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Kagura didn't hesitate to take her hand and stood back up more or less properly.

"Woo, that's a load of my shoulders, then. But, y'know, I'm serious. You can, like, punch me again if you'd like. Though I don't know if I'd survive a second round of that..."

He was still pretty laid-back about everything but he really did regret forcing a kiss on her, now that he thought about it. Maybe he'd learn his lesson. Maybe he wouldn't lose control drinking. Maybe he could stop drinking so much.

...Well, no, he wouldn't stop drinking, but he learned...uh, don't drink as much? Yeah, close enough. Man, how could he treat a lady like that? If she didn't punch him and if he wasn't offering for her to punch him, he'd probably punch himself.


After Kagura was back on her feet, Teresa immediately released his hand, seeming to keep a bit more to herself. Surprisingly enough, being kissed hadn't seemed to make her sober up - she just still wasn't happy with it, even drunk. What a gal, huh?

Upon the male offering to let her punch him again, she loosely shrugged her shoulders before seeming to rear up for another punch. "If you say sooo.." And then she went in for it... Only for her to, instead of punch him, Pat his cheek, rather, with a goofy grin. "I think I already got the point across.. Just know that if ya do it again, I won't hesitate to hit somewhere much worse."

...Uh, that was a joke, right? Hopefully that grin meant it was a joke.
The racing heartbeats of the pair reached the ears of a newcomer. Despite being unable to see, the man could hear their pulses racing like police sirens. Their voices echoed like drums to him, and the smell of the alcohol hit him like a truck.

'I wouldn't recommend trying it again. Seems like she's got a pretty hard right hook.'
The man wore a tight fitting long-sleeved shirt, battered black jeans, ripped old boots, and a mask without any eye holes in. He seemed to be in a lot of pain, letting out an Aaargh! noise as he collapsed into a seat nearby.
@Hospes @Kaykay

Huhhh? Who was that guy? Teresa didn't know, but it didn't really matter. No, what mattered was that this guy seemed to be in a lot of pain. Now, Teresa seemed to sober up a tiny bit, seeming rather alarmed. "U-uhh.. H-hang on..!" Immediately, she went on alert, unsteadily patting herself down in search of something.. But it looked like she wasn't finding it yet.

@Mighty Roman @Kaykay

"I left to go back to work and come back to this shit? I should've known better than to come back."

Erron Black is not amused.

"I almost want to clean up their mess for them. Maybe you want to help clean...?"

After Kagura was back on her feet, Teresa immediately released his hand, seeming to keep a bit more to herself. Surprisingly enough, being kissed hadn't seemed to make her sober up - she just still wasn't happy with it, even drunk. What a gal, huh?

Upon the male offering to let her punch him again, she loosely shrugged her shoulders before seeming to rear up for another punch. "If you say sooo.." And then she went in for it... Only for her to, instead of punch him, Pat his cheek, rather, with a goofy grin. "I think I already got the point across.. Just know that if ya do it again, I won't hesitate to hit somewhere much worse."

...Uh, that was a joke, right? Hopefully that grin meant it was a joke.

Huhhh? Who was that guy? Teresa didn't know, but it didn't really matter. No, what mattered was that this guy seemed to be in a lot of pain. Now, Teresa seemed to sober up a tiny bit, seeming rather alarmed. "U-uhh.. H-hang on..!" Immediately, she went on alert, unsteadily patting herself down in search of something.. But it looked like she wasn't finding it yet.

@Mighty Roman @Kaykay
Kagura closed his eyes to brace for impact. He'd offered, after all. But of course it turned out she wasn't that vengeful at the moment. A grin spread across his own face as she simply patted him instead.


"Yeah, don't worry. Won't happen again. Promise." For an instant, an almost scared look crossed his face before he resumed grinning. He could never tell if she was serious or what. Hm... "So, how about we continue to that water pa- woah."

Some guy who covered his own eyes? Blind, maybe? But then how'd he know it was a right hook?

"...She does. You okay there, buddy?"

@Crimson Spartan @Mighty Roman @Hospes

Kagura closed his eyes to brace for impact. He'd offered, after all. But of course it turned out she wasn't that vengeful at the moment. A grin spread across his own face as she simply patted him instead.


"Yeah, don't worry. Won't happen again. Promise." For an instant, an almost scared look crossed his face before he resumed grinning. He could never tell if she was serious or what. Hm... "So, how about we continue to that water pa- woah."

Some guy who covered his own eyes? Blind, maybe? But then how'd he know it was a right hook?

"...She does. You okay there, buddy?"

@Crimson Spartan @Mighty Roman @Hospes

Luckily, it seemed that Teresa didn't really notice him grinning at her, because she probably would've been annoyed if she had. Granted, she didn't notice the scared expression that had briefly appeared after her threat, either. That probably would've gotten a more amused reaction, than anything else. After all, she was at least partially joking.


Teresa did nod when Kagura agreed to make sure it didn't happen again, seeming content with that promise. "Good," she replied, still grinning slightly. That hopefully meant she'd been joking...

In any case, the Reaper hardly seemed to pay attention to the rest of what Kagura was saying. She was still trying to find something, it seemed, and eventually.. She did. It was what looked to be a small pin, and the moment that she pulled it out? She started to drop it - and went into an unintentional, comical display of trying to catch it.. Before ending up dropping it, and toppling to the ground with it. "Oof!"


"Ahh.. There it is...!" she murmured, reaching to snatch the pin off of the ground triumphantly before wobbily and unsteadily clambering back to her feet... Before turning her attention to Daredevil again. "Ahh, here.. I can heal you with this."

@Kaykay @Mighty Roman

"Um... I'm lost. Like... really lost."

@just because​


"...Do you require assistance?"

@Gummi Bunnies


The blonde simply tilted her head slightly, before looking around, quietly. "..Where is it that you're looking to go? I can offer my assistance, if need be."

@Gummi Bunnies

"I was actually thinking on where I could find some kind of snack bar around here. All of the wandering around has got me tired and stuff."


"I was actually thinking on where I could find some kind of snack bar around here. All of the wandering around has got me tired and stuff."


This earned a thoughtful pause from the woman, and she seemed to consider this. "..I don't know if there is a 'snack bar' around. There's a kitchen or a regular bar," she responded, speaking with a bit of a monotone.

@Gummi Bunnies

The man winced in pain again, almost doubling over in his chair. Blood was coming from his leg, staining the black shirt as he doubled over.
'Okay? Not..so...much.' He usually wouldn't let people tend to his injuries, instead struggling to patch them up while Foggy and Karen were out. He'd only let that Doctor help him because she found him unconscious in some trash.
'How's...ghhh...you're pin badge going to help?' 'I'm sure I can...deal with it m-myself.'
That was clearly a lie. As he tried standing up, he called out and fell back into the chair. But then again, Foggy had always told him that he was terrible at accepting help, even from his friends.

He was by no means a medical expert, (with his only experience being patching up his father's wounds after a particularly brutal fight), but he knew that collectible pins couldn't fix a stab wound. Or they couldn't to his knowledge.
@Hospes @Kaykay

The man winced in pain again, almost doubling over in his chair. Blood was coming from his leg, staining the black shirt as he doubled over.
'Okay? Not..so...much.' He usually wouldn't let people tend to his injuries, instead struggling to patch them up while Foggy and Karen were out. He'd only let that Doctor help him because she found him unconscious in some trash.
'How's...ghhh...you're pin badge going to help?' 'I'm sure I can...deal with it m-myself.'
That was clearly a lie. As he tried standing up, he called out and fell back into the chair. But then again, Foggy had always told him that he was terrible at accepting help, even from his friends.

He was by no means a medical expert, (with his only experience being patching up his father's wounds after a particularly brutal fight), but he knew that collectible pins couldn't fix a stab wound. Or they couldn't to his knowledge.
@Hospes @Kaykay

Seeming to have sobered up after her little fall, Teresa could only sigh when Daredevil asked her how a badge would help him. It would be terribly hard to explain.. So she figured she'd just have to demonstrate.


"...Just sit still, alright?" she requested, moving a little closer to the man before lifting her arm towards him. The pin was clutched firmly in her hand, and she began working it's magic. It'd take a minute for her to complete the healing process... But it'd hopefully do wonders for the pain Matt was in.

@Mighty Roman @Kaykay

Seeming to have sobered up after her little fall, Teresa could only sigh when Daredevil asked her how a badge would help him. It would be terribly hard to explain.. So she figured she'd just have to demonstrate.


"...Just sit still, alright?" she requested, moving a little closer to the man before lifting her arm towards him. The pin was clutched firmly in her hand, and she began working it's magic. It'd take a minute for her to complete the healing process... But it'd hopefully do wonders for the pain Matt was in.

@Mighty Roman @Kaykay

The man winced in pain again, almost doubling over in his chair. Blood was coming from his leg, staining the black shirt as he doubled over.
'Okay? Not..so...much.' He usually wouldn't let people tend to his injuries, instead struggling to patch them up while Foggy and Karen were out. He'd only let that Doctor help him because she found him unconscious in some trash.
'How's...ghhh...you're pin badge going to help?' 'I'm sure I can...deal with it m-myself.'
That was clearly a lie. As he tried standing up, he called out and fell back into the chair. But then again, Foggy had always told him that he was terrible at accepting help, even from his friends.

He was by no means a medical expert, (with his only experience being patching up his father's wounds after a particularly brutal fight), but he knew that collectible pins couldn't fix a stab wound. Or they couldn't to his knowledge.
@Hospes @Kaykay
Kagura chuckled a little as she fumbled around, though it wasn't like he was much more coordinated for the moment.

"...Huh, you can use Ars Magus?" Probably made sense to him...maybe not anyone else. Except maybe Noel, but she seemed black-out drunk at the moment. It sure didn't look like medicine, and Teresa sure as hell didn't look like a mage, so it had to be Ars Magus, didn't it? Still, a little pin or badge or whatever was an...interesting way to heal. "Where'd you learn to do that?"

"Oh yeah, and the blind guy. What's your name? No need to push yourself. Take it easy, alright?"

@Hospes @Mighty Roman
Matt gritted his teeth to prevent himself from crying out again, but breathed heavily as the Badge began to work its magic. The wound on his leg almost resealed itself, the blood fading away, the flesh instantaneously stitching itself back together.
'Th-thanks. Hope that trick works twice. I once had to fix a broken hand-with my other hand.' most people would laugh at that, but in this guise, he was not the good-humoured Matt Murdock. He didn't know who he was. The legend of the Man in Black had spread around Hell's Kitchen like wildfire, but that was the only name he had. And wasn't one that he tended to use.
'Can't tell you my name. Or show you my face. That'd just put both of us in danger.'
He used his gloves to scrape some broken glass off of the surface of his boots. In reality, he was more grateful to Teresa than he could ever possibly express.
@Hospes @Kaykay
Kagura chuckled a little as she fumbled around, though it wasn't like he was much more coordinated for the moment.

"...Huh, you can use Ars Magus?" Probably made sense to him...maybe not anyone else. Except maybe Noel, but she seemed black-out drunk at the moment. It sure didn't look like medicine, and Teresa sure as hell didn't look like a mage, so it had to be Ars Magus, didn't it? Still, a little pin or badge or whatever was an...interesting way to heal. "Where'd you learn to do that?"

"Oh yeah, and the blind guy. What's your name? No need to push yourself. Take it easy, alright?"

@Hospes @Mighty Roman

When Kagura chuckled at her, Teresa seemed to become annoyed with him, ignoring him entirely for the time being... Well, up until he asked her if she could use a weird thingymabob she'd never heard of before that left her confused enough to break her stubborn silence. "..Ars Magus?" she repeated, the phrase obviously foreign to her. "...Never heard of that. This thing..." Slowly, she raised her hand to show the pin still clutched carefully in it. "..is called Thanx. It's one of my current pins," she explained, hardly thinking about the fact that might be something odd to say.

"..Anyways, I'm a Reaper. Death angel. Whatever you wanna call me. I've kinda had t'know this stuff for..." Man. How long had it been, now? She'd been living in Shibuya- been dead -for so long now. "..well, a long time, to say the least," she finished, though it was in a mutter.
Matt gritted his teeth to prevent himself from crying out again, but breathed heavily as the Badge began to work its magic. The wound on his leg almost resealed itself, the blood fading away, the flesh instantaneously stitching itself back together.
'Th-thanks. Hope that trick works twice. I once had to fix a broken hand-with my other hand.' most people would laugh at that, but in this guise, he was not the good-humoured Matt Murdock. He didn't know who he was. The legend of the Man in Black had spread around Hell's Kitchen like wildfire, but that was the only name he had. And wasn't one that he tended to use.
'Can't tell you my name. Or show you my face. That'd just put both of us in danger.'
He used his gloves to scrape some broken glass off of the surface of his boots. In reality, he was more grateful to Teresa than he could ever possibly express.
@Hospes @Kaykay

Sighing softly, Teresa shook her head, pulling a seat out to sit across from Matt. "No worries. It'll work as many times as I need it to. Kinda comes with the job." Granted... Considering she'd just called herself a Reaper, one would think the opposite - wouldn't they? Of course, that was a misconception, but it wasn't really the time to talk about that, huh? "..But listen, bud - nothin' you can do is going to put me in any danger. I've got a knack for escaping death and gettin' out of trouble that I shouldn't." Tch. The same thing that got those people calling me a demon and trying to sacrifice me all those years ago... "And as long as I'm around, I'll do my best to make sure nobody puts you in more danger. Not sure 'bout the slobbery kisser over there," she gestured to Kagura- though she knew Matt couldn't see it -, and was probably joking, "..but you can count on me."

There was a small pause, and she seemed to briefly grow thoughtful, before she seemed to recall something. "Oh, and don't worry about having to say your name or take off your mask if ya don't want. But.. I'm Teresa."

@Mighty Roman @Kaykay

This earned a thoughtful pause from the woman, and she seemed to consider this. "..I don't know if there is a 'snack bar' around. There's a kitchen or a regular bar," she responded, speaking with a bit of a monotone.

@Gummi Bunnies

"Oh... then let's check that out. Er... I'm Len Kagamine, by the way. And you?"

He sounded pretty timid for a boy his age. Well... what can you do?

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When Kagura chuckled at her, Teresa seemed to become annoyed with him, ignoring him entirely for the time being... Well, up until he asked her if she could use a weird thingymabob she'd never heard of before that left her confused enough to break her stubborn silence. "..Ars Magus?" she repeated, the phrase obviously foreign to her. "...Never heard of that. This thing..." Slowly, she raised her hand to show the pin still clutched carefully in it. "..is called Thanx. It's one of my current pins," she explained, hardly thinking about the fact that might be something odd to say.

"..Anyways, I'm a Reaper. Death angel. Whatever you wanna call me. I've kinda had t'know this stuff for..." Man. How long had it been, now? She'd been living in Shibuya- been dead -for so long now. "..well, a long time, to say the least," she finished, though it was in a mutter.

Sighing softly, Teresa shook her head, pulling a seat out to sit across from Matt. "No worries. It'll work as many times as I need it to. Kinda comes with the job." Granted... Considering she'd just called herself a Reaper, one would think the opposite - wouldn't they? Of course, that was a misconception, but it wasn't really the time to talk about that, huh? "..But listen, bud - nothin' you can do is going to put me in any danger. I've got a knack for escaping death and gettin' out of trouble that I shouldn't." Tch. The same thing that got those people calling me a demon and trying to sacrifice me all those years ago... "And as long as I'm around, I'll do my best to make sure nobody puts you in more danger. Not sure 'bout the slobbery kisser over there," she gestured to Kagura- though she knew Matt couldn't see it -, and was probably joking, "..but you can count on me."

There was a small pause, and she seemed to briefly grow thoughtful, before she seemed to recall something. "Oh, and don't worry about having to say your name or take off your mask if ya don't want. But.. I'm Teresa."

@Mighty Roman @Kaykay
"Huh? Y'know, the basis of society and...oh yeah. Guess not everybody's from there here, huh? Never mind that, then. A pin. That's interes- wait, a death angel? Like, a grim reaper? ...Well, I guess you've got a killer body there, huh?"

Kagura seemed to just shrug the title off, more or less. Were he more sober he probably would've inquired more, but for now he'd rather just crack a joke. Though at her gesture, he raised both hands defensively, even if the guy couldn't see either movement. "Hey, hey, I'm totally trustworthy. Can't blame a drunk guy for being drunk, right? And, well, I'm Kagura. Kagura Mutsuki. Nice to meet you Mr. Mysterious. Though you can trust me. If we get into trouble I'll just put'em under arrest. Alright?"

@Hospes @Mighty Roman

"Oh... then let's check that out. Er... I'm Len Kagamine, by the way. And you?"

He sounded pretty timid for a boy his age. Well... what can you do?



The blonde woman simply nodded quietly in response, before tilting her head at Len. "Which do you prefer to go to?" she asked, politely.. Before adding, "My name is Setsuna."

@Gummi Bunnies
"Huh? Y'know, the basis of society and...oh yeah. Guess not everybody's from there here, huh? Never mind that, then. A pin. That's interes- wait, a death angel? Like, a grim reaper? ...Well, I guess you've got a killer body there, huh?"

Kagura seemed to just shrug the title off, more or less. Were he more sober he probably would've inquired more, but for now he'd rather just crack a joke. Though at her gesture, he raised both hands defensively, even if the guy couldn't see either movement. "Hey, hey, I'm totally trustworthy. Can't blame a drunk guy for being drunk, right? And, well, I'm Kagura. Kagura Mutsuki. Nice to meet you Mr. Mysterious. Though you can trust me. If we get into trouble I'll just put'em under arrest. Alright?"

@Hospes @Mighty Roman


Hm. The basis of society, huh? Hope he knows he's lucky to have one. Wish I'd had that nicety.. But all I had was an agency that was a cluster of lies and killers. Regardless of those angsty thoughts, the girl just shrugged it off. "Yeah, we clearly aren't from around the same parts," she affirmed, absently. Of course, being compared to the infamous 'grim reapers' only made the female snicker. "Not exactly. Grim Reapers take lives... We give people a chance to get them back when they die..-" she explained, only to trail off at Kagura's joke.


Apparently, she didn't find it as funny as Kagura probably intended. Teresa Agnes was a killer. Or.. She had been. A long, long time ago. Back when WICKED had made her into some pawn. It was something that she hated considering herself to be, but it had been in the name of protecting others. It had been out of good intention... But was something that she didn't want to be. So, naturally, she didn't take well to even jokes about her being 'killer'. Luckily for Kagura, though, she refrained from going off on him about it.

From then on out, she was just.. Quiet, again. For now, anyways.

@Mighty Roman @Kaykay


Hm. The basis of society, huh? Hope he knows he's lucky to have one. Wish I'd had that nicety.. But all I had was an agency that was a cluster of lies and killers. Regardless of those angsty thoughts, the girl just shrugged it off. "Yeah, we clearly aren't from around the same parts," she affirmed, absently. Of course, being compared to the infamous 'grim reapers' only made the female snicker. "Not exactly. Grim Reapers take lives... We give people a chance to get them back when they die..-" she explained, only to trail off at Kagura's joke.


Apparently, she didn't find it as funny as Kagura probably intended. Teresa Agnes was a killer. Or.. She had been. A long, long time ago. Back when WICKED had made her into some pawn. It was something that she hated considering herself to be, but it had been in the name of protecting others. It had been out of good intention... But was something that she didn't want to be. So, naturally, she didn't take well to even jokes about her being 'killer'. Luckily for Kagura, though, she refrained from going off on him about it.

From then on out, she was just.. Quiet, again. For now, anyways.

@Mighty Roman @Kaykay

"Huh...Not what I expected from the word 'Reaper' but it's definitely better that way, I guess. I'd have hated to have to arrest you," he said jokingly. It was just a strange title, as the number one criminal in his world had been given the title "The Grim Reaper." But overall for a criminal he wasn't bad at all, so no harm done, eh? At least, not in that regard. She seemed to not take his joke very well.


"...please don't punch me."

@Hospes @Mighty Roman
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
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The ghastly scythe dug deep into Raditz's tail flesh, slicing it clean off. The Saiyan Warrior then shrunk down into his original form and, cutting his losses, fled the scene
(Decided to write Raditz out in preparation for the Christmas, due to the fact that this fight takes place within the flux, a common place for Rpers to test out new characters, instead of in the fighting arena; sorry for the anticlimax)
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