The Lost Soul

"Well, of course, I'm interesting," he replied, swallowing and finishing the cookie that he had bit out of earlier. "It's me. Duh."
Ebony chuckled again. "Of course." He stared at him for a long moment before speaking again. "I'm curious, Raine hasn't asked. Do you remember your name or is even that gone?"
He stared at the cat, clearly in deep thought. Or at least thought. Eventually, he shook his head. "Nope, no name. Oh well. I'm sure I'll figure one out eventually."
Ebony nodded a little, his tail flicking. "Quite the spell on you indeed. And to walk around a large city and no one in particular notice you, well, except one. Quite a mystery."
He shook his head once again. "News gets around quickly, huh? And which witch…wait. Which one witch…What person are you talking about?"
Ebony nodded. "Indeed it does." He paused, "We call her 'the oracle'. She's rather a mystery even in our world, though you having caught her attention means you must be someone important." He casually started licking his paws.
"Ew, the old lady who couldn't answer questions, right? And it would make sense that I was someone very important because," he chuckled, "I mean, just look at alllllllll this," he said, gesturing at himself.
Ebony snorted. "Someone important as in someone who could change fate. Perhaps you were the next leader of a hunter group and have come to learn to teach them to change their ways, or perhaps lead them to hunt down Raine."
"I-" He raised his index finger to respond but then narrowed his eyes. "Why was that so…specific?" He asked, not doing anything to hide his suspicion. "Do you know who I was, too?"
Ebony shrugged. "A wild guess, but one relevant to our situation."
"How is that relevant?" He looked around before snatching another cookie. "I don't see why I should care about witch hunters. I'm living in a witch's house."
Ebony chuckled. "They are more persistent than you might think. Why do you think this house looks so out of place here? It is because it was moved here."
"Wait, but why live in a house that sticks out like a sore thumb if you're trying to avoid witch hunters?" He shook his head, stuffing the cookie in his mouth. "Seems counter-productive to me."
Ebony hummed a little. "Few hunters expect witches to be so exposed. They are dumb and old-fashioned in that sense."
"Not like I would know, but if a witch hypothetically moves a house like this into a neighborhood where all the houses are the same, well…that's just asking for trouble."
Ebony shrugged. "It's difficult magic but it is possible to move a house more than once."
He raised his eyebrows. "So witches switch houses a lot, then?"
Ebony nodded. "Yes. To avoid things, mostly. As I mentioned before, hunters. Other witches. Creatures that feel they were wronged somehow."
He nodded slowly. "Yeah, sounds…like a lot of work." A lot of work that he didn't particularly approve of.
Ebony tilted his head and, almost as if reading his mind, said. "It's not something to be approved on. Unless it's the amount of work you don't approve."