The Luck of the Dice (Rufiya&Tomoko)

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"Not all the answers we need but it can give us a couple of hints." Miranda told him, making a childish count-down from ten and then opening it quickly with a Ta-Da! The sunlight hit the box perfectly, shining the white pearl-like stones that decorated the neck border. "Its the wedding dress, maybe we can track down the shop. After the ring." Miranda told him.
"I should really check my bank account I'm getting this feeling." He said jokingly. He may have lost everything he worked for but he did have a lot of money he lived alone in a very tiny apartment and had a very good job that left him a lot of savings. He never gave that away though he dressed normal he didn't buy a fancy car he blended in. "Okay then how do we go about tracking the shop from this dress?" This dress must have looked amazing on her. Maybe if they did this right they' find the place they got hitched and maybe they'd have photos. He couldn't imagine her in this super dress beside him in his street clothes. He hadn't found a tux anywhere.
Miranda nodded. "Sounds like a plan. But we can't just leave this here unguarded in my bedroom so I'll just take it with us okay?" Miranda then asked, concerned for such a beautiful dress, that was supposedly her's. She followed Clyde out, carrying the box because she refused letting him carry it. As he opened the door for her like he normally would she jumped inside, bringing her legs up to the crossed position she was sitting in yesterday, the box in her lap.

"I'll search for the tag.." Miranda notified him as he turned on the engine of the car. After a while she spoke up. "Okay, so it actually belongs to this one bridal shop, Yeah I know why would we go there? I mean it is normal for couples to go there if they wed, but not something you'd do for a one-nighter. But anyway its here.."
He did not understand why she was bringing that with her. But whatever maybe seeing the dress would help the people remember. He drove them to the shop the whole time sipping his coffee. He was not a morning person and she clearly was. She was going a mile a minute and he was barely able to keep up they got to the bridal shop and he got out then opened her door for her. "Here's hoping this is helpful." He tagged along after her since it was her dress.
Miranda didn't really mind the lack of energy coming form Clyde, she was often very energetic in the mornings so sometimes it would make night people seem more tired then they were, she learned this as she was the only morning person in her family. She walked inside, beautiful dresses hanging everywhere, at first she was mesmerized, but then she turned to the wall and saw a collection of photos, each framed, each one a different couple.

"Clyde! Look!" Miranda said pointing at the first photo on the third row, that photo entailing a very red-faced Miranda and a messy Clyde. Anybody in their right minds could tell that they were drunk in the photo, in fact the only beautiful thing that was there was the dress that she wore. Under the photos were the names Joshua and Marisa, Miranda assumed that those were the names that came to mind in their drunk haze. It was only when a lady appeared behind the counter did Miranda look away.

"Oh my gosh! I remember you twoo~" The girl giggled, even outmatching Miranda in terms of energy. "You look so much better when you guys are sober!"

"Yeah, well is it possible that you can take down that photo? It looks terrible." Miranda begged, forgetting about their original mission.

"Nope~ Company policy all photos must be kept up there I don't wanna get fired."

"Really? There's no exceptions at all?"

"Well unless you retake it, to make yourselves look better it'll be up there for everybody to see."

Miranda turned towards Clyde, seeing if he had heard the conversation.
Clyde was blinded by the new woman's energy. "Were here for information not for a photo shoot. But if you want to retake the photo I might have something kind of formal I could wear." He kept sipping his coffee. Why was he even going along with it. He did not know what had he gotten himself into. "Joshua and Marisa huh? We couldn't even remember our own names." He muttered to himself.
The younger girl behind the counter giggled, again her over-powering prescence slowly draining the energy from Miranda. "On don't worry about clothes you can borrow one of our suits~ Most of this stuff is renting only, except that dress in the photo. I was surprised when your husband bought it for you just for this photo shoot. It's the most expensive in our stock."

Miranda turned back to see Clyde looking at their photos hoping he hadn't heard that part. "Yeah we'll retake it." Miranda then said seeing Clyde was more or less okay with it. "I'll just take you to make-up then, And you mister hubby you wait here and choose out a suit." The girl then said, coming out from behind the counter, tugging Miranda into another room.

"Just so you know, our names are actually Miranda and Clyde." Miranda said as she slipped into the seat in front of a mirror.

"Oh yeah. I was wondering that when you after you guys drunkenly left. Are the two of you gonna get a divorce or something? You would not believe how many times that has happened." She replied, slightly calmer then before.

"...I think we are. Yeah I guess." Miranda said after a while.

"You don't sound to confident."

"Maybe because I'm not."
'Your going to wear a suit for this woman you just met and got shackled too?!' His brain screamed at him. Was he really going to put on a suit and have a fake wedding display just to appease her. I mean he apparently bought her that dress and dented his bank account she might as well get a chance to look stunning in it not drunk and haggard. Plus she couldn't do the shoot alone. He had a thought he had to tell Miranda right away he knocked on the door. "Hey this is kinda important. Can I come in?"
Miranda was getting the finishing touches done on her hair as the knock came, the earlier girl, named Emma winked and left via another door. She looked in the mirror, her hair was tied up elegantly like it was when she went to the casinos, her makeup light but still making her brown eyes somehow a shade lighter, she had already changed into the dress, the shoulder's up visible under the see-through floral patterns. She hurried over to the door, afraid of his possible reaction to her looks. She opened the door, expecting the worst.
Clyde was going to speak the moment the door opened but she stole his words and his breath. "You were beautiful and stunning before but now your just a vision of an angel." He didn't mean to say that out loud but he didn't care after a moment of shock he said that. He smiled. "I do mean every bit of that. Your heavenly. I am suddenly very glad we did this photo shoot." He almost wished they could have a real wedding he almost wished that angel before him could be his. His thought forgotten for now. "I can't remember what I was going to say so I'll go get dressed now." He had a hard time turning away he wanted to keep this vision of her forever.
Miranda opened the door honestly surprised by his reaction, it took a few seconds before the words he spoke registered in her mind and the moment it did she began blushing so much, her face was as warm as a person with fever and she didn't know what to say, but a bitter-sweet feeling found her as he turned to leave and change. She wanted to hear him compliment her more but then what would happen after that? She didn't know. What was he planning on telling her though? She wasn't able to contemplate on it more, as Emma came back inside ushering Miranda back into her seat.
He put on a white button up shirt some black slacks black dress shoes and a grey vest. He refused to wear a tux jacket that was not his style. He stared at himself in the mirror and felt sad this moment was bittersweet they would stand there like a real married couple looking beautiful and happy. He was developing feelings for her. And she was going to leave. He knew it. But heavens did she look stunning it was worth every bit of money and time. He walked out to where they would do the photo fidgeting uncomfortably with his cuffs.
Miranda had finished just a while earlier, Emma was preparing the camera for the photo-shoot while Miranda just stood in the white room, rubbing her sweaty palms together hopelessly trying to stop them from sweating, when she saw Clyde emerge into the room, messing around with the cuffs of his shirt. She couldn't help but smile at his laid-back attitude showing in his clothing, even though it hadn't been a long time since their first meeting she could tell it was just simply him.

She hurried over to him, taking the cuff into her own hands. "You look great as well.." Miranda commented, although she was to embarrassed to compliment him while looking into his eyes. After fixing his cuffs she returned where Emma had placed her waiting for Clyde to take his temporary spot next to her, temporary. The word rung out throughout her mind as Emma told them to get closer together, to act like a real couple.
Clyde pulled her close if this was going to be his only chance he'd enjoy it. "Just be calm and have fun." Clyde whispered to her. He smiled at her. And went through the motions Emma kept telling them to do until she said. "Why don't you love birds share a kiss." He froze staring at her. He was for it what about her. "Want to do it sweetheart?" He joked trying to keep the situation fun. He turned to her.
Miranda jumped slightly at the sudden pull from Clyde but her body relaxed in his arms, she nodded to his advice seeing as she might as well. The two of them played along with Emma telling them to do sappy pose after sappy pose and albeit she didn't want to admit, Miranda enjoyed doing, she laughed at Clyde's remarks and jokes but it was only when Emma mentioned a kiss did Miranda freeze.

She looked upwards at him, he was grinning at the proposal and she felt her cheeks blushing. Miranda stopped to think about it for a moment before nodding slowly. "O..Okay." Miranda tip-toed so it'd be easier for him, her blushing getting fiercer and fiercer, his lips were right there so close to hers and she felt her eyes close slowly in anticipation, it almost seemed that she was watching the experience from out of her body.
Clyde was honestly shocked she wanted to kiss him but so excited. He cupped her cheek met her eyes then leaned in and kissed her his eyes closed and he pulled her closer picking her up gently so she didn't have to stand on tip toes. It was the first time he'd kissed a girl he felt anything for an yes it was special. He didn't want it to end but when Emma stopped saying how cute they were and took her pictures he knew to set her down and end the kiss.
Miranda's could have sworn the kiss was making her float but it was probably just Clyde picking her up, her calf met her thighs and she wrapped her arms around his neck, losing herself generally within the kiss. It was only when Emma asked them to stop did she. The kiss was unreal to Miranda, her back covered with goosebumps and her mind was in such a happy state that she didn't notice she was being ushered back into the make up room to undress. She turned towards Clyde before the door was closed.

"Well, that was something." Emma chuckled as she helped Miranda untie the back part of the wedding dress

"Was it?" Miranda asked, her state of mind returning back to normal.

"Oh yeah, I swear if I hadn't told you to stop you guys looked like you were prepared for the honeymoon right then and there." Emma giggled as the dress fell to the ground, which Miranda picked up quickly. "You can keep the dress. And good luck with whatever you two are going through right now." Emma told her after Miranda eventually finished changing/packing.

Miranda nodded, smiling at her new friend before exiting towards the lobby looking for Clyde.
Clyde still felt it every where her body had contacted his a warm glow. He got changed fast and waited in the lobby. 'You know this isn't so bad your 27 maybe it is time to slow down. Take Charlottes advice let her in don't just let this die.' He thought to himself. She walked out and he smiled at her. "That was fun. Though we are still no closer to answers. Guess that leaves the ring shop?" He opened her car door as always. "This has actually been fun. I came here to escape what happened and boy has this mystery really stolen all my attention and kept me happily distracted. I got very stabbed in the back lost my job lost everything I worked for years of hard work gone. Mostly cause I lost my temper but I'm kind of in the okay for losing my temper. That is why I'm here in Vegas if you were curious. I realized I never told you." He smiled at her and started the car. 'Real smooth you totally made sense for randomly saying that. But I did open up.' He thought to himself.
She met Clyde in the lobby, smiling slightly. She could tell she was blushing just a tad. "Oh yeah, it's been quite the adventure." Miranda smiled waiting for him to get in the car before she grabbed their drunken picture together taking it out and leaving the frame as Emma had requested earlier. She met him in the car, the photo already folded up he began to tell her more about his reasons being here pretty much revealing the whole thing now.

"So it's my turn right? Well, lets start from the beginning I guess. I was in College, majoring in English when I met this one guy..Trevor. Back then I was very shy and never went out to parties and one day he invited me out of the blue. I came there dressed all geeky and stuff so he had his sister give me style, right then at that night I got these high-lights and after that we began to hang out more. He helped me crawl out of this shell and it wasn't really a surprise when we announced us dating, there was a much bigger surprise when we said we were gonna get married though. At first it was..nice. I thought he really loved me, and I thought I really loved him. But it was when he wanted me to dress in super-tight clothing or wear this amount of makeup did I notice something was wrong. I confronted him, we decided to get a divorce then the whole process just suffocated me and when it was over I, ironically swore to never marry again." Miranda confessed, looking at Clyde as they drove to the ring store.

"But yeah, I'm fine now." Miranda continued after a while the hand closest to her reaching out for the one he kept on the handbrake but she stopped midway, reluctant that the feeling she had right now was not mutual.
Clyde was surprised she just opened up. "Guys like that are scumbags girls aren't trophies you can't put em on display. I hope he learned his lesson. He sure as hell lost on heck of a gal and that must have stung." He figured he'd let her fully into his story. Let her see the depth of how bad he messed up and had been messed up. "One of the people I called my friend he framed me for embezzling funds. I lost my temper I proved my innocence but I was just too mad I said some things. 7 years of progress lost in a matter of minutes. My name was sullied my job gone I could not stay there even now if I go back and try to get a job I'll be the hot head who may or may not have embezzled funds. Charlotte is like my little sister. Her son Eric calls me uncle. I was gonna stay with her after a week of being reckless and decide how to repair my life. If anyone can help me do that it's be Charlotte. Heart of gold and sharp as a tack. I saved her from her husband the father of Eric. They married cause she got pregnant when she was a teen and he got rude over time. Charlotte called me one night in tears said he hit her. I flew in the next day helped her get a divorce I looked her ex in the eyes and swore to him if I ever saw him near Charlotte he would have hell to pay. Charlotte is my only family. I'm an only child. And my mom and dad are gone." The topic of his parents was one for another time. "So don't feel jealous over Charlotte but don't fear anything you've said to her. She is the kindest woman I know she'll forgive anyone and never holds anything against someone." He parked in front of the store and turned to her. "That's my story mostly. Nice to meet you I'm Clyde." He smiled and laughed lightly. Maybe he let her in too much but he really didn't care. She knew how his personality worked for the most part.
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