The New Home

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Charles sat down on his bed and sighed he wanted to know what happened to her. He turned on his radio to try to get his mind off of it.
Britney didn't want this. She wanted to get just away, to cut herself. She finally cleaned off herself and got dressed before crawling into the bed. Her shower was shut off. She cried, but then she sat up in her bed and grabbed out of her bedside table, a knife. She started cutting her wrists once her bracelets were out of the way. Tears fell.
Charles noticed it was really late so he turned of his music, he thought that he should check up on his sister before he laid down, so he got up and walked over to her room and knocked on the door.
Britney's eyes widened as she had her wrists and the deep cuts she quickly put her knife away and hid her wrists quickly. " Yes?" She asked calmly. She didn't know what to say. " The door is unlocked..." She was so nervous and scared. Tears kept on falling.
Charles opened the door, her room was completely dark, "Are you alright.. Do you need anything. If you do I could probably run somewhere and get it for you."
Britney sighed and smiled weakly. " A heating pad, advil, and anything that will make this pain go away." She knew she needed to go to the doctors but she wasn't. " I am not hungry so... Whatevs."
Charles nodded, "Alright I should be back in a little bit." he walked down the stairs he thought it was just that time of the month or something and it was just really bad this week. He walked outside and locked the door behind him and got into his car.
Britney sighed as she frowned. She just leaned back as she closed her eyes, obviously depressed in her huge room. She looked around it as she frowned. She gulped nervously as she thought about everything. She stayed quiet before she just whimpered in pain. This felt much more worse than a period.
Charles had pulled up to Wal-Mart and walked inside he tried to remember what Britney had wanted so he texted her, the only thing he could remember was Advil.
Britney looked over at her phone when it went off, she texted him back, heating pad, and advil, or anything that relieves pain that you find. Please and thank you. Britney looked around her room with a sad smile.
Charles walked down the isles until he found some Advil he grabbed some and his phone vibrated, he nodded at his phone and walked around until he found a heating pad. He bought the items and then drove home. Walking through the door he noticed that everything was still quiet so he walked upstairs and knocked on Britney's door.
Britney hadn't moved, but only to grab her knife to start cutting again. She watched her wrists bleed out. It made her feel happy. She closed her eyes as tears fell. She felt unwanted. She then moved to put the knife under the covers as she heard him, " You can come in."
Charles came in and looked at her, the room was still dark, "Hey I got those things you asked for, are you alright?" he walked over to her bed.
Britney saw the bag, with him, " Thanks and no.. I am in so much pain." She said honestly. She closed her eyes as she sighed. She hated this. She closed her eyes softly. She bit her lower lip. She gulped nervously. She shrugged a little. " Thanks." She finally sat up, " So the advil is in the bag? Can I see it?" She asked. She moved to reach her hands out.
Charles sat down at the edge of her bed, "Yea it's in here" He took out the Advil and opened it, "how many do you want?" He turned to her.
Britney had started to feel a headache coming on. She sighed a little bit before she closed her eyes. She hated this. She bit her lower lip hard as she heard him, " Four please." She leaned back before she moved to grab her cup of coffee. He knew her favorite coffee choice by now, cappuccino. Her wrists had new cuts from when she was alone.
"Alright..." he nodded and popped out 4 Advil and held his hand out, "Here hold out your hand."
Britney moved her bracelets to cover her new cuts even though there was blood she had on her arms from it dripping. She glanced over at him before handing out her hand as she grabbed her cup. She wasn't sure what to do.
It was still dark in her room, "Are you alright?" he squinted to try to make out her face.
Britney sighed as she heard him. " No." She closed her eyes before she moved to go turn on the table side lamp. She winced as she frowned feeling this. " Why?" Once he put the pills in her hand she took them. " I am not alright or okay."
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