• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
After a bit of walking...
Yuuji stopped when he saw the billboards. "Justice...?" he muttered under his breath as he stared at the billboard.
"Um...Yuuji? Are you okay?" Kaoru asked, making him jump.
"A-ah--yeah, I'm fine..." Yuuji responded quickly. "I'm just thinking about those." he pointed at the weird yellow rectangles. "Seems kinda...random, don'cha think?" he asked curiously.
"Well...yeah..but this is a stupid tower...it could be anything." Kaoru responded. "Why? You wanna look over there?"
"...I mean..." Yuuji began, the tone in his voice obviously showing that yes, he wanted to check it out.
"...why did I think that you might say no." Kaoru sighed. "Spirits help me..."
"Hey, I get to at least act like a child, Mr. Tantrum." Yuuji smirked.
The two started to look for a way to get to the billboards...

Sakuto was going to say something before Revali and Green Arrow appeared.
"...Fuck." he swore before getting up slowly. "So....we got a chicken with pasta as his last name and a...guy. WIth a weapon." he said in a monotone voice.
"So...we fight now, I guess?" he asked, pulling out his scythe and extending it with a soft click as he tucked his wings in softly, still keeping them hidden from view from the others.
"Since that Keystone guy said 'winged', do you have wings?" he asked his...partner..he'd have to get used to that-curiously.
Crow Hogan

The young man nodded solemnly as he looked at the other male. He didn't know Jason well and hated to make less than positive assumptions about anyone, let alone a father that seemed to have been scared out of his mind, but the man seemed to be no stranger to violence and fighting. He had gathered that much from the way the man carried himself and seemed to always be armed to the teeth. He didn't blame the man though, being a parent must be tough, and being responsible for keeping a kid alive, so he understood the man's anger and willingness, they just had to be careful near him.

Crow started to follow Hunk. The man was right, it seemed that the entire place was a bit off. This new floor was off, especially that moving colosseum thing. He felt a feeling of foreboding as they approached it. It took longer than he would have ever liked to admit, but he did wind up answering Hunk when he popped his question. It took a few moments to gather his thoughts enough to answer the man who was leading their little expedition towards what was hopefully their card's hiding space.

"That it does. However, the cards simply become holograms in most cases. It might work as a means of intimidation to people that don't know about holograms being real, but they won't really damage anyone. Unless the people that gave us back equipment even more upgraded I won't be very good at winning a true fire fight." Crow felt some sweat beads rolling down his cheeks as he kept driving towards the location ahead, going as slow as possible as best as he could to stay besides Hunk. There was safety in numbers, even if those numbers where only two at the time being.

He wondered what sort of threat they were heading into so blindly. Granted, it was hard not to imagine what was going on here, but his imagination definitely was not doing any Justice to the horrors of this place. He took a few deep breaths. This would be the one fight he would never forget he was sure, but that was not a good thing. If the people in there were armed, he would have a very, very long floor ahead of him. Probably with more wounds than he cared to think about in his very near future.

Jason Todd

Jason pumped his gun some. He had a feeling just getting to the Casino would be one hell of a journey. He looked around, unsure of which way to try and go for the damned thing. It had to be close by, given how large it had seen when he saw it, he turned towards the west, his eyes lazar focused ahead of him. They could move that far pretty quickly, they just had to be very careful as they moved forwards with all of this, and they definitely had to be quick if they wanted to find their children.

"We'll start by heading west, it is the direction I think I see the outline of the Casino." Jason said as he started to walk in the direction of the outline. He felt his own heart racing some, worried about his young son and this man's daughter. Somehow, they had to get there, that was all he knew. For now, he would have to let this all play out the way it did and just do his best to overcome this new obstacle out before him. He never thought it, but honestly Gotham was not so bad compared to this damned tower.

Interactions @Frozen Thyme @ThePotatoGod
Rin, Childe, Klee

"Rider, huh..." She had little experience with that class, considering how early on the Rider of her war had been killed. Not quite a Knight Servant, but one that would do for now.

Would it really take that much mana to manifest? Well, she didn't want to push it for now. "For now, I presume we should choose one of these paths and start looking. There isn't much we can do to choose, so let's take this one" Saying that, she selected a random pathway, and began to walk down it, Rider walking alongside her.

"Say Rider, who exactly were you? I'm inclined to think you're Japanese given your skin and symbols, but what time period escapes me."

At that, Rider hid his face behind his giant hat and muttered "It's irrelevant. Let's just focus on finding these damn cards."

Well, there was a familiar attitude. Like with his mount, there was no point in pressing. With a shrug, she continued onward with her servant and Magine, who was hopefully tagging behind.


"Well, with different worlds, things tend to work differently. From where I'm from, there isn't any special use whatsoever. In their place, we have Visions. It's a... well, gift bestowed on some lucky few who somehow gained the attention or worthiness. They come from The Seven, who preside over their specific region- or in the case of the Ameno Archon, lets his people do whatever the Abyss they want. The Vision acts like a conduit for the element associated with the Archon. And like I believed I already showed, I can harness Hydro- or otherwise known as water. I'm curious as to how you mistook me for having an Aura, however? As far as I know, it's exclusive to the world where you and Ruby come from, and you somehow sensed that I had something special before I almost tripped over the poor kid." Glancing around at the four pathways ahead of them, he gestured with his hand for Weiss to choose one.


"Okay, Ken!" Eagerly following behind the boy with ears like Diona but fluffier, she hummed some kind of oddly uplifting song as they walked.

As they got to the ladder, Klee stared upwards at the metal grate before looking back at Ken. "Let's go up, it's really stinky in here!" If he agreed, Klee would let him climb first before following, huffing a bit given she was carrying a backpack full of bombs


  • Ryuga Banjo - Floor 5
    A shrug. "Maybe...but they never said anything about not rigging the fights, right? Besides," Banjo glances around at the wide rooftop as they walk around to emphasize his point, "there's a lot of ground we gotta cover, way more than what we can cover alone."

    Once they reach the dome...Banjo gets a feeling that they might go in circles around the place, but he shakes the idea off. They don't really got many options on where to go anyways, so finding themselves going in circles would happen with or without worrying about it.
  • Ken Kendraki - FLOOR 5
    Ken would take one look at Klee waiting for him to go ahead before simply walking to her. He grabs her hand lightly so she would ride piggyback on his back.
    While the combination of another child and her bag of explosives proves hefty, Ken shows little sign of it slowing him down as he proceeds to hop onto the ladder up in one go...and upon reaching the top pause with one realization...

    The bag is in the way, they can't reach the plate to open it like this. There's an awkward moment of the two of them trying to reach for it but would have to settle for Ken hopping down to follow as Klee's original idea of letting him go first to open the plate and then carry Klee up.

  • Shinji Matou

    "Heh. Well, it would've been more one-sided if the game gave me a chance to let me start my counter-attack. I'm a little winded though, and I'd like to get some rest right now." Shinji tried to sleep. Too bad he got blasted with a sudden white flash. Getting up quickly, he brushed his hair as he rubbed at his forehead. "W-what the heck was that? G-gah.. It feels like I've gone through this sort of thing before.."

    Testing, 1-2, testing, the voice echoes along with the feedback of a mic, Well, folks! Looks like we have an interesting set up today, and I for one am quite excited! The voice chuckles, Welcome one and all to the Tower Scramble Tag Battle Royale V+(and Knuckles)(ft Dante from the Devil May Cry Series)! I am your host and enforcer of this game-- err…Call me Keystone, yeah? The voice says, introducing the gimmick of the floor. How nice of it.

    Now then, onto the rules. As you all realize by now, you're stuck with a partner; or two if you're an unfortunate normie that's been given a special little partner to fight in your place. Now you two can't move away from each other. Wherever one goes, the other will automatically follow along. That's why there's a Tag in the name. the voice explains, when you run into another team by moving around(usually by eye contact), both teams will be locked in for a certain amount of time where you would have to beat the ever living crap out of each other until time runs out. Whoever team gets the most hits in gets to choose where to move before locking out the other team from that path. Monster encounters don't count, of course; though personally, I don't like wild creatures in my tournaments.

    So that's about it for the rules; for what you're competing for…
    , The Voice conjures 6 holographic cards in front of them. These Keycard Tarot things! I was never told what they're for, but the game will be set once all six tarots are claimed from their holders. Of course, you could theoretical team up with other teams beating their little side quests, but ultimately, only one team gets to have one for themselves.

    The winners gets to move up a floor. The losers, well…Let's just say you'll have to find another way up.
    The voice hints on a secondary exit, letting out a chuckle, Now without further ado, let the Tower Scramble Tag Battle Royale V+ begin! as the Voice lets out an airhorn sound effect, the holographic walls finally come down, and this silly little game gets to begin.

    "Haah? What the hell does that mean? Tag Battle? Wait. Then that means.." Looking over, he saw.. Hakuno?

    It's the same person. He knew that for sure. But... weren't they just a girl? Or were they always a guy? He kinda felt like he knew them in both ways. Damn.. that scrambled mind of his was starting to become a pain.

    Next they were going to bump into that Fox were they? Wait, was there a Fox? He was sure he saw that blonde-red Saber earlier. Whatever. He's not going to think on it right now.

    "So you're a damn guy now. First you as a girl and the red one, and now you as a guy. What? You going to tell me your other Servant's a Fox now too? Switching Servants in the middle of a game?"

    Shinji Matou - #aebaed

    @ThePotateGod - Hakuno (M), 'Saber'
    @Topless - Artoria Saber

  • Blanc

    That cake Blanc ordered seemed to be on its way, but before she'd get the moment to dig into it, that damned light suddenly ensnared everyone in the cafe, including her! Before long, she found herself standing up, having subconsciously summoned her hammer for combat to find... nothing. She was standing in a street, finding herself next to some dark knight lying on the ground.

    "Just what the hell is going on here...!" Blanc gritted through her teeth...

    Testing, 1-2, testing, the voice echoes along with the feedback of a mic, Well, folks! Looks like we have an interesting set up today, and I for one am quite excited! The voice chuckles, Welcome one and all to the Tower Scramble Tag Battle Royale V+(and Knuckles)(ft Dante from the Devil May Cry Series)! I am your host and enforcer of this game-- err…Call me Keystone, yeah? The voice says, introducing the gimmick of the floor. How nice of it.

    Now then, onto the rules. As you all realize by now, you're stuck with a partner; or two if you're an unfortunate normie that's been given a special little partner to fight in your place. Now you two can't move away from each other. Wherever one goes, the other will automatically follow along. That's why there's a Tag in the name. the voice explains, when you run into another team by moving around(usually by eye contact), both teams will be locked in for a certain amount of time where you would have to beat the ever living crap out of each other until time runs out. Whoever team gets the most hits in gets to choose where to move before locking out the other team from that path. Monster encounters don't count, of course; though personally, I don't like wild creatures in my tournaments.

    So that's about it for the rules; for what you're competing for…
    , The Voice conjures 6 holographic cards in front of them. These Keycard Tarot things! I was never told what they're for, but the game will be set once all six tarots are claimed from their holders. Of course, you could theoretical team up with other teams beating their little side quests, but ultimately, only one team gets to have one for themselves.

    The winners gets to move up a floor. The losers, well…Let's just say you'll have to find another way up.
    The voice hints on a secondary exit, letting out a chuckle, Now without further ado, let the Tower Scramble Tag Battle Royale V+ begin! as the Voice lets out an airhorn sound effect, the holographic walls finally come down, and this silly little game gets to begin.

    "Alright asshole!" She cried out, speaking to the mysterious voice with a furious sound, "Show yourself! If you don't send us back to our original homes I'm going to shove this damn hammer's pole up your ass and kick it in! I'm not playing this stupid free-for-all of yours!"

    Smashing the massive weapon down into the concrete, Blanc turned to glare at Lancelot. "Since when did you become my partner? I gotta find my sister. We're not playing by this stupid wannabe-God's game."

    Blanc - #9ce1f2

    @SolsticeArcanum - Lancelot

  • Mami

    The moment of serenity was instantly replaced within seconds. Before Mami could really react, a flash of light overtook everyone, ensnaring them and soon displacing them just as it had done to her before she even came to this dimension. Her arms had shielded her face upon getting removed, but once her eyes adjusted, she uncovered them, finding herself standing upright, transformed once more and in a damp, dark tunnel of some sort. A sewer, more perhaps? She never really roamed under them for witch hunts.

    Though, that guy was here too. She sighed. It seemed that she was going to have to work with him again, as much as she preferred not to. Where was everyone else though?
    Testing, 1-2, testing, the voice echoes along with the feedback of a mic, Well, folks! Looks like we have an interesting set up today, and I for one am quite excited! The voice chuckles, Welcome one and all to the Tower Scramble Tag Battle Royale V+(and Knuckles)(ft Dante from the Devil May Cry Series)! I am your host and enforcer of this game-- err…Call me Keystone, yeah? The voice says, introducing the gimmick of the floor. How nice of it.
    Now then, onto the rules. As you all realize by now, you're stuck with a partner; or two if you're an unfortunate normie that's been given a special little partner to fight in your place. Now you two can't move away from each other. Wherever one goes, the other will automatically follow along. That's why there's a Tag in the name. the voice explains, when you run into another team by moving around(usually by eye contact), both teams will be locked in for a certain amount of time where you would have to beat the ever living crap out of each other until time runs out. Whoever team gets the most hits in gets to choose where to move before locking out the other team from that path. Monster encounters don't count, of course; though personally, I don't like wild creatures in my tournaments.

    So that's about it for the rules; for what you're competing for…
    , The Voice conjures 6 holographic cards in front of them. These Keycard Tarot things! I was never told what they're for, but the game will be set once all six tarots are claimed from their holders. Of course, you could theoretical team up with other teams beating their little side quests, but ultimately, only one team gets to have one for themselves.

    The winners gets to move up a floor. The losers, well…Let's just say you'll have to find another way up.
    The voice hints on a secondary exit, letting out a chuckle, Now without further ado, let the Tower Scramble Tag Battle Royale V+ begin!as the Voice lets out an airhorn sound effect, the holographic walls finally come down, and this silly little game gets to begin.​

    Although she never heard Kat called that way, Mami could tell who he was talking about. "It doesn't sound like her at all. I don't believe that Katrielle would come up with a situation like this either."

    Taking a look at the holographic card in front of her, Mami reached out to grab it. "I see that this place is making us fight now. It must be some intentional play for the creator of this labyrinth's amusement. How sickening.."

    Mami Tomoe - #ffd87d

    @ThePotatoGod - Cell


Lancelot sighed, "Alright.. I wont stop you." Lancelot would turn away and walk South from the little lady in white, searching for anything to progress through this floor.

  • Interaction: @Raynar Saassin @Topless
    (upper left, 2 space besides Vertical Center)

    And so, Vert and Filia decided to head up north. There they find the path splitting into three rooftops; with one of them having what appears to be an elevator with a big shiny red button with the down symbol. A way to get down to the streets, perhaps? Fortunately, no one's found them yet; so they can think all they want.
    Vert immediately took interest in the elevator.

    "Perhaps it would be best to take the elevator down to the level below, and figure out exactly where we are. I would like to not engage anyone here if I can help it."

    Vert explained, looking towards the elevator with positive intentions.

    "Unless you object, my dear."

    @Topless (Filia, Interacting)
    @ThePotatoGod (GM)

  • Interaction: @Raynar Saassin
    (lower right, 1 space besides rightmost wall, same row as White Knights)

    "Blake…" Yang muttered as Blake began sobbing onto her mechanical prosthetic, apologizing for the events that had transpired at the Fall of Beacon. She already had gotten closure from it thanks to her putting down Adam with Blake, so why is she still…Unless, this isn't the same Blake she knows but one plucked straight from the past. It's nonsensical, but what other explanation is there? Amnesia is out of the table, considering there's no way she could've gotten that. "I know you're just trying to protect me from what happened–That doesn't make you a coward." Yang says as she crouches down and attempts to comfort her with a head pat. "If anything, that makes you the most thoughtful teammate a girl can have."

    Though the pair's heart to heart would soon be interrupted by whinneys of a monstrous sounding horse, along with the loud sounds of large gears churning and turning along the ground. Looking up north, the pair would find what seems to be a giant gladiator's area rolling up the northern path. Its open entrances beckon any challenger to come and be a part of the spectacle.

    Clearly this isn't normal.
    Despite the comfort being presented to her, Blake still had tears rolling down her eyes as she nuzzled into her partner. She really couldn't relax. Not at all.

    Until of course, the sounds of a horse whinny, alongside gears churning and turning, interrupted them and caused her to look around at the source; a mobile arena moving around.

    "What do you think, Yang? We don't know fully where we are, maybe someone in that arena can tell us."

    @ThePotatoGod (Yang, Interacting | GM)

  • "So she finally did it. Very well, I will take your word for it." Artoria said and then she turned to Shinji, just to say to him "Silence. We have more pressing matters to attend to. For now, we need to move so we can get out of this game while hopefully encounter as little as possible. They're still our allies after all. Also... I don't want to fight my son again, nor fight with Lancelot. Let's move." And thus, Artoria leads the way, heading up north.

    @Kirie98 @ThePotatoGod

  • "No objections, Vert. Since we're the first ones to find it, we better use it now or else we'll get into against someone." Filia replied as she went inside the elevator and when Vert followed suit, she pressed the button to go down into the streets. While in the way down, Filia asked Vert "So, you're a goddess right? What kind of miracles can you perform? I'm kind of curious."

    @Raynar Saassin[/USER} [USER=33147]@ThePotatoGod

  • Adam was looking around the square when Ruby pointed at the northeast, thinking that there might be something interesting. "Hmm? Let's get to it then." He said as they went to where Ruby pointed.

  • 1679245953014-png.237881

    Kyle Reese frowned as he held his weapons "Not sure what the hell is going on but - A announcement rang through the area. ".... No time to explain. Got to keep moving. He wasn't happy about being separated from his son but hoped to hell he could find his way himself.

  • Status: Confused, on guard (Got a weapon)
    Location:Tower/???@ ThePotatoGod- Geiz

  • [/center]


    "Sgt... SGT! Shit, Kyle!
    This was NOT what he needed right now. He was now separated from his father.
    John was silent as he tried to figure out where he was.

  • Status: Confused and shocked
    Location: Tower Floor 4.5/ Room 13
    Characters Interacting With:
    N/A so far

  • Status: ??? Characters Interacting With:???

    Bardock turned when the kid disappeared and frowned as he was just about to fall far into the sewers when the man in a black leather coat grabbed him. An announcement chirped not too far from where Bardock showed up with the man with the leather coat did and nodded "... Hmph. Thanks. Let's just keep movin-

    His scouter was picking up a close range of powers close or near his team's area.

    "Be on the lookout, stranger. We might or might not have company."


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Reactions: Ori
The last thing Cloe remembered was defeating a robot-like creature dressed in clown attire, everything else was a blur until the moment the goddess of death incarnate found herself waist deep in some horrible smelling goop.

"Oh, my head... I feel nauseous... what in the ethereal planes am I standing in? Oh my stars, it smells like..."

As Cloe held her tummy and tried not to get sick, her robot companion found that the joints in his knees were getting clogged by the sewer water. Feeling for his lady of the night, Canti picked the goddess up in an act of mercy.

"Oh thank you, I couldn't bare to walk in this dreadful substance. Look, it's ruined my dress..."

The goddess held her rescuer close as he basked in the pleasantness of her soft body. Canti took time to ponder the mystery of her existence, the way her dress filled out despite the apparent absence of a face. How much of her could be bone, flesh, or some concoction of ethereal smoke? Maybe he'd get a chance to find out later... maybe she'd have to change her dress when they made it out of this mess? He blushed thinking about it, but the mistress's pet bat weapon familiar thing snapped him out of his fantasy when it tapped on his head and grabbed his shirt, tugging him along.

Begrudgingly, Canti shook off the creature and started to wade through the sewer, carefully scouting ahead and looking out for threats.


    • Interaction: @SolsticeArcanum


      WazzUp, Chuck?
      Kirby's Worthy Opponent​

      "It's Hero Time!" Ben quips, as both of them transform into their respective aliens, briefly engulfing them in green light as one transforms into a mummy while the other transforms into a smaller, more chubbier entity. "Who's hungry for a beatdown? I know I am!"

      King Ala's punch connects with the cloaked Shadow, pirouetting back to standing up. Its eyehole glowing, as if charging an attack.

      Meanwhile, Ben demonstrates how terrifying his new form is, as it licks its lips and launches itself at the gaggle of butterflies. Green tendril-like tongues lashing out of its gaping maw as it each grab a butterfly, stuffing it inside its stomach as his gut inflates a little, glowing green as he then turns to face the pirouetting figure, spitting the Whimsical Papillon at it. While the Phantom Mage managed to spin out of its way, the cluster of butterflies still landed on the ground, defeated and utterly destroyed by the force of Upchuck's spit.

      In response to this, the Phantom Mage's Eyehole glowed, causing it to spew fire towards the sky, raining flame towards the pair!

      >Solstice Arcanum transforms into King Ala and punches the Phantom Mage. It connects!
      >Whimsical Papillon approaches the younger opponent and attempts to tackle Ben. It misses
      >Ben Tennyson Transforms into Upchuck and attempts to devour the butterflies of Whimsical Papillon. It connects beautifully.
      >Upchuck follows up by spitting the Whimsical Papillon at Phantom Mage. It misses, but the force defeated Whimsical papillon!
      >Phantom Mage casts Maragi on both King Ala and Upchuck.

      Phantom Mage
      Whimsical Papillon
      {x0}[X][X][X][X][X] DEAD

    • Interaction: @noob13241

      "True. Something like that requires a lot of communication behind the scenes. And I doubt this Keystone would let us talk it out." Sento decided to continue northward, not wanting to risk looping around the same place they walked from. The pair soon finds a ledge, acting like a balcony to look down on what appears to be a bazaar down below them. A billboard in the distance reading JUSTICE VIII. Feels important, as they could see what appears to be a rooftop settlement a stone toss away from them. Looking around, the pair would see another path headed east, most likely a path that would lead to it, no doubt.

    • Interaction: @SorryTM

      "W-wait for me!" Magine nervously let out as her two companions went ahead of her westward. Something about this Master-Servant duo piqued her interest. Especially since this Rider mentioned something about Mana–which usually means magic's involved. Nevertheless, considering that they had to find some things, talking might come later.

      The Trio soon comes across multiple paths headed north and south. The further ones, touching what appears to be a forcefield like dome, lead to a small settlement above ground. A billboard labeled 'JUSTICE VIII' on it acts as a sort of welcome sign to this space up in the clouds.

      "Justice…8?" Magine read aloud, rubbing her chin as she stared at the settlement of shops and stores.

      "...You know something?" Rider asked, crossing his arms as he took note of Magine's mumblings. "If you do, then speak up."

      "W-well, it's just that, uh…" Magine stammered a bit, "The number and the name just…Reminded me of Tarot Cards. Specifically The 8th Major Card, The Justice. I just thought that we might be looking for Tarot Cards s-so…"

      "It does feel like an odd coincidence."

    • Interaction: @Foxes81_of_Anime

      Looking around, it doesn't look like they'll survive if they try to just jump down from this height. They did pass by an elevator platform behind them with a button that goes down–perhaps that's a way down.

    • Interaction: @SolsticeArcanum @Raynar Saassin

      The Boney Musician--the renowned Soul King himself, along with an interuniversal assassin would find themselves standing atop the rooftops of a sprawling cityscape. Although before they can even move about or even get to know each other, they would be trapped; boxed in by walls of light as a voice speaks through their heads.

      Keystone said:
      Testing, 1-2, testing, the voice echoes along with the feedback of a mic, Well, folks! Looks like we have an interesting set up today, and I for one am quite excited! The voice chuckles, Welcome one and all to the Tower Scramble Tag Battle Royale V+(and Knuckles)(ft Dante from the Devil May Cry Series)! I am your host and enforcer of this game-- err…Call me Keystone, yeah? The voice says, introducing the gimmick of the floor. How nice of it.

      Now then, onto the rules. As you all realize by now, you're stuck with a partner; or two if you're an unfortunate normie that's been given a special little partner to fight in your place. Now you two can't move away from each other. Wherever one goes, the other will automatically follow along. That's why there's a Tag in the name. the voice explains, when you run into another team by moving around(usually by eye contact), both teams will be locked in for a certain amount of time where you would have to beat the ever living crap out of each other until time runs out. Whoever team gets the most hits in gets to choose where to move before locking out the other team from that path. Monster encounters don't count, of course; though personally, I don't like wild creatures in my tournaments.

      So that's about it for the rules; for what you're competing for…
      , The Voice conjures 6 holographic cards in front of them. These Keycard Tarot things! I was never told what they're for, but the game will be set once all six tarots are claimed from their holders. Of course, you could theoretical team up with other teams beating their little side quests, but ultimately, only one team gets to have one for themselves.

      The winners gets to move up a floor. The losers, well…Let's just say you'll have to find another way up.
      The voice hints on a secondary exit, letting out a chuckle, Now without further ado, let the Tower Scramble Tag Battle Royale V+ begin! as the Voice lets out an airhorn sound effect, the holographic walls finally come down, and this silly little game gets to begin.

      Hit wouldn't be able to skip through the explanation, as the voice is somehow active even in the frozen time. The same thing applies to the walls, unable to shatter no matter how many attacks he launches on the thing. Although after its explanation, the walls were brought down, leaving the pair with a forced partnership and a single goal:

      Collect a Card.

      Four paths lay before the cardinal directions, from where do they walk towards first?

    • Interaction: @Raynar Saassin @Topless

      Entering the Elevator, a jaunty little tune begins to play as the two begin to descend down into the somewhat busy(?) streets. The Elevator ride itself was a bit long and drony, giving enough time for Vert to give a lengthy explanation about her profession as her region's goddess. Especially if she ever decides to just, exposition her way through explaining her world and what not. Or maybe this is an excuse to get saucy in an elevator, who knows?

      Either way, one way or another, the ride ends with a ding, and the door opens up into the streets, leading down south and further east.

    • Interaction: @Foxes81_of_Anime

      "For the record, it's just Revali of the Rito. We don't have surnames." Revali corrected Sakuto, stretching his wings in preparation for the attack, wanting to get highground just as Carter Hall responded to Sakuto's own query, manifesting and flapping his wings, which appear to be brown–like a hawk's. "That answers your question, kid?"

      "I'll take the bird, you take Oliver." Carter instructed Sakuto with a monarch-like charm, glancing at the Rito as the winds intensified around the blue bird. "Just try not to underestimate him up close." He says, and just as he does so, the Rito let out a burst of wind that propelled him upwards. Similarly, Carter flapped his wings and gave chase, starting the battle with a gusty bang.


      --{[Team Bird Vs. Team Arrow]}--
      [0pt] Vs. [0pt]​

    • Interaction: @Gotham Knight Todd

      Heading west means following it northbound until it curves westbound again. As he suspected, the outline of the Casino got closer and closer. Its crown like silhouette soon lighting up as Jason and Daemian exited the alleyway and onto this clearing in the district.
      For a Casino, it appears rather elaborate. Shaped like a crown with four skyscrapers with bridges to the a center spire–it's more like a castle in design. The billboard for the place was faced towards our heroes, labeled 'Fortune's Casino'. This included the entrance to the Casino; almost intentional for the pair to find it.

      "So bright…" Daemian commented, squinting due to how bright the led lights of the building were. "How much power does that place even have?" He pondered, believing that something that bright could be enough to power an entire port and then some.

    • Interaction: @Frozen Thyme @Gotham Knight Todd

      Getting close to the colosseum, the moving structure appears to be much higher than one anticipated. Although a ladder was present to allow others to enter through one of the giant entrances found within the roman structure. The problem now is, would they do it before the thing moves again? The sound of the engines slowly chugging makes it seem like it's going to move in a bit…

    • Interaction: @Kirie98 @Topless
      (lower right corner)

      "…Okay, funny story, that one." Hakuno chuckled, hinting that something on that nature really happened, but before he could divulge it, Artoria stepped in and ushered the group forward, expressing her sentiment on not wanting to fight her comrades–and especially her son, Mordred. "Right. The sooner we finish this, the sooner I can reunite with my other half." He nodded, followed the group.

      ". . .Just how strong is Kishinami…?" Saber pondered, as the blue pair led the path. With Shinji's own orders, Saber would follow through, knowing the nature of the game requires–no, forces teamwork, it's not like they'd have a choice.
      The group would leave the alley and find themselves on a bridge over a murky black water. Crossing it without any problems, they'd find a waiting shed with a chest on it. They could leave it behind and push forward, or…They could take a sneak peak on what's inside it.

    • Interaction: @SorryTM
      (lower left, 4 spaces besides vertical center)

      "Different Worlds…Heh." Weiss lets out a smiling scoff at the phrase. "Strange. It's supposed to be surprising, but somehow, I've been in a similar situation. Keystone and all." She said after Childe explained what his Vision is and how exactly he got it. Apparently, they're like Aura and Semblances condensed into one artifact and one person. Except that the Godly Archons can only choose a holder at seemingly random. The headed southward as asked why Weiss thought he had an Aura when it's a Remnant exclusive ability. "Are you kidding? You were literally glowing." Weiss answers. "It was a brief burst, but it's a sign of your Aura activating for the first time."
      As they turn the corner, however, they are met with two familiar faces from the Hotel the floor Prior.

      Kaito Goshikida. Both of them.

      "Uwah! It's you!" Kaito pointed at Childe with a wide smile, "Boy, am I glad to see a familiar face!" The one clad in a more colorful blue and red jacket seemed to be more cheerful and noisy than the black counterpart, the host of the bar Weiss woke up on beforehand.

      "I'm guessing you two haven't found anything yet." The Other Kaito spoke in a rather calm and monotone way. "Which isn't good for any of us."

      Why, is it because of me?

      "And there it is." The Other Kaito groans, rubbing his forehead.

      And up in the streets is another brawl! I see a familiar face in the gang with a different partner! The Keystone singled out Weiss, shining a spotlight at her. What, was Ruby unavailable?

      "Get her name out of your damn mouth, wench." Weiss glares at the sky, not knowing where the thing is.

      Woah, that's new. Didn't think you'd be that sensitive about her. Anyway! The Keystone sheeshed as she drew spotlights on both Weiss and Childe. Born from the Snow, Raised by the Cold to serve the Frost! These two are similar in their motherlands and are rich to boot! The Eleventh Harbinger of the Stormy Seas! Childe! The Crystal Icicles In Chief! Weiss Schnee! after their introduction, the two Kaitos got a spotlight shone upon them, the original Kaito jolting in shock at this development. A single man paired up with another world's version of himself. Hey, self love's important too, right? The Keystone chuckled, White clad Colorful Commando–Kaito Goshikida! And his partner, The Monochromatic Administrator–Also Kaito Goshikida!

      "I've got a feeling that we're the only self-pair." The Black Kaito sighs, taking out a red crank based machine gun from his coat pocket.

      "Wait, we're really going Full On with this?!" Kaito gulps, taking out his own gun.

      Sorry, but them's the rules! The voice says, locking the group in with walls of light.


      --{[Team Winter's Vainglory Vs. Team Zenryoku Zenkaizer]}--
      Childe/Tartaglia & Weiss Schnee
      Kaito Goshikida & Kaito Goshikida
      Resolve in: 8 Turns​

    • Interaction: @Kirie98 @SolsticeArcanum

      Errrk, sorry kid. No can do–I'm a disembodied voice! I don't have a physical form. The Keystone spoke, Besides, even if I want to send you guys home, I can't. Something's stopping me from just collapsing this Dimensional Space and it's pretty angry at me for even trying that... She chuckled nervously, before Lancelot went on his own. Blanc would suddenly feel something tugging on her neck and physically dragging her towards Lancelot–at least, a good 10 meters away from him, but it's clear that the floor doesn't want her to stay behind.

      Hey, I told you. This is a Tag Team Tournament! You can't just opt out of it as long as you're in here! The Keystone spoke to Blanc, Plus, if you do this, you might find your sister~. Just deal with this a liiiittle longer, okay, sweetie? She attempted to bribe the Goddess, no matter how stubborn she may be. Though talking to her like a kid is a bad move on The Keystone's part.

      The pair would soon find themselves with a branching path to the west, though all it has is a Cooler Box, glistening like a treasure chest.

    • Interaction: @Raynar Saassin

      "Let's hope that thing's not just a big tank out to flatten the place." Yang cracks her knuckles when Blake asks about the arena. "The voice earlier mentioned something about needing to nab a card to actually win a shot at surviving. Shot in the dark, maybe that place has one. Come on." She lets out a smirk as she stretches her limbs, knowing they'd need to climb that thing to get in. The pair approaches the vehicle, finding its gears clicking and turning, preparing to move. Between its wheels was a ladder leading up one of the big door-like openings you'd find at colosseums like this. The distance between the entrance and the ground they're on is a tad staggering, however.

      Looks like they need to get some exercise just to climb it with the ladder. Or maybe some super powered gals like them could take a shortcut or two getting up?

    • Interaction: @Topless

      The pair would continue eastward, trying to look for one of the cards when they'd find a split in the road leading down to a manhole cover, presumably leading them underground. Hopefully, where some of the cards are. At least one of them would secure their survival.

      Although there are two more paths, one leading north and the other south; the latter appearing to be clunky as the sounds of someone getting up from the sewers can be heard (potential encounter with Kidz Korner)

    • Interaction: @SorryTM @noob13241
      (horizontal center. 3 spaces before center area)

      When Klee and Ken got out of the Sewers, the children would find themselves on the streets of a bustling city; something akin to a concrete jungle as Klee has never seen so many skyscrapers huddled together in a single location, making for a rather cramp path of streets. The pair seem to rise up to a turn, with paths leading west and north. The northern path appears to lead eastward past a brick wall, though it sounds like something's coming through it. (potential encounter with Eden)

    • Interaction: @Frozen Thyme

      The X-Man mutant, Storm, would awaken to the busy streets of an unknown city. The sky above appears to be filled with colorful stars unknown to her, though she could feel that something's off about this place. Beside her was a young, hooded man with long white hair that flows out the back of his hood. He's not wearing much save for the hood he's wearing, some fangs around his neck, and green pants tucked in black boots. On his side was a big sword–could be his, for all we know.


      The Shocking Wild Boy Developing​

      "Nngh…" The man groans, sniffing a bit after rubbing his eyes. "Weird smell…This place, I don't know." He shakes his head as he glances around, squinting as the lights prove to be too much for the man. "Too bright." As he gets up and tries to look around, a voice rings in both his and the woman's heads, along with them being boxed in walls of light, preventing them from moving around.

      He immediately growled like a dog, alarmed by the sudden walls of light. Though the voice didn't seem alarmed by it…

      Keystone said:
      Testing, 1-2, testing, the voice echoes along with the feedback of a mic, Well, folks! Looks like we have an interesting set up today, and I for one am quite excited! The voice chuckles, Welcome one and all to the Tower Scramble Tag Battle Royale V+(and Knuckles)(ft Dante from the Devil May Cry Series)! I am your host and enforcer of this game-- err…Call me Keystone, yeah? The voice says, introducing the gimmick of the floor. How nice of it.

      Now then, onto the rules. As you all realize by now, you're stuck with a partner; or two if you're an unfortunate normie that's been given a special little partner to fight in your place. Now you two can't move away from each other. Wherever one goes, the other will automatically follow along. That's why there's a Tag in the name. the voice explains, when you run into another team by moving around(usually by eye contact), both teams will be locked in for a certain amount of time where you would have to beat the ever living crap out of each other until time runs out. Whoever team gets the most hits in gets to choose where to move before locking out the other team from that path. Monster encounters don't count, of course; though personally, I don't like wild creatures in my tournaments.

      So that's about it for the rules; for what you're competing for…
      , The Voice conjures 6 holographic cards in front of them. These Keycard Tarot things! I was never told what they're for, but the game will be set once all six tarots are claimed from their holders. Of course, you could theoretical team up with other teams beating their little side quests, but ultimately, only one team gets to have one for themselves.

      The winners gets to move up a floor. The losers, well…Let's just say you'll have to find another way up.
      The voice hints on a secondary exit, letting out a chuckle, Now without further ado, let the Tower Scramble Tag Battle Royale V+ begin! as the Voice lets out an airhorn sound effect, the holographic walls finally come down, and this silly little game gets to begin.

      Upon finishing its explanations, the walls of light disappeared, leaving the young man to look around in confusion at what he just witnessed. He barely understood what it just said, considering his illiterate nature…

    • Interaction: @Gotham Knight Todd

      Josuke would wake up to find himself not on a bed, but on a bench on the sidewalk. He's nowhere near the Higashikata household anymore, and to him, he's unsure how he even got here. Considering he was doing something else until he was knocked out cold.


      --{[Josuke Higashikata]}--
      Shine On, You Crazy Diamond​

      Beside him was a man sorta his age–he was a bit shorter than him, but surprisingly beefier in comparison. He appears to be a highschool student, judging by his gakuran; which has modified to his tastes, with two badges spreading the coat into a chest window, exposing his yellow shirt. His pants was quite baggy, reminiscent of old school delinquents called Yankees. The most unique part of this man was his hair–I mean, who wears a pompadour in this day and age…?

      He appears to be sleeping rather peacefully until walls of light boxed the pair in place, causing the man to yelp in shock as he gets off of his seat in a panic.

      "I'm up, I'm up!" He says, pretty jumpy as he realizes the walls that now surround them. "What the hell is this?!" The man asked aloud, just as the Keystone began its explanation…

      Keystone said:
      Testing, 1-2, testing, the voice echoes along with the feedback of a mic, Well, folks! Looks like we have an interesting set up today, and I for one am quite excited! The voice chuckles, Welcome one and all to the Tower Scramble Tag Battle Royale V+(and Knuckles)(ft Dante from the Devil May Cry Series)! I am your host and enforcer of this game-- err…Call me Keystone, yeah? The voice says, introducing the gimmick of the floor. How nice of it.

      Now then, onto the rules. As you all realize by now, you're stuck with a partner; or two if you're an unfortunate normie that's been given a special little partner to fight in your place. Now you two can't move away from each other. Wherever one goes, the other will automatically follow along. That's why there's a Tag in the name. the voice explains, when you run into another team by moving around(usually by eye contact), both teams will be locked in for a certain amount of time where you would have to beat the ever living crap out of each other until time runs out. Whoever team gets the most hits in gets to choose where to move before locking out the other team from that path. Monster encounters don't count, of course; though personally, I don't like wild creatures in my tournaments.

      So that's about it for the rules; for what you're competing for…
      , The Voice conjures 6 holographic cards in front of them. These Keycard Tarot things! I was never told what they're for, but the game will be set once all six tarots are claimed from their holders. Of course, you could theoretical team up with other teams beating their little side quests, but ultimately, only one team gets to have one for themselves.

      The winners gets to move up a floor. The losers, well…Let's just say you'll have to find another way up.
      The voice hints on a secondary exit, letting out a chuckle, Now without further ado, let the Tower Scramble Tag Battle Royale V+ begin! as the Voice lets out an airhorn sound effect, the holographic walls finally come down, and this silly little game gets to begin.

    • Interaction: @FrozenThyme

      "Sounds like we better move quickly if we want to find one of them. Hope you don't mind the smell for a little longer." Dante would take point as he walked past the ladder. Something tells him that no one's found a card yet; which gives them a chance if they move quickly.

      And so, the pair moves westward, discovering a bunch of branching paths splitting off north, south, and straight ahead. Which is when two Demonic looking entities walked down from the further northern path; one of which Bayonetta would recognize from the Third Floor.


      --{[Pillar Clergy]}--
      2nd Pillar of The Labyrinth
      The Morning Star​

      "The Witch." One of them appeared to be a nun with a bull's skull as a head. Its horns curled like a goat with a tall bishop's hat to match her black outfit. On her hand was a golden staff with a cross, using it as a walking stick to wade through the sewer water. "We meet again."


      --{[Pillar Martyr]}--
      6th Pillar of The Labyrinth
      Judge, Jury, Executioner and Defendant​

      "...I've never seen this Ascendant before, Sister." Following beside the black clad nun is another bull skull woman, though this one appears to be floating, clad in a tightly shut straight jacket. The noose around her neck seemed to sprout into hair like strands behind her. Her eye sockets are covered with a gray blindfold right below her golden horns. "Is she new?"

      "No, she is one of those who had disrupted Father's plans." The Clergy answered, right as the walls of light arose and enclosed the surrounding paths, trapping the four inside. "We must dispose of them."

      Well, this is a surprise! One of the Cards' Underlings are out for a stroll–registered as a Pair, no less! The Keystone chimed in, as if to cue that a fight's about to start.

      "Ooh, just our luck! We needed some info on those things!" Dante chuckled, taking out a pair of pistols holstered on his back. Black and Grey, one for each hand, aimed at the opposing pair. "If we win this, you tell us where your boss is."

      "If we win, you two must die." The Clergy clapped back, pointing her staff at the pair.

      "Haha! Just try it, ladies!"

      Looks like the stakes are getting higher and higher! Let's introduce our fighters! As The Keystone spoke, the spotlight falls on Dante and Bayonetta. The former already kneeling as if to take position on an impromptu pose with Bayonetta; guns poised at ahead with a rose in his mouth. Somehow. On the Red Corner, a celebrity combination! Born of Demons, From Demons, but fighting for Mankind! Their killer looks are paired with killer fighting styles! The Legendary Devil Hunter–Dante, Son of Sparda! And his Dance Partner; The Wicked Bitch is Back–Cereza Bayonetta! The spotlight then shines on the pair of skull headed women. On the Blue Corner, part of the Staff that takes care of this very Tower. The lackeys for the Majorities, and ladies of virtue and justice. The Bound Maiden, Pillar Martyr, and the Religious Scion, Pillar Clergy!

      As introductions finished, the Pillars prepared for combat along with Dante


      --{[Seductive Blasphemy Vs. Divine Judgement]}--
      Dante & Bayonetta : 0 Hits
      Pillar Clergy & Pillar Martyr: 0 Hits
      Resolve In: 5 Turns​

    • Interaction: @Kirie98

      "The voice lacks the accent. She's more on the British side of things." Cell shrugs as Mami tries to take the holographic card just as the walls go down. "Threaten me with a good time." He chuckled a bit as he looked at the only path available to them; East. "If you hate fighting that much, let's just focus on the objective–this Treasure Hunt of theirs." He says, walking ahead of the magical girl. "Cuz then, all we have to do is play tag--and everyone's It."

    • Interaction: @dark

      "Take the lead then." The man in black says, taking out what appears to be a simple laser Pistol. Not much of a weapon, but it's enough for someone unarmed. "I'll follow behind."

    • Interaction: @dark

      "I believe that voice mentioned something about a Tag Tournament, yes?" The man in the coat says, "Then I believe whatever you're detecting may be our rivals. We don't know how strong they are, so I suggest we avoid them." He suggested, not realizing that Saiyans tend to get battle hungry and would wanna go towards the energy signature.

    • Interaction: @Ori

      The Goddess and her Robot would proceed eastward, wading through the sewer water, trudging along the path until they had discovered two more paths, one north and the other south. No signs of anyone or anything important whatsoever.

    • Interaction: @Raynar Saassin


      --{[Kamen Rider Buffa]}--
      A Wish In The Dark

      Corrin would find herself awakened by the sounds of vile groaning and growling, and in front of the Dragon Heroine was a man donning a full body purple armor in a flash of light, its chestplate was like that of a steel skeleton with orange spaces between the ribs. Spiked shoulder plates and a large, orange claw on his right hand, and on the other, a purple blade similar to Corrin's own golden blade, the Yato, specifically in its more serrated form, but in a more mechanical and bulkier sense. His head is adorned with a skull-like purple helm with silver horns. Purple dreadlocks spewing out the back.

      Looking around, the pair would appear to be in some kind of underground passageway with water–most likely a city's sewer system. Three tunnels are available to them; north, west and south, though she wouldn't have any recollection of how she got here other than a flash of light knocking her out. This man would be her only lead. Although before Corrin could even ask who he was, she would hear a voice speaking to her as walls of light surrounded the pair…

      Keystone said:
      Testing, 1-2, testing, the voice echoes along with the feedback of a mic, Well, folks! Looks like we have an interesting set up today, and I for one am quite excited! The voice chuckles, Welcome one and all to the Tower Scramble Tag Battle Royale V+(and Knuckles)(ft Dante from the Devil May Cry Series)! I am your host and enforcer of this game-- err…Call me Keystone, yeah? The voice says, introducing the gimmick of the floor. How nice of it.

      Now then, onto the rules. As you all realize by now, you're stuck with a partner; or two if you're an unfortunate normie that's been given a special little partner to fight in your place. Now you two can't move away from each other. Wherever one goes, the other will automatically follow along. That's why there's a Tag in the name. the voice explains, when you run into another team by moving around(usually by eye contact), both teams will be locked in for a certain amount of time where you would have to beat the ever living crap out of each other until time runs out. Whoever team gets the most hits in gets to choose where to move before locking out the other team from that path. Monster encounters don't count, of course; though personally, I don't like wild creatures in my tournaments.

      So that's about it for the rules; for what you're competing for…
      , The Voice conjures 6 holographic cards in front of them. These Keycard Tarot things! I was never told what they're for, but the game will be set once all six tarots are claimed from their holders. Of course, you could theoretical team up with other teams beating their little side quests, but ultimately, only one team gets to have one for themselves.

      The winners gets to move up a floor. The losers, well…Let's just say you'll have to find another way up.
      The voice hints on a secondary exit, letting out a chuckle, Now without further ado, let the Tower Scramble Tag Battle Royale V+ begin! as the Voice lets out an airhorn sound effect, the holographic walls finally come down, and this silly little game gets to begin.

      As the voice died down, the man in the purple armor simply scoffed as the walls were torn down, allowing the pair to move again.

      "Another Partner based game…So I'm stuck with you." The man turned to Corrin, seemingly glaring at her. "Try not to get in my way." He simply says, walking past the white clad Dragoness to head south.


  • 1682514072250.png
    Lancelot looks up at the voice, "Thanks for explaining it to them, voice." He looks at the girl. "Do you see what I mean? We're partners. So you can either follow me or be dragged." Lancelot looks ahead, "I want to see the people I care about just as much as you.." Lancelot pauses. "Now, young lady, shall we go?" Lancelot walks south.

  • 1682514207072.jpeg
    Ala looks at Ben, "Not bad kid.." He looks back towards the fight as he sees a fire being sent to them from the sky. Ala makes a protective wall of bandages above them. "Can you kill it?"

  • 1682514242683.jpeg
    "Hmm? Now this quite the precarious situation." The speech from keystone is said. Brook thinks, 'I wonder if my friends are okay.. Oh well, they can take care of themselves Yohohoho.' Brook looks at Hit. "Are you my partner in this little game?"

  • Interaction: @Raynar Saassin @Topless

    Entering the Elevator, a jaunty little tune begins to play as the two begin to descend down into the somewhat busy(?) streets. The Elevator ride itself was a bit long and drony, giving enough time for Vert to give a lengthy explanation about her profession as her region's goddess. Especially if she ever decides to just, exposition her way through explaining her world and what not. Or maybe this is an excuse to get saucy in an elevator, who knows?

    Either way, one way or another, the ride ends with a ding, and the door opens up into the streets, leading down south and further east.
    As soon as the Elevator came to a close, Vert stepped out and smelled the air. Yep. Still reeked of industrialization. She still couldn't really get used to that kind of air about Lastation, either.

    "At least we're grounded now. Where shall we go to next? I shall follow your lead."

    @Topless (Filia, Interacting)
    @ThePotatoGod (GM)

  • Interaction: @Raynar Saassin

    "Let's hope that thing's not just a big tank out to flatten the place." Yang cracks her knuckles when Blake asks about the arena. "The voice earlier mentioned something about needing to nab a card to actually win a shot at surviving. Shot in the dark, maybe that place has one. Come on." She lets out a smirk as she stretches her limbs, knowing they'd need to climb that thing to get in. The pair approaches the vehicle, finding its gears clicking and turning, preparing to move. Between its wheels was a ladder leading up one of the big door-like openings you'd find at colosseums like this. The distance between the entrance and the ground they're on is a tad staggering, however.

    Looks like they need to get some exercise just to climb it with the ladder. Or maybe some super powered gals like them could take a shortcut or two getting up?
    "It's the best lead we have at this point."

    Blake noted as she soon saw just how much of a distance there was before the moving front entrance and the ground they were walking on. Then she thought on her feet and pulled out Gambol Shroud and wrapped herself underneath Yang's mountains. (Take that as you will.)

    "Hold onto me, okay?"

    Blake exclaimed, without so much as a warning, fired her weapon towards the entrance with the Grapple mode, and propelled both of them to the entrance of the mobile Arena.

    "You okay?"

    @ThePotatoGod (Yang, Interacting | GM)

  • Interaction: @Raynar Saassin


    --{[Kamen Rider Buffa]}--
    A Wish In The Dark
    Corrin would find herself awakened by the sounds of vile groaning and growling, and in front of the Dragon Heroine was a man donning a full body purple armor in a flash of light, its chestplate was like that of a steel skeleton with orange spaces between the ribs. Spiked shoulder plates and a large, orange claw on his right hand, and on the other, a purple blade similar to Corrin's own golden blade, the Yato, specifically in its more serrated form, but in a more mechanical and bulkier sense. His head is adorned with a skull-like purple helm with silver horns. Purple dreadlocks spewing out the back.

    Looking around, the pair would appear to be in some kind of underground passageway with water–most likely a city's sewer system. Three tunnels are available to them; north, west and south, though she wouldn't have any recollection of how she got here other than a flash of light knocking her out. This man would be her only lead. Although before Corrin could even ask who he was, she would hear a voice speaking to her as walls of light surrounded the pair…

    Testing, 1-2, testing, the voice echoes along with the feedback of a mic, Well, folks! Looks like we have an interesting set up today, and I for one am quite excited! The voice chuckles, Welcome one and all to the Tower Scramble Tag Battle Royale V+(and Knuckles)(ft Dante from the Devil May Cry Series)! I am your host and enforcer of this game-- err…Call me Keystone, yeah? The voice says, introducing the gimmick of the floor. How nice of it.

    Now then, onto the rules. As you all realize by now, you're stuck with a partner; or two if you're an unfortunate normie that's been given a special little partner to fight in your place. Now you two can't move away from each other. Wherever one goes, the other will automatically follow along. That's why there's a Tag in the name. the voice explains, when you run into another team by moving around(usually by eye contact), both teams will be locked in for a certain amount of time where you would have to beat the ever living crap out of each other until time runs out. Whoever team gets the most hits in gets to choose where to move before locking out the other team from that path. Monster encounters don't count, of course; though personally, I don't like wild creatures in my tournaments.

    So that's about it for the rules; for what you're competing for…
    , The Voice conjures 6 holographic cards in front of them. These Keycard Tarot things! I was never told what they're for, but the game will be set once all six tarots are claimed from their holders. Of course, you could theoretical team up with other teams beating their little side quests, but ultimately, only one team gets to have one for themselves.

    The winners gets to move up a floor. The losers, well…Let's just say you'll have to find another way up.
    The voice hints on a secondary exit, letting out a chuckle, Now without further ado, let the Tower Scramble Tag Battle Royale V+ begin! as the Voice lets out an airhorn sound effect, the holographic walls finally come down, and this silly little game gets to begin.
    As the voice died down, the man in the purple armor simply scoffed as the walls were torn down, allowing the pair to move again.

    "Another Partner based game…So I'm stuck with you." The man turned to Corrin, seemingly glaring at her. "Try not to get in my way." He simply says, walking past the white clad Dragoness to head south.
    "Hey, wait up!"

    Corrin exclaimed as she gripped Yato tightly and followed the armored warrior.

    "If we're going to work together, we need to stick together. I'm Corrin, what's your name?"

    Starting with some friendly formalities, she outstretched her free hand as they walked, hoping he would shake it.

    @ThePotatoGod (Kamen Rider, Interacting | GM)

  • Interaction: @SolsticeArcanum @Raynar Saassin

    The Boney Musician--the renowned Soul King himself, along with an interuniversal assassin would find themselves standing atop the rooftops of a sprawling cityscape. Although before they can even move about or even get to know each other, they would be trapped; boxed in by walls of light as a voice speaks through their heads.

    Testing, 1-2, testing, the voice echoes along with the feedback of a mic, Well, folks! Looks like we have an interesting set up today, and I for one am quite excited! The voice chuckles, Welcome one and all to the Tower Scramble Tag Battle Royale V+(and Knuckles)(ft Dante from the Devil May Cry Series)! I am your host and enforcer of this game-- err…Call me Keystone, yeah? The voice says, introducing the gimmick of the floor. How nice of it.

    Now then, onto the rules. As you all realize by now, you're stuck with a partner; or two if you're an unfortunate normie that's been given a special little partner to fight in your place. Now you two can't move away from each other. Wherever one goes, the other will automatically follow along. That's why there's a Tag in the name. the voice explains, when you run into another team by moving around(usually by eye contact), both teams will be locked in for a certain amount of time where you would have to beat the ever living crap out of each other until time runs out. Whoever team gets the most hits in gets to choose where to move before locking out the other team from that path. Monster encounters don't count, of course; though personally, I don't like wild creatures in my tournaments.

    So that's about it for the rules; for what you're competing for…
    , The Voice conjures 6 holographic cards in front of them. These Keycard Tarot things! I was never told what they're for, but the game will be set once all six tarots are claimed from their holders. Of course, you could theoretical team up with other teams beating their little side quests, but ultimately, only one team gets to have one for themselves.

    The winners gets to move up a floor. The losers, well…Let's just say you'll have to find another way up.
    The voice hints on a secondary exit, letting out a chuckle, Now without further ado, let the Tower Scramble Tag Battle Royale V+ begin! as the Voice lets out an airhorn sound effect, the holographic walls finally come down, and this silly little game gets to begin.
    Hit wouldn't be able to skip through the explanation, as the voice is somehow active even in the frozen time. The same thing applies to the walls, unable to shatter no matter how many attacks he launches on the thing. Although after its explanation, the walls were brought down, leaving the pair with a forced partnership and a single goal:

    Collect a Card.

    Four paths lay before the cardinal directions, from where do they walk towards first?
    Hit listened intently to what the voice had to say. He didn't attempt to break out of the walls imprisoning him, as he didn't want to waste any energy. As soon as he was released, he took in his surroundings. On the rooftops by the look of it, of a city. Cityscapes were familiar to Hit, most of his contracts were in constructs like these.


    "Hmm? Now this quite the precarious situation." The speech from keystone is said. Brook thinks, 'I wonder if my friends are okay.. Oh well, they can take care of themselves Yohohoho.' Brook looks at Hit. "Are you my partner in this little game?"
    Hit turned to his "Partner" with a stoic expression on his face.


    "It would appear so. Forced into a tournament yet again. No matter. Our objective is to obtain one of these 'Tarot Cards', so that is what we will do. So long as you have my back, I have yours."

    @SolsticeArcanum (Brook, Interacting)
    @ThePotatoGod (GM)
Soul King
"In that we agree." Brook looks at his surroundings. "I believe that east will be the best direction to explore. Shall we?"
Jason Todd

He bit his lower lip as he looked the casino over. Designed to look like a castle, it was so gimmicky it would fit in well over in Vegas that was for sure. He looked it up and down, someone was a little full of themselves for sure, and something gave him a feeling of foreboding, if an enemy was in there, it was not well guarded. It was like they were being dared to enter. He pumped the shot gun some as he looked at it, his face being rock hard. He couldn't show nervousness, fear of concern now. They were going into a massive fight and he would not allow himself to compromise them. They had walked white someways to get here, and he was not turning around now. On even the off chance his son was here, he had to try.

"I don't know. As far as we know, the tower we are in has its own rules. It could very well have its own psychics and science rules. This could include limitless electricity." Jason said, his voice different from before. It was gruff, emotionless, much like his rock hard face was now. There was a lot of what they had to do that was unclear in this world. He refused to not be successful, and to do that he had to act like the stone cold killer he was when he came back from the dead, but more refined. He had to not let the murderous rage control him, instead he had to control it. Use it to improve himself, not to use it to just flat out murder.

"We have to be careful. There is bo security. It is not what I would expect for an arena that we are fighting in. We could be dealing with someone, or something incredibly dangerous. This is basically daring us to enter, someone in there can take us and maybe even beat us both at the same time if we are not careful." Jason told him as he secured his helmet over himself. His brain was flashing back to every encounter with Bane, Joker, Clayface, Solomon Grundy and every other rogue in Gotham. They had all placed him through hell over the years. He had a long record of injuries, and even one death against the Joker. And that was just his own earth, not counting his adventures in the multiverse.

"Whatever we do, be ready to fight, and even kill. The most important thing is finding the children. Agreed?" Jason asked as he started to slowly walk towards the casino. The air was tense, as if the building itself was in anticipation of what was about to unfold in its very halls. He wasn't going to lie to himself, whatever was about to go down, it would end up being a blood bath. There was no Batman there to stop him, and he had no reason not kill. Richie would not see this fight, he had nothing making him feel like he had to hold back.

Despite their utter emptiness, Jason swore he could hear the streets around them whispering, saying things, not anything he could make out, but perhaps the streets themselves graced blood in this hellish world. It seemed like it could happen, if an entity like The World could exist…..everything in this place may very well be alive. Alive and waiting for them to give into their darkest impulses and desires. Or, maybe Jason was just going crazy from grief, from guilt over his failure to protect Richie, he had promised himself to always be a better father than Bruce was to him, yet his son kept getting kidnapped, was perpetually in harm's way, because of his failures to protect him. The rage he felt, at himself, at this hellish tower, at the monster that ran it, he would have their heads. Damn it, he knew he was regressing, but damn he felt like he did not care.

"Be careful, there may be traps in here." Jason said as he stepped before the entrance of the casino now. Someone, or something was waiting for them inside. That thing wanted to fight, and it stood between them and their children. He was glad his helmet was on now, protecting his face as the Lazurus pit's powers seemed from his eyes, while he embraced what it said to do instead of resisting it for once. This fight, he had to use it for this fight, this fight, but he had to stop after, he had to refocus on finding his son. This was the only thing he could do now. He took a few deep breaths. This time, he would reunite with son and he wouldn't let anyone stop him from saving him or let anyone take him away again.

Crow Hogan

He sighed as they came across the colosseum and looked up at it. They did not have very long to act, and there was only ladder. He hated doing it, but he quickly got his duel disk removed on on his wrist, placing his deck in its slot. He took a deep breath as he got ready to ascend. This would be the only chance they had. He looked back to his motorcycle. "Don't worry, I'll be back." Did he just say that to the machine? Yes, yes he did. However, he had built his beloved bike from the ground up from scraps and made it work so well, so yes he was going to treat that thing like it was his child, even if that was childish.

"Come on, let's get up there before it leaves. I want to know what is up there, and who knows, maybe it has one of those cards that the voice was talking about. I just hope my dueldisk got an upgrade to make me useful in the upcoming fight." This was not for fun, this was for real. The difference being he had nothing in his favor, he at least stood a chance in the shadow games he had dueled in the past, he hoped that maybe that upgrade he didn't know if he had would help. If not, he feared for his life.

He took a deep breath and ran for the ladder, beginning and ascent. Of course, he knew this was probably a stupid idea. However, there was no realistic way to do any reconnaissance on it. If this was a trap, they would have to move head on and do something to spring it. That was the unfortunate reality they were now dealing with. It was now or never, and most likely all or nothing.

Josuke Hagishikata (8)

Another lazy day at the Hagishikata household. Josuke had already completed his college work for the day, and since the servants were doing the house work Josuke had found himself more so board than anything else. Yasuho was in America for a few weeks on an exchange program, so he couldn't just go see his girlfriend even on whim, and he sure as hell would not come between her and whatever it was her goals where. Though admittedly, he missed her more than antything.

That is when something odd started to happen. Outside there was a blinding flash of light and it seemed to be quickly barreling their way. Josuke went to a window to investigate what was going on. His eyes widened as it seemed everything touched by the light was fading from existence. He had to stop it somehow, he couldn't let it hit their home. Perhaps the ability that stopped Wonder of You and Toohru would save them once again. It was his best best, the only way to try and save at least the house, and maybe everyone already hit by the light.

"Soft and Wet; Go-" That is when the light engulfed them, Josuke wanted to scream the rest but he could not, the light seemed to pause everything except the pain he felt. He started trying to get himself to move, but nothing. Just agonizing pain and assaults on his senses. He could not move around this entire thing going on, he could hear what sounded like static in his ears, nothing else, some unidentifiable smell was filling his nose, and eventually, lights began to flash in his eyes, of all colors, even colors he doubted humans could see naturally were dancing, he was locked in some sort of hell.

Then, darkness. His eyes slowly opened, he didn't even recall falling asleep, had that all been some sort of crazy nightmare? No…the smells of this place where that of a big city, not the Hagishikata household. He looked around, this place definitely was not Morioh. He took a few moments to figure out what was happening as he slowly sat up and looked around at the world around him. That is when he became aware this was a park bench, that explained the soreness of his back.

Then, he felt slight movement besides him. He gulped and took a second to think. Please let this be Yasuho. Please let this be Yasuho. He looked over and down to see another man, who admittedly was a little shorter but beefier than him, but was clearly a high school student. He rolled away from him and stood up. He really hoped no cops were around, he doubted any explanation he could offer would satisfy them that was for sure. That is when the lights went off and damn near blinded him.

He shook his head and listened to the message, something about fighting others, as a team? Oh dear god he had never even met this kid, oh well, at least he was independent and not a very young one who would need him just to survive. That at least gave him some hope that maybe this could be an equal partnership. Not something where he would have to take such a big role like leader the way he did during the conflict with the Locacaca organization. Then he paused. Something was not right.

Soft and Wet, I can't access Go Beyond here, but why? There is something not right here, and I get what this kid is saying, I have no clue what is going on, and my strongest ability is off the table. Not good, not good. Not good. Not good. Oh well, get through this and maybe you can go home to where you can see everyone you love again. Where things make sense again. This shouldn't be too hard, you beat Wonder of You. You can do this. He thought encouragingly to himself before he dared to even speak to the other person here.

"I am not quite sure what is going on either." He looked around. "Up until maybe ten minutes ago I was just relaxing after finishing some college coursework at home. Then there was a flash of light and agonizing pain, then boom I am waking up here." He explained as he looked around, he definitely did not like the sound of the announcement that would all be having to fight, but well, at least they seemed to have at least one team mate each. That was the important thing. "But it seems we are working together in whatever this is. Are you per chance a stand user?" He was really hoping that was the case, they where supposedly drawn together by fate after all.

He then offered a hand out to the other.

"My name is Josuke Hagishikata. It is very nice to meet you." He told him with the extended hand. He was wearing his sailor outfit like always. He was not sure if he would ever be a sailor though, he guessed that was just the Yoshikage Kira in him telling him that he really needed to wear this almost every day.

Interactions @ThePotatoGod @Frozen Thyme

  • Shinji Matou

    Shinji stared at Saber as she began to lead the group forward, before clicking his teeth. "Sheesh. You picked up a boring Servant right now, you know that?" Sure, the red one didn't like him either, but like this blue Saber was doubly more so dull than the last one. Like serious was her only emotion and nothing else at all. He picked up his feet and followed behind. "You got another half? How the heck does that happen? Don't tell me that other you was a half. You're some kind of damn luny if you expect me to believe that."

    It sounded like they were going to get into some mirror match with the other half. "So.. do ya know where the heck we're even going?" He asked, not really that long into walking. Like.. they were in an alley and now they're on a bridge. Aren't they kind of exposing themselves out in the open now? Some of those folks he saw earlier had long-ranged abilities or weapons. Not too long after though, his attention would be caught by the chest in the shed.

    "Oh nice~ Looks like the game has littered loot around the map." Approaching the chest, Shinji unlocks the latch and pulls it open.

    Shinji Matou - #aebaed

    @ThePotateGod - Hakuno (M), 'Saber'
    @Topless - Artoria Saber

  • Blanc

    Dropping her hold on her hammer, Blanc reached for her neck and grabbed at nothing! Yet, something was pulling on her throat, as she was physically dragged back towards the dark Knight behind her. Soon enough, it yanks her back hard towards him, leaving her choking and panting for air.

    "Oh, will you two just shut the hell up.." Blanc sputtered. "I'll play by your stupid damn rules then. Not like I have a choice.." Getting up and patting her dress down, she began to follow the Knight. The path they walked on soon bringing them to a Cooler box just sitting in the middle of nowhere.

    "Guess this is some random loot. Might as well open it up." Blanc says, moving towards the box as she puts her hands on the lid to push it open, though a bit wary in case it may be trapped.

    Blanc - #9ce1f2

    @SolsticeArcanum - Lancelot

  • Mami

    "That works with me then. I know restrainment is not a particular ability of yours, but do please: Restrain yourself from harming others badly." Mami tells Cell. "This isn't a fight to the death, so we'll focus on taking their tarot cards in order to move up ahead. I'd rather not clash with my previous friends." Though, she doubts that the green humanoid is going to really listen to her plan of not hurting anyone. Most of the attacks she saw come from him were incredibly destructive and wide.

    Now.. where were they going to go? Seeing as Cell was already moving westward, Mami decided to follow up behind him. No particular direction here was going to take them anywhere significant for the moment.

    Mami Tomoe - #ffd87d

    @ThePotatoGod - Cell

Rin, Childe, Klee

"Well, it isn't like we have any further leads... and this does look like the sort of area an enemy could be hiding. Let's take the northward path for now and see if we can get up there." Saying that, Rin would begin to walk down her chosen path


"Glowing?" He repeated curiously. "Even if I have awakened Aura... it begs the question of how exactly I acquired it, no?" He had recalled a similar feeling at the battle with the Lovers, in which they were finally finished. The whole thing was a blur, but he remembered feeling... stronger. If he could learn to harness, and use such a power... hah, that could be rather beneficial if he could take it back to Teyvant. And managed to avoid one of the Dottores trying to dissect him. Seriously, the man(s) 5th or 4th greatest dream would be to run "tests" on him.

"Well, is there any advi-" Childe was cut off as they turned the corner and ran into a familiar face.

Or two of them.

Reprocritaing Kaito's greeting with a wave and a smile, his attention was soon grabbed by his counterpart's bleaker words. And then that Keystone "showed up". Or at the least, his voice.

He couldn't help but slightly wince at the sudden change in his ally's voice. Seemed as if she was rather protective of Ruby. "Remind me that we should talk about Ruby later," he remarked before his attention shifted to the spotlight being shined in both of their faces. Did this really have to be so... dramatic?

Regardless, this fight could be some good practice to figuring out that aura...Concentrating on his hand, he tried his best to will it out...

And got nothing. The feeling was there, but it just... wasn't present. What was he missing? With an annoyed look on his face, the young Habrringers conjured a spear that was made entirely out of water- before separating and re-molding the spear into two surprisingly sharp dual blades.

As the walls of light rose, Childe spoke softly. "Try not to let them get time to crank their weapons- they can use them to equip various suits with different powers. I'll try to be the vanguard, and you can run interference?"

With a basic plan set, Childe didn't waste any time. Suddenly moving rapidly in a straight line towards the two, he.... threw his swords? Well, they were a surprisingly effective projectile.

However, they were little more than a distraction. As new blades appeared in his hands, he said "You're both wide..." Slashing with both in an X-shape, he attempted to hit them both with that powerful slash "Open!"

If the attack worked as intended and separated the two, he had one last strike to make. As his feet touched the ground, the ground would suddenly feel as if it was.. wet. Looking down would reveal water in an oval-like shape with the two Kaitos within its perimeter! Suddenly, the water lurched towards Childe in the center of the shape, attempting to pull the two Kaitos back within range!


After one awkward attempt at opening the hatch, the two had managed to get out! Klee looked a little tired from hefting up such a large backpack.

And then, there was noise coming from ahead! Someone was approaching them! However, Klee, being a child, thought it was someone friendly. Like Master Jean! So, ignoring Ken, she eagerly sprinted ahead to see who was there!

@noob13241 @Topless @ThePotatoGod
  • Ryuga Banjo - Floor 5
    "Well, we can still talk during a fight." Banjo would continue discussing possibilities before squinting down and across the gap at possible routes. Obviously, those are targets they should go to, but as to which...

    "Well, might as well check out this place while we're here." So, the Prince of Protein would take a short step back before making a leap across to the other roof.
  • Ken Kendraki - FLOOR 5
    Ken wouldn't be winded even from his attempt to climb with Klee on his back as he silently looked around...

    And then he proceeds to trip as he proceeds to be dragged behind his partner running off. Fortunately, he is the best at recovering from a fall, so flips midair onto his feet as he now stands firm in the makeshift surfing behind as Klee pulls him along.
    @SorryTM @ThePotatoGod @Topless

  • Looks like Shinji has gotten hold of the chest. Artoria decided to just watch, see what is about to happen, not giving a damn of what happens to him.

    @Kirie98 @ThePotatoGod

  • Once they stepped out of the elevator, Very told Filia that she'll follow her lead. "Okay, well, I guess we should go down this way then." She said and then she began to walk down south.

    @Raynar Saassin @ThePotatoGod

  • As they continue down the road, they heard some clunking noises and eventually footsteps coming from the south. They would follow the sound as they head south.

    @ThePotatoGod @SorryTM @noob13241
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  • "Fine," Bayonetta huffed, knowing what must be done. "But I hope that card comes with a gift basket full of soaps and shampoo." As Dante proceeded, she lagged behind just a bit, costume changing just out of sight.

    Then, they showed up. "Oh, hell no..." Bayonetta muttered, locking eyes with Pillar Clergy. "I knew I smelled crap!" she continued aloud, pointing to the child-stealing nun.

    Dante and the Pillars had struck a little bargain over a two-on-two fight between the demonic duo and the divine divas. The announcer, well... announced the battle, cementing the fact this was happening, even if it wasn't exactly part of the plan—her plan, at least. What even was her plan?

    Kicking off the fight, Bayonetta drew a handgun and opened fire at lightning speed, matching what Dante could achieve in terms of fire rate. She started with her sights trained on the Clergy, and then raised the other to spray the Martyr.


  • Nodding to Crow, HUNK rushed to also climb up the ladder. Every move as he ascended was certain. "Hope to hell they did upgrade it," he grumbled from mere inches below the Duelist. They seemed to be making good progress in their climb, but he hoped the coliseum jolting back into motion wouldn't shake one or both of them loose.

    @ThePotatoGod @Gotham Knight Todd

  • "U-urgh..." Storm stirred awake and sat up. It was... evening? "This looks like no city I have ever seen," she murmured before turning to look at the boy. He seemed out of place entirely—the sword, the outfit, even the manner in which he spoke.

    Before Storm could question him, a voice in her head enlightened her of their shared predicament. Her expression soured. "This sounds like some plot by Mojo. I doubt we have much choice but to participate." She then turned her head towards her new partner. "Are you alright, child?"
