The Lost Soul

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
"Yeah, I like my idea better. Makes for a more exciting story. And! It works for people who aren't witches."
Ebony rolled his eyes. "If you say so, odd one."
"You're still one to talk, cat," he replied, less enthusiastic now.
Ebony chuckled and sat up. "I am, I am. Though I am the one with the desire to hold onto my memories." He began to groom himself again.
"It's really not as bad as everyone's making it sound. I mean, it's not like I'm in some mental hospital or anything." He paused, seeming to get perplexed. "Unless I am…" He looked around. "If I am, I am seriously tripping on those pills, man."
Ebony snorted. "Maybe you are. How do you know this is reality? I know it is because I know who I am."
"Yeah? Well, what if you're not even real, but you think you are? Hmm?" He challenged. "And how do you know your memories are real? Where's your proof? Oh, wait. That's right! You don't have any because they're all in your head." He tapped his forehead.
Ebony chuckled. "Despite lacking memories, you are quite clever, no wonder I have taken a liking to you."
"Hey, I was just asking very valid questions." He shrugged. After a moment, he practically deflated. "I'm bored," he whined. He was bored, despite having a two-way conversation with a cat.
Ebony nodded. "That you are. to both." He stood and stretched. "We do have basic technology here, I can show you where the computer is. Also the living room has a tv."
He wasn't even sure what he would do on a computer. He would probably just settle for the tv. After straightening, he said, "Alright, lead the way, cat."
Ebony nodded and hopped off the table, heading upstairs.
He followed without any remarks, just bored out of his ever-loving mind.
Surprisingly, Ebony stopped at the second door down the hall. "In there."
"What, the TV or the computer?" He asked, for some reason almost hesitant to go through the door.
Ebony chuckled. "Both exist in there. You can't expect me to open the door, I'm a cat."
He looked at the cat skeptically. "For all I know, you can grow another head, okay? Cut me at least a little slack." He hesitated another moment before opening the door.
Ebony chuckled. Inside was what looked like an ordinary home office, the walls were beige and there was a bookshelf filled with seemingly office jargon books. In front of a window at the back of the room sat a large desk that could move up and down. An office chair sat in front of it. A computer that looked rather high-end sat below the desk, and a few monitors sat on it. A tv sat on another bookshelf in the corner by the desk.
He stepped into the room, taking a minute to soak it all in. His gaze slid easily over the books; he had no interest in them. He took a moment longer on the desk and chair than he had the books, then he spotted the computer that was…below the desk? To each their own. He looked at the tv before moving over to the window. Apparently, he had a thing for windows.
The window, oddly, had the same view as the one in his room.