roar of a diesal engine wasn't lost on his ears however, amidst the endless sounds of ambient conflict within the Base. His moved from cover to cover, bounding, assesing, and bounding again. He knew better than to leave himself out in the open for too long. Before long, a grassy area came into view, as did the play area within. With a pleased breath, he recognized it as the playground for his neighborhood. He was five minutes out, at the very most, as he cut off of the road, and into the grass, quite happy to do so.
Clu saw the girl on the floor and spun the car in a U-Turn and hawled ass to her, "I see her!" he said with a concern look on his face. It was a good thing that Kate spotted her or she would've been screwed, he drove right up next to her, blood was dripping from the girl, "Stay back, she might have been biten, I was much be ammuned to it and yall might not be." Clu said, he hopped out of the truck with a pistol in his hand. He could see the woman breathing but wasn't sure what to think of it all. "Hey you ok, ma'am? he said to her. He walked over and got on his knees, "1...2...3..." Clu then turned the women around to her back and saw her, a beautiful women the only had a gash to her head and a couple of scracthes and some bruises. " ok?" he said once more to her.
Caitlín's daydreaming finally ended and when she heard the scratching and clawing of animals outside her house, she quickly rushed to push as much furniture around the room, against all the windows and doors, as barricades. After that much commotion, she still heard the scratching but it wasn't nearly as loud and she had suddenly gotten very sleepy.

Caitlín sighs, out of frustration and worry, then scuffles across the room and into the bathroom area, where there weren't any windows or openings, brought a pillow and blanket from the bedroom, and curled up in the bathtub where she would fall asleep almost immediately. And from there, the night-terrors began.
Clu pressed his finger on the mysterious girls neck to check her pulse, "Her pulse is light she might need some attention, Kate get to the drivers seat and drive." Clu demanded. He picked her up into her arms and opened the truck door and got in the very back where it was just them to, "Hold'll be ok." he said to her hoping she could hear him, He sat down and held her close to his chest just in case anything bad happened but also so she was secured and safe when she woke up. "Ok, we are in. Lets go. That flare might be a destress signal for help. Punch it Chewy." he said. He sat their remembering that the place that they are heading was Caitlin and Roberts neighboorhood, a long time friend since they where teens, "Please, let Caitlin and Robert be ok?" he thought to himself with concern. Clu held the woman tight in his arms, so she didn't have to move to much and hurt even more.
Kate nodded and started away towards the flare's smoke trail. This place was unknown to her, so she didn't speed up much more.
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