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The Magicians {private plot discussion}

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Whoops! My mistake! I'll make the edits to the world locations.

Okay, so Rena performs puppet shows now. Genesis, have you decided on her main skill yet? Or are the puppet shows her main skill? If she hasn't figured out exactly what she's come to the city to do, that's fine (but unusual for a witch who's finished her apprenticeship already). I do like the foreign language you've created for her. Nice touch.

Once both of you answer the questions, I think I'll have enough to start!

Oh, and Fox, thank you for the ice cream pictures! They were adorable. :)
  • [BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]Has Rena made her presence publicly known? Has she revealed that she's a witch?[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]It is not yet known whether or not she is a witch. People have their suspicions due to her intricate puppet shows, though.[/BCOLOR]

  • [BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]Declan's neighborhood is east of the castle - the Royal School of Magic - at the center of the city. Where does Rena live in relation to the castle? Is it likely she and Declan have crossed paths?[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]Not sure. She lives in the bar and I don't know if you planned where that was yet.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)][/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]She hasn't really figured about a big use for her magic at the moment. Also, she hopes to soon find if there is a Black Market being run. She makes good poisons and the like.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)][/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]Anything else you need?[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)][/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]Oh! You know that fantasy-like snowy forest setting? Where the snow only covers small patches and the rest is clear? I saw that on the hike. It was beautiful![/BCOLOR]
Okie dokie! Thanks for your answers, Genesis! Also, I hadn't read your posts closely enough - sorry! I see now that Rena puts on puppet shows on the side and works as a barmaid as her main source of income. *Hint hint* There is indeed a black market in the shadier areas of Pensgate! I fully encourage you to explore/create this facet of the city. :)

I've edited and updated the list of locations within Pensgate to include Rena's place of work/residence (The Fallen Lion) and Staruburst Street where Eliza lives and works. To clarify, I've also made Florent's Gallery a central district. Almost everything borders the gallery, even if only by a narrow street or single building.

I want to go on a winter hike now!
  • Though she's only been in the city one day, has she also made herself known as a witch?
  • Is word spreading about her talent or is her skill still a mystery?
  • Where is Eliza currently staying? An inn? Renting a room from a resident? Working in someone's townhouse? Is she - heaven forbid - on the streets? O_O
Eliza hasn't established a reputation as a witch yet, at the moment nobody is aware of it and she doesn't know Declan and Rena are in the city either. Her skill is still a mystery, and at the moment she's renting a room on top of an antique store and working as the owner's assistant. She plants to settle down a little before making her magic known. Though, outside the antique store there is now a poster that says we accept deliveries :D!

And she's currently living in Starburst Street :D


A winter hike does sound lovely ^w^
Thanks for your responses, Fox. It looks like we did cover some of that information already!

Okay, folks. I think we're ready to start! As it is the very beginning and our characters will be in different locations, I plan to introduce some indirect events to which your characters can respond (if you so desire them to). Let's get the wheels a-turnin'! :D
Yay, I'm looking forward to RPing with you both :D! This looks like it's going to be a blast.
Yay! This'll be great! Also, would either Eliza or Declan have visited the bar?
Eliza's only been in Pensgate for two days, so she hasn't been to the bar yet ^^

She might go in the future to look around, but I don't think it'd be a regular place to chill for her xD
K then. I'm ready to start whenever! Rena will be working her shift, then. Well, I already planned for her to be, but now it's definite.
Same here :D! Eliza will most likely be wandering around town with Kit, in an attempt to familiarize herself with the area.
Messages received! Apparently I had written out a post last week (and totally forgot about it). It's a far cry from what I wrote last night (and much better, IMHO). So I need to do some editing. My next opportunity to write is this evening, but as I have work at 5am the following day, it's unlikely I'll get anything up tonight. Friday is my best bet. Thursday if I'm very productive. :)

Also, Genesis, what does the Fallen Lion look like? What's the atmosphere? Who are its regular patrons?

The season will be winter and the time of day will be evening.
The Fallen Lion
The Fallen Lion is a warm and friendly tavern. It can fit about 50 patrons at once. There are dozens of maple wood tables ranging from large to small in size. The counter is polished chestnut and around 15-20 meters long. A large fireplace takes up most of the middle of the wall opposite the counter. Walking in through the front door, the counter is on the left wall and the fire on the right. A space about 8 meters wide in the corner is for hyunai fights. Patrons love to bet. Everyone is normally good-tempered and helpful, the beautiful bartender most of all.

A few of the outstanding patrons would be:

Looker- Looker is a drunk perv who enjoys harassing females who visit the tavern. As long as he doesn't go too far, he is allowed to drink.

Behemoth ("Moth")- The best fighter in the tavern, so far.

Lucille- Heh. She's part of our... Entertainment staff. One of the more popular ones.

Rosa- Rena's older "sister." She took Rena in when she first got to the city and helped her find a job.

Elaijah- The owner of The Fallen Lion, age 35, whom offered Rena a job. He is good-natured and even participates in the hyunai fights. His ancestry is unknown, but his parents taught him some words from the ancient, almost forgotten language of his ancestors.

{hyunai- Basically means "chance" (as in betting) in Elaijah's ancestors' language.}
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Wonderful, Genesis! I'm impressed at all the detail here, and I love the glimpse of life and culture you gave through the descriptions. And more characters! I'm always excited about that! :)

Okay you two, I'll start to edit/rewrite my post tomorrow (didn't get any writing done yesterday and today I'm positively beat). I hope you guys have a great Friday and weekend!
Awesome :D! I shall have a reply up sometime during the weekend then, I hope you're all doing great!

And just a heads up, but I'm going to be gone from the 23rd to the 28th or the 29th. I hope it isn't too much trouble :c, I'm going to an island with family and relatives and I'm not sure if there'll be wifi. I'm going to bring my mobile wifi, but I'm also not sure if there'll be a signal and even if there will be one, I won't be bringing my laptop >-<)/ once again, sorry about that.

Also, I have some additional info to toss in as well~

The Antique Store [The Treasure Trove]


Eliza is renting the spare room above Mrs. Appleberry's antique shop. The Treasure Trove is full of old furniture, vases and all sorts of knick knacks, some stranger than the others. In Mrs. Appleberry's shop, you'll find anything from old, expensive mirrors, fedoras and statues to weird bobble-heads or barracuda trophies.

In front of the shop is a sign with Kit's picture that says, "We now have a delivery service."

Mrs. Appleberry: (Florence Appleberry)

Mrs. Appleberry is in her early seventies and she lost her husband five years ago to a heart attack. The knick knack shop used to belong to the both of them but now she runs it alone, occasionally she gets help from her favorite grandson Jeffrey, but most of the time she hires people. Despite her age, Mrs. Appleberry is a cheerful woman who enjoys baking and collecting knick knacks, she also loves stories and getting visits from her children.

Mrs. Appleberry has white hair that she keeps in a tidy bun. She can still walk around, but she uses a cane for support.

Jeffrey Appleberry:

Mrs. Appleberry's favorite grandson. When he isn't chasing after girls or daydreaming, seventeen-year-old Jeffrey can usually be found at the antique shop. He and his grandmother are close and he loves helping around, especially because his grandma always bakes him a plate of her amazing chocolate chip cookies. Jeffrey is a curious teen who's always out to have a good time. He likes to laugh and tease, but he's also very hardworking. He's mostly a good kid though like most people his age, he's pretty much always looking to have a good time.

Jeffrey's mom and dad run a bakery, but he still thinks his grandma's cookies are the best.

He has an eight year old sister named Mabel, and while he loves teasing her, he's a pretty protective older brother.

Jeffrey is a tall fellow with messy blond hair and freckles.
I have made some changes to "The Fallen Lion" post. Just a few small things. I would recommend looking back at it.
I'm loving all the side characters xD, sounds like things are going to be awesome~!

And this is unrelated to the topic, but Genesis, how do you make those tables with tabs? I checked out your Tear of Soul RP and that box with the IC, OOC and skill thing looks pretty awesome :D

How did you make it xD?
Here is the layout and the explanation:

I am using {...] in place of [...]

{tabs]{tab=In Character](Insert your In Character post here.){/tab]{tab=Inventory and Stats]{table]{tr]{td]Kur-{/td]{td]0{/td]{/tr]{tr]{td]Lvl-{/td]{td]1{/td]{/tr]{tr]{td]Exp-{/td]{td]0/1490{/td]{/tr]{/table]
{table]{tr]{td]Stats-{/td]{td]To Be Determined{/td]{/tr]{/table]{/tab]{tab=Skills]To Be Determined{/tab]{/tabs]

And now I am using {...}

{tabs} creates a tab box in your post.
{tab=...} creates a tab in the box. "..." would be the title.
{table} creates a table, which we use for our Kur/Stats/Exp.
{tr} creates a new row in the table.
{td} creates a new cell in the row.

If you need to reuse it, it's easier to copy, paste, and replace.
Thanks a bunch, for both the layout and the explanation, Genesis ^^!
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