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Well, some crazy event was happening in the Bar... And it was clear the Desert fight incident made it so the food Iskander ordered was never going to show.
So Gilgamesh now bored with the place got up from the table and simply said "I care not to be here any more. It had been overrun by irritating mongrels" before simply turning around and walking out of the bar.

Iskander, sitting at the table as Gilgamesh walked off simply said "I think that's Gilgamesh's way of asking to go elsewhere... To which I'd agree, this place has gotten, confusing" before standing up as well.
"You plan on coming?" Iskander then asked the trio, though when he asked he was already starting to make his way to the door as well.

Well, some crazy event was happening in the Bar... And it was clear the Desert fight incident made it so the food Iskander ordered was never going to show.
So Gilgamesh now bored with the place got up from the table and simply said "I care not to be here any more. It had been overrun by irritating mongrels" before simply turning around and walking out of the bar.

Iskander, sitting at the table as Gilgamesh walked off simply said "I think that's Gilgamesh's way of asking to go elsewhere... To which I'd agree, this place has gotten, confusing" before standing up as well.
"You plan on coming?" Iskander then asked the trio, though when he asked he was already starting to make his way to the door as well.



Well, Gilgamesh was certainly an amusing figure. His constant use of the word 'mongrels' was rather laughable.. Granted, Ridley herself often demeaned Mortals, but that wasn't important, right? Regardless, as Gilgamesh walked out, the Siren didn't so much as wave. Iskander's explanation that this was simply Gilgamesh's way of asking to go elsewhere was... Even more amusing. "Huh. He is not very vocal, is he?" she remarked, a faint grin on her cherry-red lips.


I wish you weren't so vocal.

Straightening her shirt in a father formal manner, Reece simply nodded, seeming to ignore her sister. "Of course. Have you or Gilgamesh visited the garden or the art gallery yet? It could prove interesting to see the take on art that the rest of the Multiverse has.."

On the other hand, Ridley wrinkled her nose. "That sounds boring. I think I'll just stay here with Sis.." She trailed off, considering the negative events that could happen that she didn't want the kid around for. So, she looked at Ryan, rubbing her head. "...Actually, why don't you run along with them, Sis?"

"..Will you at least meet back up with us, later, Rid?"

"Sure, kiddo."
@Gen. Gwazi Senpai
The ghastly scythe dug deep into Raditz's tail flesh, slicing it clean off. The Saiyan Warrior then shrunk down into his original form and, cutting his losses, fled the scene
(Decided to write Raditz out in preparation for the Christmas, due to the fact that this fight takes place within the flux, a common place for Rpers to test out new characters, instead of in the fighting arena; sorry for the anticlimax)

Hanji would have chased after Raditz but decided not to, instead she sighed sadly and used her gear to go through the hole Raditz made. Then she went to take a peek into the foot shaped imprint on the ground where Levi had been crushed.

":'c" Hanji right now was very sad.


A little boy walked into the bar.

"Hi! Is this the--"


And then he saw what was going on. They were... fighting a giant ape?

His smile and optimism: gone.

@Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Cromartie Sarkissian @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Bomb @DapperDogman @Lizzy
Poor kid. At least he wasn't around when it all started.

@Verite @Cromartie Sarkissian @I forgot who else ._.


Well, Gilgamesh was certainly an amusing figure. His constant use of the word 'mongrels' was rather laughable.. Granted, Ridley herself often demeaned Mortals, but that wasn't important, right? Regardless, as Gilgamesh walked out, the Siren didn't so much as wave. Iskander's explanation that this was simply Gilgamesh's way of asking to go elsewhere was... Even more amusing. "Huh. He is not very vocal, is he?" she remarked, a faint grin on her cherry-red lips.


I wish you weren't so vocal.

Straightening her shirt in a father formal manner, Reece simply nodded, seeming to ignore her sister. "Of course. Have you or Gilgamesh visited the garden or the art gallery yet? It could prove interesting to see the take on art that the rest of the Multiverse has.."

On the other hand, Ridley wrinkled her nose. "That sounds boring. I think I'll just stay here with Sis.." She trailed off, considering the negative events that could happen that she didn't want the kid around for. So, she looked at Ryan, rubbing her head. "...Actually, why don't you run along with them, Sis?"

"..Will you at least meet back up with us, later, Rid?"

"Sure, kiddo."
@Gen. Gwazi Senpai
"Hmm, well it'd be interesting to see how people in this time express themselves with Art. Might as well head there first" Iskander stated, before pulling out his sword to summon his Gordius Wheel again... Only to notice the still rather trashed hallways from him using it last time. "Uh... Maybe we should walk there this time" he then decided before putting his sword away.

"Hmm, well it'd be interesting to see how people in this time express themselves with Art. Might as well head there first" Iskander stated, before pulling out his sword to summon his Gordius Wheel again... Only to notice the still rather trashed hallways from him using it last time. "Uh... Maybe we should walk there this time" he then decided before putting his sword away.

It appeared as if a strange, rodent of a man had heard their little conversation, and let's just say he knew just what to do. Scurrying out from one of the corners, he ran towards the couple, arms outstretched, a grin pulling at his ears. He stank of wine, urine, and general musk. His unshaven face, mole-like eyes and enormous nose cut through the darkness of the Flux, allowing him to stare down these potential customers. He adjusted the cuffs of his Napoleonic jacket, and spoke...
Thenardier 2.jpg
"Ah! An art fella, are ya?" The Bartender spat, revealing his ghastly set of rotting teeth. His putrid breath was unleashed into the room, and with it, his plan. "I know all about art myself. Aw yes. I'm actually a budding artist myself, you sees." The Man reached into his pocket and removed some sort of brown, soot coated rag, that only he may have classified as a handkerchief; anyone else would have mistaken it for a scrap of blood coated trash, but not him. He rubbed the fabric over his musky sausage fingers, apply more dirt than it took off. From his experience, the entire gesture of having "Cleanliness" was overrated, and if he were to be entirely honest with himself, the only reason he remained even half tidy was due to the fact that it impressed the upper class. As his old mother used to say, 'There is no 'arm in adding to using a tad of soap to grease up a Bourgeois' wallet'.

"The Name is...T-T-T..." he screwed up his face, his nose shaking like a leaf in the wind. He was on the verge of sneezing. Whipping the tissue up towards his scaley mug a moment too late, the Filthy man coated both his handkerchief and his customer with the contents of his nose. "Oh! Oh! I'm sorry, sir! I appear to be alergic to your respectable nature!! Let me get that for you!" His words dripped with sarcasm as he leaned in to wipe the mess of Gilgameshes armor, only to smudge more filth across, making it look twice as worse.
"As I was saying, good Monsieurs and Madams, the name is Monsieur Thenard, but you may call me Thenardier. I'm the...errrmmm" What was his plan again...Ah! Yes ! That was right! Step 1. Find a gullible knight fellow (Night Fellows have the largest wallets. Check. Step 2. Claim to be a tour-guide "Tour-Guide! Yes...The Tour-Guide. Its my job to Guide...The...Tours... and if you are an art fella, and let's face it, who isn't, I could give you the Premium Tour!" Check. Step 3. Promote a fake tour to squeeze a bit of cash out of said knight fellow "This Tour comes at the low, low, low price of the contents of your pockets, and is the greatest known in all the galaxy!" He put his arm around Gilgamesh, squeezing him in tight. He raised his free hand, painting a picture in the air
Thenardier 5.jpg
"Picture this: You enter the art gallery with this lady friend of yours, and you find yourself confronted by one of the many, many, many amazing pieces of art that live inside this.." Nope "Our..." Nope "My.." That's right. They'd trust him far more if they thought he owned the gallery "Hotel. You find yourself smitten by an amazing piece, so artistic that its arty-ness makes it look like a work of art" Check. Step 4. Claim you known anything about art. "Its marvelous. It's like something you saw in a dream as a child...it's like the marvelous skyline of ....Manthora 9..." That's right. They'd be far more likely to believe him if made up a fake planet "There is one issue, however! You don't know anything about..." Darn, he had forgotten the name of the fake planet he had just created...never mind. He would just have to make a new one; knight fellows are not always that sharp, and this fellow didn't look like an exception; he probably wouldn't even notice "Raxominius 6! You don't know anything about its history, anything about its political system, and you certainly don't know anything about the artist!" To be honest, neither did he, but that had never stopped him before. "You'll say to yourself 'Oh Deary Me! If only I had listened to my instincts and hired out that amazing, sexy, beautiful, genius art-expert! None of this would have happened if i had consulted his wisdom!' Without me, you look like a ninny in front of all these beautiful women! And we couldn't that at all now, would we? So what do you say? Could you turn down a man with such an honest face?" Check. Step 5. Wait for the money to come rolling in.....

@Hospes @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Mighty Roman
Last edited by a moderator:
It appeared as if a strange, rodent of a man had heard their little conversation, and let's just say he knew just what to do. Scurrying out from one of the corners, he ran towards the couple, arms outstretched, a grin pulling at his ears. He stank of wine, urine, and general musk. His unshaven face, mole-like eyes and enormous nose cut through the darkness of the Flux, allowing him to stare down these potential customers. He adjusted the cuffs of his Napoleonic jacket, and spoke...
View attachment 92764
"Ah! An art fella, are ya?" The Bartender spat, revealing his ghastly set of rotting teeth. His putrid breath was unleashed into the room, and with it, his plan. "I know all about art myself. Aw yes. I'm actually a budding artist myself, you sees." The Man reached into his pocket and removed some sort of brown, soot coated rag, that only he may have classified as a handkerchief; anyone else would have mistaken it for a scrap of blood coated trash, but not him. He rubbed the fabric over his musky sausage fingers, apply more dirt than it took off. From his experience, the entire gesture of having "Cleanliness" was overrated, and if he were to be entirely honest with himself, the only reason he remained even half tidy was due to the fact that it impressed the upper class. As his old mother used to say, 'There is no 'arm in adding to using a tad of soap to grease up a Bourgeois' wallet'.

"The Name is...T-T-T..." he screwed up his face, his nose shaking like a leaf in the wind. He was on the verge of sneezing. Whipping the tissue up towards his scaley mug a moment too late, the Filthy man coated both his handkerchief and his customer with the contents of his nose. "Oh! Oh! I'm sorry, sir! I appear to be alergic to your respectable nature!! Let me get that for you!" His words dripped with sarcasm as he leaned in to wipe the mess of Gilgameshes armor, only to smudge more filth across, making it look twice as worse.
"As I was saying, good Monsieurs and Madams, the name is Monsieur Thenard, but you may call me Thenardier. I'm the...errrmmm" What was his plan again...Ah! Yes ! That was right! Step 1. Find a gullible knight fellow (Night Fellows have the largest wallets. Check. Step 2. Claim to be a tour-guide "Tour-Guide! Yes...The Tour-Guide. Its my job to Guide...The...Tours... and if you are an art fella, and let's face it, who isn't, I could give you the Premium Tour!" Check. Step 3. Promote a fake tour to squeeze a bit of cash out of said knight fellow "This Tour comes at the low, low, low price of the contents of your pockets, and is the greatest known in all the galaxy!" He put his arm around Gilgamesh, squeezing him in tight. He raised his free hand, painting a picture in the air
View attachment 92780
"Picture this: You enter the art gallery with this lady friend of yours, and you find yourself confronted by one of the many, many, many amazing pieces of art that live inside this.." Nope "Our..." Nope "My.." That's right. They'd trust him far more if they thought he owned the gallery "Hotel. You find yourself smitten by an amazing piece, so artistic that its arty-ness makes it look like a work of art" Check. Step 4. Claim you known anything about art. "Its marvelous. It's like something you saw in a dream as a child...it's like the marvelous skyline of ....Manthora 9..." That's right. They'd be far more likely to believe him if made up a fake planet "There is one issue, however! You don't know anything about..." Darn, he had forgotten the name of the fake planet he had just created...never mind. He would just have to make a new one; knight fellows are not always that sharp, and this fellow didn't look like an exception; he probably wouldn't even notice "Raxominius 6! You don't know anything about its history, anything about its political system, and you certainly don't know anything about the artist!" To be honest, neither did he, but that had never stopped him before. "You'll say to yourself 'Oh Deary Me! If only I had listened to my instincts and hired out that amazing, sexy, beautiful, genius art-expert! None of this would have happened if i had consulted his wisdom!' Without me, you look like a ninny in front of all these beautiful women! And we couldn't that at all now, would we? So what do you say? Could you turn down a man with such an honest face?" Check. Step 5. Wait for the money to come rolling in.....

@Hospes @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Mighty Roman

Did this Mongrel... Did he just? There's no way he... He did! And now he's trying to get close!? This disrespect deserved but the worst of punishments!
The second Gilgamesh got over the pure shock and horror of this mans sight, and what he was doing Gilgamesh used his Servant Strength to fling the creature off of him.


And then Gilgamesh fired his weapons towards the creature...


Only for all the weapons to suddenly go flying back. Iskander having quickly summoned his Gordius Wheel was standing between Gilgamesh and the creature. Iskander glared at Gilgamesh before stated "Calm down pal! This man is just a fool! He doesn't deserve death for that! After all, didn't you taint some of your weapons on Blue Beard any ways? How could this guy possibly be worse?".

Then turning to face the rather unfortunate new comer he explained "And you! I get you're not the brightest bulb! But even you should understand basic human courtesy! Especially in front of two Kings and their honoured Guest! And in all honesty, I might have let Gilgamesh punish you if I wasn't so sure our Guest wouldn't approve of it!". Then waiting a sec he said "Now, without touching anyone why don't you try again and explain that... What was it? Some Raxacoricofallapatorius thing?".

Gilgamesh meanwhile was eyeing Iskander is sheer anger as to how he could dare defend this creature... But Iskander had a point with Reece and Ryan being present. So far a few moments of hesitation Gilgamesh relented. His gates closing and him levitating himself back to the ground. But he still refused to put his now tainted armour back on, and he simply retorted "Hmph! Be grateful for the Mercy I have shown you foul beast! For I shall not give it again!".

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Hospes
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Midnight Maiden

Did this Mongrel... Did he just? There's no way he... He did! And now he's trying to get close!? This disrespect deserved but the worst of punishments!
The second Gilgamesh got over the pure shock and horror of this mans sight, and what he was doing Gilgamesh used his Servant Strength to fling the creature off of him.


And then Gilgamesh fired his weapons towards the creature...


Only for all the weapons to suddenly go flying back. Iskander having quickly summoned his Gordius Wheel was standing between Gilgamesh and the creature. Iskander glared at Gilgamesh before stated "Calm down pal! This man is just a fool! He doesn't deserve death for that! After all, didn't you taint some of your weapons on Blue Beard any ways? How could this guy possibly be worse?".

Then turning to face the rather unfortunate new comer he explained "And you! I get you're not the brightest bulb! But even you should understand basic human courtesy! Especially in front of two Kings and their honoured Guest! And in all honesty, I might have let Gilgamesh punish you if I wasn't so sure our Guest wouldn't approve of it!". Then waiting a sec he said "Now, without touching anyone why don't you try again and explain that... What was it? Some Raxacoricofallapatorius thing?".

Gilgamesh meanwhile was eyeing Iskander is sheer anger as to how he could dare defend this creature... But Iskander had a point with Reece and Ryan being present. So far a few moments of hesitation Gilgamesh relented. His gates closing and him levitating himself back to the ground. But he still refused to put his now tainted armour back on, and he simply retorted "Hmph! Be grateful for the Mercy I have shown you foul beast! For I shall not give it again!".

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Hospes
For several moments Thénardier just stared, dumbfounded. Maybe this guy was a little bit more than your run-of-the-mill knight fellow...it appeared he was deluded enough to believe that both him and his friend were noblemen! Now, in case you hadn't guessed, Thénardier wasn't the sharpes tool in the shed, but even he knew that the current King of everything he saw was King Louis! Perhaps these two were kings of another country...such as....Sweden...yeah...Sweden... That's the only rational explanation...they were Swedish...
"Ah! I had no idea that I was in the presence of such nobility!" He once again removed the handkerchief from he breast pocket, this time, however, he took a long bow and span it around as he descended, akin to some sort of windmill. "If I had known that such an occurrence was about to occur, then I would have worn my nice hat!" Oh, how he could picture that hat... The fine craftmanship, expensive, English weather, the perfect stitching...some people still believed that he had stolen it from Napoleon himself. What fools...

But...it appeared that things could still turn out for the best... Upon rethinking the situation, Thénardier realised that the one class with deeper pockets that the bourgeoise class is the noble class. Wether or not they were willing to participate in his grand tour, now that he knew their social levels, he would pick their pockets with ease; there ain't nobody with a smoother touch in Paris that the touch of M.Thénardier!!
"Now, I apologise so deeply for touching you with my unworthiest hand! I am so so sorry! I am so undoubtedly grateful for your mercyfuleeness! To show my greatefuleeness, I shall give you the amazing discounted price for my tour; it'll only cost you...errrmmm...." It pained him to say it... And it was a bit of a gambit, but it would pay off in the end...he hoped..."free. It'll cost you nothing..."

Pity...Such a waste...
Lettin out one final sigh, he returns to he cocky facade. "Oh, kind nobleman, you'll hear all about the planets when we arrive in the gallery! Follow down here, if you please!"

Mobile post

Last edited by a moderator:
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Gwazi Magnum
"Hmm, well it'd be interesting to see how people in this time express themselves with Art. Might as well head there first" Iskander stated, before pulling out his sword to summon his Gordius Wheel again... Only to notice the still rather trashed hallways from him using it last time. "Uh... Maybe we should walk there this time" he then decided before putting his sword away.


This statement earned a nod of agreement from Reece, who couldn't agree more about walking instead of riding. "Right." Granted, before they could go anywhere, a new arrival showed up...
It appeared as if a strange, rodent of a man had heard their little conversation, and let's just say he knew just what to do. Scurrying out from one of the corners, he ran towards the couple, arms outstretched, a grin pulling at his ears. He stank of wine, urine, and general musk. His unshaven face, mole-like eyes and enormous nose cut through the darkness of the Flux, allowing him to stare down these potential customers. He adjusted the cuffs of his Napoleonic jacket, and spoke...
View attachment 92764
"Ah! An art fella, are ya?" The Bartender spat, revealing his ghastly set of rotting teeth. His putrid breath was unleashed into the room, and with it, his plan. "I know all about art myself. Aw yes. I'm actually a budding artist myself, you sees." The Man reached into his pocket and removed some sort of brown, soot coated rag, that only he may have classified as a handkerchief; anyone else would have mistaken it for a scrap of blood coated trash, but not him. He rubbed the fabric over his musky sausage fingers, apply more dirt than it took off. From his experience, the entire gesture of having "Cleanliness" was overrated, and if he were to be entirely honest with himself, the only reason he remained even half tidy was due to the fact that it impressed the upper class. As his old mother used to say, 'There is no 'arm in adding to using a tad of soap to grease up a Bourgeois' wallet'.

"The Name is...T-T-T..." he screwed up his face, his nose shaking like a leaf in the wind. He was on the verge of sneezing. Whipping the tissue up towards his scaley mug a moment too late, the Filthy man coated both his handkerchief and his customer with the contents of his nose. "Oh! Oh! I'm sorry, sir! I appear to be alergic to your respectable nature!! Let me get that for you!" His words dripped with sarcasm as he leaned in to wipe the mess of Gilgameshes armor, only to smudge more filth across, making it look twice as worse.
"As I was saying, good Monsieurs and Madams, the name is Monsieur Thenard, but you may call me Thenardier. I'm the...errrmmm" What was his plan again...Ah! Yes ! That was right! Step 1. Find a gullible knight fellow (Night Fellows have the largest wallets. Check. Step 2. Claim to be a tour-guide "Tour-Guide! Yes...The Tour-Guide. Its my job to Guide...The...Tours... and if you are an art fella, and let's face it, who isn't, I could give you the Premium Tour!" Check. Step 3. Promote a fake tour to squeeze a bit of cash out of said knight fellow "This Tour comes at the low, low, low price of the contents of your pockets, and is the greatest known in all the galaxy!" He put his arm around Gilgamesh, squeezing him in tight. He raised his free hand, painting a picture in the air
View attachment 92780
"Picture this: You enter the art gallery with this lady friend of yours, and you find yourself confronted by one of the many, many, many amazing pieces of art that live inside this.." Nope "Our..." Nope "My.." That's right. They'd trust him far more if they thought he owned the gallery "Hotel. You find yourself smitten by an amazing piece, so artistic that its arty-ness makes it look like a work of art" Check. Step 4. Claim you known anything about art. "Its marvelous. It's like something you saw in a dream as a child...it's like the marvelous skyline of ....Manthora 9..." That's right. They'd be far more likely to believe him if made up a fake planet "There is one issue, however! You don't know anything about..." Darn, he had forgotten the name of the fake planet he had just created...never mind. He would just have to make a new one; knight fellows are not always that sharp, and this fellow didn't look like an exception; he probably wouldn't even notice "Raxominius 6! You don't know anything about its history, anything about its political system, and you certainly don't know anything about the artist!" To be honest, neither did he, but that had never stopped him before. "You'll say to yourself 'Oh Deary Me! If only I had listened to my instincts and hired out that amazing, sexy, beautiful, genius art-expert! None of this would have happened if i had consulted his wisdom!' Without me, you look like a ninny in front of all these beautiful women! And we couldn't that at all now, would we? So what do you say? Could you turn down a man with such an honest face?" Check. Step 5. Wait for the money to come rolling in.....

@Hospes @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Mighty Roman

Did this Mongrel... Did he just? There's no way he... He did! And now he's trying to get close!? This disrespect deserved but the worst of punishments!
The second Gilgamesh got over the pure shock and horror of this mans sight, and what he was doing Gilgamesh used his Servant Strength to fling the creature off of him.


And then Gilgamesh fired his weapons towards the creature...


Only for all the weapons to suddenly go flying back. Iskander having quickly summoned his Gordius Wheel was standing between Gilgamesh and the creature. Iskander glared at Gilgamesh before stated "Calm down pal! This man is just a fool! He doesn't deserve death for that! After all, didn't you taint some of your weapons on Blue Beard any ways? How could this guy possibly be worse?".

Then turning to face the rather unfortunate new comer he explained "And you! I get you're not the brightest bulb! But even you should understand basic human courtesy! Especially in front of two Kings and their honoured Guest! And in all honesty, I might have let Gilgamesh punish you if I wasn't so sure our Guest wouldn't approve of it!". Then waiting a sec he said "Now, without touching anyone why don't you try again and explain that... What was it? Some Raxacoricofallapatorius thing?".

Gilgamesh meanwhile was eyeing Iskander is sheer anger as to how he could dare defend this creature... But Iskander had a point with Reece and Ryan being present. So far a few moments of hesitation Gilgamesh relented. His gates closing and him levitating himself back to the ground. But he still refused to put his now tainted armour back on, and he simply retorted "Hmph! Be grateful for the Mercy I have shown you foul beast! For I shall not give it again!".

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Hospes
View attachment 92786
For several moments Thénardier just stared, dumbfounded. Maybe this guy was a little bit more than your run-of-the-mill knight fellow...it appeared he was deluded enough to believe that both him and his friend were noblemen! Now, in case you hadn't guessed, Thénardier wasn't the sharpes tool in the shed, but even he knew that the current King of everything he saw was King Louis! Perhaps these two were kings of another country...such as....Sweden...yeah...Sweden... That's the only rational explanation...they were Swedish...
"Ah! I had no idea that I was in the presence of such nobility!" He once again removed the handkerchief from he breast pocket, this time, however, he took a long bow and span it around as he descended, akin to some sort of windmill. "If I had known that such an occurrence was about to occur, then I would have worn my nice hat!" Oh, how he could picture that hat... The fine craftmanship, expensive, English weather, the perfect stitching...some people still believed that he had stolen it from Napoleon himself. What fools...

But...it appeared that things could still turn out for the best... Upon rethinking the situation, Thénardier realised that the one class with deeper pockets that the bourgeoise class is the noble class. Wether or not they were willing to participate in his grand tour, now that he knew their social levels, he would pick their pockets with ease; there ain't nobody with a smoother touch in Paris that the touch of M.Thénardier!!
"Now, I apologise so deeply for touching you with my unworthiest hand! I am so so sorry! I am so undoubtedly grateful for your mercyfuleeness! To show my greatefuleeness, I shall give you the amazing discounted price for my tour; it'll only cost you...errrmmm...." It pained him to say it... And it was a bit of a gambit, but it would pay off in the end...he hoped..."free. It'll cost you nothing..."

Pity...Such a waste...
Lettin out one final sigh, he returns to he cocky facade. "Oh, kind nobleman, you'll hear all about the planets when we arrive in the gallery! Follow down here, if you please!"

Mobile post


...Oh no. Ohnoohnoohnoohnoohno. NOPE NOPE NOPE. UNCLEANLINESS. BAD HYGIENE.


Nope. It was a good thing this guy was more focused on Gilgamesh than Reece, because otherwise? She would have flipped. Her. Shit. Reece despised filth - just looking at this guy made her want to go shower. He was covered in filth, and spreading it on the people around him... And Reece did not want to be one of those people. Especially when the man spoke, explaining that he was a tour guide and wanted to show them around for a 'small price'. The blonde frowned deeply, crossing her arms over her chest.. And staring at this odd man intensely, her unnaturally green eyes narrowed at him. She was working her Sybil magic, reading him like a book.

..Hmph. Just like I thought.

Pointedly, she looked to Gilgamesh and Iskander, wearing an annoyed expression. "Don't listen to him. He's spouting lies like a fountain," she informed them, making a point of not getting especially close to Thénardier or Gilgamesh because EW FILTH. GERMS. THAT WAS REECE'S TRIGGER. Now, the Light Caster turned her attention back to Thénardier. "I apologize, but I'm not interested in your false worlds, nor am I interested in your tours," she stated, firmly. And, without a word, she strode away from the group towards the art gallery, tall and proud!... Before discreetly conjuring up some hand sanitizer and rubbing it on her hands.

For now, since Gilgamesh hadn't harmed the man, she seemed to be letting it go.

Ryan, on the other hand, just seemed confused and lost.

@Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Cromartie Sarkissian



  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Midnight Maiden
View attachment 92786
For several moments Thénardier just stared, dumbfounded. Maybe this guy was a little bit more than your run-of-the-mill knight fellow...it appeared he was deluded enough to believe that both him and his friend were noblemen! Now, in case you hadn't guessed, Thénardier wasn't the sharpes tool in the shed, but even he knew that the current King of everything he saw was King Louis! Perhaps these two were kings of another country...such as....Sweden...yeah...Sweden... That's the only rational explanation...they were Swedish...
"Ah! I had no idea that I was in the presence of such nobility!" He once again removed the handkerchief from he breast pocket, this time, however, he took a long bow and span it around as he descended, akin to some sort of windmill. "If I had known that such an occurrence was about to occur, then I would have worn my nice hat!" Oh, how he could picture that hat... The fine craftmanship, expensive, English weather, the perfect stitching...some people still believed that he had stolen it from Napoleon himself. What fools...

But...it appeared that things could still turn out for the best... Upon rethinking the situation, Thénardier realised that the one class with deeper pockets that the bourgeoise class is the noble class. Wether or not they were willing to participate in his grand tour, now that he knew their social levels, he would pick their pockets with ease; there ain't nobody with a smoother touch in Paris that the touch of M.Thénardier!!
"Now, I apologise so deeply for touching you with my unworthiest hand! I am so so sorry! I am so undoubtedly grateful for your mercyfuleeness! To show my greatefuleeness, I shall give you the amazing discounted price for my tour; it'll only cost you...errrmmm...." It pained him to say it... And it was a bit of a gambit, but it would pay off in the end...he hoped..."free. It'll cost you nothing..."

Pity...Such a waste...
Lettin out one final sigh, he returns to he cocky facade. "Oh, kind nobleman, you'll hear all about the planets when we arrive in the gallery! Follow down here, if you please!"

Mobile post


This statement earned a nod of agreement from Reece, who couldn't agree more about walking instead of riding. "Right." Granted, before they could go anywhere, a new arrival showed up...

...Oh no. Ohnoohnoohnoohnoohno. NOPE NOPE NOPE. UNCLEANLINESS. BAD HYGIENE.


Nope. It was a good thing this guy was more focused on Gilgamesh than Reece, because otherwise? She would have flipped. Her. Shit. Reece despised filth - just looking at this guy made her want to go shower. He was covered in filth, and spreading it on the people around him... And Reece did not want to be one of those people. Especially when the man spoke, explaining that he was a tour guide and wanted to show them around for a 'small price'. The blonde frowned deeply, crossing her arms over her chest.. And staring at this odd man intensely, her unnaturally green eyes narrowed at him. She was working her Sybil magic, reading him like a book.

..Hmph. Just like I thought.

Pointedly, she looked to Gilgamesh and Iskander, wearing an annoyed expression. "Don't listen to him. He's spouting lies like a fountain," she informed them, making a point of not getting especially close to Thénardier or Gilgamesh because EW FILTH. GERMS. THAT WAS REECE'S TRIGGER. Now, the Light Caster turned her attention back to Thénardier. "I apologize, but I'm not interested in your false worlds, nor am I interested in your tours," she stated, firmly. And, without a word, she strode away from the group towards the art gallery, tall and proud!... Before discreetly conjuring up some hand sanitizer and rubbing it on her hands.

For now, since Gilgamesh hadn't harmed the man, she seemed to be letting it go.

Ryan, on the other hand, just seemed confused and lost.

@Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Cromartie Sarkissian
Free? Well that wasn't a bad price now at all. Iskander was just starting to consider giving this poor sod a chance, and then Reece spoke up about him being a con. Then just shooting the man a look of disapproval he said "You dared try to deceive Kings? I should kill you right now... But unlike you I know how to be a decent host to our guests. So consider this a warning". Then unsummoning his Gordius Wheel he walked over to Ryan extending his hand saying "Let's go", he wanted to make sure this man didn't try getting close to Ryan.

Gilgamesh meanwhile didn't have time for any of this, he was filthy so he spoke up stating "The Art Gallery will wait! I require a Shower!" before he vanished into dust like Servants do, presumably so he got clean himself as soon as possible.

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Hospes
"Deceive you? Do I look like a deceiver? Nay nay nay! My esteemed guests! Why would li'l old me lie to someone as kind and as respectable and as *cough*terrifying*cough* as you two? I value the joy of my customers far above my pocket, so if you would please just follow me down here...," Thénardier's plan was falling to pieces, and all thanks to that bloody girl with that bloody book. Holier than Thou snail! Scum of the Street! This little boot -licker! He'd show him that you don't mess with Thénardier; nobody messes with a Thénardier, and certainly nobody slags off his business in a public room! He would have to let them play themselves into his hands....

He pressed his filthy palms into his customers backs, (subtly wiping his greasy mitts on their clothes...that'll teach 'e,) and guided then into the gallery, forcing them to obey his direction. "Please please please, dear friends, do you really insult my 'onour? Let me show you how my tours work!" Waltzing over to one of the first painting, the Former Innkeeper outstretched his hands once again.

There was no way to deny the pieces radiant glow, its awe and majesty, all the beauty in chaos...

He read the plaque aloud "Gallaafreee Flails Now.... Whore" A really bad time to be mostly illiterate. "This piece, 'Galafree Flails Now Whore' was first devised upon the crystal moon of Lizilak 5" He tried out his best British accent, doing his best to sound as knowledgeable in his field as possible. "You see, this particularly fancy piece is fancy in its fanciness, which make it fancy. One should take note upon how the red...contrast....with....the brown....and the browny-red...." squinting at the picture, grinned and continued "You will also see lots of tiny little robots scattered around the rim. Those things are the Gallafree Whores. As you can tell, they are exploding, and thus cannot flail any longer, hence this picture's title" Thenardier reached into his pocket to reveal a small pair of dusty, glassless spectacles, which he raised to his face, resting them upon his nose. Nothing makes you sound smarter than an accent and glasses. "It was painted in the year 70090, by a man named Jack." Damn, he never was good at creating back stories. The King fellows would prbably fall for even the simplest of tricks, as long as, of course, he didn't make any physical contact. The girl, however, was particularly trifling; she was clearly a skeptic,. He would ahve to oull something son unrealistic out of the hat that it had to be true...Yess...had to be

"Well, when I say man, I mean fish. Jack was a fish man...Yes...a fish man with no arms, legs or mouth, and he painted this picture with the power of his tiny mind...rather fascinating really....Well! I could go into more detail.."He dropped the accent, returning to his Cockney French "But that's all you get with the free package. It'll cost you extra for the full edition. So! Just spare me a Unit or Two and I'll show you everything else! How does that sound to you?"

@Hospes @Gen. Gwazi Senpai
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Midnight Maiden
Free? Well that wasn't a bad price now at all. Iskander was just starting to consider giving this poor sod a chance, and then Reece spoke up about him being a con. Then just shooting the man a look of disapproval he said "You dared try to deceive Kings? I should kill you right now... But unlike you I know how to be a decent host to our guests. So consider this a warning". Then unsummoning his Gordius Wheel he walked over to Ryan extending his hand saying "Let's go", he wanted to make sure this man didn't try getting close to Ryan.

Gilgamesh meanwhile didn't have time for any of this, he was filthy so he spoke up stating "The Art Gallery will wait! I require a Shower!" before he vanished into dust like Servants do, presumably so he got clean himself as soon as possible.

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Hospes

'Kill'? Oh, no, Ryan didn't like the sound of that.. But at least Iskander said he wasn't going to do that, right? In any case, it didn't look like there was going to be any fight over this... Which was something that Ryan was very happy about. She didn't like violence, and it was the last thing she wanted to experience now... Or ever, at that. Anyways, point was, it was all cleared up now, it seemed. So, naturally, she nodded and offered a small smile as Iskander, gratefully taking the offered hand. "Right."

also ha ha gilgamesh was a sissy about dirt like reece was :|
"Deceive you? Do I look like a deceiver? Nay nay nay! My esteemed guests! Why would li'l old me lie to someone as kind and as respectable and as *cough*terrifying*cough* as you two? I value the joy of my customers far above my pocket, so if you would please just follow me down here...," Thénardier's plan was falling to pieces, and all thanks to that bloody girl with that bloody book. Holier than Thou snail! Scum of the Street! This little boot -licker! He'd show him that you don't mess with Thénardier; nobody messes with a Thénardier, and certainly nobody slags off his business in a public room! He would have to let them play themselves into his hands....

He pressed his filthy palms into his customers backs, (subtly wiping his greasy mitts on their clothes...that'll teach 'e,) and guided then into the gallery, forcing them to obey his direction. "Please please please, dear friends, do you really insult my 'onour? Let me show you how my tours work!" Waltzing over to one of the first painting, the Former Innkeeper outstretched his hands once again.

There was no way to deny the pieces radiant glow, its awe and majesty, all the beauty in chaos...

He read the plaque aloud "Gallaafreee Flails Now.... Whore" A really bad time to be mostly illiterate. "This piece, 'Galafree Flails Now Whore' was first devised upon the crystal moon of Lizilak 5" He tried out his best British accent, doing his best to sound as knowledgeable in his field as possible. "You see, this particularly fancy piece is fancy in its fanciness, which make it fancy. One should take note upon how the red...contrast....with....the brown....and the browny-red...." squinting at the picture, grinned and continued "You will also see lots of tiny little robots scattered around the rim. Those things are the Gallafree Whores. As you can tell, they are exploding, and thus cannot flail any longer, hence this picture's title" Thenardier reached into his pocket to reveal a small pair of dusty, glassless spectacles, which he raised to his face, resting them upon his nose. Nothing makes you sound smarter than an accent and glasses. "It was painted in the year 70090, by a man named Jack." Damn, he never was good at creating back stories. The King fellows would prbably fall for even the simplest of tricks, as long as, of course, he didn't make any physical contact. The girl, however, was particularly trifling; she was clearly a skeptic,. He would ahve to oull something son unrealistic out of the hat that it had to be true...Yess...had to be

"Well, when I say man, I mean fish. Jack was a fish man...Yes...a fish man with no arms, legs or mouth, and he painted this picture with the power of his tiny mind...rather fascinating really....Well! I could go into more detail.."He dropped the accent, returning to his Cockney French "But that's all you get with the free package. It'll cost you extra for the full edition. So! Just spare me a Unit or Two and I'll show you everything else! How does that sound to you?"

@Hospes @Gen. Gwazi Senpai

Oh, good grief. Reece had a very strong feeling that this guy was going to lead to nothing but a headache. Hell, even reading him was painful - from having to look at his grimy and gross form to read him, to gaining insight on his lack of literacy, and more. It made shivers run down the Sybil's spine. How could anyone live like that, anyways? The female had absolutely no idea, but she didn't want to know. She was much happier just living with a very sanitary lifestyle. Which was probably why she was making sure to keep a safe distance from being within touching range of Thénardier.

Not out of ear range, though.


The Sybil was almost offended. Did this guy really think she'd fall for his act? That she was gullible like the rest of the lot? Well, unluckily for him... "As much as I appreciate your attempts at trying to suck up to and manipulate us, I'll have you know right now that such efforts will fall short. I'm a Sybil. What this means is I can read you like a book. You could call me a.. Walking lie detector, of sorts," she explained, tone brusque.. yet, somehow, keeping it's typical formality. Now, she crossed her arms once more, pursing her lips. "Now that you're aware of this, perhaps you'd like to reconsider your words, hm? Because even though you dislike it, I am here, and I see right through your fibs."

..*whistles* What a gal.

Clearing her throat, the young woman was about to say more, but she found herself cut off by Thénardier's little speech about the painting. Internally, Reece cringed as he went on, wanting nothing more than to either conjure up a pair of sound-blocking headphones, or to use a Cast that could temporarily mute him. Just... Something to stop the stupidity he was spouting! But, unluckily, she had more self-control and manners than that... So no silencing Casts or objects were brought about by the Sybil. Instead, she rubbed her temples, trying to block out the man's words.

This was a nightmare. Reece felt like her head was going to explode.. Or, worse - this man was going to make her I.Q go down! She could not have that! So, she impatiently and desperately waited for the man to finally stop talking, before finally speaking up. "First off, that is not what it says - the painting is titled 'Gallifrey Falls'. Not 'Gallaafreee Flails Now Whore'. Secondly, you are not British. Thirdly, if you intend to fool someone, you really ought to work on your background stories. Thinking anyone would believe what you're spouting is an insult to their intelligence," she stated. Wow, Reece was putting the metaphorical smackdown on this guy, huh?

But, she wasn't a complete bitch.

Sighing heavily, the young woman waved her hand, conjuring some money into her hand. She was about to hand it over to Thénardier... But quickly decided she was very much against the idea of her hand being anywhere near him. EwgermsfilthgrossthatwasReece'strigger. So, instead, she used her telekinetic abilities to move the money to his hands - problem solved. No touch required. "...There. Fifteen dollars. That should be enough for a good meal... And some hand sanitizer," she commented. "..Next time you want money from someone, you ought to ask them for it."

Looked like she had a heart after all. Even towards people that insulted her intelligence and made her want to scrub herself down in the shower for days just because she'd been in the same room as someone as filthy as them. :|

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Gen. Gwazi Senpai
  • Like
Reactions: Takumi
'Kill'? Oh, no, Ryan didn't like the sound of that.. But at least Iskander said he wasn't going to do that, right? In any case, it didn't look like there was going to be any fight over this... Which was something that Ryan was very happy about. She didn't like violence, and it was the last thing she wanted to experience now... Or ever, at that. Anyways, point was, it was all cleared up now, it seemed. So, naturally, she nodded and offered a small smile as Iskander, gratefully taking the offered hand. "Right."

also ha ha gilgamesh was a sissy about dirt like reece was :|

Oh, good grief. Reece had a very strong feeling that this guy was going to lead to nothing but a headache. Hell, even reading him was painful - from having to look at his grimy and gross form to read him, to gaining insight on his lack of literacy, and more. It made shivers run down the Sybil's spine. How could anyone live like that, anyways? The female had absolutely no idea, but she didn't want to know. She was much happier just living with a very sanitary lifestyle. Which was probably why she was making sure to keep a safe distance from being within touching range of Thénardier.

Not out of ear range, though.


The Sybil was almost offended. Did this guy really think she'd fall for his act? That she was gullible like the rest of the lot? Well, unluckily for him... "As much as I appreciate your attempts at trying to suck up to and manipulate us, I'll have you know right now that such efforts will fall short. I'm a Sybil. What this means is I can read you like a book. You could call me a.. Walking lie detector, of sorts," she explained, tone brusque.. yet, somehow, keeping it's typical formality. Now, she crossed her arms once more, pursing her lips. "Now that you're aware of this, perhaps you'd like to reconsider your words, hm? Because even though you dislike it, I am here, and I see right through your fibs."

..*whistles* What a gal.

Clearing her throat, the young woman was about to say more, but she found herself cut off by Thénardier's little speech about the painting. Internally, Reece cringed as he went on, wanting nothing more than to either conjure up a pair of sound-blocking headphones, or to use a Cast that could temporarily mute him. Just... Something to stop the stupidity he was spouting! But, unluckily, she had more self-control and manners than that... So no silencing Casts or objects were brought about by the Sybil. Instead, she rubbed her temples, trying to block out the man's words.

This was a nightmare. Reece felt like her head was going to explode.. Or, worse - this man was going to make her I.Q go down! She could not have that! So, she impatiently and desperately waited for the man to finally stop talking, before finally speaking up. "First off, that is not what it says - the painting is titled 'Gallifrey Falls'. Not 'Gallaafreee Flails Now Whore'. Secondly, you are not British. Thirdly, if you intend to fool someone, you really ought to work on your background stories. Thinking anyone would believe what you're spouting is an insult to their intelligence," she stated. Wow, Reece was putting the metaphorical smackdown on this guy, huh?

But, she wasn't a complete bitch.

Sighing heavily, the young woman waved her hand, conjuring some money into her hand. She was about to hand it over to Thénardier... But quickly decided she was very much against the idea of her hand being anywhere near him. EwgermsfilthgrossthatwasReece'strigger. So, instead, she used her telekinetic abilities to move the money to his hands - problem solved. No touch required. "...There. Fifteen dollars. That should be enough for a good meal... And some hand sanitizer," she commented. "..Next time you want money from someone, you ought to ask them for it."

Looked like she had a heart after all. Even towards people that insulted her intelligence and made her want to scrub herself down in the shower for days just because she'd been in the same room as someone as filthy as them. :|

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Gen. Gwazi Senpai
Bloody Hell. This was an emotional roller coaster! He was still dumbfounded, strict by awe, by the fact that the girl as seen right through his lie; it was so real! He had even convinced himself halfway though! Then came the flurry of insults from all side. Time for the crocodile tears "You 'eally 'urt me, ma'am. You really cut me deep"....

But his accent was on point! His reading too! She must have been psychic; were those a thing now? Since leaving France he had come across a variety of strange people with strange parlour tricks, but none had been more damaging for business than this one. As long as this girl was around, he couldn't so much as pick a pocket, let alone lie to someone! She had even ruined his back up plan; without his powers to deceive, there would be no way he could impersonate the late, but very real, Baron Du Thénard, the 100% legitimate long-lost heir to the throne of Germany! This really wasn't his day...

Then came the money. "Coah! Blimey! 15 dollars? 15 dollars? This'll set me for life! Convert this into francs and I'll be a zillionier in my Timezone! I might even be able to buy a loaf or two!" Things were finally stating to turn around, and regardless, some form of profit was roling in, so part 5 of his plan was checked off. Time to quit while he was ahead, but not before he left them with one final reward

"Farewell, my honoured guests! I am so glad that I was able to meet such esteemed gentlemen and gentlewomen, such as yourselves!" His voice dripped with sarcasm " before I go, however, I must leave you with one final wisdom.....TAKE THIS!!!" THAT'LL TEACH YOU TO INSUT MY CLEANLINESS!" He pelted his filthy tissue at the girls face, and threw his left shoe at the man. "Farewell! Gahahaha!" And with that, the rat man scurried off

@Hospes @Gen. Gwazi Senpai
Mobile post
"Deceive you? Do I look like a deceiver? Nay nay nay! My esteemed guests! Why would li'l old me lie to someone as kind and as respectable and as *cough*terrifying*cough* as you two? I value the joy of my customers far above my pocket, so if you would please just follow me down here...," Thénardier's plan was falling to pieces, and all thanks to that bloody girl with that bloody book. Holier than Thou snail! Scum of the Street! This little boot -licker! He'd show him that you don't mess with Thénardier; nobody messes with a Thénardier, and certainly nobody slags off his business in a public room! He would have to let them play themselves into his hands....

He pressed his filthy palms into his customers backs, (subtly wiping his greasy mitts on their clothes...that'll teach 'e,) and guided then into the gallery, forcing them to obey his direction. "Please please please, dear friends, do you really insult my 'onour? Let me show you how my tours work!" Waltzing over to one of the first painting, the Former Innkeeper outstretched his hands once again.​
Well, Iskander would have snapped at the man again just there... But it was painfully obvious how uneasy Ryan was last time he even gave a threat to the man. So instead he kept his composure, which was more than Gilgamesh would have been able to do. So he kept Ryan in front of him so that this man was just touching Iskander and not Ryan.
There was no way to deny the pieces radiant glow, its awe and majesty, all the beauty in chaos...

He read the plaque aloud "Gallaafreee Flails Now.... Whore" A really bad time to be mostly illiterate. "This piece, 'Galafree Flails Now Whore' was first devised upon the crystal moon of Lizilak 5" He tried out his best British accent, doing his best to sound as knowledgeable in his field as possible. "You see, this particularly fancy piece is fancy in its fanciness, which make it fancy. One should take note upon how the red...contrast....with....the brown....and the browny-red...." squinting at the picture, grinned and continued "You will also see lots of tiny little robots scattered around the rim. Those things are the Gallafree Whores. As you can tell, they are exploding, and thus cannot flail any longer, hence this picture's title" Thenardier reached into his pocket to reveal a small pair of dusty, glassless spectacles, which he raised to his face, resting them upon his nose. Nothing makes you sound smarter than an accent and glasses. "It was painted in the year 70090, by a man named Jack." Damn, he never was good at creating back stories. The King fellows would prbably fall for even the simplest of tricks, as long as, of course, he didn't make any physical contact. The girl, however, was particularly trifling; she was clearly a skeptic,. He would ahve to oull something son unrealistic out of the hat that it had to be true...Yess...had to be

"Well, when I say man, I mean fish. Jack was a fish man...Yes...a fish man with no arms, legs or mouth, and he painted this picture with the power of his tiny mind...rather fascinating really....Well! I could go into more detail.."He dropped the accent, returning to his Cockney French "But that's all you get with the free package. It'll cost you extra for the full edition. So! Just spare me a Unit or Two and I'll show you everything else! How does that sound to you?"

@Hospes @Gen. Gwazi Senpai

'Kill'? Oh, no, Ryan didn't like the sound of that.. But at least Iskander said he wasn't going to do that, right? In any case, it didn't look like there was going to be any fight over this... Which was something that Ryan was very happy about. She didn't like violence, and it was the last thing she wanted to experience now... Or ever, at that. Anyways, point was, it was all cleared up now, it seemed. So, naturally, she nodded and offered a small smile as Iskander, gratefully taking the offered hand. "Right."

also ha ha gilgamesh was a sissy about dirt like reece was :|

Oh, good grief. Reece had a very strong feeling that this guy was going to lead to nothing but a headache. Hell, even reading him was painful - from having to look at his grimy and gross form to read him, to gaining insight on his lack of literacy, and more. It made shivers run down the Sybil's spine. How could anyone live like that, anyways? The female had absolutely no idea, but she didn't want to know. She was much happier just living with a very sanitary lifestyle. Which was probably why she was making sure to keep a safe distance from being within touching range of Thénardier.

Not out of ear range, though.


The Sybil was almost offended. Did this guy really think she'd fall for his act? That she was gullible like the rest of the lot? Well, unluckily for him... "As much as I appreciate your attempts at trying to suck up to and manipulate us, I'll have you know right now that such efforts will fall short. I'm a Sybil. What this means is I can read you like a book. You could call me a.. Walking lie detector, of sorts," she explained, tone brusque.. yet, somehow, keeping it's typical formality. Now, she crossed her arms once more, pursing her lips. "Now that you're aware of this, perhaps you'd like to reconsider your words, hm? Because even though you dislike it, I am here, and I see right through your fibs."

..*whistles* What a gal.

Clearing her throat, the young woman was about to say more, but she found herself cut off by Thénardier's little speech about the painting. Internally, Reece cringed as he went on, wanting nothing more than to either conjure up a pair of sound-blocking headphones, or to use a Cast that could temporarily mute him. Just... Something to stop the stupidity he was spouting! But, unluckily, she had more self-control and manners than that... So no silencing Casts or objects were brought about by the Sybil. Instead, she rubbed her temples, trying to block out the man's words.

This was a nightmare. Reece felt like her head was going to explode.. Or, worse - this man was going to make her I.Q go down! She could not have that! So, she impatiently and desperately waited for the man to finally stop talking, before finally speaking up. "First off, that is not what it says - the painting is titled 'Gallifrey Falls'. Not 'Gallaafreee Flails Now Whore'. Secondly, you are not British. Thirdly, if you intend to fool someone, you really ought to work on your background stories. Thinking anyone would believe what you're spouting is an insult to their intelligence," she stated. Wow, Reece was putting the metaphorical smackdown on this guy, huh?

But, she wasn't a complete bitch.

Sighing heavily, the young woman waved her hand, conjuring some money into her hand. She was about to hand it over to Thénardier... But quickly decided she was very much against the idea of her hand being anywhere near him. EwgermsfilthgrossthatwasReece'strigger. So, instead, she used her telekinetic abilities to move the money to his hands - problem solved. No touch required. "...There. Fifteen dollars. That should be enough for a good meal... And some hand sanitizer," she commented. "..Next time you want money from someone, you ought to ask them for it."

Looked like she had a heart after all. Even towards people that insulted her intelligence and made her want to scrub herself down in the shower for days just because she'd been in the same room as someone as filthy as them. :|

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Gen. Gwazi Senpai
Bloody Hell. This was an emotional roller coaster! He was still dumbfounded, strict by awe, by the fact that the girl as seen right through his lie; it was so real! He had even convinced himself halfway though! Then came the flurry of insults from all side. Time for the crocodile tears "You 'eally 'urt me, ma'am. You really cut me deep"....

But his accent was on point! His reading too! She must have been psychic; were those a thing now? Since leaving France he had come across a variety of strange people with strange parlour tricks, but none had been more damaging for business than this one. As long as this girl was around, he couldn't so much as pick a pocket, let alone lie to someone! She had even ruined his back up plan; without his powers to deceive, there would be no way he could impersonate the late, but very real, Baron Du Thénard, the 100% legitimate long-lost heir to the throne of Germany! This really wasn't his day...

Then came the money. "Coah! Blimey! 15 dollars? 15 dollars? This'll set me for life! Convert this into francs and I'll be a zillionier in my Timezone! I might even be able to buy a loaf or two!" Things were finally stating to turn around, and regardless, some form of profit was roling in, so part 5 of his plan was checked off. Time to quit while he was ahead, but not before he left them with one final reward

"Farewell, my honoured guests! I am so glad that I was able to meet such esteemed gentlemen and gentlewomen, such as yourselves!" His voice dripped with sarcasm " before I go, however, I must leave you with one final wisdom.....TAKE THIS!!!" THAT'LL TEACH YOU TO INSUT MY CLEANLINESS!" He pelted his filthy tissue at the girls face, and threw his left shoe at the man. "Farewell! Gahahaha!" And with that, the rat man scurried off

@Hospes @Gen. Gwazi Senpai
Mobile post
Iskander was simply shocked by how clueless this man seemed on the painting. Granted Iskander knew nothing either, but this guys lack of knowledge was obvious. He didn't need to be a sybil to figure that out. However, before he could retort with anything another voice came bellowing down the hall.

"Oh you public menace!"


And as if on que it the Master presumably having finished his sword fight with the Doctor had shown up.
However, by the time he got there this menace seemed to already be leaving.

So ignored that... repulsive thing he stated to the others "I'm so sorry about that, but clearly someone can't appreciate Time Lord Art!" before noticing Reece's now dirtied face and Iskander's dirty back.
So he pulled out a sonic screwdriver and waved it front of her face quickly and his back, making all the dirt on her vanish like it was never there. In fact they might be even cleaner than before now.
"Don't tell the Doctor... But I might have borrowed his Sonic... Aw like he needs it with those new glasses of his!".

Then clasping his hands together he suddenly exclaimed "Ok! Now time for some proper introduction to Time Lord Art!".


"First off, my dear lady you were half correct on the name! This is actually called Gallifrey Falls No More! And those robots he mentioned are Daleks! Hateful little guys, all they do is Exterminate things. Exterminate this! Exterminate that! Something tells me they'd love those Murder Games... Any Who! No a 'fish' did not paint this! In fact all we know is that it was gained in mysterious ways! Damn Doctor and his tricks... I doubt even he knows where it's from".

Then taking a step back to admire the painting himself he said "And that's free of charge by the way! I can't stand to see pathetic humans like that piss upon fine Time Lord Art". Then after shooting the walking away creature a nasty look he said "Oh! That reminds me we never made proper introductions! I am the Master! Time Lord soldier and best friend of the Doctor!" before taking a heavily sarcastic bow "And might I ask who you fine fellows are?".

Iskander, taking a sigh of relief that the... thing was finally gone replied "Ai! You can call me Iskander!" and laughed a bit before realizing "Wait! Weren't you trying to fight Gilgamesh before?".
"Aye, I was! But why wouldn't I when someone marches around all grandios!", before he started mockingly imitating him "Oh look at me! King of Heroes! Look at my shiny armor that's never seen war! Let me proceed to show off all my weapons I just throw about cause I can't use them! And you're all Mongrels! Mongrel! Mongrel! Mongrel! I bet that fool doesn't even Regenerate!".

@Hospes @Cromartie Sarkissian
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"Aye, I was! But why wouldn't I went someone marches around all grandios!", before he started mockingly imitating him "Oh look at me! King of Heroes! Look at my shiny armor that's never seen war! Let me proceed to show off all my weapons I just throw about cause I can't use them! And you're all Mongrels! Mongrel! Mongrel! Mongrel! I bet that fool doesn't even Regenerate!".

"Because it's crude, barbaric, and stupid to cause a fight for such a reason?"

@Hospes @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Cromartie Sarkissian
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"Because it's crude, barbaric, and stupid to cause a fight for such a reason?"

@Hospes @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Cromartie Sarkissian

All the sudden the constant sound of drumming in the Masters head only got much louder. So loud Reece would probably be picking it up crystal clear.
And the master suddenly serious as he looked directly at the new comer and calmly... almost terrifyingly so answered "You... You think fighting? Is Barbaric? Perhaps you're right... But, what is so wrong in being a Barbarian?".

@Hospes @Cromartie Sarkissian @Kaykay

All the sudden the constant sound of drumming in the Masters head only got much louder. So loud Reece would probably be picking it up crystal clear.
And the master suddenly serious as he looked directly at the new comer and calmly... almost terrifyingly so answered "You... You think fighting? Is Barbaric? Perhaps you're right... But, what is so wrong in being a Barbarian?".

@Hospes @Cromartie Sarkissian @Kaykay
If Sakuya noticed his almost terrifying sudden calmness, she did nothing to show it.

"It's uncultured, unsightly, and more fit for wild animals. Even a human should be at least a small step above that."

@Hospes @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Cromartie Sarkissian
Bloody Hell. This was an emotional roller coaster! He was still dumbfounded, strict by awe, by the fact that the girl as seen right through his lie; it was so real! He had even convinced himself halfway though! Then came the flurry of insults from all side. Time for the crocodile tears "You 'eally 'urt me, ma'am. You really cut me deep"....

But his accent was on point! His reading too! She must have been psychic; were those a thing now? Since leaving France he had come across a variety of strange people with strange parlour tricks, but none had been more damaging for business than this one. As long as this girl was around, he couldn't so much as pick a pocket, let alone lie to someone! She had even ruined his back up plan; without his powers to deceive, there would be no way he could impersonate the late, but very real, Baron Du Thénard, the 100% legitimate long-lost heir to the throne of Germany! This really wasn't his day...

Then came the money. "Coah! Blimey! 15 dollars? 15 dollars? This'll set me for life! Convert this into francs and I'll be a zillionier in my Timezone! I might even be able to buy a loaf or two!" Things were finally stating to turn around, and regardless, some form of profit was roling in, so part 5 of his plan was checked off. Time to quit while he was ahead, but not before he left them with one final reward

"Farewell, my honoured guests! I am so glad that I was able to meet such esteemed gentlemen and gentlewomen, such as yourselves!" His voice dripped with sarcasm " before I go, however, I must leave you with one final wisdom.....TAKE THIS!!!" THAT'LL TEACH YOU TO INSUT MY CLEANLINESS!" He pelted his filthy tissue at the girls face, and threw his left shoe at the man. "Farewell! Gahahaha!" And with that, the rat man scurried off

@Hospes @Gen. Gwazi Senpai
Mobile post

Anddd back to not showing any sympathy. "I apologize if you expect me to show sympathy to a lying and conniving thief, because I'll inform you right now that that won't be happening," she stated. It appeared that Reece had no qualms in being blunt.. Which, if he were here, was something Gilgamesh probably well knew by now. Hell, even Iskander could probably catch onto that fact pretty darn quick. It was rather obvious, after all. She really hadn't been kidding when she'd said she couldn't tell a lie, it seemed...

Well, at least she'd gotten him to shut up with the money. She sighed in relief, seeming incredibly glad that the man no longer had any need for trying to deceive her or her company. "Good for you," the Sybil commented, politely and calmly. However, she was rather annoyed that the man hadn't thanked her for her little tip. "And you're welcome," she added, annoyance probably tinging her voice. What was with this guy, anyways? Did he have any sense of decency? Well, even one small glance at him screamed 'no'.

What he did next only reinforced that.

Now, Reece's annoyance became much more obvious. She didn't have tolerance for people like this. "Oh, would you shut your ungrateful piehole? Jerk," she muttered, obviously aggravated and rubbed up the wrong way by this man. However, with what happened next, the annoyance turned to horror. Instantly, Reece's eyes went wide with alarm, and her heart practically leapt with terror. She managed to stop the tissue using her telekinesis right before it could directly touch her... But that didn't change her horror. It.. I-it almost.. T-touched me... Oh, no. Here we go. It got close enough for me to breathe in the germs...

Oh, boy, was Thenardier lucky that Reece was too caught up in her disgust and horror to do anything about what he'd just pulled. Instead, she hurriedly and frantically used her telekinesis to guide the tissue to the nearest trash can... Before proceeding to scream internally.
Well, Iskander would have snapped at the man again just there... But it was painfully obvious how uneasy Ryan was last time he even gave a threat to the man. So instead he kept his composure, which was more than Gilgamesh would have been able to do. So he kept Ryan in front of him so that this man was just touching Iskander and not Ryan.

Iskander was simply shocked by how clueless this man seemed on the painting. Granted Iskander knew nothing either, but this guys lack of knowledge was obvious. He didn't need to be a sybil to figure that out. However, before he could retort with anything another voice came bellowing down the hall.

"Oh you public menace!"


And as if on que it the Master presumably having finished his sword fight with the Doctor had shown up.
However, by the time he got there this menace seemed to already be leaving.

So ignored that... repulsive thing he stated to the others "I'm so sorry about that, but clearly someone can't appreciate Time Lord Art!" before noticing Reece's now dirtied face and Iskander's dirty back.
So he pulled out a sonic screwdriver and waved it front of her face quickly and his back, making all the dirt on her vanish like it was never there. In fact they might be even cleaner than before now.
"Don't tell the Doctor... But I might have borrowed his Sonic... Aw like he needs it with those new glasses of his!".

Then clasping his hands together he suddenly exclaimed "Ok! Now time for some proper introduction to Time Lord Art!".


"First off, my dear lady you were half correct on the name! This is actually called Gallifrey Falls No More! And those robots he mentioned are Daleks! Hateful little guys, all they do is Exterminate things. Exterminate this! Exterminate that! Something tells me they'd love those Murder Games... Any Who! No a 'fish' did not paint this! In fact all we know is that it was gained in mysterious ways! Damn Doctor and his tricks... I doubt even he knows where it's from".

Then taking a step back to admire the painting himself he said "And that's free of charge by the way! I can't stand to see pathetic humans like that piss upon fine Time Lord Art". Then after shooting the walking away creature a nasty look he said "Oh! That reminds me we never made proper introductions! I am the Master! Time Lord soldier and best friend of the Doctor!" before taking a heavily sarcastic bow "And might I ask who you fine fellows are?".

Iskander, taking a sigh of relief that the... thing was finally gone replied "Ai! You can call me Iskander!" and laughed a bit before realizing "Wait! Weren't you trying to fight Gilgamesh before?".
"Aye, I was! But why wouldn't I when someone marches around all grandios!", before he started mockingly imitating him "Oh look at me! King of Heroes! Look at my shiny armor that's never seen war! Let me proceed to show off all my weapons I just throw about cause I can't use them! And you're all Mongrels! Mongrel! Mongrel! Mongrel! I bet that fool doesn't even Regenerate!".

@Hospes @Cromartie Sarkissian

"Because it's crude, barbaric, and stupid to cause a fight for such a reason?"

@Hospes @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Cromartie Sarkissian

All the sudden the constant sound of drumming in the Masters head only got much louder. So loud Reece would probably be picking it up crystal clear.
And the master suddenly serious as he looked directly at the new comer and calmly... almost terrifyingly so answered "You... You think fighting? Is Barbaric? Perhaps you're right... But, what is so wrong in being a Barbarian?".

@Hospes @Cromartie Sarkissian @Kaykay
If Sakuya noticed his almost terrifying sudden calmness, she did nothing to show it.

"It's uncultured, unsightly, and more fit for wild animals. Even a human should be at least a small step above that."

@Hospes @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Cromartie Sarkissian

But, hey - looked like she was in luck! Thank God for the weird stranger with the odd screwdriver that showed up. She didn't know how he did it, but she suddenly felt much cleaner. That was definitely nice, and she seemed to unfreeze, losing her look of absolute horror and disgust. Phew. Much better. Clearing her throat once again, the Sybil did her best to pretend nothing had happened. Psh, she wasn't afraid of a little filth!... Okay, that wasn't true, but she could still pretend she hadn't been bothered.. Right?


"It's quite alright. And.. Thank you," she replied, offering a small smile. She wasn't sure just who this man was, but at least he was pleasant... And clean. That was good. So, she seemed less than bothered when he began to go on - in fact, she actually seemed genuinely interested in what he was saying. After all, she loved learning, so she was more than happy to hear out and listen intently to his speech. So, when he finished his explanation, Reece nodded contently. "I see. Interesting.. But I don't believe I've heard of Time Lords before, nor have I heard of this.. 'Doctor'. Or the Daleks," she mused, thoughtfully.

Oh. Right. Introductions.

Pleasantly, Reece outstretched her hand to the Master, still smiling slightly. "Of course. I'm Reece. Reece Duchannes. Pleasure to meet you.. 'Master'." Well, that was really weird to say. Granted, she wasn't fond of the discussion of the earlier fighting, considering that she didn't like fights when they weren't necessary.


"I don't like fighting, either."

@Kaykay @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Cromartie Sarkissian
Hanji sighed yet again from her place at the bar, sitting at the table her and Levi were sitting at before the whole fight with Raditz happened.

"Things don't feel the same without my little clean freak buddy to bug. :'c" Hanji pouted sadly.

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Verite


"Oh... then let's check that out. Er... I'm Len Kagamine, by the way. And you?"

He sounded pretty timid for a boy his age. Well... what can you do?




Oh look. It's 96neko. Yay....

Y'know, if you know who that is and all. ._.

@The Great Detective @Hospes
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