The Lost Soul

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Nik took a random hallway, just wandering. There had to be a nurse around here somewhere. They couldn't leave the hospital empty.
Chatting could be heard further down the hall. That was probably the nurses.
Probably. Nik made no move to make a 180-degree turn and walk the other way, instead walking towards the chatting.
Raine continued to follow for a bit before quietly calling out. "Excuse me? Anyone there?"

A nurse popped her head out from around a corner. "Oh my, what are you two doing up?"
Nik shrugged. "Couldn't sleep because this is still in my arm." He stuck his arm out in the nurse's direction, making no effort to charm or be nice. "It hurts," he stated simply, "and I'm fine."
The nurse tilted her head slightly before smiling. "Yes, seeing as you're up and about we can remove that now." She motioned to them to follow. "Let's find you somewhere to sit so I can remove it."
He followed, honestly kind of surprised that the nurse didn't flat-out say no. He silently looked for a spot to sit. If nothing else, there was always the floor.
The nurse brought them to a quiet nurse check-in and motioned to a seat. "I noticed that the bag you have now is pretty much empty, the most important part were the medications mixed in, but they've seem to run their course."
He obediently sat, not having anything to say, just waiting for the nurse to take out the IV.
The nurse gently worked at getting the IV out, placing cotton and taping it to his arm over the slightly bleeding mark.
Nik flexed his hand, fisting it and unfisting it, turning it as well to see how bad his arm hurt now that the IV was out. It was a lot better than he thought. He nodded once in satisfaction, not bothering to say thank you.
Raine rolled her eyes at his silence. "Thank you."

The nurse nodded with a smile. "Of course."
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"Hey," he said, looking up at Raine. "I could have thanked her." He stood from his chair.
The nurse walked away as Raine snorted. "But you didn't."
He shrugged. "Isn't it her job, though?"
Raine crossed her arms. "She could have made you wait until morning for a doctor to see you."
"She could have," he agreed, mimicking her pose, "but then she would have had to come and remove it anyway. I'm pretty sure the doctor doesn't even do that much."
Raine rolled her eyes. "Whatever you say. Let's get back to the room."
"Whaaaat?" He whined, stretching. "I didn't even really get to go on the walk that I said I wanted to go on."
"Raine shook her head. "Well now that I know you won't hurt yourself, go ahead. I'm going back to the room."