The Minefield Marriage

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"Nah, I'm fine." He replied, leaning his cheek into her hand. Then he chuckled softly. "No I'm not, you are though; especially with your little snores."
Lily giggle. She slowly stood her hand on her side and held her hand down to him. "Ready to see my aunt love. I promise she nothing like my parents"
Once she was standing, Bastien took Lily's hand and pulled himself off the ground. "I'm ready." A relived sigh escaping his lips to hear her aunt was nothing like her parents. "Good."
Lily smile and stroke his arm. "Yeah so don't worry" she walk slowly inside and smile seeing her aunt. She hug her and her aunt look at bastien. "Thank you for saving my niece" she hug him kiss on cheek. She had lily sit and stroke her hair back. "You doing okay dear?"
"I am. Much better now that I have bastien and I'm not in that home" lily said soflry
"Good. I heard what had happened and I got here as fast as I could" her aunt said
They talk for a few hours then lily fell asleep her head on bastien lap and her aunt look at him. "I know lily she hide how really is doing and say she is good to make others happy. How is she really? How are you doing?"
Bastien smiled back and nodded his head, if Lily said she was fine then he'd believe his future queen. "You're welcome." He was quite taken back by the kiss on the cheek and the hug. He had not been expecting such a warm welcome. While the two talked, he had a servant bring them some tea and thanked them before taking his cup and then a sip from it. Once Lily was asleep he was gently stroking her hair before his attention turned to her aunt. "I think she's doing very well, she's still a bit sad and likes she's troubled me but I can tell she's getting over it." When he was asked about himself he shrugged. "I'm happy, I have Lily now but I wish her parents hadn't treated her the way they did."
"I'm glad. I can tell she is very happy with you and in love with you." Her aunt smile softly. "Me to. All these years I never knew what my brother had done or how he lied to lily who her mother is. I do remmeber the servant though he always watched she her red hair like lily"
Lily shifted wince and held onto bastien leg as she slept.
Bastien had a feeling Lily was happy with him but he wasn't sure about her being in love with him just yet. "I should have hurt them, at least got some revenge on them for Lily. Every fiber of my being wants to but I do if I do I'd disappoint her." He sighed. Then when she winced, he gently moved his hand to rub his thumb against her cheek.
"I know. Don't worry me to. The fact that you think of her how she whole feel mean you have a good heart." The aunt smile watch how he is with her. "If your okay with it I do wish to go speak to them. I have a few words I want to say and I think I might be able to get her father to tell us where lily birth mother is" she offer
Lily relaxed with his touch.
Bastien sighed softly and nodded his head. "Thank you." It seemed everyone thought that way about him lately. Well expect for Lily's parents; they thought he was a monster or demon. "That's fine with me but make sure to take a guard with you incase they try anything." He advised, taking a glance at Lily.
"I will. If lily wake and I'm not back don't tell her where I went she wil worry" the aunt smile and took a guard walk down to the cells. She walk up to her brother cell. "Hello brother. How is the cell?" She growled

Lily turn lay on her back held his hand. She smile in her sleep dreaming of them happy.
"Don't worry, I'll tell her you went to talk with my parents." Bastien replied, watching her leave and returned his attention to his sleeping princess.

"Dearest sister, how good of you to come visit me." The ex-king chuckled and sit a gob of blood off to his side. "Come to gloat have we?"

"My beautiful princess." He whispered softly and gave her hand a gentle squeeze.
Lily held his hand in her sleep stroke the top of his hand. She smile in her sleep mumur "bastien I'm falling in love with you. I can't wait to marry" she was dreaming of them relaxing on the beach and talk in her sleep.

"No came to ask why you treat lily that way? What happen to the brother who was caring and sweet and protected me? What happen to the man who protect his little girl? Why you treat her so horrible she consider to have you killed instead stand trial by the kingdom?" She ask glaring at his wife. "Your just a witch"

The ex queen growls. "Don't speak to me that way!"
Bastien closed his eyes and simply relaxed with a smile. When she began to murmur, he cracked open an eye and instantly a dark blush appeared on his face. "Wh-what? She actually is?" He could feel his own face heating up.

The ex-king snorted and shook his head. "It's simple, I couldn't stand knowing I had fooled around with a servant too much and she gave birth to an 'bastard' heir." He remarked then yawned slightly. "Any man can turn dark an evil, look at that prince that laps at my daughter's heels; he's already a beast but soon he'll be a demon. Looks at the rumors and stories about his brother."
Liy shifted lay on her side buried her face in his stomach sleeping. She snore quietly and softly.

The aunt growled grab his shirt and pull him to hit the bar with his head. "She the only child you have! You had none with your queen you only had lily bastard child or not she your little girl. How could you kick lily mother out? Where you send her?" She hissed "he is different from his brother and lily won't let that happen. He isn't a demon never will be and is in love with lily and protect her and care for her. So shut up! Now where is lily mother?!"
"And there's the cute snore." Bastien chuckled and gently started to stroke her hair again.

The King grumbled shaking his head after it slammed into the bar, though the guard did nothing to stop it. "It's simple, my queen couldn't have children, Lily was needed to pass on my line and make a true heir. I kicked her out because only Lily was needed, if her mother was around she could have undermined my rule." Then he snorted as his sister talked about the boy. "I live in darkness and I can see someone who's on its path. That boy is waiting for a reason to start his descent." He replied then spit. "I don't know where the servant went."
Lily slowly woke. "Bastien" she smile soflry and slowly sat up lean against him. "Was I snoring again?"

Her aunt growled and glared at him. "The difference he has lily who will be there and help him. He won't not with his parents lily and me around to make sure he might good choices which he has so far. I hope the kingdom choose a slow death for you and your wife cause I will gladly take a knife and cut your balls off" she spit at him and left

The ex queen yelled. "We won't go without a fight!"
Bastien looked down and then over at Lily once she woke up and leaned against him. "Just a little." He chuckled.

"Even with people like you around, he'll still fall and become worse than me." The King laughed and swayed in his chains. "Oh but that's on the outside, inside he's just dying to get his hands on us to torture out of pleasure." He taunted and then laughed at his sister's empty threat before sitting back.

"We'll still lose, he might be a demon, but he's smart. We played into his hands." The ex king chuckled.
The aunt furious went back to bastien and lily.

Lily blush and smile relax against him. She saw her aunt and ask what happened. She held bastien hand worried.

Her aunt told them everything.
Lily look at bastien "he wrong it won't happen to you"
Bastien jsut kept his arms around Lily with a small yawn. Maybe he's have to get another nap in once everythign settled down.

The servant came by, picking up their tea glasses and the pot before leaving.

Sighing slightly, he moved an arm away so he could rub the back of his neck. "Doesn't really surprise me he'd say that." But he smiled sadly at Lily and kissed her cheek. "We can only wait and see."
Lily caress his cheek gently and kiss his cheek. "It won't happen I promise. Your a good man and fiancé soon husband" she hug him buried her face in his neck
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