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Well, in walked Teresa. Somehow, Joshua wasn't surprised. Everywhere she he was she always seemed to show up, for some reason, even in tumblr roleplays.


"Why, yes, Teresa, I just so happen to know exactly what this little affair is all about. It's a game. Humans decorate their homes, buildings, and public places with beautiful decorations. The goal is to steal as many of them as you can while nobody is looking. At the end of the holiday season, the person who acquires the most items wins."


"Try it, Teresa, it's oodles of fun."

He totally was not trolling her. Not one bit.




There was a long pause, in which Teresa just stared at Joshua with an unamused expression. She could be gullible at times, but she wasn't that gullible. "...I hate you." Aww, she was so sweet.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: 1 person
Out of nowhere, Erika happened to hug Robin from behind. Guess she had her "detective's sense" when it came to finding her boyfriend in a party like this. Well... not like she was going to stick around in the Metaworld and see some crazy holiday shenanigans there.

"Found you, Robin-kun!"

The detective couldn't really help herself with that cheer, and she didn't notice the whole green change that the Tactician had. That and she did take a drink out of a gold potion before getting here to Robin.

@The Tactician @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"Hi Mr. Ghostie! Why'd you look so down?" Sora asked as she practically dragged Repede over to the ghost. Repede grumbled the whole time.

Hiruko, meanwhile, decided to drink the blue potion. Even though he couldn't really consume things other than nightmares...

Let's just see where this went.

And 96neko approached Setsuna.

"Hello there~" 96neko greeted with a small purr.

@TheSpringwoodSlasher @Hospes @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Anybody else


Suddenly, the skeleton's left arm stretched unnaturally long and turned backward, palm facing Ilona. It hung there for a few seconds, then turned slightly to her left, stretched past her shoulder... and then a wet splattering sound could be heard as limp spaghetti noodles shot forth from his palm, sticking to the wall behind them.


NYEH. HEH. HHhhhh...










@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Tactician @The Silver Paladin @DapperDogman

"Hmm..." Morgan hummed for a moment as she pondered what they could do together, "Let's do the scavenger hunt and the ice skating! We can spend all day searching for things together, plus I've always wanted to try ice skating! With a partner like you," Her hand shyly wrapped around Io's, a small blush appearing on her cheeks, "I'm sure it'll be a hundred times more fun..."

"And if we want to exchange gifts... Well, we can just do that ourselves. I'd want to make sure you get the perfect gift if we do..."

@The Silver Paladin @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Out of nowhere, Erika happened to hug Robin from behind. Guess she had her "detective's sense" when it came to finding her boyfriend in a party like this. Well... not like she was going to stick around in the Metaworld and see some crazy holiday shenanigans there.

"Found you, Robin-kun!"

The detective couldn't really help herself with that cheer, and she didn't notice the whole green change that the Tactician had. That and she did take a drink out of a gold potion before getting here to Robin.

@The Tactician @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"Well hello to you too, Erika-chan!" While still transformed to be unrecognizable, the laugh and voice were certainly still Robin's own, "Careful with the drinks! The green one made me like this, and I have no idea how long it may last, though I doubt it'll be long..." Turning around, he gently wrapped his arms around the detective, fighting off the urge to do something spiteful to instead place a kiss on her head, "Though I'm sure you'll be cute no matter what happens..."

@The Great Detective
'HO, HO HO!'
Said a frowling voice, who was clearly at least trying to sound jovial.
'A'right, a'right, I came. But I ain't singin', y'hear me? Singin' makes me angry, and you won't like me when I'm angry, soldier.'

Elsewhere, The Doctor was enjoying some 700 Year Old Venusian Wine. He bought it himself, but was willing to share. He was a man of many passions-fast cars, smoking jackets, fine wines-but above all, he loved a good party. In fact, he'd dusted off his Crimson Smoking Jacket and his finest green cape especially for this occasion.

'Merry Christmas Everybody!' he said, merrily.
'I'll say!' replied an equally cheerful fellow. Purple robes were the costume of the hour, as Gilderoy Lockhart swanned towards the potion table.
'Well hello everyone! Now, there's enough of me, and enough Mistletoe here for every lucky lady! In fact-'
Lockhart picked up the Red Potion, then downed it in one.

He laughed. 'Bottoms up! Now this is what I call a party!'
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @AnyoneElse

"Hmm..." Morgan hummed for a moment as she pondered what they could do together, "Let's do the scavenger hunt and the ice skating! We can spend all day searching for things together, plus I've always wanted to try ice skating! With a partner like you," Her hand shyly wrapped around Io's, a small blush appearing on her cheeks, "I'm sure it'll be a hundred times more fun..."

"And if we want to exchange gifts... Well, we can just do that ourselves. I'd want to make sure you get the perfect gift if we do..."

@The Silver Paladin @Klutzy Ninja Kitty


"Well hello to you too, Erika-chan!" While still transformed to be unrecognizable, the laugh and voice were certainly still Robin's own, "Careful with the drinks! The green one made me like this, and I have no idea how long it may last, though I doubt it'll be long..." Turning around, he gently wrapped his arms around the detective, fighting off the urge to do something spiteful to instead place a kiss on her head, "Though I'm sure you'll be cute no matter what happens..."

@The Great Detective

"Ok." Io said. "That sounds really fun." Io also slightly blushed as Morgan placed her arm on Io's shoulder. "I'll find you the perfect gift!" Io also signed up for the Ice Skating and Scavenger Hunt.

Leah just raised her eyebrow at Kaneda and the moose army.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"Hi Mr. Ghostie! Why'd you look so down?" Sora asked as she practically dragged Repede over to the ghost. Repede grumbled the whole time.

Hiruko, meanwhile, decided to drink the blue potion. Even though he couldn't really consume things other than nightmares...

Let's just see where this went.

And 96neko approached Setsuna.

"Hello there~" 96neko greeted with a small purr.

@TheSpringwoodSlasher @Hospes @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Anybody else

"Ah, of course, the Bounty Hunter who seems to have become the object The Overfiend's attention, I suppose you have some desire to speak with him?" Drakath murmurs, his hand opening as a small purple sphere formed, opening what looked like a tear in one of the nearby walls

"I suppose I should wish you merry festivities too" he adds, before giving a nod "I hope you enjoy your day"

It was odd to see a man who was so used to being emotionless in a somewhat good mood

"Oh, fancy seeing you!" Came a deep, gravelly voice, nearly a growl, before a pair of strong, muscular arms suddenly wrapped about her waist "How lovely it is to see you again!"

"How do you like my costume? I'm Santa Claws, you know?"

@Archmage Jeremiah
Samus nearly jumped upon feeling such a large pair of arms wrap around her. Suppressing her urges to struggle, she simply smiled, and rested the one hand she had free on his arm. Samus quietly chuckled at the fiend's costume. "It's good to see you again too." she replied, "This is the first Christmas I've celebrated in awhile."


'Now now, dear spirit.' said the ever-smiling Gilderoy Lockhart. He had now donned a paper crown that he'd won from a Christmas Cracker. 'I have got the perfect remedy, to raise your...erm, spirits!'

The wizard reached inside his cloak, and took out a copy of 'Break with a Banshee by Gilderoy Lockhart'. He nudged open the Hardcover, and took a quill out of his cape. He signed the front page with:
'To Napstablook,
'Have a very Merry Christmas,

From Gilderoy Lockhart,
Indeed, the writing was very eloquent and fancy. He nudged the book shut and held it out to the ghost.
'Here you go, a signed copy of one of my most exciting adventures, free of charge!'
He said, loudly, so that everyone could hear about his act of Charity. He held the book out to Napstablook.
'Merry Christmas.'


Ah, December, the one month out of the year where joy is in the air and those who are enemies or squabblers put aside their differences and enjoy the holiday season together. Maybe Carl Grimes and Arya Stark would stop being so down in the dumps. Kyon might not complain as much. Perhaps Papyrus would try cooking special holiday spaghetti instead of normal spaghetti. For once maybe you'd see Cloud and Sephiroth get along. Maybe you'd even see The Doctor and The Master having a little fun together. Gnar would probably wear the most adorable holiday outfit you ever could imagine, leading around his holly jolly kitten army. Erika might carry around a roll of candy cane printed duct tape. You'd probably catch Rildey kissing Santa Claus. And maybe, just maybe , Growleth would be kind enough not to bite Ike's hand. Lastly, you picture that finally Joshua and Teresa may stop bickering for a change.

Haha, scratch that last one. Like that'd ever happen.

Lately, you noticed that The Multiverse Hotel seemed busier than normal. You would see more and more guests piling in, Prinnies running about carrying boxes of decorations, and a feeling of holiday spirit in the air. For the past week, the ballrooms had been off limits--as the hotel staff began to prep it for their annual Multiverse Hotel Christmas Party. And, oddly enough the gardens had been off limits too. You hear rumors floating about that the gardens will be involved in the Christmas festivities as well, but you haven't a clue. After all, you're simply a guest. But you knew the rumors would soon come to an end; today was the day the party was set to begin!

Early in the afternoon, around 3pm, no matter where you were in hotel--even if you were just arriving--you would hear an announcement bellow over the loudspeaker.

Attention all guests, the Multiverse Hotel's annual Holiday celebration is about to begin! If you will be participating in this year's events please head down to our ballrooms and join us!

If you just so happen to be one of the guests interested in attending their celebration, you begin to make your way down to the ballrooms. Along the way, you are greeted by a beautiful assortment of christmas trees, ribbons, lights, candles, and many other gorgeous holiday additions to the wonderful hotel.


Once you arrive in front of the designated party rooms, you make your way inside and notice that quite the crowd had already begun to arrive. The room is as festive and cheerful as the decorated hallways are. A band is standing on the stage at the front playing soft christmas music.


As the music plays, you notice a young woman walk out on stage. The music then stops for a moment, and the woman takes a microphone from one of the singers so she can address the crowd.


"Merry Christmas, one and all! The Multiverse Hotel thanks you for attending our holiday party this year! My name is Queen Elsa, and I'll be aiding with the ice skating competition to be held this evening--along with announcing all of our events. If you are interested in participating in any of our events please see our list of entertainment for the evening that can be found in the doorway of this room. Thanks again for coming, and I will now turn your attention over to Donnie, our DJ for the evening."


"Thanks, your royal highness. Donnie here, bringing you all your favorite Christmas hits. Tonight, we'll be bringing you everyone's favorite holiday tune, Here Comes Santa Claus, all night. It'll be a non-stop marathon, people, so I hope all of you enjoy--"


"Whoa, whoa, whoa, we are not doing this again. I'm not feeling it. I don't wanna do this, but you've forced my hand. I'm just gonna have to take over."

A much taller man, clearly bigger than the little elf who was working as a DJ, suddenly hopped on the stage. He wrestled with the little elf for a moment, eventually tossing him away from the DJ equipment. "This event is a part of the Murder Games Community, is it not? We aren't going to listen to some repetitive crap all night, are we? No! We're gonna rock all night and cluck like the chickens we are until sunrise!"


The track of music the man selected begins to play...

...and you realize the party is beginning.

Hanging in the doorway is a list detailing where all of the main party locations and events can be found.

Main Locations

Ballroom A - The main party area. There is dancing going on nearby the stage where DJ Donnie and a live band are set up. Tables and a banquet table are set up for anyone interested in partaking in a Christmas feast. A drink table can also be seen, full of mysterious drinks to try.

Ballroom B - Take a photograph with Santa Claus! Free to anyone interested!

The Gardens - Full of many beautiful winter themed decorations, the gardens a great place to have a snowball fight, play in the snow, go ice skating, or go on a sleigh ride, or take a walk.

* note: All other Multiverse Hotel locations are available as well, but these selected locations are mainly for this event.


Mysterious Drinks - in Ballroom A, next to the feasting tables, there is a table full of mysterious drinks to try. There is a red & white drink, a green drink, a blue drink, a silver drink, a gold drink, a red drink, and a white drink.

(ooc: This is the traditional potion game of the Murder Series. Drinking a potion will make something happen to your character, whether it be good, bad or strange. The effects will at least last three days in real life time (not IC time), but you can make them last for as long as you like if you want to play with them longer. You may only take one potion at a time, but you may take another after the effects of your current potion wear off if you would like. There are unlimited amounts of each potion. To participate, be sure to tag me and in-character please bold and underline which potion you choose to take so that I may activate your event.)

The White Elephant Gift Exchange - Near the door of Ballroom A you see a sign-up list to participate in the hotel's white elephant gift exchange, and a basket to place your gift in.

(ooc: To participate in the white elephant gift exchange please tag me, bold and underline your action in-character saying you signed up for the white elephant party, and find a picture of a gift idea. It can be something funny, cool, silly, weird, anything! But PM me this picture and tell me what your gift is--don't tell anyone else! Then, after everyone has PMed me their pictures / gifts, in-character I will randomly tag a few people a day and give their character a gift in the roleplay out of that selection I received. The character will then be given the option to keep their current gift, or steal a gift from someone who has previously opened one. The event will begin December 8th so if you are interested in participating please sign up before then.)

Ice Skating Races - Near the Gardens you will see a sign-up list to participate in the hotel's Ice Skating Race. If you sign up, a Prinny servant will aid you in finding a pair of skates to use, and you will be allowed a short amount of time to practice skating before the racing begins.

(ooc: This will be a dice event. The race will be run in a 1 v.s. 1 format. When two characters are called to race, they each will roll a dice in-character. The character who rolled the higher number will be the winner of the race. All of the winners of the first round will have matches against the other winners. This will keep going until only one person stands victor. There will be prizes for first, second, and third place. If you are interested in taking part in this event, please tag me and in-character bold and underline your action saying that you signed up for the ice skating races. This event will begin December 5th, so if you are interested in participating please sign up before then.)

About that comment about Kyon not complaining as much... Don't hold your breath. But hey, anything's possible when it's the wonderful time of year that is Christmastime!

In any case, lord knew if he didn't at least try to partake in the old fun Christmas activities, he would never hear the end of how boring he was from Haruhi or something, so he may as well sign up for something. Let's see... Hm, White Elephant and Ice Skating sounded fun, so why not? Yay. Fun times, right? Right...

I need a drink...

Too bad he was underage, or he would have surely become an alcoholic by now. Making his way over to Ballroom A, Kyon looked over the mysterious drinks present, not noticing the effects that the other ones had on the others.


... Huh. Weird looking drinks. Buuut I'm thirsty, so... Don't mind if I just...

Taking the red & white drink, Kyon gulped it, before pulling away with a sigh.

... I should really not drink things that don't look familiar.

Kyon smacked his lips.

... And don't taste familiar at that either.

He was about to ask himself "What could possibly go wrong?" But then he remembered he was a pessimist to the end. "Murphy's Law" may as well be known as "Kyon's Law."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Ballroom A peeps
Oh wow...what a downer. But a cute downer with an adorable hat. Sora smiled regardless.

"I'm Sora! It's nice to meet you Da...uhhh...D-Dapperblook?" the little blonde said to the hat wearing ghost. sh struggled with his name but hey she was like, ten. Maybe. Repede's ears flattened at the ghost's words, finding him a major downer.

"and I like your hat! I'm sure Mr. Dog does too!" cue Sora hugging Repede a little tighter around the neck.

'Now now, dear spirit.' said the ever-smiling Gilderoy Lockhart. He had now donned a paper crown that he'd won from a Christmas Cracker. 'I have got the perfect remedy, to raise your...erm, spirits!'

The wizard reached inside his cloak, and took out a copy of 'Break with a Banshee by Gilderoy Lockhart'. He nudged open the Hardcover, and took a quill out of his cape. He signed the front page with:
'To Napstablook,

'Have a very Merry Christmas,
From Gilderoy Lockhart,

Indeed, the writing was very eloquent and fancy. He nudged the book shut and held it out to the ghost.
'Here you go, a signed copy of one of my most exciting adventures, free of charge!'
He said, loudly, so that everyone could hear about his act of Charity. He held the book out to Napstablook.
'Merry Christmas.'
"Wait Mister, how's he supposed to hold that if he's a ghost? He has no hands." Sora said in confusion.

@TheSpringwoodSlasher @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Similar glee was evident in Morgan's smile as she nodded excitedly, "Comes with my training! When you need to wait for the perfect moment to throw a knife, you start to apply that stuff to other things!"

"Hey, Io-chan, I'm coming down!" Releasing her hold on the decorations, the young woman landed on her feet with grace, a toothy-smile crossing from ear to ear as she looked up at the older girl, "So what do you want to do? That was fun and all, but there's supposed to be some events or something, so maybe we should sign up for them?"

@The Silver Paladin @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Io looked at Morgan. "Yes, we should sign up for an event. What would you like to do?"


Suddenly, the skeleton's left arm stretched unnaturally long and turned backward, palm facing Ilona. It hung there for a few seconds, then turned slightly to her left, stretched past her shoulder... and then a wet splattering sound could be heard as limp spaghetti noodles shot forth from his palm, sticking to the wall behind them.


NYEH. HEH. HHhhhh...








View attachment 93319


@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Tactician @The Silver Paladin @DapperDogman

"Hmm..." Morgan hummed for a moment as she pondered what they could do together, "Let's do the scavenger hunt and the ice skating! We can spend all day searching for things together, plus I've always wanted to try ice skating! With a partner like you," Her hand shyly wrapped around Io's, a small blush appearing on her cheeks, "I'm sure it'll be a hundred times more fun..."

"And if we want to exchange gifts... Well, we can just do that ourselves. I'd want to make sure you get the perfect gift if we do..."

@The Silver Paladin @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

While she sat upon Papyrus shoulders, Ilona smiled at the two girls. "Huh, you ladies intend to participate in some of the festivities? Why, I should partake in them as well! Perhaps I will give the ice skating contest a try!" she cooed.


Queen Elsa furrowed her brows. "That would be a good idea, a much better one than playing on the decorations..." The queen paused, eyes widening in horror as she saw the monstrosity her daughter was sitting upon. "Ilona, get down now! That creature looks dangerous!"


Elsa frowned when she saw Papyrus splat some spaghetti noodles against the wall. "Ha, ha, very funny," she said, her tone flat. Ilona giggled.


"Mother, he's not dangerous! This is my friend Papyrus!"

After a moment, Ilona slid off the skeleton's shoulders and stepped in front of him. She tilted her head, slightly confused. "Why do you look different now?"


She wasn't supposed to be there, but for some reason she was anyhow.

Hiding behind a Christmas tree, older Ilona watched the younger version of herself interacting with Papyrus and her mother.


"This is quite the conundrum! I cannot let my little self see me! That would likely screw up the very delicate fabrics of time and space! Not good, I say, not good at al!"

Older Ilona continued to hide, hoping nobody would see her.

@Hazel-rah @The Tactician @The Silver Paladin
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Hazel-rah



There was a long pause, in which Teresa just stared at Joshua with an unamused expression. She could be gullible at times, but she wasn't that gullible. "...I hate you." Aww, she was so sweet.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty


"Talked trash by many, hated by some. Guess how many shits I give? Quite frankly, less than one. There's a little rhyme for you. Hee hee. Now, really, dear, is it that hard to figure out what this holiday might be about? Take a guess and tell me what you come up with."

  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Midnight Maiden

About that comment about Kyon not complaining as much... Don't hold your breath. But hey, anything's possible when it's the wonderful time of year that is Christmastime!

In any case, lord knew if he didn't at least try to partake in the old fun Christmas activities, he would never hear the end of how boring he was from Haruhi or something, so he may as well sign up for something. Let's see... Hm, White Elephant and Ice Skating sounded fun, so why not? Yay. Fun times, right? Right...

I need a drink...

Too bad he was underage, or he would have surely become an alcoholic by now. Making his way over to Ballroom A, Kyon looked over the mysterious drinks present, not noticing the effects that the other ones had on the others.


... Huh. Weird looking drinks. Buuut I'm thirsty, so... Don't mind if I just...

Taking the red & white drink, Kyon gulped it, before pulling away with a sigh.

... I should really not drink things that don't look familiar.

Kyon smacked his lips.

... And don't taste familiar at that either.

He was about to ask himself "What could possibly go wrong?" But then he remembered he was a pessimist to the end. "Murphy's Law" may as well be known as "Kyon's Law."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Ballroom A peeps
Hiruko looked to Kyon as he came to the group trying the strange drinks.

"You seem...interesting." the Baku said in his amusement at Kyon's expression.

Oh wow...what a downer. But a cute downer with an adorable hat. Sora smiled regardless.

"I'm Sora! It's nice to meet you Da...uhhh...D-Dapperblook?" the little blonde said to the hat wearing ghost. sh struggled with his name but hey she was like, ten. Maybe. Repede's ears flattened at the ghost's words, finding him a major downer.

"and I like your hat! I'm sure Mr. Dog does too!" cue Sora hugging Repede a little tighter around the neck.

"Wait Mister, how's he supposed to hold that if he's a ghost? He has no hands." Sora said in confusion.

@TheSpringwoodSlasher @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
'Dear lady,' said Lockhart, clasping a hand on her shoulder. 'I know everything about every magical creature living on the planet. I have Traveled with Trolls, I have Holidayed with Hags, I have Voyaged with Vampires, and even Broken with a Banshee.

I know what I'm doing.'
He flashed a smile at her. 'Gilderoy Lockhart-you may have heard of me.'
@TheSpringwoodSlasher @Lizzy
While she sat upon Papyrus shoulders, Ilona smiled at the two girls. "Huh, you ladies intend to participate in some of the festivities? Why, I should partake in them as well! Perhaps I will give the ice skating contest a try!" she cooed.


Queen Elsa furrowed her brows. "That would be a good idea, a much better one than playing on the decorations..." The queen paused, eyes widening in horror as she saw the monstrosity her daughter was sitting upon. "Ilona, get down now! That creature looks dangerous!"


Elsa frowned when she saw Papyrus splat some spaghetti noodles against the wall. "Ha, ha, very funny," she said, her tone flat. Ilona giggled.


"Mother, he's not dangerous! This is my friend Papyrus!"

After a moment, Ilona slid off the skeleton's shoulders and stepped in front of him. She tilted her head, slightly confused. "Why do you look different now?"


She wasn't supposed to be there, but for some reason she was anyhow.

Hiding behind a Christmas tree, older Ilona watched the younger version of herself interacting with Papyrus and her mother.


"This is quite the conundrum! I cannot let my little self see me! That would likely screw up the very delicate fabrics of time and space! Not good, I say, not good at al!"

Older Ilona continued to hide, hoping nobody would see her.

@Hazel-rah @The Tactician @The Silver Paladin

Leah looked at Elsa. "Is she yours?" She asked letting out a small laugh.
Out of nowhere, Erika happened to hug Robin from behind. Guess she had her "detective's sense" when it came to finding her boyfriend in a party like this. Well... not like she was going to stick around in the Metaworld and see some crazy holiday shenanigans there.

"Found you, Robin-kun!"

The detective couldn't really help herself with that cheer, and she didn't notice the whole green change that the Tactician had. That and she did take a drink out of a gold potion before getting here to Robin.

@The Tactician @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Gold Drink: Candles Burning low, lots of mistletoe

After you drink the gold drink... nothing appears to happen. What a relief! It appears nothing ridiculous will be happening to you during this party. But wait, you hear a few people in the room chuckling as they look in your direction. A few people even make teasing kissy faces at you. Huh? After a moment, you look above your head and realize something is floating there: mistletoe. It appears, a magical mistletoe is now floating over your head and no matter how hard you try it won't leave you alone. You're stuck with it.

Congrats, you've been inflicted with a mistletoe curse!


As if Erika would really need this potion with all the kisses she'll already be getting from Hairy Grinch Robin, right? ;D

@The Great Detective
"Hi Mr. Ghostie! Why'd you look so down?" Sora asked as she practically dragged Repede over to the ghost. Repede grumbled the whole time.

Hiruko, meanwhile, decided to drink the blue potion. Even though he couldn't really consume things other than nightmares...

Let's just see where this went.

And 96neko approached Setsuna.

"Hello there~" 96neko greeted with a small purr.

@TheSpringwoodSlasher @Hospes @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Anybody else

Blue Drink: Baby it's cold outside

Is it just you, or did the temperature in the room suddenly drop? Oh, jeez, you're suddenly freezing cold! You rub your arms and blow warm air into your hands, but no matter what you do you can't seem to keep warm! Uncomfortable, you're now shivering from head to toe!

Congrats, you've been inflicted with an ice curse!


Gnar got spooked by the transformation... and accidentally knocked down one of the red/white potion. Gnar got a bit of taste of it too.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Red and white: We are Santa's Elves!

Upon drinking the potion, the room around you begins to grow! Wait, or is it not the room that is growing, but you who are shrinking? After a moment, you realize you are suddenly 1/2 the size of your usual body height. So, damn, I guess Gnar is pretty small now. What's happened!? Have you been turned into a chibi? A loli or shota? You reach up and feel your ears, realizing the tips of them are now pointed... but... erm... I guess that's not too much of a difference for Gnar, huh? Oh well. He's still an elf now anyhow.

Congrats, you've been turned into a Christmas elf!


  • Love
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