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terrified to be known, desperate to be understood
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Adaptable
romance. angst. drama. modern. fantasy. supernatural. adventure. crime. period pieces.




Supernatural creatures do exist, living amongst and with the human race. Of course, not all of them are civil and even the ones who are 'cause trouble unintentionally. They are a danger.

And that's where the organization comes in. A secret agency , named Dusk, the government created to deal with and solve supernatural problems. They are like hunters, but they don't only hunt, they protect.

These people are better than any hunter/huntress. They have been specially recruited and trained for the job. And most of all, they are unique humans who have been genetically modified with supernatural blood injected in them.

With these powers, they are dubbed as DuskChasers for those who fear them and DuskGuardians for those who seek their protection, but to anyone and everyone they are called Vessels. The only catch for these people is that they are government property.

The story will be centered around our eight protagonists as they build relationships, dreams, and complete missions.

  • [bg=#9c2a2a]
    [BCOLOR=#808080]Dusk[/BCOLOR]; The secret organization that was founded in the mid-1980's. It was created by the government to deal with any problems and or troubles having to do with supernatural creatures. Whether those problems include taking the bad ones down or protecting the good ones. Because after all, they are still considered citizens in the US.

    Their capital division lies outside the city of New York in a secluded area, not easy to find. The institute appears more like a large campus, but to anyone who might come by it, it's disguised as a unique military base. Not only is a workplace, but a home to the field agents, the vessels.


    [BCOLOR=#808080]Vessels[/BCOLOR]; The field agents who have been genetically modified with supernatural/mythic creature blood. Because of this, they have not only possess the inhuman abilities of the beast but their weaknesses as well.

    Though, this is the least of their problems. These people were specially recruited at a young(around 10 and up), specifically chosen from broken families,harsh standards and lives they can never go back to. And most of the time, they pick out those who've had an encounter with the supernaturals.

    Once they've recruited these people and modified them, they are no longer their own, but government property. With this reason, among others, they live in the base, train in the base, study in the base and more.

    To keep them in check whenever they disobey protocol they are 'disciplined'. Though, if they are unwilling to be punished for their actions, they have a second option and all it includes is the press of a button and intense pain for the disobedient Vessel. But it's rare to ever see this happen.

    Each Vessel has a tattoo that can be found on their body, it symbolizes the creature of the blood the held within them, along with their agent number(The smaller the number, the stronger they are.). The marking isn't only to be recognized, though, whenever the beast that they contain the blood of is in the vicinity, it burns, warning the agent of their presence.Or even if the creature was there once upon a time ago it.

    Lastly, they also gain code names. No, not the titles they are given by the folks they protect or hunt such as DuskGuardians or DuskChasers. These names are given to them by the agency based on their skills, powers, creature blood or even something memorable they had once done.

    [BCOLOR=#808080]Office Agents[/BCOLOR]; These agents work within in the base, whether it be a doctor, technician, scientist, engineer, supervisor or more. However, unlike the Vessels, they are not superhumans. They're normal human beings, recruited in normal standards.

    Yet, most of these people do all of the behind-the-scene work and help support the Vessels with their missions or just help them in general. They still have been hired because of their high IQs, their intelligence. They are geniuses. And the ones in the high positions have superiority over the Vessels.

  • [bg=#9c2a2a]

    The Captain
    His name is James Mulligan, but to everyone else he's just the captain of the capitol division. He can be seen as a rough man in appearance, but in reality, he's a warm person who knows when to show tough love. He knows just about everyone on a personal level.(FC: Paul Blackthorne)

    The Dock
    Margarette Brielle, she's the head doctor of the medical division and like the captain, she knows every Vessel as well. The main reason being because she sees over their health. Nonetheless, she is a harsh woman that strictly follows rules and regulations. (FC: Ruth Negga)

    Kooky Doctor
    Peter Alexandria is known as the kook doctor. He is a young genius who was recruited at a young age. And he has quite the fascination with supernaturals. Because of this, he always hangs around the Vessels.(FC: Devon Bostick)


    Besides having to work around supernaturals, there is another issue. Hunters/Huntresses.

    There are many types of this particular people. Most hunters/huntresses ride solo or with a group of two and more.

    Most of them hunt for the good of the human race, it is only natural that most of them would be human. Though, there are some hunters who aren't human at all, that are full blood supernatural. Which brings us to another type of hunters. Hunters who are supernatural bounty hunters. It's as exactly as it sounds.

    Lastly, there is the worst kind of hunters. Those who poach and sell supernaturals. They are the biggest threat.

    But none of these groups of hunters have legal backup nor approval. So they have a more difficult time doing their jobs than the Vessels.

    Unfortunately, Vessels run into many of these hunters/huntresses very often. And all three groups do not care for the Vessels in the least.

  • [bg=#9c2a2a]

    [BCOLOR=#808080]The Seniors[/BCOLOR]
    They've been apart of Dusk longer and have been in and out of the field before. They have experience, more skill and have more flexibility with their powers. Lastly, they're a bit known among the supernatural/mythic community.

    [BCOLOR=#808080]The Freshmen[/BCOLOR]
    Fresh out of the academy. They do have control over their abilities but have yet to really test the limits and explore it. They've never been out of the field before, so the only experience, skill, and knowledge they have are from studying, training and simulations.

    Kennelly "Scout" Colt Reserved by @Mysty
    Justin Tyrell Jones Reserved by @J u s t i n ✖ A h o l i c
    Kaiden Rose Dean Reserved by @Misguided†Ghost
    Jesse Alexander Ramsey-Jordan Reserved by @lxngdon
    Ashley Reid Reserved by @CrystalTears


    [BCOLOR=#808080]The Team[/BCOLOR]
    The team lead and the second-in-command will be paired
    And the remaining seniors will be randomly paired off with a freshman

    ____________ + ____________
    ____________ +_____________
    ____________ +_____________
    ____________ +_____________


  • [bg=#9c2a2a]
    1.Treat everyone the way you'd like to be treated.If I have to spell it out, please be kind and respectful to one another. No one likes a douche.

    2. Respect the GMs. This is my idea and what I say goes, I'll have many things to do to keep the story going interesting. Of course, I will ask you guys for permission with things that include your character. This should not be a problem.

    3. Use the CS that I provided. I don't mind if you add more details that you want to put in, so as long as you fill out all that I handed you.

    4. I don't want more members of one sex over the other. I'll only make an exception if some want to do a same sex couple,if that's case, tell me. So, when you reserve your character, state it's gender along with whether they're a Senior or Freshmen.

    5. Romance is encouraged, but that should not be the only relationship built around your character. Friendships, rivalry, frenemies are all there too.

    6. Pre-planned couples are allowed, just let me know beforehand. And don't make it an insta-love. Give it some time,that goes for all couples,planned or not.

    7. If things get hot and heavy, take it to PMs or fade to black. I don't want any of that on the roleplay thread, thankyouverymuch. And I don't think it's necessary to add 'keep within your age group'.

    8. Gain permission before you maim someone's character. I don't want any problems. No godmodding or Mary/Gary sues either.

    9. Posting minimum is two small paragraphs, but it would be greatly preferred, and recommended, if you wrote more than that. I understand if you're stumped, but that shouldn't be if things go along smoothly.

    10. If you read the rules type at the top of your character sheet "Team 13" as a header in any color and font you like.

    11. You have to post at least twice a week. I know we're all busy, but I want to keep this roleplay going and alive. If you don't think you can do it,you can leave now and not in the middle of it. There are others who would like to join so you don't have to feel bad.

    12. I'll give your CS a 'Cookie' if it's approved.

    13. If you have an idea for an episode/arc, PM me! If you have an idea for anything just Pm. And if you have a question, ask! Don't stay confused.

    14. Lastly, this roleplay will include things such as violence, explicit language(mainly cussing), and other non-child friendly topics.


  • [bg=#9c2a2a]

    (Realistic only, nothing cartoon, anime or digital art.)

    "Character Quote"

    (First and last. Middle is optional)

    (18 - 24 for Freshmen| 21 - 28 for Seniors)

    (Male or female?}

    (Freshmen or Senior)

    (Hetero? Homo? Bi? Pan? Demi?}

    (American? Asian? European? Half and half? Quarters?)

    (Month and day)

    (Where were he/she from originally?)


    (Height - Weight - Hair - Eyes - Scars/Markings - Piercings)

    (The tattoo is a must. It should symbolize of the creature blood within them and their agent number underneath it.)

    (Her/his choice of style,including what they wear when out on a mission)


    (You should write at least a paragraph and highlight his/her's main traits.)



    (What he/she likes to do in her/his spare time.)

    (He/she's tendencies and practices.)

    (What is she/he afraid of?)

    (What is she/he not confident in or on?)


    (What creature blood is within them? Vampire? Werewolf? Faerie? Mermaid?)

    ( The codename can be based on their creature blood, powers, skills, personality or something memorable they've done.)

    (The smaller the number the stronger they are.)

    (Their powers should depend on the creature blood within them. If the GMS feel it's too OP,you'll have to edit it. )

    (This should also depend on the creature blood. And there should be a weakness for each power whether it be a physical, emotional or mental weakness. There's so such thing as too many weaknesses here,so if you want to add extra go on ahead.)

    (What he/she is good at and specializes in)


    (How he/she got to this point.)

    (He/she's connection and opinion of everyone else.Discuss it with the peeps and agree to something)

    (I don't know,anything else you want to add?)

    (Get a song you think fits your character.)

    So, that's it. I suggest you put it in tabs or scroll, but you can do whatever you like, add a div and whatever you want. Don't forget to delete the parentheses directions I added.


  • [bg=#9c2a2a]

    Warehouse Challenge
    Two teams. Thirteen and Eleven, battling out in challenges using wit, skill and power. They'll meet at the abandon warehouse little ways from the base and get to see who is better now that they have grown eve stronger since the last time they've fought with one another. And with their new team members.

    It will be an opportunity to use and test their abilities. And they'll be a prize, the winning team gets to have one wish granted by the losing team.

    May the best team win!


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  • Love
Reactions: Justin
I just sort of figured they were already friends xD Having Kai talk to him in my next post

She'd totally be okay with that c:
OH ok XD rofl. Then yeah ok lol.
Well. What the hell XD am behind
Should have a post up soooooometime tonight....

Possibly soonish, who knows
I'll post after you and Justin then.

Just busy with things and I'm also currently, I'm trying to finish planning out the basics and plotline of their first misson. And so far I think it'll be a fun ride XD
  • Love
Reactions: lxngdon and Ghostie
Well. What the hell XD am behind

I'll post after you and Justin then.

Just busy with things and I'm also currently, I'm trying to finish planning out the basics and plotline of their first misson. And so far I think it'll be a fun ride XD
Any word for Shayla so far?
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Reactions: lxngdon
Any word for Shayla so far?
Yeah, I think she might have to drop. In which case, we'll have to divide them in partners of three~
  • Love
Reactions: lxngdon
Working on a post now. You could tag a person that was waiting for a spot? Still in the beginning of the rp. Keeping the numbers even?
That would be hell ;-;

If you need, I can always take on a second to make nice numbers
Ehhh.... I soo hope it's not but I also would love if it was... but I hope it's not... who I am thinking... XD.
I thought that it would be Scout... good luck buddy XD. I'm Psychic.
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Bianca's called dibs on Scout. @Mysty I'm sorry.
God damnit XD is everyone going to snitch out their couples to the public! Everyone else would find out eventually lol
God damnit XD is everyone going to snitch out their couples to the public! Everyone else would find out eventually lol
Welp, now we can all silently fawn over them and wish they just hurry up and kiss when they get all mushy~
  • Love
Reactions: lxngdon
I wasn't aware it was meant to be a secret.

Not really, I just thought it was because everyone pmed me it and stayed quiet about it on chat. Until the last moment that is XD

I guess it really doesn't matter. I just thought it'd be more fun :P
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: lxngdon
*Icey walks in very confused*
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