• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
@ThePotatoGod @South

"We're looking for something shaped like Kat?" I ask, before one of the group got attacked by what seemed to be a horribly drawn sonic oc. I stood in place, trying not to laugh and keep a straight face as I watched the sonic oc fight one of our members. His name was wolf, and it seems he has some beef with the guy he attacked. He asked for names, and I had my hands up in surrender. I did not want to be on the recieving end of that drill. "I'm just a human! Dont kill me please!"​

  • 1649851330406.png
    Des would use his Micro-Oxygenized Blast on all of the ice then leap at one of the Elegant Mothers and use his tail to as a spear and pierce the shadow's stomach.

  • 1649851754358.png
    Solstice would sneak behind the creature that is about to start a fight and put his gun to it's head, ready to shoot it once it even thought of hurting Solstice.

  • 1649863844550.png
    Lancelot would look down the path, ignoring the question asked by Katrielle.
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  • As they continued along the path, Kirby was snatched by somebody off of Filia's grasps. "Hey!" She called "I got to him first!" By then, they encountered a pack of strange masked figures on couches. "What in the world are those things?" Filia asked. "I don't think there isn't much time for chit chat right now. Think fast!" Samson said as he formed a pair of wings to get his host off the ground before the spikes could impale her.

    "That was close!" Filia said "Alright, let's get serious!" Samson responded with a grin as he flapped hard enough to throw Filia towards one of them with her leg stretched out. The Parasite wrapped her stretched leg to form a spinning drill just so to pierce right through one of the figure's skull.

    @SorryTM @Captain Gensokyo @SolsticeArcanum @LuckycoolHawk9 @dark @ThePotatoGod

  • While the group continued onward, Katrielle asked Artoria and Lancelot about their relationship as she had suspected that they knew about each other. Of course they do, but it is a rather tough subject to talk about. "We actually do." Artoria answered "Me and Lancelot are acquaintances, but the circumstances of our relationship is...rather complicated to be very honest, and personal too." Artoria doesn't want to talk about how their relationship went. Lancelot could possibly feel the same as well.

    @dark @SolsticeArcanum @ThePotatoGod

  • Adam was confused by what Ruby had said, amplified by a raised brow. "Well, I am now. Though to be honest, it is quite discomforting for my preference." He said and just then, Ruby showed off her scythe and explained that it is also a gun. "Excellent craftsmanship, Ruby." He complimented "I would like to have one of those, but I think my two fists would do perfectly, especially with this knuckleduster I still have." He showed off his knuckleduster, simple but very practical, not like Crescent Rose which is awesome but impractical.

    Adam would catch one of the flown rose petals and smelled it. "Refreshing, just like my home." He quietly commented.

    @SorryTM @dark @Captain Gensokyo @ThePotatoGod
Kirby, Lester, Childe

As Filia picked up the little pink puffball, he looked a smidge annoyed. He wanted to run! Although, just as he got out of Filias hands...
Satori tried to wave at Kirby.

"Isn't this the cutest little thing? Please tell me we can take it home, sis!" Koishi said. Descending to the point where her chin almost reached the dirt, Koishi attempted to scoop up Kirby in her arms and keep moving forward like nothing had happened.

"...He may not like that, Koishi," Satori warned. "Put him down if he starts squirming, and don't squeeze him..."

" 'He?' How do you know it's a he?"

"I saw his heart..."

He waved back to Satori, all happiness again. Although he was suddenly picked up again, he simply gave a little hmph, and let it happen.


He seems to be agreeing with Satori, confirming that he was male.

" I also think he's cute, but it be better if we let him walk on his own. He seems to have some power, even for one as small and cute as he is. Plus, you didn't ask first," he added.
"Poyo-Poyo! Poyo."

Looked like he agreed with Ben. Slipping out of Koishi's grapes, the Pink puffball continued to run, until....
The rest of the group would catch up to both the highschooler, Hirari Yumesaki and the eccentric red clad man, Kaito Goshikida, the path of both seemed to be obscured by a group of masked figures, laying on floating green fancy couches.


--{[Elegant Mother]}--
There are 5 of them total--one for every combatant.

"Oh boy, another one of these Shadow things. Haven't seen them in a while!" Kaito says, taking out his Geartlinger. "They don't look as creepy as last time. Yosh, FULL ON FULL POWER!" He cried out cheerfully, pointing his gun in front of him and shooting at one of the Elegant Mothers, causing the floating couch creature to be pushed back by his bullets, leaving the others to tango with the others, the eyeholes of their masks glowing as spikes of ice began to trail themselves towards everyone--including Hirari!

"Poyo!" As they started to fight, Kirby went right for the one Katie had just pushed back, opening his mouth wide to inhale the Elegant Mother! If Kirby managed to inhale it, he would spit it right back towards the 4 other Mothers!

The little pink puffball would also gain a curious new ability.


He was now a little blue puffball! Puffing up his cheeks, Kirby would breath out ice at the Elegant Mother's, attempting to freeze them!

@ThePotatoGod @Captain Gensokyo @LuckycoolHawk9 @Topless @dark

"KURAE!" Kami's mask suddenly glowed orange, raising his shield up as something leapt out of the bushes and attacked Kami--a figure similar to the masked, humanoid Patapon, except he seems to sport gauntlet-like claws and a red wolf mask. Sparks fly as blue energy counteracted the wolf's crimson winds, whirling like a cyclone--piercing one's shield like that of a drill.


--{[Madfang Ragewolf]}--
Anger Management Issues Given Form​
This was immediately followed by Ikki taking the red weapon Vice took from the Labyrinth, using it like a baseball bat to smack the mutt off of Kami's shield, the beastly warrior skidding on the floor on all fours, his mask's eyes leering--glaring at the group.

"Alert bastard as always, eh, Uberhero?!" The Wolf snarled at Kami's group, standing on a hunch, as if ready to leap for a bit.

"You're...Madfang Ragewolf." Kami clicked his tongue, "The Archfiend of Valor's Dark Hero. So you too are stuck in this labyrinth. How sad it is that you won't be able to revive anymore." He mocked, earning a few snickers from his troops.

"Hmph. I've made peace with that long ago, Uberhero--more importantly..." The clawed Ragewolf scoffs, soon pointing at him and his allies. "What the hell are you doing out here?! Aren't you supposed to be dealing with that Majority bitch or whatever?!"

"Majority...?" Kami tilted his head, turning to Ikki, who seemed to have the same thought. "I simply went out to get some...Friends. I can't go without my trusty troops, after all."

"Bullshit! I'm supposed to be guarding the gate like you told me to! How the hell did you slip past me?!" Ragewolf growled some more, claws sharpened as his anger. "You're either a sneaky coward, or an even stupider Imposter--and that fucking Uberhero ain't a coward! So who the hell are you and what the hell are you up to?!" He barked, asking for everyone's identities right this instant. "Tell me or I'll just up and skewer your intestines!" He threatened, raising his fist, which whirled like a drill. Clearly an impatient man.
Oh dear... as a sudden attack came for Kami, Lester had grabbed his Ukulele in a fit of panic. Perhaps he could smack this little guy over the head. He glanced at some normal-looking guy, who already had his hands in the air. Good to know someone was more cowardly than him.

"I was once Apollo, God of the Sun. Now, I am but a Lester." Lester said, in response to Ragewolfs threat. "We are just travelers, making our way through his Tower. Are you sure that you do you do not want to join us? I can play some music!" To demonstrate, Lester strummed his Ukulele, about to launch into Queen's "We Will Rock You" Complete with stomping from a pimply teen. Before he could do that however...
Solstice would sneak behind the creature that is about to start a fight and put his gun to it's head, ready to shoot it once it even thought of hurting Solstice.
"Hey!" Lester yelled this, unsure of how this would help. "Stop, you edgy moron! Couldn't you see we were negotiating! Put the gun down this instant!"

@ThePotatoGod @SolsticeArcanum (Himself) @SorryTM (Lester) @Kazuya (Himself)

--{[Crescent Rose]}--
Ruby Rose's Waifu Weapon​
"Oh, you mean Crescent Rose?" Ruby asked as her weapon expanded into a giant red scythe. "I made it myself back in Signal Academy--it's also a gun."
What in the name of the- Childe looked quite spooked at the giant Scythe Ruby had suddenly pulled out.

"You built it yourself." He repeated, looking quite surprised. "Is everyone from your world this talented at building massive weapons? Looking closely at the weapon, Childe could see the making of what appeared to be a gun. Huh.

Excellent craftsmanship, Ruby." He complimented "I would like to have one of those, but I think my two fists would do perfectly, especially with this knuckleduster I still have." He showed off his knuckleduster, simple but very practical, not like Crescent Rose which is awesome but impractical.
Lifting an ginger eyebrow, Childe said "Well, I hope your fists count as weapons of mass destruction."

Glancing towards the direction they had to go, Childe broke into a light jog eastward. "Come on, for at this rate, we'll be the last group to finish!

@ThePotatoGod @Captain Gensokyo @Topless @dark
Tifa saw that everyone was moving, deciding that now was the best time to take action. She had been silent before, enough to gradually take in all the information about the floors and their masters. The rest of the survivors had decided to split up, and so Tifa found herself heading East with Ruby and her group. To what end? she wondered.

Nathan Drake

Nathan was quiet for a moment. "At least you have a weapon that can shoot and attack. All I got is this cool sword that talks and a gun. Got to switch between the two. I wonder if there are going to be enemies in our path or if we can go directly to the next guys that we need to talk too."

@SorryTM @Topless @Captain Gensokyo @dark @ThePotatoGod


Jonas was quiet for a moment. " Well, I hope they are this way. I would like to be myself or at least have my powers work as they are supposed to," he replied, wondering how come he hadn't glitched in a while. He stared at the ground. " You know, it feels weird to help save the world-....... especially it was my fault that my world was destroyed."

@ThePotatoGod @SolsticeArcanum @Topless @dark


" Well, I don't think these things are going to let us pass easily,"
he replied, grabbing a nearby Mother and just punching her straight in the face. It was better to punch things. It made him feel ready for any fight.

@SorryTM @SolsticeArcanum @Topless @dark @Captain Gensokyo @ThePotatoGod

  • Interaction: @SolsticeArcanum @Topless @dark @LuckycoolHawk9

    "I see. But I guess that means you'd work better than ever." Katrielle nods, letting out a warm smile in the process as they went northwest to avoid blockade of trees--which obscured the path forward. She soon took note that Jonas was the course of his world's destruction, which piqued the Detective's interest. "How so?" She asked, curious about his situation. She did sense a weird energy signature on him for a while now, and she just thought it was just the nature of his world.

    Although before Katrielle's question was answered, she stopped on her tracks, sensing something--someone, up ahead. Someone with a peculiar energy reading at that.


    --{[Of Lunar Royalty]}--
    Hakuno Kishinami

    From what she can tell, it was girl with long brown hair, wearing a white dress with a red lined collar. A red ribbon tied on the back of her dress. She seemed to be carrying a basket, filled to the brim with various herbs and vegetables. She seemed to be walking around barefoot, though she doesn't seem to mind.

    ". . ." The woman seemed to notice them, glancing at the group in silence before waving at the group with a warm smile.

    Despite that smile, you feel something...Intimidating about her.

    What do you do?

  • Interaction: @SorryTM @SolsticeArcanum @Topless @LuckycoolHawk9 @dark @Captain Gensokyo

    Des' Micro-Oxygen blast proved effective in shattering the ice spikes before it even reached them, causing the spikes to burst into shards of ice--which, the pink puffball inhaled in place of the Elegant Mother, which managed to hold onto a giant spike of Ice it erected for itself to prevent her from going inside of Kirby.

    However, despite that, the Elegant Mother wasn't exactly safe as the puffball, now blue and sporting a cap of ice approached the golden masked couch potato and spewed cold breath at all five of them, which coated the area in a cold mist, drastically lowering their chances of dodging as chunks of ice start to cover their body, freezing and debilitating their movement.

    This left them vulnerable to the teams' attacks.

    Des' tail impaled through both the Elegant Mother's stomach and couch, causing cracks to form on their body as black gunk spilled on the tail.

    Filia's drilling kick caused the Elegant Mother to tip over and break into pieces, which evaporated into black steam pretty quickly.

    Ben managed to punch the Elegant Mother's face cleanly, causing the creature to be pushed back and ultimately tip over, unable to get up for a good while.

    Kaito leapt over the Elegant Mother, shooting the masked loafer in a rising arc, pelting it with bullets from the front up to the top. As he landed, the Elegant Mother tipped over as well. He soon span and landed a round house kick at the couch, causing the Elegant Mother to slide across the ground with it--unexpectedly.

    "Woah, she's stuck to it. That's new!" Kaito chuckled a bit as the Elegant Mother slide towards the other tipped over one--near Ben.

    There's only 3 targets left. Two downed, one still impaled(and probably about to be feasted on) by Des.

  • Interaction: @SolsticeArcanum @SorryTM @Kazuya @Captain Gensokyo (Special NPC Mention--oooh I wonder who could it be?)

    "Human? Like that hairless ape in a dress? BAH! I've seen the likes of you before, but not as mere bards." Ragewolf snarled, before feeling a gun pressed behind his head. "Although there's none as cowardly as the bastard behind me." He couldn't turn, but he knew how dangerous those small howitzers can get.

    "Sol-san, what are you doing, man?!" Ikki asked, still holding the red club he used to smack Ragewolf away, lowering it. "We don't want to kill him. We just need to clear things up with him, right?"

    "Answer my question already, 'Hero'." Ragewolf growled, still unhinged, but practically on a pretty short leash by Sol's gun. "And I won't have to rip this guy's guts out." He threatened Sol, as if tempting him to actually shoot.

    "I am who I say I am." Kami said, raising the spear's tip to the sky as he stood up straight. "I am Kami Heropon, leader of the Patapons. Venturing to restore the petrified tribe and defeat the 7 Archfiends."

    "...But you already did that--and the Tribe's back to normal!" Ragewolf raised a brow, "Hell, you made us, the Dark Heroes, agree to a ceasefire until we make it out of here!"

    "I...I did?"

    "Wait, wait, wait, how's that possible?" Ton The Yaripon asked, confused.

    "Yeah! The Pooch must be lying to us!" Chin the Tatepon questioned further, pointing his blade at Ragewolf.

    "...I believe him." Heropon nods, using his spear as a sort of blockade to prevent his troops from attacking, soon looking towards Sol and Ragewolf. "You there. I ask you to release the Dark Hero." Heropon asked of Solstice with conviction. "In exchange. I want you to lead us to our tribe--Patapolis."

    "...Tsk." Ragewolf sighed before clicking his tongue, soon raising his claws. "Fine, you got me. But I want a rematch." He surrendered, though one can feel how much he's pissed about it--seething.

    "What? Did I beat you that badly, Madfang Ragewolf?" Kami chuckled, as if mocking the red wolf.

  • Interaction: @SorryTM @Topless @Captain Gensokyo @dark @Hahli Nuva

    "Well, not everyone. Others like to go small, but go big with the features, like Blake's Gombol Shroud, which is a really cool bladed sheath katana-gun sickle thing that she throws around with a ribbon. Oh, oh! My Big Sister's Gauntlets shoot shotgun bullets when she punches--it's really, really cool!" Ruby practically gushed over at the weapons she answers Childe's question, her attention soon taken by Adam complimenting her craftsmanship before showing her his weapon. Which attracted the young Ruby Rose to get a closer look with a teleport-like zip, scattering even more petals.

    "Oooh...Thanks! You can never go wrong with the classics, as they say." Ruby smiled at Adam for his compliment, as if she was never Glancing at the weapon he had, it seemed to be relatively simple. Well, on the surface at least. Ruby couldn't help but feel something special on the brass knuckles. Then Nathan mentioned a talking sword, which piqued her interest even more. "...Can I see it? Pleeeaaasseee?" She asked, eyes sparkling.

    ". . ." Jonas' sword became noticeably quiet, as if trying to hide his presence from the girl.

    Soon enough though, Childe took charge in the group, stating that they should move.

    "Oh, right! Sorry! Let's go, everyone!" Ruby quickly apologized, following Childe's lead to move eastward with a cheery smile.

    So far, the journey eastbound seems peaceful, with but a large cluster of trees ahead of them, on their left. Making it harder to move that way. Well, not like you need to move anywhere else other than east. You have thing to visit!

  • 1649937707280.png
    Lancelot would walk close to the lady in white. "Who are you miss? And what are you doing here?"

  • 1649937558452.png
    Des would use his inner jaw to extract DNA from the Elegant Mother, then Des would dash to the others extending his claws and then use his claws to slash the Elegant Mothers.

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    Solstice would look in the general direction of Ikki. "And what if he tries to kill us, and it would be oh-so fun to watch his brains or lack there of to splatter out."
    "...I believe him." Heropon nods, using his spear as a sort of blockade to prevent his troops from attacking, soon looking towards Sol and Ragewolf. "You there. I ask you to release the Dark Hero." Heropon asked of Solstice with conviction. "In exchangeSolstice would. I want you to lead us to our tribe--Patapolis."
    Solstice would lower his gun, but he would keep ready Incase he needs to shoot the "wolf".
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Kirby, Lester, Childe

After Kirby had unleashed his frost attack, he discarded the ice ability, turning back into that smoll pink puffball. Seemingly bringing a hammer out of thin air, Kirby began to charge it up, letting it burst into flame before attempting to smack the closest Elegant Mother with it!



"Well, all's well that ends well." Lester sighed. Seemed they had found a new ally. Noting the fact that Solstice still had his gun ready to use, Lester decided to keep his Ukulele on hand, just Incase things got nasty. From this guy who screamed "edge" or the Wolf like creature, Lester wasn't sure.
"...But you already did that--and the Tribe's back to normal!" Ragewolf raised a brow, "Hell, you made us, the Dark Heroes, agree to a ceasefire until we make it out of here!"

"I...I did?"

"Wait, wait, wait, how's that possible?" Ton The Yaripon asked, confused.

"Yeah! The Pooch must be lying to us!" Chin the Tatepon questioned further, pointing his blade at Ragewolf.

"...I believe him." Heropon nods, using his spear as a sort of blockade to prevent his troops from attacking, soon looking towards Sol and Ragewolf. "You there. I ask you to release the Dark Hero." Heropon asked of Solstice with conviction. "In exchange. I want you to lead us to our tribe--Patapolis."
That was strange. Pondering for a moment, Lester spoke up.

"You know, I'm something of a prophecy god myself... perhaps I can share my thoughts on how he knows you for something you haven't done yet." Gesturing to Madfang Ragewolf, he continued. "We all come from different worlds,correct? If that's the case, MadWolf over here could have come from a world that parallels yours, except you have already done your goal, destroying these "Archfiends." That is, assuming infinite worlds exist..."

Wow, he was being smart for once. He resisted the urge to pat himself on the shoulder.

"Let us go onwards to Papytolis!" Wait, that wasn't quite right... was it Poppypolis?

@SolsticeArcanum @ThePotatoGod @Kazuya

Childe didn't give much of a bother towards the trees, although he still kept himself alert. Who knew what strange things might reside in the forest.

@ThePotatoGod @Captain Gensokyo @Topless @LuckycoolHawk9 @Hahli Nuva @dark
@SorryTM @ThePotatoGod @SolsticeArcanum

The edgy guy snuck up behind the Sonic OC with a gun drawn. I started to sweat nervously. The situation seemed to deescalate quickly however. After some exchange of words, which I could barely understand, I walked up next to the second most nornal guy here. His name was Lester, and he also was Apollo, from what he claims. Weird, where have I heard this before?
I decide not to ponder about this and just answer Lesters' question.
"I think the place was called Platypus?"

I extend a hand out. "Nice to meet you Lester, or Apollo. I'm Kazuya Takanashi. Nice Ukelele. Is that made of metal?"​

  • Mash | Nero | Shiki
    "Mash? Oh yeah. That was her name. Red you called her Shielder often too. Fits well, since she liked to get in front all the time."


    "I-I'm open to helping you! I'm actually looking for someone myself!"


    "Umu! Let's celebrate until we're all satisfied!"


    'Everyone, please gather outside by the campfire. I figured out how to get to the next floor.'

    After a day of rest for the ascendents, Mash and Nero joined with everyone else as they headed towards the campfire, gathering up and listening to Kat's report about the next floor that they were about to enter. Shiki was expecting much of the same as before, and in the same way both Nero and Mash assumed that it could be quite similar to the level before them that they had just cleared, but things could change, and Kat's report indicated that. A straightforward path, that seemingly made things easier on them. And not only that, but their enemies had become... stronger, or more mysterious to say?

    While there, Nero took note of the other blue Saber. The legendary King of Britain, and of Knights, named Artoria Pendragon. So, she was here as well? It seemed she had a dislike towards Nero. The two had similar features after all, but Nero assumed it was merely just a gaze of jealousy. After all, Nero possessed ample qualities that the other did not. She could not blame her after all, as Nero was gifted in all things, even her body!

    Mash also was surprised by the appearance of not only Artoria, but Lancelot as well! Both the King and the greatest knight of Camelot were here! However, the version of Lancelot summoned here seemed to be his Berserker incarnation. He seemed... rather sane though. Dressed in a suit, but clearly capable of talking and communicating. Was it some kind of shift between both his Saber and Berserker self?

    "That's the tricky part. I don't know what we're gonna deal with." Katrielle sighed in frustration. "They have Elira's signature, but more...Charged, in a way. How do I put this...?" Katrielle tilted her head. "They don't seem like monsters. In fact, they feel more human than anything. I guess you could try and talk to them?" She then turned to the white figure that stands out among the crowd. "What do you think, Elira? Any insight on what they could be?"

    "The Majorities." The figure in white, who appears to be a young highschooler made out of grey slime. She held a golden spear, along with tears of white light floating from her eyes. She spoke in a somewhat distorted, yet feminine tone. "They are the designated Floor Guardians of every other Floor other than the Labyrinths, which are under The Fools' guard." She explained, "They hold vast power. Including the power required to restore the power needed for the tarot cards."

    "Can they be reasoned with, or are we dealing with creatures similar to The Pillars again?" Kami asked, holding both his spear and shield. "It sounds as if they're different enough to warrant a different classification."

    "Correct. Unlike The Fools like myself, they have complete sentience." Elira said, nodding at Kami's deduction. "They are the children born and raised by the Tower, with the sworn duty to watch over their respective Floors however they see fit."

    "Then that settles this then. We're splitting up again." Ikki said, nodding as he walked over to Katrielle and drew another one of the four card. "Hopefully this time, I'll get some more action." He smiled, before walking off onto the Southern path.

    "Patapons, we march southbound." Kami Heropon, the masked leader of the Patapons spoke. "I have had a vision of Patapolis abound."

    "Wait, really?!"

    "Oh boy, oh boy!"

    "Let's get going!" The Patapons celebrated, as if the term Patapolis is important to them, thus venturing after Ikki towards the southern path.

    "Alright then! Let's go, Full On Full Power!" Kaito chuckled like a lively child, sprinting westward at full speed, without even stopping to let his allies catch up to him.

    "Hoo boy, here we go again." Katrielle sighs, rubbing her head as Yumesaki this time, tried to follow him.

    "W-wait up!" The highschooler with twintails said, chasing after the energetic young man.

    "Welp. I guess that leaves you to take this." Katrielle approached the red cloaked girl, handing her the card. "Keep that thing safe. You'll need it when you get when you find the Majority." She said, leaving Ruby alone to hold onto the card. Soon, everyone would hear a voice in their heads.

    'Alright everyone, try to keep in touch.' Katrielle reminded everyone telepathically, walking northwards along with the white slime figure known as Elira. 'I'll keep the line open for any questions. Just give me a holler.'

    "Should I really hold onto this?...It'll probably be fine." Ruby asked herself before shrugging and keeping it onto her bullet pouch, soon waiting on the path eastbound, waiting to see if someone wants to accompany her. A journey is good with friends, after all.

    "Umu! Onward to victory!" The Roman Emperor marched westward along with the energetic power-suited boy with the chaingun, following in his lively steps in a manner just as cheerful and bold as his own. "A-ah..! Wait, Nero!" Mash tried to get the Emperor to wait so that they could plan things out more but... it just seemed that Nero was just that way. At least Shiki was still... ah?! Where was she? Unbeknowst to Mash, Shiki had headed off on her own. Rather then get involved with Kat's group any further, the lone girl headed her own way south, just trailing behind the other group that had gone that way. Not wanting to be left alone, she decided to head north with Kat. It seemed that both Artoria and Lancelot had headed that way to!

    "Artoria! Lancelot!" Mash shouted, as she caught up with them. "Are you two from Chaldea? If so, have you seen Fujimaru? I haven't seen them around here since I've arrived." However, as she approached, she froze up. Someone... was up ahead. A girl in a white dress. Something was off about them, but there was a feeling that emanated off them that reminded her of Senpai. Just as Lancelot had done, Mash approached the girl. "Um, hello!" She greeted. "Can you tell us who you are? I am Mash Kyrielight."

  • As Shiki came down south, it seems like she just stumbled upon a scene. Huh. Looks like there's already been a bit of a thing going on here. A few people had encountered some clawed... wolf looking person. There must have been a fight, or one brewing, as she could feel the tense air around here. Sigh.... and to think that this is the path she chose. If she were any other person, she'd wisen up and turn around, but Shiki was a bit of a stubborn woman. She had already chosen to go down this specific direction. And besides, she had a feeling about it that'll lead her somewhere. Might as well just follow behind.

  • "Here I come!"

    Nero jumped into the battle, her blazing sword in hand, as she cut down onto one of the enemies before them! She had arrived quite a bit late, but sometimes it takes a while before a star actor comes onto the theatre! Thankfully, her friends had frozen and kept the enemies stuck in place for her to strike across one of these lazing enemies, the blade striking across and jutting the flames from her meteor sword across! "Hmph! What kind of enemies are these?! They're no match for the likes of us! We've had harder fights in the level beneath our feet!"

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  • Two down, about three more left and they seemed to be frozen in place too. "Let me gobble at them!" Samson yelled and Filia went over to one of the figures, turning her back for Samson to enlarge his sharp jaws to take and consume a chunk of one of those Mothers.

    @SorryTM @Captain Gensokyo @SolsticeArcanum @LuckycoolHawk9 @dark @Kirie98 @ThePotatoGod

  • Artoria went silent after Katrielle replied. "Damn it Lancelot, why didn't you say something?" Artoria thought, feeling disappointed for having to explain about their relationship. Does Lancelot still hold a grudge on her? Just then, they're called by someone familiar. "Mash!" Artoria called "No, we haven't. We just woke up in this place not long ago." Soon after, they encountered a young woman in a white dress that's been giving off some sort of weird aura. Artoria looked carefully at the girl, making sure to have her sword ready if needed.

    @dark @SolsticeArcanum @Kirie98 @ThePotatoGod

  • "You know, these trees kind of reminded me of my home." Adam spoke as the group kept marching onward. "I don't know why, but I've been getting some weird feelings just looking at them." He added.

    @SorryTM @dark @Captain Gensokyo @ThePotatoGod

  • Interaction: @SolsticeArcanum @Kirie98 @Topless @dark @LuckycoolHawk9

    The woman seemed to stare at Lancelot, her ring glowing dimly, as if detecting something familiar. The same for Artoria--though the woman seemed to recognize her more than Lancelot would. She tilted her head a bit, curious to know who they were herself, as if oblivious to their location.

    The ring, it told her that Artoria and Lancelot were both Servants, that much was normal for her. But for a full on Magus to appear in front of her--the girl with the tophat, that much was curious to her.

    "Oh, I've woken up here myself. I've been picking herbs and fruit to take with me when I get back to the Roman Territories...If I could. The ring isn't acting the way it should be. I should have someone look into that." The woman said, answering Lancelot, "I'm Kishinami Hakuno, by the way--Welcome to the Moon Cell." She introduced herself with a soft bow.

    "Moon Cell?" Katrielle raised a brow, tilting her head at the woman.

    "Yes, that's right." Hakuno nodded, noting her expression. "I mean, you do know that right? You managed to hack yourself in here, after all." She then tilted her head, oblivious. "Right?"

    It looks like Hakuno doesn't know much about the situation...

  • Interaction: @SorryTM @SolsticeArcanum @Topless @LuckycoolHawk9 @dark @Captain Gensokyo @Kirie98

    After devouring the DNA of the Elegant Mother, the creature and the couch would disappear in a puff of black smoke. This was followed by Des lunging at another one and running his claws at the creature. After which, the Red Saber outsped Des and slashed both the Elegant Mother Des scratched and the other, frozen one, which thawed one and killed the other.

    Kirby's hammer strike on the thawed one would launch it directly onto Samson's Maw, which, upon chewing, turned into smoke--taking the kill. Samson would find its taste similar to a toothpaste that's been run in sewer water. Disgusting.

    Also, there's also something that didn't turn into smoke--a golden nugget. Most likely from the couch it was on.

    "Warm up's good, too!" Kaito chuckled, seeing as everyone's finished fighting the Elegant Mothers. "Alright, onto the next one!" Kaito spun his gun before rushing ahead again.

    As they ran, they would come across a brick wall, unlike the one on the previous floor, this didn't ran all the way along the border of the tower. The brick wall appears to be rather old, vines growing on it, yet its foundation had withstood the test of time.

    "Hey, let me go!" Shrieked a feminine voice. Turning to the the side, they'd see a curious sight.


    --{[Knight of The Sun]}--
    Sir Gawain​

    "Bah! You do not get to make demands, thief!" The short, red knight-like creature resembling an animal spoke, lifting a bound Yumesaki over his shoulder. In front of him were large carriages, like ones you'd see in medieval times. Yet most of those carts are void of any horsemen, only horses. "I saw you sneaking into one of our carriages! No doubt, you are an assassin sent to assassinate our king from the shadows!"

    "I-I was trying to see him, but I swear I--"

    "Enough! You want to see him so badly, I'll take you there myself!" The echidna knight barked, soon disappearing into the walled area. "Let's see how you like the dungeon!" He snarled, as the carriages began moving into the area.

  • Interaction: @SolsticeArcanum @SorryTM @Kazuya @Kirie98 @Captain Gensokyo

    "It's Pata. Patapolis." Kami corrected, with a sigh, as Solstice let go of Ragewolf, who shot a glare at the hooded figure who pressed a gun against his head. He then spoke to Ragewolf, "Are you sure Patapolis stands in this floor?" He asked, wondering if he is speaking the truth.

    "Positive. You know how I hate lying, Hero. Too much work." Ragewolf spat at the bird masked Uberhero, walking eastbound.

    'Hey, Ikki...Should we really be going there?' His Demonic Spirit, Vice, would ask his host, 'I mean, aren't we supposed to take care of the card or whatever?'

    "Trust me, Vice, it'll be fine." Ikki nodded with a smile, "It's just a detour." He said, following Ragewolf's lead.

    Their brisk walk would lead to a place constructed out of a compound of wood, stone, and steel, forming this clusterfuck of a wall. Flying high on the wall in front of them was the red flag with a square on it.

    "The Zigotons..." Kami glanced upwards and stared at the flag, "I thought you were taking us to Patapolis."


    --{[The Zigotons]}--
    Rhombus Crimson Eyes​

    "This is Patapolis, dumbass." Ragewolf said, glaring at Kami. "We all agreed to a truce. For as long as we're here in this mess, we'd move as one tribe." He would then approach the gate, constructed out of a similar cluster of materials. He began to knock, "This is Ragewolf, open up!" He backed up after yelling, glancing up at the wall as three red square eyeballs with unique looking headwear came into view, all bearing spear.

    "Alright, Dark Hero Ragewolf confirmed." One of the spearmen said, "Ooh, and Kami, too. Is the Priestess guy done with him now?"

    "This is gonna sound strange, but this ain't the Kami Priestess took."

    "WHAT?! Then who are they?!" The Spearmen pointed at the group, asking for their identities.

  • Interaction: @SorryTM @Topless @Captain Gensokyo @dark @Hahli Nuva

    "You lived in a forest, Adam?" Ruby asked, curious about where he lived, "What's it like?" She asked, considering she has lived in a cabin in the woods in Patch most of her life, Adam feels like the kinda person who grew up in the wild.

    As the gang moved forward, the would see what seems to be a gate up ahead, stone walls at the side of the lavish, golden gate that stands out in between the stone. Welcoming, but also a tad intimidating to look at.

    It doesn't look like anyone's guarding it at the moment, so now might be a prime time to walk right in...Right?



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  • "Bleh! That tastes like shit!" Samson did not like the taste of what he had bit into, but then he felt his teeth struck onto something. He spits it out and it is a golden nugget of sorts. "Gold?" Filia asked. "Well whatever it is, we're keeping it." Samson said as he grabbed the dropped nugget and firmly puts in into one of Filia's pockets. They moved on until they stop by a brick wall. They heard a scream and when they turn their heads, they saw Yumesaki being kidnapped by some armored red beast.

    Filia yelled "Let her go!" But the knight didn't listen and instead went through the wall along with the carriages. "Wait!" She called as Samson formed a pair of wings and flew over to the wall, only to crash into it. She dropped off like a fly. "Ow..." She rubbed her head in pain before getting up and look at the wall. "Great, how are we supposed to get to her?" She asked. "I think I know of a simple solution." Samson answered and then he forms a huge drill and start digging into the wall as fast as he can. "We're going to drill out way to get her!" The Parasite said confidently.

    @SorryTM @Captain Gensokyo @SolsticeArcanum @LuckycoolHawk9 @dark @Kirie98 @ThePotatoGod

  • "The 'Moon Cell' you say?" Artoria asked "I think I could vaguely remember something about it. But, I do not think this is the Moon Cell you're referring to. If it were, then there could have been any numbers that are flowing around." She explained, and then she asked "How long have you been here? Have you encountered any monsters or similar?"

    @dark @SolsticeArcanum @Kirie98 @ThePotatoGod

  • "That's true." Adam answered "It was a beautiful forest full of green and the animals that resided there have no concept of predator and prey. There were trees that bore every fruit that it is pretty much the very definition of paradise. But sadly, something happened that got me and someone exiled. Not that I cared though." After some time, the group would stumble upon a gate and there seemed to be nobody guarding it. "Do you think that somebody is just hiding? Waiting for the right moment to ambush us?" Adam asked, trying to make sure it is same to go through without getting jumped.

    @SorryTM @dark @Captain Gensokyo @ThePotatoGod

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    Artoria went silent after Katrielle replied. "Damn it Lancelot, why didn't you say something?" Artoria thought, feeling disappointed for having to explain about their relationship. Does Lancelot still hold a grudge on her?​
    "Why should I speak about something when you are going to, it's useless to have something be said twice."
    "Oh, I've woken up here myself. I've been picking herbs and fruit to take with me when I get back to the Roman Territories...If I could. The ring isn't acting the way it should be. I should have someone look into that." The woman said, answering Lancelot, "I'm Kishinami Hakuno, by the way--Welcome to the Moon Cell." She introduced herself with a soft bow.

    "It's nice to meet you but what is a 'Moon Cell?'" Lancelot would look at them with a confused expression. "I do not know what you speak of."

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    "Hey, let me go!" Shrieked a feminine voice. Turning to the the side, they'd see a curious sight.


    --{[Knight of The Sun]}--
    Sir Gawain​

    "Bah! You do not get to make demands, thief!" The short, red knight-like creature resembling an animal spoke, lifting a bound Yumesaki over his shoulder. In front of him were large carriages, like ones you'd see in medieval times. Yet most of those carts are void of any horsemen, only horses. "I saw you sneaking into one of our carriages! No doubt, you are an assassin sent to assassinate our king from the shadows!"

    "I-I was trying to see him, but I swear I--"

    "Enough! You want to see him so badly, I'll take you there myself!" The echidna knight barked, soon disappearing into the walled area. "Let's see how you like the dungeon!" He snarled, as the carriages began moving into the area.
    "What in the hell did we just witness.." Des would ask the others confused about what just happened. "So, there are other people on these floors?"

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    "My name is Solstice, and I'm an Alco- whoops wrong greeting." Solstice would towards Ikki and would speak quietly. "Can I kill them.. if things go South?"

  • Satori & Koishi


    Partners in Mind

    Interaction: @SorryTM @SolsticeArcanum @Topless @LuckycoolHawk9 @dark @Kirie98 @ThePotatoGod

    "Enough! You want to see him so badly, I'll take you there myself!" The echidna knight barked, soon disappearing into the walled area. "Let's see how you like the dungeon!" He snarled, as the carriages began moving into the area.

    Koishi see, Koishi do.

    The green-eyed girl faded from sight and reappeared on top of one of the horses entering the compound, remaining completely undetected by by both Yumesaki and her captors the entire time.

    "Let's go, horsey~!" she shouted before taking off her poofy hat and slapping the horse's side with it. "Faster, faster!"

    "Koishi! What are you--?"

    Satori sped ahead behind Filia, but she was met with much the same obstacles as she was. Seeing the schoolgirl's hair transform into a drill, Satori peered into her head and focused...focused...

    Cupping her third eye between her hands, the appendage began to glow a pinkish hue. Energy crackled around the floating Satori, and in a few seconds, a group of projectiles shot forward into the brick ahead. The bullets took the shape of spinning drills and snapping maws, each colliding into the wall with a somewhat explosive impact.




    Interaction: @SorryTM @Topless @Captain Gensokyo @dark @Hahli Nuva

    Bowser squinted at the golden gates before him. It took all of five seconds to come to his own conclusion. He punched his fists together and involuntarily smirked at the cathartic opportunity to meet out some destruction.

    "Looks open to me!" Bowser declared as he stepped right up to the gate.

    "Do you think that somebody is just hiding? Waiting for the right moment to ambush us?" Adam asked, trying to make sure it is same to go through without getting jumped.

    "Do you really think we'll have to worry about that when I'm the one in front? You're really gonna eat those words when I flatten whatever's behind this door!"

    Without listening to anyone else, Bowser leaned back, deeply inhaled, and rammed his fist into the metal in an attempt to swing the entrance wide open.

  • As Master was pulled up, his skills began to be synched to Kami Heropon. Knowledge of various spells filled him at that very moment, and likewise, Master's mind was filled with the great hero's own capabilities.


  • "What can I say? Meat is man food," Ben replied smugly to Childe.

    But it seemed that the time for casual chitchat was over.

    Ben decided to stick with Ruby and go West with her.

    But it seemed that something was stirring up.

    "I'll go after big red!" Ben declares, before smacking his Omnitrix down.



    He began to fly upwards, flying over the walls as he begins to pursue the Echidna.

    @ThePotatoGod @SorryTM

  • "My name is Fran," the black cat tribe girl introduced herself to the spearmen, "I'm just... looking for someone important to me."

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  • "The Moon Cell...?"

    Mash thought she had heard of that somewhere. Maybe she had, although admittedly it was something that didn't ring too much in her head. Still, a particular bit of her sentence stuck out to her. "I'd like to ask, what is this Moon Cell, and what do you mean by the Roman Territories? We did have a Roman with us earlier, but she ran off with a different group. Is it possible that you know of Heroic Spirits?" It was a shot in the dark, but something that Mash wanted to ask. These worlds may be all splintered and different, but if Artoria and Lancelot were here along with Nero, then it wasn't too impossible for others to show up from their world.

  • Shiki just gazed outwardly at the.... things before her. What had she walked into, now? Seemed like some sort of fringe civilization had built themselves here. At least one of them seemed to know what peoples and group they were encountering, although she didn't really know how to react to any of this. Politics, diplomacy, and all of that... stuff was never her forte or focus anyways. She stood back, just letting Kami handle all the negotiations and stuff. She had no reason to speak or tell them her name either, other then that they asked. It wasn't that important. They'll most likely forget each other right after this encounter anyways.

  • "How easy. Too easy. Let's hope that-"

    "Hey, let me go!" Shrieked a feminine voice. Turning to the the side, they'd see a curious sight.


    --{[Knight of The Sun]}--
    Sir Gawain​

    "Bah! You do not get to make demands, thief!" The short, red knight-like creature resembling an animal spoke, lifting a bound Yumesaki over his shoulder. In front of him were large carriages, like ones you'd see in medieval times. Yet most of those carts are void of any horsemen, only horses. "I saw you sneaking into one of our carriages! No doubt, you are an assassin sent to assassinate our king from the shadows!"

    "I-I was trying to see him, but I swear I--"

    "Enough! You want to see him so badly, I'll take you there myself!" The echidna knight barked, soon disappearing into the walled area. "Let's see how you like the dungeon!" He snarled, as the carriages began moving into the area.

    Nero turned to see that schoolgirl from earlier being taken away! When had she slipped away from the group? Nevermind, she was in quite the trouble now, being apprehended by... some kind of small knight-like creature wielding weapons that could vaguely be called swords! "Halt! Release that girl at once!" The Red Saber began to run, charging ahead to try and catch up to what was happening, before the carriages slipped behind those walls! Just before Nero attempted to barge in and try to cut through the gates, some sort of missiles attacked the walls and bursted upon impact, exploding and kicking up smoke and debris!

    "Gnh!" She jumped back, avoiding the blast, but watching to see if that had done any damage towards that wall. "Who commands these Walls!? I demand to know!" She shouted.

Kirby, Lester, Childe

"Poyo Poy-Poyo! Po-Po-Poy! Poyoooo!!!!!"

The little puffball called out as the red knight suddenly took one of their number! Unfortunately, the knight didn't seem to respond, as the carriages began to move away.

Turning back towards everyone, Kirby let out a poyo that sounded apologetic, for some reason. Opening his mouth, Kirby suddenly inhaled Des, Ben, and Spawn, before taking off after Jetray. Leaving those attacking the wall to their own devices.

@ThePotatoGod @SolsticeArcanum @Topless @LuckycoolHawk9 @dark @Captain Gensokyo @Kirie98

"I think the place was called Platypus?"

I extend a hand out. "Nice to meet you Lester, or Apollo. I'm Kazuya Takanashi. Nice Ukelele. Is that made of metal?"
That didn't sound quite right... Well, at least he knew the name to be Patapolis from Kami.

"Why, thank you!" Lester seemed quite happy for someone to praise his Ukulele. "Its actually made of Celestial Bronze... although it isn't much good for vanquishing monsters."

Glancing back, Lester could see another person, a young woman arrive. Waving at her with his Ukulele hand, he turned back as they journeyed east now.
"Alright, Dark Hero Ragewolf confirmed." One of the spearmen said, "Ooh, and Kami, too. Is the Priestess guy done with him now?"

"This is gonna sound strange, but this ain't the Kami Priestess took."

"WHAT?! Then who are they?!" The Spearmen pointed at the group, asking for their identities.

Square eyeballs? This got weirder by the minute, even by demigod standards.

"Oh, just a traveling party consisting of…" Making a quick headcount, Lester continued. "Edgy with a gun, a mysterious lady that is trailing behind us, an alternate version of your Kami, some eyeballs, Normal-looking dude, and everyone's favorite ex-god of music, poetry, prophecy, light, the sun, and healing, me!"

Lester felt he had done a good job describing everyone. Perhaps his former poetry abilities were returning!

@SolsticeArcanum @SorryTM @Kazuya @Kirie98 @Captain Gensokyo

As the gang moved forward, the would see what seems to be a gate up ahead, stone walls at the side of the lavish, golden gate that stands out in between the stone. Welcoming, but also a tad intimidating to look at.

It doesn't look like anyone's guarding it at the moment, so now might be a prime time to walk right in...Right?
It was starting to get on his nerves on how they hadn't found anything yet. Had every former inhabitant already left, or were they waiting for them beyond?

As the Gold Gate appeared into view, Childe looked carefully at the surrounding place, looking for any hiding enemies.

"Do you think that somebody is just hiding? Waiting for the right moment to ambush us?" Adam asked, trying to make sure it is same to go through without getting jumped
"Anyone could be hiding behind those stone walls, waiting for us to pass. Catch us while our guard's down. Walk carefully. Listen for the slightest disturbance."

Unfortunately, a certain turtle decided to do the worst possible thing.
"Do you really think we'll have to worry about that when I'm the one in front? You're really gonna eat those words when I flatten whatever's behind this door!"

Without listening to anyone else, Bowser leaned back, deeply inhaled, and rammed his fist into the metal in an attempt to swing the entrance wide open.
If one looked at Childe, they would see him doing a facepalm at Bowser's assault on the gate.

If Bowser's attack didn't open the gate, Childe would walk over and give the Golden Gate a little push to open it.

@ThePotatoGod @SorryTM @Topless @Captain Gensokyo @dark @Hahli Nuva

  • Interaction: @SolsticeArcanum @Kirie98 @Topless @dark @LuckycoolHawk9

    "It isn't?...Oh." The woman asked, shocked, almost. Although she pieced things together pretty quickly. So that's why the Regalia isn't working like it should be, she thought, before Lancelot asked about the Moon Cell in general. "Think of it as a massive supercomputer with digitalized, spiritual data of Earth's entire history." Hakuno surmised, "I became it's a part of its Admin after winning the Moon Cell's Grail War--the Roman Territories is essentially the SE.RA.PH. recreating a part of the Earth's environment for me." She said, answering Mash's question in the process. "Yes, I have both a Saber and a Caster--I don't know where they are at the moment. I can only hope they're safe back home taking care of Alterra." She said with worry, realizing what Mash said.

    Could it be that she's also transported here? If so, then Hakuno should really reunite with her at all costs.

    "I haven't encountered anything at the moment, but would you mind if I joined you all?" Hakuno asked, "While I have managed to avoid any enemy encounter at the moment, I'd be much safer if I am to travel with a group."

  • Interaction: @SorryTM @SolsticeArcanum @Topless @LuckycoolHawk9 @Captain Gensokyo @Kirie98 @Crow

    "Oh no!" Kaito yelped as the last carriage made it through, and the doors closed on them. As the others attempted to break down the walls, Kaito loaded a golden gear onto his gun, cranking the crank of his gun, pointing the gun towards



    "SHUWAA!" Pulling the trigger, he shot a red energy ball that seemingly blasted the wall down, revealing another wall--but this time, it has a gate. One made out of wood, reinforced with steel. An entryway, one easily broken down, by the looks of it.

    As Ben and Kirby flew up towards the top of the wall, they would be greeted by the sight of people mobilizing, clad in leather and fabric, armed with quivers and bows--Archers. Seeing Jetray and Kirby, the archers cry out in shock as they aimed their arrows at the two aliens before letting go, shooting them with bullet-like arrows. But even then, if they managed to weave through the shots, they would find that beyond the wall is a town--a medieval town at that. Stone and Wood houses, a town well, a bazaar filled with fruits, vegetables, weapons and trinkets--well, they seem empty as a bunch of knights seem to fill the streets, taking positions around the town as if preparing for a seige.

    In the distance, another wall--this time, surrounding a grand castle.

    The door would then open as Nero demanded who commanded the walls, revealing an army of Fools, similar to Elira, except they're gray in color, modeled after medieval knights carrying golden swords.


    --{[Ty-Radical Rex]}--
    Zenkai Juran

    "You're looking at the capital owned by one Majority Emperor." In front of them was what looks to be a red robot, a dinosaur-like face on its chest, bearing a similar golden number as Zenkaiser, holding a red Sword and a shield. "I dunno who you lot are, but the Boss is expecting a siege from his enemies. You guys from The Empress' Army, I take it? Ready to get your butts kicked?" He asked pointing his sword at Nero and the group. The Fool Knights soon taking position besides Juran, drawing out their swords.

    "Juran?" Kaito stepped ahead of Nero, lowering his gun. The Red Robot Knight recognized that voice and appearance, prompting him to gasp in shock.

    "K-Kaito?!" Juran asked, lowering his sword a bit, "Hold on, is that seriously you? Is anyone else seeing this?" He asked, confused if he's just imagining his friend or not, glancing around, asking from confirmation from his troops. They seem to not, confirming what he's seeing. "Whaaaat? Please tell me you're not a part of them..."

  • Interaction: @SolsticeArcanum @SorryTM @Kazuya @Kirie98 @Captain Gensokyo

    'Yeah, Ikki, can I eat them?' Vice asked right after Solstice asked if he should kill them.

    "No, no, no. No one's killing or EATING anyone!" Ikki scolded Solstice before turning his head to practically no one, as if talking to a ghost of some kind. "Just...Let's see this thing through, alright?" He sighed, as others gave their introductions.

    "An Alternate of...?" The Zigotons glanced at each other before nodding, turning their backs at the group. "OPEN THE GATES! LADY MEDEN NEEDS TO SEE THIS!" One of the Zigoton guard says, as soon enough, the wall begins to slide open, picking up dust as the wall just splits in half, dragging one half into the other in the opposite direction, granting everyone access onto the village.

    With Ragewolf leading the group, the group would bear witness to the glorious cluster of tribes that is Patapolis. Tents all around, exotic looking plants growing in the green, including saplings of the surrounding trees, all which have eyes on them for some reason. In the midst of all the tents and plants was a tall stone obelisk with a rounded top, a white eye engraved on it. The symbol of the Patapons.

    "The Obelisk...This is Patapolis, alright."

    "Did I ever lie?" Ragewolf spat, sighing. "Come on, you need to see that priestess of yours, Meden." He said, beckoning Kami, dragging him towards a group of tents labeled as The Barracks.'

    You can choose to follow him, OR you could go visit someplace else.

    There was a garden park on the corner of town, a blacksmith, and a restaurant tent.

  • Interaction: @SorryTM @Topless @Captain Gensokyo @dark @Hahli Nuva

    "Hrrn...Not sure. I don't think anyone's guarding it..." Ruby squinted along with Bowser, who soon got up and declared it safe to break in, despite the protests, Bowser broke down the door, revealing what seems to be a rather small town, lush and beautiful. Garden-like flowers line each and every house, along with a fountain right in front of them.

    Surprisingly, there doesn't seem to be any security, and the townsfolk doesn't seem to mind Bowser's presence.

    "It's a town...With people in it." Ruby said, walking up behind Bowser. "Katrielle said something about looking for a certain energy thingy here, right? You think it's one of them?" She asked, glancing at each person from behind Bowser.

    In the distance, there looks to be a fancy golden palace with golden walls surrounding it...