• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

  • Samson could feel that they're making through if it weren't for the sudden bombardment of explosive that manages to damage the wall to reveal a gate. "Give us a heads up next time!" Samson complained after he had to shield Filia from the blasts. After they have went through the gate, they're greeted by a bunch of knights led by a red humanoid that for some reason, Kaito knew. "You know this guy?" Filia asked, but then Samson yelled "Hey asshole! One of your boys got one of our guys! How about this; you give us back our girl, we'll leave you alone. Deal?"

    "I don't think they're inclined to accept, Samson." Filia said, being too unsure if they could agree with the deal. "Then we'll just have to fight our way to get her. That simple." Samson assured "I'm only doing this for your sake anyway."

    @SorryTM @Captain Gensokyo @SolsticeArcanum @LuckycoolHawk9 @dark @Kirie98 @ThePotatoGod

  • "Very well..." Artoria spoke "But I would like to know one thing before you can come with us; what can you do?" She sounds like she doesn't fully trust Hakuno. It couldn't be a mere coincidence that she had managed to avoid enemy encounters.

    @dark @SolsticeArcanum @Kirie98 @ThePotatoGod

  • Adam watched as Bowser broke down the gate to reveal some sort of village full of lush greens and flora. Adam would look up at the castle off the distance. "That castle might be the answer to our goal. I'd say we head on over." He suggested, pointing at the palace.

    @SorryTM @dark @Captain Gensokyo @ThePotatoGod
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  • Love
Reactions: ThePotatoGod
@SolsticeArcanum @SorryTM @Kirie98 @Crow

Lester explained his ukelele was made of Celestial Bronze, but it wasn't much of use as a weapon. Damnit, and I was hoping it doubled as a mace of some kind.
The edgy sonic OC led the group to some spot, with more strange creatures around, before we found out it was our destination, Patapolis. We got confronted by spearmen and I jumped back, afraid of getting stabbed. The fucking edgelord asked the leader if he can kill them if it went bad. Ugh, what is up with him?

We were asked for our names.

Soon the gates opened, and as much as I wanted to follow the leader, I was getting hungry. I snuck off to the restaurant tent to get me something to eat. On the way, I decided to grab Vice by the arm, draging him along with me cause I assume he wanted to eat something too. Great minds think alike after all. I also caught a glimpse of some strange girl in a red coat. I figured I'd talk with her later to ask how she got here.​

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    "Listen, as long as you can fend for yourself you can join us." Lancelot would look down at Hakuno. "But if you cant, don't get yourself killed."

  • 1650330602724.png
    "What the fuck just happened!" Des would look around confused and panicked.

  • 1650330640479.png
    "Why not??" Solstice would say quietly before walking behind the party. "I can finish it 20 minutes or less."
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Kirby, Lester, Childe

As the little puffball flew in the air, strange people suddenly shot arrows at the little puffball who carried three others!

Luckily, Kirby managed to dodge with him being so small. Landing on the ground, Kirby let out Des, Ben, and Spawn out.

"Poyo! Poyo Poy-Po Poyo!" he addressed the red Zenkai Knight, trying to tell him that they were looking for a friend! "Poyo!

@ThePotatoGod @SorryTM @SolsticeArcanum@Topless @LuckycoolHawk9 @Captain Gensokyo @Kirie98 @Crow

Peering down at a patch flower, Lester quickly recoiled when he saw the eye. Freaky. Why did they like eyes so much here? Lester briefly wondered if they hated eye puns.

As Kami went towards what seemed to be barracks, Lester followed him inside. He was rather curious on how this might play out.

@ThePotatoGod @SolsticeArcanum @SorryTM @Kazuya @Kirie98

As Bowser opened the gates, Childe braced himself for an attack....

Only for nothing to come at them.

Realizing how stupid he looked, he quickly tried to look nonchalant. Welp, there goes his dignity. He had to admit though,that this place looked quite nice. Rather peaceful, which was alright.
"It's a town...With people in it." Ruby said, walking up behind Bowser. "Katrielle said something about looking for a certain energy thingy here, right? You think it's one of them?" She asked, glancing at each person from behind Bowser.
"I don't believe so..." Glancing around, Childe kept his voice low. "If what we're looking for is anything like the Magician from before, I have a feeling we would recognize them in an instant. Besides, nobody here seems they have overflowing power."
Adam would look up at the castle off the distance. "That castle might be the answer to our goal. I'd say we head on over." He suggested, pointing at the palace.
Hm? Looking over in the direction Adam pointed at, Childe could see what indeed looked like a palace. "Golden palace... I would say that's probably our destination." Glancing back at everyone, Childe asked "Anyone need a break? We can probably rest up a bit if anyone needs it, since we managed to get this far without trouble." Saying this, Childe tilted his head up and held his hand above him. Suddenly, water came out of his hand, giving Childe a nice drink. The blue stone on his hip seemed to glow a smidge as he drank up the water.

Maybe one could ask about that strange blue stone?

@ThePotatoGod @SorryTM @Topless @Captain Gensokyo @dark @Hahli Nuva
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  • Interaction: @SolsticeArcanum @Kirie98 @Topless @dark @LuckycoolHawk9

    "It's not much, but I can perform Code Casts--a form of magic from the moon." Hakuno said, as suddenly, blue screens appeared around the girl, she began to tap on them, pressing on the screen like a keyboard. "I'm sorry for this, miss." She'd press enter, referring to Katrielle.

    Suddenly, lightning sparked around the highschooler in the trench coat, causing her to grit her teeth in pain as she suddenly knelt, sparks all over her body.

    "Ghk...! T-this is...A Paralysis Spell?" Katrielle groaned, attempting to get up but failing. "It's so potent--how did you do this?"

    "Us from the Moon Cell are called Spiritron Hackers--I typed a code, and ran mana through it." Hakuno began typing again, "I'll remove that effect with a cure();..." She pressed enter again, and the paralysis was gone, signaled by the sparks disappearing.

    "So basically..." Katrielle finally got back up, cricking her neck. "You specialize in Support Magic--like me."

    "That's correct. That's how I managed to avoid most of those creatures, too." Hakuno said, showing off another screen with a long string of code. "I use it every 10 minutes to make sure nothing's onto me. Saber always told me to be careful if I were to be separated from her..."

    If (mana < 50){
    } else {

    "...This actually works?" Katrielle asked, looking at the code with intrigue.

    "To be perfectly honest, this is the first time I've written this sort of command." Hakuno says, making the screen disappear. "But it seems to work since I haven't encountered anything yet."

  • Interaction: @SorryTM @SolsticeArcanum @Topless @LuckycoolHawk9 @Captain Gensokyo @Crow

    "Stand down, they're friends!" Juran raised his arm, gesturing for the Fool Knights to lower their weapons. Like robots, they obeyed Juran, lowering their arms.

    "Yeah! He's one of my friends, and a Zenkaiger, too!" Kaito nods at Filia's question, answering her honestly. "I didn't expect to see you so soon, though! Where were you?"

    "Hey, I could ask the same thing about you, Kaito! You weren't answering your phone! Probably cuz the signal's bad here, but still! You could've at least given a signal or something." Juran sighs, before Kirby(who had not wore a mask) recited the poem of poyo, in which Juran just stares. "...Sorry, I don't speak erm...That."

    Filia's hair would proceed to translate for Kirby though, demanding to give them back the captured girl.

    "Aw crap, you don't mean the girl that dense Cap'n of ours took, do you?" Juran sighed, "I knew he misunderstood some things, but damn is he quick to jump the gun." Sheathing his sword, he placed his hands on his waists. "I can't just ask him to hand her over. He's the captain, after all and I'm his lackey. He probably already took her to the Emperor. You guys want me to take you there?" Juran asked, offering his assistance to his friend's friends.

  • Interaction: @SolsticeArcanum @SorryTM @SorryTM @Kazuya @Kirie98 @Captain Gensokyo @Crow

    "Dude, we are NOT gonna go kill these weird creatures, alright?" Ikki groaned at Solstice's insistence on committing genocide. "They're not hurting anybody. They've threatened us, sure, but that's on self-defense." He explained with a sigh, "If anything, it should be our job to protect them."

    Due to Vice being a fucking ghost, Kazuya accidentally grabbed Ikki's arm instead, dragging him into the restaurant tent with the curiously normal man.


    --{[Masked Tribe of Ancients]}--


    --{[Reanimated Tribe of Ancients]}--

    Inside were a bunch of interesting small creatures. The red and white eyeballs, along with some orange masked dudes and literal green skulls with tiny little limbs. One of the masked creatures approached the two once they've seated, asking "What do you want?" while handing them both a menu. Surprisingly, they're written in english.


    Lester, who followed Kami and Ragewolf onto the Barracks, which was a bunch of tents occupied by soldier tribesmen, which includes the red square eyes, green skulls, and even oblong mask people. However, reaching a rather big tent past a totem, he would be met with the following sight. A bunch of masked fellows, like Kami, and a Patapon with a colorful headress, a rod and a green cape, all barely lit by candles and torches.

    "...So that's the cinch of it." Ragewolf said, arms crossed. "Meden, you're the Patapon Priestess, right?"


    --{[Priestess of The Eyes]}--
    Lady Meden​

    "Yes, that's correct." The Patapon named Meden nodded, bowing her head. "I can feel the Almighty's presence within this other Kami--he is indeed telling the truth." She said, her eye soon showing some worry. "But this makes me worry about our Kami. It's already been a few days since this Majority Priestess fellow called for him."

    "Majority Priestess?"


    --{[Treasure Hoarding General]}--
    Rotten-Lee Ravenous​

    "A rare being, I'd say." One with a blue bird's mask spoke with arms crossed, carrying a red scythe. "She appears garbed in a dark cloak, yet her body shines in mysterious magics." He explained, "She claims to be one with the dungeon we're trapped in."

    "So naturally, I confronted her about it, correct?"

    "Yeah. On hindsight, we should've sent your three most trusted troops with you, hell, I insisted to go with you, but you insisted to go alone." The Blue Bird explained, "You said you had a bad feeling about this whole thing. So I asked Ragewolf to guard the entrance."

    "And imagine my surprise when I smelled you and your little party coming from the opposite direction."

  • Interaction: @SorryTM @Topless @Captain Gensokyo @dark @Hahli Nuva

    "That's good..." Ruby says, sighing in relief as she compressed her Scythe once more, hiding it under her red cloak. When Adam pointed at the castle in the distance, Child says that it might be where the energy location would be. After which, he asked if anyone needs a break--showing off what Ruby thought to be his semblance; manifesting water out of his hands. "Oh, can I have some?" She asked with cupped hands, approaching Childe, oblivious to the glowing rock.


  • It seemed that the knights couldn't comply with giving their ally back if it weren't for their captain having misunderstood something. "What do you mean by 'misunderstood'? As in we're his enemies? What's his name by the way?" Filia asked and when Juran offered to take the group to the Emperor, Samson spoke "As long as we kick his sorry ass, we're in. Just who is this Emperor that girl is about to meet anyway?"

    @SorryTM @Captain Gensokyo @SolsticeArcanum @LuckycoolHawk9 @dark @Kirie98 @ThePotatoGod

  • Seeing as what Hakuno can do, Artoria said "So you're a Magus, which also means that you're a Master. Very well, we'll let you in. However, I do have a request if you so inclined." She walked up close to Hakuno and said to her "I would like to make a contract with you. Will you accept?"

    @dark @SolsticeArcanum @Kirie98 @ThePotatoGod

  • Adam took notice of what Childe was doing. "Is that a rune or something?" He asked, pointing at the glowing blue stone "Are there any places to rest though?"

    @SorryTM @dark @Captain Gensokyo @ThePotatoGod

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    "That's a good ability." Lancelot would look around at the trees and try to see if anything is visible.

  • 1650481724400.png
    Des would look over to Kaito. "You know this person?"

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    Solstice would sigh. "Fine." While all of the people around him take lked, he thought of different ways to kill the creatures.
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I was reading over the menu. I immediately put the menu down. "I'll take Chicken Nuggets. It's my first time here and I'd like to eat something I'm familiar with. What is there to drink in this fine establishment, and what does the Chicken Nuggets come with?"​
Kirby, Lester, Childe

"Poyo Poyo!" Kirby seemed to accept Jurans offer to take them to the Emperor. Flying on top of the Robo Dino-Knight, Kirby sat on his head, holding onto the spike on top of Jurans head. "Poyo!"

@SorryTM @SolsticeArcanum @Topless @LuckycoolHawk9 @Captain Gensokyo @Kirie98 @Crow

As the Mortal God entered the Papatons base camp, he waved a bit at some of the Sounders, before continuing onward towards where Kami was.

would be met with the following sight. A bunch of masked fellows, like Kami, and a Patapon with a colorful headress, a rod and a green cape, all barely lit by candles and torches.

"...So that's the cinch of it." Ragewolf said, arms crossed. "Meden, you're the Patapon Priestess, right?"


--{[Priestess of The Eyes]}--
Lady Meden​
"Yes, that's correct." The Patapon named Meden nodded, bowing her head. "I can feel the Almighty's presence within this other Kami--he is indeed telling the truth." She said, her eye soon showing some worry. "But this makes me worry about our Kami. It's already been a few days since this Majority Priestess fellow called for him."

"Majority Priestess?"


--{[Treasure Hoarding General]}--
Rotten-Lee Ravenous​
"A rare being, I'd say." One with a blue bird's mask spoke with arms crossed, carrying a red scythe. "She appears garbed in a dark cloak, yet her body shines in mysterious magics." He explained, "She claims to be one with the dungeon we're trapped in."

"So naturally, I confronted her about it, correct?"

"Yeah. On hindsight, we should've sent your three most trusted troops with you, hell, I insisted to go with you, but you insisted to go alone." The Blue Bird explained, "You said you had a bad feeling about this whole thing. So I asked Ragewolf to guard the entrance."

"And imagine my surprise when I smelled you and your little party coming from the opposite direction."
Ducking into the tent, Lester listened quietly to what all of them had to say. They didn't seem to notice him, which was something he was used too. Nobody even batted an eye nowadays if you announced that you were a god.

"So, perhaps we should show up and ask for your Kami back? Who knows what this Priestess has been doing... actually, do you have any idea where this Priestess resides?" Lester rambled.

@ThePotatoGod @SolsticeArcanum @SorryTM @Kazuya @Kirie98 @Captain Gensokyo
After which, he asked if anyone needs a break--showing off what Ruby thought to be his semblance; manifesting water out of his hands. "Oh, can I have some?" She asked with cupped hands, approaching Childe, oblivious to the glowing rock.
"Sure!" Holding out his right hand over Ruby's cupped arms, water would gush downwards. The stone would again faintly glow at this.
"Is that a rune or something?" He asked, pointing at the glowing blue stone "Are there any places to rest though?"
"Oh, this?" Unclipping it from his belt, Childe held it in his hand for all to see.


{Hydro Vision}

"It's what's we call a Vision- A gift from the Gods, or Archons. Call them as you see fit. There are seven visions one could have- Electro, Pyro, Dendro, Cryo, Geo, Ameno, and this one-" holding his Vision up, he continued. "Hydro. And no, it is definitely not a rune. It allows me to tap into hydro elemental energy, so that I can do things-" Suddenly, a sharp-looking water polearm materialized in his other hand "Like this." The water lance dissipated. While he moved to place it back, one with a keep eye might notice a small purple gleam from behind the Vision, as if there was another one placed behind it. Curious.

"Well, there is a fountain..." Walking over to the Fountain, Childe sat down on the edge of it, letting a hand lazily trail through the water.

@ThePotatoGod @SorryTM @Topless @Captain Gensokyo @dark @Hahli Nuva

  • "We certainly don't mind if you join us. In fact, it's safer if you do." Mash answered. "We can fight off the enemies that appear in this place, while those support abilities of yours come quite in hand." A part of Mash also wanted to ask if the girl had met Fujimaru Ritsuka, but... a feeling inside of her told her that she hadn't met Chaldea's Master at all.

    "My name is Mash Kyrielight." The Shielder greeted. "My class is Shielder. I'm a Demi-Servant of Chaldea, from a timeline where Humanity faced extinction by Beast I, known as Goetia. My Master was Fujimaru Ritsuka, although I haven't seen them ever since I came here. In a way, you remind me of them. We've fought in multiple time distortions in mankind's history known as singularities, but the Moon Cell is an entirely new thing for me to learn about."

    Stepping back a bit, Mash lent her arms out as she held a hand forward to point at Kat. "This is Katrielle. She's a Detective, and I think a Magus, although I'm not so sure. She has a familiar that helps her. You may know of Saber who is Artoria Pendragon, The King of Knights, along with...." She looks at Lancelot a bit, unsure of what class he could be. However, considering his appearance, she assumed he wasn't his Saber form. Besides, if he was, she'd have a feeling, and she'd certainly know for sure, with seething hate after all.

    "This is the Knight Lancelot, who is a Berserker in this state. We may not be your Saber or Caster, but we'll fight just as hard to keep you safe. I'd like to know, how long have you been here? Have you seen anything odd?"

  • Instead of following the rest of the group, Shiki chose to go off on her own to the Garden Park. She needed some solitude and time away from people, after all. Once there, she took the time to rest, and think on what had happened. So much had gone on, and she had been involved in at least several fights already. It's a miracle that she didn't take any heavy damage, as was usually the case. Then again, she had been fighting alongside several others. If she had to take on all the enemies she had encountered alone, things could've surely gone the other way.

    For now, she needed a quick nap. She laid down on the grass, and began to let herself drift off for the moment.

  • "Hah! To boldly claim you're going to 'kick our butts'! You'll eat your words when I serve them directly back to you on my burning blade!" Just as she was ready to fight, Kaito stepped forward, confused and calling out for the person. "J-Juran?! you know this person, socius?" Immediately, Nero dropped her stance and lowered her blade, as she watched the two defuse the situation before it became any hotter than it could be! Admittedly, possibly for the better, given that their 'fighting' force consisted of a girl with demonic hair with a mind of its own, a pink sentient ball, a lilac haired child, a regular looking man, and two equally looking devils, one red and one black in a cape.

    As the Knights they were about to face lowered their blades, Nero stepped up, her sword now de-summoned and put away. "We're indeed looking for our friend that was taken away to here! Please, take us to your Emperor so we can speak! As an Emperor myself, I'm certain I can convince them to bring our friend back to us!" Turning to the others, she beamed, as if thinking she'd certainly succeed.


  • Interaction: @SolsticeArcanum @Kirie98 @Topless @dark @LuckycoolHawk9

    "A Magus, you say?" Hakuno said, glancing at Katrielle with interest as Mash introduced her rag tag group of Servants along with Artoria and Lancelot. Saber and Berserker. Although, curiously, Lancelot isn't as Berserker-y as his classname denotes.

    Is this because of this place, perhaps?

    "By Magus, you mean someone who uses Magic, right?" Katrielle asked, hands on her waist. "I suppose you can count me as one. My Familiar--or Persona, are practically entirely comprised of magical energy." She explained for a bit with a smile.

    "I see...No wonder your Status showed some pretty unique features." Hakuno said before Mash came up front with a question.

    "Not very long, I'm afraid." Hakuno shook her head, "I just got here for some time alone--which, now that I think about it, my vision did glitch out for a second before my surroundings changed." She recounted, before Artoria came forward with a proposition--a Master-Servant Contract.

    "...Alright." Hakuno nodded, hearing out Artoria's request of becoming her Master. She's used to having more than 1 Servant, considering she has won the Grail War with both Caster and Saber. No matter how well she could perform Code Casts, she'd still need a Servant to properly protect her. "But since you mentioned that a Roman was here, if it turned out to be my Saber, then I'll have to reform my contract with her." She gave her condition, stretching out her hand for the Saber to pour her mana onto, allowing the contract to be forged.


    --{[Trance Twins]}--​

    Just as Lancelot was looking around, he would soon spot black smogs forming around the group. The smogs would materialize into pairs of priests with blue masks, bound by metal rods by their necks, wrists, and ankles. They emerged from the trees, groaning and moaning like zombies as they floated off of the ground, circling them.

    4 of these pairs surrounded the group in all directions, prompting both Elira and Katrielle to face them.

    "Oh, speak of the devil. An Ambush!" Katrielle clicked her tongue, holding her monocle. "4 Enemies total. Analysis confirming that it's weak to Fire and Ice." She briefly surmised, holding her monocle in front of the creature, which seemed to show its weakness to a simple frost and flames.

  • Interaction: @SorryTM @SolsticeArcanum @Topless @LuckycoolHawk9 @Captain Gensokyo @Crow

    "Yeah, the Captain, Gawain(I think), thought the girl was an assassin from the other kingdom and assumed that there was like, a back up team nearby to bail her out and declare war." Juran explained, "The situation's complicated and I was kinda hired on the spot by the Cap'n when I woke up." He sighed as Kirby landed on Juran's head, holding onto his helmet. "Woah there, little guy, you're...You're actually kinda light." He then glanced at Des, who asked Kaito who he was.

    "The name's Juran. One of the Zenkaigers. Nice to meet you, Kaiju-dude." Juran introduced himself casually with a wink, Fillia(and her funky hair) asking if what kinda person is The Emperor. "He's intimidating, that much I can say. He's got that 'I won't hesitate to kill you' kinda vibe to him. Why'd you guys wanna kick his butt anyway?"

    "Well...For this thing." Kaito took out a golden card, showing it Juran.

    "What's that?"

    "Believe it or not, this place is a huge tower-thing. We just came from the First Floor, after all." Kaito explained as Juran walked closer and stared at the blank card. "Right now, we're supposed to look for some energy signature that matches the power in this thing so we can get to the next floor."

    "Next floor? Sounds like some complicated dungeon kinda deal..." Juran sighed, soon nodding as the Red Saber requested audience with the Emperor himself. "I gotta admit, I've got some questions for the boss myself. Might be that guy you're looking for, too." He said, soon taking out a gun similar to Kaito's Geartlinger. "Yo, Kaito, can you loan me the Dekaranger Gear for a sec? I don't have some Gears on me."

    "Oh, sure." Kaito nods, taking out on of his small coin-like Gears, labeled number 28. "Why'd you need it?" He handed Juran the Gear, promptly inserting the Gear onto the Geartlinger's lid.

    "Well, I can't exactly just let you guys waltz in the Castle when Captain Gawain's expecting a rough fight so..." Juran cranked the gun, the sounds of guns pounding can be heard before stopping.


    He bopped his head for a bit before raising the gun and pulling the trigger, a ball of light shooting upwards and spreading across Kaito's Group...


    ...Placing handcuffs on them. Even Kirby, who got cute fitting cuffs.

    "I'm giving you a 'disguise', so to speak."


  • Interaction: @SolsticeArcanum @SorryTM @Kazuya @Kirie98 @Captain Gensokyo @Crow

    "WHA-?!" Ragewolf gasped in shock, surprised to see the Bard waltzing in unannounced. "HEY! Only GENERALS are allowed in this Tent!"

    "It's fine, Ragewolf. He's with the other Kami..." The Blue Bird says, turning to Lester. "I'm sure we can trust him and his merry crew for a simple rescue mission, right?" He asked, approaching the bard god. "Continue down the path where you met the pooch. You'll find some stairs that'll lead to some red arch--past there is the Majority Priestess' domain."

    "Pooch?!" Ragewolf growled at the offhand comment, furious at being called a mutt.

    "Get Kami for us and we'll give you half...Wait no, that's too much." The Blue Bird rubbed his chin for a bit, "A quarter of the spoils with some bonus roasted Kacheek Meat we've got in storage. That's the rarest I can give you, no more." He snapped his fingers.


    "The Nuggets come with a wooden figurine of one of the 9 Generals and a free drink--Juice made from something called Oran Berries." The Karmen Waiter said, "Haven't tried it myself, but apparently General Naughtyfins loved the stuff so much that she personally came over and have the chef add it to the menu. Usually we just serve Orange Juice."

    "I'll have some...Uh...Kacheek Curry? That's like, pork, right?" Ikki said, turning to the empty seat beside him. "What about you, Vice?"


    "Yeah, add some Fenicchi drumsticks to my Curry."


    "Alright, so a plate of Mochichichi Nuggets, a plate of Kacheek Curry, and a whole bowl of Fenicchi Spicy Drumsticks, with some free Oran Juice Drinks for free." The Waiter said, confirming the order. "Is that all?"


    The grass is actually more comfortable than one might think. There's also the fact that the flowers smell much more alluring than one might think. Still, she heard some grass crunching near her before stopping with a soft and crunchy thud.

    She'd soon find what seems to be a turtle shell the size of someone's head.


  • Interaction: @SorryTM @Topless @Captain Gensokyo @dark @Hahli Nuva

    "Vision? So that's not a polished Dust Crystal?" Ruby questioned after she consumed Childe's water. Childe explained that the water was essentially formed from Magic bestowed by the gods. He demonstrated this by manifesting a spear made entirely of water. "Woah...That's so cool!" Ruby geeked out as the water dissipated, noticing the small bit of purple sparking at one part of spear. 'Huh? What's that purple thing...?' She thought to herself before Adam and Childe asked if there's any place to rest.

    Looking around, there seems to be a bunch of stores nearby. A clothing store, a blacksmith, a jewelry store, a Tavern-Inn, and, with a sweet smell wafting over to the fountain--a Bakery.

    "This smell...Ooh, are these cookies?" Ruby casually rushed over to the Bakery, off to buy something sweet to eat.


I blink. Oran Berries? Isn't that from the pokemon videogames? As for the wood carving, I'm guessing it's a kind of special bonus that is ment to be a souvineer.
"Think that's it for me. How about you- oh."
I scratch the back of my head, laughing at my own stupidity. "Sorry for dragging you along by accident."​

  • 1650546258979.png1650593659711.png
    Lancelot's armor would form around him.
    "Get ready you all!" Lancelot's Mad Enhancement would activate, then he would let out a roar like yell. "Aghh!!" Lancelot dashed at one of the Trance Twins summoning his sword Arondight and stabbed the priests.

  • 1650550146507.png
    "Juran.. I'll make sure to remember that."
    "Yo, Kaito, can you loan me the Dekaranger Gear for a sec? I don't have some Gears on me."

    "Oh, sure." Kaito nods, taking out on of his small coin-like Gears, labeled number 28. "Why'd you need it?" He handed Juran the Gear, promptly inserting the Gear onto the Geartlinger's lid.

    "Well, I can't exactly just let you guys waltz in the Castle when Captain Gawain's expecting a rough fight so..." Juran cranked the gun, the sounds of guns pounding can be heard before stopping.


    He bopped his head for a bit before raising the gun and pulling the trigger, a ball of light shooting upwards and spreading across Kaito's Group...


    ...Placing handcuffs on them. Even Kirby, who got cute fitting cuffs.

    "I'm giving you a 'disguise', so to speak."
    Des would look at the cuffs to see how durable they are.
    Following Ikki he'd sit down in the cafeteria and look at the menu.
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Kirby, Lester, Childe

"Poyo?" Kirby appeared quite confused as Juran shot a ball of light into the sky. As suddenly, the little puffball found himself with handcuffs on.

"Poyo Po-Poy...." Kirby seemed to be pouting now. Didn't seem he was too happy with this plan. Luckily, Kirby's arms were still wrapped securely atop Juran's head.

@ThePotatoGod @SorryTM @SolsticeArcanum @Topless @LuckycoolHawk9 @Captain Gensokyo @Crow

"WHA-?!" Ragewolf gasped in shock, surprised to see the Bard waltzing in unannounced. "HEY! Only GENERALS are allowed in this Tent!"

"It's fine, Ragewolf. He's with the other Kami..." The Blue Bird says, turning to Lester. "I'm sure we can trust him and his merry crew for a simple rescue mission, right?" He asked, approaching the bard god. "Continue down the path where you met the pooch. You'll find some stairs that'll lead to some red arch--past there is the Majority Priestess' domain."

"Pooch?!" Ragewolf growled at the offhand comment, furious at being called a mutt.

"Get Kami for us and we'll give you half...Wait no, that's too much." The Blue Bird rubbed his chin for a bit, "A quarter of the spoils with some bonus roasted Kacheek Meat we've got in storage. That's the rarest I can give you, no more." He snapped his fingers
"No hors d'oeuvres in the generals tent? Shame." Well, different species, different customs. "A red arch...." I don't suppose you can the Priestess over while we sneak in and grab Kami?" As for their reward for getting Kami... He was curious, but he tried not to let it show.

"Works for me, unless our Kami over here has any objection?" Lester turned to Kami.

@ThePotatoGod @SolsticeArcanum @SorryTM @Kazuya @Kirie98 @Captain Gensokyo @Crow
Looking around, there seems to be a bunch of stores nearby. A clothing store, a blacksmith, a jewelry store, a Tavern-Inn, and, with a sweet smell wafting over to the fountain--a Bakery.

"This smell...Ooh, are these cookies?" Ruby casually rushed over to the Bakery, off to buy something sweet to eat.

As Childe sat near the fountain, a delightful smell washed over him. Seemed that there was a bakery in town. As Ruby dashed off towards the direction of the bakery, Childe patted himself down, before coming up with a pouch.


{Bag of Mora}

Quickly opening it, Childe handed out a couple of small gold coins apiece to each member of the party. "Use these however you want- just holler if you need a bit more" The Harbringer proceeded to dash off to the bakery to cover Ruby's expenses- hopefully, the huntress wasn't that hungry.

@ThePotatoGod @SorryTM @Topless @Captain Gensokyo @dark @Hahli Nuva

Tifa took her coins, pocketing the small bag of gold and heading to the tavern. She seemed to be stuck in another multiversal dimension, so now all she needed to do was find a way out. Did that include getting to the top of the tower? Perhaps. And she'd likely have to do it with her new allies alongside her, which meant she couldn't just leave them behind.

Upon entering the inn, Tifa took a seat at the counter, purchasing a mug of beer and some food.

  • Interaction: @SolsticeArcanum @Kirie98 @Topless @dark @LuckycoolHawk9


    Overload Effect​

    Lancelot's blade strikes through the Trance Twins, leaving behind a small cut on their side. That cut would then glow, streaking all over the both Twins' bodies, soon gushing out with corrupted, purple light, resulting in a messy explosion of black gunk.

    Defeated in one hit.

    Meanwhile, another Trance Twins rapidly span towards Katrielle. Seeing an obvious place to dodge, she ran towards the Trance Twins and slid on the ground, weaving under the Trance Twins' shuriken-like attack. She soon drew out a stun baton and tossed it at the pair of freaky, conjoined priests, shocking them before they both fell to the ground. Katrielle would then hastily grab the fallen baton and attempted to beat the living shit out of the Trance Twins with the baton.

    3 left!

  • Interaction: @SorryTM @SolsticeArcanum @Topless @LuckycoolHawk9 @Captain Gensokyo @Crow

    "Come on, I'll be sure to turn it off once I have the chance in the throne room, aight?" Juran tried to reassure the pink puffball, attempting to reach the top of his head, but failing to do so.

    Destoroyah would find that these cuffs are much more durable than he thought. Hell, it's like they're designed to keep him detained or something.

    "I dunno much about the previous Sentais, but apparently the Dekarangers used to arrest space monsters or something. Good luck trying to break outta that." Juran shrugs before gesturing to his troops to accompany them. "Let's get going, I've got some questions for the Boss." He said, as if what Kaito told him got him thinking about this entire place.

    And thus, Juran and his army of Knights escorted our party towards the Iron Castle just beyond the walls, with less casualties than expected, although the town folk seem to cheer on Juran's arrest, as if they've actually captured a band of rogues upon the castle gates.

  • Interaction: @SolsticeArcanum @SorryTM @Kazuya @Kirie98 @Captain Gensokyo @Crow

    "We used to do that under the request of our only Human General, but some glutton ate all of them whenever he passed by, so we stopped doing that." Ragewolf casually explained, arms crossed as Lester laid out his plan--distract the Priestess while the group sneaks in and takes the other Kami.

    "We could, but the Priestess rarely comes out of her Shrine." Meden says, "And according to Ragewolf, the blockade on the Shrine didn't disappear either."

    "Purple vines, glowing with malice and shit. Can't miss it."

    "Hm...It sounds like we should deal with that first. After which, the Priestess will emerge." Kamipon rubbed his chin, hearing out the situation and after being asked if he has any objections. "I have no qualms about this plan. But I'm not sure if this Priestess fellow would either leave her Shrine or if she will send some form of minions. However, the important thing is, we cannot proceed until we make sure this blockade won't bar our path."


    "I wonder if I can have one to take home. I bet my kid sister would love it." Ikki would say, chuckling a bit as Kazuya apologized for dragging the wrong guy. "Hey, no problem. You, uh...Probably heard me talking to myself."

    "Or me!"

    "Zip it, Vice." Ikki spat at his demon spirit, "Plus, I don't think I had a proper meal since we woke up here.. Did you?" He asked, leaning back a bit.

    Solstice would find a variety of weirdly named dishes on the menu. Mainly foodstuffs with Kacheek, Mochichichi, Manboroth on them. Whatever they are. Well, at least they have normal looking stews and salads.

  • Interaction: @SorryTM @Topless @Captain Gensokyo @dark @Hahli Nuva



    --{[Ace Baker?]}--
    Phoenix Wright​

    A loud voice yelled out as Childe opened the door, scaring even Ruby who got there first, looking at their selection of freshly baked cookies with a rather satisfied expression. She wants them. The source of the voice was someone out of place for a town that looks relatively medieval--a man in a blue suit with a red tie with slick back spikey hair, a stern gaze and a steely voice. On his collar is a golden badge--an attorney's badge if you look close enough.

    "Our bakery uses only the finest ingredients! Upper-crust goods for not much dough!" The Baker declared, pointing at Ruby with his finger before slamming both his hands on the table, sending a cloud of flour flying towards the door.

    "GAHGH! Why're you yelling at me?!" Ruby yelped in surprise, flinching at the sound of the blue clad man's voice. "I just want some cookies, that's all!"

    "Ah, well that'll be 50 gold coins for a bag of 50!" The Attorney-Baker man would then take out a pink satchel and approached the shelf containing a fresh batch of small cookies. "Would you like the chocolate chip ones or the strawberry, checkerboard ones?"

    "Aw, both look sooo good! Can I have a mix of both in one bag?"

    "That'll be 5 less coins."

    "Ooh, it's cheaper..." Ruby would then take out her wallet, red in color, filled with a bunch of paper cards. "Oh, uh, do you accept Lien here?"

    "I have no idea what that is, and I don't think the Kingdom permits it!"

    "Ugh, figures..."



    --{[Unassuming Bartender]}--
    Akira Kurusu​

    "So...What brings you to this part of the jungle?" Asks what seems to be a young boy with a green apron. He has shaggy black hair, wearing glasses. Though you can tell that those glasses aren't exactly prescription based--they don't have lenses. He would slide Tifa a plate of curry, and a mug of beer.


  • Interaction: @SolsticeArcanum @Kirie98 @Topless @dark @LuckycoolHawk9


    Overload Effect​

    Lancelot's blade strikes through the Trance Twins, leaving behind a small cut on their side. That cut would then glow, streaking all over the both Twins' bodies, soon gushing out with corrupted, purple light, resulting in a messy explosion of black gunk.

    Defeated in one hit.

    Meanwhile, another Trance Twins rapidly span towards Katrielle. Seeing an obvious place to dodge, she ran towards the Trance Twins and slid on the ground, weaving under the Trance Twins' shuriken-like attack. She soon drew out a stun baton and tossed it at the pair of freaky, conjoined priests, shocking them before they both fell to the ground. Katrielle would then hastily grab the fallen baton and attempted to beat the living shit out of the Trance Twins with the baton.

    3 left!

  • Interaction: @SorryTM @SolsticeArcanum @Topless @LuckycoolHawk9 @Captain Gensokyo @Crow

    "Come on, I'll be sure to turn it off once I have the chance in the throne room, aight?" Juran tried to reassure the pink puffball, attempting to reach the top of his head, but failing to do so.

    Destoroyah would find that these cuffs are much more durable than he thought. Hell, it's like they're designed to keep him detained or something.

    "I dunno much about the previous Sentais, but apparently the Dekarangers used to arrest space monsters or something. Good luck trying to break outta that." Juran shrugs before gesturing to his troops to accompany them. "Let's get going, I've got some questions for the Boss." He said, as if what Kaito told him got him thinking about this entire place.

    And thus, Juran and his army of Knights escorted our party towards the Iron Castle just beyond the walls, with less casualties than expected, although the town folk seem to cheer on Juran's arrest, as if they've actually captured a band of rogues upon the castle gates.

  • Interaction: @SolsticeArcanum @SorryTM @Kazuya @Kirie98 @Captain Gensokyo @Crow

    "We used to do that under the request of our only Human General, but some glutton ate all of them whenever he passed by, so we stopped doing that." Ragewolf casually explained, arms crossed as Lester laid out his plan--distract the Priestess while the group sneaks in and takes the other Kami.

    "We could, but the Priestess rarely comes out of her Shrine." Meden says, "And according to Ragewolf, the blockade on the Shrine didn't disappear either."

    "Purple vines, glowing with malice and shit. Can't miss it."

    "Hm...It sounds like we should deal with that first. After which, the Priestess will emerge." Kamipon rubbed his chin, hearing out the situation and after being asked if he has any objections. "I have no qualms about this plan. But I'm not sure if this Priestess fellow would either leave her Shrine or if she will send some form of minions. However, the important thing is, we cannot proceed until we make sure this blockade won't bar our path."


    "I wonder if I can have one to take home. I bet my kid sister would love it." Ikki would say, chuckling a bit as Kazuya apologized for dragging the wrong guy. "Hey, no problem. You, uh...Probably heard me talking to myself."

    "Or me!"

    "Zip it, Vice." Ikki spat at his demon spirit, "Plus, I don't think I had a proper meal since we woke up here.. Did you?" He asked, leaning back a bit.

    Solstice would find a variety of weirdly named dishes on the menu. Mainly foodstuffs with Kacheek, Mochichichi, Manboroth on them. Whatever they are. Well, at least they have normal looking stews and salads.

  • Interaction: @SorryTM @Topless @Captain Gensokyo @dark @Hahli Nuva



    --{[Ace Baker?]}--
    Phoenix Wright​

    A loud voice yelled out as Childe opened the door, scaring even Ruby who got there first, looking at their selection of freshly baked cookies with a rather satisfied expression. She wants them. The source of the voice was someone out of place for a town that looks relatively medieval--a man in a blue suit with a red tie with slick back spikey hair, a stern gaze and a steely voice. On his collar is a golden badge--an attorney's badge if you look close enough.

    "Our bakery uses only the finest ingredients! Upper-crust goods for not much dough!" The Baker declared, pointing at Ruby with his finger before slamming both his hands on the table, sending a cloud of flour flying towards the door.

    "GAHGH! Why're you yelling at me?!" Ruby yelped in surprise, flinching at the sound of the blue clad man's voice. "I just want some cookies, that's all!"

    "Ah, well that'll be 50 gold coins for a bag of 50!" The Attorney-Baker man would then take out a pink satchel and approached the shelf containing a fresh batch of small cookies. "Would you like the chocolate chip ones or the strawberry, checkerboard ones?"

    "Aw, both look sooo good! Can I have a mix of both in one bag?"

    "That'll be 5 less coins."

    "Ooh, it's cheaper..." Ruby would then take out her wallet, red in color, filled with a bunch of paper cards. "Oh, uh, do you accept Lien here?"

    "I have no idea what that is, and I don't think the Kingdom permits it!"

    "Ugh, figures..."



    --{[Unassuming Bartender]}--
    Akira Kurusu​

    "So...What brings you to this part of the jungle?" Asks what seems to be a young boy with a green apron. He has shaggy black hair, wearing glasses. Though you can tell that those glasses aren't exactly prescription based--they don't have lenses. He would slide Tifa a plate of curry, and a mug of beer.

Tifa would give the boy a small smile, gratefully accepting her meal. She idly mixed the steaming hot curry with the fluffy rice, the plate's fantastical spices tickling her senses as she brought her cold, frothy mug to sip from. The beer was cool and refreshing, a nice change of pace from the usual Midgar slop.

"Don't know, really. I just woke up a few hours ago with these strange characters. Honestly at this point I'm just trying to make my way home. However I can."

  • Filia didn't like the said 'disguise' that Juran provided. "Hey, how come you don't have cuffs on, Samson?" Filia asked. "Does it look like that I have hands?" Samson replied, silencing his host. "Anyway, you sure this would work?" Filia asked Juran just as they're being led into the town. The folks seemed to be cheering on for his arrest, even though it doesn't look like a legitimate one.

    @SorryTM @Captain Gensokyo @SolsticeArcanum @LuckycoolHawk9 @dark @Kirie98 @ThePotatoGod

  • With the contract completed, a Command Seal will appear on the back of Hakuno's left hand; one that resembles the one that a certain Magus had.


    But not only that, the resulting contract has also changed her appearance somewhat, which showed just how stronger she had become.


    "Thank you, Master." Artoria said "I swear by my sword that I will protect you till the very end." Just as she's done speaking, the group suddenly got caught in an ambush. "Master, behind me!" She told Hakuno as she summoned her Invisible Air covered sword and charged onto one of the creatures to deliver an overhead slash.

    @dark @SolsticeArcanum @Kirie98 @ThePotatoGod

  • Adam took the money and it looks like the group has gone their separate ways. He decided to head on over to the tavern where he sees Tifa having a nice conversation with a young man. Must be the owner. "Hey..." He said as he sat right next to her. "So what do you have in here?" He asked the young man.

    @SorryTM @dark @Captain Gensokyo @ThePotatoGod
Jonas Harris

Jonas was quiet for a moment as he was about to answer her question and would look over at them. It wasn't easy to shift into a form, so he wasn't sure how he could help. " Once we get out of this fight, I'll answer your question. It's not a happy answer," he replied, trying to see if he could access Max's powers. It wasn't working at the moment and the man would groan. "Why did- you-" Jonas felt annoyed and felt a weird build up in his body, groaning in frustration. Surprisingly to himself and everyone else, it would cause one of the nearby things to explode, close to his glitch ability, yet different. It felt familiar. " That's new."

@SolsticeArcanum @Kirie98 @dark @Topless @ThePotatoGod


Ben had gotten so lost in his own thoughts yet again that he managed to miss everything that had happened, but he knew that he wasn't a fan of being marched somewhere in handcuffs. It wouldn't take him much diffculty to dislocate his hands and slide out of the cuffs, he had done it before. " So, how far are we walking to get to the castle?"

@SorryTM @SolsticeArcanum @Topless @Captain Gensokyo @Crow @ThePotatoGod

Nathan Drake

Nathan had taken some time to wonder over with the group and his eyes landed on the clothing shop. " Well, I know where I am going," he replied, heading to get some new clothes after he took some of the money.

@ThePotatoGod @Clothing Store Montage

  • 1650594182633.png
    Lancelot would slowly move his head then quickly move his head at the last second, a red glint would come from his helmet, Arondight would disappear and Lancelot would dash at the Trance Twins Katrielle was fighting and punch them leaving an imprint on both of them.

  • 1650594053800.png
    Des would make himself seem more intimidating and evil, just to give Juran more publicity and at the moment they arrive at the castle he'd drop the façade showing a more serious and calm face.

  • 1650595381932.png1650595388957.png
    Solstice would look towards whoever was taking orders. "Hey, could I get a Manboroth?" Solstice was a bit worried if said the name correctly. Waiting for his food Solstice would unhook his gasmask from behind his head showing his face covered with scars and it kind of seemed like his hair color had changed. "Ah, great!" Solstice would look to see what was in the food then begin to eat the food IF it was safe.